Item D01 D.1 `, County of Monroe y,4 ' �, "tr, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Michelle Coldiron,District 2 �1 nff `_ll Mayor Pro Tem David Rice,District 4 -Ile Florida.Keys Craig Cates,District 1 Eddie Martinez,District 3 w � Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 County Commission Meeting October 203, 2021 Agenda Item Number: D.1 Agenda Item Summary #3036 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Project Management TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Jordan Salinger (305) 570-9156 NA AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Language Access Plan (LAP) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Coronavirus (CV) Program in Monroe County in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 13166. ITEM BACKGROUND: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the federal law that protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of their race, color, or national origin in programs that receive federal financial assistance. In certain situations, failure to ensure that persons who have limited English proficiency can effectively participate in, or benefit from, federally assisted programs may violate Title VI's prohibition against national origin discrimination. Persons who, as a result of national origin, do not speak English as their primary language and who have limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand English may be entitled to language assistance under Title VI in order to receive a particular service, benefit, or encounter. In accordance with Executive Order 13166, the County has implemented as Limited English Proficiency Guidance. See link below. It iew/10980/Title-VI-20169bidld= On March 11, 2021, Monroe County submitted a Community Development Block Grant — Corona Virus (CDBG-CV) grant application to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to fund the enhancement of Rowell's Waterfront Park. These enhancements would allow the Park to be used for future testing and vaccinations in the event of a public health epidemic. In compliance with Executive Order 13166, Monroe County conducted the HUD required Four Factor Analysis for Limited English Proficiency (LEP)persons for the Key Largo Census Designated Place (CDP). The analysis revealed that Key Largo CDP in Monroe County meets or exceeds the 1,000 or 5% LEP person threshold. Monroe County, therefore, developed the Language Access Plan (LAP)to support the CDBG-CV grant application which remains under review by the DEO. Packet,Pg. 32 D.1 Monroe County has identified the following types of language assistance to be provided on an as needed basis for Monroe County residents throughout the implementation of this CDBG-CV project if funding is approved by DEO for the Rowell's Waterfront Park Enhancement Project: • All CDBG citizen participation documents,project-related resolutions,public notices, and amendments will be available on the Monroe County website where they can be automatically translated into Spanish and 145 other languages by using the Google "Select Language" at the bottom of the webpage. • Additionally, all published citizen participation advertisements will include a statement in Spanish indicating other program materials are available in LEP language identified upon request. • All citizen participation notices will include a statement that translators will be available at public meetings upon prior request. • If other populations of LEP persons are identified in the future, Monroe County will consider additional measures to serve the language access needs of those persons. The LAP has been implemented on or about September 22, 2021 and this item request BOCC approval of the LAP effective to September 22, 2021 to be signed by the Mayor. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL OF LAP DOCUMENTATION: CDBG-CV Language Access Plan 09.22.2021 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 9/22/2021 Expiration Date: NA Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: 0 Current Year Portion: $ Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: NA CPI: n/a Indirect Costs: n/a Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: NA If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: $ 0 Insurance Required: N/A Packet,Pg. 33 D.1 Additional Details: REVIEWED BY: Cary Knight Completed 10/05/2021 10:04 AM Kevin Wilson Completed 10/05/2021 3:16 PM Christine Limbert Completed 10/05/2021 3:47 PM Purchasing Completed 10/05/2021 4:05 PM Budget and Finance Completed 10/05/2021 4:46 PM Maria Slavik Completed 10/05/2021 4:49 PM Liz Yongue Completed 10/05/2021 4:57 