Item O5 BOARD OF COUNTI' COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEI\I SlIMl\lAKY II.-kE..:ling Dall~: March 15. 2.QQ.R_.. Divbiun; Coun1X :.\dmi 11 istr<,sJ or Bulk lkm: Y ~~ X No Lkp,WJTlcnr:... _ County Admin.blnHor Staff Conlact P-..:rson:_I)r:.b nafse U AGE!\DA ITr.M WORDl:\C: Approval of <l resolutll'[l ~h~l "mends Resolution No, 35% 2CJOS - amhoriziflg {hi; SlJbmiSSLon nf a gram ;lprl~catiQn to Florida DeparlmcIH of SL~fe, Djvi~iQn of Libr<uy and Information Scr\'ice~ (rDUS). Publ LC Lihrary Construcl~oJ] GranlS (PI ,CG) - [0 meet addilional ::'P(:c; fie Fiscal ,'ear 2006 ilppltcatinn requiremenls lhatlht' Coun:y a:s~urC and/or certify the fal](w.'ing: dollar-for.dolbr ca,~h matl:h. sufficiem funding avaLlahility tl} compktt: proj~u. sufficicnt funcJj ng to operate complclcd !ibr,uy. u~e of huildi ng as a lihrary for at least 2ll years. and compliancl~ with local O1l1d s~ate Im....s gO\'trning comHucliDIl contracts rrocHred hy governmental entit~es" ITE\t BACKGROl :\D: l'LCC; funus will soon llccomc :wailabJc rn rough rDLlS to assisl in lhe (:on,~trll{;lion ur ,[ public library l"acilLty in Ull City of M~mthoJl- Fis.c,tl Y ~ilr 2[)()6 PLCG (j lIiddilL~~ (j]1d Applic<tlwn (indw..h,;J herein) h<lV-'; heu] pllblish~~(t w.irll (jn Jpplic<lliol1 ;;;uhmL~,~jon deadlin<.' uf 4/1/06, On 9/28/05, 1 th':: 80CC ~<lss(:d Jnd adop{cd Rcsolll(ion No. :\59a-2l105 {included hereiIl}, which provided for BOlT conCufrtrg.;C v,'i{h 1 tl~ library working p(i rtllcrshi p commLttee that grant and olh;:r fUJld~ sholJ Id be sOllght for this prDjceT; th~tr the (.'(lHnTY Adminiqrator i:s authorized to sign and submil rhe application for riscal Year 2006 PLCG fl1rld~; ~u1d rllJl 1 he l'L:SOlllrion would immediately hecome effeclive. PLCG Appl iC<ltil1n, Section V, REQUIRED DOCUMENTS, 8, p(tg~ ,.L;.IS well as the required documenl~ Al (pages. 6-7) of which L page 7, oullin~s the ~ddjl ion<i I n;',qlJ i rC"rncnts. thar are covered within this am~mk~l r~~oluti(lil. PREVIOl:S RELEVANT BOCC ACTIO~~ Allh(;" 9/28/05 BOCC medLng Resolutill[1 No_ 359a-:OUS \V<.l~ r3s.<.:.ed <ll~d Mlopted ( includ~d h~rein.), On 9/21005, BOCC ilgrced to serve as the ~:OOfdLllatjng. unil of g.overnmem in the preparation. of lh{' PLCG gfilnt proposal and in ,he {h~lribul iOIl of funds alloc<w:d III l'vlnllme Cmmy for library cl,[]muuiuTl IU M ;tF;tth\ll1_ At the regular 6/U5 m~~cting:_ HOCC dj<;cuss~J l~slablishing a v,.wking p<tIlm.:rs.hip ",...ith rhe Ciry of \hrathon for lh~ building of a I~ev..' lihrary, CO:\TRACT/..\.GREE\-1ENT CHAN( ~ES: N/A STAFF RF:COMllENDi\TIONS: Aprroval. Am-cmlnl n,;,:,olul ion is required to med applk<'li i otl documen<<lliol1 requirements. TOTAL COST: SLO()O.()OO (:his <.I~plicalio[l onJv} BUIl(;ETEI}: Yes _x.___ No COST TO CO(JNTY: :)SOO,OOlJ SOURCE OF FUNDS:U(.lS/PLCG: S(y.;, C\IJJPtv Match; 50(> llliVE~l}E PRO IH.1Cl\'( ~: Yes No . AMOt NT I~ER .\lONTH Year tlU'.' APPROVED BY; ('oum)' Al t~~. */ OMBiPurchasing _ Risk M~B,tgcmCTl[ _ IllV ISH)" III RECTO R ,-\ PPROV AJ ': l'hOlhW, -LJYj ll.i. (T'{PE NAME} IERE) DOCL\IENTATION: lnel LJd{:"r! x ~1l1 Knluin.::d__ DlSPOSlTIO\ : AGE~DA ITEM # RESOLUTION NO. - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 359A-2005 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVIS10N OF LIBRARY SERVICES 2006 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROG RAM WHEREAS, the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services (FDUS), has announced the Fiscal Year 2006 fund ing cycle of the Public Library Construction Grants (PLCG) program; and WHEREAS, on September 21,2005, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners agreed to selVe as the coordinating unit of government in the preparation of the grant proposal and in the distribution of funds allocated to Monroe County in the maxlmum amou nt under the terms of the grant ($500,OOO) with an additional dollar-for-doHar match requirement; and WH E REAS I a working partnership committee consisting of Monroe County and City of Marathon officials and staff has met. with concern given to the need for building a new library facility to serve the citizens of Monroe County and City of Marathon, has recommended that an application be submitted to FOU S by AprH 1 . 2006, for P LeG; and WH EREAS. on September 28, 2005, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, adopted Resolution 359a-2005 to authorlze that applicatlon be made for the Public Library Construction Grant; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to add assurances as to the project covered by Resolution 359a-2005 to meet FDLlS Fiscal Year 2006 application requirements for PLCG; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Resolution 329a.2005 shall be amended to read as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners concurs with the working partnersh ip commtttee that grant and other lunds should be sought for this important project; 2 The County Adminj~1rator is hereby authorized to sign and submit the application packet for the Fiscal Year 2006 grant funds to the Florida Department of Library and Information Services; and that PLCG Maralr,on 1 3. The Board of County Commissioners assures that the required match of a dollar~for- doBar of the grant request will be available and unencumbered at the Ume of grant award; 4_ The Board of County Commissioners assures that funding is sufficient and will be available in order that the project will resu It In a completed Hbrary bu ilding; 5, The Board of County Commissioners assures that upon completion of the project. sufficient funds will be available to operate the facility; 6. The Board of County Commissioners assures that the building will be used exclusively for the public library pu rposes for which constructed, and wHl submit proposed changes tin use to FDLlS for approval if within 20 years of completion of the construction project; and 7. The Board of County Commissioners certifies that the County wiH enter into an interlocal agreement with the Oty of Marathon which shall provide for any construction contracts to be awarded in compliance with applicable municipal or county ordinances and applicable State laws, including but not limited to Section 255,20, FS, and Section 287.055, FS, 8. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board of County commissioners and execution by the Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 151~ day of March, 2006. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Nelson Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice Commrssioner Spehar ( Seal) Monroe Counly Board of Commissioners Attest By: Clerk of Court Mayor PLCG Marathon 2 ...~.~-_.'-tp /i!7i (//- .:-.,.. . ./. :~ (.f -.,:::~.. ... , . .J, ) __ ...... . RESOLUTION NO, 359a - 2005 Admin. Services A RESOLUTiON OF THE BOARD OF COMM'SS~ONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZ~NG THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPUCA nON TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF UBRARY SERVICES 2006 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCT~ON GRANTS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Florida Department of State, Dtvlsion of Library and Information Services will soon announce the Flscal Year 2006 fu nd ing cycle of the Publ ie Libra ry Constructron Grants program (PLCG); and WHEREAS, on September 21,2005. the Monroe County Board of Com m lSSu,ners agreed' to serve a s the coordi nating u nit of govern ment in the preparation of the grant proposal and in the distribution of funds allocated to Monroe County in the maximum amount allowed under the terms of the gmnt (typically $500,000) with an additional doU.ar-for,dollar match requirement. W HE R EAS. a worlting pa rtnersh ip comm ittee consisting of Mon roe Cou nty a rld City of Marathon officials a rld staff has met, with concern grven to the need for the bu lid in 9 of a new U bra ry facUlty to SefVe the citizens of the County a nd the City of Ma rathon. has recommended an application be su bmftted in the next rou nd of competition for tne PlCG; now therefore, BE tT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSlONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. T he Board of County CommIssioners concurs. with the libra ry wo rking partnership committee that gra~~ pm;t other funds should be sough\!pr tg. im porta nt project~ ~ )10 ~ 2, The County Admiflistratoris~~~th~'(O sign and sub~ ~ applk:ation packet ftj(tf1~ Pls~~llar. ~b~'dt funds to the ~ - Department of Library and Information Serylces. Division of Ubfj;~ N Information Service~i and...tttrt.,..to ""', ..n .h~.' > ~q:2 ~ 3, This resolution shatl become e!!...~v~_ ~~e.Oi~ly upon adopli~ th~ Board of County CommissiOne~ yijfl~6dn by the Clark. ,-- ~ N- '.' c,.> ' h~4 n-;,O > l.D PASSED AND ADOPTED by ~.CoOOty ~lioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28h:l day Qt Se{)~e:JIbr:r , _~:OO5 -., - .- ...." =' -.~ C) ;..0 ~ :~l r,""':I C,) :;::I) r:;:::3 Mayor Spehar Ye,l\l Mayor Pro T em McCoy Yes C omm jssioner Ne ugent Yea Commissioner Rice Yel'i Com m issjone r Nelson l' es - 'ii ~~ .:) I I ! ,~ I' " ~ z~ o ~ I 1-,.... ~ ~ ! x.;- I ";~ ..,1$ ~::. s::::-.. ':x- ,~ {Sea!) ~.~____? . I Monroe CjO~ ~BO;;?f CoriS~iof1ers Attest -1:.......e~~ ".". By "cpJ<s . ~ C tEtrk of Cou rt Mayor PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANTS GUIDELINES and APPLICA TION Application Deadline: MJril1 J 2006 Flori da Depa rtment of State Division of Library and Information Servi ces R.A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 P-ffective l/9i2C<: 3 Submit or posimark the application by AinU., 2006, Send to: Grams Oftlcc Dj \.j sinn ~ 11" Library and lnfonnat;ol1 Ser1:1ces R.. A _ Gray Building 50U S. Brollough Street T ulhLhasscc. norida 323t)t)~0250 rllCSC Guidd lllC5 and A ppl ic~Iti Oll are also avai lahle electronically at htt.r!..=!/tllis.do~.sEute.n. m/hld/!;:.nmts/C omt rUl'l iOll/Cons( nu::l ion.ht ntl and nUl be made ..wailablc in alti:"rnarivc tormats. For aJditiona~ as:-;jsl<uK:~ or inl"tmnation nol addressed hne. \.,;onlau the l'vhrian Deeney, T .ihrary Program A(iministralor at 8_')n-::!.t~-(j620 or:SC 1'\C0\1105-66-:!O, voice; &5tP)22-40SS, TDD: SSO-245-6M3. tax: or emflil mdcc-ucy'cl;dos,5tJtc-,tlus, P u bllG L I c-r;l ry G Qf'strUGtlon G rant F' 'OQJ1lf"Tl E ffiO'dlVE;! 1i>i,'200J CONTENTS GUIDELINES I. II. III. IV. V. V"I. VII. VIII. JX. X. XI. XII. XIII. FORMS Overview Dati n itions E I ig i bi I ity Timeline Applkation Application Review Criteria for Evaluating and Ranking Applications Maximum Grant Award Administration of Grants A. Grant Agreement. 11. Project Manager. C. Additional Required Documents. D. P'anning Assistance. E. Architectural Drawl n9s and Specifications. F. Architectural Supervision G. Accessibility H. Timeline for Competitive Awards. I. Project Publicity J. Final Inspection . K. Project Completion. L. Project Audit. 'I. Withdrawal of Project. ~. Payments. Allowable Uses of Grant Funds Matching Funds Unallowable Use of Grant and Matching Funds Operation and Use of Facility Application Payment Request #1 Payment Request #2 Payment Request #3 Payment Request #4 Closeout Report Page 1 1 4 6 7 10 11 13 14 14 14 14 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 23 23 24 24 (Form # DLlSIPLC01, effective 1/912003) (Form # DLlSIPLC02. effective 1/912003) (Form # DU$IPLC03. effect;ve 1/912003) (Form # DUS/PLC04, effect;ve 11912003) (Fotm # DU SIPLC 05, effective 119/2003) (Form # OLlSIPLC06, effective 11912003) LAW AND RULE Chapter 257, Florida Statutes Rule 18-2.011, Florida Administrative Code, Libra ry Grant Programs Public l.bra~ Ccnotruction Grant program F flee ~e 1ig...? 003 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANTS GUIDELINES I. OVERVIEW .I.he Department of Slalt', Division oj" l.ihrary and IIl!