Item O7 BOARU OF CO F\TY CO~IMISSI()Nl.lb AGENDA ITEM SI:M~t.ARY \l~et jn~'. Oak: lebrLkJ.n 15_ ~O("K.; Di ~'i.~ion: C (llll1l\' Adrmnis,J'dtnr aulk. lkm: YI;S- :>.. \Jo Depanmenl : ~!:!l.lt \" Ad mini ::;lIa t u r Staff (\ml<.J.C~ !'crs()n,_t~llni~,t\T AGF:'\ 1.),,- ITE"I "'()RIn:'H~: i\rrrm'alnf ~-':-(,:011J Add(,:liuum In ,he LCJs~ C~n:ract '8~th 1"uJ :"1;\\ 0..; RV l 'tl\kr_ Lnc I'or tht:- t;k<iI'ljn~ .iIl~~cti~)rL ~d')Gu.iGn ~nd rejn~talbtion oftmjkrs. ITEM IlACKGROL:'\I[): Several cs~ential e.mlJtoyces uf \1unroc County ',dw k:-Fi-~I,:d lr;1ikrs l.,n~kr tbi;; :-J(l':. 1 fi. 2005 c~}r\tract have reu)\~fed from hurricane dam<!ge to thl.:.ir homt;~ anJ no Inng~'r rl'qLLin.::, lhc uS{:" of the rruilL:r d.nd there are olher e~selllial employee.'> of lh..: Cnunty \~'h.u ha\'t' '10, r-:\.o\'l'l'ccl from hurr~L::tlle l~<lIlL<L~': ami J.rc m ne~d of J lraller. III -................~ l'tU~ \..'1 Ol!-'!! RELI<~ \' A.~T BOCC ACTION: At ib~ 'm cmher l:=;, ~005 HOeC meeting the Cl)Tl1111l~~iotl <Ippm\.t'd a: leas.:: agrL;~rl1en1 wi lh I (l,-\' Day~ R V L:c.:nrcr 1(), 1..rL'l'..-c1 tr..ilcr tu use i1~ temporary hOLl",in~ l;lr County crTIpli>yt:C"~ ;,rld ~H 1 h: :J~C(:"Jnhl'f 7, ;.()fl'::; nocc Srccial [[lCdlrlg approyed uf;m addendum w lh~ C~l~m,~cc. CONTRA.(,T!,~ CREEM ENT CllA~(~ .~S: \:'i\ STA FF RFCO\[\U:--';O..\ nONS: Approyal. TOTAL COST: $500.00 per trailer relocation BLDC ETED: Y l:S No :\ COSTTO COI1\TY: flu ht,; n::imbuJ)t,;Atrom h.deraliState {j0\~mnm1tw[lh il m<.l.~im~m.~ C allnt \ nm H' cx;;-co(;:'d t 2 ;ic t)/~ llf l<.,t:.t] q'.~J~ REVE~TF PRonl ('l'C~ y~~ \0 '{ A\fOlINT IIER MO"TH Year .'\ P~ROYEIl BY: COllnt'. Au\. O\lLVPur...:hlbing ~ RlSk \la1l.1gcmeut _ .._. IHVlSIO~ rlIRECTOR APPHOVAL: g~ 1 Willi (Thomas: J_ \l".'ithl DOC II MEl\1"ATIO:"j: h1l.:!w..kJ x \'ot Required_ mSpOSITlOi\; ; ..H;ENIJA ITEM #_....,._.__ R~1. i~<!d ~ u5 . ~ -., "" . ..' ~:, 11, !:.:4. ~!"-.: ~r ..~' ... ~ :.... t J -.... .... -, '.'; )~, ::.',,~ i", ,J,r ..'., }""x,:.r. SJ:r:Ol'lfD ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT RTWEJ:N LAZl' DAYS AND THK MONltO(: COUNTY ROAR>> OJ( COMMISSIONUlS DAl.'"F.D NOV EMBF.g ] 6., lfJitS THIS ADDt:NDUM R:Y.n':RS TO TIll: ctEA."fiNG, INSPECTION. IlE.LOCATlON .......NiD REINSTALl.ATION OF TRAII.I,RS WfOCRE,AS. ~\lera.l e'8.~tia.l employef!$ 1)( Mooroe (mmty \\ho leased lTailer.;; undCJ the ~O'\ie1H ~ j 6. 2005 wntra"1 between Laz;..