Item O2 BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSION ERS AGEN DA ITEM SUM MARY Meeting Date: March 15, 2006 Division: COl,lnty Adminj~trt)tor Bulk Item: Yes Department: County Administrator St.aff Contact: M a r~_HQ~c::h No X AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution authorizing staff to proceed with accepting land management resp:lnsibihties for certain Conservation and Natural Area (CNA) lands to be acquired by the State of Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND~ In order to secure State funding for the purchase of CNA lands, the Cau rl tv a pp ~ied for a nd received approva I of a Floh da Forever bou ndary a mend ment. Th e State of Florida is now ready to begin purchasing CNA lands but requests confirmabon that the County will manage 5atd ~ands, Following the State's purchase of the land, the State wiH request the County to enter into a formal lease agreement, wherein the County will be required to pay an annua~ administrative fee of $300, prepare management plans for the subject propertfes, and address stewardship issues such as invasive exotic veget.ation, solid waste, and unauthorized uses. A sample lease is included in the agenda packet. The proposed resofution autllOrizes staff to provide the requested confirmation and to proceed with drafting a lease agreement. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOee ACTION: 8/20/03 Resolution 346-2003 adopting Conservation and Natural Area maps. 6/16/04 Re50lutfon 219-2004 authorizing a Florida Forever boundary amendment for CNA !ands and designating Monroe County as land manager where necessary. CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: ~ determ,ned -..... ..... "--.--.- BUDGETED: Yes P_?I.~ No _ COST TO COUNTY; To be determined SOURCE OF FUNDS= County land MgJ..Trust fund and DEP grants REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YR APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing _ .m__ Risk Management X, DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV Al~ :J /iI;11J.~ J~ 'Willi ..... _. County Ad m i n i stra tor DOCUM ENT AllON: Included __X__..." To Follow Not Requ~red DISPOSITION: R;,;yiSl:d /.In/(Il AGENDA ITEM # RESOU .:-nON "'Jo. 20()() A RESOLLno~ OF THE \10~ROE COL'l\TY 80..\"1<..D OF r:Oi\.1lvllSSIQr\ I ,xs AUTllORlZl~(J STAFF TO PROCEED \V1TH AC C HY fl r\;G I. A '\J l) \1A r--,' ALl.:t....1U\'T RE S PO~ SII3ILl TJES FOR CERTAIN CO\,j Sf:: R VAno.\J ..-\'dJ r--,'A I"L,'RAL A Rl ':A LA ~I)S TO JJJi ACQUIRED BY THE ST..\TE OF 'FLORlD A \VTH 'RJ:>\ S. on Augu.'l 20, lOCi':; the \fmlme County 8mrd of County Co tllJll i s,siOl1ClS {hCl"l~i na 11~':r "GO{ '("'.1 t!d(lpted R~sululiun 346-2lJ{H. thercby idcntit"}:ing nattt ral areas appmpri ate fOl" pub] ic acqu isilion on the Con..~erv[1lio:1 and Natura! Areas (C'\J ..1\) r,,1ap~ and WH l-JH-: AS. rn onkl" to sccu rc Stme fu nding lbr lhe pLlfchas.e of CN A land.. on JUl1e 1 (< 2004 the BOre <ldoptcd Rc"olution 2 I 9<::004 au Lbol iziHg su bmi ,>sieHl of a Flori da f: Ol"~':I,-C[ boundary amendment. appliC'ation to thc St\ltC and the designation or \1olHoe County <l.~ the land manager un said apphcation~ and \\,'f ffJ{LAS. on fehlL_llitv l ~, 2005 lh~ St,tte.<\cquisition and Rcstoralion Council (ARCJ 81ppruved the rllCl jmity' of said appliC8.l~On_ thereby addi ng arprox~makl y q JOG parcels !o th~ Florida Fnr~Vl;r rrc~ccts in the. KeyS and making said p(lrcds eligible for purchase hy [he Slale and V..'IIERL\S. 1he Stme has now cmcr~,:d into comracl ~ to purcha~c vilrious propcnies in the Cou1l1y's boundary arlH:ndmcnt and rcqutsLS conCirll1ation thilt The COUnly wiD aCL"ep! land Jllanagt~mCllt I""~sponsjbj!il ~e~ fin' said propertics becaUSe there tS no \vi] 1 i llg managing agency ,H the sl ate 0, tedcl""af 1 c:vcL alld WHEREAS, hast~d an ~>lafr di!'-(:us:.;ioll.~, the Cuul1l:Y should exptt:t reque!:'ls of this lype h}r most or the prorertie~ ill the Counly'.s boundary amcndment which the State is able to purdl(lSC bccall S~ there is no v'''i 11 rl]g managing agent:y at the !:'tiltc or federal tevd n)r most of nle5~ lam.ls: alld WHF..Rf'. AS. once the C OLlJll y" cnnfl rms lTS .........jj[jngue:-.s t.o m(magc the su bjed properries, the S lale \\..i I J proc~':cd I.vilh <lcq uiring. tit Ie and w in ~u b'i.e'luendy request \.10tllOt' Count:: to enter illto a tOfJDal reas~ agreemcm Wilh lhe Stale, ".'herein the Counly \,\.'ill be required lO pay an ClllnU\-l1 adminislrati ve fee of $.'H)O, prepare ma nagcmcnt plan~ t0r the ,>uhjcct propcrlie:( iinJ add[ e~" s~~~\\"al"d s hi P L$SUeS suc:h ilS j nvasi \'c C\OltC v~gtmtion, so lid wa::;l~, !ind un<luthOl""f7Cd uses: NOW TIH.RlTORE, BE IT 'H'~SOl..VED BY THf.: BOARD OF COU'\JTY COM\11:::;SlONERS, r\"H)T\;RUE COUNTY. HlJRIDA THAT. ~j..::r[ion l The Count).. /\dlll ill istrator or hi S de-;igncc;; arc hereby aul hori7.ed to represent to the F!o[ id,l I)ep~'l nmcnl uf Envimnmcnta 1 PrOl~c:liml that \10HW(; County i:) wi r1 j ng lO <:I~L:er~ land ITl<lrJilgcmem respOllsibdi(jc~ j~)r lhose propcnit-s In the County's I'-ImidO! Forc\.'