7th Change Order 09/16/2021 `v BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of Monroes , Mayer Michelle Coldiron,District The t' OI"1 r Mayor Pro I'em David Mice,District 4 Craig Cates,District 1 f Eddie Martinez,District 3 x. Vacant,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 9/15/2021 TO: BOCC yy cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o Monroe County, FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. FL(the Florida Keys,ou,email=wilson- E,a kevin@monroecounty-Fl.gov,c=US d� 2021.09.15 16:40:40-04'00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Order#7 for the East Martello Drainage Phase II project. This change order increases the final contract sum by $5,667.03. The substantial completion date is increased by 14 days. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Thursday, September 16, 2021. ONROE COUNTY/ENGINEERING/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Reduced Scope East Martello Phase II Drainage and Parking Improvements CHANGE ORDER NO: 7 INITIATION DATE: 08/20/2021 CONTRACT DATE: 09/16/2020 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino &Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)......................................... $530,029,50 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders........................................................ $194,385.66 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was.......,.,, $724,415,16 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order.... $5,667.03 The new(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is.... $730,082.19 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by,....,._.... ..... . ...... 14 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is..................a.e 08/31/2021 Detailed description of change order and justification: This change order will install one (1) extra wire to four(4) receptacles located on field lighting poles to allow a greater variety of vendors for public events. hailge_order is 1.07 of or&rnai contract p ice. Not valid until si reed by,Owner,Architect(if applicable),and Contractor8123/21 ARCHITECT: David Salay ender `Associates, Archi ° Date CONTRACTOR: mn , -WaSY 2 Charley T�Pnp�� & Sons, Inc, Date Car �} Digitally signed by Cary Knight DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: l Date:2021.09.08 10:04:26-04'00' Cary Kn1W Date Pro cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E,o Monroe County, J / „ FL(the Florida Keys,ou,email=wilson- .L,,. kevin@monroecounty-flgov,c US COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: 2021.09.161720:32-0400' Roman Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Change Order Aftachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes M No If Yes, explanation., A circuit was specified on the original construction documents, however this improved circuit will allow a greater variety of vendors with diverse equipment for future public events. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes L-1 No If Yes, explanation of increase in price, • Change Order exceeds $50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes El No E If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order, Yes M No If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document, Yes MNoF-1 Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes L--J No Z Explain: The additional wire costs would be borne by the County regardless of time of inclusion in the design documents, The labor costs of this change order are approximately offset by using ar. alternate wire route than traditional, but still to Florida Building Code, vs increasing conduit size for the original receptacle circuit, CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS, INC. F0.RLEYTOPPING SONS,INC. Change Order Request 'BOX787' Number 6 W ST,FL 33041 Phone: 305 296-5606 Fax: 305 296-5189 PROJECT: East Martello Phase 11 DATE: 8/16/2021 TO:Tom Henry PROJECT#: 2036 Monroe County BOCC 500 Whitehead St COST CODE: Key West,FL 33040 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Extra Wire ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Quantity Unit Price 1 Pull extra wire to receptacle 1 S 5,291.34 S 5,291.34 OH&P(5%) S 264.57 SUBTOTAL S 5,555.91 Bond($20/Thousand) S 111.12 TOTAL: S 5,667.03 1. III,I,hdeh,=d a,d agroed Ihvl the ceph,h-I.,IN.,Changa Cod,r by 1,.St ., rtrs.ta,,. t etss nn 6-. S-d i t,f..at on sv th the term of. Chang„.Order 2. The--ht at the Chang®Order sneers aW dnec:and-direct-,I. 3. It is further undersmod and agreed thzt.11 terms and cona¢iana cf said C-i—A,as,I may they t—havat teen modified r;h.II rernan.the ssme 4. Ace-T..,—of Ih Change O-de orcttowledges acanp'a ..n( '.. hus Cr,.,g C},dpr war,,by the Su.e,,I. ,e,and C.I*actar ad well an my tdj-V,, b,to the.'subs C a.aa,--,.t.t nd ahoae 5. Tt s Ch-ge Order dud-all tens,e.