10/20/2021 Grant 1 :7 Kevin Madok, CPA
`#s .-�� �= Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida
DATE: October 27, 2021
TO: Breanne Erickson, Contract/Budget Administrator
Project Management
FROM: Pamela G. Hanc • �1.C.
SUBJECT: October 20th BOCC Meeting
Attached are electronic copies of the following items for your handling:
D1 Language Access Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus
Program in Monroe County in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive
Order 13166.
D15 3rd Amendment to the Contract Agreement for Engineering Design and Permitting
Services for the Rowell's Waterfront Park development with S&ME, Inc. in the amount of
$14,500.00. This project is funded by the one-cent infrastructure sales tax.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550.
cc: County Attorney
500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road
Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070
305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145
4 �fi
Purpose: In compliance with Executive Order 13166, Monroe County has
developed the following Language Access Plan (LAP)/Four Factor Analysis for
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons.
History: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the federal law that protects
individuals from discrimination on the basis of their race, color, or national origin
in programs that receive federal financial assistance. In certain situations, failure
to ensure that persons who have limited English proficiency can effectively
participate in, or benefit from, federally assisted programs may violate Title VI's
prohibition against national origin discrimination.
Persons who, as a result of national origin, do not speak English as their primary
language and who have limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand
English may be entitled to language assistance under Title VI in order to receive
a particular service, benefit, or encounter.
Monroe County Four-Factor Analysis: The following Four-Factor Analysis will
serve as the guide for determining which language assistance measures Monroe
County will undertake to guarantee access to the Monroe County Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs by LEP persons.
1. Number or proportion of LEP persons served or encountered in the eligible
service population (served or encountered includes those persons who would
be served by the recipient if the person received education and outreach and
the recipient provided sufficient language services).
Monroe County utilized American Community Survey data Table S1601 for
the Key Largo CDP. The 2019 Census data states that of the population of
9,515 persons a total of 643 persons "speak English less than well". This is
6.75% of the total population. Based on this data, Key Largo CDP in Monroe
County meets the 1,000 or 5% LEP persons threshold.
Key Largo GDP,Florida
Total Percent
Label Estimate Margin of Error Estimate Margin of Error
v Poiptlatlon 5 per,and rover 9,515 +Q3 W (X
Sp aA only Englsh 7,123 ±528 7491 3€
Speak a language other than English 2,392 ±405 251"3 -3 a
tiatacensus ,k C 2,19, _.. 1. E.
"auraeyiPEeagram w.me'ieanC mm n,gu,,ev F¢vdurt.-201)AC3>-V-Es--.S,bill Fahi� vw a iYa .'-
Tab]siu s_oci
Speak Englishless man Levy, ' Percent speak English iess Chan°very weRl"
iE:mr.. _.. Estimatx._ _..Margin of€rror._ _. Esamale._. _._Margmof Errar
EOPLEBY ri .dmer gat .
2. The frequency with which the LEP persons come into contact with the
The proposed project is an infrastructure project that does not provide direct
assistance to individuals. As a result, LEP persons rarely come into contact
with the CDBG-CV program. However, all citizen participation activities are
open to the general public throughout Monroe County. The use of Rowell's
Waterfront Park as a testing and vaccination site would only occur in the
event of a large scale pandemic such as COVID-19. If this were to occur,
then the impacted population may visit the testing and vaccination site on
several occurrences to be tested and/or vaccinated.
3. The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the
Monroe County, in partnership with the Monroe County Public Health
Department, is requesting up to $2.8 Million to enhance Rowell's
Waterfront Park in Key Largo to serve as a future infectious disease testing
and vaccination site. The Project would targeted facilities to this site in
order to upgrade the facility including the addition of power outlets to
provide electricity to the site, expanded sidewalks that would allow for
controlling the residents while remaining at a safe social distance,
installation of Wireless Local Network (WIFI) to provide communication and
electronic connectivity at the site, parking space to accommodate the site,
and enhanced lighting throughout the park. The parks will be designed to
accommodate the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The proposed project does not provide direct assistance to individuals. As
a result, LEP persons rarely come into contact with the CDBG program.
However, all citizen participation activities are open to the general public.
4. The resources available and costs to the recipient.
All information related to the CDBG-CV grant application is posted on the Monroe
County website at http://www.monroecountv-fi.qov/1243/COVID-1 ecovery.
This website can translate written materials into Spanish and 145 other
languages by using the Google "Select Language" at the bottom of the page.
Additionally, two Monroe County employees have been identified to provide oral
translation services at public meetings and during conversations with LEP
residents during the implementation of the proposed project if requested in
advance. Furthermore, many of the common forms used in the implementation
of a CDBG-CV project are available in multiple languages on the HUD and DOL
websites. Additionally, translation activities are an eligible CDBG-CV
administrative expense. Therefore, limited LAP measures are reasonable given
the resources available to Monroe County.