~.Jmlalton S~nict::s, provides slale funds tu go\. crnment5 to construct pub lie ] ibraries, hmds are awarded on a dotlar for Jollar Il1dLc:h unhc gnml ;'l!lh)U[1{ to sc!cckd gu\"CrtlllH.:"llb altcr c\. aluatiml 01" app 1 ications postrna.rked on or before April l. The I .egislaLure Jdemllncs the- amount ,Ippropriatcd annually for the program, lhese g.uld~lines s,pedty program rolicics and p ron:J urn;. II. DEFINITIONS A. Applicant means the governm~nt reLJlLC'sting a Puhlic J .thrill'): ConSlructlon Grant and Whlch wB I o\.....n or hJ\.:c the unconditional use of the library blli ld ing 10 he con,>1 ructed. (;Xpandi;;d. Or n::rnodc:k:d and the ~ite on wh!L"h it is lm::aleu. B. Application means a completed Public: Library Construdion Grant application flytll CO[]ststing of a complete project proposal and all other rcqui red documcn{s, C. AppUcalion Correction Period ll1(;anS lhl" pl'riou ur lime to aHcm- applicams to l:ompkte and correct appl iea{jon ddlciL"m::it:s. Apphcanls. v.'i H have] 0 days aiter lht: noti licatiOll dalt: 10 complete and com~ct defi.ciencies. All eOl'rcetions must be postmarked on or hefore the last (by of the correction period sp~ejficd by the Dj'vision. railur~~ to correct idcmi fled ddicicnc ies within lhi.: 30-day period shal l automaticalJy mah: the appllLation in~ligih l~. I). AppHcation Suhmission Period meatls the fonnall} announced perlod of {im~ in a funding cycle tor thc sllbmi~sion 01 an appliL"acion for ,1 Public Library Con<;.tn.H.:tion Grant. .L Ami it means the annual auJit oj" the governmcnt for that y('ar carried llm In aceordam::e v..iLh the TeLJ.lJjrem~nls. of Section 215,97, Florida SJafU/es, and Chap{cr l O.SSO Rules l)f l he Auditor Uc:m:-ral, and generally ac~~ptcd accountin~ principl~~. F. Building Pn)gram means a narratl \ e. j []-dt.:pth dcscri ption uf {he lihrary's service phij0~ophy and rrugram.. (I.'; they relate to thc fUrH.:tion and contribute t~) the Jt",i gll (1f rhL" H hrary bui Iding. for wbich a Public r. i !!rary Construction Granl is heillg sought. fJ u bile L, br.a ry GO'lstru ctiOfl G '~n~ Program t:ffe(:tp;e U9.'?OC J c. Cumpelith"e]~' A"," ard means to award contracts based Url lhe suhmi ssioll of sea led bids, proposal s suhmilteu in rt:spons.~ lo <1 requ~sl !'or proposal, proposals submined in response to a n:qu~st for qua1itic<ltions.. or propos.:lJs. submltted for compctillvc l1<':gotiations in accMdanc~ y...ith Section 255.20, F/urida Sfufule,.... This a1~() includes nmtnH:ts f'or constmction management. ~~r\kes or desIgn-build contrac(S, Such <l\varJ$ W a prh'ak sectur COt1lracto.. tHust be permitted by applLcab1c mllnicipal or counly ordinan(;~. bJ spedal districl resolution or by ~latc law induding Section 255,20, Florick~ Stut Wes _ r r compditi ve negoliallons are llsed. the .lv.:ard shall be in accordance \vith Seclion 2S7.055. Florida ,)'rulules H. Construction I'rojut meatlS dw cOJl~lrm::liol1 of fll::W huiltlings, and the acqulsLtion. Lxpansinn, (~r rl::nltiJding of l'xisllng huilding;; to be UStel for public 1 ibrary slT\'i,,:e_ The pmjecl shall re':ldt in a complded (i bra..)' bui ldjng on {he speci jlE.:J site_ Reginn i ng ,,,,-it}, appllcati ~)w. 'Submitted for t.'Y 2003-2004, a (;On~lrLLl:ltOn proj~ct JTl<1Y begin up to 12 monlhs priur to (he date 01 grant il\'" ard. Th~ projed shall i llLludc the bidding or l'OITlPl'liti \- l:: r!l::gutialions: award of lhe (;(1 ll:itrucri on conrmct~ conslrudion 0 (' the faei I iry~ suomi ,,"sinn of reyuired Jocum~nts~ exp~tld llure of all gram and local funds tor th~ projc\:"t; com pletion of the bu Uding~ and ~ubmi~si{}n and approval of the <lud.t I. ncpartmcnt means th~ Department of Slate. .J. Di\:jsion means the Divisioll of Ubrary and In1ormation Services of th~ Department () f State. K. rxpamion means adding square teet 10 an L"Xi.~llng library facility. L. Free Public Libnu1: St'n:ices means. an cSlablish~d program of free public library .~t.Tvil:~s and reSOUTl::eS v.:hicb lS maimaiw:u lU provide library scrvict: \....ilhmH discrim lnation to <.111 pcnnarH:nl residents of the service an::a ta:>;ed for library purposes_ :VI. I"undill~ eyrie m('[lIlS tht: inl~T\:al of time b~~t\vccn lh~ sLart of an announceJ app llcatl(1n submi~~iun pt:riod anJ the date of grant Hw'ard. N. C Ul'ernrnt'nt medn~ a LClunty. municipallty. spel: i ill district. OL special taxing di qrlcL o. Go...'ernjng Body means the governing boJy uf-1..lc~)unry~ the gOVL"miflg body ofa ll1l.lll1ci pillity; or (he governing hody of a '}pccial di.slricl or -~pecial tax ing di_~tri ct. P. Gnlnt Agreem~nt means il writt~~n docurm:nt setti ng forth the [erms and conditions llnd~r \vhi(h <1 grant tS provided to an applkant by the Dqmrlmen.t, induding lhe rights and r~.sroJlsihi Ii lies 0 r ea<:h party to tbl. agre~mellt. which LS [lprro\"~d and signed hy the lkprlrtnwnt and all authorized representati\"1.: or lhe .1Pplicant, The grant agrccmml fllusr lx: sign~d bdween the gmnt~~c and lhe Department pri,lr to Fehruary 1 o!" Lhe second fiscal ye.lr after the gram award_ I r lhe agreement is nol exewt(:d b) this Jate, the gnwl f'umls :::ihull re\"\:rt to tbe Lcglslaturr (216.301(3) F!oridu St(l!II(f.\), Pub ic:'" br;lf',' C~nstrJcti~n Grant Program E Fec~ve 1/&/:003 ') Q. Grant Aw.lrd means (.unding pro\"ided to the J.pplil:ant by the kgislaluriC fur the cons.truction projl:ct. 'I he datl,:; of gmnt <l'\\'ard ~hall be July 1. R. Grantee means lhC" go\"crnmenl to which a grant lS <l\.vi"nded. s. Project UOSt;uut means the subrnLssjQn and apptovi.1 1 hy the Di vision (If a 11 pro}'::d documents. reports and payment n~4u~sts, T. I-lcmmlcHnj:!; mc:;uns an) structural a1teratilHl to the pcrmanc:nt interior \\"<111s. nOots. ((;i~ lng:.'-':. Dr ex h:riol' s.he 11 0 (. a prc\'iously L()mpl~tL::d bUllding, The- tcrm du~>:; not include mai [{[Cnance or r<.:::pairs s.uch as reraintin~. r(,'placin~ v,'om Ciupe1. repairir]g kaky r(1Dfs. rep lae-ing 1i V i\C, or pa ,.in~ pm'ki ng lots unkss th.;y art' part of an digiblt mnstructlDll ptllj e..: L lJ. Site E-\'nluation means a narrative <malysis ufthc s.uit,lhility oj" the locatio11 for the 1lbrary building. V. l'ncondiHonal t'se means that the building lu be remode-leLL expanded or constructed rmd tne ,i te () r 5uch bu~ I di ng art' or will be o"':n~d hy or under kasc to the applicant. This must occur no later than l)O days {lfter the date of th~ grant a\\'<1rJ, nr, at the time of applicution submission if the applicant anticipall:S starting a project prior to the- date of the grant award, Such ownership or lc-asC' intt;,"rest must b~ conlLnLlous and for at l~asl ~() y~a's from (:omplcdon of the remodeling. expansion or e-onstrw.:tion of the building. Leases ~hall not be revocable at. wi 11. Rdease from the unconditional use tel] lIirenl~nt mal be requested J.nd will b~ granted if a situation ariscs. which .vi! I prm'jJe a library raci lity to serve the same community that "....i 11 result in a higher lC\d of ser\."E(:e. The request ..hall be sllbm~ tt~d ill v..ri ling W the Dil'cctor of the Division or Library and Infonnatlon Servl(:<::s I f.thc fad lity lS not mainlaincd as a public librar)' for the ~O-yC"ar period. and r~k:ase trom the um:onditioual LIse ft:."qui rement ha.. nul heen requested and approved, lhe granl funds sbed 1 be repaid as fdlo\\ s: tor each year that the faci 1 ity is maintained (1S a puhhe- hhrary. reduce tbe amount lo he n:paid by 5~'~Q pcr ycar. The 20- year pt:riod b~gins on the date or projcct closeout, P'J bl:c Lib r"r y C" n str Jcti~ n G ra nt P rag r<lrtl E tfooctl\fl;' . ..9/2003 J III.ELIGI BILITY Tn be digLblc to apply t<.ll' or TO rccdvc (1 Ii !orary cOIli;lruclLun grunt: .'\, j\pplicatiolls mus.t he filed \\'i th lht: Di vision u~ing lhi..: Puhlit: r j brar) Constructioll Grant Application form ( l) USiPJ .cO 1 effecti ve 1/9/20(3) and postmarked on or b~forc April 1 lo re~~iv.:: ~onsidLration. Th~ Di vision will reject application:s not postmatk~d on or before A pri 1 1, B, 'l"he applinmt 1(}r a lihmry consLruLlion grant must h~ a eOlllUy_ ml1nL~ipaljLy, srecial districL l)r sp\:'cial tax d lstrict. C Th~ applicant n::(jw.::sting a Publil: Library Conslrul:lion (Frant shall eilher own or han: uncondiLiollal use of the lihrar) huilding to h~ constnJct~d, expanded. 01' remo~:kkd and the s it~ on \.....h ich it is located. A%nrancc ~lf uncon~1itional use: by the applil:ant" s go\'c-ming body must be submincd to the Di\"-[~ion no later than 90 days aner the grant a ward, I r an applicunl anlil..'iral~s starting a proj~cl prior to the uate ol" the gr\1nt Gi\\'ilrd. the a_<.;surance or urmmJitinnul u<;.e must ne submi [t~d ut the time of application .subrni:-;sion, l.'nconditional usc means lhat tb~ building to b~ remodeled, expanded or constrLlcted and lhl: sill: or such building ar~ or v\:i 11 be owned hy or under 1eflSC to the applinmL This must Ol:cur no bier than 90 d(lY~ after the date of the grant a ward. or, at the time of appl i -=.nioll subm i5S~Otl if th~' rlpphcam anticipates starling a project prior to thc date of the ~rant il\\<.lrd, Such o"",n(Tship or kasl: jnl~n:sl must he continuous. and for dt t~ast 20 yeats from complelion {) r lhc n.:mout: 1 ing. expansion or construction or lh~ huilding, I .t:ases ,;;hall not he re\"()Cab le .It wi 11. D, An applicant for a Pllblic Library Con.~lrw:tiofl Grant shall be cligibk to r~~t'i,"e l"undi ng ft,r OJ conslrucllon project from more than one state-funding source providt:d that the foil o\\-'i ng critcria ar(: met: 1 _ The uJdilional state funding source(s) mu~t be based Oll a statutorily approvc-d pro~~ss admi ni stered by another state ag~rH.:Y, and "J The applicant mus.l demonstrate that the projetl \\ ill pro\"ide a higher l~vd 0 j" s",,'it:e lO residents or that the project is to partnns.hLp wilh anoth~[' organi.r.alLon or Ugt:ll C): , E, A gO\ nnrnenl recei vi ng (I 1 tbmr)' constnlction grant must ha~;c an ~s1ahlishl:d program of th~c publ lC I ibmry s~~n ices and n:.'soun,:es whi ell [s maintaim:d lo pro\"lde library ~(TV l~T without discri mi nation to aU pennannll rei;idents of the service area laxeJ I'or ] ibmry purpllSCS, L Libmry construclion grants \"...111 be award~d on a malch lng basis only ami lhe appl iCJnt shull assurc the Di....isLon lhul local matching f:unds win he avaibbk and un<.:m.:umhercd at th~ lime or ~ratll award. Pub lic Libra ry C or,slr Jctia n G r<ln~ Progr~ m E!'fee ;\,e 1/&.12003 4 ([, The applkal1t shall employ a protcssional librarian. \\obo has C"omrleted (1 IlbnH;: education program aC:l:wJitt:J b)' the American I. i bral)' AssociaTion, functioning as a hui lding ccm:;.ultmt to prepare the s,itc evaluation and Ihl: hLLllJing program and to scr\'{~ a!> a consllltflnt to the applicant and its an;hl1e(;l throughout the design and conSTtudion of the projCl'!. The pro f't-s:-iional !ihrarian ~l.JIlct~onjng as The blli tding cumiulu.ml may be a lihrary slalf mem ber .-md may also be the projcCl manager. H. A proj cd wi Il nul he digihle ('or a grant when; 3, The stale portlon of the projecl ....... ill he less. than $1 OJlOO: 4. Th~ prujecl wi 11 resu It l n il total bui lding or l~ss than ~ ,nno sqllar(:' t;;ct or s, ihe p['oj~~ct will Hot result in a l'omplde I] brary hl.cilit)-, Pub lie L ,bra ry C ono;Uucl;(] n G rant P Jog!am E f'e:~ "..e 1.'9.'20C3 .~ IV. TIMELINE I Y~ar] April .-\ pr1 ieat iOIl~ du~_ ,..\prlicatiotls must be- 1111stmJl'hJ to thl:" Dh.jslon on or bet{)r~ thi s Jak'_ April Di\"is.ion Swff rc\."i~w, L.... :v1ay Application cNrcction period. App1 j~allts \\ i Il have 30 days after the nDti jkat ion uak to cumplch:: ilnd u)rrcC't Ul: flci>.::n~ L~'S, ;\ll ((lrr~r;tjons must he ro:-;tm~rh~u on m h~ !~1r~ the last Ju: (l to lh,-' lUrT<..'(t j('lJ\ pl..:r;ud :;r.;:;.;i t"L~'d b: th~' lll\.ision. hli hJrc to -=nrrect iJenti tleJ UL' I-Le im<:i ~s \\ i thiE lhl' 30-di.t) pcrL~ld ~h<lll <:Hlt\~nl<ltic(llly mal--:.: ~ h.: aprl i -=ati~)n . ~__t~~!.~gjhle- . _ . . _ .. [\by Jnd J wne 1)1\ 1 SLOll Lt'pslall\t:" B lLUgd fl"quesl d..:\ (:]optd 1m . indu,}lQ,n. j n I he [)~anm.:nt {) t' Slale"s Rudget R~L.J lL~St. J LLh Pt'Oj~Ct5 m;J,Y he~i n pri \1]" to the grant :.n\"~rJ, if d.::..:.i red. If the project bc~jns prior tLJ tll.: gr;:UH ilwJrd, <11l ['C'quir~d Joe-IJflli.:nls ] ~su:J in Si.:l'liul1 I X. C __ JmL~l be- sLJbmilLe-J al . ~. the ti me :,t' Hrpl LC(lt!.~n ~ubll!i."st~ In_ r .c~i 5latl\"c COmll1 ittc..:s heal' budget req U~~l S. and make ; rccllmm~ndat tl~ns as part or'tht: (1\ em] I budget ____..... __ Y'-'<lr 2 J anuilr\" F Loruan. Juh 1 . \b-..-JunL' . Lc-cislalun:: dTimO\ e-,~ bLLJ~d. ... _..--+.. _ _ .~.. _ _ _.. .:.J:~ J.~_ _... __....__ .T__.. _..._ _. .