~Y8 and the Monroe Coorrty )3Q~ Of (:UDlDl.i~ (County) luIve ~ from hl!rricsoc dMnage 10 their homeI'> ltoo no longer reqwre !:be use of mt tt!!iler l~ 10 Ihet:n under this contract; MId WlIEREAs" tl:\I:1~ au o(het I.~ empioyea of Comny who: run-e 1Wt reclH'l!:red from h~e damage' and an: ...ti 11 in l:teed of trailers; aru.:l WHEREAS. County wi~ k} assist its cs.se:DlW employees in bUf't'ic:.ane rec.l'\:cry: aud WHEREAS. tM trnilezs ,-"in nee<! to he: ttlocatN from the lot:W:ion wbue tk~ Me ~um:ntl Y In !.I:k and rciFJml led at m..;o ~ ~I~; ~J WHEREAs., ~ ~s raq.u.Uu that. ~ tnila. ~ d'alD:~d .aOO fhal a- ~leJJ1. ....'i~ inspecuon he -pcrfurrned 00. each trailer. 5 sylltrnls upon rew~hd:ion ~ NOW TIlEREI''ORE TN CONSJDF.RATlON ~fthe mutual promises COl.ltained. h~..:in.. L~p.a.rcieo;hcn'by agl~ '*-" ~~~: 1, l.a;cy ~ agn:::es. to ~.mlId re\..~ the 1fajk1's from ltr~ ~ite to. rhe new "'~ l~ DaYll requires a fee of Three Hmdred DoLbtrs ($] Ull 00) per tra.i Ie:- fDr thu:; ~T\"i ceo L La.;r;y Da,." ~ m o;jt;:8n" ~ tnDteT .md" R'I perfurm a 9}~1 wide i nspectioo 0./1 coch lrailcr. Ig he sure, that 1hc tmiler. is in wod.:ln.g onier before illS Ulmed owr to the l'laf t'D'tployre_ luy Days require.~ a fut.: of fWn Ht.l.'/Jdred ful!.lm; (S200. (l0) p<:'I Lrlli.k~ fo:' this Wf\.icc_ -]'> l.3:0" ~~ thm ~ ~wili !)e'remlJ\lM and reinsta.l!{-,d withot,t <I ~1I::imort thaD Iwenty four hour.:: in fhe ~ ufthe IrMlem as r..::tlllired by FEMA for tl'imblll"SC!TICnt ofJease oarmenr~ to lhe Cmm.ly. ~, The parbl.;.o.~ tb.lI.t ~~ ~lIJ. ~ ~ kl-l,a,ry De)'5 by Monroe Cmll~Y and fw1.ha :teknowiedg,rn that lhese fees may not be reimbwsed by FE.M.A- ";':~:):I~~....:~~" ~ t. i/;:.\:R,H ::(.}C:-...T~(")l1 'j' :'-~ ~-':: (. ~ i.J: "II I,)"':' l:~ i'r:<"~r) 5 _ The remaining tmns of the ooo.tr2t'.;t d<lkd NOVl..mbe1: l6. 2005. nf~t [ncoll~i~'lIl hetew:ith shall remain in h.B I~ acd d1ect IN \\lTNEs....~ WHF.,'REOF..l.hc p3ltieshavc~:tb.c:sl: pr~1s.ta beexc.cufed in thcir teSpcctlW ilame~ By:___.-~..-__._ __.____.. _. . fJ.cpltty Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY WMMfSSIONERS or MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Atlest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK fiy: Date. M3y0riChairman ,;: V.ONROE COONTY A.TTORNEY Aj>P!!;O....ED AS "0 !"OFlM~; <-,..../' ~ ~ J 4~. -t"....,:: W C~ . N.lI,:nL~tN't W. CASSEL AS s,~ o1-N'T ~cu.o..:~Y" 10 TTOfl.~i .. .;LI i~ //":'- . .,,;r-----'---t-'...;y-.loJ".P---....,. 6I{rllI.~" OJrflfi 1101 .......