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 10/20/2021 9:00 AM Packet,Pg. 34 D.1.a t FOUR-FACTOR ANALYSIS and LANGUAGE ACCESS PLAN FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY PERSONS y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM N N N N MONROE COUNTY, Florida 1 Packet,Pg. 35 D.1.a Purpose: In compliance with Executive Order 13166, Monroe County has developed the following Language Access Plan (LAP)/Four Factor Analysis for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons. History: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the federal law that protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of their race, color, or national origin in programs that receive federal financial assistance. In certain situations, failure 0. to ensure that persons who have limited English proficiency can effectively participate in, or benefit from, federally assisted programs may violate Title VI's prohibition against national origin discrimination. Persons who, as a result of national origin, do not speak English as their primary language and who have limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand English may be entitled to language assistance under Title VI in order to receive a particular service, benefit, or encounter. Monroe County Four-Factor Analysis: The following Four-Factor Analysis will serve as the guide for determining which language assistance measures Monroe County will undertake to guarantee access to the Monroe County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs by LEP persons. 1. Number or proportion of LEP persons served or encountered in the eligible service population (served or encountered includes those persons who would be served by the recipient if the person received education and outreach and the recipient provided sufficient language services). N Monroe County utilized American Community Survey data Table S1601 for the Key Largo CDP. The 2019 Census data states that of the population of CD 9,515 persons a total of 643 persons "speak English less than well". This is 6.75% of the total population. Based on this data, Key Largo CDP in Monroe CIL County meets the 1,000 or 5% LEP persons threshold. y Key Largo CDP,Florida Total. Percent......... L J Label Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error > v Poiptlation5ye r andover 9,515 +Q3 W W CIO Sheakonly Englsh 7,123 ±528 49s, -45 U Speak a language athe than English 2,292 ±490 25.1'm _3 a U 2 Packet,Pg. 36 D.1.a tiatacensus ,k C 2,19, _.. 1. E. re, „F- LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME "aur¢eYiPrrgram.me'ieanC mm n,gu,,ev F¢vdurt.-2E1)AC3>-V-ElmT.S,bill FILTER'.DOWNLOAD �9 40ME CL : 5 r a- , M, Speak Eghhless man Very,d' Pelee.speak Engl'h 1—th3n°very well" '.. t"jyy Ub,4 i E€rm bll-tx Margin of€n, Es=.male Margmof E— EORLE BY rl «' 10ME "T 'L 2. The frequency with which the LEP persons come into contact with the program. The proposed project is an infrastructure project that does not provide direct assistance to individuals. As a result, LEP persons rarely come into contact with the CDBG-CV program. However, all citizen participation activities are open to the general public throughout Monroe County. The use of Rowell's Waterfront Park as a testing and vaccination site would only occur in the event of a large scale pandemic such as COVID-19. If this were to occur, < then the impacted population may visit the testing and vaccination site on several occurrences to be tested and/or vaccinated. N N 3. The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the program. Monroe County, in partnership with the Monroe County Public Health Department, is requesting up to $2.8 Million to enhance Rowell's Waterfront Park in Key Largo to serve as a future infectious disease testing and vaccination site. The Project would targeted facilities to this site in order to upgrade the facility including the addition of power outlets to provide electricity to the site, expanded sidewalks that would allow for controlling the residents while remaining at a safe social distance, ' installation of Wireless Local Network (WIFI) to provide communication and electronic connectivity at the site, parking space to accommodate the site, and enhanced lighting throughout the park. The parks will be designed to accommodate the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA). The proposed project does not provide direct assistance to individuals. As a result, LEP persons rarely come into contact with the CDBG program. However, all citizen participation activities are open to the general public. 