Resolution 446-2021 RESOLUTION NO. 446 - 2021
WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has announced the funding for
Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant (RSAT) Program; and
WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners is the eligible applicant
representing the county in the State of Florida in the preparation and submission of the grant
proposal for the "Men's Jail In-House Drug Abuse Treatment Program"; and
WHEREAS, the Monroe County Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board (SAPAB),
with concern given to the goal of breaking the cycle of drug addiction and violence, has
recommended a Community-Based Aftercare program, to apply for funding, involving
coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social services and
rehabilitation programs; and
WHEREAS to be eligible for consideration of funding, applications were required to be
submitted, no later than October 29, 2021, using the FDLE Subgrant Information Management
On-Line (SIMON) grant management system; now therefore
1. The Board of County Commissioners approve the submission of the Residential
Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) grant application.
2. The Director of Finance and Budget is hereby authorized to sign acceptance of award
and all related documents for the Federal Fiscal Year 2020 grant funds to the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement, Office of Criminal Justice Grants, Residential
Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Grant Program;
3. This resolution shall be effective upon adoption by the Board of County
Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a
regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of November 2021.
Mayor David Rice Abstain 1-,,
tom« Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Yes `z'
; Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes i; ;,
if - a'� N° Po Commissioner Eddie Martinez Yes `—'
Ri Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes mac, m
p;a � f ,Je in Madok, Clerk Monroe County Board of CountfCommiss one
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As Deputy Clerk or
DATE 12/7/21
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Subgrant Recipient
Organization Name: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
County: Monroe
Chief Official
Name: Michelle Coldiron
Title: Mayor
Address: 25 Ships Way
City: Big Pine Key
State: FL Zip: 33043-3114
Phone: 305-292-4512 Ext:
Chief Financial Officer
Name: Kevin Madok
Title: Clerk of Court
Address: Post Office Box 1980
City: Key West
State: FL Zip: 33041-1980
Phone: 305-295-3130 Ext:
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#1 Page 1 of 2
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Implementing Agency
Organization Name: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
County: Monroe
Chief Official
Name: Michelle Coldiron
Title: Mayor
Address: 25 Ships Way
City: Big Pine Key
State: FL Zip: 33043-3114
Phone: 305-292-4512 Ext:
Project Director
Name: Janet Gunderson
Title: Senior Grants and Finance Analyst
Address: 1100 Simonton Street
Room 2-213
City: Key West
State: FL Zip: 33040-3110
Phone: 305-292-4470 Ext:
Fax: 305-292-4515
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#1 Page 2 of 2
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
General Project Information
Subgrant Recipient: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Implementing Agency: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Project Start Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022
Problem Identification
South Florida, including Monroe County and the Florida Keys, continues to have the unfortunate
distinction of being designated as a high-intensity drug trafficking area and, as such, is a leading
illicit drug importation area. This has increased the availability of illicit drugs in Monroe County
resulting in drug abuse rates higher than both the state and national averages. The Drug
Enforcement Agency noted in their 2019 Opioid Report that from 2006 to 2012 there were
30,791,325 prescription pain pills, enough for 60 pills per person per year, supplied to Monroe
County. The Florida Department of Corrections recorded 3,295 drug/narcotic arrests in Monroe
County for males during the six-year period of 2012 through 2017. The Monroe County Sheriff's
Office, Public Defender, and State Attorney's office have indicated a continued need for diversion
and treatment services including programs which will allow the county to decrease the number of
days' individuals spend incarcerated.
The project proposed by the service provider supports Monroe County's strategic plan that
addresses an identified priority in reducing criminal recidivism related to substance use. The
proposed program increases access to treatment and provides comprehensive substance abuse
treatment to inmates during incarceration. We are also proposing a Community-Based Aftercare
program that will provide coordination between the correctional treatment program and other
social service and rehabilitation programs, such as transitional housing, vocational rehab, and
On May 13, 2020, Miami Herald reported that with coronavirus-related stress on the rise, so is
alcohol and drug use, according to a national survey. Findings by The Recovery Village, a Florida-
based network of addiction treatment facilities, reflect an "expected" increase in substance use
during the pandemic, with Americans reporting a 55% rise in alcohol consumption in April 2020.
When it came to illicit drugs, 36% of Americans reported increased use of marijuana and
prescription opioids, among others. "Experts have already started to voice concerns on the
secondary effects America is yet to see from COVID-19", researchers wrote, among them being
"increased rates of addiction afterward due to the stress of isolation, boredom, decreased access
to recovery resources and unemployment". The jail-based program has been able to provide
substance abuse treatment throughout the pandemic and it is expected these services will
continue to be crucial to this community given these statistics.
Summary of project accomplishments from pre-existing subgrant (2021-RSAT-MONR-1-H7-004)
that have been achieved:
Data reported in "Completions" and "Reincarcerations" sections the Quarterly Performance Report
from the most recent grant periods, January 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
*Completions- "How many successful RSAT completions were released in the community during
the reporting period?" Jan-21 to Mar-21 = 7; Apr-21 to June-21 = 4; Jul-21 to Sept-21 = 9; Total
Successful Completions = 20
*Completions- "During the reporting period, how many successful RSAT completions were
released into the community with referrals to outpatient services, re-entry and/or transitional
plan?" Jan-21 to Mar-21 = 7; Apr-21 to June-21 = 4; Jul-21 to Sept-21 = 9; Total Successful
Completions Released with a Continuity of Care Arrangement = 20. All releases are referred to
outpatient services.
*Reincarcerations- "How many successful RSAT completions were released, and subsequently
reincarcerated on a new criminal charge during the reporting period?" Jan-21 to Mar-21 = 0 Apr-
21 to June-21 = 0 Jul-21 to Sept-21 = 0; Total Successful Completions Released then
Reincarcerated = 0
In the proposal of 2021-RSAT-MONR-1-H7-004 it was estimated that 8% of the successful
completions would be reincarcerated for a new criminal charge; data results from 2021-RSAT-
MONR-1-H7-004 indicate a successful outcome has been met. We also follow recidivism for the
year following discharge. It is important to note that the average rate of recidivism for the year
following incarceration is 5%.
In summary, a multipronged approach that includes not only programs that monitor and restrict
prescriptions, but one that also improves access to treatment, expands the number of
interventions that reduce the harms associated with opioid use, and reduces exposure to illicit
opioids; this program is more important now, than ever.
Project Summary (Scope of Work)
The Jail-In House Drug Treatment Program (JIP) located within the Monroe County Detention
Center. It is one of the few such programs nationwide operated within a county jail in Florida and
the only opportunity for some men to receive intensive drug abuse treatment within Monroe
County. The Monroe County Detention Center has a specific dorm designated for RSAT clients.
Moreover, these men are able to get treatment quickly instead of being one of the 66% of
substance abusing Florida residents who desire help but are unable to access treatment due to
Florida's lengthy waiting list for substance abuse services which is currently 6 weeks for a
residential treatment bed This program has been able to attain and maintain a very low recidivism
rate for participants by using evidence-based practices and special attention to the unique needs
of substance abusing men. The program has a very close relationship with county judges,
attorneys, and the administration of the Monroe County Detention Center as well as city and
county authorities. Men who complete treatment are often granted early release from
incarceration to begin rebuilding their lives, thereby saving the county the expense of their
continued detainment. Clients are taught coping skills to manage stress, anxiety, triggers to
relapse. Groups also cover job interviewing skills, resume creation, professionalism, budgeting,
opening a bank account and household management skills. These skills attained within the
context of treatment increases the chances of sustained recovery, healthier family and other
personal relationships and safer communities; as they have successfully completed an intensive,
comprehensive treatment program.
The majority of clients are court ordered by the Drug Court, Circuit Court and County Court
Judges in Monroe County. The rest enter the program as volunteers who have met the criteria for
drug/alcohol treatment and will be in the county jail a minimum of
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
182 days. JIP will serve 67 male inmates. Clients must have a minimum of six months'jail time to
complete the program, agree to follow all program rules including the absence of disciplinary
infractions while incarcerated and complete all program assignments and attend groups five days
per week. Once clients have been referred to JIP, a biopsychosocial and program orientation is
completed to determine treatment needs within 7 days of receiving court order. Additional
assessments are conducted including Mental Health Status and the Post Traumatic Check List
(PCL-5)which identify suicide risk levels, trauma and impairments in functioning. Admission
policies are welcoming to individuals with co-occurring disorders, learning disabilities, illiteracy
and other special individualized needs allowing access for all who probably otherwise would not
receive services.
Client-centered individualized treatment plans, are tailored to the needs of men, are a cornerstone
of gender-responsive treatment and developed collaboratively using a person- centered approach.
This plan is developed within the first 30 days and then reviewed and updated with the participant
every 30 days throughout the course of the program. Groups are facilitated five (5) days per week.
In addition, each program participant is assigned a primary counselor/case manager for monthly
individual sessions, to assist with treatment planning, provide comprehensive case management
and to monitor progress and discharge planning.