(:r bouwlat\' arneJldm~nt applicali(lJ] in ll1e U njncorporatcd an:a for \.....hich there is no wining rnanag~r ilt the :Stale or federal gO\'l'[Jlmenl kvel. Su.;:1ion 2. Sran is direded to pfOcccd wilh the drafring of a k<:l~~ agRement with thl;, State of FIoriJa [or the properties t1e.:;nibt>,d in ScctiOIL 1 ahove, (wd j r1 keeping w ilb the provisiulls of the \\,'HEREAS dau5;cs above. Said kasc: w~lI he pn~sen1ed to rhe County l.ommiss,ion for approval at d [ulure meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED by (he Board of COllnty ComIll!(,,::;ioller.... Monroe Coumy. Florida al a r~gldLH ill{;l'ling of S;l id Board hclJ on 11le ___ day of , AD.. 20D6. Mayor Charles ..Sonny-- \kCoy Mayor Pro Tern Murray NdsOJl Commi,>sioner George N c ugcILl Commi"sioner David Rice Commis.sioner I )ixic Spehar BOARD OF COCI\TY' CO\1M1SSIO~ERS :Y10KROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: \-1,-,\ YOR:CHATR Pr~RS(F'>.J (S f ~J\L) .A,'ITLST: DANNY KOLlIAGE. CI .FRK BY: DFPLTY CLERK ': _:.~,::_~~~~ .' :"'_/J.;~'~':~ij"';::' ~ CX~.. .'r.. ,".. .::...jX~n..._- _. _ _..----. 1 ."__. ".LI . "," "., /._._,..../..<gi~~~::;t,..,..... /~ . :.-" ( ...<. .'= .. d .~.YI(L,.. ..- . ~ ....-- . ".. / , . 2 ..,.'''..'.\..... ~~~:i'\:. ("J'....., :'" . ..i~'~ ~.~' .~;' .~l1-,..\ ~ FLORnsA"-'\\ Department of Environmental Protection Jeb Rush Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard rallahassee. Florida 32399-3000 Colleen M. Castille Secretary Fehruary 21. 2006 Monroe County Attn: Mark Rosch 1200 Truman Avenuc. Suitc 207 Key West. I-Im'ida 33040 Please be advised that DE!' is requesting that MOlll'oe County accept management of the subdivisions listed below. DEI' has contacted our existing managing agencies in the Keys (LSFWS. FWCC. and DR!') anclthere are no \villing managers availahle at the state or Federal GO\'l:rnmcnt level for these sites. Please send all correspondence concerning the parcels to the address listed bel(m. You wi II receive nwre requests j(lI' managing agency approval as wc procced through the acquisition process. If you would prefer you may also prepare a blanket approval for all parcels \vilh thc requirement that we send a copy of the Environme11lal Site Ohservation for \our approval. Subdivisions Sa nth.! BKI) Ba\ i lavclI-FJ..:1 II" 'IllP" In,-I f... f' Sincerely. Ac\;y>$yinson Amefican Government Ser\ iees As Authorized Contractor under Contract With Department of Environmental Protection Contact Information for Sands-CBKD: American Government Services Attn: Edith James Closing Agent t 560-9 Capital Circle NW Tallahassee. Florida 32303 (850) 350-9491 lJ;1111~_~it.<.lg~c .hi! Contact Information for Bav Haven and Thompsons: American Government Serv'ices Attn: Ramsey Hughes Closing Agent 1560-9 Capital Circle NW rallahassce. Florida 32303 (850) 350-9491 I'll llgilc~-{lag~c .bi / RESOLUTION NO. 719-2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A FLORIDA FOREVER BOUNDARY MODIFICATION FORM AND DESIGNATION OF MONROE COUNTY AS LAND MANAGER THEREIN FOR CONSERVATION AND NATURAL AREA LANDS. WHEREAS, on August 20, 2003, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 346-2003, thereby identifying natural areas appropriate for public acquisition on the Conservation and Natural Areas (CNA) Map; and WHEREAS, State funding is available through the Florida Forever program to acquire natural areas in the Keys where such lands are included within a designated Florida Forever project; and WHEREAS, due to the Area of Critical State Concern designation, Outstanding Florida Waters designation, high biodiversity, and potential impacts on State-owned conservation lands, all properties in the CNA are candidates to be added to a Florida Forever project via a boundary modification; and WHEREAS, in order to receive the benefit of State acquisition funding, all boundary modification forms must identify a property manager; and WHEREAS, the state and federal governments already manage the majority of the publicly owned properties within the CNA; and WHEREAS, there may be some properties in the CNA which the land managing agencies at the state and federal levels are either unable or unwilling to manage and for which Monroe County will be the only available manager; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section l. Staff is hereby authorized to submit a Florida Forever boundary modification form to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the balance of the vacant, private property within the CNA which is not already included within the existing Florida Forever projects or their proposed additions. Document 12 Page I of2 Growth Management Section 2. Where there is no willing manager available at the state or federal government level, staff is authorized to identify Monroe County as the designated land manager on the boundary modification fonn. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of June, A.D., 2004. Mayor Murray Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes yp,::: yes yes yp,::: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~(~ MAY CHAIR PERSON (SEAL) AITEST: DANNY L KOLHAGE, CLERK BG~ EPUTY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY:~ ~ M.J.t-. "\ ""Otl,. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE '. LI ~~ ;!" .-' ,- , , ....., :x c= .1~1 c: c= C ~ r z 't- ::IOn ~- e.- m c:= 0 or" . .z; I'"r\:;:o N .." n' o(J N 0 c:: ::u ~ ' ;0 z: c " :x1 _n, ~;--i:r :z: "" ~ :po ~ c-: .." C') 0 ~ ", ~ ::0 en t::i -C-:l~:'~:!. Document 12 Page 2 of2 OAL2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA LEASE AGREEMENT Lease No. THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 20 ,by and between the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR," and hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE. " LESSOR, for and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, does hereby lease to said LESSEE, the lands described in paragraph 2 below, together with the improvements thereon, and subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY: LESSOR'S responsibilities and obligations herein shall be exercised by the Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES: The property subject to this lease contains 67.9 acres, is situated in the County of State of Florida and is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereinafter called the "leased premises" . 3. TERM: The term of this lease shall be for a period of 50 years commencing on and ending on unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this lease. 4. PURPOSE: LESSEE shall manage the leased premises only for the conservation and protection of natural and historical resources and for resource based public outdoor activities and education which are compatible with the conservation and protection of these public lands, as set forth in subsection 259.032(11), Florida Statutes, along with other related uses necessary for the accomplishment of this purpose as designated in the Management Plan required by paragraph 8 of this lease. 5. QUIET ENJOYMENT AND RIGHT OF USE: LESSEE shall have the right of ingress and egress to, from and upon the leased premises for all purposes necessary to the full quiet enjoyment by said LESSEE of the rights conveyed herein. 6. UNAUTHORIZED USE: LESSEE shall, through its agents and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of the leased premises or any use thereof not in conformity with this lease. 7. ASSIGNMENT: This lease shall not be assigned in whole or in part without the prior written consent of LESSOR, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment made either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 8. MANAGEMENT PLAN: LESSEE shall prepare and submit a Management Plan for the leased premises in accordance with Section 253.034, Florida Statutes and subsection 18-2.021(4), Florida Administrative Code. The Management Plan shall be submitted to LESSOR for approval through the Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection. The leased premises shall not be developed or physically altered in any way other than what is necessary for security and maintenance of the leased premises without the prior written approval of LESSOR until the Management Plan is approved. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with an opportunity to participate in all phases of preparing and developing the Management Plan for the leased premises. The Management Plan shall be submitted to LESSOR in draft form for review and comments within ten months of the effective date of this lease. LESSEE shall give LESSOR reasonable notice of the application for and receipt of any state, federal or local permits as well as any public hearings or meetings relating to the development or use of the leased premises. LESSEE shall not proceed with development of said leased premises including, but not limited to, funding, permit applications, design or building contracts until the Management Plan required herein has been submitted and approved. Any financial commitments made by LESSEE which are not in compliance with the terms of this lease shall be done at LESSEE'S own risk. The Management Plan shall emphasize the original management concept as approved by LESSOR at the time of acquisition which established the primary public purpose for which the leased premises were acquired. The approved Management Plan shall provide the basic guidance for all management activities and shall be reviewed jointly by LESSEE and LESSOR. LESSEE shall not use or alter the leased premises except as provided for in the approved Management Plan without the prior written approval of Page 2 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 LESSOR. The Management Plan prepared under this lease shall identify management strategies for exotic species, if present. The introduction of exotic species is prohibited, except when specifically authorized by the approved Management Plan. 9. EASEMENTS: All easements including, but not limited to, utility easements are expressly prohibited without the prior written approval of LESSOR. Any easement not approved in writing by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 10. SUBLEASES: This lease is for the purposes specified herein and subleases of any nature are prohibited without the prior written approval of LESSOR, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any sublease not approved in writing by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 11. RIGHT OF INSPECTION: LESSOR or its duly authorized agents, representatives or employees shall have the right to reasonably inspect the leased premises and the works and operations of LESSEE in any matter pertaining to this lease. 