Item C25 BOARD OF' rO(JNTY COM\'1ISSI()NI~ltS ,,\ f~ F. \" 1)..\ IT F 1\1 S [,11\'1\1 A R Y \f C~:tillJ; I kll' t-J,lrt;Q., ti")nn6 Di\j:..,inll. nuJ~d &. t' jllam:::- lhil k hCIl1: 't: cs '< '\" L) DCparl!lll'lll: () IfLt;t; of. M n[la~~lllt'lll & BLUJCI.:L LkparHnenl C nnW( I' S,ll LlJ.'plJla \CF\lOA I'fEi\'l \\'OlU)):\G; ArrroV;ll o( all aJdl;i1d urn to im::n:;(l~c lhe:.: Lxmtmd fOf K P~lG LI ,P 10 ',lpdall.: thl,,: F i:)cal Y t:ilr 200.~ <1lld the Fiscal )- l'iU :.::nC14 I'll] I (\~st ..\ I ]uGHiun Pl<~ns dnJ lh~ OMB .1\-87 Cost .-'\llol:llion Plan in lh~ 3nWl.mt l)f S ] -; Ji-tl) rn:\1 BACK(;IU)I.lI"li])7 Fllll C(lst ;d IOC~lWll E'JUCc~ ad \'almem taxes h: rcem-crllJg LnJi reel cost<; t'!'\,m ]1("'fl-Lld ....alnl"em IT....,.lllW r'U!d.~ :md n,m:cl S j~)r ind:rc(;t ~~o~l suhsidy lu speci,,; t~lxillg districts, A l'ter rc\'icw \'\:ilh Cnun1\ (~uJ~d Sll1lr and inrlll \ViLh n::commelJdallUIlS I'm rl'\.',SlOn by the Ucrk of the COlIt1.S l:illancc '-'laffit i; in ~hc hnl i lHl..:n:::;l nf llw (\)lll11'\' to <.lllcw an im::r.:'as~ tn res.OUTces so the vendor call make :~\'js.i{)lls to lhe ,Jr.,l\,"; ll1~'nthmeJ hLlI C ()st Allocation Plans 1101 pre' ions])' anticirmcd, l~lU~VU)(JS UFI ,FY A'iT IUlCC ACTUt'i: Appro.....:.!, ~H.:(,:~~phnH':~~. and G~{;cllli[)n. lbr renewal of sCfvic~s: at U1C Augu:;t 1 ~, 2(){).'1 HOCC Appr(l\'id p I. an ,lJd,:m1urn <lllk ,luly 1";. 200:=;. HOCC. CONTRACT!A(~RF.fMF:NT CHANGES: Addil! ona~ t~~s or" S 17 JdO.OO o.dd(.'ti ljlf f('vi.sion~ lo lh: fi,~~,ll Y'..:<Lf /otU imd ~)J04 I nd irCi..'t ~'ost :lll, ~ca1 t('ln pklns. ST:\ J."F RFCO\1 \lE:'Ii DA' nOi\s: Aprrnval TOTAL C()ST~ S 17,MO,On Bl.Il)(; ETld): Yes .. X [\0 l'OST TO COl ~TY: )J.7,(~-!!.::.,~!!l S( H ; IlC E OF H '1)"1; (Jl) 1 ,I )()l ~(J I,,) ,;1 )34~J RE\'E;-';l.E I~TUml;( 'I~(~: Yc.;; r...; fl X A\10e:\"T 1)E.R \10NTlI \' ea t' /\ l"rHOVf DB... : . t , {.I~lInl y ,\ ny.J&f' ,,' ()\1 H.'])\IfC ;1a~i ng lll\T-iIO:'\ lHlHTTOR APPllOYAI,: ~ ~\'1Jll.~I!,C'llIC:llt , r,' "";'"- ~.... ~ t --- , d7 -=-- , ~-9---:., __ ...._ ,_ <llw:-- ' ,:.tpPllll<.l / DOC! :\lENTATlON: J ncllljcd x 'I'D r;ol i P\~ ?