Treatment services use several evidence-based practices including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
(CBT) curriculum entitled "Substance Abuse and Criminal Conduct: Strategies for Self-
Improvement and Change, Pathways to Responsible Living" authored by Harvey Milkman and
Kenneth Wanberg which includes a client workbook for them to keep. Moral Reconation Therapy
(MRT) is also used to decrease recidivism among criminal offenders by increasing moral
reasoning. Additionally, treatment in the correctional setting incorporates trauma-informed and
gender- responsive treatment through the use of the evidenced-based. "Seeking Safety"
treatment model to promote the healing and edification of the human spirit and Relapse
Prevention Therapy program will also be incorporated. Corrections staff conduct random drug
testing of program participants with tests provided by the JIP program. If a client tests positive for
drugs, there is disciplinary action resulting in 30 days in lock down and a return to court for judicial
review of the case.
Clients are required to complete all program service components in 2 phases in a minimum of six
months. Each phase of treatment includes phase specific"dorm-work" assignments that are
reviewed and graded by program staff. Clients are required to submit daily homework
assignments, attend groups and maintain their behavior in the dorm and groups. When clients
move from one phase to the next is not pre-determined and the timeline is individualized based on
progress. To ensure the program achieves its intended outcomes and community impact,
outcome data is collected from the electronic health record so the program can monitor
deliverables; assess where it needs improvements; and make timely adjustments to address the
desired outcomes more effectively and efficiently.
Treatment in the program is a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 1 year. Successful
program completion rate will be 80% or higher. Recidivism will be collected and monitored post-
discharge using the county arrest data system. Clients are given appointments with a psychiatrist
as part of aftercare and assigned a case worker to help them with appointments, treatment
adherence, accessing of community services and medication assistance. Including MAT
(Medication Assisted
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#2 Page 3 of 5
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Community-Based Aftercare Program -Aftercare services funded through RSAT will serve
approximately 50 clients. Services will include coordination between the correctional treatment
program and other social service and rehabilitation programs.
A case manager will be stationed at the jail and will meet with the client while incarcerated to
begin engagement and ensure services are set up prior to release. Case manager will coordinate
care by connecting clients to community resources and outside agencies such as transitional
housing, vocational rehab, AA/NA, primary care providers, and financial assistance agencies.
The case manager will coordinate with Guidance/Care Center's (G/CC) outpatient staff to ensure
clients are enrolled in the necessary services, such as psychiatric care, substance abuse and/or
mental health therapy, relapse prevention groups, and medication assisted treatment (MAT). The
case manager and client will work together to identify goals and create a wellness and recovery
plan. Case manager will meet with client on a weekly basis to ensure client is set up in the
community with necessary supports and resources to prevent recidivism.
The Aftercare program will use evidence-based treatment services including Critical Time
Intervention (CTI) is an EBP utilized to support vulnerable populations during times of transition.
CTI includes intervention phases. Activities throughout phases include engagement, assessment,
linkage, support, assessment of efficacy of established community supports, and transfer of care.
CTI will be effective in helping individuals transitioning out of jail into the community.
Participants in the Aftercare program will have access to a wide variety of mental health and
substance abuse services through the Guidance/Care Center including Medication assisted
treatment (MAT).
Deliverables: Monroe County will use grant funds to deliver residential substance abuse treatment
to the male population housed in the sheriff's office jail who meet the RSAT criteria to participate.
Documentation of services to be provided will include documentation of client participation,
purchase orders, invoices, and cancelled checks or statements.
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section Questions:
Question: What percentage of the total costs of this project is being funded by sources other
than this award?
Answer: 43
Question: Does the subgrantee receive a single grant in the amount of$750,000 or more from
the U.S. Department of Justice?
Answer: No
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
General Performance Info:
Performance Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
Prime Purpose Area: 0001 - Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
State Purpose Area: 0001 - Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Activity Description
Activity: Other Drug Treatment
Target Group: Adult Males
Geographic Area: State of Florida
Location Type: Jail
Objectives and Measures
Objective: 1 -The subrecipient must complete the Performance Measures Worksheet and
submit to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG)on April 30, July 30, August
30, and January 30.
Measure: 3
The subrecipient must complete the Performance Measures Worksheet and submit
to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) no later than April 15, July 15,
October 15 and January 15.
Goal: Yes
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#3 Page 1 of 2
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section Questions:
Question: How many beds/slots will receive RSAT services?
Answer: 67
Question: What is the total population of the facility in which the RSAT program is located?
Answer: 596
Question: Provide the physical address(es)for the facility in which the RSAT program is
Answer: Monroe County Detention Center
5501 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
Question: How many participants are anticipated to complete the RSAT program within the
subgrant period?
Answer: 50
Question: How many participants are anticipated to enter the RSAT program within the subgrant
Answer: 67
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#3 Page 2 of 2
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
General Financial Info:
Note: All financial remittances will be sent the Chief Financial Officer
of the Subgrantee Organization.
Financial Reporting Frequency for this Subgrant: Quarterly
Is the subgrantee a state agency?: No
FLAIR/Vendor Number: 596000749
Budget Category Prime Match Total
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services $130,000.00 $43,334.00 $173,334.00
Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operating Capital $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
--Totals -- $130,000.00 $43,334.00 $173,334.00
Percentage 74.9997 25.0002 100.0
Project Generated Income:
Will the project earn project generated income (PGI)? No
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#4 Page 1 of 6
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative:
Contractual Services = $173,334
1)Assessments 240 quarter hours @ $19.27/gtr. hr. = $4,625
2) Individual Counseling 771 quarter hours @ $25.00/qtr. hr. = $19,275
3) Group Therapy 8,600 quarter hours @ $6.25/qtr. hr. = $53,750
4) Case Management 2,452 quarter hours @ $22.71/gtr. hr. = $55,684
5) Community-Based Aftercare Program (Case Management) Services 1,762 quarter hours @
$22.71/gtr. hr. = $40,000
The budget reflects costs directly associated with the provision of substance abuse treatment,
mental health, and educational services to inmates in, and being discharged from, the Monroe
County Detention Center. The unit cost rates were derived by using the hourly rates from the FY
2021-22 State funding contract for Substance Abuse and Mental Health (SAMH) services and
dividing by four(4) to arrive at the quarter hour(.25) rates. A contract with the treatment provider
will be developed to be utilized during the established grant period.
(1) Psychosocial Assessment: Monroe County through a contracted service/treatment provider will
interview all program participants for the purposes of data collection of educational, employment,
criminal, medical, family, substance abuse and mental health histories to assist in the
determination of the inmates' appropriateness for the program and to update treatment plans.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate: $19.27
Units Requested: 240
Total Cost: $4,625
(2) Individual Counseling: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will
provide one-on-one counseling to all program participants to review progress and develop
treatment plans and work on treatment plan goals and objectives.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate: $25.00
Units Requested: 771 quarter hours
Total Cost: $19,275
(3) Group Therapy: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will provide
group therapy to all program participants weekly. Group counseling among program participants
will be conducted to include the introduction of"Self-help groups" and their attendance to establish
an ongoing support network.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate: $6.25
Units Requested: 8,600 quarter hours
Total Costs: $53,750
(4) Case Management: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will
provide the coordination of adjunctive services, discharge and aftercare planning, communication
with collateral contacts, linkage with other treatment resources to all program participants.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate per qtr. hr.: $22.71
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative (Continued):
Units Requested: 2,452 quarter hours
Total Cost: $55,684
(5) Community-Based Aftercare Program: Monroe County through its contracted treatment
provider will provide the coordination of adjunctive services, discharge planning, communication
with collateral contacts, linkage with other treatment resources to all program participants.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate: $22.71
Units Requested 1,762 quarter hours
Total Cost$40,000
Basis for Unit Cost: Each service is based on the cost centers cited in the Florida Department of
State Administrative Code (FAC); Department of Children and Families; Division of Mental Health,
Chapter: Community Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services; Financial Rule No. 65E-
14.021 (Unit Cost Method of Payment). Financial Rule 65E-14.021, Schedule of Covered Services
was updated on 4/27/2016.
(1) Psychosocial Assessment Description -The systematic collection and integrated review of
individual-specific data, such as examinations and evaluations. This data is gathered, analyzed,
monitored and documented to develop the person's individualized plan of treatment and to monitor
recovery. Psychosocial assessment specifically includes efforts to identify the person's key
medical and psychological needs, competency to consent to treatment, history of mental illness or
substance use and indicators of co-occurring conditions, as well as clinically significant
neurological deficits, traumatic brain injury, organicity, physical disability, developmental disability,
need for assistive devices, and physical or sexual abuse or trauma.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour Treatment Provider Contract: $77.09
Subgrant Application: $19.27 per quarter(.25) hour
(2) Individual Counseling Description - Outpatient services provide a therapeutic environment,
which is designed to improve the functioning or prevent further deterioration of persons with mental
health and/or substance abuse problems. These services are usually provided on a regularly
scheduled basis by appointment, with arrangements made for non-scheduled visits during times of
increased stress or crisis. Outpatient services may be provided to an individual or in a group
setting. The group size limitations applicable to the Medicaid program shall apply to all Outpatient
services provided by a SAMH-Funded Entity. This covered service shall include clinical
supervision provided to a service provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree,
licensure, certification, or specialized training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour Treatment Provider Contract: $100.00
Subgrant Application: $25.00 per quarter(.25) hour
(3) Group Therapy Description - Outpatient services provide a therapeutic environment, which is
designed to improve the functioning or prevent further deterioration of persons with mental health
and/or substance abuse problems. These services are usually provided on a regularly scheduled
basis by appointment, with arrangements made for non-scheduled visits during times of increased
stress or crisis. Outpatient services may be provided to an individual or in a group setting. The
group size limitations applicable to the Medicaid program shall apply to all Outpatient services
provided by a SAMH-Funded Entity. This covered service shall include clinical
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#4 Page 3 of 6
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative (Continued):
supervision provided to a service provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree,
licensure, certification, or specialized training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour Treatment Provider Contract: $25.00
Subgrant Application: $6.25 per quarter(.25) hour
(4) Case Management Description - Case management services consist of activities that identify
the recipient's needs, plan services including aftercare, link the service system with the person,
coordinate the various system components, monitor service delivery, and evaluate the effect of the
services received. This covered service shall include clinical supervision provided to a service
provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree, licensure, certification, or specialized
training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour Treatment Provider Contract: $90.84
Subgrant Application: $22.71 per quarter(.25) hour
(5) Community-Based Aftercare Program (Case Management) Description - Case management
services consist of activities that identify the recipient's needs, plan services, link the service
system with the person, coordinate the various system components, monitor service delivery, and
evaluate the effect of the services received. This covered service shall include clinical supervision
provided to a service provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree, licensure,
certification, or specialized training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour Treatment Provider Contract: $90.84
Subgrant Application: $22.71 per quarter hour
TOTAL MATCH: $43,334
Monthly invoices are provided to Monroe County by the treatment provider summarizing activities
for which they seek payment. These are reviewed by Monroe County staff for approval of payment.
Grant funds may be used to pay for any applicable shipping, freight, and/or installation costs.
Grant funds will NOT be used to pay for extended warranties outside of the project period.
Any costs that exceed the grant allocation will be the responsibility of the subrecipient and/or
implementing agency.
All items, quantities, and/or prices above are estimates based on the information available at the
time of application.
Source of Local Governmental Cash Match: Ad Valorem Tax
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section Questions:
Question: If the budget contains salaries and benefits, does this application create a new
position that results in a net personnel increase?
Answer: N/A
Question: If the budget contains salaries and benefits and does not result in a new position,
describe how the existing position was previously funded.
Answer: N/A
Question: If Expenses or Operating Capital Outlay are you are procuring via inter-government
agreement (e.g. state term contract, government contract, etc.)
Answer: N/A
Question: What is the Operating Capital Outlay threshold used by the subgrantee? If the
implementing agency is a sheriff's office, indicate the sheriff office's threshold instead.
Answer: 1000
Question: Will any procurements be made via sole source (see 2 C.F.R. 200.320(f))? If yes and
the aggregate dollar amount is $10,000 or more, include a Sole Source Justification
Answer: Yes
Question: If indirect cost is included, explain the indirect cost plan. Provide documentation of
Answer: N/A- No indirect costs are in the budget.
Question: If contractual services in the budget are based on unit costs, provide a definition and
breakdown of costs for each service. Include methodology for the unit cost plan and
when it was approved.
Answer: Basis for Unit Cost: Each contractual service is based on the cost centers cited in the
Florida Department of State Administrative Code (FAC); Department of Children and
Families; Division of Mental Health, Chapter: Community Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services; Financial Rule No. 65E-14.021 (Unit Cost Method of
Payment). Financial Rule 65E-14.021, Schedule of Covered Services was updated
on 4/27/2016.
*Psychosocial Assessments 240 quarter hours @ $19.27 = $4,624.80
Definition of Psychosocial Assessment: An interview will be conducted all program
participants for the purposes of data collection for educational, employment, criminal,
medical, family, substance abuse and mental health histories to assist in
determination of the inmates' appropriateness for the program and to update
treatment plans.
*Individual Counseling 771 quarter hours @ $25.00= $19,275.00
Definition of Individual Counseling: The provision of one-on-one counseling for all
program participants to review progress and develop treatment plans and work on
treatment plan goals and objectives.
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Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
*Group Therapy 8,600 quarter hours @ $6.25 = $53,750.00
Definition of Group Therapy: Provision of group counseling for all program
participants to include the introduction of"Self-help groups" and their attendance to
establish an ongoing support network.
*Case Management 2,452 quarter hours @ $22.71= $55,684.92
Definition of Case Management: The coordination of adjunctive services, discharge
and aftercare planning, communication with collateral contacts, linkage with other
treatment resources.
*Community-Based Aftercare Program (Case Management) 1,762 quarter hours @
$22.71 = $40,000 (rounded)
Definition of Aftercare Services/Case Management: Coordination of adjunctive
services, discharge planning, communication with collateral contacts, linkage with
other treatment resources to all successful program participants.
Total Contractual Services = $173,334 (rounded)
Application Ref#2021-RSAT-1 38 Section#4 Page 6 of 6
Contract# -RSAT-MOLAR---
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
RSAT Application Reference #: 2021-FSAT-138
Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Residential Substance Abuse
Treatment (RSAT) Grant Solicitation
RSAT Program and Additional Requirements
(pgs. 7 - 8 from the Grant Solicitation)
Subaward Management Capabilities and Compliance Questionnaire
Certification Regarding Lobbying: Debarment, Suspension, and other
Responsibility Matters; and Drug Free Workplace Requirements
Sole Source Justification
Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Checklist
Employment Eligibility Verification: For any position to be funded (in whole or
part) with RSAT funds, the subrecipient must ensure the employment eligibility of the
individual being hired is properly verified in accordance with the provision of 8 U.S.0
132a(a)(I) and (2). The subrecipient may choose to participate in and use E-Verify.
SIMON Required Forms
EEO Certification
r t Upon completion,email a copy of this form
Questionnaire ( ) to: crimiaar,ust ce,
Subrecipient Name: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
FI : 59-6000749 DUNS: 073876757
In order to meet eligibility requirements, subrecipients must be able to document compliance with the
following requirements prior to receiving a subaward:
2 CFR Part 25—Universal Identifier and System for Award Management Requirements
® 28 CFR Part 42— Nondiscrimination; Equal Employment Opportunity, Policies and Procedures
2 CFR§200.300-309—Standards for Financial and Program Management
• 2 CFR§200.313— Equipment(Inventory)
2 CFR§200.318-326—Federal Procurement Standards
• 2 CFR§200.332—Requirements for Pass-through Entities
• 2 CFR§200.430—Compensation (Personal Services)
Subrecipient seeking federal financial assistance from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
(FDLE), Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) must complete and submit this questionnaire annually.
This questionnaire consists of a series of questions to aid in determining an agency's ability to comply
with the federal regulations required to properly administer grant funds.
Please read all questions carefully as some questions may require coordination with other
divisions/bureaus in your agency (i.e. finance, purchasing, human resources, etc.). Failure to provide a
completed questionnaire will result in a withholding of funds condition being placed on pending
For questions regarding this questionnaire, contact FDLE's Office of Criminal Justice Grants at (850)
617-1250 or criminaliustice(
Please provide a point-of-contact to coordinate any additional information requests FDLE's Office of
Criminal Justice Grants may have during the review of this questionnaire.
Name: Janet Gunderson
Title: Grants Coordinator
Agency: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Phone: (305)292-4470
Score Total: 45 Monitoring Determination: DESK*
*Subject to change at the discretion of the Office of Criminal Justice Grants.
Subaward Management Questionnaire
Section 1: General Information
1. Is the applicant entity designated high risk by a federal grant No
making agency or other pass through entity?
2. Has the applicant entity received a prior subaward from the Office Yes El
of Criminal Justice Grants?
3. Has the applicant entity experience turnover in key staff positions No
in the past six months? Key staff positions include: Chief Official,
Chief Financial Officer, Project Director, and/or Application
. Does the applicant entity retain all grant files and records of grant Yes
purchase for a minimum of five years after the closeout of the
1 Section II: Audit Information
1. For which fiscal year was the subrecipient's most recent financial 2020
audit conducted?
2. During the audited fiscal year did the subrecipient expend Yes w
750,000 or more in total federal funding?
a. If yes to 2, has the audit been uploaded to the Federal Yes
Audit Clearinghouse?
b. If no to 2, has a Certificate of Audit Exemption form /A
been provided to OCJ ?
3. Did the auditor express qualified/modified opinion in the most No El
recent audit report?
4. Did the most recent audit note any material weaknesses and/or No
significant deficiencies?
EmploymentSection III: Equal • . . . •
1. Is the subrecipient, and implementing agency (if not covered by Yes
subrecipient's EEO documentation), aware they must comply with
federal civil rights regulations, including certifications and plan
2. Does the subrecipient organization have more than 50 Yes
3. Does the subrecipient organization receive federal funding from Yes
the US Department of Justice (or pass-through entity) totaling
25,000 or more?
. Has the subrecipient organization had any findings of No
discrimination issued by a state or federal court in the past three
years? If yes, documentation of the finding must be included.
Page 2 of 5
Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ) OCJG(rev.05/21)
Subaward Management Questionnaire
Section IV: Tiered Subrecipient Management and Monitoring
1. Is the subrecipient aware of the difference between subawards Yes
under a federal award and procurement contracts under federal
awards, including the different roles/responsibilities associated
with each?
2. Does the subrecipient have written policies, procedures, and/or Yes
guidance designed to ensure that any tiered subawards made by
the subrecipient under a federal award — (1) clearly documents
applicable federal requirements; (2) are appropriately monitored
by the subrecipient; and (3) ensure compliance with the
requirements of 2 CFR 200.332?
3. Does the subrecipient have written policies and procedures Yes El
designed to prevent issuing a tiered subaward under a federal
award to any entity or individual that is suspended or debarred
from such funding?
Section V: Accounting System
1. Does the subrecipient's accounting system identify the receipt Yes
and expenditure of funds separately for each grant (i.e. no
commingling of funds)?200.302(b)(1)
2. Does the subrecipient's accounting system record and track Yes El
expenditures for each grant by budget categories in the approved
budget? 200.302(b)(5)
3. Does the subrecipient's accounting system have the ability to Yes El
record, track, and document cost share or match for each grant?
. Does the subrecipient's accounting system capable of producing Yes
the detailed ledgers and registers?200.302(b)(3)
5. Does the subrecipient's accounting system include budgetary Yes
controls to prevent incurring obligations in excess of total funds?
1. Are the duties of the person responsible for maintaining financial Yes
records separated from any cash related functions?
2. Are personnel who perform disbursement functions prohibited Yes El
from purchasing, receiving, and inventorying items?
3. Is the signing of disbursement checks limited to authorized Yes El
individuals whose duties do not include posting and recording of
accounts receivable and approving vouchers for payment?
Page 3 of 5
Subaward Management Questionnaire(SQ) OCJG(rev.05/21)
Subaward Management Questionnaire
4. Does the applicant entity have procedures in place to safeguard YesII
personally identifiable information (PII) and law enforcement
sensitive data?
5. Does the applicant entity have procedures in place to ensure Yes
grant funds will not be used to supplant local funds that have
already been appropriated for the proposed activities?
Section VII: Inventory (Equipment Recipient)
1. Does the organization receiving the equipment have written N/A
procedures governing their inventory process?200.313(d)
2. Does the organization's property management system provide and
maintain the following information: 200.308(d)(1)
a. Description of the equipment; Yes No
b. Property identification number; Yes No
c. Source of the property (including award number if grant Yes No
d. Who the title vests with; Yes No
e. Acquisition date; Yes No
f. Federal share of property cost(if federally funded); Yes No
g. Location and condition of property; and Yes No
h. Ultimate disposition information. Yes No
3. Does the organization assure that grant funded property is
maintained and insured in compliance with federal requirements?
Section Vill: Procurement(Purchasing)
Subrecipients of federal funding are permitted to use the purchasing entity's own written
procu rem ent/purchasing procedures provided they are more stringent or consistent with the federal
guidelines outlined in 2 CFR 200.31 -326.The items below allow the purchasing organization to self-
certify its procurement system in accordance with 2 CFR 200.324(c)(2). If answering "Yes®, a page
number must be provided.
1. Does the procurement policy contain a conflict of Page: 35 Yes
interest procedure/statement? 200.318(c)
2. Does the conflict of interest procedure/statement Page: 35 Yes
include disciplinary actions for violations?
3. Does the procurement policy have provisions for Page: 35 Yes r
avoiding purchase of unnecessary or duplicative
4. Does the procurement policy permit the use of Page. 35 Yes *'
intergovernmental agreements (i.e. state contract,
Page 4 of 5
Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ) OCJG(rev.05/21)
Subaward Management Questionnaire (SMO)
5. Does the procurement policy include requirements Page: 35-36 Yes
to verify contractors/vendors are neither suspended
nor debarred in 200.318(h)
6. Does the procurement policy prohibit geographical Page: 36 Yes
7. Does the procurement policy have a threshold for Page: 39 Yes
purchases that do not require quotes
(micropurchases)that is less than or equal to an
aggregate purchase of$10,000? 200.320(a)
8. Does the procurement policy require informal Page: 38-39 Yes
competition (i.e. quotes)when purchases exceed
9. Does the procurement policy require formal Page: 36-38 Yes
competition (i.e. sealed bids, competitive
proposals, etc.)when purchases meet or exceed
$250,000? 200.320(c-d)
10. Does the procurement policy allow noncompetitive Page: 39,96 Yes El
procurements (sole source) under MI the
following three circumstances: item(s)only
available from a single source; public emergency;
and/or after solicitation, competition is deemed
Section IX: Certification
On behalf of the subrecipient, I certify to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that the information
provided above is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have the requisite authority and
information to6j(&Rek.-UItT-te# ation on behalf of the subrecipient.
Signature: P Date: 0 1
Name: Michelle Coldiron Title: (305)292-4512
*This form is valid for one year from the signature date and does not need to be resubmitted during a grant period.
Page 5 of 5
Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ) OCJG(rev.05/21)
Lobbying, Debarment Upon completion, email
and Drug Free Workplace copy of this for :
Certification criminali,ustice@fdle,
Instructions: Before completing this form,applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine which
certifications are required. Using this form,applicants may certify their compliance with the following requirements:
28 CFR Part 69,"New Restrictions on Lobbying;"28 CFR Part 67, "Govemment-wide Debarment and Suspensions
(Non-procurement);"and 28 CFR 83,"Government-wide Requirements for Drug Free Workplace(Grants),"as
applicable. The certifications attested to on this form shall be treated as a material representation of fact and will be
relied upon as such when the Office of Criminal Justice Grants makes award determinations for a covered
transaction,grant, or cooperative agreement.
1. Lobbying
As required by Section 1352,Title 31 of the U.S.Code,and implemented at 28 CFR Part 69,for persons
entering into a grant or cooperative agreement over$100,000,as defined at 28 CFR Part 69,the applicant
certifies that:
a) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any
person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a member of
Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with
the making of any federal grant,the entering into of any cooperative agreement,and the extension,
continuation, renewal, amendment,or modification of any federal grant or cooperative agreement.
b) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to influence an officer or
employee of any agency,a member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a
member of Congress in connection with this federal grant or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall
complete and submit Standard Form LLL—"Disclosure of Lobbying-Activities', in accordance with its
c) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for
all subawards at all tiers(including subgrants,contracts under grants and cooperative agreements,and
subcontracts)and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
. Debarment,Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters
As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension,and implemented at 28 CFR Part 67-
a) The applicant certifies that it and its principals:
i. Are not presently debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment,declared ineligible,sentenced to
a denial of federal benefits by a State or Federal court,or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any federal department or agency;
ii. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil
judgement rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with
obtaining,attempting to obtain,or performing a public transaction;violation of Federal or State
antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,theft forgery, bribery,falsification or destruction
of records, making false statements,or receiving stolen property;
iii. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity
(Federal, State,or local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (a)(ii)of
this certification;and
iv. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions
(Federal,State or local)terminated for cause or default.
b) Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,he or she shall attach an
explanation to this application.
3. Drug Free Workplace
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 67,Subpart F,as defined
at 28 CFR Part 67 Sections 67.615 and 67.620—
a) The applicant certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by:
Page 1 of 2
Lobbying, Debarment and Drug Free Workplace Certification OCJG-001 (rev. 04/21)
. 5
Lobbying, r completion, it
G' and Drug Freer f this for :
i. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensing,
possession,or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the subgrantee's workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition;
ii. Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to inform employees about—
1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
2) The subgrantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
3) Any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs; and
4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in
the workplace.
iii. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be
given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (i);
iv. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph(i)that,as a condition of
employment under the grant,the employee will—
1) Abide by the terms of this statement; and
2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of criminal drug statute
occurring in the workplace no later than five(5)calendar days after the conviction.
V. Notifying the agency,in writing,within ten(10)calendar days after receiving notice under
subparagraph (iv)(2)from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction.
Employers of convicted employees must provide notice including position title to: Florida
Department of Law Enforcement,Office of Criminal Justice Grants, P.O. Box 1489,Tallahassee,
FL 32302-1489. Notice shall include the identification number(s)of each affected grant.
vi. Taking one of the following actions within thirty(30)calendar days of receiving notice under
subparagraph (iv)(2),with respect to any employee who is convicted—
1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee,up to and including
termination,consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as
2) Requiring such employee to participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation
program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State,or local health, law
enforcement,or other appropriate agency.
vii. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of
b) The subgrantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s)for the performance or work done in
connection with
As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that applicant will comply with the following
Ln Certification Regarding Lobbying(required for applications over 100,000)
R✓ Certification Regarding Debarment,Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters(required for all
R Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace(required for state agency applications)
Subrecipient: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Printed Name: Mpel+ Title:Mayor
Signature: __ Date:
Application Number:2021-RSAT-138
Page 2 of 2
Lobbying, Debarment and Drug Free Workplace Certification OCJG-001 (rev. 04/21)
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Email completed form to:
Noncompetitive procurement, or sole source, is procurement based on the submission of a proposal/quote from only
one source. Sole source procurements on a federal award must adhere to 2 C.F.R. §200.320(f), 200.407, and
Section 3.8 of the Department of Justice Grants Financial Guide. Agencies intending to use non-competitive
procurement practices must complete and submit this form to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants for approval.
Please attach additional pages if more space is required.
Brand names do not constitute a legitimate request for a sole source procurement. For example, Taser is a brand
name of"conducted electrical weapon" sold by Axon. However, "conducted electrical weapons" are sold by multiple
different manufacturers/vendors.
Note: Failure to obtain approval for sole source prior to expending funds is at subgrantee risk. If the sole source is
not approved, those costs may be disallowed on a reimbursement request.
Select Program: RSAT _I Application/Grant Number: 2021-RSAT-138
Subgrantee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners Sole Source Category: Single Source Ell
SECTION I: Provide a brief description of the project, the amount designated for sole source procurement, the
purpose of the item/service, and an itemized budget for the sole source amount.
The proposed project is for a Jail-Based Treatment Program ($133,334) and Aftercare Program
($40,000); total budget $173,334. $133,334 is the amount budgeted for the Jail-Based Program and
amount designated for sole source procurement. There are four (4) components of the Jail
Treatment Program for the provision of evidence-based substance abuse treatment services that will
be provided by the Guidance/Care Center: (1) Psychosocial Assessment ($4,625.00), (2) Individual
Counseling ($19,275), (3) Group Therapy ($53,750), and (4) Case Management ($55,684). Note:
The Community-Based Aftercare Program($40,000) is not a sole source procurement.
SECTION II: Provide an explanation as to why it is necessary to procure the item/service in a noncompetitive
manner. This description should address, at a minimum, each point below based on the sole source category
selected above.
Single Source Public Emergency Inadequate Competition
- Uniqueness of items or services to - Description of emergency - Describe result of market survey
be procured - Need forthe item/service in to determine available
- How agency determined item or relation to the emergency competition
service is only available from a - Effects of delay on project - If no market survey was
single source activities if sole source is conducted, explain why
- Explanation of the need for the not approved
vendor/providers expertise in
relation to the grant project
The Guidance/Care Center(G/CC), a 501 c3 not-for-profit organization, is unique due to currently being the only
organization certified by the Florida Department of Children & Families to provide substance abuse treatment
services on-site in the Monroe County Detention Center. G/CC has attained and maintained a very low recidivism
rate for participants who successfully complete the Jail-based Treatment Program. The proposed jail-based
program will be a continuation of the current program and is expected to continue the low rate of recidivism upon
A market survey was not conducted because of the nature of the market in Monroe County; a rural community
(population 82K)and physically isolated due it's location and the availability of only one(1) road to get in/out of the
county and the limitations of affordable workforce housing.
OCJG-011 (rev. 6/21)
Officei iJustice
Section III:Conflict of Interest Certification
y signing below, I certify there is no conflict of interest between the subgrantee and the proposed
vendor/provider. I also attest the Excluded Parties List ( was checked and the proposed
vendor/provider is not suspended or debarred from receiving federal funds. Finally, I certify this
procurement complies with federal,state,and local laws and regulations.
Name: Michelle Coldi or Title: Mayor
Signature; Date: 11 1+a 00W,
FIDLE USE ONLY-Section I : Sole source review checklist to assess and approve or deny a request for
I ® ' sole source procurements under a federal award. The sole source approval request only needs to meet
one of the qualifying situations listed on this checklist. If any questions have a"No"answer the justification
should be denied or you must request the information be updated/changed.
For noncompetitive procurement due to SINGLE SOURCE:
a) Does independent research through intemet searches or
discussions with subject matter experts corroborate that the item is Yes F-1 o NIA
available only from a single source?
b) Does Section II demonstrate the uniqueness of items or services to
be procured from the proposed vendor/contractor (e.g. compatibility Yes No /
c) Does the request demonstrate and support how the agency
determined the item or service is only available from one source(i.e. El Yes o El /
market survey,independent agency research, proprietary system)?
d) Does the request demonstrate a significant need for the Yes No /
vendor/providers expertise in relation to the grant project?
For noncompetitive procurement due to PUBLICEMERGENCY:
a) Is there a public emergency such as a natural disaster or Yes o /
catastrophic event?
b) Has there been a declared state of emergency in which these Yes o NIA
goods or services will be needed?
c) Is there an immediate health or safety concern? Yes No F1 N/A
For noncompetitive procurement due to INADEgUATE PETITION:
a) Does the request adequately describe the efforts to competitively Yes o /
contract for this item(i.e. RFP/Bids, nature of response,etc.)?
b) Does the request adequately describe the efforts to ensure the Yes No /
contract pricing is fair and reasonable?
c) Does the request provide results of a market survey to determine ❑Yes No /
competition availability or explain why no survey was conducted?
DateReceived: Approved
Reviewed y: Change Requested
Date: Denied
OCJG-011 (rev.6/21)
Subrecipient vs.
Contractor Determination Upon completion, mail email a copy of this
Checklist form to: criminaliustice
Applicant Name: Monroe County Board of COMM iSSilaApplication#: 2021-RSAT-138
Third Party Name: Guidance/Care Center
In accordance with 2 C.F.R. 200.330, a pass-through entity must make a case-by-case determination whether each
contractual agreement it makes under a federal award classifies the third party as subrecipient or contractor. There
are certain requirements which must be met depending on the relationship between a pass-through entity and its
third party.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) is ultimately responsible for
ensuring a correct determination is made under the federal program. In the event of a dispute regarding the
determination, OCJG may seek final determination from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.
Please answer the following questions in relation to the contractual service proposed in your grant
1. Will the third party provide goods/services related to crime and criminal ❑ Yes No
justice to the public?
2. Will the third party provide crime or criminal justice services to individual ❑ Yes No
members of the public?
3. Will the third party develop, adapt, or otherwise improve training and Yes W] No
technical assistance materials to meet the needs of entities or individuals
working to address crime, improve criminal justice, or assist victims of
4. Will the third party provide training or technical assistance to entities or ❑ Yes No
individuals working to address crime, improve criminal justice, or assist
victims of crime?
5. Will the third party develop, or improve, technology useful in addressing Yes W] No
crime, improving criminal justice, or assisting victims of crime?
6. Will the third party collect and analyze data, or conduct research and Yes No
evaluation, on issues related to crime, criminal justice, and victimization?
7. Will the third party provide services which are designed, modified, or W] Yes ❑ No
adapted to meet particular needs?
8. Will the third party make determinations as to who may be eligible for the V Yes No
services proposed in the application?
9. Will the third party make determinations (or evaluate) regarding the Yes No
quantity and types services a program participant will receive?
10. Will the third party be required to submit data which is necessary to Yes No
complete the performance reporting under the proposed application?
If any of 1-10 is yes, the contractual relationship is a subrecipient. Otherwise the contractual relationship is a
contractor. Please see page two for important information regarding your determination.
DETERMINATION: W] Subrecipient ❑ Contractor
Subrecipient vs. Contractor Checklist OCJG-012(3/2020)
Subrecipient vs.
Contractor Determination Upon completion, mail email a copy of this
Checklist form to: criminaliustice
Compliance Requirements Based on the Relationship Determination
Failure to address or provide documentation of compliance with the appropriate requirements as listed below may
result in a withholding of funds condition being placed on the award. This type of condition will prevent the review
and approval of any reimbursement requests ultimately delaying payment.
For a subrecipient determination:
✓❑ Third party has a DUNS number AND active registration.
Contractual agreement addresses all required elements in 2 CFR 200.331(a).
A risk assessment has been developed to evaluate the third party's level of risk. (OCJG Example)
❑A monitoring tool has been developed to monitor the third party's compliance with all applicable federal
award conditions, rules, regulations, etc. (OCJG Example)
Written policies and procedures exist to document the award, management, and monitoring of any third
party subrecipient.
For a contractor determination:
❑ Third party is not on the excluded parties(suspended/debarred) list in
❑ Contractual agreement addresses all required elements in 2 CFR 200 Appendix II.
❑ Selection of the third party is in accordance the federal procurement standards identified in 2 CFR
❑ Selection of the third party is free from any direct or perceived conflict of interest.
❑ If the selection of the third party is by non-competitive procurement methods, a sole source justification
form has been submitted to OCJG.
❑ Documentation related to the method of procurement, selection of the contract type, contractor
selection/rejection, and the basis for the contract price is available upon request.
❑ A documented cost analysis has been completed and all elements are allowable, reasonable, necessary
and allocable to the proposed project.
**********************************************For FDLE Use Only************************************************
❑ Agree with the determination made by the OCJG applicant
❑ Disagree with the determination made by the OCJG applicant;the relationship appears to be that of a:
❑ Subrecipient ❑ Contractor
Approved By: Date:
Subrecipient vs. Contractor Checklist OCJG-012(3/2020)
Attachment H
Employment Eligibility Affidavit
I, _ Frank C. Rabbito , as an authorized representative
of The Guidance/Care Center, Inc, a FL 501 c3 not-for-profit corporation
affirm that this organization:
• Will comply with the requirements of sections 448.09 and 448.095 of the Florida Statutes, and
• Does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with an unauthorized alien.
I further affirm that if the organization has a good faith belief that a person or entity with which it is contracting has knowingly
violated s. 448.09(1)shall terminate the contract with the person or entity and promptly notify the Florida Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Association.
I hereby affirm and verify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best on my knowledge and belief.
ai23 PM
Signature rct° Date
Printed Name Frank C. Rabbito
Position/Title C00
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 day of July 2021 —, by
Frank C Rabbito who (select one):
® is personally known to me, or
❑ who has produced as identification.
Signature, Notary Public, State of Florida
or At" FWiU
Nazneen Khatib 342247
Print or type, Notary Public, State of Florida
Online Notary Public.This notarial act involved the use
of online audio/video communication technology.
Page 1 of 1
Compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Requirements
Please read carefully the Instructions(see below) and then complete Section A or Section B or Section C, not all three.If recipient
completes Section A or C and sub-grants a single award over$500,000, in addition,please complete Section D.
Recipient's Name:Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Address:1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040
Is agency a; ❑ Direct or v Sub recipient of OJP, OVW or COPS funding? I Law Enforcement Agency? ❑ Yes v No
DUNS Number:073876757 1 Vendor Number(only if direct recipient)N/A
Name and Title of Contact Person:Alana Thurston-Coordinator/EEO Officer
Telephone Number: 305-292-4461 1 E-Mail
Section ADeclaration Claiming Complete Exemption from the EEOP Requirement
Please check all the following boxes that apply.
❑Less than fifty employees. ❑Indian Tribe ❑Medical Institution.
❑Nonprofit Organization ❑Educational Institution ❑Receiving a single award(s)less than$25,000.
I, [responsible
official], certify that
[recipient] is not required to prepare an EEOP for the reason(s) checked above,pursuant to 28 C.F.R§ 42.302.
I further certify that [recipient]
will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the delivery of
If recipient sub-grants a single award over$500,000, in addition,please complete Section D
Print or Type Name and Title Signature Date
Section BDeclaration Claiming Exemption from the EEOP Submission Requirement and Certifying
That an EEOP Is on File for Review
If a recipient agency has fifty or more employees and is receiving a single award or,subaward, of$25,000 or more, but less than 5500,000, then
the recipient agency does not have to submit an EEOP to the OCR for review as long as it certifies the following(42 C.F.R.§42.205):
I Alana Thurston [responsible
official], certify that Monroe County Board of Commissioner
[recipient],which has fifty or more employees and is receiving a single award or subaward for$25,000 or more,but less
than$500,000,has formulated an EEOP in accordance with 28 CFR pt. 42, subpt. E. I further certify that within the last
twenty-four months,the proper authority has formulated and signed into effect the EEOP and, as required by applicable
federal law,it is available for review by the public, employees,the appropriate state planning agency, and the Office for
Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The EEOP is on file at the following office:
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs
DOJ Office Civil Rights(OCR)website
Digitally signed by Alana
Alana Thurston Thurston
Alana Thurston,Coordinator/EEO Officer Date:2021.08.17 14:06:45-04'00'
Print or Tv e Name and Title Si nature Date
Section C—Declaration Stating that an EEOP Short Form Has Been Submitted to the Office for Civil
Rights for Review
If a recipient agency has fifty or more employees and is receiving a single award,or subaward, of$500,000 or more, then the recipient agency
must send an EEOP Short Form to the OCR for review.
I, [responsible
official], certify that
[recipient], which has fifty or more employees and is receiving a single award of$500,000 or more, has formulated an
EEOP in accordance with 28 CFR pt. 42, subpt. E, and sent it for review on
[date] to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
If recipient sub-grants a single award over$500,000, in addition,please complete Section D
Print or Type Name and Title Signature Date
Section D—Declaration Stating that Recipient Subawards a Single Award Over $500,000
If a recipient agency,subawards a single award of 5500,000 or more then the granting agency should provide a list;including, name, address
and DUNS#of each such sub-recipient.
Sub-Recipient Agency Name/Address Sub-Recipient DUNS Number
If additional space in necessary,please duplicate this page.
OMB Control No. 1121-0340 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015
Compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (Equal
Employment Opportunity Program) Requirements
Recipient's Guidance Care Center,Inc.
Address: 1205 4th Street,Key WEst,FL,33040
Recipient Direct Recipient Law Enforcement Agency: No
Ty e:
DUNS 085566461 Vendor Number(only if direct 591458324
Number: recipient):
Name of Tara Estrada Title of Contact Person: Director Of Human Resources
Telephone (559)824-1806 E-Mail Address:
Subreci ients: 1 No
Declaration Claiming Exemption from the EEOP Utilization Report
Submission Requirement
The following exemptions apply:
Nonprofit Organization Less than fifty employees
1,Tara Estrada(aulhor•ifed official),certify that Guidance Care Center,Inc.(recipient organisation),is not
required to prepare an ESOP Utilization Report during 2020 fiscal year)for the reason(s)checked above,
pursuant to 28 C.F.R.Section 42.302.I further certify that Guidance Care Center,Inc.(recipient organi-ation
),will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the
delivery of services.
Tara Estrada,Director Of HR Tara Estrada 8/2/2021
Print or Type Name and Title Signature Date
a" s,
a• Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489(850) 617-1250
Federal Fiscal Year 2020
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant (RSAT)
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) is seeking
applications for the state's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Grant Program. This program
funds state and local jail and prison-based programs designed to reduce the demand for, use, and
trafficking of illegal drugs with the goal of breaking the cycle of drug addiction and violence.
Eligible applicants are limited to state agencies, units of local government, and state and local law
enforcement agencies. A unit of local government is defined as a city, county, town, township, borough,
parish, village, or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American
Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Florida gives preference to applicants who provide aftercare services to program participants. Aftercare
services involve coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social service and
rehabilitation programs, such as education,job training, parole supervision, halfway houses, self-help, and
peer group programs.
• 2 C.F.R. Part 25 - Universal Identifier and System for Award Management(SAM)
• 28 C.F.R. Part 42 - Nondiscrimination;Equal Employment Opportunity,Policies and
• 2 C.F.R. §200.318-326 -Federal Procurement Standards
• 2 C.F.R Part 200.300-309 - Standards for Financial and Program Management
Contact Information
For questions regarding this solicitation, please call the main line at (850) 617-1250. For technical
assistance with the Subgrant Information Management Online (SIMON) system or for issues with an
application in SIMON, ask for the SIMON Help Desk.
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FY20 Program Information
Table of Contents
Program Strategy and Purposes..............................................................................................................3
PriorityAreas for Funding.........................................................................................................................4
Costs Requiring Pre-Approval..................................................................................................................6
RSAT Program and Additional Requirements.......................................................................................7
State and Federal Transparency.............................................................................................................8
Length of Award and Distribution of Funds............................................................................................9
Howto Apply...............................................................................................................................................9
Application Review Process.....................................................................................................................9
Appendix A - Application Timeline.........................................................................................................11
Appendix B - Application Scoresheet....................................................................................................12
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FY20 Program Information
Program Description
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement(FDLE)received an award from the United States Department
of Justice (USDOJ)for$1,754,128 in Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)Grant funds. FDLE
is seeking subaward applications for funding under the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State
Prisoners Program.This program furthers FDLE's mission by assisting state, local and tribal efforts to break
the cycle of drugs and violence by reducing the demand for, use and trafficking of illegal drugs.
This Solicitation seeks subrecipient applications for activities as they relate to three types of evidence-
based drug treatment programs within state and local correctional and detention facilities: 1) Residential,
2)Jail-based treatment, or 3)Aftercare.
A minimum of ten percent (10%) of this funding will be made available to eligible local correctional and
detention facilities.
Program Strategy and Purposes
FDLE administers the RSAT federal pass-through grant program for the State of Florida. The RSAT
program (34 U.S.C. § 10424) assists state and local governments in developing and implementing
substance abuse treatment programs.
Applications for RSAT funding must implement or continue to require urinalysis or other reliable forms of
drug testing, both periodic and random, for any participant: (1) before entering the residential substance
abuse treatment program; (2) during the period in the treatment program; and (3) released from a
residential substance abuse treatment program if the individual remains in custody.
All RSAT programs must provide services in a completely separate facility or dedicated housing unit
exclusively for use by RSAT participants which is set apart from the general correctional population.
The following types of programs are eligible for funding:
• Providing residential substance abuse treatment to incarcerated inmates;
• Preparing participants for reintegration through reentry planning activities within treatment
programs; and/or
• Assisting offenders and their communities through the delivery of community reintegration,
treatment, and other broad-based aftercare services.
Residential Programs: Applicants must ensure that individuals who participate in a grant funded
substance abuse treatment program are provided services including:
• Engaging participants for a period between six (6)and twelve (12) months;
• Focusing on the inmate's substance use diagnosis and addiction related needs;
• Developing the inmate's cognitive, behavioral,social,vocational,and other skills to solve substance
abuse and related problems; and
• Requiring urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program
participants, including both periodic and random testing, and for former participants while they
remain in the custody of the state or local government.
RSAT participation should be limited to inmates with six (6) to twelve (12) months remaining in their
confinement so they can be released from prison after completing the program, rather than returning to
the general prison population.
Jail-based Programs: Applicants must ensure individuals who participate in a grant funded substance
abuse treatment program are provided services including:
• Engaging participants for at least three (3) months;
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FY20 Program Information
• Focusing on the participant's substance use diagnosis and addiction related needs;
• Developing the inmate's cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve
substance abuse and related problems; and
• Requiring urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program
participants, including both periodic and random testing, and for former participants while they
remain in the custody of the state or local government.
Applicants must ensure that individuals who participate in a grant funded substance abuse treatment
program are provided with community reintegration services. Services must include coordination
between the correctional treatment program and other social service and rehabilitation programs, such
• Education and job training;
• Parole supervision;
• Halfway houses; and/or
• Self-help and peer group programs.
Priority Areas for Funding
Evidence-Based Programs or Practices
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) places a strong emphasis on the use of data and evidence in policy
making and program development in criminal justice. Programs and practices are considered to be
evidenced-based when their effectiveness has been demonstrated by causal evidence, generally obtained
through one or more outcome evaluations. Causal evidence documents a relationship between an activity
or intervention (including technology) and its intended outcome. Causal evidence depends on the use of
scientific methods to rule out, to the extent possible, alternative explanations for the documented change.
The strength of causal evidence will influence the degree to which OJP considers a program or practice to
be evidence-based.
Applicants are required to provide substance use treatment practices and services which are evidence
based and are appropriate for the target population.Applicants should identify the evidence-based practice
being proposed for implementation, identify and discuss the evidence that shows that the practice is
effective, discuss the population(s)for which this practice has been shown to be effective, and show that it
is appropriate for the proposed target population. Applicants can find information on evidence-based
treatment practices in SAMHSA's Guide to Evidence-Based Practices available at
www.samhsa.aov/ebiDweb ide.
Information Regarding Potential Evaluation of Programs and Activities
Applicants should note OJP may conduct or support an evaluation of the programs and activities funded
under this solicitation. Subrecipients will be expected to cooperate with program-related assessments or
evaluation efforts, including the collection and provision of information or data requested by OJP (or its
designee) for the assessment or evaluation of any activities and/or outcomes of those activities funded
under this solicitation. The information or data requested may be in addition to any other financial or
performance data already required under this program.
Opioid Abuse Reduction
The applicant understands and agrees that, to the extent that substance abuse and related services are
funded by this award, they will include needed treatment and services to address opioid abuse reduction.
Community-Based Aftercare Programs
These programs must involve coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social
service and rehabilitation programs, such as enrollment assistance for health care coverage, coordinating
assistance to receive Medication Assisted Treatment(MAT), education and job training, parole supervision,
halfway houses, self-help, and peer group programs.
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FY20 Program Information
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must comply with all terms and conditions of the federal award and subaward, including those
incorporated by reference. This section identifies specific program requirements that must be met as a
condition of eligibility to receive federal funds under this program.
Each applicant must be able to document compliance with the following requirements:
2 C.F.R. Part 25 Universal Identifier and System for Award Management(SAM) Requirements
2 C.F.R §200.300-309 Standards for Financial and Program Management
2 C.F.R. §200.318-326 Federal Procurement Standards
28 C.F.R. Part 42 Nondiscrimination;Equal Employment Opportunity;Policies and Procedures
SAM Registration
To apply for RSAT funding, an organization must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
number. The organization must also be registered with the federal System for Award Management (SAM)
(2 C.F.R. Part 25).
A DUNS number may be obtained by calling (866)705-5711 or by visiting the Dun &Bradstreet website at: A DUNS number is usually received within one to
two business days.
To create or update your annual SAM registration, go to The process can take up to 10
business days.
Compliance with Applicable Federal Laws
Applicants are required to certify compliance with all applicable federal laws. Applicants should understand
that if OJP receives information indicating an applicant may be in violation of any applicable federal law,
the applicant may be referred to the DOJ Office of Inspector General (OIG)for investigation. If the applicant
is found to be in violation of an applicable federal law by the OIG, the applicant may be subject to criminal
and civil penalties, in addition to relevant OJP programmatic penalties, including suspension or termination
of funds, inclusion on the high-risk list, repayment of expended funds, and/or suspension and debarment.
Civil Rights Requirements
Federal laws prohibit subrecipients of financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age in funded programs or activities. All subrecipients,
implementing agencies, and contractors must comply with any applicable statutorily-imposed
nondiscrimination requirements, which are summarized below:
• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Applicants must comply with all applicable requirements
of 28 C.F.R. Part 42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpart E that relate to
an equal employment opportunity program.Applicants are advised to use the Office for Civil Rights
EEO Reporting Tool at (
• Equal Employment Opportunity Certification (EEOC): Applicants must submit an EEO
Certification annually at the time of application. Failure to provide the EEOC at the time of
application will result in a withholding of funds condition on the award.
• Limited English Proficiency (LEP): In accordance with Department of Justice Guidance
pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Part 2000d, applicants in receipt of
federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their
programs and activities for persons with LEP. FDLE strongly advises applicants to have a written
LEP Language Access Plan. For more information visit
• Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations: Applicants, must comply with all applicable
requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 38, "Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations", specifically
including the provision for written notice to current or prospective program beneficiaries.
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FY20 Program Information
• Americans with Disabilities Act: Applicants must comply with the requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA), Public Law 101-336, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of
disability including provisions to provide reasonable accommodations.
Filing a Complaint- If the applicant or any of its employees, contractors,vendors,or program beneficiaries
has a discrimination complaint, they may file a complaint with the applicant, with FDLE, or with the Office
for Civil Rights.
Discrimination complaints may be submitted to FDLE at Office of the Inspector General, Post Office Box
1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489, or online at infop_fd Any discrimination complaints
filed with FDLE will be reviewed by FDLE's Inspector General and referred to the Office for Civil Rights, the
Florida Commission on Human Relations, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, based on
the nature of the complaint.
Discrimination complaints may also be submitted to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs,
U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20531, or by phone at (202) 307-
Subawards under this program may not be used to fund more than 75 percent of the total cost of a project
or program. Applicants must identify the source of the 25 percent non-federal portion of the total project
costs (match). The formula for calculating match is:
Federal Funding Amount
:Adjusted Total Project Costs
Federal Share (75%)
Adjusted Total Project Costs x 25%=Amount of Match Required
Example: For a subaward amount of$125,000, calculate the 25% match as follows:
75% =$166,666.67
$166,666.67x 25%=$41,666.67
Costs Requiring Pre-Approval
The following cost elements require prior approval from FDLE and/or OJP:
Publications and Other Media
All media created, published, and/or altered using federal grant funds must be reviewed and approved by
FDLE and/or OJP prior to release or distribution. This includes any curricula, training materials, brochures,
or other written materials to be published, including web-based materials and web site content, as well as
all audio or video materials, including Public Service Announcements. Subgrantees must submit a draft of
each proposed item to OCJG no later than thirty (30) days prior to the targeted dissemination date. For
items containing videos, a transcript may be provided with screenshots or a description of the visual portion.
All materials publicizing or resulting from award activities shall contain the following statements:
"This project was supported by Award No. 2020-J2-BX-0021 awarded by the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, Office of Justice programs. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice or grant-making component."
This requirement does not apply to the purchase or reproduction of existing materials or items created by
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FY20 Program Information
other agencies or vendors;for example, crime prevention brochures, unless the subrecipient alters the item
in any way. Please contact FDLE's grant's office with questions or to clarify the applicability of pre-approval
Sole Source
If a subrecipient requests to procure goods or services costing $10,000 or more by sole source to a single
vendor, a sole source justification must be submitted to FDLE for approval prior to the obligation of grant
funds. For a sole source procurement over the federal Standard Acquisition Threshold (SAT)of$250,000,
written pre-approval must be obtained from both FDLE and DOJ. Subrecipients should submit the
completed "Sole Source Justification" form with the application or as soon as the procurement method is
Sole source approval applies to the amount of the total procurement, regardless of the amount of federal
investment in the purchase. Before submitting a request for a sole source procurement, applicants should
carefully review the conditions governing this type of procurement (see 2 C.F.R. § 200.320(f)).
Conference/Meeting/Training Costs
OJP policy and guidance encourages minimizing conference, meeting, and training costs; sets cost limits,
which include a general prohibition of all food and beverage costs; and requires prior written approval of
most conference, meeting, and training expenditures. Subawards requesting to use grant funds for
meetings,trainings,or conferences may be required to complete and submit an OJP event submission form
upon request from FDLE and/or OJP.
Project Adjustments
Retroactive (after-the-fact)approval of project adjustments or items not currently in the approved subaward
will only be considered under extenuating circumstances. Subrecipients who incur costs prior to approval
of requested adjustments do so at the risk of the items being ineligible for reimbursement under the award.
RSAT Program and Additional Requirements
For FY20, subrecipients will be required to complete the following documents at the time of application;
failure to do so may result in the withholding of funds until items are received.
Sub and Management Capabilities and Compliance Questionnire (S }
All applicants are required to complete the SMQ form, and submit to OCJG with their application. FDLE
uses this form to validate a subrecipient's eligibility to apply for, receive, and maintain a federal RSAT
subaward. Additionally, this validation allows FDLE to expedite the monitoring process and ensures
subrecipients are following program requirements.
Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension, and Other ResponsibilityMatters; and
Drug Free Workplace Reguirements
Subrecipients are not permitted to use federal funds,directly or indirectly, in support of any lobbying activity.
A subrecipient requesting an award exceeding $100,000 must certify compliance with this requirement.
Additionally, a person/agency that is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or is voluntarily excluded
from doing business with the federal government is prohibited from receiving federal funds under this
program. All subrecipients must certify the subgrantee organization, and any vendor or lower tiered
subrecipient, is eligible to receive these funds.
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, state agencies applying for federal grant funding
under this program must certify compliance with establishing and maintaining a drug-free work environment.
Failure to submit the "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters"
to FDLE with the application may result in a withholding of funds condition on the subaward until the
requirement is satisfied.
Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Checklist
For the purposes of this program, funds used to support any contractual service will be classified as either
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FY20 Program Information
a contract or a tiered subaward depending upon the nature of the relationship between the contracted
parties. FDLE will make case-by-case determinations of the contractual relationship based on the
completed Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Checklist form submitted with the application. All
applicants should review the "OJP Subaward vs. Procurement Toolkit"for more information.
Determination of Suitability to Interact with Participating Minors
Subrecipients, at any tier, who plan to use federal funds to partially or fully carry out activities under this
award to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age must make determinations of suitability
before certain individuals may interact with participating minors. Further information regarding this
requirement is located on the OJP website https://www.oil).gov/fundinq/explore/interact-minors.
1. Any applicant using grant funds to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age must
complete and submit the "Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Certification."
2. Subrecipients must maintain and submit the "Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors
Tracking Sheet."
Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment
In compliance with 2 C.F.R. 200.214, subrecipients are prohibited from entering into a contract or using
federal funds to procure items from certain parties who are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded
from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs or activities. In addition, a prohibition
on certain telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment went into effect on August
13, 2020. In accordance with these requirements set out in 2 C.F.R. 200.216, subrecipients of FDLE
awards are prohibited from obligating or expending grants to:
A. Procure or obtain;
B. Extend or renew a contract or procure or obtain;
C. Enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use
telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any
system, or as critical technology as part of any system, produced by Huawei Technologies
Company or ZTE Corporation (or a subsidiary or affiliate of such entities).
Applicants who intend to use grant funds to procure telecommunications, video surveillance services,
or equipment must:
1. Complete and submit the "Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment
Provide documentation the manufacturer and vendor has not been suspended or debarred from receiving
federal funds in prior to the drawdown of funds.
Employment Eligibility Verification: For any position to be funded (in whole or in part)with RSAT funds,
the subrecipient must ensure the employment eligibility of the individual being hired is properly verified in
accordance with the provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1324a(a)(1) and (2). The subrecipient may choose to
participate in and use E-Verify(
State and Federal Transparency
Subaward agreements and information supplied to FDLE for grant management and payment purposes
will be used to report to the following mandatory state and federal transparency systems.
Florida Accountability and Contract Tracking System (FACTS)
This grant agreement, all corresponding information and a copy of the grant document, is provided to
FACTS to meet requirements under Chapter 2013-54 and 2013-154 Laws of Florida.
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FY20 Program Information
Exemption from FACTS
The SIMON grant management system allows for partial or complete contract exemption from FACTS for
those agreements containing information exempt from public records. Please be aware, in the event that
your agency's submission contains confidential and/or exempt information prohibited from public
dissemination under Florida's Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the subrecipient agency
bears the responsibility for applying proper redactions. Otherwise, any and all records submitted may be
released without redactions.
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act(FFATA)
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on September 26, 2006.
The FFATA legislation requires information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and
expenditures) be made available to the public via a single, searchable website, FDLE
is required to report subaward data to FFATA.
Length of Award and Distribution of Funds
Length of the Award
RSAT awards will be approved for a twelve (12) month project period between October 1, 2021 and
September 30, 2023.
Distribution of Funds
Grant funds are distributed on a cost reimbursement basis, with the ability to advance, for satisfactory
performance of eligible activities. Payment requests can be submitted on a monthly or quarterly basis and
should include total expenditures for the reporting period. Reimbursements will be processed in conjunction
with the receipt and review of programmatic performance reports to determine successful completion of
minimum performance deliverables as specified in the agreement.
Application Deadline
The application must be submitted in SIMON by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 29, 2021.
Please see Appendix A: Application Timeline for other important dates.
How to Apply
Failure to follow application instructions may result in the incursion of a special conditions at the
time of award.
Applications must be submitted via FDLE's online grants management system, SIMON, which can be
accessed at For a step-by-step guide on how to complete an application in
SIMON, please review the SIMON Help Manual.
The announcement code to be used for this solicitation is: RSATFY2020
For questions or issues related to organization or user account requests, please contact the SIMON Help
Desk at (850)617-1250 or criminaliusticep_fd
Application Review Process
Subgrants will be awarded based on a competitive process. Prospective subrecipients are strongly
encouraged to follow the FY2020 RSAT SIMON Application Guide to develop and submit their application.
A selection panel will review each application based on objective eligibility criteria and adherence to all
application instructions. A copy of the panel's evaluation tool is included in Appendix B.
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Note: If any item in the grant application section of the evaluation tool is missing, or a section of the grant
is incomplete, the application will be placed into the rejection pool. In the event not enough grant
applications are received, applications in the rejection pool may be reconsidered.
Standard Conditions
The standard conditions provide detailed compliance requirements for subrecipients upon signed
acceptance of the subaward. It is imperative all persons involved with this subaward read the standard
conditions. Failure to comply with the provisions outlined in the Standard Conditions may result in project
costs being disallowed.
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FY20 Program Information
Appendix A - Application Timeline
February 6, 2020 Florida received the RSAT federal Solicitation from U.S. Department of Justice.
April 6, 2020 FDLE Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG)submitted the State of Florida
application for FY20 RSAT funding.
December 3, 2020 Florida accepted the state's FY20 federal RSAT award.
September 13, 2021 OCJG released RSAT subgrant solicitation on the department's website;
Notification emails sent to chief officials.
October 29, 2021 Deadline to submit subgrant applications to OCJG.
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Appendix B -Application Scoresheet
Section 1-'Grant Application(A``no"response, places application in rejection pool.) Points
Applicant has an active registration 4
All SIMON application sections are complete 4
All required forms are included (SMQ, Lobbying, and EEO Certification) 4
All optional forms are included as they apply to the proposed project 4
Section 11-Project Information Points
A project title provided and is descriptive of program or services to be funded 2
An appropriate subgrantee is selected 2
An appropriate implementing agency is selected 2
A continuation grant number is provided, if applicable 2
The project period begins on or after 10/1/2021 2
The project period ends on or before 9/30/2023 2
The project period is for 12 months or less 2
Section III-Problem Identification Points
Substance abuse issues in jurisdiction clearly described and supported with data 2
Target population clearly described and justification provided for why this target population 2
Treatment model clearly identified and support with data/evidence 5
Clearly describes how project will address opioid abuse reduction/treatment services 5
Clearly describes resources, partnerships, and/or collaborations for the program 2
Clearly identifies other funding sources to support program 2
Section IV—Project Summary(Scope of Work) Points
Explains client admission/exclusion criteria 2
States the anticipated program duration and anticipated number of participants 2
Describes how participants will be separated from general population 5
Clearly describes assessment process to determine client needs 2
Clearly describes drug testing process and sanctions for positive tests 5
Clearly describes aftercare services provided upon release 5
Provides clear timeline of major activities 2
Section V Performance Points
SIMON purpose areas, objectives, and measures selected and answered 2
Performance reporting frequency is selected as either monthly or quarterly 2
Section VI—Financial Points
Financial reporting frequency is monthly or quarterly AND consistent with performance 2
FLAIR Vendor ID (local)or FLAIR Account Code (state)provided 5
Match is calculated appropriately on budget table (75/25 split) 5
Amounts on budget table equal category totals in the narrative 2
If the budget contains salaries and benefits, narrative contains all required information 2
If the budget contains contractual services, narrative contains all required information 2
If the budget contains unit costs, narrative contains all required information 2
If the budget contains expenses or OCO, narrative contains all required information 2
If the budget contains travel, narrative includes all required information 2
If the budget contains training costs, narrative includes all required information 2
If the budget contains indirect costs, narrative includes all required information 2
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