2nd Change Order 11/30/2021 `v BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
County of Monroes � , Mayor David Dice,District 4
Mayer Pro Tern Craig Cates,District 1
FloridaThe s
Michelle Coldiron,District 2
f Eddie Martinez,District 3
Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5
DATE: 11/29/2021
FROM: Kevin G. Wilson P.E. i Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.
{ ` 2021.11.29 15:58:09-05'00'
SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved
Attached is proposed Change Order#2 for the Clarence Higgs Beach Sand Replenishment project. This
change order increases the final contract sum by $18,170.06. The substantial completion date is
Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the
Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County
Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may
It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Tuesday,
November 30, 2021.
Clarence Higgs each Sand Replenishment CHANGE ORDER NO: 02
CONTRACT DATE: 09/16/2020
Charloy Toppino & Sons, Inc
129 Toppino Industrial Drive
Key Wost, Florida 33040
The Contract is
The original (�qontract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)_, $ 378,000-bb]
e Order C 1
previously authorized hangs. $ 9,2 56 Net change b_Y — -------
(Contract Sum l (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was, $397,250.00
The (Qontract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) wfll be �LrLqreased) (decreased)
(unchanged) by this Change Order ... $18,170,06
The new ( Lqatract Sum)(Guaranteed Maximum Price) including,this Change Order is S41 5,420.06
............. —-------
The Contract Time wiU be(increased) (decreased) (un.cha,n_qed) by... 0 days
The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is 02YO412022
11'11_1_--—-------........... .............................. ..........____�......................
Detailed description of change order and justification:
I he Contractor dehvereO and an �guirodpioiectsand. The newbeact
p)aced the..12Lr ..g..uanfifies of the rc
surface was observed lo be al or below the,template biro posed b the ap)royed rYesLQr?, OOle area at the
east end of the beach is sgt LiflL�gntly Ira the orcinosed arade and extent of the new beach. The Couriq,
ks iggqqs1pd the Contractor to deliver aqLYplace gn a(lditional 220 tons (158 CY io the deficieryt area
!Mt DLado to the2iian tern)_Jate This char ord,(isto add hrld, includin aowae ar*u , for addilional sand, defive and n/acement. No additional(Jays will be awarded to the coidract firrie.
Chan,ge order is 4' 8% oLgL
Not valid until.signed by Owner, Architect lif applicable),_and Contractor
Chol ey Toppino & Sons, Inc Date
t Digitally signed by Cary Knight
DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Cary Knight Date:2021.11.29 15:26:27-05'00'
Cary Knight Date
Pr( NN" Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.
COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADM!NlSTRATOR. 2021.11.30 16:14:35-05'00'
Roman Gastesi Date
Kevin Wilson
Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 024-2015
• Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications Yes El No E
If Yes, explanation,
• Change Order was included in the original specifications Yes No i—I
If Yes explanation of increase in price fhe, Contract includes a prow si.on for procuring sand in
excess of plan quinti0es at the unit price foi sand and detivery agreed to in the Contract. Additional
services for labor and equipment. con7awnsurate with the additional qfvanfifies of sand, are also
• Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever �s greater) Yes f-1 No
If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids-
• Project architect approves the change order Yes No
If no, explanation of why No architectlengineer assigned, to pa.,)ject,
• Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document, Yes 17,,,']' No [I
Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes f too
Explain, The plan quantities for the sand required to re-nourish Higgs Beach were estitnated by the
EOR based on a topographical'surley of the beach conducted if) 2014 - 2015, prior to Hurricane Irma
and offier inajor stornis since then. It is firqhly likely that those storms washed away additional
existing sand assurned un the design, This missing sand could not have been accounted for prior to
bid and therefore rpqur res addition quantities of sand to be re-plenished The addition sand is an
increase of less that 5% over plan quantities and will not exceed the pern,'iftlod fcrnpfale for sand fc-
Attention:Cary Vick DATE: 11/24/21
Monroe County
1100 Simonton Street
Key West,FL 33040
Location: (Higgs Beach)1000 Atlantic Blvd,Key West FL 33040 CO2
Scope: 10 Additional Loads of Beach Sand
Item Description Quantity Units Cost per Unit Line Item Cost Notes
Beach Sand 220.0 TON $ 11.50 $ 2,530.00
Trucking to Jobsite 220.0 TON $ 36.65 $ 8,063.00
Tax on Material 7% $ 177.10
OH&P 10% 4B1••'9.30 $
Extended Total 1.1.829.41) $ 44-,o+7-"
Superintendent 10.0 HR $ 94.00 $ 940.00
Foreman 12.0 HR $ 67.34 $ 808.08
Operator 12.0 HR $ 57.72 $ 692.64
Larboer 12.0 HR $ 38.48 $ 461.76
Laborer 12.0 HR $ 38.48 $ 461.76
CAT D4 Bulldozer 12.0 HR $ 110.00 $ 1,320.00
CAT 930 Loader 12.0 HR $ 90.00 $ 1,080.00
OH&P 10% $ 576.42
Extended Total $ 6,340.66
Subtotal $ 18,187.77
Performance/Payment Bonds $20.00/Thousand 1.0 LS $ $
Mobilization/Demobilization 1.0 LS $ $
General Conditions(Layout,Asbuilts MOT 1.0 LS $ $
7 4ta1: $
Prepared by: YTww�Caav d. idrs
Charley Toppino&Sons,Inc.
Sheet 1 of 1
Date: 11/24/21