$ C; t] 0 l..azy ~~ Sl~~ Seffner, rL 335S4 p~. aJ-J .6;:16 7 &.,'(1 F 3;r a Q..'-46-<l65S. DATE:: INVOICE .. FOA~ 02.I(J,4jQ6 ~ ,. railer '~t;<ll !oc1l~~c r. 8IUTo: Mc..1'fCl@COunty Boom af COITl!'1\5.lOfjCfS 1100 Simonton 'St. K~}i """~s:, FL ".,\04['; -.. .. -........- .- - -- DE SCltJ"TI(JM' AMOmfT R..:;allocation of lEF1 B312555J4 ;81 He MlI!e P.Yim $ 500.00 l 1 I f f 1 'OI'l91f',::l1 corM~ exp,ratu)l"1.jaw Sl\slt oe in force JlIl~ &. 2006 TOTAL L~. .. , I ; 1 t ! ~ I l t ~oonl Mal::e all ::;i1f!~S p~y~t>~ !e L~ D~s: AV Ce.t-=~, 1l'\C- t( ~ou ~a~-e- ~n" ::r".;.e.,fur-::--; [{l.')(:e~fr.>g; ~.is !1".'o'Oioo. w!l.J.4lJ! f'!n~ al e.oo..2.!b7BClO;)f ~ ~X@~;;..c.~'1 l'emit to: Luydays. RV Ct'nl~r 5130 Lazydays. Bl....d, s.etfMf fL 3.15N aft,,: Kathy 8..:MeI THMIl( VOU- fOR. VQ4JR BUSINESS, .,..OU ARE IMPORTANT TO US BOA Rl> 0 F CO LJ ~TY COJ\II\lISSIONERS AGf"I)A rn;!\1 SU\.L,\1ARY M c.ct j ng Da k. 1\.'htr ell. .l 2._.::! DO{) HLlfk lh:mt. Ye::, [\0 X Division' CC)lJnJY A,dmi njstra~Q( . . Department: C~)J!nt\' Adm i1J!::ilG!lor Slall COHlUCI Per,>on: Ihornas. J. WiUi .\GE\lDA l"n~1\1 \VORIUNG: Approval lO resLind Scwnd .~ddc.ndllm tn the cmll.rad with Lnyda)-'s RV Center, 1m: <:lpprovcd [-"ebruary ] 5_ 2006 and approval of fev iseJ Sec:oml i\ddemlulll to C0n1f3L;l {l."H lhe ck~ani ng, iEl:--pectim'l, rdCl'_\ltion and red nstailalion or trailers t.o corren scri "cnef':-; t:ITors and i rlcl udc additional tanguage to S(~ctjon (l} reques.ted bY,Lazyday<.; R V Center, l He. ITf\l HACKGROl.i'lD: Scvt'lul ess~flti(ll ~mpIQY~Cs of MonJUe County who teased trilircrs Llndcl lh~ Nov 1 ()_ 200~ conttd~'.r have n::'(.:()v~red fhllTI hurr!(~anC' damag-e to their home,:> (l!ld no longer rcq uire th~ Ll.~e of tlw tfaik! and there are of lwr CSS(':llt ial employ~e'; or'the County' ~.....ho ha v(: nUl recovered lIom hurricane damage: and al e in Heed of a trili kr. r(JUO\.~'ing ROCC \:l pproval on ~i j 5/06, on 2/27/0() notiticatLon "....as rei,:~i ved tl-rJIn LUl.yda y ~ k~al dep,ntrncnl reque::;tjllg aJdilinmd timgUJge be added lo sedi~m .'j and jdcmifying several sCfl\'cnc(.~ Crror~ rtquiri ng COHCClinn. f'REVIOLS R.ELEVANT HOeC A('T[ON: Board Rpproval ot-Secolld Addendum lU Contr<wt 2/1 '1/()6. CO~TR-\CT/AGRI~[M[NT CHAf\G.:S: Addilional language. Scd!on 3. ., ...-f!H))'idi:d (( .miIaNe, (./cu':S\t"hlfJ uddressfor reaIIO(.'(llton is Kiven 10 razplu)'s l'ia ,,,,wilfat' a1 fhu (ime uf Iht! 1'6fi!ucmwtl n:(fm::.w, awl ihere i} no danwf:;c u.....