3 Packet,Pg. 37 D.1.a 4. The resources available and costs to the recipient. All information related to the CDBG-CV grant application is posted on the Monroe y County website at http://www.monroecountv-fi.qov/1243/COVID-1 ecovery. This website can translate written materials into Spanish and 145 other languages by using the Google "Select Language" at the bottom of the page. 0. Additionally, two Monroe County employees have been identified to provide oral translation services at public meetings and during conversations with LEP residents during the implementation of the proposed project if requested in advance. Furthermore, many of the common forms used in the implementation of a CDBG-CV project are available in multiple languages on the HUD and DOL websites. Additionally, translation activities are an eligible CDBG-CV administrative expense. Therefore, limited LAP measures are reasonable given the resources available to Monroe County. 5. This Language Access Plan has been implemented as of 9/22/2021 and is retroactively effective upon approval by the BOCC. N N N CL 4 Packet,Pg. 38 D.1.a Monroe County, Florida Language Access Plan As a result of the preceding Four-Factor Analysis, Monroe County has identified y the following types of language assistance to be provided on an as needed basis by Monroe County throughout the implementation of the CDBG-CV program: 0. • All CDBG-CV citizen participation documents, project-related resolutions, public notices, and amendments will be available on the Monroe County website where they can be automatically translated into Spanish and 145 other languages by using the Google "Select Language" at the bottom of the website. ■ Additionally, all published citizen participation advertisements will include a statement in Spanish indicating other program materials are available in LEP language identified upon request. ■ All citizen participation notices will include a statement that translators will be available at public meetings upon prior request. ■ If other populations of LEP persons are identified in the future, Monroe County will consider additional measures to serve the language access needs of those persons. PASS AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at it regular meeting held on this day of 2021. N N N Mayor Michelle Coldiron Mayor Pro Tern David Rice Craig Cates Eddie Martinez y Vacant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Michelle Coldiron ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK BY As Deputy Clerk 5 Packet,Pg. 39 D.1.a CDBG-CV Website Information: http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov/1243/COVID-19- Recoygry in both English and translated into Spanish CID COVIID-19 PECOVEPY c CL Community Development Block Grant Corona Virus .Under trip CARES Act,Colnlnunit Development E ock Grant-, oroha;I C DEG C'°.„5 Itirlion in federal funding has been ' nracde available to states to Prevent.prepare for,and respond to Me COVDI-19 pandemic In parmelsh p',+rith the U.S.Housing and urban Development;HUD Community Development.EIOcu Grant Program the Flortca Departrle'm of Economic � glrodun t. ,D;::Oi Al administer the allocated fund,ng to cornmuniti KS throughout the s?:aie,The funding V,,ill assist lard- � income families and mDs€sulnerable crizens. 0 F onda's Total Nloc on is$285 6 million.Cr this.IOonroe County is eligible for funding,,dth,n the Smal("Ries iNon- Entitlement)Communitty Program,xhich:Orals:S42 Indlldon,t.te-Mde. � i2 CL r E',C ,r' Procl aw-n Reqk,,re I£ )'s y -Ilgihlle Activities:Acquisition Public Ilnprovelnenls;P€ihl c Fa„Ilflss;Bus',ness,sslstance iOlcroenlerpri,se r ssistamG Public � Ser,Aces;Planning;and Broadband Pdann ng and Puhiic Infr str€cajre. CCy,D-19 Tte:Under the CARES Act.funding<s:auadfalbte through the Commaloiity Devellunieni t l,o>"�Grant Program for CID activities thg'prevent,prepare for,and reaoond to the coronamus pandemicCID Natlsnal objective -ach actwi4 funded b;CDEG must rneet one Of the fcllo�xing HUD re€iu red National G jeciiveE_ � Provide benefit to lo,,v-and noderaie-ncon e r11'0ll persons. 0 rrrevehi or eliminate slum or bligh-.conditions. 0. 0. �- Address urgent:Comm-nundt4'de,elopnrent need %mich I]ose a serious an:in ni@T;ate retreat to the neatth or wetfa`e of _ tie community for'�,tihlch other funding is not aval ante. � N r t;cd /aT. rfro�'i,, Plark cv Von,3e Count,, is reouesting up to 6%5 Mi lion to enhance Rc,.e41°s',a are•front Parry n Key ILargo k;o serve as a fti=.ire infecibus disease testing and vaccahatiog s te. INhile Monroe Coun7 has testing and v^acdnatrcn sties Ili flip M dd e Keys and 6 ED;vier Ke,s.Ikev I_aroo currently does not nave adequate moil is es to host a testing and.'