-Jpl Req Li ir~(j Ul SI'OS [TJON; A(;F.:\O.-\. iTF.1\'1 n ,!,,~ I<PMG LlP ;",It~ 1G0(, -.. \1:":1 :-:i ~I)I:..~ /.......~~Iil..i.: TF!II::~r~-,r:.:: :::'1" ," (..:).~ :-!4:'':-: -:;t; ~C..i f:-l:~ nf.~.- r'l~r .'.1;: Ij_r.^-'/~I ~'~. L:.t.: "II1J......:OTi .1(: ti!:), .i.r.~ I ().I~I.IV) :""l:: ~~::I('I2 ]{F' -- :TV F;.I ) I <:brLJ<lry ~L 2r)()~ ~ ;~ ~ J!.1~ :U\':. o.)~, -i \lr, Sill LJPPl~11J 8uJgt:~ Dlrc'ctnr \1nnmc ('n\lnp,' (;nn:-'!"!lmcn: (}tti~[" nl ManJgr:mcn, .md Bucg(;'1 1 (]f) SH1HJ[l !(l~l ~~rcC'l Rn01Y, 2-2(,f K,"'. ',\:<:st. llorl.:a .;_\f).Uj I~ 1-,: ,'\ddcn.km w C'()q :\ '](l~:It!nll Fn!:1~gt:'r.li:'nL [,t:'l~cr Datt'd July ~ 1. ZOn.:.l, We aTt' cUTe:ltly assi,-;Lng \1onrm: (\mnt 'i ~n prrpdrinl,( lb.~ ',I1Jir~i.:l Lo~t illloc:alion plam h)[' :.lS;;J I ~C~O~ :n:d !I~ai .~Of)4, TiH: Cmj[-ry :l<!~ rt"qLJc~tcd tll:l~ K P\.Hi alk~~H.:d iilkLrllmal n:~ouru'~ hJ.scc[ nn COr:l\'.;:r$:\ntlIlS w!tn tbe (,"mmty BllJgp 0 ni,:~' <Hill Ck,.l F ;n,'rlCc- Of11(.,~ Th,' C;"g;l~eln~-",l pn1lcJurt:'S :mJ ddl'.'t'ranh:s WI n '1<.' thc S,Hlle a~ If: l:t.: ('r.ginal 1,,;g.il~<:,mcnll,dlCT, r:-ll~ :r':l~>~~dm~:lt 1-; -;ubJec~ w :he statlJ;\rd :o;:rl'lls Jnd -.:ond i,il)tls m, :ud~.:: 8., ~n ~lt~;~h:'~~'l1' i;l he ('ri~lr<l' bl~' 2 L 2fHl<l cng:.lt(crm:rH Idee, 'J h..: aJullll.mti tee fur th,~ ,.;enl~L' "iLl! b(o S l'i,64U ;mJ 'ull h.: ,n\'l1K<:fl F foil..,\\'s: ';;:",fHWl upon o;.C(l~ll(ll1 ~)ftnls mn["I:Cmcl1t <lnd '!) lO.640 ;lpon d~h\'(~ry nt th(" dl"<lJ1 r~pmt Wt' ar;Jr('.:i~k llK OPP(lnllmty to pf~s~n :his adJellcum lO t\'~o~:r(l<:' CO!JUY, ]( you ~hjLl~d h~'..: <L11)' qt~,~~ti(lns, plea;t' c'ontan l)a~'ltl hr.o.,.;~y <.ll (,107) 56:1 .'3"76 nr me aL (:.104) 221.E3-9, ....' 0;:: !')' 1 rLJ ':y \'; ll!rS, Kl'\H; ].1 P I,' / /'; - "........ ',.i"__,.~ -_~t.- ._..--~ Do n C ;It'f U .:";~n:m \1 "[:<l~C:[, .-\c c ~ iJ -:: ~~d "~uil l"DC eNITl t /. F 1 0 ~ ~ d;:;, A"tll"r l~e'd .'>1 F..n,,~ LJl:"O;> .... - , '", ~ . . ". I 1,:-0 1.-. ,,...,o,'~" '-, /7','" ..- .~~':'<-: ) ~7>f(r~{.7~ '.-' ",-""'/ f / ' . ., ' '2..:' ;L ,/ ,/ ( C ,'-'.--' "-.I' '/ T i ~ 11'- ~~--~----------~---------~ IJa t ~