(rmciiona/f(\. j.~.\lfe ",.'f{1I the frailer. -. . S'J',\FF RECOl\fM I,: 1\ DATIOl\S: ...\ ppro\"aL TOTAL COST: y;,()U.OO pel' lnf.ileJ relO~~.I~un llLDGETf:U: Yes Nu X COST 10 CO (iNn' : (To b(; rn_mhurscd. fn1rL1 r:i".:Jcral/S1..:.1.~c (:0\"~f~1.!fH;Il( \\"itll .a ma,\jm~trn (:o::,:t W . ComHy '~9.l to c'i,;;;~~d !1 ,.,', '\, Q.f t;Jlal CJJ~.t.) SOtRC.~ Oft. "'l.'~DS: IU~\'E'\IL'E PROIJIJCJI\G: Ye~ Nu X_ AMOt I'd' PEH MOI\TH Ycar .'"\PPROV~:O UY: County Any _n.. O\1H./Pmchasing I{i"k r\'1anagem~nj DlVfSIO[\ DIRF:CTOR ,\PPROVA I.: _''''_'. _... ~JlJcma.;j 1~.U.li(4 TUOMAS.1. WU ,t.!. COl.lNTY ADM IN lSTRAHlR naC!.l.\-) W\lT"\TIO~: 1 nc1 udcJ x 1\0l Required.... IlISrOSITEOl\ ; ,\GE~OA ETJ~M # Rcvr~t'J 2/U~ SECO~D AOOE~Dt't TO (~()NTRACT B[TWEE~ LAZY DA YS A, ~ UTI-II': i'Vl ON RO I': COt" TY BOA Rf) 0 F COM \-1 ISSlUN ERS f)A.n~1l !\OVf.:MBER 16~ 2005 THIS ..\DDf.l\DU'" RfFJ:RS 1"0 THE CI..fi>\NI"'G, I NS"':.(TIO;\', IU:I,OCATION "\1'\1) RJT~ST~\ UA.-nON OF TRAlLERS \\,'1] I:::REAS, $~.....era! e<;:-;eTlti<J1 empl(~yee~ of \.-1onroc County who [cased trailcr~ under th~ 'Iuvemher I (}, ~005 contract bct\vccn Lm::yda\'s and the \'fomot: Count.y !i.oard of County Com mi ssioncrs (Count\') h[tI..(' recove['~d from bLHTicane (i<lmage tq their homcs nnd no longer require [he uSt of' tht: tl <l.iler leased to t.hem Lllld~~r this ~~otl:lraCL and WHEREAS, trlere are orher esscnrtill cmpfoyccs. of Monroe County \\o'ho have not re(,.,o\...tr~~d fhnn hurricane damilge and arc slil! in nCl'"d of trailer s, and \\"HERl>\S, County \vishes Lu (t"SlS1. it,> l;~sential cmp!OYl'CS ill hurricane rc(:ov~ry, aI,d Wit F RL\S, th~ lrailer,> y,,:ill need to he rdocall~d trom the locaLion wh~re lh~)" are c.:urrclltly in llse and fcil1~lallt:J at l he new siw, and \\/11 E REAS. I .azyday'~ rtqlJires that each trailer he deam:ai ,md that a :5ystcm~\vidc in~pection b~ pel l'ormed 011 ea.",h nai ler' s ~)'slt.:ms upon reinsta[tatil)l1; '.OW THJ<.I{FFOIU~ L:'\ CO~SJDERAT!OI'i of 1hc mutual pfOnmes (:or1l<lilled herein. the parties f1~~rcby agree as iCJlh n\'s 1 . J _<lZytbys ~jgr(:cs to rclncalt' and fefn~tall The trajjcr~ from lhe pr~~ellt ~itc to the He"'.. ~Lle l..azyJays requir~s a kc of' r.hf(~c I IunJn:::d DuHa.-" ($300 on I per trailec fhr this s.ervice 2 I.a:?y Days agree,> l 0 dean c.ilch trailer and tu peri,mn (l sy~t(:rn ......ide irhpec! ion Otl each tr ailer to he s:!rc thilt the II ailer is in ........orkillg oftkr bef,,)r <::: it is. turn cd O\il~r to lht.: nex~ empklyee [~v\.da.v:s requires a fee ofh"iO llu ndrcG Dull<ns (S200. (0) pel' trailer (()f this S(~ rv I c~~. 