1st Change Order 10/20/2021 �� � A F'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
County of Monroem avor I'ro 1em David Rice.I isrict,d
The Florida �
a Craig dates District
r 4 Mdie Martinez.Di tact 3
I Iol Merrill r11 R'a.rch rrr,District 5
1J1 /221
Kevin G.Wilson, P.E.
Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. � � �"
�'� `� � ��� '.� � 2021.10.19 10:54:08
a —04'00'
SUBJECT: Proposed Charge Order to be Approved
Attached is proposed Change Order#1 for the Clarence Higgs Beach Sand Replenishment project. This
change order increases the final contract sum by $19,250.00. The substantial completion date is
Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the
Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County
Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may
t is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Wednesday,
October 20, 2021.
Clarence Higgs Beach Sand Replenishment CHANGE ORDER NO: 01
CONTRACT DATE. 09/16/2020
Chatley Toppioo &Sons. Inc.
129 Toppino Industrial Drive
Key West Florida 33040
The Contract is changed as follows:
The original &ontract Sum) (Guaranteed Max err umtrice ... . ..... .
Net change by previously authorized Change Orders.- ........................ ...... $0
e (LontL@,qtaurnj (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was. $37U00.00
The (Cont,ract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximurn Price)will be (increased) (decreased)
(unchanged) by this Change Order,, ........ $19,250.00
- --------------......................---.................... -..................................
The new (Contract Surn)(Guaranteed Maximum Price), including this Change Order is, $397,250 00
The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (,q�han �ed) by.......... 0 days
The date of-,S,-u-,b—sta—nti-,al--C,--om-pIe-tion s f the date rat—this--C`h@—nge Or—der Ws 02/04/2022
Detailed description of change order and justffication�
_Eke r:Qc ire�rzPol Cor t LW��prqle t v y r ed in June 2020 and qwai�Lqd FriSeptealber 2020,
Utiforeseen delays in final erg vboor) mental periTiii,loshedthe issgance ofootice try groc3od(NTP) out to
thq cr ingL tail-op-eninq date, The Contractor's syppliqLs
ofice increasgs cif 1-50 Der,ton for sand and S2,00,por ton for start gin The Contractor Lias rq ttostqd
these increasestie )assed or) as a change order No additional oveLhead or yofit has been reagested.
No additional days awarded to the contract thno,
Chaim order is 5,1% cif COntrOCt tan I ce,
Not valid until sianed bv Owner, Architect it 1p,pricable), and Contractor
(type stecfs name) /batp'
Toppino & Sons, Inc. Date
Char] 4
Digitally signed by Cary Knight
DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR, ty Knight Date:2021.10.20 12:09:57-04'00'
Cary Knight Date
Pri: Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.
COUNTWASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR- 2021.10.20 13:41:53-04'00'
Roman Gastesi Date
Kevin Wdson
Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 024-2015
• Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes F ,<If Yes, explanation.
• Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes Z No[_j
If Yes, explanation of increase in price. Project was delayed for over a year from contract exewotion
datc, due to perivitting delays through no fault of the Contractor In that fin7P, the price of sand and the
trucking of that sand increased resuffing in ar.1ditional cost to the Contractor
• Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5%of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes E No
If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids
• Protect architect approves the change order, Yes E] No
if no, explanation of wh y. No ar('hilectlengineer ass fined to project.
• Change Order is correcting an error or ornission in design document. Yes []No
Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes No Z
True Haul, LLC Estimate
Homestead, 3'303")
th N.F. ErtlDriv e Date r-stimate
TR�U& HAZIL) 8/21/202)t'
Charley'roppi no&Son", I nc,
129 Top i no h idwm'ial Dh vu
Kc,y `esNt.F'L 33040
Riggs RIcach Rontpun,;hrrient
Descripmn Qty Rate Total
Dehverv,Pcr'fon 1 32,5() 32,50
From:Garcia \firiino Co
To" I figg—, Bosch Key''est(Old FLste;
De I�ver y Fev. Per Ton(Slfh in lncrcw e;r 1 34.50 34 50
DC I i VtqLa'' PC r 1 31 5 34f'55
Frorn:'wGewzhrr: Vkitehuk h�nrnokzileo
I o I i hv�gps B L ach K q We',', Old R'al C)
DOt vcry t'ee' Per Ton �2/Ton increv'Isc) I 36.6 a6x05
Salo,Tax 0,00141 OM0
Total S l 3IX')0
Phone ff Fax 0 E-rn ai I Web Site
786,610 0330 0 8,,h7-8588 ZSws in(,&,1'ruct huLncr
prat e d FIAH' Aggregate Source se and Stab al izati on Materials
Sand Shell Screenings Topsoil gill
Dmc l't°t3posccL Mum (1, 201) Mine Site; Inirno alc^
Pro pc)sccl ti3: C halct' `loppino IK Scros, Inc
(�njmrry Acki s ti I�r�tittaa 13 ' ..,..11l>,t.,:*:.er, w'a t't.,39., c
t:r3rat<m Nnn-ic: `Latclr'cww''Ic 3ino Project :mTic
I'I`rs.}'M Sri 4 96-3606 I'i4:'"r W!"T, H.