__ I ~ Grant 1\ \\arJ_ J)~cemhef ~J I 540 day:-; _alter g~anl av"arJ, the granle~ mm.t plac~ th~ ! e-onstruclam proJ ee-t under contr(Kt, \; 0 \\"(l]\'crs or . cxtcnsion5 ~\.ilJ be provEded lLnks~ ihe-fl' is penJi ng l i [i ~atj,m. Year :) Y~<ll' J h;bruary 1 1 8 months <.ltt~r th~ grant <l\\Jrd. tht gram ugn:tm..:nl must , be ~ignctl bClw~m lhe grill1te~ und the Depatim\:'nr, It'rhc ~greemenl is not executed prlor to this dme. {he grant f.umls shall re\.~n ({) tt1e St;H~, ...-... . .-.......--. ! The c0nstruuioIl prnjc('l sh:.tll bL' eomplelc-J with i n 2.l months ot" the datt:' l1f ; SSlLancc l1f the C .;:rti fi\:llk u t" S l.lbstantiu] Cumplctiol1 (. \JA One Llm~rtt (r 70-h An t:;.; [~n~i llll (1f thts ttmc pCrlod slMIl be ~rarlkd h~ lhe Di \.j:-;ion dlL~ to 1 itigutinn or d i ~rutcs o\'~r ~\.pcrldilufC;;_ hi tl ure to \:omplC"tl" tht rruject \\.ithi t1 tht: ~+-monlh p~rLoJ \\ i II resuh ill t h" loss llt' t h(; final lUn.o ~)j" lhl" tDwl gr~nt i1\~ md- Y CM "5 ~~r luter ~Lblic LI8ra~! Cor-struCior. Gr~r.t Prog~aM ::: ffech.e l' 5-:200 3 A v. APPLICATION :\. A pp1il:lttiuns must be n leJ \",ith the Di \" ~sion using the Puhl il: I.ihralJ. Constructiun (irant App~k\lli{)n f~mn {DLlS/PLC01, dTeLllvc ] i9i~O(}J J and postmarked on or 11e({Jfe April] 10 rn:l:i \"1,: ct1nsidt:LIlion. The Ili visidn wiJll'cject .Ippl icatiomi lwt poslmarked on or before April l_ 11. Apphcdtion a\:flilabillty \"...ill he annoLlnc~d in the norida AdminiSlrativt' Week 1y, c. All appli~,.ml filf a Public Ubr:lry (ollstrw:tion (rrant ~ball b~~ cligibk to rccclvc hmdillg fllt a comlrw.:lion proi lTt from more th<Hl om: ~tate-rllnJing smm.:i.: pro\- iJed lhat tlH: 1"iJl1Dv, ing cd tcria are met: 1. Tile aJJiliona1 state funding sourc~(s) musL he based On a statulorily appro\'t:d pwcess adminlskred oy another state agency. and 2. lhe appl iCim~ must Jemon~lratc lhal lhe projtct will pro\"ide a hi g:her Itvel oL..;ervice to resid~nts or that the project is in rarlnn~hip \\ ilh another tJrgrmization or agCtKJ'- C. An app~icant \',.hQse project W<l.'i partially limtlcu Juring a t'unding cycle may not reapply in llu: suh~cqu(;m funding eye ks fbr fUllds to add to lne previou:-i a I,nm..L D. An app1ican{ lhat rccC'iv~s .1 grant to build a ntw lihrary, e'i.panJ or remoJtd an nisling ~ihralJ ma.y' nol app1) for a grant to expand the same libr.lt')' unti I the odgEllal project has heen clmeJ out \vith Lht: Divi.~i{)n, F:. On 1)". om; grunl wi II be- awarded w a gv".crnmcnt untll all ('Ilh~r eligible applicatlls hm'c beell a\yardeJ a gmnl during the JimJing l:YC It:. F. The f(]llowing Joe urm.:nt~ must be sllbmitt~d at th~ time of app~ieation and shoulJ be assembled. labeled and SlJbm i tt~d ill the order 1 isted be lo\v: 1 _ C erti fi(:ation 0 f' Application_ The chair of the go\'eming hod). 0 t'll L"Ollnty; th~ gov.:ming body ('If a munjcipality~ or the gov~rning body of a special district Or sre-l:ia! la.xing dislril:l lhul '>\ i n own or hav~ LH1LOndil!ona1use 0 t' the bui ldi ng to be L"On<;trllcteJ, ~xpanJed, or remode led nlLlst sign the C erti f1 e.Ite pf Application. '1 An mdinJ..ll(:e, an adoptt'J anJ n.,rti f'ieJ rt'solulion_ or an approved agenda item from the govc-rning body of the coumy. mllnlcirallty. spcclal disrrlct N spcl'ia1 taxing JIstrit.:l ~ne 1uding~ a. Authorization for ~ubrnissiurJ 0 [-lhe applil:ation: b, ['-:ame nt' posltion dtlc of pcrson authorll_cd 10 sign lh~ applie-ution and pln\,jd~ r~qLJ;red L~rli flLation~; c. ..\SSllrilrl(;(: lhat lhe r('quired matLh ora dollar f{]r do(lar or t h~ gram request v, i II he Jvailab!e imd ullC'ncumbcl'~d at tbe ttmc of grant award: p ~ bllt, L 10 f<lry Co n shuclia n Gra nt P~ogra m [fff?cLiv& . ..9.12003 '"' I J. As~ur<lm;c that tlmulng is slMicicm and wi II he (.lV,I[ 1ab]e ill order th<Jt lh~ project \vi] l n:~ult in ;l compkt~d li brar:' bui Iding: ;" . :\~sunm.;c that upon Lomf1kli~ lrJ llf the- pr()j~C!, S,] ~'tki<:nt tlmJs wi 1111e ~Y~lilabk lo nrLnn~ lh(; Etci lity~ and t'. ,.\ssurance 1[1<11th...:: huilding \\ ill oc used I;\,-'lusi\'dy for the Pllhlie- l ihrar: purpus.....,.; j{lr \\'hlCh constnicted or ilhered. and suhmit proposC'd chrmgcs in use to the Di\'i~inn for :Jpprm'al it' wilhin 20 YCflfS 01' th~ e-ompletion 0 ['lhe mnslruclion pro}i:Ct. ), C up~ {l t' d{~Cllm~nts that estJhli s.h lh~ 1 !hr~. sue h j~ a c{)ntmct. rC"st~lution. nl' ord i n<lnc~ l )~. the ~~ n.;".mm....n~.. \ C(lr~ l) r' th~ lnt>...,t'ln"ll l~n:C'ment( ~ ~ j"llr 1 jbraf) eo()r~r~ll i, ,-'S and m u l~lC~lUt1ty j i br~1rlL'~ ma) ht: WlU W ll1i.:Ll thi~ r.;;qu ir~n1l:nt. ~. A narmLin: ue-snipliuIl pr1hc couslrucrinn pr~ljed. prepareJ and signeJ hy a professional 1 ihrary statl tn<,moer ,.,..ho has <.::mnpktL.:"d a libr'8.t;. L.::ducation program ;.u.:nL:Jitl'd by the :\ml;'ri l;an 1 .i brary A ,socialjon. The narrltli.... >.: ~tatLltlLn1 mu~l JLsl.:rib..::: a. Ill)\\" tho;: hu i lJing \\ i II l"un<.:ti,m i [1 a l'LLITcntl) established muh i(,)unt~ ' c{)unt). i.)r t~11lnkipal I ihr~t"). [hi s 11H: l11d~s. hUl is nollimil<.::d W. prugranl~. ~l'[\ il'~'~. ;.tnJ g0\ .:rnatKC': b. 110\\' I h~ conslrw.':licH1 projecl \\"i II cc~nlrihulL 10 n~w ur impron:d servtces in 1h...' ;itCH l{ \\'j II s~r\\:; and t;. 1 he cffec-ts nf staffIng. maintainin~. and costs 0 f' op..:mting th..:' proposed be-i1 i Ly. 5. ..\ JL1:il kJ \\ ritl~[) hui]Jin!; rn)~raIJl. prL:parcJ and -sign~J b~ [i prol!..s;;ioTIul lihrarian. who ha~ eomp 1ekJ 1.1 1 il1rary eJucaltOn program dl'Cn:dih:u hy the .-\mc-rican [. i hrary Associati Oll, tunt:li(\nirtg ~s a nuilding LOnsultanL The pro tes'ilona1 ~i hrari,m functionlng as the bllilding consultant may b~ a Ilbrary staff member, The bllitd lng program must induJl: ; a, : \ brief 0\ c-r\ l(W \~f the library i ndudi n~ il hi-stnricnJ pcrspc(ti \ (;. mi~~ion anJ guals (no rolLS ~ () t'lk Ii hmry: t'l. i\ J(:~lripliOrJ or ho\\ lihraf! functions rt' Jail' 10 eac h nlher in 1erms of sp,Ke. lnd uJing a d~ScrLpti(1l1 0 C piltrOn u"e and \l,':OI'k tln\',,' PQt{crns~ and l'. Proicclinn ,~r fulure needs hased upon <lntit:ipated lutun: dellhlgraphics, 6, If nn ::lpplicant is appl: Lng t("r funding hlr a u 'nslrultioTI projl.:''':l from mOl""; tkm unc Slak funJing somee. 1he (0] 1m, illg i nfomnrion must b;: pHn idc~1: ~. IJI.:nli j~' all ~luJi lional s!ak CUIlJing sources Dei ng Jpplled for. I [lduJ~' lhl' name or the fund ing program Jnd tlK ~latL agLnl:; aum inislL'ri ng 111.: progmm. (\nd :J~b'ic ." brary" Co"str~G~'()r Gr.,nt r"Ofroom E fie ~~ 'Ie 1 ;9:2.:.: 3 8 b. ])E.:sl:rLbE.: huw: l. The multiplL" funding SOllrces v.i 11 n.::~mlt in a project to provldc a higher level of ~n\"i('c- to n:sidenl s; or 2. The project l5 In partner~hip ...... ith i.lnolhu orguni7atloll or agency anJ how il will pro\ idE.; a higbLr kvel 0 f' ser\"l~~ to residents: Or 3. Each [lmdlng source \vil] be used to accomplish a diH'trent or unique ponion of the ~ntire construction proj L'd. 7. If an appliE.;unl anllcipaks staJ1ing <l project prior to th.... date of the grant award. the additional docunwntfltion rcq uin.:J in SE.:(:tiol1 IX. C __ must be ~ubmillnJ at the time of (lpplinlll~m :iubmi<;sLon. II. The appllc<lnt may \.... ithJra\\ appl ication~ at an:: time priDr to gram award \\ ltbo ut pcnal ty. Jj" any 1 ibrar~y ClmstnlCtjOf) projE.:l:t lhat has prey iously be~'n awarded a grant {hat i~ LHE.:T wlthdmwn 01' \acalcd Jiks il lle\\' app 1 ication during lht: next appl ication ~ubmIs."ion period fIX ::iU b~lanLially the same project, n~c projn.:t shall he clmsidcrcJ unl:' after the Di\ ision has acku Llpon Ill] Mh~~[' applil:alions during the funding {:ycle. I. i\n applicant \\"hme project was nol JunJed duri ng th~ prcViOllS funding (ycle may either llpJate the arrlic'ltlon already on rile or SUbll1lt 1.1 nc...... Om:. 1 r an applicant intends to update 01' r~submit an ~tppl iE.;ulion, a kncr of irltcnt should b~ 5lJ bruiUcd to (he Di vLsion wi thin 30 dfl) S U j" lh<: end of the Legi~[ati \T se.~s!on_ . f"hc~ u pdatE.:J in f'ormatiun sp;.;c-i fied In Section V. L1., shall be submitlE.:d wilhin 60 days altcr the end of (he Lqo',islalive sl'ssion. Failure to meet this deadline shall resuJt in n:::j~cti()n ofthi~ applicati 011 , 1, If a ney., appl ieation i So su bmincd by the ap[lllCfltion submission dfltc, il wi n oe r;.;vi..:wed f(,)f eliglbillty and l:ompleteness, and cudualed, 2, [1' the applicant fe4Ucsts th,u thc appl ieill,on already on Il [e be consiuned t()r tllllding. it \.vill not be rcC'valUaktL The point 'i'aluc:-; assi glled durlng the previolb revie\\" period "",:iIl n.::rnain unchanged, The appl icatiOIl will bt' i nLludcd in th~ rail ked listing alonl:,'. wi Lh new app~ ieatiuns. l }sing: the PLJbri~ Lihrary C on:struc1ion Grant i\pplLcl.ttioll tbrm tOLlS....PJ.CO L dfccti1,;(," l:'9/20(3). the applic:ant mU:'it upuale and pmvidc- dw t~)lIDwing information: a. Applic<lnt InfoITnat iOIl ~ b. Cnti licatiOIl of t\prl iealinn: and c. OrJinan(,.'~ or an adopted and cr:t1itl~J resolutioll from the gun-ming hody of dll' go\'ernrncnt ciS requ ired and d~SLri bed in S~i.:tion V. (j ,2. PLJbli~ Lihrary COrl!;tr~ctI0n Gmnt Program E ffecti~f! ~ ,'9.., ~'{)3 q VI. APPLICATION REVIEW "'ollowin~ tbe close of th<;> appl ication submission perioJ, all applications \',,111 he rn i(;\\cd for eligihilit)' and complelene.~s_ In fCYlcl,\:ing applicalions, the Di\"i~ton has the autlwrit! to cnsure cump 1 iancl:: with these gLlidelines. Thl: Di\:ision wi 1 I dekmline the digibi lity (l f' an applicant, the sutlicien(:y of the application, and lh~ (:ligibmty of a proj~ct element or L:xpense. A. Th(; Division \vi11 nOli!') applLumts in \\Tiling or any applicfltion deficiencies. Uig,iblc appl i~anb v., ill }w\"~ an appl\eation correction peri oj 0 (up to 30 days fltt~r nori Ilcation JatL tu coned dd'i cien..:i",:,:. 1n~ufficknt app 1 i~atlons or the luilmc to curn.::-ct the i denti lkJ udicicncks. shaH resul t in rejection of tbe appli cali on. .:\ll correnions must be pO~lmarh.d un or before tbe lasl Jay of the eorrectlon peri oti sped (led hy th(: Di" isiot1. Since the purpose of this period i~ to detennim: digibi lity. point totals alrcad): assi~n~d to applkmion~ will not be changed c1ming the LOlTedion pl:riocl unless there is a ~han~(:" III the sqw:uc feet of tne huilding. The Division will (;" aluate chgi ble apph(:ullOl1S in accordance with the Section VIL Criteria tor Fvaluating and Ranking Grant ApplicaliollS. and assign a t01<."11 point Sf,:ore to each appl kation. A ppl ications will be mnked b(lsed on the point score with thc appli~ulions \\ith {he most points ranked high~st. R. The Secrctary of State snal i have (Inal authority to approve or deny all grant appht:ations and to award grant'). based Oil the Di \"j:-;ion. s t:val uation and ranking. Such approval or denial is the tlnal agency action f()r purposes ofrequesling a hearing under the Adm inlslrali ve Proceuurcs Ad, Chapter 120, FioriJ(I ,Stamte,t', C. Applkations. that are approv~J by: the Secretary of State will be includ~d in the Ol.:'partm..::m of State' s Leg.i slati\"e Budget R~l.J.u<:st for consideration b) the I "egi~la.lLtn:. Pt..b:jc Library C:JnstrLlct'OI"' Graf't Prcgr~m E freG!: ~e 1..9.12003 ]() VII. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING AND RANKING APPLICATIONS 1, An application can r~cci ve a maxi m um or l 00 points. A ppl icati()n~ \.\ ill be rank~d based on lh~ POLnT score \\"ith lhl:" most points ranhJ tb~~ high('st. 2, I f mlL~tipk appl ications arc 5ubmttted hy one government, th~n the applic-ulioTl wL th the hight:r point total \vill he placed in the high~r nmk~d position. If multiple appliC<ltions t'nun one ~o\'(~rn menl rel:C"i \iC the S3mc score, lh~ arplil:~m{ will be (.liked ~{) rank the a ppl i'.'al ions_ The higher fank~J application \\"t H be placeJ in the highcr mnkcd pnsilion, [hI:' other applicCltiun(s) shall he pbcnl allhe bonum ofth~ nmkLngs, For those <lpp~icat i on(s} placC"J at tlle bottom 0 t' t h~ rankings. tbl; app lieation \".:ith the higher point tlltals \\iil! he ranked bdl-,rc tllllse \vith a lower point totals. .1_ lr t.....:o or rnon; applil:atiuns from di ffcrent applimrllS receive Hw same score, the applie-unt ha\.ing rne mosl m::nl based on the Community :--h.:~d. Satiun Vll, ~L[)" \vill rcceiv~ the higher rfHl k lng_ ll' L wo or more flpplicarion_" remain tieJ. lh~ appl icnnt had ng rccei Vi.:J th~ lo\\cst am(lUnl 01- l:onstruClion t'unJs \.\.jth~ n :' years or the appl i~Jtl(lt1 date \,\:ill rCl.:ci \ (.; (be hjgh~-r rank ing 4. rhe pojm.