^.t.asary far a cam p ete"sl ,d udulg,out not hee.>ar'y W I-1 I',h-_+, .�yn, a.t.r tra spor.at,n i—dtnt,.1.,L.xes ar d any whe,N.-e, eua.,—y(or a ',tb k,t on The Original Contract Sum was................................................................... $ 530,029.50 Net Change by Previously Authorized Requests&Changes......, .......... .a,-... $ 194,385.66 The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was........................................... $ 724,415.16 The Contract Sum Will be Increased/Decreased............................................... $ 5,667.03 The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order.........,,„„.,„,.,.....,„„,..,,.....„„„ $ 730,082.19 The Contract Time Will/Will Not be Changed (Days) ......,.. $ - ACCEPTED: CHARLEY TOPPING&SONS,INC.. Monroe County BOCC By: Michael Labrada By- Project Admin Printed Name&Title Printed Name&Title Datt 8/16/2021 Date: PEDRO FALCON CONTMCTORS, INC. 31160 Avenue C,Big pima Key,FL 33043-4516 (305)872-2200-Fax(30 )672-2219 EC 13003416/CGC 1507617 .` www.pedrotalcon.com 08/13/2021 Attention: Leo Montiel Rouest for Order.Chap e Subject: East Martello Phase 2 drainage and parking improvement. Key West,Florida Dear Mr. Montiel: We are pleased to submit our electrical proposal for your consideration for the above referenced project. In addition to,and in clarification of the above,the following is made a part of our change order: 1. Provide wire and labor to install additional wire#6 TN for 50A receptacle located on pole#1 (250'). 2. Provide wire and labor to install additional wire#4 THHN for 50A receptacle located on pole #2 (400'). 3. Provide wire and labor to install additional wire#4 THHN for 50A receptacle located on pole#3 (350'). 4. Provide wire and labor to install additional wire#3 THHN for 50A receptacle located on pole#4 (500'). Note: 1. To pull the extra wire, we will use a raceway for Site lighting. 2. To pull the extra wire, we will use a green wire inside the raceway for site lighting. Additional material.- Miscellaneous material: Pulling Lube and extra#10 green wire. Init. /_ The right choice for the Florida Keys Page 1 Total Labor: $877.25 Total Material: $3,480.00 Total Job expenses: $442.13 Overhead 5% $239.98 Profit 5% $251.98 Total Balance: $5,291.34 Owner Acceptanc Print Name Owners Name Signature Date Thanks Sincerely, Pedro Falcon Electrical Contractors, Inc. z�r-- -)-,"/"'1�12 Roman Sviridenko Project Manager End of Proposal Init. The right choice for the Florida Keys Page 2 DATE RECAPULATION PEDRO FALCON SHEET ELECT CONTRS.INC FOR SHEF SIk y 0$I1F3f 11H( 11O% NM a"'tls 1 elm II ura N!'w sl"�-cilu 'l 1 d'- I, nsmm I Ii.1ll li[, ...... „.... I4a.snr€e!'llnrr § Ib 0u (rIl'a �vuil 5i1 c � $ 3 087 50 G,k.SF':IIAYOR S - 000 Pt.iHt95, H€d1i19�c- Fire Alarm S 0 0.W1, Security m F?4 Systems 5 - 000 l 'l MIA, Q.tliS`;-o m Com ./Data 1 0 0,=€€44 kUK1% CCTV 5 0 0,Mv!11 01m)V Lightning Protection 5 - 000 0,00""b 0Mt 11.'r Public Address $ 0.00 #I.€H€% 0AIP;, Cathodic Protection S: O00 @.W%' GA0rf, TOTAL MATERIAL&MANHOURS S,UYI'eu I I.01I 1011-0% iml-0'n M ISCELLANEDUS NI 4ILIi1 A I.:.. SUBTOTAL MATERIAL TAX ON MATERIAL(7-I/2%) 5 24291 TOTAL MATERIAL COST S 3,480.31 FOREMAN HOURS w S RATE S 435 S 15225 JOURNEYMAN HOURS w S RATE 2900 $ 725 00 LABOR HOURS a,S RATE TRAVEL/NONPRODUCTIVE/OVERTIME 5 DIRECT LABOR-TOTAL COST 5 877.25 PAYROLL TAXES&INS.,-RATE 5 30704 PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEE S EQUIPMENT di_ TEE] FUEL(GALLONS'_a,RATE) ;: TELEPHONE 'S FREIGHT EXPRESS AND CARTAGE S SPECIAL EQUIPMENT S DRAWINGS -- '.,S .. SANITARY '..$ S EXPENSES,LODGING.MEALS '.S - PROJECT TRAVEL(#OF TRIPS a)RATE) S TOOLS(%OF LABOR) t S 3509 TOTAL JOB EXPENSE S 442.13 TOTAL PRIME COST(MATERIAL/LABOR/JOB EXP,) S 4,799.b9 OVERHEAD% 0 L. 23998 QUOTES 5 t..ia F°I.fi ip SUB CONTRACTOR ❑OYES III _..` [ _....... LIGHTNING PROTECTION ,....,...:. COM ��M UN—S S LA IHODIL PRO'ECTION MISC.QLO YES m vic•QUOI ES ................ ................ ....... ... SUB-CONTRACTOR TOTALTo, SUB-CONTRACTOR GRAND TOTAL S • Sub Contractor Mark up 000 000 TOTAL NET COST S 5,039.67 PROFIT% 7 1 251.98 SUBTOTAL S 5,291.66 BOND SELLING PRICE �11I3;F''�I�.rJYk€.rlP�d%t)ckCl•�k_C.1:.�9'. ;Q,FOOTAGE SQ.FT. sq,FP cosi 51.55 rF! SQ FT. S li 1 p] s: 1 iVark Schedule: .......................... IcFIJ Dal, Days I ormpleUola Date Hrs/Da 8 . ._._,..e.. .,...,.._.m I tF481 I)Wratpiln It€r�i.Cl1ld GYsutiltiz7 1"} 'A la- MeFi. 5§$3. �.:. ..m __�.. ulml N.rsl'k Duys Yld'k`I'? . _ _...............aaa. ...a,. ..,'�.,...,..m......,...,. V'cxtHlD reel I.allxow l9 to-ar9 Hnu,rs Aatr:�v D sxcl I"Hlor Crean Si LL Ifi Mcn