IIcII: t I'r(dec,t Qc;��stc3r`s,'�".[s�tni ,i`�::'". p
Fn`ad: atorioincrCw h rleytoriDino,coil II? 'IQl?€
AI3pmOY a c 4arc/IAid Dare ()f l'iyco
I 1kric h Surd '1yIN) 'Iw n S IRfPI1 55,(jCiCUP) _I
'+ I ra S S
Daily quantities subject to availability
\i'.IY%`wc,onk sy�Y h P"t4� w tl��df„eL`tlm i A Y la m :+4.ic,9 'r�1�8'91i v �4,81,ix �i7l3�ld ri� V 3 d�4c�'a G� *=,��Y�I incladed hn dic pric4. o SY tel3L7 fat t. � ilt`,I3E`Y di7 a�,�i,1"'
1'ahJ Or 60 09 r tY"Q}m dic 16t L" Nopt3o*'c'd Ws IiY6be' 6,[ i*4 c13 G,3c£"we inn!and T[md 9[ Y3urcJFawr d(ab ncm sCIi J".no a p Iju..asc Wet uo 9;.'Hcr
'I'"InCi'u-ng PF'w wrl'si-,,of Ow1 c1sloic(tanclwa firlp� price, lta,a fl��6r74",,and gg�3d'"„It !4t{ �kt9"bu{ia"s'i.'S"A",�l'kWh 1"+L.r"S:fi.1.es am U q7c �n�uaGr�c,l w,5 id-im V £�3rw`° o �5..191.�,.6' "r
V.;7lclln1s„unf r�a€c M!3ACI pinu7 Ind pt"Yrd Air the I'Si4a�t„n rc icri L':cd in (his Llt voc. its CId.A me Ons ncA mI"ply ru my cmu mn m1cpi5wo AY}"', Lch
ec Is ncccrl prow pi lawr mum rtc;,ics :,tickm wl carmuN An my awk omrao "wrizicni It""pe',+md may Ise,wiil,l,wn m any na 0%,
cl;r'r hritar ir unaas^7c6atstri�.rl �arrs.tc°Gn,�c <i�taaatac ag; f ua'�:ha,cr. c°iic+ r �a4�i rc t3rkia if lc. ¢isg alai u�.a, +r;sx sacarcd hr�i it k}t cllrr. l9ti,ac3lir�w5iy tca
lhcSu t ern,,'iii ' ti Iprt po.ials,orders,cowract,, ',ind rati.ttu3l us be puC'r`uc ami nic Va nid, nick,penend H.t U `W 01hcr
aggi,csiatc wa:aas°ual; trcam `ipo.3.i 'klst�a•W, 7 BJ 1 .ur s,:#tro itii.r�i5£. Ui3t 1.t: f'e;r,sis and 4,ty isrna.urt' anait I;t°d bc•rr t r ir.!ga 2",and mowy')r,¢sr
Oram h1v reors.nuc:..
I hC a lick rsig,rwd i,a,cccpts tilrc. ;el3ii t, clLtr t gt srr : i l .i `;1I °i f 1 I i.I i 13, „ 1 l<C