5. This Language Access Plan has been implemented as of 9/22/2021 and is
retroactively effective upon approval by the BOCC.
Monroe County, Florida Language Access Plan
As a result of the preceding Four-Factor Analysis, Monroe County has identified
the following types of language assistance to be provided on an as needed basis
by Monroe County throughout the implementation of the CDBG-CV program:
• All CDBG-CV citizen participation documents, project-related resolutions,
public notices, and amendments will be available on the Monroe County
website where they can be automatically translated into Spanish and 145
other languages by using the Google "Select Language" at the bottom of the
• Additionally, all published citizen participation advertisements will include a
statement in Spanish indicating other program materials are available in LEP
language identified upon request.
• All citizen participation notices will include a statement that translators will be
available at public meetings upon prior request.
• If other populations of LEP persons are identified in the future, Monroe
County will consider additional measures to serve the language access
needs of those persons.
PASS AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
at it regular meeting held on this 20th day of October , 2021. :
N.) �
Mayor Michelle Coldiron Yes i=:.:w.' 1
Mayor Pro Tem David Rice Yes --.s
Commissioner Craig Cates Yes R; -0
Commissioner Eddie Martinez Not Present �--, �' Fri
Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes « o
'":i� �� a MONROE Ce - FLO 1—
ciai tiwirnik
/ \�' � fF ���s Mayor Michelle Coldiron
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BY f"^^.'41
As Deputy Clerk
5 DATE: 1 f h13/21
CDBG-CVWebsite Information: http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov/1243/COVID-19-
Recoygry in both English and translated into Spanish
Community Development Block Grant-Corona Virus
Under trip CARES Act,Conlinunit,Development BE,ock Grant—Coronavirus fC DEG-CV°;.'85 bklhon in federal funding has been
nract available to states to Prevent.prepare for,and respond to Me COVEI-1 9 pandernic.In parmersh p x1th the U.S.Housing
and Urban Development;HUD±Community Development Blocu Grant Program.the Flortca Departrne�m of Econonlic
Oqlrodun'tv'D;::O,vAl administer the allocated funding to communities throughout the siaie,The funding v,,ill assist lor"v-
income families and coos"sulnerable drizpns.
F orida'S Total Nloc on is$285.6 million.Of this, 'Oonrce County is eligible for funding ,,dth,n the Smar"Ries i Non-
Entitlement)Cornmunitv Program,xhich.orals:S42 Indlldon state."ide.
CDE',C'., CN Procirw-n., Reqk,,rerlei')'s
Zllgllhlle Activities:Acquisition: Public limproverneills;Publ,c FacTflss:Bus nessAssistance tOlcroenlerprise AssistamG Public
Ser,AcGs,Planning;and Broadband Plann ng and Pubiic-InfraqtTucajre.
COV D-1 9 Tte:Under time CARES Act.funding<s avarIalbte through the Comm,jnity Develoonieni aloc-.'Grant Program for
activities flhg'prevent,prepare for,and respond to the co,onamLIS pandellic
Nafional Objective:mach actwit,,.,funded by CDEG rnLEt rneet one of the fcflo�xing HUD equ red National ObjeciiveE
Provide benefit to lo,,v-and -noderaie-inconle r1101l persons.
PreveqT or eliminate slum or bligh-.conditions.
Add ess urgent comm-nunity de,,elopnient needs.%,mich base a serious and inni@Tate inreat ro the health or welfa,e of
tne community for',,%-lhlch other funding is not avaFalbte.
P,cm(--d"s'O/aT.erfro"i,, Plark
Von,3e Count,,is requesting Lip to$2,5 Mi lion to enhance Ro,%sqs',,Naterfront Park n Key ILargo Io serve as a fijaire
infecibus disease testing and v9cciriatiog Sate. INhila Monroe Cloun has,testing and vacdnRt'cn siies q flic M dd a Kejs and
Lovier Kevs.Kev Larao currently does not have adequate facilkt es to host a testing and vaccina.?on site. The esidents in the
Key Largo area have reinalined sign ffcanfly underserL.,ed dUring the"OVID-1 9 ep�deqiic This grant applicationvAll help
allevdq�e this urgent need. The Draft'Pre-app4ics.ton is due to the DEO oil 'Oarcn 15.2021
PUlb c-k4e'a,,1?ng
In comprance viith state and federal requirenlents.Monroe Count,,is conducting a Puolic Hearing Ij hear public conimpni on
the CDEG-CV grant application for Rowell's Park a'1 30.om on February I 7,2021 a`:the regular schedule Monroe Co,inty
Boai-cl of County Commissioners.As ner the grant recuirements,oul)Iic nofice of this publ€c meeting and notice of the
corrinneqt period',mas published in the Cttzen,as the newspaoer of general circ,flation in Monroe County and also posted to
me Countv s.,,oebsite.