~ lor each section are: A. Type Librar)' Building_ Only Onl' calcgory can 3pply to an applicmion: L Hcaul..jWtrlcrs tOt' a multkoullty or lihrary cDopC"rative ~ 20; '} Ilcadquarters Cor a single count). library not in fl multicounty -1 5~ 3. H~adquartcrs for (j Slngl~ c-ounly l~hrarj: in a rnullicounry ... 12~ 4. Rram::b Or member of a mul ticounty 1 ihrar)' thaI repre_;;enbi the only libmry fflcl I itl' in U L:OUnly - 8; 5_ Hram.:h or member Ilbrary thal is parI ol'a county or multicounty, Of, a municipal] tbrary and its branches op~mti ng i nJ~pcndcnt Iy pf 3 Cl...)unty or tnultlCllunry lihrary -.:.J-~ R. Projt'l'r J\ arrath.e. prepared and signed by th~ 1 i bra..y dire~lor, The Ilan<lll\"e stah:m>;;,nl m U'it Jescrik: 1. 1 J ow the hui IJLng \\ j II fi.~nctjon tn a curn.::-ntly C"srabllshcd tllultiwunty. wunty. or munlclpalli brar;. _ This inc 1 Llde~, hut is not 1 imiku Lo, rrograms, stT\ic~:;, and go\'emance - 5; '"' How the construl.::tion proj~(,..t \'....t1l contribut~ to tic\\" or tmpwH.:d St:TVtI;C':'. in the an:a it will S\';r'I..~ - 10; und P IJ bl,t, Lib rat)' Con strJctl O~ Gra nt P '[)9r il rrv F ff I'd iv8! 1 i~.I200 3 ] 1 3, The effects of slanin~, maintaining.. and operating the proposl:d fadlil} . 5. C. Building Program prepmnl and signed by a profes!>ipnal lihrarian, v.ho has comp!deu a lihmry education program accn.:t!ikJ by the American Libmry Associatl~ln. fl.lncliuniIlg as a blLilding consul tallL The hui lJing program mll~t inc luJe: 1. ,A. britd oven lL",.... of the library including a historical perspective of the libr(lry system (if appl icahle) and the bcility coven:d by the application. lhL" mission. and the ~oals tor roles) ot' th~ lihrary - 5; 2. A JesniplioH \)f ho,\" library functiolls rdelle to L"<.u::h ulhcr in terms (11 spact, tnc luding a llesniption of patH)u u.se and \',:ork tlo\\" patterns - 20: anti 3 _ Projcdion of future needs has<.,J upon antit:ipatcd 1-lIw(e dcmograph lcs -:'). I). Community I\eed. Points Me Qwarded b<lsed on lne extent Lo .....bich tb..::- appl icant' s presenl or l:xisling Elci litLe's m.;C't the swndard of. (j sy,uare Coot per caplw lor tota 1 tl 001' spa~e in ih l11ultinnLrll). counly. or municipa 1 library_ Tne total 5lJ llMC feet \\"lll be taken from th~ most l:ufT(~nl ,\nnual Statistil:a~ Repon Foml ltn Publil.: Librart~~S on file with the Di vi sion (If Library anu In fimnalion Services. rhe repon is avai Iabk: trct or chargc- from thi..":' Director, DivlSioll of Li brary and Inf(mnation Servi<:es, R.A (Iray Builuing. Tallahassee. Florida 32349~0250. The population served ",;j II be t<lken from the most (;um.~nt Florida FsllmaLes Dr Population. U rliversit), of l-'Iorida, Tlle following describes 110\\. the sqnare feet anu population will be ddem1int'u 1"or ('adl type of library, The calculatlon of the square footage lS bas~d upon the type of] ihrary: h)t cooperative libr..uics conslsting of a countywid.;- system <.1nd/or municipal I ibmri~s: . j: or the countywide Ii brary system, the populm~on and squar>;; feet for on ly lh~. kgal (laxcd) set\k~ area ofth..; count}\\idc ,~y<;tL"m ,vill bt:; u:-;cd_ . For a municipal library_ lht:: pupulation and square led ('or only lhe legal (taxed) scryi<.;e rl[ca ofth~ tnllnicipalUbrary w.iIl be U;S l::d , . Fora multicounty 1 ihrmy, the poPUlati()ll alld ~quan; feet for the appllcable wllnty ,vi II be us~~d, !-'or cnnsolidalcd singh.:: count}- libraric-s . The population and squme teet tor the !~gal {taxed) ~crvjCl.:' area D1"the county aprtyin~ fl.)r Lhe gran! \vill he w,cd. Tll is i ndudes consolidated multlcounlv llbrad~s. Public:; Library C01struction Granl Progr<lmu[ff~cti\le . .'9.'2 :,03 12 o - ~5 ~6 ~ 50 51 -70 71 - t)O ~ 1 - I 00 percent llf standard - pc:tn::nt or standard - percent of srandard - percent or standard - pen.:ent oj" standard - 30 points; :2.'1 poi nts: 20 points; 15 points: lO points. VIII. MAXIMUM GRANT AWARD Thl: totalm<t:>i. i mum grant uwal'd i'), $500.000. Pub;ic j Ibr~ry COflst~LJction Gra11 P(og[~rn [ff(:d; ~'e 1,'9.'70 OJ 1] IX. ADMINISTRATION OF GRANTS :\. (;I'ant Agret'mt'nf, I"he' C1pplkminn. it'appr\l\~J. \\ill h..:cDnt<.: a part l,flh".. ~runt a~r..'~nH~nt betwe~1l th,-' De-partrm:l1t II f State. III \"~siotl of l.lbrary anJ [n nmn~lt inn SI..T\'in;~, c\nd the grantc-e The Di\"ision shall h: n.::-;p~msibk: tur pn:::parln1:; <l !:;n\m agr~elTlcnL CJrant agrt('rncnls. lnCDrporatl;d hercln by r..:kn:nce, ,\ i II be sellt 10 graIltlTS along \\llh th~ grafll aW;Jnl. RC"ginning \\ith applicatiuns suhmincJ for F Y~OtB-201.14_ a l:OIlSlrUc{ion pmjccl nl<:lY be initialed 12 months or k:s~ prior 10 lh..: ~ri1nt :.mard_ 110\\ e....'...r _ lh(' Di, is~on slHlll tlot rcJe\'ls~ any gr,mt 1"unds to the apr 1 ic<tnL bd~'lrt tlw ~l'<\m fut1J~ han~ h~en appropriald h: lhE..' Le-gisbLLH"\::: and th..' pant :_L<'fl..'CmL..'nl i s n>.:~:utccl bd\\"l:..:n th..: 1 )l\'lsion :mu the ur:.Ullee_ ~ . . ~ R. p..-ojt('( 'lanager. l h~ p"nj~t:l manager is t he ~pp 1 jeanl' s ~ing k aUlhori I.C"J rel'r-es~'mali \ l' jc.)r all COIHJt:t \\ ith (he Dl '-lslon regard i Ilg the prnj eel. I"h ls i m: I uJcs ,111 '" linen iltlJ n:rhdi communications \Yllh Lht: Di vi siol1_ pnH':i.::s:-;ing grant-r~bl;:u rapl::r~~ or].;" receipt of ~r<.ll1t r,l~dnl;'nts, ctl;. I l' the- pn1j eLt manager chan8C's from the ill hml1ati~ In pn}\'i(kd in the application. the applicant or grantC'~ must HOll tY tlw l)i\'isi('n in writing u(-LhL:-; i.:h,mgt:. Thl' proil.'ct nmmtg,-'r may b~ (hl' :-;arnt pt:r:-;{)J1 a:-: tb.' appl icm( s bu i ld ing L\ mSL.:ltant. C. Additional Rcqu ired Documc[)t~. The 1"0110\\ i ng m:ilerial :;.hall he :-iuhmi ttcod 10 the [) i \. i silln t~)r apprn\"al no later thall 9() Jay,- :'lfter !he Jak of g.rant a" ani. If l he applicant cmtic lpmcs ~Wrt i n~ the construction proj eel prL0t tu th>..:: dak uf lhL: gram a \\ ;1rJ_ the- 1"ullo\\ ing m,ttLri(1] musl bt: sunmitkJ t~lr arpw\"al at the ti me 0 t' arpl k:ation :-;ur.m [ssion. The~e J{)cumenh w! II hec{1llH:~ a part of th\;" grant appl ka.t ll1n, I. Spl:t:illl lu--cation vfsill' and it murali \ e- l:\'aluiJtiun 0 t" the ~it~ 0 t- the hui Iding tn b~ l'onstrw.:k(.!. expandeu_ or r~m(ldeld lhat is prepared and sigll~d by i1 protl'ssiunal Ii brari ,m. \\lw has cnmr l~kd a library CdUC<1lltitl pro~r:1m an:rcdil"..J h~ [h~' ..\meri..:an l.ll1raf) i\~sociJ.tjon, funclloIl~ng as a building C"111hUlwnt_ Th~ proks.sional hhrwian r-uno.:tioning as lh~ huilding t:onsullant may be a librar; :-;lalf mCnl b~r and rt1~lY J ls(~ b.c th~ projcd mana~(;r. Th<.:: silL ~\'alua[i\)n should )llst i I)' th~ dlllic~ ut" sLl<.; nlnsiJ..'ring: <1- Plans f~lr t'utllrt: c\pJn~ion III gn.\\\th: h_ Cnm m un i ty gr~l\\th and tl'affh:: pattern pwjec1illlls flJr the Cutun;: c_-\JeLju:.Hc p(lrkitlg. taKlllg into wns.iJnation local zoning and ruildlng c~Kks_ (lr :-;tanJd[J~: d, Com ..:nicrl{ aCl:('s:-; lo major reckstrLJtl (llld \\;hiClllar tratYie wut:.:s: and c. p~]\ SiL'~tll huraCk'risli..:s \) t' the c;i tc_ P.J~I;~ I.lb,~ry C(]i~l,'ut.lla.~ Grar't Pragram ["fee,i....;: 1 :l)..2X.3 I ~ l '\SSuralll'(:S, su~h fl\ a J~cd, shO\\.ing that the appljc~ml has legallille to the property and bui Iding_ (1 I(Hlg-lerm lea~~ 01" not less than ~O years or a resolution i1Goptl.:'d by {ht applil'ant's ~~.~\.C'm i ng. b~}Jy, th~1t I ht: <lppl iL'anl has uncDnJilLona! us'.: ot" the ~i1t: ~nJ lh<..' ouikling. Ii. a n:il)lLltion lS useJ as proof: it shall stat~ \\-hdher tbe ~}rpl ~callt owns ~)r ka::;.es thi: ~it~ and hlli Iding_ Rekasl.:' from lhi.." LHH.:or1ditiunal uSl: rL'q ulrcnH:nt mil}' be l'cqucstr:d and wi II be grunted ~ r <l ~i lualion mi ses whid will pro\ ide a h "rar;. l"i....i ht) tC' st.:r\ l' the same comnHLtlit::. that will rcsult In d hlghcl' levcl of s~T\..ice, 'lhc requesl shall be _'.;uhmined in writing to lhl.:' Diredor oj" the Di \i sion 01" I.ihrarJ and in formation Services, If the fad lity is not tllJ i nta ln~d as a pur-Iii; lihrary fl}r !he 20-;.L'ar periud_ anJ n:l...'asc hum the uIH.::l1nditLonal u.,;e- r~'LJ ui n:ml."nt has nut b~~n rt:q u~sTcd cmd arpr~Acd. t he ~rallt (unJs ~ha] ~ he repaid as 1"ollO\\s: l~)r Luch ]car lhat th>.:: tadlit~ i~ maint<liu(:"d as i1 pllblk library. t\:dllCC' the ~1m(1Unt to b>e repaid by 5% per rem- The 20-}car r~ri()d he-gin:; on the- Jak ~d- rroj~\:t dOS~OUL _~, ,.\ ~~Hnparisotl of thc rroposcd projt:ct to Jl squar~ k~t per cupita for tl}tal th)Of ~pa(';l: anJ stmlllmds far libmr: t~llllitin and ~(;['\ ices, C l te slandarcls llS.:d anJ th(.:' :-;OlLfCe- {) (st<lnJ<lrJs_ Thi:-; shall im'luJe at a minimum: <I, Towl !luot spac,,;~ h_ The amount and kind of sP:-lCL' requi rcd for ~1l1 1ibr\lry fUtlCtions. lnc.::l ud Lng both publi~ and swff areas.. m~Cli n~ spacc, and s.pnc..:: rl~r .,;p(.;l:il11.: s...T\.i...,e-s~ ..... Shd".ng re4uir<:,J: d, S{aftlng rcq llired: ~. I.ightlng required: imd t". T elt:c.:mnmUlltCalLons dnJ ek~trl~a] rcqu ll'Crncnts. -t _ \ 1 ist of th~ ki nd and amount l1f i njrlal turnitllt(.' and equipment neeJeJ for th~ projc\:t. S, Subsurtncc soil ana.l~ ~i_s_ Thi;<; llnal:."i" \\."hiLh im.ok';5 SOlJ bori tH!S. is (u uS:-;!Jre- lh<lt thl.: si l~ Gill \L1rr'~ m the \\"eig:ht L) r' d library building. lbl' analysi_, is reLJ.uir..:-d fC:lr ,h.; t"i.lllowi ng~ ;.t_ :-Jew c.:on<;lruction: n_ F.\.ranSLon or cxi sl i ng 1 i brary fC1 >..::i 1 l[~ OntLi pn.:\ il ~usly lmnLli Il lal1\L ll1( I uding parking lots~ ~ lr 1;- Projccts lll\ 01 \ ing an c\ isttflg building: that Wa5 not pf(;\"iOll~ly used as a 1 i brat'y hLJilding. 1 f rroblcrn_~ illT iJmti j[~J in the ,uMlysis, thl' D[ \i::;ion mlt'il he in formed of ho\\ the rrohlems wi 11 be- wrrcclcd. Pui:;ll: L;brary CQnstrLJGtlO~ G~llnl PrQgra'Tl F.fe:~:~e 1.'9,',~C,J I~ 6, C ~ni ti catiNl thut the l'OIl~trLlt:li[}n pn)jccl will b(: In complianci.: with rcdcral E.'i.i.:ClIli vC Order 11 q13~ Hoodplain t\..lunagernenL as amendt.'J D! Ext'cuti\"e ()rJer I ~ 14R. V'o'l1il:h rtrl: incorporated hcn::ln by rC'lcl'~t1ce. inc luding ccrtificat ipn thaI the \lS~ pf l100d plains in connedion \yilh the l:unstrLlctton \~'iU be a\'oldccl as. far as pn.K'iicabk, Regulations governing the us.e of stalL' 1"unu:-; for comitnKlion KtJuire that ~\'alllUlions be made of the potential dfect of (my propos~d u11lstrudllln In rdatlon t0 tloDd ha.t.arJ,. LH:h arpllmnt liling an :.lpplication f~)[ consttllClion lunJ.~ must rClj tlCst i1n ~\'illtlalll111 of 111~ propl1S~d site ot'i.:ollstrut:li Oll trom lh~ l". S.\ rmy Corps () t' r.ngim_'...:r~. Wh~'rJ ~LLb[]linirJg. n.::q lH:::,t~. thl' [;.)Illn~ ing LI1 tl)[mmi(1J\ ShoLLIJ 0'.: includ",J regarding Lhe projt'cl: d, :\ lC~ill descri ptior] of the ~Jti.:. gh'i ng exact boundarks. J location map ~hl}\" ing the :-;itc anJ u stred :lJJn:s:-; i j" a\ aihtble: b. lhe need fl1r the eval ualion ill orJ~r to n.:'l'ei V~ con~muclioll llmds thml the Dl d~lol1 of Llbrary and [nt"otmatiotl Sel"\k~s. lkpartmcm of State. SlatL oj" FloriJa: mld c. fhe date by which lnc evatu\1tion i ~ nel;d~d. .\] low Jt Ic[lst 1\\ 0 \\ ccks III r>.:n:i\ >.,; thls (.;\ [l]uMlnn prior to th(" additk~rlal required JOl.:unJcnls fi] ing dale. :\Jdn.'~s n:'LJue:-;ls to: For areas ~ast of kn~rson C 0lJllt....~ Chief. J-"h ~l )dpbin \l~n8.g~ment Sct'\"lces L',S, Army Curps, oiTn~im:t:r:-; J ad';.~{)n\"il k Dislrict Po~l Onic~ F.~ox 4tJ7ll Ji1i,,;ksonvilk. Florida 3::!~32-0019 ,.\Hl'nlion: CF~AJ-PI)-Pl-" PII()'.t::: (l)ll..j~ 2n.2~32 For an:a\ \\l'sl of Jdfel'son Coumy. including .Idkrsonl\lunty: Chief FPfI,.{."SS LS. ,-\m1Y Corps of LngiJlc>,::[~ ;\l('Jbil~ Dislric-I rost Otfice Box 228t: \'lobik. Alabama 3M2R-OOO 1 PHO\iF: (205) 6W).~ :;00 If pro hI em:-; are [Jenti ned, the Di\-jsion must be inj~ml1eJ oj" how !he pl'Obk:ms \\ [] l ~ L nrrl;"l;t t:d . C opie~ 0 t- the e\"aluation reports and the plalls ~{)r c-mreLtion. if applicahk. must he ~u bm i ncd f~)f cadl a pp Ii ell i 011 . Public L:Dril~~ C[;rstruc~ DrI Gran PrograrTl Effecti'1e 1.. ::..'2003 ](, 7. '\ssumni.:t:" that the Sll~ sck"l;kd for the conslrudion pmjl:d docs nUl intcrkrl' wtlh th~ protection of propnlil:":-; Iistcd in the :--;Jt ional Register {] t'lli sluric Places in cH:<.:orJance with S~Ct l(lll :Yl 7 J~() 1 , Florida ,','IUTules, ThLS a:,~umr1C~' mn h~~ nhtain.:d fiom tht' n.:ranITl~nt of Stat~, Dl \" ision nf I Ii 'ilorical Resolln.::~s, Rq~ulati0l1S g.o';eming: the use pI' slale ItLmis for cllrlstructi0n require lhm t\"alualtons be made of the p.O(cntlaJ dTecl of ,my rmposeJ construction in rdation to hiswric sites, Each applil.::aJ11 filing ,ill Jppl kation for construction funds musl req lIl'S,t an (:\'aluatllln ofthe prop(1<;.;d si le of ..:onstrLLl:liol1 from thl' ag~ncy lisH:J. \\,'h~n suhmi Lling fi..'i...lllL!;l'i. [he l~)llowlng lnt"lrmation should h~ included n;gardi I1g ltl~ rmj~d: .'L Slal<:' lhaL i.m c\'~tlllmilm is, nCl.:"J('d in order to r~c(:'j\"\; construct illtl tlJnds from the Ilidsiun of [,ihrary anJ In1"omlaliu[l S<.::r\i\.T~, Dl'parlH1Lnt ol. Slat<.:. Slall: lit' t: llll"idn ~ h, Pw\"iJt.' the mum.'