St��nmiur„ { cn w -£.,g lt9gt1aluire
1'mucal O,uarm Cacti Bem rd BY hall Enc k
`I'rflc PMea drraimmi,mr We e VP rwf0araiionv, and LoListic,�
l t.atci IW211 020 DaC
Pip 1
875 igAtcr Hark Drive, Serge, I HH kil0c°r 11. 33458
Photat, (77T97I-'lAN) ' ntc-kq mcwr+ai-CinwcrJeals. ono
P. .BOX 787 Number: 1
KEY WEST,FL 33041 Phrine. 305 296-5606
Fax* 305 296-6189
PROJE(III-F: Higgs each Sand Replenishment DATE: 101712021
TO: Gary V�cK PROJI-,"(1,#. 2036
Monroe County
500 WhRehead St,Key West,FL 33040 c o s,r c o D tl..
DF,SCRIPTION OFCIIAN(A. Cost lncrease of Sand w)d Truc&q
Quantity 1 114 Price
I Sand TON Price Ocrease from$10.00[o$11 50 5-500 S L50 �K250.00
2 Trucking/TON Fee Irom$34,65 to 636 65 5M.10 S 100 53 t,tttttt.00
UOTAL: SA 9,2,5 1 l.0 0
!—pi Rw Jn!IIIPIK-,:
0"1,d ., v. a II
4. A;I,oUl',,.,• 0"—
N 5- y Yrt L1 AW V. �'j` J"U w-W
Hie Original('011trael Sum"'As--... .......... ....... ......- $ 378,009. 0
NO(hange 11),Previously Authorized Requests Chauges,—--......... ........ $
The Cooili-act Surn vrior wThis Change OnIcr $ 378,000-00
The Contract Sum NN,tit be Inct,cased i DeCrCaS Ii 19,250,00
I'he%cA,('4p tit r1jet Surro Iticlud ingThis Change Order— $ 3975250-00
The(anInAct Finle NN ill/Will"411 bt'Charikled ......... $
By: Midiael Labrada By-
Project Adman
Printed Name& Title Printed Name&Tifle
Date 10j7/2021 Date:
���xi�_3'4V Ar
Approved FDOTAggregate Source Base and Stabalization Materials
Sand ShcH Screenings '1'()PS(,)il Fill
Date 1'r°arlrc;wSc°e.l: Sc'lmc°mI:e r 03„ `021 Mille Site. Iraxr okale
1'rtyr'rwd tar: C;hFalc r ttraa & on':, Inc
�,ir1't�ad�an) 1'�.d dw s 1 �i'ta; e;,i re �� �'.u:> ,,,t t.t tda _ I I iggs l,ic;k,£;h
C,arrrtact Narnc: \n&ew I tap >lrara 10(yucrt Nam
lid; tartc 305 96 7fi06 K&
30 797.5M39 Prc Vc; 1.nc.rrtlarta,`WrInw/01)
d.sta,all: .Lfj .Llca� e f g,p- itt .tor 1 1/1 r'`202 t
ppre ximate`.titan r Erul D;aw ot`3'Qc°c~t:
1 lkach Sanc4 j f3t1 r,'` 'i' n S 1151 a 6121t.M
3 d. :_ Irwta `3
£tiler quantities subject to availability
1 proves, ranAmn as hc=s-t e macd.me VA r H at wll a's tam:yor me .4po4r.rhEaa mxw;nT M KI'It5s.lt:aled in thu pme arC t'rroAscsrrry 'Mn 13rc1y rt to
VAd in f`,€WY- P5-nn Me 17.ut€ PtnTo c{ 'INS ParMg (wil nail Nunn,, n Il and vmd rr Ik'm rrawr don my ,rthrr a a l's mhasc w&r to sc°llc,r.
I s.mchlrt m t'. c BA,rt'w( 10 ywo iI"l G. uhng hl €:r',quan Im s,NCre.Y 17i6d'9t;d tie l li is over AhYc"13 rmr£'haws am to be made) "din 30 4 x;A Raquo'c 75is r
cnicrin, into "1, tr ra �rrritr�>�i ntFcc°r Irirl a�rv�r�l t�rt�gtac lrrt,gana r`els•ars7e.Y in ilss qwac. I5;clmmts W is,x,tlTlti in sti:;°con"am cuesaoiwn ,gar
rc+c.rc:r ced lrroyc.t E'rtrt"c'r.sur mum rccl.ro. ,ia3clmniai"UMN in aura mxh c°auiaww mc uses. Ms latrzpo',al g'n,,W ha wlthclrAWr;.rt aesv noruc
Met pow w 4arL¢Hncla@"Nd"rrHOR at:caFgnstsc°Ind I"rsuMh.0 er. ANY is my tc°Towilrlc An:airs cI'a.l,r"s nor crt,swd salt Iv by Men in.rltcloon to
th"c rc.+mv IN I7acls,tra'a31m uk.o lcs ,a r"rlrr.uos: smd ag c nl nus rclann r"Ac Ilu hsa c,amk.a c of sand,w V Renew wily aualsl An wher
",,F inga v na"n-wk rrAstr-QuWan ;Ckutcrr ak, 1311 are ss;hNo to rha. `4 0°rU ral Temn:and C tas.a4inorv,"art.aa�hcd hurcu' pa c ', Ind lerco lirrs.ttc.
.l dac srrcler`wt ta: cd tIccc:pls al"rc aE Ovc cicaeatatton: Vl 1 W. t'l'iR1,\I is J'J'C'
StaniE inc Slut;r£r£:
I%nt�°c3 ':,€m l �naata�lea �Ie."1�fsarl
dale° l iEla^ trc arar crlf:aaarsw��taratsa� lclattau°saw
Date Da tu
Page 1
28"751upiwr Rark Dravc, subc I HH"nqAter 11. 3345
lrlaawn t 72) 971 t'57 ataa,erscda;ca, tctti,aaa"tr uaattrdfal5.c;€atra
'r'rue Haul, LI-C Date Estimate#
M I SW 2nd Avenue Suite I I I
Flonda City, Flonda 33034 S/5/2020 2773
Na rne/Address
charleyl'oj,spmo&- sow, Inc,
129-ropj,mw @mus,�riai C)nvc
Key Wcs'� VL 33040
I igp Beach F�Cnmlri'd)rnew
Description Oly Rate I of
ikfi�er�'- pe� -I'on 150
FI-01M Nfi]IM2 05
Pep Tcni 1 141(6 3-1,w;
Fn5[w "LlteliAls 11T)IIIoLAcc
7,50 , 0,M)
Total S67 I
Phone 1� Fax 4 E,mait W'eb arte
7,96-0 10.0330 ()'i'8-47-85K'8 K e v i i i 0,01'r u c I I a u 1.s)c-t I