F.ibic Nolice
PLO):c Heqr'i LELe.1—POStioll
For,,vard any connirrients on thin application Comact Person: Car,,Knight,
,3—s'n-- -0,D-Is
Subvenci6n on bloque para of desarrollo comunitario-Virus Corona
SegOn!a Lev CARES.Sulcvendon en blocue para el desarrollo comunila,c,-Ccronavr,is�ICDBG-CVj,se gan puesto a
disDosic oil de los estaclos S 5 Ill,millone,e,fo,clos feciei ales Dara),even r.prewar se y re-,Dcnwei a!a pan&rpia cle
COV D-1 9 Fn asociaci6n con el Progi arna Cie SJ1311e9C109eS en Blocim Cara e Desa-olio Commitai 0 ae Viviencta y
Des.arrol I c,Uilbano fHIJD,}de I oc Estaclos Unidos,el DeDartame it a oe Ocortun daces F cc n6micas do Florida I DEO!
adni nisfia,6 cs foriclos asignaclos a las cornun claoes cle todael estada Los fondos ay,ida,6n a la-,famillar,de baps ingrescs
v a cs audaclanos rnm vulnerades
La as ginadon total de Florida es de S 285.6 gn Ilonea.De esto,el condaco,de r0oirce e-,e eglicle Dai a i ecilcir financiamiemo
de,-,o del Pi ograrria Con-unrario de Ciudacle.PeouOas fain Dereclhos, q,ie ioializa S 42 mil ones en lodo e eslado.
Peua.,,;sizos,,,-Jel i. arna(-DB,,J-C'v'
Ac"iviclades elegicies Adquisicion:Mejo,as Dulb icas Iistalac ones D,11)icas.As siencia correi cial Asisle—la a 6a
micioen'riesa Servidos pkliccs;Planificaci6m v planfficaci6q de 13a9da ancha e inuaestructuia
En'rale COG VID-I 9 Bajc!a Lev CARES.loss foriclos eaten cisponiole-,a trav6s del Prog,ama de Subvenc ones en Blocue para
el Desai i odo Con-unrario para actividades q,ie prev enen.Di elparan responden a!a pan&rpia de coronavii Lis
Oojelivo Nacional Cada actividad financiacla poi CDBG delbe c.in-131 r con uno ce los siguientes Oojelivos Nacionales
recjueiiaos Por HUD:
• Brindai teneficios a pei sonas de ingress bajos v modei ados IMI
• Pr€:enii c elinina,las condiciones de tug,ii ios o)Sagas:.
• Ato,dai!as necesidades urgenzes de desa-ollo de la comunidad que ielresentan Lma arnegaza g,ave e nrnediata
ca'a a salud C,el been,sear Cie a comunictad para a cua no hay olros fcnc,rs diDon des
J I pars,,ie Ware,1,on,de Pc.,ove
F condado de Monroe esta solicitanda Basta S 2.5 mil ones Cara ne cra,e Darq,ie RuxeWs Orale,fro,t P ,en Kev Largo
cam cue sirva conrc, in sitio de vacunac&y pr,ielbas de enfe,medaces infecc osas e,el f.itlircl S bie,e,condado Cie
Mcrvoe i,ene smos de 13ruel3a Vacmaci6n en Micclle Kevs y Lo-,ve,Keys Kp,La,g,,actua rpenle no c.ienla co,
in,la'siciones adecuadas para allbei ga,un sit o cle pr,ielba y vac.inac on Lo,;re,den es en el area de Ker Largo han
ce,gianecido significawarrienze desatendidos durarte la elp dem a de CO4ID-'9 Esta scTatud de s,ibveqdo,avuclara a
alma,ela necesidad urgente.E borracor de a solict,id prev,@ deoe Dresentarse a DECO el 150 de matzo de 202 1
s u -11C tu Cl pre"'la,A li die,n c i a p-11 b i l ca
De conformicad call Ids requisites estatalesy fede,ales,el condadn.de Monroe estg NVP-IFJO 8 C@'On.L1118&IdenCia P61AGa
paral escuchar los comen-lanos del POblico sabre la solicitudde subvenu6n CDBj-CV p:,,,ra Rm,,eWs Fa,✓,a[a 1 30 pq del 17
de febrero de 2021 en el horar,o regLilar de,q Junta de Corni&onados del Condko de r,,,Ioqroe.De acuerdo con Ids reqUISFOE
de la s,,.jlb,vencI6n,el aviso IDOblico we eats reuni6nnL l3#Ica el aVN0 nObj jCo-Iej pe,rCdo de, onenlaTtOS Se U hicaroi en
Citizen Como el penbdico de CIFC1.11aCibn general en el condado de Nlonrae.,v tarrb!�An Se nUblicaron en el sitiovveb del
• '105--a p6b Cg
• Prensw"--_66n dp @UdienCi@ IcLLCjlCa
E Persona de contacto:Car,,
Kn ig h t. Kn ki Lit-i�,, rcpeC cg n tv-F Q ov.