12. PLACEMENT AND REMOVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: All buildings, structures and improvements shall be constructed in accordance with plans that are in accordance with the approved Management Plan or shall require the prior written approval of LESSOR as to purpose, location and design which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Further, no trees, other than non-native species, shall be removed or major land alterations done without the prior written approval of LESSOR. Removable equipment and removable improvements placed on the leased premises by LESSEE which do not become a permanent part of the leased premises will remain the property of LESSEE and may be removed by LESSEE before or upon termination of this lease. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: During the term of this lease LESSEE shall procure and maintain policies of fire, extended risk, and liability insurance coverage. The extended risk and fire insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to the full insurable replacement value of any improvements or fixtures located on the leased premises. The liability insurance coverage shall be in amounts not less than $100,000 per person and $200,000 per incident or occurrence for personal injury, death, and property damage on the leased Page 3 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 premises. Such policies of insurance shall name LESSOR, the State of Florida and LESSEE as coinsureds. LESSEE shall submit written evidence of having procured all insurance policies required herein prior to the effective date of this lease and shall submit annually thereafter, written evidence of maintaining such insurance to the Bureau of Public Land Administration, Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection, Mail Station 130, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. LESSEE shall purchase all policies of insurance from a financially-responsible insurer duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida. Any certificate of self-insurance shall be issued or approved by the Chief Financial Officer, State of Florida. The certificate of self-insurance shall provide for casualty and liability coverage. LESSEE shall immediately notify LESSOR and the insurer of any erection or removal of any building or other improvement on the leased premises and any changes affecting the value of any improvements and shall request the insurer to make adequate changes in the coverage to reflect the changes in value. LESSEE shall be financially responsible for any loss due to failure to obtain adequate insurance coverage, and the failure to maintain such policies or certificate in the amounts set forth shall constitute a breach of this lease. 14. LIABILITY: Each party is responsible for all personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of that party and the officers, employees and agents thereof. Nothing herein shall be construed as an indemnity or a waiver of sovereign immunity enjoyed by any party hereto, as provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, or any other law providing limitations on claims. 15. PAYMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS: LESSEE shall assume full responsibility for and shall pay all taxes, assessments, liens or other similar liabilities that accrue to the leased premises or to the improvements thereon arising after this lease commences including any and all ad valorem taxes and drainage and special assessments or personal property taxes of every kind and all construction or materialman's liens which may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the leased premises subsequent to the Page 4 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 effective date of this lease. In no event shall the LESSEE be held liable for such liabilities which arose prior to the effective date of this lease. 16. NO WAIVER OF BREACH: The failure of LESSOR to insist in anyone or more instances upon strict performance of anyone or more of the covenants, terms and conditions of this lease shall not be construed as a waiver of such covenants, terms or conditions, but the same shall continue in full force and effect, and no waiver of LESSOR of any of the provisions hereof shall in any event be deemed to have been made unless the waiver is set forth in writing, signed by LESSOR. 17. TIME: Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this lease. 