. aJurC';s anu or th>: la\. paf(':l.:l idnnitit.:atil1n for th(: pro.i~cL c, Pro\' i~k a d.:tai kd Wl'l H~n descr~rt i l11l nf the prnpos.:d proj ~ct. i nc 1 uJ lng rdaku atti \ it~~~, whid1 1,\ ill h~ carried uut in CO[]j unction \\- i Lh th~ pmjL<':t. For ~:-.:ampk. Lhe proposed rehahililation (in1.:1uue ~pt'{:iti.c Jdails) or d~molitioll uf <I hLli (Jing: or ::;tructLln.~, or th<,;, t:'\rellt of propoj<:d land c kariul; or grlHHld d i sturbi ng 3;;[i\itics~ u PrO\tU~ lht' s~clinn, IO\\- nshi r l.mu mng~ C"oon..linate'i lhllTI tht: kgal d~s~rirlion. Provide ;1 "ile map(s) \\'ith dimen sions and....or scale.; aud the lotal prr'lj eet study ar~Cl <Ie rL'agc: >e, Pn,)\ide u g:.;'n~ral projt:C! study area pl'0j~ct sit.: location map, Prm ide an V';(J S Vuadranl:,'.lc map (to scale - <l.uJitiunal mlargem~flb may b~ i nd udcd) Jt:pidi,m of Ih~ SlLlUY mea and project .,ite, Tkpkt tnL' project study urnl un an aCl'lal photograph {current and..\)r past}. when anlilabk. Pnmde il d~wikd hlrO~raphil: map l~!" the sluuy. \\ hen a\"ai lanl e: f. Pro\td.: photograpIH,S) ~}f thi; proicct sitc j Ln ndabk (no ph(lt(l~OPl~S), f-'ro\ld~ acrial photugraphs (current or r,L~l) or Ihe pro.i~C"t study nrca Hud project site \:lre reLnmmen~kd, when (l\"(li lahk If a pwject Jocs or ma;' il1\'oh'~ bui lJ lngf s} or strUL:tur..::\ s 1 5U :- l'ars 0/' age or older. rholngr~1phs must be prtl\ iJ...:u 0 t" the ':\l>::rlm' ;:md int~rit~r I as, appropriate L Pr(}\'jJi..' pholOgLJrhs llf S11~cj tk d~mt:"nl:'; (Jt'th..' bLlilJingfsl aff~ct~d by !he pwjcd if arrlii.:ahle All p}wwgmph~ shou lJ be J...<.::y<::u to a projt>Ll or hu i ldj rig skL'tch rlan: Public Library ConshClIoi1 (;r~nt Pt(Jg,~m cl"€c~,~<:! l,9;2jD i' g_ For m::\\ cun:slrw,.:t10n pl'ojc;{,:ts. des~ri be the prL'sent condition of the project study area and a histor)- of the past land use ucti\'ities. i_t:" agriculture Or s.ih 8.cuhurc, D~scrjhe any manmadc lmprcm~ments in the study an~a, Pnn ide in (omlal ion on the swdy ar~il drainage. VI dLtmk -:ioils. \ cgcti'Hion. (:tc.. lnt0rmm lon desC"rihing lhe- natural L'u...-ironmcntt s.) (hiological and g~olo~lcal): h_ Dt:slTibe an~ ~urrounding bui ldlngs or slrlJl:luTCS {inc 1 uJe photographs of sllch it1lpH1\'~menls k.i.:Yl'd lO a mapl. Indlcate th~ rccord~d or estimakd conslruction dates fol' each bui lding or 5truclurc~ and L, 1 nd l(<1\l.' the d.ne h) which ~ ~)LL mxJ tb..' (:\ illudt ion, ,\1 l~m' Jmpk tlm(:" tn re-n'i \ (; this ~\ al U<1t;OIl rri or t(1 th.: aJdi lional rL''-j ui reu dO...'UBli.:nls Ji] ing J a I.::" , AHo\\" at k,.L~t 30 days ror [hI.:: historic S.l(C C'\"aluatio!1, :\ddrc~s [\;'quests to: Dire-ctm. I.)i \"i<;i(l[1 of II istorll.:ftl RC5CHI1\;CS R, A. (" im)' H.uilJin[o!. 411l Floor 500 S, Hronnugh SIred Tallll.hass(:'~, [-"lorida 3 :39t)-O:: ~() PHO\J F: (&50} 24.5-63 33 ~ SC'\JCOM: ~OS-~,\l; C ()pi<.::~ ur" 1Iu: l..::-ucrs of c\ aluatiot1 mU:H b(:' sllbmll1~~d (or ca..:b applieutit'rl, It'the pro}el:l is CD\Tn,d in lhL proll:clion of properties 1 istLJ in lhe- Nalional Regi 'iter 0 t- lllstoric Places in accnrdane-e wi lh Seclion ~6 7 _061. Florida ,';t(tlUf(.l', the applicam must obtai n writtC'1l appro'\;(ll from the I )j\'bion or If l~toric Pr(:";:;~.[\ at ion he-hm:- lb(,' proj~l:t is ll't for bid, g. CCl1ltl>:atllPn by gmm~c'5- gtACrnlng bady such as .1 r(.;solution, or. d stgnl.:d JOi.::uml:nl from the: pnson or posi tjDn d~si~mt1t:J 0) the grant<:'o;:";; g:m-ern i llg. r.udy in lhc resol LJlion slJlomiltcd with the appl icatlol1. that th~ grantee v" i II l;ompcfltin;,ly award ,~)nstructjon contracts bas(,'J on the sLlhmi ssiu!l of s~dled hids. proro:-;als suhrni tteJ in rt'spnns.e to a request for prnpos<.d. proposals suhm itted ill resp~ms~ to a t'~qUCq tor q llal i ticiltions. ('Jr prupusals subrni tkJ for (omp~dti\"c nq;~)tjmions. Tllis also incllllks conlraCb t~)r conslrucllOtl rnam..Lgl'nle-m s~rvil'e:-; or J<:'sign-huilJ conlral.'H_ SUI.; 11 ,l\\"ill'ds to a pri \ atc ~~dor VH1tr,l~tl)r must bi: permined b~ appl il.:abk munil'ipal or l:punty orJi n<ItK~. b) special JislrLC"l resnluli\m \)r hy ,~'i.lte l(.l\\' induding Sntj0n ~::,5,2U_ Florida S{o( /1((',\', If compc{iti VL' ncgOliations an: USl:J. lhe av.. ard Sh<ll] bl:' in rlccMdanc(; \\"ith S~ct ion ~ 87 ,0::::5. F!{}t'id(l -\t(/I ute S". PLbljc L bra,,:!, C~rstrJ-::;t:~r Gra1t P'o~l'a["'1 Effe-:::t1ve 1':9 ,'2003 IS D. Planolng Assistance. Di\ lsiun slaffan: J\,liLlhle lo prm iue planning a:-;si~t~Ulc(; a~ tll..:: plans for th~ Lorblruction proj<;,..:! an: being ll(;\ d0p~d, It is t'c~~)nunended thai Di \ i~jon staff b{;' imolvt:u Juring scverJl poi 11 is in [hie un'dormcnl or proj~Cl plans: when thl.: initial dra\\ logs h~\'e heLn completed l'o(lscd (}11 the huilJing pw~mm: approxilTt~lt'l::- haH' \~ay through de_~ign In l'h\pmcnc J.nd. when [hi..":" fUrnlt\lre and etjuipmcnt pbn for the l11l'i]it: is being dc\'doped- E. An:hitectural I)ran ings and Specit1c::ltiom,.. Thi: grantee shall prU\ lU(; the Di\,jsil~11 t he roll()\~ ing materL'l1 no ks<.; tl1an 30 Jays prior to the .;onstmct i on pwj ed heillg: ]d t~lr bid ur (juaranle..:u \1a,\.imum Prk'~ h~ing ,l\\::J.fJ~u, This also inLluJl':-; U)n\ra(~~ for con'-.lruL"t Lun l11Jrl<:lg\,:'tm:nl sen il'C"S_ or d(;~Lgll. hui ld (:ontr<l('ts, I, I' inalllom plan with furni~hjngs and equipment: ., F ina] ~i!l; pbn ~ an~i 3_ Final dc\'atiun~_ Submit t ~\ II :idS i.~f dm\\'lng. s preparcd by a I iL'''''Il:-;~'J an:hilL"-'l. On<.:C" set oflhl'S<':: plans ~.1-wll he .::'-.f' \. _~r1" ur 30" \. -f~" and the- oth~l' shall h~ 11.. " 1-+""_ i f then~ arC" (;hangcs in the design M s.i Z~ ~1 C the build lllg:. the grat1t~c shall pm\idc rc\'iscd t100r plans_ :->iw pbns, i.mJ dc, atLlHlS t~l tll.,; Di\'ision, An (:\ampk: or \\ hcn this mtghr occur W(lU~J he i r proj eLl hjJ~ C"xce,-'J a ~'aibblt: funJins n":Lcssi lati ng a n~\'jsiml tu pmjtc! pl;.tns, F. Architedu ral Supen:ision. The grantee shall prO\'iJe eng:ln~eri ng or ar~hi r<,;-dur;ll supt:ni sion anJ in~r~(t ion !~) i..":"nsurc that the c(tmpkt~d work confurms ~\ ith the ~-lrrmy~J plans and _~re,,-'illl'alium_ G. "\ccc~~ibtlilr. i\ II bci litiL:~ (;ous!rudcd must Lt'rllply fully wi Lh Seuions ~5S _~ 1 and 5:;],.50]., ~ 1 J. Florida SI(~nd~'S, rei at ing 10 ac{,:\:,ssi bi 1 ity by p~rsons wlth disabilities, and the .-\rn..:rican~ \\ ith ])j::;ilbilitic~ Act 01' 1940, u. Timt:'"lint' fur Com pt'1itiH' Aw.lrds. Tho.:: gnlIllcC" ill ll:->t plac:t' the con~tnJCtion pl'oj~ct uml~r c. mlmL'l \\"ithin 5-W Jay. s JhlE11 !h~ J<..lle 0 t' gran! a\,\"urd_ '\j~1 wah'l.:'rs or LX t~nsiot)s wi II be PW\' id~d unless thcr~ is pcndlllg 1 iti~LHio[L It" thl:p.' i:-> p~'IlJi 11t: h liSm ion_ the pantLe t1ut) rcyuo.::st lhat lhi.' 5....0-Jay limdi!le' h~ 1\)11 ~d UIlt L I ~he lit 19,nion is rcsl.1 \~d- .\ rt;q lIest to t~)n the 5-l0-JJY timdinc- will be gr3ntLu by the r )i\ ision JuC" to r~ndirlg Ii ligation, Thi s m.J. uest m\Lsl h<: made tll \\TLtln~ to th.: [)~\ iSll1Jl, Thl' ~ranlL"C" shaH C'umpdill H: ]_1, a mlrd con=-lruLlion L'ontr<lct:; hJscd 011 the suhmLs~L(Jn of si..":"alco bids, proposa ls :Hlbml tt~d j n l'c~ponsc to a req liest fi.lr proposal. rropo~~lIs suhmittLJ in r,-'~ron:;l' to a r~4uest for yua!i Ii cat iOIlS, ~lr pmpo5-J.ls suhmillL'J !~)r compet it i \~ nr:got lmions- ] 'his als.o lnd udcs clmtmcts JiJr l'Ol1struct ion managr:m\,:'tlt SCT\lCCS or cl.csi~n-buitd C0nlrdcts, Sw.:h dwan.h to a pri1ate "Si..":"ctor l'OntTilLlor must be ;:Jl.b'ic L,t:-r~')' G~r51r'Jctlcn G'ar'l~ Pmgram E. ffeet 'Ie 1.' 9.',00 J I L) r~1l11i tied b: appHcabk municipal or COllnt~ urJinanc~. by jP~Ciii I ~li ~trkl re'=;.I )~Uli on 01' by Slak law inc luJjng S~i,,;ti0n 255, :::!O, Flm'ida .~faIUfe,\'. J t' competiti \ (; rH:g~)tiatjons an: lls~~L lh~ <H'I:an..l sh:lll hI.:: in accnrdUtlC<." \\,;th Section 2H705,'1. Florida \'f~tI Wf!,", .-\ll prm:urem(.;n1 of goods ~-mJ sen'i..:es musl be- mad(; in a manner so as tn pr~)\"iJe tl1aX imulll rn~1.? cmnpctL tion, I. Project Pu Mi('ity. If a libra0 constnlction s.ite sign is erecled. other puhli...'it: i~ done ttlr lhe pfll.k~t. or it' "lleLll]cati(lrJ~ ,:all t~lr a plih.jUe in the Cl1ll)pkt<."d building: illJicati []g thl' date uf ~{~mpkti (1]1 :Jnll SOurL~ 0 i" i"unus. lhl' gramcl' :-iball gi \ >: u~J l t JS 1~)ll{1\\"s: 'l"his pmi ecl is t'umkd in pllrt from thi; l y~ar l.~., 2002 J Flori da I ,egi "laLure throu~h th!..' l-"1orid(l lkpanmenl ot' Stal<.::. J. Final I n~[l('ction. The Kmnll'e "ih()ulJ Iloli(\ the Di \ l~ion oj" lh~' Jute <10(1 t imi..":" uf fi.nal insp~eliot1 Sll tha~ th~ [)i vi sinn may parti<:ipaLe in sw.:h inspl'dion lilr lht' purpost.' or i:ol1curri ng in th~ timd acccpHlncc of the hu i ldi ng, Tht: gl'3nTCt:' shall a 1 ~n rm.... ide lhe J)i\"i~i\'n \Y!lh il Cl'p~ ~}fth~ Ccrt~n(atc (l[' Sub:mmtlal Compl,;tion (.-\L\ Docum..:-nt C~7(~..I,}, K. Projcd Cnmflldlon. T1-te nmslrucliun project :-;hall b~ ~olllrkwJ \\lthifl ~4 mDllths of tho; d(it~ of i ~SLJa]1c:; of the ('en i tLcale () t' Suhsh.ll1lial Com~lletion ~ A 1,,\ DOI;Umctlt C; 704), :\n c.\lcnsion of thlS tltnC p~t'lod shaH be gmntcd b: the Dh'lS.il)Jl due t{l I i Ligation (lr disfJutc.; u\;.;r C:i. penditwes. lhi~ c\.lLnsion musl ht: r~q LlesleJ ill wri li ng tn the Division. Fai~ure to complete the projecl \...ilnin the 24-m{1llth p~riQd \\"111 r<:~utt in the Ius,> ofth~ final lOu'o of the- totat grant av,,:al'd. L. Project Audit. A tinanciul ~udit of the gD\'.;:rnment ~arricd om in flCC0rdanc<: \\"ith the rC(jul rcmcms of Section 215.97. Florida SWfule.\. and Chapler I OJ SO Ru11.?s of lhe Audilor G~:ncraL and ~LTI;.;rally accl'plLd <lcullLnling principles rllL.lst be SllbrniH<."d, If {ksirl:"u. a gramct ma: ,llbrnit a proje-<.::t ~pl'l'i iii..' audil in 1 it'u of th~ Jnnu;d o.ud It The rroject spei:i fie <luJi l mw;t he c'-llTieJ out 10 ~lc'ordancc \\ ith the req Uirl.:"Tllc-nls uf Si..":"crion 2l5,~n. F!ulidu S'[([fWl'S. and Chaplcr I G550 Rule" 01'lh~ Auditor (i<."nl;r('l~, and ~encraH: acc~~pl,,:;J accounting prim:ipks, \1. Witt....! rawal of Prujcct. The <lppl i cant r1lJY \'" ithdraw applic,:nions at <lll) tim~ pri or lO grant Qward withom penalty. I C ,illY I i brat} C\1[lstfllction prnj ect that hu<, prn i~ lusl) hel'n awankd a gram \\ hlC h is laler wi, hdra\\'ll or \'a~at.;d and filcs i1 n<:\\' appllcati(Jn Juring the nnt <lppllC'<lliutl sLLhmi.'i~ion pl:riud for SLlhsLanlial l~' the "~me pr(1j~ct. th.; proj(;l:I shall he con.~iJL'red ollly an~r th<." l)j\"lsion hJS adca upun all other Jppfic<ltioflS during the hmdlng i,,;)"clc. Pu~li~ '",ba"j C8rstrJ:~'on Gr3r.t Program E f"e-;::: '.!? ~: 9 :2003 ~o 1\. Payments. /\ nwximLlm Dr f(lUr payments of grant fllnd~ wlll b~ made (111 <l n:lnl bllL"em~nt ha~is. ]. The first pa:- ment u t' ](P'o, of the grant m\arJ_ wi II he maJi.: upon 3Uo..o comp!>::t i on of LOI1~lfUCtil}Jl and atter reed p[ and apPIO\-a[ of th~ t'o ]lowing n~y uin,-'J Junllncnts- I hi; percent or the ..:onslruLliun ClHllplclL'J is. ba:-;l'd un thl.' i\ppli<.:allon and Ccrtit1cat(," for Payment (AJA Document G702) anu ("'omlnllati<lrl Sheet (ALA LJo<.:ument (J 701). or its cqllivalcnr, Th~ following document,> must be ~ilh(;r on tJ k with the l)h:lslon or completed ami submilt~d l~"ir payment 1 : <~. PubHc l;hr~lry Constrw...tion Grant PtlI!:'ram Pi1) m(:nt Rt'qucst -:; ] tlu-lll \ DUS PLC(l~) (:'~!1 i fi;;d b;' (he pn)_\~Cl man:lgef Pf aLLlh~1ri/...:J (>t-j1\:i ~ll anj lh..:: l' hid- 11 nam'iall1 n!c(;r of the gr~ltHC~ - s g.o\-~m i ng: rh hiy or authmi j'I.:'J 0 t"1ki al <lssllring lhat at I cast 3m,o of lh~ nmstruction rund~ ha\ (:' h"::cll C\ fWlli.kd; h. Mah::rial]l.;lJ uircd In Section IX. C" anJ SectIon I X. I'.~ c, r.x~<.:uted conlnJ.