...v'accina D,n site. The esidents in the � Key Largo area have relnalned eiGllr tipaRil'r Lnde€s„{L.,ed dtlfllra 11ie"_V1D-19 ep�LfenLe_This grant a19pIICa€tun:v=III heZJ CL allevda:e this urgent need. The Draft Pre epp4icaton is due to the DEo oil I'ularcn 15.2021 N :,:ram- ;+pEis.atdDr� � P�U,b rr r?n g CID In comprance viith stage and federal ieq€wren ents Monroe Count,,is conducting a Puolic Hearing r„hear public cOnment on the CDEG-CV grant application for Rowell's Parr a'1 330'ant on February 1',2021 a`:the regular schedule Monroe C o,int;.' 2DarF!'9i County Commissioners.r`i5 tNer the grant reMurFe l71el7Ts.ELF I)IIc nGll'uc of this pribl€c meeting and p;G?I C notice of[he corrinne`t period mas published in the Cttzen,as the newspaper of general clrc,ftation in Monroe County and also posted to the Bounty s.,,oebsite. =.ib is::`Notice tJ .,. PLO):_c He r_ng Pre:entatl D'1 Forv,:ard any conninent:s on thin aP....plication to yen �i ru I��`:,nn H..dPt°ie�t.1PY"f••Jer,�,l&C"t"r-�t.CIC#W Comact Person Car;. Knight., � F=Air trot ar t'e1D r e°vnutr FI ccv 6 Packet,Pg.40 D.1.a .-_ c.._.m_r -...�_ ., �-J :C Is PECUPEPAC16N DE COVID-19 Subvenclon on bloque Para of desarrollo comunitarlo Virus Corona N SegOn la Lev CARES.Suc:encion en cloaue paia el desarrolio co u,nila,c, Coronavr,is se San puesto a E diswosic en de los+estados 8 5 Ill,millones e=n fondos tedeiales Dara)•even r.prewar ,e v reswonwei a la pandemia tle OVD-1n Fn asociacion con el Progiama da S.,brenciones en Bloom Cara e Desa-oilo Domunitaio ae Viviencla y 0 r eseirolio LRbano rhLc•}ae Its Estados Llnidos,el Deartamenta ae Owortundaass?=coomicas de Florida D'.D, C. adni nistiara os+fonrlos asignado_a las cornun daces tle toda ei estadw_Los fondos ay,idaian a las famillas de baps ingresos+ a os+auoadanos etas vulnerkles_ (,) I a asignacion total de Floiida es+ce 5 2E5.5 ni Ilones.De esto,el co9da.oe rOonroe es e;..€g1ble Da a iecicirfinanci an,ienio tier-,o del Piograrna von'u nrano de Ciudades Peaue'as i3in Der€chos, q.,e ta[aI za S 42 rnil I ones en iodo e es[ado. N H_is+';tlacles el€grcles H.lquis+ici on:'vleioFas+huh leas Ins#alac ones Dsih leas As sie ncia con,€ici I A_isieneia a 6a � micioen'riesa:Serviw os puclicos;Planificacion v plenificac169 ee 13a9da an_ha e inuaestructwa p.;bliea. 0 En,cMe C0 VID-19 Bao is Lev CA RES.los fonrlos esian cisponicles a t arcs der Pro giama de Suwlenc:.one s en P.iociLie Para el Desariodo Comunrano Para acti ic3acles q:,e)rev even.Dieparan;r€sponden a la panclemia tle corona vii Lis. CL Oojelivo Nacional::C,ada actividad financiacla poi-CDEG cehe c.,n-pl-.r con uno ce ios sipie:ntt_Ocjeiivos Naciona:!-:es fn r€qi,€riaos+for HUD: � • rrincai ceneficios a p€isonas de ingiesos hajos v modoiados IMI). .: Fr€:enir o€lirninar las condiciones tle tug.,iios o)Sagas. • Abo=car!as neca.adades urgen4es de cesaefwlla�€la conu;nioad uue iecresentan una amenaza 7 as€€!nine:fiata � cara,a salud o el been,sear Cie a eomunic3ad para a eua no ha,otros foncas aswon-tiles_ � concado de Monroe esta solic tanda t!asta 5 2.5 mil ones Cara me_-.ora,e warga,e RuxeWs 4.aierfront F ,en Kel{Largo � cam clue sirva come,Lin sitio cie va unac&,r p-,ehas ce enre,medaces nifecc-osas,,ai f.it o S cie,ei condado Cie � ov onto€f ene smos de pru ba .acunacion en t,ticclle Ke _,Lo,fe Keys K_v La,gw actua?.rreme no cuema con � �nsfataciones adecuadas para alheiga,un sit o tle p•a;el)a,vac.,nac on Los re,der'es en el area de Ker Largo han ce,nianecido significawamenie de_atenvidos ourarte'a ep deni a de COVID'9_Esta solk tud de s.,bven on vudara a alma[esta neces+idad urgente.E corraaor tle a solicta,d prev,a deoe cresentarse a DEn el 150 de matzo ae 2021. P' N CD N .. sclitt.ucl pre'c`la N CD De conformiciad can Ids requisites estatales y Tederales,el condao de Monroe esig N'vanft a ce'taa L111e&Id encla P61Aca t ara e•s uCoal'los omen,anos del oOblico sore la solicitud d!.e subven u6n CDBj-C p:,,,ra P,oveWs Fa"✓,a la 1 30 ;`m del 1 ale febrero de 2021 en el,ttorarto regular lie pa Junta de vorni&Jnados del Con Jko de tdtogroe De acuerdo con Ids regUISFOE Cb de lea S:,oenciDn,el aviso IDOblico,y7e eata Ceui7l6n el avfa.°}noliC;?v`el tJ2.1'!Cd.4 d2•crCniefTlat2cs Se nutdllCal"cn en �' Citizen Co`I',o...el penbdico Cie CI!C1.IlaCibn general en el condado[fie NrionrG .v tc"xn1 b!b A`I se nt,ibllcaro-n err el sitiovoeb del � co-ndado_ ,> hlrnir,a p6b ie: • revs =Cron dp eucliencia I2trCllra J tJ c.nvie CLIs3lquier corn en arl®sabre outs boliv €d 3 �!`�.'i'ir�f("tC:1D," �8 'n ,;:, 1.En[C� .�' o 1"lty 7_.gcv Persona Cie contacto-:fury: pnlgtlt Knlilllt-i,, rcpeCcgnt'F ?ov,. U 7 Packet,Pg.41