3. I .azydays agrees t h~ tile trai ICFS will ht r~Blovcd and rei tlstal!cd \Vilh\)ut i-l break of 1l1Ore l f)31l h,....enty-fl)lir hOHl"s ~n the uSe of the trailers, a.s requirtd by' FEr'vt A t~)r reimbm ~ClJ]eni n[' k,lse payml~rns lO lhe County. provided a Mlilahle. <lJ..:(;'es,sjb1c addrc~.~ for reallocation ts' given to LuvJays via emallif..1x a[ lht' time of the reaflocalion reC]u~st, and thc[~ is no damag.e Or fLmdioJ1<l1 ity issue wi[!llhe trai Icr. 4. The partie" agi~C that thc:;e fees 'v',"ill b" paid to LaL....Jays hy \1on roe COUrll y and fimhc:- 'H.::knw...vkdg,c (hat th~s.e jh~;-;: fll(lY not be ! ctmhu.r~ed hy f"[ '~r\.tA. 5. The remailling terms l)f the contract daled :-.iovember ](l, 2005, Jlul inconsrstcm ncrewll h, shal] remain in. fLl!! fOfl:e <Jnd aftcCl IJ\ \V IT~ ESS WH [REO F. the rarlie:-; have caw.;ed th~st present':; to he executed tn their respedive namcs LAZ\' l>A YS RV Ct:N'IUi, I ~c. \\: itness: By: Date: A tte~t; H,\t\I\Y L. KOLHAGF:, Ckrk of the Court nOARD OF COL~'TY COMMISSIO~l:':RS Of 1\10~ RO~~ ('GliNT\'} FLORIDA B~: __.. n,"': . H'" [lcput). Clerk Mayor/Chainllan Date; . ..-0 .>.............-M* ..'k ';;r.r"...('-" ~ ~~.'~. -......~.), ,..-j ... r --__. ....... j..~ -<::::. .. . r ~. .".:." ,.' 3/J1/~ f, '~,- 2.,27 -06 Connie, Our legal department requests the following change to item 3 on the page titled Second addendum to contract between Lazydays and the Monroe County Board of Comm~ssioners dated November 16, 2005: 3. Lazydays agrees that the trailers wut be removed and reinstalled without a break of more than twenty-four hours in the use of the trailers, as requ~red by FEMA for retmbursement of lease payments to the county, provided a suitable, accessible address for reallocation is given to Lazydays via emaiUfax at the time of the reallocation reques.t, and there is no damage or functionality jssue with the traUer. Additionally, Hem 1 reads: Lazydays agrees to rerocaled-->should read re~ocate. Item 4 reads: The parties agree that theses fees--::-shou~d read these. Item 4 reads: ...Monroe County and further ~cknowlegQes-;>should read acknowledge. Upon receipt of the corrected documents, I will glad~y sfgn and fOrYllard them to your ofHce. Thank you, Jay Fink ServIce Admi nistration Manager Lazydays RV Center 800-282-7800 ext 4380