~l lor an..hiledural sCn iccs. bct\WI.:"H lhc 0\1 ncr dnJ an.::hit....ct: J_ C~n:ifi(lltion by grant~o;;-s (cmmty. mlmkipali~y. ,;pccial di:-:.trt.:t, ~1r. sr~ci31 laxing uislr!et) !:'.u\ ..:::rning hod.\ sLlch as a rC5-UllltiuJ\. U(. a sigr1~J downli.:;nt t'rom lh~ p",rsoTI or pusition ul'sigmw.::J b! thl..' gn:mlLl" S l;;o,".:ming b{)u~ in lhl' rcs() lution sllhmi Hed \\"lth lhc appl imlioll_ thaL lhe projecl \\"<l.S competiljn~1 y bid Qnd ;),ward~d in acwnt-ml;e \\'ith Sectioll 255,20. Florhfd ,\Ial trIes. and ~ol:al biuJing rcqu LrC[llCnts, 1 f comp~tlti\'c ne~l)tjm~ons arl' USl'U_ lhl' c~nL fic-atiDn shall include th~l the cunlmel w~s ~\\ard~d i II (ll:':~ol'd<lm:e wit h S~ctlon :~ 7. U5 5. !-lorida _\11.11 /lIe ~~ ,.._ Complctl' anu ....:>>l'l.ulCd nmtral't(s} for l:onstrul'tiDTI that shuws the t~)[al co.'-'.t lO construct the taci] it:. or the guarcmlt~U maxi munl pricc~ 1". :\ppl Lcat ion and Ccrtit1catc fllf Pa)"m(:nt (/\1.-\ Duc.::umml G 7(2) anu ConlinlJation Sheet (AJA Documl'nl (rIU],), or the <::'LJuival<;'t1t sho\\"lng at least .'-\1u"ll of t hI.:' cons.truclion c()mrl~lcd: 2. The second paymtnt {1f J (Y.~'o. of th~ grant ,.HI arJ_ \\ i Il he made upon f,O(l"l) c-mnpktiorJ oj" cOllstm....lion and a!ler receipt and \lppl'o\"a! ofth~ followLng r~t.Juired docum~t1ts. The pcr~cnl u f dH:: ~onstrLldion mmpleku LS ha"l"d nn th\." :\pplicarion .1nd C(;rtitkatc fur Pilyrnl"nl (..\1..-\ Document G702} and Cuminuatillfl Sh-L'~l (AlA T )oculllt.'nt (j iO]). nr its egui\'al\."nl. The t~'lllo\~ i ng JocLlm~nls must h~ t:i 1 ht:r l1n t1 k \\ l1t) ttl~ Di\ isil1n Or l:urnp)..:k:u ,.mu _~ur.m i It\."d (or P':\.\ m~nt ~: ;l, Public LibrLll'Y Construction Gram Pmgrarn Paym~1lt R~'-IU~ST =: 2 l~)ftn (DLlS.:PLCm} cali 11~U hy th.: project t1lanag(r or authori/.LJ olrieial and the chid' tinnndal onker or authotiud u nicial or the grant\."..:'.~ governing bod) a~sLlring thut at least (~O~.'O of the constructlon timds ha\e hecll e:'l:pcmkd: h. :\ rrli L<..ll i(1[l and C c-rli tll.'at\." For Payment (.-\l..\ l)OL'lLmml (T 702 ~ and CUtHllluatlCtn Sl1l~d (:\1:\ DUl'UT1lt'nl (rin,:),). or the (:'qui\ ~lknL Public L'br~r~' Co~st~lJctl()n Gran: Pro-~r.'lm E....~:~ 'Ie 1 ;9.'Z:~3 .; I _1. The third payment of:; 0%_ 0 [" lht, Sranl <.m i.lnt '0.\ ill be- IlldJ.;; upon 1 ()V~'o compl.:lion or c{)nstrw.:t~on and ~"l Acr r~ce~rt and appmnil oj" th.~ f(J] lowiIlg t'C(]Ulrc-d dll~umenls_ The percent of the construction completed 1S hased on lh~ Application and Certificate for Payment (AlA Docuffi1.:nt (J7n~ 1 and Continuation Sheet i A L\ Docul11o.:'nt (J 70J L ~lt its (:'qu l I"alent. The 1"0 110\\"1 n~ dnC"ulTten\s l1lust be cl tiler on !1 k with t hc Di ,-j sion or complekd and suhmincd tor payment 3: a- Puhllc l.ihrary Construction Grant Pro~rJm P3j-mcnt Kcqu,;st # 3 fimn i DLlS:'P LeO..) c.;rti tit;d by the proj~Ll manag~r or aulhoriLed uftlcial and th.... l' hl~ Hin.am.:iall1 mc.;;r or authorl l.C'd offh: l~ll of the grantee. s go'\."erning hod~ ,L.:;:-;urint. that 1 (1)0 II llj" l~ll: i.:l}[\StructkHl and (lll1.:r pwjcct fu Ilds ha\"\: be~n .;;xrendcd~ r._ C ,-'rLi ILl''-ll~ oj" S ubsti.tnlial C Ulllplction (A [;\ Documtnt (J 7n~); ilnd c. ,-\~1pl i l;\ltll1n and C't:ni [kal~ [{)f f\lymcnl (A fA nocum~nt (i 7021 and (\lrnimmtion Sheet (.-\]A Document (j7lH} Q1the equi\\1knt- "I he- G702 [{Jnll rnusl shm\ lhat all c,mstrul:liun JimJs ha q~ bce-n <':xpLndLd. and must sh~ lW a Zero tXlbnce nll Ii ne l). -l. The final payment. 1 no,"u of lhc- total gram amOlit1l. shal] he made only a!'tl'r sllcl;"~ssful ~omp kriotl nf I nc project and agrecment obl igdrlons, I h; 1(11Io\\"i ng (1ocuments must be cithC'r on tHe ~\ ith the Divisiun Or ct)JnpktL.::J and submilkd ["or pa: rm:nt ..J-: <1- Publ i ~ I i brilry (C1ll3t ructllln li rant Prugmm ~)ayml'Jll R~XllLl'st .'; 4 limn (DLIS/PLC05) cC'nifi~d by the proj\:d marli.tg~r or C1ulhmizeJ ojfjcia] anJ the l:hid financial olIi.cl'r of the grantee. s go\"emlng body that the prnje-ct ~nd all uH i galimlS hJ\~ h~Cll Cll]llpktcd ~ b, Aud it in camp] iancc w~th the rl'q lLin.:-ml'nlS 01" Seclion 115097 _ norida S/(mu{'s, and Chapler Hd 50 Rule:,; of the Auditor (j(;neral. rHld gl'ncrull)- al'cept~J <lCCountlng rrlncjplcs~ l.:, 1. itrary C onslnLi.:tion Cl{)S~UUl R~rm1 t"tmn ~ f) 1 "J S P LC061 (C'rti tkd b~ th~ rn1ject manager and chief financlall)ftice-[ of the- <lrrhcan( s go\"emi ng bod~.. <lssuring th~tt a!l proi(:cl tunJs have heen exr>;,"nd~d and thaI rhe projcd ha.. hn:ll C lO:-;l'd ouL p") ~ II ~ I Ibra 'y COrl$t'L eM 'l G' ,m~ p, og'''''' E"f"n,~ 1 ;9:2:~'3 ~, X. ALLOWABLE USES OF GRANT FUNDS l'unds rnn iJ~J LLtllkr a II br\:lry C"on:-;truClion gram nlay he used W Cll\ CT \.:U~b of ~:my of lh(: fullowing. as long as tho.; l'unstructl~)n project fl:SU[ts in a complct"d library LICi Ii ty: -\. .-\r~hikCILLnll :scr. icC';;~ R. New cOllstruction; C. L:-.:pansion; D. R..:-rncllk ling; l.. Si tL' pr;.:punu iun. i ncl Udll1~ th~ prm isi(~n ()j" parJ...~n~ SPLl(;CS~ F. Lnginccrl n~ ,,;nsts and l~pd 1"c-C's, dir~~cll~ rc tHed tn th~ construction of thl:' librar:: C. l nitial or Ih..:J (;quipIll~nt. lndudi ng 'ihch'ing. tanks. chairs. intormntinn and building t~chnologiL~. video ilnd h,;lecommullicmi~lw.; ~4lJipm~nL maC"hinc-ry. utilitks. Ollil1-in ~quipmcnl anJ mdusurcs or stn~~lUr~s t1I.:'CCS:-),HY to house th.em. ~mJ all olh1..T items nCl;cS-S<lry tn flmli ,h ~nJ ~)rerak a nt:\\ l \r impr() \ cd fad lit~ h,r tne pnn:ision ()1" libral) S(:"f\ icC's ~ H, Ope-t1 i ng d(lY c\ )lleC"tions. XI. MATCHING FUNDS \ 1,lll;hi Ilg funds must et.[ ualthe grant amount dl) llar fur Jollar. Uigibk m<HthLng funds include- c8.sk gp\'emmental appl'opri,Iti on. n~goti~lhle ,1l1d nOt1- negotiable ~c{:urilic-s. bonds ~uld or \ ai idmcd, funds llsed for advance plans. (:,5tirnat(;~, or th~ CDst of the land for the constrw.:lion or di.:(jULsition or a huilJi nl;; not a!rl'ady in llS~ as it public libmr;', Fm' new construct ion. the current appr:1i seu i"llir market \'-LI Ll~ or a curn:'nt 1:' owned .~i k ma: b~ lJH:llKkd as a pan Ofttl~ ~ocl'd matching ponion, !'-or rcmo(knng and cxran~ion rrnjecL~. the cUlTenl apprai seJ Luir mm].,cl value ufo the site. hui lding or pun ion of a hui lding curr~ntly not heing Llsed as a public !i hr~ry and that wi 11 ht; bC\:(1m~ !J,m of the I Lbmry .15 a r(:"slllt of the project may be lndudcd to~nlrds IhC' local matching rJOnion. Th~ Jppmi s~:d "hall he prerared h:-' an LnJe]'<-'flJcflt llc-en:-;ed appnji ~~r. r'h~re i <; no time limi t pri or lo suhmi tti ng. Lhc appli C,lti(1l1 \\h~n Jpp ll\:"ant must 11~\\'~ ()\~ nC'r~hjp l)f thl: ~ltl' being tl~l'd toward match. Hn\\i..:H.::r. it. the si te i s b~ing used tm\"ards mate h. l he :'lrpl i"'<lll I mus~ o\\"n th.; Sf1e no latc-r than the tlllW ~)f grant :.l.\~ llrd. hmds e..;p:ndc-d to tl.Lrn lsh and ~quip dw faci lity such <!~ :-:hc-h ing. c( 1Il1pLter~. tah!es and ch;iir:-;o <..:.nJ ~)f11..'nLng: Ja) C"~)l ledium ma) h~ us~J t\ )\urds IYhltl; h .1:5 1~1ng ilS dl(:" funds an: Pub .ic L 'br~ f)' C or5tr Jctl 0 n G r a 1t Progr~ m E ffech'e 1 :9:na) ,~ --, c\.pt:t1ded I e:>s than 12 nwn1hs pri~ \r 10 lhe JUle- ld. granl ll\\ ard or b<:t()r~ l he projecl i ~ closed out. .\ H fUllds. inc 1 uuing !t,cal tlHltching ,md dmuted i"unds Llscd to\\ ard d1C project. mU5-1 be ,.l(.lminisl~re-d by 1he gn.mtee. xu. UNALLOWABLE USE OF GRANT AND MATCHING FUNDS F unds llr~ J.Hl1Wd rt1l" ~rafl1 dr ma[-.:hin~ c:-..p..:.:nditurcs unly as. sp<:;;i Ii C ,-I ll:- statd ill S..:clions X. and Xl. [n add it i\ m. lhe t()llowing aK not allo\\cd as ~rant or mJh:h i nl:,'. \:'xpend!tur~s: ..\. In hind S~r\ i(.:t:s m;ty rwl he us~J fl)r granl or m<llchi ng E.:" pl.:nuiture-:s. XIII. OPERATION AND USE OF FACILITY A 1"u....i Ii ty thul will he construl'1l'd, n.::rn(ldd~d or c-xprmJ~J w.;ing statc grant fLLnds tllllst b: tnili t1l<li n\:'d ilS ,1 ruhlic- 1 i hrary 1"or a rl'riod oj" 2n years. Fai lure to lltainlnir. {Ill.: facili1: as. a public Hbmry f()t' th~ 20-yl;ilr p~t'iod will r~sult in repayme-nl 01" all or a ponio[] of the grant hmds. Tlw 2U..\ car p~rilld begins. un the dute 0 t' project c losL'out. It'tk tin.:ili I! i::i not maintai[]c-d as a public Ii t'trar~ ttlr the ~O-.... \:ur re-riou. :.!ml releas~ trom the um::onditiona] us..:: rn-luin:m~nt has !lot hecn r.:quL'sted und approwd. rht; repaymcnt sch~dule is as fi:)] hmT h)[ c-ach ) car thil~ {he facility is maimaincJ <l~ a pubIil: librar:. re-Juct' tht: amOLJrJtlll b~ repaid hy .5% pn year, i.~__ I Yl'ar - 95~'(l ot' the grant funds. 5 years - 7~% uf Iht: gmnt tlmds, 10 ye,lrs m 5no/<.) of the grant funds. ~h:, RL'le::JsL' jroll1 the L1rle-(]nJttinn~l LlSe re-qui remt'11 t !TIay be rC'qu'"stcd and \\ jJJ b~' gran(eJ it' j sit\lJ.t i L111 :'lri s~~ \~ h~ch wi 11 pr\~\'id~ ,1 1 i br,lf) t~Ki In:- tll SLT\ ~ lhl:" 'i;'lJtJ~ nmm1U1l ily thal \\ ill rc.;~ult i tl a higt~~r k\ d of ~lT\'i(;t. The: request shall he suhm L tl~d ill \wiling to the Di reL'lm or lht: Di ,ision uf L.i brat") and I nformat lun Scn ices. ::J~b;jc Llcra":, C8rstr J~tior. Gra~t P.ograf'1 Effect, ve 1 :9:2DO 3 ~, -; Florida Department of St;Jte. Division of Library and Infonnation Services PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT APPLICA liON Application Deadline: AprB 1. 2006 l. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. LEGAL ~A'lF. OF APPLI('A~T (Go\'ernment} Sln:d Cily lip .. Ctlunh. :'-Jam\:' uf Chai1l11~n of' ;\ pplic<Lnt's (JO\ l:mi ng Alltlwrit~ F ~JeTa] Fmrlu~ L"T JJmli t~calion (llJD) '-.;umb~r B. r\A\U: OF LIBRARY LHRECTOR T dephone L Fax L.mai I Li bnu;: Sln..'cl eil} I" ___.._ _lP.. _ _. c. ~ A\IE OF PROJECT :\IA:\ AGER TiLk .\g<.:JlCY. organizati~lH or l?o\.~rnm.;nH11 unit _.._ S lTt~d eil)" z- _lP u__ I"l.'kplwnc l_. ~_.. Fa, F-maH I). "'A_\"lr OF HlfIU)Il'\C CO"iSI fLTAl\T (f'vfr.S d\:'grec} S t r<:<:t Cit\ --.. --.-.-- z. ._ ._. _Jp Td.:phonc L L_._ F. 'iA'lr OF REGISTEREO ;\RCHlTECT Str~l:t City 7Lp .J d..:rhoJlL" ( R<:glstt'ation ~ UIll bcr F. r:"-iIllCi\TE If CO~SIDERI~G STARfJ!\.G THE C07'STRl.TTIO:\ PROJECT PRIOR TO TAr GR;\l'iT ..\WARD YES [\0 Pub! Ie '_ .bra,..,. C onstru 2~ :Of; G ra nt A 2 pi c.atio n O._IS.'DLCO. . E"'ec~ ,'e 1.&;2003 II. PROPOSED PROJ ECT A. N~mc of Proposed Facilit~.. H. Type Cnnstruclion Project lc-h~l:k QI1G): ~cw f1uildi[lg _ _ c'i.pa n~ inn Kemod~1 i flg C Hu ilding [u be l" sed as (Lhec-k. \ ln~): ~in.!;k: C(nLm~ 1 ihr;ll:. h~adqll,.lfh;r~ Singk >.,;~nJnl~ hmfll:h Of' library COor~r3.[i\ e nlcmher' ] Ild~p~ndertt mllflj,,'ipa lli~ritr: {h.oadqllart.;r~ ) _ lll(kfl~l]tk[Lt 11lLLllil'ipal ] ihrary. (branch) \1ulli"':(lLln~~ llr I ibra~ l'(,opC'TJ.tin:: h~,HklliaT1e.:-r:', \ 1 ul t kou Illy 0r Ii r. ,",try l: lluperal i ve hran~h or memt><:>T (m'~f<': 1 h3U nn.: lihral') in ('ounty) \.1 LLlt icnunty nr 1 ibrJI': (:~lnpt;nll i\l;. hran~h or Illl'rnher (~)tll: librar: ill ,-,OUT][) ) III. PROJECT DATA :\. Floor..\ rea In Squart' F l'd 1. h~...: i I ity prior t~l rmjE.:Ll {C.h:lk 0ne Jlld gi~ t' :;quarc f,:t:l l.\ hcn,: <lprli1,:abk)~ :':I. No fB.e i I it) currently exists b. A fac i I ity curr~llll: ;;...i~[~, bUI l.~ jll rLel[ be.:- u:->l'U :b J [jbfdt'! al"1;:r pmjLct (:l,rnp ll'tion ;:. ..\ t::l": di~ currently t\.iSlS and ~\ i II bo: II ~ed b: Iibr'1r:- <ifll;f pl'oj~ct l. m<l) bo.: pf(;~Cl1[ lioroll""): Of :.mn[hcr bui Iding} . sq. n. :"\4. fL .., ,. (:\\ f:l<.: diE) to bt.:' ':OllstnL..:'kd :jet. fL J. l~ \~(ln~i(~n (If ni~l ifl~ lid i0 S4LJllrl; fl,olagL nr.l.'_.... j,,! ing h\.ljld~ng Sf..juare fnulagc ot"the r,1t1il)11 ot' building lu h~ cxpamkJ .1.~1tal ~q U,lrl: r~'.;t ~lr rLI j ~d ill~ alkr c"'p<llL~inn sq tL ~q, n ~4, 1t. 4. R.CrTlOdcl i fl~ ~)t" c~ i:j! ill~ be i I i[j (no[ en.: ludt'd in 11 ~ ) .._.._._~q.h. B. (; eog:raph ical AI"(~a And Population To Be St'nl"d By Propused Facility: L \ame ,)t" l' it:- t ~). '-':0 1I nt: (-;. ~ or r~g.il1n. (I r lhc ~~I, ice ar~'a d~K'S Ih)[ (:~lnfl)1ll1 w Cl~ l'l' Ll~Llnt: 11()undari~s. gi\.~ Ih~ J~1...:at ion tlml pOpll lat il)n b~ ccmll:> tra<..:t:;,} , CUIT<'nt pt1pulati,m I"~l<' FlTL.ldL~<:1I <1\IU;J.x t;\III: l:l~ Ifll'~l ,un:r,( 1.1(lfiJd 1'.,~ir:1.Lll'~ l'I.Pllr.JUil~n. l.n:'cr<L~ <~,"f:I"I'.J,",. P'J: Ii ~ L :bra r)' Con~w~ GIIO 1 G. ..r,1 App: I(:~ tl.~ n DLlSiP;,CO. E'"'"ec~I"e 1"9i.l~~} IV.ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT A. FUrld~ B.y C ;jtl'g:Ory: (l nd it<lre proj('ct ~m;;t b~' applicahle catcgoric_~): 1. ..\r~' hih;d~ rl:C5 {in..: I LLJ~ planning ...'~ 'sls} $ ") Sil~ :\1.::{juisiti(Hl s 3. i\cqUlsition Cf..)sl ut" bui 'ding $ ..L ~~\\ C lln<;trull iun '!, .;, t-_\.pansju['J v,- n i ~tiTlg bui lJ ing s 6, RCll10dding d- .;...i,;,tin:); bLLilJing s 7 J niti ~t 1 EqLLlplTll.:rH s !( U\hn (Sf="'C:~ if~ ) s 9, TOTAL l\fust equal n..l} $ B. Sourn' of runds; I, I_\'...:a I fund" ~l\ a.lahlc: s -, Amnun~ l)f till1d~ requc~t~d fr~Hll the Publ k Librar} C \ III ~I nl>:lIon UTa n 1 fJmgmm (Slit h,.' Ci.;n r,: ra 1 R..: \ >.; n Ill; ) !\molllll ~)r tl.mds r(;!~lu,"'--;.kd Irum oth~r St"te sour(;e~ 'j; 3. s ..l. rOL\ I. (\ 1 ~J:-'[ cyual ,.\.Q) s 1 f t~)tal aho~'~ i nclud~s funds already sp~nt. pl~a:,>e srecL Ii: amnunt:'>. t;p~ (lnJ dJh;s vi" ..:'xp~'nJitllr.,;s, (:\ppraLsa 11.:~'S(S ~mJ im: iJ{;IlI<.lJ pmch;Js~ i.:(~sl-, such :1-' surYtys. title ftbllmncc. k:;al k.;~. <:1C, ,"n'\; Jwt ~ li~i blc .;,p<:ndiHm:~ and arc nt)l rc.:imnurs<lb1k _) ..\ nWllnt Dal':~ Ad\ JnCl' plal1~ Est i ImH(;~ o\cqui,;itinn of I.rltlds ()th.:r l. Sp~ci 6 } $ $ S S P u bl ,C Li'~ rar)' C(I n s tr Jcti or G ra nt Ap{J Ilea: Ion DLl5 'P L C: 1 Effective ~ .'9':2003 V. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS One copy of each. of th~ frtllowin~ documents is r{'quirtd to be ,>u bmitled as a part of the a(llllil'1ttion rur public library construction grant funds. A.~...cmhlc, label and submjl documents in the ordc...li!;tcd below. A. C~r1iflcatjon ur ,\ppli(;<:ttion, The chair of the g{},'.;:ming hndy of'a ~()unty: the goy('ming b1xt; l,f(1 lllU[licipaljt~; or lht' gu\~ming nod~ ofa specI..-d district m special ta;\in~ district that \\ ill own or have unconditional U~~ of lhe huilding 10 b~ ~on~lrul:h.::d, ex p:m,ied. or renlOJL'jeJ mmt sLgn thl,; C crtiflcat~ of .\pplkation. R .. \n orJinanc..:: or an llJ~)ptCJ and 1;,,;11 i fied n:solution h-om lhe- go\'emin8 hod! oj the cnurlly, rnLll1iL'lra1 ity. .'ire,:ial district LH spc-c ial ta.\tn[; d imict im: luding: I. :\ulhori/.mion tex "SutlJni5~j~1n uf th~ Jppl katlon: ") "Jm~ l.1r p(lSlt i lWt lith: of pcr~(lll authorized to sign the arr] ication and lm1\'id~ reL[ lJireJ L:i..":"rtiiicatioJls: :I, '\~sur<'!nc..' thM the r~qu ired tl1ilh:h ~)f a d~)1 br 1'(\1' dol lur ot'th..: gran1 request \\"~ Il b<: R\ ailablc <lnd lInencumbcri..":"d at the limc of grant ,Hvard ~ -t, :\:-;,~urance 1 hat funding is sutlkicnt and \\ i 11 he :.J \'ai I ~hk.' in I )rJcr th,tt t 11C projl;~t \d II result in a completed library buik1ing: .-\s.~urano.~ that UPOIl compktiot1 l1f the project. sutlkkm funds \\'j II bc a\ aibbk ill opCI'\lte the fJcilit}~ and fl. ,-\:-i~urillKe tn:.Jt lhe hlJi I ding will h<: Lh\:d <:'\c 1u)hdy F.lT the public Jlbr<tr) purp(JSl':S h1r which L'on<;,tnlctl'd or 81t..:rcd. and submit proposl.."d ChaIlg~~ lrl uSe to the Di vision j{}f appro\<ll jf ~~ ithin ~O : l\trS 01" the completion of the cOllstruction proj c~t, <: C Cor: of dOL'umenls lh;:Jt esmblish the llbrary, such as [l contract. resolu1ion, or mdinanL'e or" the gon~rnl1lcm, :\ copy oflht intcrlOl'<ll <lb'TeemenUs) t"(,)f lihrary C~)opcl'atj\"C,s and rrtlllll<':OLLItl) hbr<.1ries. m<l;: he us~d 10 m<:c! this rcquin:mcnt. l), A nJrl'ati\'c dcscriplion o!'thc cons1ruLlinn rroject. pn:p:.lred ilnd signed by a proks~ional finrary statT mcmrrer who hu~ compktt:d a library education rmpam au,:n:ditcJ by the :\ ll1~ri e,m I, i brary ;\SS,OC i..-tllUn, The narrali \"{~ stale-ment must dcscr(bt: I, Ho\\ thl' nLJilJing \\"111 t'ullctillll in a currmtly l'slahlisheJ multkounty. CUUIlt~. ('r municipJI Hbrary, Thi:-i im:tlLUi.?:>;. hut is not lilllited 10 program:-;, :-il'r\'il'es and go....nll<ll1Ce; -, H O~\ the cpn:-;truction proj.::(t ,~iIll'onlrihlltc 10 new df i mpro\",;d s<.'r\ iL<.:~ in the arm i l \\'ill s<:nc anJ lh<: dT",ct 5 of slatling, mULlllUL ning. and (0515 of operating: lh~ pWlwsd t(lCi lit:, '1 P"t):le llbr ~ ry C(]~l ~~ ruc:li~ n G rant A ~pllG<ltio 1 DLlSiPLCO' Effecliv.e l.'<:Jfz)OJ -I L. A detai led \\riLtt:11 hui lding prognUTl. prepared and signed by a profcssiurmllibrarian . \'...ho has completed a Iihrary education program ac-creditctl by llw i\meriGin I.ihmry A::isociatinn. t1.Ulctioning as a HbtHl): bui Iding cOllsultant. The profcssionalllbl'arian rundionin~ as th~ huilding COrlsultant may be a library ~talY m~mbeL Tk building program mllst include: 1, A brief o\'e~.",:iew of the library including il historical perspective, mission and goals (ur roles) 01' the library; ..., A description of ho\\: library functions relate to each other in terms of space, including 1.1 (kscriptiun u j. patroIl use and \vorl-.. now pLltkrns~ and 3. Prujccti{1n of t1.lture n~~cds based on anticipatcd future dcmogmphics. f~. T ran appl icanl is applying for funding rOT a construction project tr(1ITI mm.c than one swt.e funding source, the follL}wing. information must bc provjdcd~ 1, [denti fY ~ll audltiOllal s.tate funding sources bel ng appl ied for. lncl ude the name of the- h.mdi ng progl'<HU 8.nd th~ state flgcncy administering the program. and 2. Descrihe hD\\: 1.1. The multiple funding sources \\"111 re",ult 1 n ,1 project to provide a highn Icvd 01" service to resid~llts: 01' o. Th(; pruiect i~ in partncrship wi lh another (]rg,lll i7ation or agenc) and hll\\ il \\ ill prmiJe a higher le\el ofo;,~rvice to residcnts; or c. Eaeh funding SOurcc \\'ill b<:, used to aecomplis.l1 a dift~r~~m Or uniqw.: portion ot' the- enlin: (:onstructlOr1 project. P LI blic Lib rary Co n structio n Gran! App lica1>on DUS/PLCO 1, Eff~Gtive 1...9i20~3 ,') One (~)[lJ of each lJf (he following documents is required to be submitted to the Uhhion for appro'-.al no later than 90 Jays nfter (lte date of grant .:4ward. If the upplicant anticipates starting the construction project prior tu the date of tht gr:mt al\ ard. the fo II 0"" i ng material must bt' su bmilted for appro'.a I at the time of application ~u bmjs.~jun. As~emblc. labd and submit d04:urncnts in th~ nrdcr li!<itet.l bduw. A Sp~ci fie location 0 t. :-;jt~ illld a narrati....c c\"ahlation of the site oj'the hui khng lu be l'()ItstruClCd. (:\.pand~d. nr remnJel.eJ thal is rn.::parcd and 'i-igt1cd by a prokssional 1 ir.nrian. \\ 11;' ha:-> ..:omrl>.:h:J a h brar: .:dut,;J.t i l1n ph)g.ram ~h.'i.:r,:dilL'J h:- the- . \[HLTicllJl Lt>t'J.ry .-\:'isoci ation. tunclioning a:-; a ] ihrary bui k1ing Cl)IlSultanl. i he protessit1nal hhrarian 1"ullttlOt1ing aL.;, the hui lJing: L't1nsullant may be- a librar} staff llIemb~r, I hi,":" site 1.:\ alumj~m should j LLsti j~ th~ cbojce of site t,;lmsid~ring: 1. f' I an~ fnr tuture ~,<;ral1sion or ~ro\\"th: Communlty ~ro\\lh \1nd traffic p\ltlem projections. for the future: ~ .L ..\J~4lLal~ rmkin~. takin~ into consilkr.Hion hXJ] zoning and l1ul]~1ing cl)des, (1r ~'andi.1l'ds~ 4, Cun n::.nlent rlCCCS5 10 major pcdcstrlan (llld whicuhIr Harne routes: and 5. Ph\ :-iiL"al l' haml'tlTi~lic~ of the- ~it(;. 8, :\s::;manC~5. such flS <\ deed, showing that the appllca.m has kg.al t~nc 10 the PH)PCl"l: ilnd hui]Jing. a lung-knn lease 0r not less thi.m 20 :- cars Or a n::s,,)lllliun aJuplo.:J b:- the apphl'ant"s gon:ming hm.ly_ that the arrhl'illlt has unl.:ondilional use or the site and the hui Iding, If J resolution is used as proof: it shan stale \\:hC'th.:r the applic:mt 0\\'1\:'> l1r leases the SL{(; <md bu ilding, C. ,\ <.'omparison l)f thl.:' pmpos.;d project to ,6 5quarc kct p.:r ,aplta for total nON spaci.: and srandards fi.lf Ii brar;; taci lities and scn ices. Cill: stanJanls useJ and lh~ source of s[liJlJard~. This shall induJ..: ~l u minimum: 1, .1 ('I1a I t1Llllf spw:c; ! Tbt, alllount and kind of srae-I.:' rcqlLil'~d fol' all Ii brar: !\mctions. im:! uJi ng bolb puhlic and stall' areas. llll'cting s.pac~. and space- ti.)r ~peL"i lie sCf\.ices: Shd \ i ng r.eyuireJ: ~ , -t S[<tning re-\.{uireJ: <;, Lighti ng fCljuin.::J; anJ 6. .l~]c,ummunica{ions and l:k:drical H.'l) ujr~ml'nts D. . \ Hst of lhl..": k.inJ ::mJ amount n!" ini tial tum 11UI'~ and cq Llipm~~Jll ne-e-Je-J t~'r lh~ pwj t:"L't. P.~~li ~ L le'a","' C on"l.tru ~~ Ion Gra r. t AppllC-atio n o LI SiP ~ CO '. E "Ie c: ~e 1.:9,2003 6 F. Subsurface soi l an411}'Sls. l his unalysis. \vhich involves soil boring:>, is to assure that the Sill:" CJn E:.uppm1 the \.\dght of a library building, Thi:: analysi s i" required tor the fo 110 \\ jug: 1, Nev.: const.ruction; 2, LxpansioIl ufo e'i. iSling lihrar:' f~lCil it} onto prc\'iously unbuilt land. induding parkj ng ~ols: or J, Projt.:cts invol ving an existing bui ldi Ill;. that \\".1S not prcviou.:;ly u.~d d.<'; a 1 ibral'Y huilding. If ptnbkm.~ <In: id<.'nti fied in the unalysis. th~ Dl vlsiorl must ht: in f(mned or how It1\: pmhlems will he c()rn:;~kd. I:' Cc-rtitkatiun t118.t lhl: ..:onsLruClion project will be in cOJnplimle~ \'I:ith Federal Lxcc uti....e Ordn l ] 9SR Floodplain vt<lnagcmcnl. as amcndt'd Ill' F,:\ccntive Order 12148. which ar~ ino.:orporated h~rci tl by rdcrcnec. induding cerl i fication that {he use of nood plai ns in l.;ot\t1cdion with tIll: l:onstruuion \,\.-jll he avoided as l~tr as practicable, l"'~rttt'ication l:al1 be obtained frum lh.:: u.s. Anny Corps of l::ngim:':-~r.'i. It' prohkms arc klcntLIied, lh~ Diyislol1 must bt: in ftlmled ,)1' how the problems "viII be corrected, lncl Lldc l:opies of the evaluation r~pm1 aml1he phms for correction, ifapp!icable, G. Assurance that IhL" sill: seleLled tor the- con~truction rroject do\':'s tlO{ inlnj{:re with the protection o~. properties list~d in the National Regi ster llf Histori..: Places ill accordance: \vith Scnion 267.0(,]. UoriJa StLl/utes Tndlld~ J copy of the letter of r:valumion. U'lhe proj~ct is c{]v~r<:d in the pruln:tioll ofpropcrrics lEsl~J in th~ N",ltional Register of f [istllric Plan;;-; in accordam:.:c \\ ith SeL"rion 267.06'. Florida S'/mwes. the appl ie:allt must obtain \\'ntten approvat f'rum the I )ivlslon of Hi:-;toric f'rt:."l;;;'rvation bdore the prQj(:"ct i~ kl j()r hid. 11. Assurances. stJeh as a J~ed, sho\'''lng thallhe applicant ho.'lS legal Litle to the properly and bUllding. a long-tenn lease of not less than ~O YCflfS or a resolutLon adoptcJ hy lhe applicam's go\"Crning body, that tne applicant has unconditionJlllSC oflhe site and the hui ldi ng. If a resolution i s us~d as prout it shall ~tar\:' \\:hcth~r the applicant Owns or le,I~CS the site and building, T. Certification by granke.s go\."erning body su~h as a r(.~olution. ot'. a ~ign~d dOCllm~~nl from the persun or posttiotl designated by th~~ graflk'e. s gon:rning hoJy in the- r~:'iOlLlLi on ~uhmi lied \\"lth the appl ieation. that thi..: gmntte wilt cornpeti livdy a\\"arJ collslrucdofl ,,:omracts based 011 rh.e submission of s~(llc,j bids, pmpmaJ s ::;ubrnitl~J in n,::-sporlst: to (1 n:yues.l f~lr proposaL proposals submitlt:J in re~pllnse to a requ\;'st t~-'r tjuali/kutions. or proposals subm 'tled for compclitjn~ n~gl1tlations. Thi') also tnel L1des contn.ldS l{}r i.:onslnH.'tion manag~ment scnices or Jesign-build contracts, Pu(; II c Library Co nstrlJ clion Gra.nt Appllc;~ti() n D LI SiPl. co 1. r: ~c, I~e 1/9,'2003 7 Florida Department of State, Divi5ion of library and Information Services CERTIFICATION OF APPLICATION I ccrti I~\" [h:ll ,his I.ibra..y C ntlstructinn C rant Applicatiol1 ,}f th~ {name ,)j" ap~)l i':f1IH) i; tll.le anJ a>;ClJfa[c 10 lh;: n(:":->I "f Ill)- knm~ klige. thalllu: npp ],C[Hll \\ i II Lfllllpl) \\ ith the.: :"'lfHHiard:... (:-,uhJi:-;he-d pLLr~Ual1t 10 S~ctiULl ::::::",; 5_ florida .\/ut1ilt',\"; \\ ill rumi~h w.,:n ro.:p,~rl~ iLlld ini"llnllati(ln :!fld I', llhl\\ SLJch pml.t:du~~ ;1,:., \~ ill he required b~ the [)~rar1ment or- State. DL\ i,jon ~-,f I ibt':lr:-. alld [n lonnatinn S~rvi~>:c;; I h,!! aU flmds rt:c.:ciH:-d for 1 he pn)jcd \~ ill he c....pende(l :-,nld::- ilH [he plJrpn~c~ tClr \\ hid] gnmli,;-d and allY sllch flLnd~ n,)l sn ~\.~nd~d, in.,: IIJding r\lnJ~ k\~[ i.lr dh (;rt~d tl~ llth~r p\lrp,l~CS_ ~hall Dl' pJid k) tile DepaJ1m~nt 01- \t.1t~. Di \ is il~n of L itlral'} and lnfolllliltil~1l Str~..i.;;es~ and that lht' CLLrJ'l'nt annual appropriation ti.lr I i1wal! set\. ice is. $ S igllJHlr<.: nt' Ch,l if ;)f (i~l\ f..'ming. 1J.~)d)- l:- p~d \ame l~f Onlcial Dak Clerk ot"Ctrcujt Cnurt Ot' Other ,\ppn)pri;lt.; Offk,r Dat~ P'Ja lie L ,bra f). C on5tru~~lOf' Gra r. t Appk.atio ~ o LI SiPlCO '. E~ech'e 1.'"9-;2003 Florida Department of State, DIvision of Library and Information Services R.A. Gra,;, Building, 500 South Bronough Stre-et. TaI1.;.thassee, Fl 32399.0250 Public Librarr Construction Grant ProJ:rum Payment Request # 1 ..\t k'-lst ., (jO" Dr tho: constructi0n co:;ts must b~ e?'\ p.:nJ~J bermC" this pa~ m~[H rcq u.~st can be ,-;uhml tt~d, C ,) mrl~t~ thi s foml anJ ~ulmtit along w~ th the following item s, or inJicaw lhal the items ~Ul' aln:::ltJy on n1c Wllh the Di".isioll_ Orgtlllh:lItiml -,"IInW: Pmject .Sumba: ProjN"( Same: Ri'q uired [)oru mE-tit On F il~ With thf' ni,i~jun Attached :\ot .\I!plicahle IT""- Sp.t.::citk In(atlon (If site fmd a nJt'l'atl,.c ~\"aluati()n of the- ..,ite uf the r.uilJing tLl b~ (,.'onstrullcu_ L.\.pamkd. or rnllth.Jd..'d that is pr..-pareJ and sign,,-'u My a pmks!iional lihran<lfl functioning as a 1 ibrary bui Iding: consultant_ Th~ site c"\"(lluatiot"l s.hollld j usti fy thl Ch~)lCC llf sEte i.:llmidcring.: <1_ ConurlLLIlity gnn\.th anJ tranll: pattl.:m projl:clions for the t'mure: b- .-\dcquJtl: pilTk i ng, wki ng i tHO ("Qnsidl;r;::HIOtl I lKallOning and bllilding l:lldcs; c _ C omL'nit:nl <.Icc-ess to maj or pt'de~trian and \ ehicul ar tra Itll: route-s ~ imd J_ Phv~ic<11 charal"tnlstil'~ 0 t-lh~ ~i1L'. l -- -- i ; C~t1iticatiort that the I;onstnh.:tion proj~ct will be in compli<UlcL \\ ltlt h:dcm 1 L:\ccull\ I...":" OrdLr 11 i./88 Floodplain \1anagement. as aml[]Jcu b~ r::-"LLuli VI..' ()rJ'".'r l.2l-lg_ im:l uJing L'enl tk.nicm that th~ llSe of t1 ()(ld pia; ns in (,,:"otmcction \\. lth th(.' tonslruction \\ III he it\llideJ <1:' tar as pral,ticar.le. [t"pwl11cnls :.Ir~ id~ntitkd in tile ilna lysi~. the Ul \ jSlon In ust be lnfl'rTl!l:J llC hm\ Ll1e prohk'rlb win he C(lfTt'cled, ), AS5urJ.nc~ that tlw sit..: :"lck\..'h:J 1~)r thl: con:>lrlLctiOrl project docs not imLrkn: \\ ith the pWk(,.'tion 0 t' pmpcrtics. llstcd in tht ~atjot1al Rc~jstcr of H ist~)ri( Places in aO:OTJanc~ with S~\:'t ion ],h7.l)(i L Florida .\'Iatutn', tfprobkms ar.:- ldcntifiLd in thl' anal)"Oi S. thl" Di ~ ~~l()n mLl~1 hI: int0rm~J of ho\\. the probktlb '" ill be cllTn;~,\~d, f',.:,I;,. I ii" 'cr' (."Il'tnJdil',., {i,,,-,H l'n',!-"cLI)\ f':J:-lTI,"'1 k<'Lj.K'] ~ ~ Il1l IS f'1.("(I~,I.I.,"f.'~li\.': I Li ~1)ln 1',,::,-( I lH.3 Rcq uired Do-cument ..j., Assuranct:"s. ~uc h JS J deed. ~howing that lhe <lpplkJtlt has 1~g:a! t itl e to the rroperly' anJ bllilding, J long.-tenll lease 0 [' nDl ks~ lhufl ~U y ~ars l)r a r<:sn1 uti{)n ml~)rkd b:;. the app lli.:Hnt\ go\'emin~ bod)-. tl1at the applicant has Lln..:onJitional use of th~ :<;iti,,; and the hui1ding. II' a rl's\,1 Lltiotl is us.:d ,IS pwoL it shall slate whcth~r the appl icant o\"'11S or 1t:as~s {he sit(; and buildln~. .~. S LLbsurt~lCC sni l In,ll y~is. I f pm bl~ms mt:" iJl'nti fi>:d in the analysi s. lh...' Diyisiml nllLst b~ intLlI"m<:d of hm>; the prohl<ell1s \\'ll l bl; ~urrC'LtcJ On File ""ith the Oi",] ~ if) fl Att3Ch~d ~ot Appli.c_:d~]~ , _! 6. ..-\ l;omrarisDl1 0 i" the rroru:-;~:J projccr tl) ,6 ~l.JU,lrc fe<:t per L:apLTJ tt.1l' wml iloor space and standards ft)r libfiu)- tiKiliti~s anJ s.~n'i,:~:s, Cite st.:md:wds m.t."d and the SUUf(:',,' of standards, This shaH indudl.: at a minimum: 1. To t;.) I fl(1pr spaLt.'~ , Tt1C .H1WU n t i:l.nd kind (1 t" spacL' rt'LjuireJ ["Dr all li hrdr: tl.LIlc!ions. i nclud ing both publ ic ,md SlatY areas., meeting Sr~.H:t:"_ and spac,,' tOur ~pC;.;irL~ ~L'r\"i(cs~ .1. The ampunl or pmk ing requin:d lin librar). patron. and staff \~ hide); 4, Shc!\ ing rcquin:.:-c1: .., StatrLllg r~'~l uir('d ~ (). r. i ghtint: r':ijuin.'d; and 7. Tckcoml11unic.ltit.1l1s and elcclriG:ll r~quiremellts. . -- 7, A li~t oj thl' l-..ind and am0um l)f i nitlal furnjtur.,; <.1ncl <c'ljuipml:nl [1eeJeJ t('r tile proj e(:'l. ~, hnal tlolw pi an \\ ith fUrlllShings and equipnwm, ~ q 1-"1 nIl] :=:.i fC pi ('iT), 1 () F i [1al d.: \i,H iOlb. 11 . ChangL'~ in lhl' !inul t1uor rLw. :-;itc r lan ;'.mJ l' 1~\ ;'Hiplh a n~r I he pr(~i~ct hJ~ b~c-n h,:t f0r bld, J".JI'~ll' l. .r,I"~."" C"'-,,:l"Lll'l:,lIl (;r:J1H I"I'::'~"'~ I'a: 1r1~"[ K.''-l''L'~' ;: I i I )1.1-; I'l ('(I~). I': 11~~'{1\~: I 'I 200j r"-- P;I~.~ ~ of; R~q uiret.l I)oi:urnenf ---l On rjh:---' : With , . thE' ~ot __ _ . ,. Dh;isi.,'!.'= _ ~[_ta~h~d t-:~[lPliCahle ! ! I 12, C..:rtifil;,!tiQI1 thallhe rmj~ct \\a~ comrdili\d! biJ and ,mi1Tdcd in iiccmJatKC with Sc~tllm :2):'-,20. Flu/'ilia S/al/lh.'s. anJ lm:al hidding n:quirl:m~nts, If cOlllpditi....~ negtl{iatlons ;1.1"'; used, t h~ Left it'lL-at ion "ha1l include that the i.:ontmct \vas awarded in accordance with Seclion 2~7,055 F/vridu SrdlUfes. I --- _._._--------_.._.~ ] ; F ,t:c I..!tL'J Ltlntrad ~'or an.: hi LectlJf:l1 scr\"!L<"s hc!\\ Len the O\\"ncl and arch ttl.;Lr. l-f. C(mlpl(:"t~, and C~CI.: lltcu c~)ntmcU ~ 1 t"i.-H (onstrw.:tion that sho\\ ~ th.... tolul ;.::osl to c~lnslruct the bcihl} ur tho..' guaraflkeJ - , rna:\ I mum rnce. i --- '---"l 1:1, Application anJ Cc-t1itic3te t'm f'aymt;'nt (..\1.'\ Document (j 70~ I :md Cl~t1t inu~tion S h~ct tAlA DocLlm~'IH (j 70J L or thl' \~qu i\- alent ~hu\\ iJlg ill k:i.l~{ 30'),,) or Lho.: construction l'\ lmr klcJ. / herd.,r ~'erlifi' rlwr r11l' in/~jmw(i(J}r pnnided is accurare ro tilt' hl!sr o(m.I' knmdedgc Ihul all l)rol'i.~/(Jlh u.f rik lih/"wy ('on,q,.udiml j:uiddines and thl! xnmr (l,w"eement 1111\'(' neCH met: (11U! luYiciCnf IOt'a! marching)imds hun' necn disr,w'sed. ohfigared (lr arL' c1~nt!nt!J' til'ui[ul>k (111(1 {.if le~1.I"1 3(t% n(IlIe cons/ruel ion l.'OSl\ h(ll'l..' been e.lflendul. <; i~ll~HIJr~: ",igllallJr~' f'r,'kU \ ljtwJ;lT or ..\u:tlllrilt'J Oflic ial Chid Fimn\:ial Ol'jiCtT nf em em in:.>, l~(1J~ Pri:H. l~ pc: \i~lll":: Print T: r~ r->.,lIcW Titl..:: lit!~ '-.,1I11~ L)f ,'\~~n,~ N.Lm..:: "f' :\~~~!l(: f)<lk u~[~ hlill ic' l.;0r~~ l",'fl~lrUll,\lll t",Lr,: Pnlpr~:ll f\I:,n,..::llL 1{-:<.liJ-:~t" l,l)I.I" I'J t'll:!. l-:tkcm..:, 1 <i ~nln P,L~~ ~ Or"-:; Florida Department of State. Division of Library and Information Services FLA. Gray Building, 500 Soutn Bronough Streel, Tallahassee, FL n~99-0250 Public LibFll1}> Com~trucrion Grant Program Payment Request #2 At kasl 60%. vf the .;ons.lruction CO!;;ts must b~ cxpLndl.:"d bdof<." this paym.;n! r.;qu~st Lall he suhmjll~u. C umpklc lhlS tOl'm and ~uhn1 it JI (mg \~ i lh the follo\\ il1g Llnlb. ~)r inJit:ah:: tl1at the l tems arc alreaJy on ('ile '.\ ith lh~ Di \'l:sion, Otgani:;arion Samt': Project "',"umber: Project Same: Rt'quired f)ocr/nWl1t On File JYith ,h~ Di."i.\.ion . ~ ttadu!d -+---- L Appli<.:.ali,)t1 anu Certificate Jor Pa:"m~nl and (\lJltinuatilltl Shc<."t L\[o4 Documents G702 (lnd 0701 or its clJui ~ akn!) ~howing at least 60(f,O of th<: comtrW..'tilm con~~~~_.._._._ _ .._ _._.. __ __....___ I ju!rc,hy cl!rfitj "w{ rhe in/ormution prm'ided is w..'CuJ'u/e 10 rhe he.'! o(m_\ knOldt'dge. fhat (II! prn\'i,\ ions of {JIl_' lihrury ('om rruc'lion guiclditW~, all" fhlJ gram t1?,r(.'l'me>lJ[ hove hn'll me!. tlwr sul/h:fent !ocul mardll'ng.1lmd,- hm\' heen dishun'cd oNigwed or are currem!y un/ilaMe. and ut leu..-! /')1);'"1/ n(rhe com1rUClioll costs lW)'t! ,~et'n I.!xlNmll.!if. S~~Tl~tt~r€: ') i!"I),l1uft'. Pmj~'ct \.bnag.::r nr Autbmi7ed ( }ffi.,:i;j 1 ChLd. F in~Hl,-.j;Jl 01":iLC"r ,)f C"\.~1"Il itH' Bid\" Prim I., r~ '.:~Lnh:' Print T~ pc N,1II1t" Title j"itk \;imt' llf :\g~nc~ '\iam~ of :\~;~nq [).1tt' l),J.tc l'ul'lic [ Ih.",.~ ( ,'n,Lr.J,'~I,'n ('rilllt ~Jn'g.r;lln 1\" I: Ie,,: f.l.q,,~,l ,~ II )I.[S 1'1.("fI.,). f.. fk~ti\ l': I <) ~r.I(I:; I\I~, I ~,f I Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services R.A_ Gray Bu~ldingt 500 Sourh 8ronougn Street, Tallah<l!;lsee, Fl 32399.0250 Public Librar}' Construction Grant Program .Payment Request #3 1001>'0 of tn~ (:unslructiun CO::':iIS must be cc>; p<:nd.:d behxe lhi_~ pa:m~nl n:y,ul.:sl can b.:: sLlhmllt~d, Cumpkt~ {hi 5, form ~nJ suhmil along \~ ith th~ fullu" j tll=:'- i ~~InS" ()r ; nd i cate that the item s are al rt'~dy on jj k Vi. ith th~ Di vislon_ Organiz./lli(Nl Srunt': Pruject .\"umher: Projl!d Sumt>: Required Docunwnt -,- - - - -... -.. - On. f!le With the I Did.'iion A ltac1wd I, C ~ni IkLltc of Sub:-:;tanliul Completion (AI,.\ [)Ol'llJl1L"Ill (J 70....:f. r---..- - . , :::. j\ rpl ic atiOtl and ccrt l tkale l"(lr f\lyn1<:nl and C.onlinllatiLlJt Shed l :\1:\ DOl'um~nt:S G 70~ &: (j 703 or i Is qui \ ~lcnt). The G 702 i~)ml rlll.lst :-;hol,\ lhal all v1nstruction fUlld:-:; ha\c hC'~ll ~xp~ll(kd" ami must sho\\ a .lcro bi.1l1:mce on line 9- I ha,'h_~. arlil.\" Iho' {/7i.' ill,f(I,-matiwl prorhkd i\ acululIe 10 Iht' tn's' n.fmy knmdedxe: {11m all provisions 0(111.. iinrwy c(mstnu_:tio/1 guidelines and the x.run! li;.!,reemenr hOt\' ;'i.'~'n met: Ihm .'ra!iciL'I/! loent 1H(/ldlitl~/imds haw heul dishunnl oMigored (II' ure nmem~l anti/uhfi.'. l.md }OO% o{lhf:: cr)flslrNdio!l ('osts han' hef!t1 expenJed Sig!l::Lture: Slgn:Hure: Pwjl'd \Ln8.!;.tT ,)T ......ulhnr;.7~d Ot"tici:\1 Ch ief J'lnaEl<:ial {) i"(ll.:.:-r oi (jO'lTTI ing. FhJJ) Print T\ r~ \ami;' f>r~lIt T) pt' \i~llllt:" Jilk I irlt . - -. - - -- - - - .-. -.... . "~lfl!<:' U i' .-\gc'rK) \ ~m<o l~f .,\!:=~n(:~ [Jilt,; [)~lk F\lbii... ~ ..r.r~lr: ClHhIP.h,"ril):) L .Ir:~nl P:"~r:J111 I'a: I~l":-I:~ RqL:.~~l "_I I PI.!';. PI en.1 f. I"kdi\ ," l\lg~ I ~lr I Florida Department of State, Di\lision of Library and Information Services Fl.^- Gray Suildtng, 500 South Brol1Ough Stlli!@t. Tallahassee, FL 32399.0250 Public Library Consfrudion Grunt Program Payment Request #4 A! I comlrlluion co~ts mW;1 b(: ~\.pL::n,k'd and th~ projeC"l complekd before this paymellt rcqu~'s{ i.:af1 be ~ljhl11ilWJ. C ompkk this form and submit <1-long. \\ ith the It)llowing: i lems. or inJic'-lt,,: tbat lh~ items arc already 011 liIe \",-ilh lhe Di" i~ion. Orf.:lIni:mjoll Same: Project Sumher: Project .'Vame: Rt'quirt>d D()(,UUH'ttt On File With rhe Db-Mot! .1rtached i .--------i I I 1. _.\ udit in ("umpl iance with Se\:tioll 21 5 _ 97. Florida .\'/wwes. lllld Chaplcr lO,5.:'0. Ruks oi"thc ,\UJitlH Genna] . r.-.----- _.n --... . - -- -. -- .. - - -. ---- --.------. ~, Llbrar: Cunstrunion Cll)S~out Rc-port (limn L- DI.IS"PJ.CO())_ I hneby U!rtif~ 111m The informatioll provided i!i (u.'clmue M The heH of my I.lwwh:d1{i!; tlwT Illl pl'm.;,\'i/HH II{ thi' Jihl'ar)' ('mHtrllction J:l{iddill"',~ mltf 'he granl (1J;I'r-ement hm'e been met: mrd thill lire ('onMrut'tion projecT htll heen compleTed. Si~m[[ure: Signallm:: . - ..-- .- -. -- .. Chief h~<1I~c;~~ Onk~r llf liu\~'min~ E3(1c1~ PrLJ)tc"t \b~la~~r (H .-\llttlLJriJ:cu (}i'lj( ial (>rinl '[ ~ pc ~LlmC" l'rLlLt T~pt' 1\~Hll~ . ~ it ~~ Tille \;,Ilne Llf :"\ ;!.<'Ilcy ":J.n1i: l 'f AgL'lIC: [);H~ Dille f'ur.li( 1. ir.rar" C<<I~~lnl(I;(ln (;r'"l1 f'n'~r,L1n f'.;~:nc'~I' k~~'J":-~1 ~ 1, m.I'" (If (IJ5,_ Fllc.(ti,c': I '-i :UO] 1'<L~c I of I Flor1da Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services R.A.- Gray Building. 500 South Brcnougt. Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION CLOSEOUT REPORT :'IiA\lE OF URRARY :\ U I>KESS N umberJSrrcet eit)" Zip Code P I{OJ E(T ~ C, 1 BFR: PROJECT CO~Sn{l :CTIO:S DATES (month, day. year) Sta ned Cnmpl.:ted Typr PRO,II:CT 0 :"Iicw 0 Expansion 0 Rcmodeling SIZF. OF FACJUT\' sq. ft. PROJECT EXPF.~DITlfRES ,hI' "~ou,.ce) PROJECT EXPE:"Ii DrlT RES {b.. (l'p('l Line ~ ur ['(pt'nt.lilu rl'~ b~ Sou n:"c III llq equal Ijne 6 (}f r \penditure~ h~" Type, L Architectural F ee!<i S 2. Construction S 3. Sife S 4. Fu rnitu re & S fq lIipnu;nt 5+ Other S (j. TOTAL S 1. Lonll S 2. State S J. Federal S 4. Other 'ii 5. TO"l",\t S ~ARRATIVE Attach a narratiH~ report fur the project. Su mmllrize tht' prnject in tCf"D1_~ of ih accomplishments, r,;pecial ft'atures of building. problems encountered, comparison of the current fafili(y am) !!ier\"ices wjth pr€\"jouS. ones, etc. Idcntif~' bt'nt'fih ~LOd!uJ' progr~ms which re!<iU hell from the project. Plca:lic include photographs or other iftms of intuest. I hereh)" ccrtif} that tbe l"unstruction (lrujcct ha!<i heen cumplcted and all project fund!! haw bft'n npended. PROJECT r\."IA'JAGF.ll OR AlfTIIORIZEU OFFICIAL ~lG:'I",-\TUU: [}~TE '"..\ :\"1 E :\" I) TITLE (lyp~ or print) CHIEf fT'(\NCIAL OlHCl.:K SH~:'\iA Tlj RE J)ATF 'Ii -\ ~1 E ;\....U TITLE (t} pe or print) l\lhli( 1 ihr Jr~ ~"l)["-~tnlL;li.lI: (ir:lIl1 1'li~~.r;1I11 (-I.) .,.,) II I-:J "-,..".rP I ~11 II..:, PI {"rlf)1 ~ Ir,.~.ri ~ I'. I l~ ~nrl.-;