18. NON-DISCRIMINATION: LESSEE shall not discriminate against any individual because of that individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status with respect to any activity occurring within the leased premises or upon lands adjacent to and used as an adjunct of the leased premises. 19. UTILITY FEES: LESSEE shall be responsible for the payment of all charges for the furnishing of gas, electricity, water and other public utilities to the leased premises and for having the utilities turned off when the leased premises are surrendered. 20. MINERAL RIGHTS: This lease does not cover petroleum or petroleum products or minerals and does not give the right to LESSEE to drill for or develop the same. 21. RIGHT OF AUDIT: LESSEE shall make available to LESSOR all financial and other records relating to this lease, and LESSOR shall have the right to audit such records at any reasonable time during the term of this lease. This right shall be continuous until this lease expires or is terminated. This lease may be terminated by LESSOR should LESSEE fail to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters or other materials made or received in conjunction with this lease, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. 22. CONDITION OF PREMISES: LESSOR assumes no liability or obligation to LESSEE with reference to the conditions of the leased premises. The leased premises herein are leased by LESSOR to LESSEE in an "as is" condition, with Page 5 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 LESSOR assuming no responsibility for the care, repair, maintenance or improvement of the leased premises for the benefit of LESSEE. 23. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: LESSEE agrees that this lease is contingent upon and subject to LESSEE obtaining all applicable permits and complying with all applicable permits, regulations, ordinances, rules, and laws of the State of Florida or the United States or of any political subdivision or agency of either. 24. NOTICE: All notices given under this lease shall be in writing and shall be served by certified mail including, but not limited to, notice of any violation served pursuant to Section 253.04, Florida Statutes, to the last address of the party to whom notice is to be given, as designated by such party in writing. LESSOR and LESSEE hereby designate their address as follows: LESSOR: Department of Environmental Protection Division of State Lands Bureau of Public Land Administration, M. S. 130 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 LESSEE: 25. BREACH OF COVENANTS, TERMS, OR CONDITIONS: Should LESSEE breach any of the covenants, terms, or conditions of this lease, LESSOR shall give written notice to LESSEE to remedy such breach within sixty days of such notice. In the event LESSEE fails to remedy the breach to the satisfaction of LESSOR within sixty days of receipt of written notice, LESSOR may either terminate this lease and recover from LESSEE all damages LESSOR may incur by reason of the breach including, but not limited to, the cost of recovering the leased premises and attorneys' fees or maintain this lease in full force and effect and exercise all rights and remedies herein conferred upon LESSOR. 26. DAMAGE TO THE PREMISES: (a) LESSEE shall not do, or suffer to be done, in, on or upon the leased premises or as affecting said leased premises or adjacent properties, any act which may result in damage or depreciation of value to the leased premises or adjacent properties, or any part thereof. (b) LESSEE shall not generate, store, produce, place, treat, release or discharge Page 6 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 any contaminants, pollutants, or pollution, including, but not limited to, hazardous or toxic substances, chemicals or other agents on, into, or from the leased premises or any adjacent lands or waters in any manner not permitted by law. For the purposes of this lease, "hazardous substances" shall mean and include those elements or compounds defined in 42 USC Section 9601 or which are contained in the list of hazardous substances adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the list of toxic pollutants designated by the United States Congress or the EPA or defined by any other federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order or decree regulating, relating to, or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance, material, pollutant or contaminant. "Pollutants" and "pollution" shall mean those products or substances defined in Chapters 376 and 403, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder, all as amended or updated from time to time. In the event of LESSEE's failure to comply with this paragraph, LESSEE shall, at its sole cost and expense, promptly commence and diligently pursue any legally required closure, investigation, assessment, cleanup, decontamination, remediation, restoration and monitoring of (1) the leased premises, and (2) all off-site ground and surface waters and lands affected by LESSEE's such failure to comply, as may be necessary to bring the leased premises and affected off-site waters and lands into full compliance with all applicable federal, state or local statutes, laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, orders and decrees, and to restore the damaged property to the condition existing immediately prior to the occurrence which caused the damage. LESSEE'S obligations set forth in this paragraph shall survive the termination or expiration of this lease. This paragraph shall not be construed as a limitation upon LESSEE'S obligations as set forth in paragraph 14 of this lease, nor upon any other obligations or responsibilities of LESSEE as set forth herein. Nothing herein shall relieve LESSEE of any responsibility or liability prescribed by law for fines, penalties and damages levied by governmental agencies, and the cost of cleaning up any contamination caused directly or indirectly by LESSEE'S activities or facilities. Upon discovery of a release of a hazardous substance or pollutant, or any other Page 7 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 violation of local, state or federal law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order or decree relating to the generation, storage, production, placement, treatment, release or discharge of any contaminant, LESSEE shall report such violation to all applicable governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and to LESSOR, all within the reporting periods of the applicable governmental agencies. This paragraph shall not be deemed to apply to any conditions existing prior to the effective date of this lease. 27. ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT: At LESSOR'S discretion, LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with a current Phase I environmental site assessment conducted in accordance with the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of State Land's standards prior to termination of this lease, and if necessary a Phase II environmental site assessment. 28. SURRENDER OF PREMISES: Upon termination or expiration of this lease, LESSEE shall surrender the leased premises to LESSOR. In the event no further use of the leased premises or any part thereof is needed, LESSEE shall give written notification to the Bureau of Public Land Administration, Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection, Mail Station 130, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, at least six months prior to the release of any or all of the leased premises. Notification shall include a legal description, this lease number, and an explanation of the release. The release shall only be valid if approved by LESSOR through the execution of a release of lease instrument with the same formality as this lease. Upon release of all or any part of the leased premises or upon termination or expiration of this lease, all permanent/capital improvements, including both physical structures and modifications to the leased premises, shall become the property of LESSOR, unless LESSOR gives written notice to LESSEE to remove any or all such improvements at the expense of LESSEE. The decision to retain any improvements upon termination of this lease shall be at LESSOR'S sole discretion. Prior to surrender of all or any part of the leased premises a representative of the Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection, shall perform an on-site inspection and the keys to any building on the leased premises shall be turned over to the Division. Page 8 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 29. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: LESSEE shall implement applicable Best Management Practices for all activities conducted under this lease in compliance with paragraph 18-2.018(2) (h), Florida Administrative Code, which have been selected, developed, or approved by LESSOR, LESSEE or other land managing agencies for the protection and enhancement of the leased premises. 30. PUBLIC LANDS ARTHROPOD CONTROL PLAN: LESSEE shall identify and subsequently designate to the respective arthropod control district or districts within one year of the effective date of this lease all of the environmentally sensitive and biologically highly productive lands contained within the leased premises, in accordance with Section 388.4111, Florida Statutes and Chapter 5E-13, Florida Administrative Code, for the purpose of obtaining a public lands arthropod control plan for such lands. 31. PROHIBITIONS AGAINST LIENS OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES: Fee title to the leased premises is held by LESSOR. LESSEE shall not do or permit anything to be done which purports to create a lien or encumbrance of any nature against the real property contained in the leased premises including, but not limited to, mortgages or construction liens against the leased premises or against any interest of LESSOR therein. 32. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this lease shall be ruled by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. 33. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC SITES: Execution of this lease in no way affects any of the parties' obligations pursuant to Chapter 267, Florida Statutes. The collection of artifacts or the disturbance of archaeological and historic sites on state-owned lands is prohibited unless prior authorization has been obtained from the Department of State, Division of Historical Resources. The Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 18-2 Florida Administrative Code, shall be reviewed by the Division of Historical Resources to insure that adequate measures have been planned to locate, identify, protect and preserve the archaeological and historic sites and properties on the leased premises. Page 9 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 34. SOVEREIGNTY SUBMERGED LANDS: This lease does not authorize the use of any lands located waterward of the mean or ordinary high water line of any lake, river, stream, creek, bay, estuary, or other water body or the waters or the air space thereabove. 35. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING: This lease sets forth the entire understanding between the parties and shall only be amended with the prior written approval of LESSOR. 36. MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: LESSEE shall maintain the real property contained within the leased premises and the improvements located thereon, in a state of good condition, working order and repair including, but not limited to, keeping the leased premises free of trash or litter, meeting all building and safety codes for the location situated, maintaining the planned improvements as set forth in the approved Management Plan and maintaining any and all existing roads, canals, ditches, culverts, risers and the like in as good condition as the same may be on the effective date of this lease, reasonable wear and tear excepted; provided, however, that any removal, closure, etc, of the above improvements shall be acceptable when the proposed activity is consistent with the goals of conservation, protection, enhancement, or safety of the natural and historical resources within the leased premises and with the approved Management Plan. 37 GOVERNING LAW: This lease shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. 38. SIGNS: LESSEE shall ensure that the area is identified as being publicly owned and operated as a public facility in all signs, literature and advertising. If federal grants or funds are used by LESSEE for any project on the leased premises LESSEE shall erect signs identifying the leased premises as a federally assisted project. 39. SECTION CAPTIONS: Articles, subsections and other captions contained in this lease are for reference purposes only and are in no way intended to describe, interpret, define or limit the scope, extent or intent of this lease or any provisions thereof. 40. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: LESSEE shall pay LESSOR an annual administrative fee of $300. The initial annual administrative fee shall be payable within Page 10 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 thirty days from the date of execution of this lease agreement and shall be prorated based on the number of months or fraction thereof remaining in the fiscal year of execution. For purposes of this lease agreement, the fiscal year shall be the period extending from July 1 to June 30. Each annual payment thereafter shall be due and payable on July 1 of each subsequent year. Page 11 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this lease to be executed on the day and year first above written. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Print/Type Witness Name By: (SEAL) GLORIA C. NELSON, OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT MANAGER, BUREAU OF PUBLIC LAND ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF STATE LANDS, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Witness Witness Print/Type Witness Name "LESSOR" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 ,by Gloria C. Nelson, as Operations and Management Consultant Manager, Bureau of Public Land Administration, Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection, as agent for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Print/Type Notary Name Commission Number: Commission Expires: Approved as to Form and Legality By: DEP Attorney Page 12 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 COUNTY ,FLORIDA, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: Witness Print/Type Name Print/Type Name Witness Title: Print/Type Name OFFICIAL SEAL ATTEST: County Administrator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of County, Florida "LESSEE" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF POLK The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20 ,by as and , as respectively on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of They are personally known to me or who have produced identification. day of County. as Notary Public, State of Florida Type Notary Name Commission Number: Commission Expires: Page 13 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 Page 14 of 14 Lease No. R06/17/05 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMISES