Resolution 002-1999 _,~:-)Pij- 6-99 WED 2: 51 PM RESOLUTION NO. 002 -1992 Public Works A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ACCEPTING CERTAIN CULVERT EASEMENTS WITHIN THE CUDJOE GARDENS MUNICr? AL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT P. 2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that Section 1. a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) g.) h.) Section 2. The temporary and permanent easements which are part of the foll~ng;:!bts~ Cudjoe Gardens and described in Exhibit A pp. 1 - 90 are hereby a~~: ~ ", ~ ~~ ('"");"" r":: · O(j- e: :;:0 -c Z. C -0 -1('"")1 :z :<-1:I: '"'T1' ):> ~ r- C'> '!> ,." U) Lot 14, Block 8* Lot 1, Block 9 Lot 14, Block 9 Lot 1, Block 10 Lot 14. Block 10 Lot 14, Bloek 11 Lot 15, Block 11 * Lot 27, Block 17* i.) j.) k.) 1.) m.) n.) 0.) Lot I, Block 18 Lot 28, Block 18 Lot 1, Block 19 Lot 32, Block 19 Lot 1, Block 20 Lot 35, Block 20 Lot 1, Block 21 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, ." - r- fT1 o .." <::) ::0 ::0 f'T1 ("') <::) ::0 C The Board conditionally accepts those easements marked by an asterisk (*) subject to them being properly executed. at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 13 th day of Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tem Freeman Commissioner Neugent January , 1999. yes yes yes y~s yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~:----.-",~~\Q-~ By Ma)'or I Chairman APPROVED AS TO AND A ByA.Ju-~ Co. ~~~ , Deputy Clerk GRANT OF EASEMEN'f I, JI'\,)-'I:.J ~\ 1 ~, We and </11'1/ (CUI /111 '/ ao ~ ,ill ~d , husband and wife, whose address is ~ \ 0 I ~ 4- +L-, A-J ~ 13. ( ~ ~ ')~ ~ Gc?-.,rJ.~..... , herc2.fter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real propf;lty owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 8 as shown upon the Plat ofCudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particular described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of aforementioned Lot 14, bear North for 4.46 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, said point being the Point of Beginning, continue bearing North for 20.38 feet, thence S 780 45' 50" E for 52.00 feet to the East line of said Lot 14, thence South along said line for 14.71 feet to the Southeast comer of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 28.53 feet, thence N 78045' 50" W for 22.91 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 958.55 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made a part of the easement. This easeme,t is granted only for the purpose of locating, establishing, constructing and maintaining, over and across the rea! pmtJerty just descdbed a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, insp~~cti()n, ?'"ssage over, excavation, placement of culvert, pipe, deposit of excavated earth, placement of fill, storage of materia!s and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon cumpletion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under t.:is grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. -~~ Witne q _. ;riA 1 ,rJCWj) _ Witness . '\.. (P-:& STATEOF~j,/ ~ COUNTY OF ~l:lgUIf.1j) c7&t~-r . /' - "" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/We have caused this instrument to be executed at on th~ date indicated below. /~/~~ ~, ::r:;--. {7"gI~tMu :hI _ ~,;;-- -- l/f'(ll Date: Typed Notary Name & Number .yof Y,"'""ltJ ANN M MVTNIK My t~." Jt.ililmii'. 00611271 ~. .t'i.: ~S~ ;d~f: t, I HW\ftf Page I ~ n N 0 c:: Q ~ ~ ~ ~ c::: I-f .0 to '. 1M t!J ~ 103 en ::c 103 t!J 103 - 1M ::c = - VI n $ t'" n > =- ::II: ::c c::: tI:l :z: z: 0 t!J I:"" =- t!J I\) 02 :z: ~ .~ :z: = to c:: ...~..';I' 103 J> I-f m I\) :z: Q m Q ~ =- t t'.:I /-7 to z: rn m 0 "'3 I z . t'.:I . . I z: ,... I I 103 0 .. I I :r nn I I cC I ~ 00 ~~ !L/~ 00 ~ tam + c)c) DROST DRIVE. >=- "" 00 mm zz toto ):> ....--J to 103 ~= . =-~ t"" "'IJ 00 I:"" 0 0 00 "'.2 0 103 c:: I-tl-t I-f ..., := ~~ "'IJ ,... 103 I-tl-t 103 ,... A = 00 - - Zz = = =- "'." =- I:"" n VI I:"" c::: c::: ::II: =- = ~ ta. ttlClj t!J :z: z Acn Z \Q =- = c:: C I:"" ~ t!J "'." m m Z C)C) to . 0 . ....c:c $: Oc:c ::c U'1 to< m =- to m ~ t:!3 ~ Z >-3 . Page 2 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALlFO~ COUNTY..of ,~(}!4trt 1/)1)/1 Q'1 /fltJ1 /1/I() (1."/' I ! f/!~I!)/ } } SS. } said State personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for 11 Y10 Name(s) of Signer(s) ~roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) , whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. On o Personally known to me OR ..................!..................... ;t- "11 ..... ...... .... ...... .... 1 ~ MIRIAM PORRAS ....@..COMMIt 1104545 ~ ci. NOTARY P.UBllCo. CAl. IFOANIA "'0 ~ SANTA CU\RA COUNTY .:.. My ~ Expit.!" JULY 2. ~ ~""""""'I'"y....-"........-~.........';' (Area above for official notarial seal) Capacity Claimed by Signer ) Individual(s) o Corporate Officer(s) - Title(s) Description of Attached Document (Although this information is optional, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document.) This certificate is for attachment to the document described below: 4'- Title or type of document j'f;u/JI vi f/;J7E;);t(J. C./ o Partner(s) o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee(s) o Guardian/Conservator o Other: Signer is Representing: Name of person(s) or Entity(ies) '? . ::5 /(23/19 Signer(s) other than nam~d above i7~)u'tIJE!/ C. >>0 . , Number of pages Date of document SAV-191A (7/98) Page 2A GRANT OF EASEMENT I._~~~~k\\ (. .\.(k,we as . or husband and wife. whose address is ::t. \ \:J I ~ 4- TL, I\v~ t:--. ( t, hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe Coun political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: ;( and II/III all and All '140, . . , . A temporary easement for ingress and egress ~or the purpose of cuI vert construction, by Monroe County, . its "qfiP1ts and . , ... .-...;.: . ass~qns, to go over, across, and upon the follow1nq described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 8 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Publi.c Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more partict&larly described by metes and bounds as follows: .. Commencing at .the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 14, bear Horth for 40.Q5 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence, S 7So 45' 50n E for 52.00 feet to a prolonqation of the the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence South 29.92 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West for 51.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 14 to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1784 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the constructi?n of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 3 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. ~(&~~ Witness ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF.I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. ~~.. ~. \fr/~1 " / " /.(A/1AAAt(../ Z . ~- / j) /9 9 , .' . Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ~The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on thi.S __~'rl\. day of ._ qQJJ.~ ,199..:+-. C/ - i ....-..t, 'It't" liNN M MVTNIK t./l, Clil1,\~h CQl71171 '* I;;lt\IMrA .lul. R1, ~ Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvenl Page 4 n c: e- c::: c::r - ... ~ ~ n - .- c Cf.J Cf.J ... Z c: ~ ~ f" ::s- 3 ~ ~ z c ~ -- I r:l r:l r: - c: c - 0 ~ c c:.. c.. c:.. 0 C ::J C - c:; ,... ~ ~ c: ==' ::=r :: - - - - ~ - 0 :r3 C - c::r ,'" :z :z en z en Cf.J .... = ~ --.l - - - - ;::t :::r :; - - - - -- - - .- -- - - - c - ..... - "- :z - z :: - "'= :: - - - c: .::. ..... ::'I - "'= c: G': "= . c: . '" .... - ::-. ;::r. = '!! ~ '!! ~ - - :::r < ~ z c ~ ~ m en -: ." - ", ..; - - - - < e:: % c: ~ n ::=r z ::=r e- - / I I I / I I I I I / f e- o ~ l.W V1 c::: e- ~ /\.l C /\.l C e- o "0 -: tIJ ... - .- $ t:' Z r:- t:; :;II; Z "-l -: I- tIJ ::=r en "7 i / I L/-J / / / )--,/ D-OC:~ DR::VE. .:"\. .-- / / / 1 t:' r:- :;II; \Q '-. ~, - q '": ,.... ... r:l :; - .... :; - .. Page 5 - "l! q C C 0-: - - .... - - .::. - .- :::r .... < - V1 ;; m = % = c: m -: m % ." 0 - $ - - I< C!J :;:t en C!J ~ C!J - - -: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT } } ss. } On ~proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. o Personally known to me OR !~A-~ .A... .. ..... 1. ~ ..... ..... ........ .~ ~ 1 MIRIAM PORRAS "'@"COMMii 1104545 ~ d. .. tfQ1ARY PUBlIC-CALIFORNIA ." W SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~ :E My Comr\1ill&iOn Expires JULY 2. ~$. -t~ .; J ~ T .. . ~ T . ......,.. ..... T ". T (Area above for official notarial seal) before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for 'I1v Witness my ha~. ff d offi . I seal. Iff /1;1;' :UC} L Signatu e of N~"ry )t;Jlll/IJ !C/2fP Name (Typed or Printed) Capacity Claimed by Signer V)ndividUal(S) t]Corporate Officer(s) - Title(s) o Partner(s) o Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee(s) o Guardian/Conservator o Other: Signer is Representing: Name of person(s) or Entity(ies) Description of Attached Document (Although this information is optional, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document.) This certificate is for attachment to the document described below: Title or type of document O--j/r- ~ r$,41! iJ / );$J) lI1E).;/ LJ Number of pages Date of document :3 I / 1/23/1f Signer(s) ;>ther t~'pn namefibove 1ft Kt{/;;// (?, Id () I SAV-191A (7/98) Page 5A GRANT OF EASEMENT I. GUt A/fJ tV\1..t:4~ ~ -t.1IiI ~. husband and wife. whose address is p,p P.. 6 l{ I t Lf ~ gIlA"" Jtfl.,-o IJ 0 .-( 6~, hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the state of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West. FL 33040, hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress, for ,~e purpose of cuI vert construction, by Monroe county', . i tS ""i(i~nts and assigns, to go over, cac.ross, and upon the followi~q described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 9 as shown upon the Plat of CUdjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 9, bear South for 10.75 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence, S 780 45' 50" E for 52.00 feet to a prolongation of the the Northeast line of said Lot 9, thence North along said line for 20.88 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 9, thence West for 51.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 9 to the Point of Beginning. contains 806 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement, This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 6 Date '1 ,I <1 ,I OJ 0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this J..\~ '" day of ~~~ ~ \ . 199.k... ~~r~\ L~ ~Q~~ Typed N tary me & Num ~....... b ~ \'ffi\U).~ Notary Signature & eal . jconculvertl "''''''''1: C!:1ouu.A I "" Mu ..1!-"" ~. "'.....1' ..,.. rray f*/h."\*~ MY ~ 'CC531815 EXPIRES tZ'~~1! Vtbruary 12. 2000 ~""~iif.~~,,, BONOED 'ntRU TRC7f FAIN fNSURANCE,INC. Page 7 It"' 0 N '"3 0 W a\ n t"' ." C "lj 0 ~ t:C ; t"' .... '"3 " t"' <: "lj ~ ,,; ~ '"3 w n ==- " - U1 ==- Z to.,) - '"3 Z ~ 0 > t:C > Z n <: t"' t; "':1 " ~ ~ 0 Z ~. en C to.,) > en ~ 0 en 1-1 / -7 ~ z ~ / ~ C) ~ I ~ en z z '"3 I / / "':1 0 J> . / I ..... I I :+ I / / n(") /--/ I I P cC 00 ILj~ ~ ~~ 00 DROST DRIVE. :r- ~CliJ ~ G)Cl / I I . >==- / ,I "" . r6 00 . I t'l3Cl.2 I I ~ zZ I cnen -t ( I - "lj .....--.1 " 0 cn~ I '"3 c: '"3= I " - ~ >==- 0 I _ ..... - A - ;J> 00 "lj '"3 > 00 .... CD .... .... "lj ..... - <: ...;~ --: U1 ~ t'I3 ........ - t=' n 0 z ':>0 - t"' '"3 ==- al C zz ==- ,,; t'I3 Z Cl.2 "0." <: ~ > '"3 t'I3 \Q ." t"' t'I3 t:Ct:C Z 0 ~ - " ." A a\ ... > ~ 0 ." 'tl " " . > t< > G) C) " . . t'I3 t< > ..... al cn t'I3 0 al t'I3 > U1 ~ en t'I3 t'I3 Z ~ '"3 ~ Z '"3 ~ .. Page 8 . .... GRANT OF EASEMENT I. (; h.RfJ ~ f1'\ tit ;~ .We_. and as . or and . husband and wife. whose address is tf:O. .Bo ~ I (c:J ~ '<vJ tr\tt1b Lv-ovrl K~( hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida, described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe county, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 9 as shown upqn the. .p.lat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in'Pra~ Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe county , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear East along the North line of said Lot 9 for 22.47 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue along said line for 28.53 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 9, thence South along the Northeast line of said Lot 9 for 5.67 feet, the!'lce N 7~ 45' 50" W for 29.08 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 81 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of loce ling. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just cL~scribed a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 9 I)LL. ~ , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ ~'" day of \\ \>l"' <I, \ . 199 k.. ~c-,.~\ ~ t\U'9U~3 Typed N ary N e & Number ~ .... , H .l.1~ ''C' ~\\h.u.\" ''6 Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertll ~"""'" $~"'.v.rt;;;.\ Sheryl L"" Mu i*'~" . Mf ...N......... ~.. mIY \?1~.. /:1 ~ION' CC531815 EXPIIB ~'" ''f..~~ February 12 2000 ,Ht,.~ .' lONoEo 1HIlU TllOV fAIN lNIURAHCE.uc. Page 10 t'" n N 0 C 0 I-:: t'" I"Ij t'" c::: 1-1 0 w trJ I"Ij ~ "0 a\ :::c ~ trJ ""3 :z: w :::c t:C Ul n $ t'" n )I )I ~ :::c <: tc Z z J:> 0 trJ t'" )I trJ N Cf.l Z l::i'; '-f . Z 0 Cf.l C ""3 ~ 1-1 trJ rv Z 0 f: C) ~ trJ / -7 Cf.l z Cf.l Ii trJ (\ 0 ""3 ~ . trJ :s- z I-" I / ""3 ~ I '/ nn I (\) Cc I I I 00 ;s c...c... /-/ /4~ 00 -t- t:rJoo C)C') DROST DRIVE.. ):it:::- :::C:;c / / J::> 00 ~~ Cf.lz Cf.l I I-"...,J I I Cf.l..; I ~ ""3_ - I .1 :::-:::- 1 I t'" I"Ij 1 0_ t'" 0 C 0::: ~ 0 I ~ c ~ 1-I>ooJ ~I-I 1-1 ""3 I :::c ) ~""3 ~ I-" ""3 o ~" ""3 I-" .~ A - - - .J Z>ooJ - r n {~ Z to to ):it , "0,." :::- t'" Ul t'" c::: c::: ~ "0 )I 0 ~ trJ tcu;, c:; trJ :: Z A Z \0 ::c ):it (Xl c: 0'1 C $ t'" ""3 trJ "0 c:; trJ C')"O Z ~ . C) trJ "0 Z 0 ,... ~ :::c c=C trJ ):it (J1=C ):it :::c Cf.l to< trJ trJ 3: trJ ):it Z en ""3 trJ 3: trJ Z ""3 ~ Page 11 G RANT OF EASEMENT r. T.,. Cla "') 't\-l v \ \ w . "He clFld , as ~4"e....s. ~ cl.....-\- , ~ '...........H,,"\ ~~~_c.:~ndSc..""oJl","c..\I'1:.W\~ kusband an.J wife, whose address is P 0 '& :> ~ IS.., Lot. 't \.'1 Vv \.\ \- J ~ J . hereafter Grantor~, do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: A temporary ea,sement for ingress B.nd egress tor the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe county, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 9 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 14, bear North for 17.08 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 880 19' 32" E for 51.02 feet to the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence South for 18.57 feet along said line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. contains 909 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement, This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately pri.or to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 12 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this inst ~.' '0: I .~'Vi. ~ ~~ /., y ~~ S.WitnessBu.ss """ ~\..""''' t~,,~~c.. . ) Dete Ji /2AAA QA 1 /,- /911,. / ST ,A,TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was /:,cknowledged before me on thi~i II day of FE~~ .199_. Eli:J/}~NI .:.J. bl+DUl",~ n~--'..~' ~ / Typed Notary Name & Number / Notary ~ature & Sea '1 y CC?S?O? '. jconculvertl ~A' *~* .,.~~.. ~OFf\.' ELIZABETH J BRADLEY My Commillllion 00335707 Expires Dec. 12, 1SXl7 Page 13 lJ1 0 1-3 ~ 3: ~ t'4 'tl t'4 H n en 0 0 0 ~ C H 1-3 ~ 1-3 1-3 t"4 X :x:- - - < 1-3 w ~ "'"' C!j = tv I-( :x:- ~ Cl:l t. < 1-3 ~ Cl:l ~ t"4 C!j < t'4 (j ~ ~ z n ~ ~ ~ en . c ~ z z ~ C!j 0 C ~ 3: t'V en ~ "'"' t'4 C!j 0 :E: en ~ z C!j H :E: 1-3 en Z ~ tJ ___ .... -:~ .' ~ "J . 1-3 Q en t-3 r z I 0 ~ . I - ~ t'V I I n n I I c c 0 0 I I 9- ~ ~ 0 0 I 1 I ~ C!j ~ Q C) I I DROST DRIVE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rl! r-I 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ! I z z + en en I . I :j "'"" lJ1 , en 1-3 I )> 1-3 ::r: en t'V ! ~ ~ ll'l t;-l 0 ::'\.., H 0 X I ~ 0 -...J 1-3 t'4 '1 '""' 1-3 H ~ - 0 'tl b = - 11-3 1-3 ::r 1-3 ~ 1-3 H ~ ~ ~ >' 0 >' < \J "'"" 3: 3: "'"' < z 0 ~ ~ 'tl A t!j 0 Z Cl:l Z (j 0 Z 'tl H C t'4 ~ ~ ~ Cl:l C Cl:l 1-3 t::l ~ Z Z ~ t"4 t!j H 1-3 ~ :::v ~ A 0 t"4 I-( Z "'"' ~ 0 ~ ~ \0 'tl 'tl en ~ C) ::::l C!j en . 3: ~ '" C!j :s: "'"" .. Z C!j 0 1-3 Z lJ1 'tl 1-3 C':l . CO CO -~-- Page 14 GRANT OF EASEMENT i:"\:c:..c.,.... "(\r\ V \\....\'" .We gAS as ~~~ \ ct~",\- . ~ ~t.L,.. \- \ ~ ~ ~: ",~",,~~\f <;u. '" .., ~ C. L-' J '-:t:" ~ c-. hUSBand oFld 'Nifll. whose address is 'P. . ~~"< \lil(&.f, '~":1W('~\-} ~\ - . hereafter GrantorN. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West, FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across', and upon the following described property, tq wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 9 as shown uponth&:.Pliit of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe county , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 14; bear North for 2.07 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 88. 19'32" E for 51.02 feet to the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence South along said line for 3.56 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 144 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at ~~~. ;;.~~' IS,') eda I dicatedbelow. Pff- tneJ..,ff w. witneR ((1M e.. ~.wte~ '"I:"~ ~ . Date .Ii jUp~7 t- ,If? p STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this {Pi fI day of F&~4At ,199fa. ~~.-L-~ No ary gnature &. Se ( C,{/?;9I3Q/l ~< ~A1Y~ Typed Notary Name &. Number / CC "3B S 70 ;J jconculvertll ~h~ ~b.* ~~Of fl..~~~ ELIZABETH J BRADLEY My ?ommis8lon CC335707 Expll'.. Dec. 12, 1~7 Page 16 U1 0 1-3 tzj "%j ~ t"1 'tl t"1 H (j en 0 0 0 "%j C H 1-3 :xl 1-3 1-3 t"1 X ~ :: <: 1-3 w :xl ~ tzj :: tv ~ ~ :xl CD '. <: 1-3 ~ CD tzj t"1 tzj <: t"1 (j ~ ,;: Z (j tzj ,;: ~ en . c :xl Z Z tzj tzj 0 C ~ ~ tv en tzj ~ t"1 tzj 0 ~ en \0 Z t:rJ H ~ 1-3 en Z tzj W ",40.~.."J ' '":3 G1 en >- '":3 r Z -+ 0 . I - ~ tv I I (j (j I I ~ c c I .::s- O 0 I ~ ~ ~ 0 0 I I tzj tzj I ~ G1 G1 I I DROST DRIVE ::s ~ ~ I -+ :xl :xl I t-I 0 0 rl! tzj tzj ! I z z > en en I I ~ U1 I I en 1-3 I 1-3 - - en tv I "%j ~ Q'l H 0 H 0 X I i "%j 0 ..,J 1-3 t"1 I t"1 1-3 H rt - 0 'tl 0 - - - 1-3 :::r 1-3 tzj I 1-3 H ~ :xl ~ 0 > <: I " ~ ~ I-' <: Z 0 ~ ~ A tzj 0 Z CD Z Z 'tl H C t"1 tzj 'tl CD C ::Xl 1-3 t:j ,;: Z tzj t"1 t:j H . 1-3 :xl ~ A 0 ~ Z ~ tzj ~ 0 ;J:oo Z \0 'tl 'tl en tzj G1 ::::l tzj Z . ~ 1-3 0"1 tzj ~ .. Z tzj 0 1-3 ~ U1 'tl en G1 tzj . ~ ~ CO Z CO -~-- 1-3 . Page 17 '. . GRANT OF EASEMENT I.(M~./~ as . or . husband and wife. whose address is Jil .;zq(J '7 ~ hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe Coun . a p6litical subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 10 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public aecords of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear South for 32.94 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N saD 19' 32" E for 51.02 feet to a prolongation of the Northeast line of said Lot 1, thence North for 31.45 feet along said line to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence West along the North line of said Lot 1 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. contains 1642 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement, This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. l Page 18 .... . This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. ~WITN~SS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at Wit ss Date / - t -96 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE instrument was !=]cknowledged before me on this I tt'- day of .199~. '. Ho/~~. "nes Typed otary Name & Number jconculvertl Page 19 U1 0 ~ tt:l ~ ~ t"' ." t"' 1-1 (j en. 0 0 0 ~ C 1-1 ~ ::c ~ ~ t"' :>< ==- - - <: ~ w ::c I-' tt:l - IV 10( ==- - ::c I:tl~ <: ~ ==- I:tl tt:l t"' tt:l <: t"' (j ==- ,,; Z (j tt:l ,,; ;tlI en . c ::c z z tt:l tt:l . . 0 C ;tlI ~ IV en tt:l ~ t"' tt:l o. ~ )> en \C Z tt:l 1-1 ~ ~ en + z tt:l LJ .......::..- .1 ~ G) en l ~ r z 0 I - I ;:;- IV I I I I ; (j (j I c c I 0 0 I ~ ~ ~ 0 0 I I I ;$ tt:l tt:l G) G) I ==- ;tlI I I DROST DRIVE + ::c ::c I r-l 0 0 II! tt:l tt:l ! I z z )> en en' , ~ U1 I I en ~ ~ = I en IV I ~ ;tlI Q't 1-1 0 I 1-1 0 :>< ~ c " j t"' I t"' ~ 1-1 IT 0 ." 0 - - I - ~ ::r ~ tt:l ~ 1-1 ~ ::c ;tlI 0 ~ <: \ '" i-' ~ .... c::: z 0 tt:l ==- ~ tt:l C Z I:tl Z (j Z ." 1-1 :::: t"' tt:l ~ ;tlI I:tl C t:l:l ~ ~ ,,; Z tt:l Z t"' t:3 1-1 . ~ 3: :::r ,,; ~ 0 ." ::'" Z .... t:3 0 0 ==- ::c \C ." ." en ==- G) ::t1 tt:l ::c . ~ 10( C\ t:3 ~ . Z t:3 0 ~ ==- U1 ." en c:l tt:l . ~ t:3 o:l Z CXl -~-- ~ Page 20 . ' GRANT OF EASEMENT I. ~ .J/~ and as . or and husband and wife, whose address is _j~s bJ. &A~,L, ~. <:)~--6?~zA" J.i ~9(j?:l.. hereafter Grantor{s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the state of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub..,.surface-.- construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: . a portion of Lot 1 in Block 10 as shown upo~ the Plat of cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat-Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe county , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear South for 17.93 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 88111 19'32" E for 51.02 feet to the Northeast line of said Lot 1, thence North for 16.44 feet along said line to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence West along the North line of said Lot 1 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 876 square feet more or less. ond more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 21 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ave caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. r!A~/ ~ ,{)~ Date / - / t, - 9 ~ The fore oing instrument/was acknowledged before me on this , 199~, /~-tt day of Typed otary Name & Number jconculverfll Notary Signature eol .>ily Commission ExpIres May 16. 2005 Page 22 (j C t'l <: t23 ::t: '"3 (j ::t: 0 en en 1-1 z C) z 0 IV (j (j C C 0 0 c.... c.... 0 0 t23 t23 C) C) ~ ~ ::t: ::t: 0 0 t23 t23 Z Z en en ..... U1 en '"3 '"3 = ~ ~ 0 0 ...,J 1-1 ~ '"3 :r 1-1 0 ~ Z 0 0 ~ 1-1 a:: ..., 1-1 ~ 0 Z ~ ~ C) - "'" 0'1 ..... .. 0 U'1 - " Ci . cc cc t'l en 0 1-1 1-3 X '"3 w - IV - ~ a:: <: t'l t23 ~ Z C t23 ..... ~ ~ t23 en ..., en 1-1 X 1-3 t'l - 0 - ..., ):I <: : .... ,... t23 Z a:: c'" t'l c:.:r ~ . ,... 0 ~ t23 ::t: $ z t23 Z '"3 ttI ):I en t23 ~ t23 Z '"3 -~- r-' _ I I I I ! I I I I I II! I . I I IV o (-. (\) ." t23 ::t: $ z t23 Z '"3 t23 ):I en t23 ~ t23 Z t-3 Page 23 (j ):I Z ~ t'l U1 o '"3 t23 ~ ~ o ::t: ):It ::t: t< t23 (j ):It ):I en Z t23 ):It ~ t'l t23 Z t1'~..., , I I r-' ! I i I I I I I I t'l o '"3 r 1 ~ i . , , , "'!] j\ " t'l 1-1 .. 0 "'!], . '"3 ~ ~ i' - < ' ,... .)' . ~ '. , '-' <: . . t'l tTJ ' . ~; ~ Z " . C 'r i' tTJ e, IV 1,' 0 ,~ tTJ t en ;\t, ..., ::t>- o ~ '\ 'J ~ .; r, i f ., II .0 I' .::y- f . ~ ro ;::> -t "'!] J> 1-1 "'!] ..; - - ):I <: t'!1 Z - .... t:J DROST DRIVE ..... A a:: t'l ~ 1.0 , . & GRANT OF EASEMENT I, , We 'RoVll\IA it S\e~t-Land Ly nr\ A. ~{~i~ ( as , or and husband and wife, whose address is ~SlO.L I..,:;Ke. L~~1o (,;...tlv Bl!tlilJ Rvl.t' e, LI/- hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe 7u~lv County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 10 as shown upon the Plat of cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of said Lot 14, bear North for 50.00 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence bear East for 51.00 feet to the prolongation of the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence bear South along said line for 50.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 2550.00 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over, deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction, the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that, if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs, the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 24 " This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above, IN WITNESS W):tEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at ~ V\.~ Lo\..\ \S\a-. on the te indicated below. . )$f"i;:~A.~ cr~Nres~~C5"~~ State of Louistana Parish of East Baton Rouge ... The foregoing instrument was acknowled ~ r-t-e.. M ~ e.. Y'" . 199.:t-, Ronnie J. Le Boeuf Typed Notary Name 8. Number (504) 29?-3000 jconculvertl Page 25 t" t" 0 0 '"i >-i n c: ~ .... ~ = (') ll!I a7 := c: =- t'" (f'l ..a t" ::lC "'" ~ z >< (') toi := =- .... ::c 0 .... \D en = t"" ~ en "'" ,.., z z ~ c:: tIlJ Z 0 ~ . t'Ij tt:l ~ ~ on ~ c:c:: cc ;\: c..c.. 00 1\ tIJtIJ ('\ DROST DRIVE Cl:) ~ ~~ :l ::I:J::a '0'0 ~ tIlJt"2 ZZ "'+- men U7 ... ~ ~ c rn l1' I ~ rr:r ~ ~ t-O ~:c:r 0 -+ '0'0 "tl t" Cf' CO 0 0 .. ....~ "0 ~ 003 >C ~>-i ~ j .... .... ::a ::I:J .... - 00 t'" $ .c; ~ z:z: 0 n )I toi z t'! <: "C." ll!I :=t )l> c: trl a7l:D .... Z tt:l t" Z ~ :z: rIJ ,.; c: .. ~ 3: . tI:J .. .. a: t'! )II t-O t" > :z: .... "C~ ::-: en t'" ..., Q CC) ll!I ~ .... ~ .... t'2 o en .... Z U7 ~ Page 26 GRANT OF EASEMENT , We 1<~MA t~\~,~ l as , or and husband and wife, whose address is +1-02- ~~ Ltlt.....l-o L.l~t..~AtrW12oo(;d; ,LA hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe ~IIA County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ~ whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida described as follows: I, r~j ~(7 ,4"t7~4/ ? 1-:/ and L'i~~ ~. <;;\~J A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 10 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 14, bear North for 20.00 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence East for 51.00 feet to the East line of said Lot 14, thence bear South along said line for 20.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1020.00 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating, establishing, constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection, passage over, excavation, placement of fill, storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ifwe have caused this instrument to be executed at ~U"""A()j<} (~......,.t ath~~~icatedbeIOW' ~ c. t:(i',tness ~al~ (J "- . _ _ Witness Lynn A. ~iege 1 Ul-lt!.flc ~ Date n('t:()np1" ~q J 10(")7 Enl'c::t. Th4.~, STATE OF FLORID* '-LJU'~IAt')A c-eU/4rt OF MONROE ~\~\-\ ~l5A'fON ~U~ ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of OC-\()~ Y . 199.:J.... Kalyca Acosta (504)~~?'-1000 Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertll ~fy cOP1mission exnires upon my death. Page 28 t" t" 0 0 0-3 >-i n c:: rv t- ~ CZ) n (I] tD := tD ~ t"" U" ~ t" :ll: ~ ~ :z: . >C n ~ := ;::. I-' = 0 I-' \C en CZ) ~ ~ en .... I'I:t Z % ~ c:: t'!l % 0 X . tIJ en W.I 0-3 nn ~ c:t: cc ;\: c:..Co.l 00 tlJC'3 S\ (" DROST DRIVE cc) ~ )It;J:I :l ::c:= cc " t'!lt:J ~ ZZ "'i- en en \IT .... ~ ~ 0 rn ~ , ~ r'f':r IV ,,~ 0 -+ c'O t" tI' c'O 0 .... ....~ "0 .., :lC ~>-i ~ >-3 .... .... := ~ - 00 - t:"" $ A Z% 0 n :I:' ...; Z ~ <: 'O~ t!:l ~ ;::. c: t'!l tD~ I-" Z en t" Z 0-3 :z: pj ~ c:: .. ~ ~ , tI3 CD pj =' tIj I:"" ;::. Z t- "t1O'lj ,.; en t'" .., Q C)Q pj ~ I-' ~ t- t'] o Q\ ,.- Z \IT .., Page 29 GRANT OF EASEMENT as I. -: a:we _ #-4-- .lI a~~d 7!!~ rh- ~ ~~L husband and wife. whose address is 6l J 0 / r _ ~ 7< z:: <C , hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040, hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described prorP-rty: to wit: a portion of Lot 14 in Block 11 as shown upon tile Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in Plat Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 14, bear North for 24.26 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 720 45'29" E for 53.40 feet to the prolongation of the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence South for 40.09 feet along said line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, thence West along the South line of said Lot 14 for 51.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1641 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction, the County must restore the area described abuve to its condition immediately prior to construction except that, if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs, the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 30 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. STATE OF FLORIDA 1'2.~n , COUNTY OF WtONRO~IdTOW~ ---::; '~C'l.' u;,,~ insirumeni was a6:nawledg", bafor.. me on this ~ay of (/-r' , 199 &,.., I/#e. ;12;->.1 ~e-JY1tj()J~~' Typed Notary Name & Number Notary ignature & Seal jconculvertl '. OFFl lAL NOTARY SEAr--' ULlIE M PARRIS NOI'ARY PUBUC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC244901 MYCOMMISSION EXP. DEe. 7,1996 Page 31 ~. , -~. - - , t!3 H G) :c ""3 :c ~ c::: t!3 t"" Z 0 C ~ t!3 r.J ~ ...., t!3 en ""3 CO t"" ~ ~ ...., DROST - :::- J:: H - r:- '"' ~ :::; ~ ..., Z (JI :::- c::: - - ,-, .... Z - =, ;; ...... .- .- -~- U1 0 ~ trJ J:: ", 0 ::0 ~ ::0 I-( trJ ~ ~ en c::: t!3 trJ (J J:: t"" Z ~ t!3 0 ""3 Z Z ""3 :c ~ ~ t"" ~ ~ :::- . ,. c::: ...~.._."'I" c:3 c:: Z t"' C " \ ~ t!3 \ \ . ,..... ~ ---- 0: rn \ \ \ en \ \ ""3 \ \ \ \ \--\ DRIVE \ '(, . \ r' \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ , \ r:- r--J 0 := >-: ~ '"::: A ~ (J "" :::- ~ J:: Z - c::: ..-, :::- :;::t J:: - Z t"' "0 " c:3 0 Z - "" >-: :;::t ,..... ::t7 ,..... c:3 I-( :;::t en trJ trJ :;::t J:: en c:3 c:3 Z 3: ~ trJ Z ~ Page 32 :;::t c::: c:3 Z C t!3 , t J:' ~ o ::s- ' ~ ro :s + .)> r.~,... c.:::- 0....- ~~:= c....- _::3C ..-. I:': .....~ .... :;::t ,.. :;::t;:;:;:; , ::Co- o '. z c:;j .... .... zz:::: 'll - " 00 U3 f: h 1\ " Cf.l trJ <: - ..., z ~ - ..... '-'Cf.l ~ ""3,.;_ = "6 > :::-_~ 0:::_ 0""'.... HHC' .....,,~'""' '"'";Jt-f~ H c"':' o~_ Z -....- z~ -.., .- v __ Q......,..: A-- ?'.., U": . ,. I ~. It .,. t "O~_ G) ". ~ . . ~ . O'I~_, O'\-~ VI , . , GRANT OF EASEMENT ,We ~..L,$ and ~~..~ 1L4, as or - and - , husband and wife, whose address is 4-./ I'J J l.f .f~ . , hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida, described as follows: '""- I, A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, a.m~ u.PO:ii the follc.o;i::g ccscribed pror-erty i to wit: . a portion of Lot 14 in Block 11 as shown upon the .Plat of Cudjoe Gardens First Addition as recorded in 'Plae Book 4 on Page 105 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point baing the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 14, bear North for 8.55 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 720 45'29" E for 53.40 feet to a prolongation of the Southeast line of said Lot 14, thence South along said line for 20.94 feet, thence S 720 45'29" W for 11.60 feet to the South line of said Lot 14, thence West along said line for 39.92 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 821 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just descdbcd a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection, passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth, placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 33 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at 1~f{ldicate~yPw, ~ f ;) ",;0 Y~-7il"J7~5'4'J f7 t2 ~ ~~-Jfj.~-UJ-v . ~~~ Date ~~~ Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF M{)t<lRO~ ~~? --;: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this J~aY of \_~'7 .199~. ~/Z 4/#e- &,J "" VW9o/ . ~ Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertll OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL ULLlE M PARRIS NOfARY PUOUC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC244901 MYCOMMlSSION EXP. DEC. 7.1996 Page 34 '''~':'-'''''''', ....\..' ..~....:-.',~1-.-1...":J'" ". -~- U1 0 t-3 t:rJ :3: "tl 0 t:rJ ::0 I-l ~ C) ::0 - to< - t-3 - t:rJ ... ~ ~ CO c::: t:i% t:rJ t-t (J :3: z 0 :l:' t:rJ c:: t-3 Z Z t:rJ ~ t-3 rv t-t ~ ~ ..,J t:3 tJ) t-3 c:: \ \ t-t \ ~ , \ ..... -"'" \ \ \ ..,J \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DROST DRIVE \ \.-\ '(, r' \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ - \ :; ::: I \ , - , .... ~ " \ ~ '. \ rv \ c5 0 \ Z U1 ~ ..., c::: t:rJ (j "tl c::l == " :l:' t:rJ Z :"' ::: Z ::c c:: ,.; :::- ~ ::: - z t-t .". ~ t:3 Z '- Z t:rJ .... t-3 Z t:rJ t-3 :l:' t:i% tJ) ::::r t:3 tJ) ::: t:3 t:3 ::: Z t:3 t-3 Z t-3 )> ...4- -4-- ~ ::r ~ ~ - rt\ .- .::s -t- }> Page 35 GRANT OF EASEMENT Ifla1de/l a. LLLtve and W()'l\cto.. N.l..o...,-/ as 0 LJ.....) 'f\ . r . or and husband and wife. whose address is .;:;}/OC-:l.S- /VQ/n/ It'D I'} #Y.:? hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the state of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose 0;= cul~"""''''ol- ",,-'"C!-r,..,''''+-~ ~~.. "'y t.:r~....,..oc .....oun-... :..~ ,. ...-n.....,... "nd _ ~c;;:.-.'. ..~~..;._-'___.__'__~..., fI/III6! ..."'....._ ~ - ""'~'I ~~ c:.':fC:: L.'::' Cl.l assigns, to go over, across, and upon the fOllowing described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 15 in Block 11 as shown upon the Plat of cudjoe Gardens Third Addition as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Page 7 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: comcencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot IS, bear South for 28.10 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 7~ 45'29" E for 53.40 feet to the Northeast line of said Lot 15, thence North for 12.27 feet along said line to the No~~east corner of said Lot 15, thence West for 51.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 15 to the Point of Beginning. contains 1029 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of cxcc'.'cted earth and !:torcge of materi~!s and e-qu:pment nec~sz=ry' ~r u:~ft.iJ f~r the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs, ~-~..- ;' i Page 36 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. Date ~ J 3/Q'l I STATE OF F~l\f5A---reXCt S COUNTY OF Iv\CN~E ~ \ , \ \a.mSDY\ 3rd ~~g instrument, ~~;1-~knOWledged before me on this day of Lonna J. Hancock -& HI t1 .fY.lJtJIVlGO~ Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Si~~a~r:; ~e;.IV" r ." . . jccnculvertl LONNA J. HANCOCK Notary Public, Stale of Texas My Commission expires JUNE 26, 2000 ., Commission Expires June 26, 2000 Page 37 -~- 1-3 tZJ ~ "0 o ::0 :t:I ::0 "< tZJ :t:I CO tZJ (') ~ :t:I gg z ~ :::- \ \~ \ ~ --- \ \ \ \\ \ DROS7. DRIVE \ \ \_ \ ~\\ \ \ I \ \ \ \ tZJ fool G") ::: 1-3 - - :::- c:::: t" tZJ 0 Z t-3 c: tz3 l\J -...I ~ tz3 en t::l ~ t" ~ I- -...I , - V :; ~ - ~ ;:... - '-' ~ C Z ~, > <: - - I.....,: Z ~ "- - ~.J l\J ~ 0 tz3 ~ 'tl ":' 0 tz3 ::0 ::0 :::- $ ::0 '< Z tz3 tz3 Z :::- t-3 en tz3 tz3 .3: > tz3 en z tz3 ~ .3: rn z t-3 (') :t:I Z > t" Page 3 8 U1 o \ \ , , -- C/) tz3 e::: to trJ t" Z ~ 0 - 1-3 - > l- e::: rn tl:1 _. :.~ ' Z . c: t" ."- tz3 ~ ~ I- tz3 co en >-3 \ I. t- O >-: '""" A I:D t- :;.; '""" '""" r :J:> f () :r- ~' m .::s -+ ):> .(') (')cn COc: Oc.,O c.,Oc:.. OtrJO cz;: tz3 t:.l t:.l::-C1 :t:I::c>"", ::00::0:": o tz3, 0 ~ rnZtz3<: Zenz_ C/) C/)~ I- ,..;: "'enw- 1-31-3::=(j :::: 0 :.- :t:I ;:::( f >O>:n OOOen O~C'i-O l-f1-3foolZ 1-3~>-:~ I-f 0 fool M , OZO~ ~', Z Zo 'tl 'tl . ::;''':' en tl:1 0:.::::. A " W O'\~ U'1 . <: - 'tl't7 I...,: ~ t:.l~":' . c: . ... > O'\O-..J <: 0'\U'1 - ...... Z c: ~ GRANT OF EASEMENT as ~~.~we aand~~ husband and wife. whose address is aJ () ~ " rJ () K'\ 1 \+n 1\ ft- V~.... hereafter Grantor(s}. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface .::o:n~t:r-nct'1 au l.nstalla::ioTi and for ingress and eqress by Monroe Gounty, its agents am:.. assigns, to qCJ y'1ieL", c.~cr"Ci~E, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 15 in Block 1~ as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Third Addition as recorded iri1?iat Book 5 on Page 7 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 15, bear South for 12.39 feet along the East line of Drost Drive, thence N 720 45'29' E for 41.80 feet to the North line of said Lot 15, thence West for 39.92 feet along said line to the Point of Beginning. containing 247 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. p/C'!ce'Tlent of culvert. pipe. deposit of pxcavotF'r.l earth. placement of fill. storage of ..,-;c..ier;cis C:. ld ,=qu;~:n;::rlt cs mc..l be ii€oce;;...i~;-,' 0:" useful fa;" the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration, Page 39 " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have caused this instru ~ cJa,wl? ~ ~~ . t, / - Witness , Date lonna.,J HclntocJL ~ped Notary Name & Number ~Q,QYJl/S~{M 0/flNeS qwvu 21P) 2000 ~~~P~~\ LONNAJ,HANCOCK ~~<' \ Notary Public. State o~Texas * \.:~.I * j My eommlsSlon Expires ~.'EO"t/ JUNE 26. 2000 ............. Page 40 - ,-, . . .- . .' -"'- U1 0 ~ tI::l ~ "0 0 tT:! l:tf H :1:1 c;') l:tf ::I: to< 1-3 en ::I: tI::l :1:1 tI::l :1:1 en <: <: "" to '. to t"' (j ~ t"' Z Z 0 ~ 1:::2 0 1-3 C 1-3 Z Z 1-3 ::I: Cz::I :1:1 ~ ~, I\J t"' J .- :1:1 ~ .. <: to c;, ~ ' Z tI1 t-.:.'-' C l:'" \ \ I \ ~ tZJ ~ \ \ ) fl \ \ .- ~ .- -" = tZJ ~ \ \ \ en \ \ 1-3 \ \ J \ \ \ \ \ \--\ DROST DRIVE \ '(, \ \ r. \ \ \ \ - \ :; \ ~ \ H ~ \ t:'" ,.... \ t"' en '- - r-v \ \. 0 tr.I C 0 \ 1-3 <: z -- - I ,'J :.J1 I- Z ~ "0 "0 A 1-3 <: rn tZJ (j - - ,'J =- " " ~ Z t:'" ~ ~ z c;, ;::. - :;:.:: ~ ~ ~ l:'" <: .OJ Z Z l:'" ::0:: tr.I tZJ tZJ Z .- Z Z C .- 1-3 1-3 ,.... tr.I ,- tZJ tZJ ~ ~ en en tZJ 1:::2 ~ ~ 1:::2 tZJ Z Z 1-3 1-3 Page 41 ~f >? it 0a ;3:, ~ ~ (1)~ ~u -t t. I' .~ :l~ . ~. t ,J I' (jg(j C:oc o~o ~....~ o tiJ 0 If, te to if ~ ~ g; t~I' ::Oo"Q o to..... - ~- tz3 'oJ::-- ; f . Z Z F:l <: I: enen_- c. en ~ 'I~ Cl'I .- ....-: \,. l-3enw'" .. :c 1-3 & ,'j ~. ==- ~ ~ 5 ~. o '!:l~, oOO2n 1-1 1-1 0 ""I ~1-31-12 ......1-11-3,.... ..... 0 1-1 ... ~zOz Zo "0 "" . tI1::D": tI1,.;:. A ~.. iJ1 .. r', ~:~ "0'" c;')C)'"= . . C) . ,.... "'-.. cn---- iJ1 GRANT Of EASEMENT I. ~ r.-. \.- \l.. e ti=- -r, ~ 0 '-t:: and as ' or and husband and wife, whose address is ~,,\~~A, l-L c:...,C2..,"-u=""uS+"4 c..-A....eiZ IL L <. Mp -Zl,D s:4 hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of t~e State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040, hereafter Countt, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: ...' A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, 'iua~aqents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 27 in Block 17 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 27, bear South 7.12 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence S 720 45' 29" W for 52.35 feet to Northwest line of said Lot 17, thence North along said line for 22.64 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 27, thence West along the North line of said Lot 27 for 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 744 square feet, more or less. Duration of said temporary easement shall be during culvert construction and for twelve months following the final acceptance of culvert construction by Monroe County. 1 1 and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted otlly Jor the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 42 Except for the County's restoration obligation just described, I/we expressly release the County from any and all claims for damages arising in any way or incident to the construction of the culvert. WHEREOF, I/we have ~ -~"-~, caused this instrument to on the date indi t below. be executed at " ~ELO~S ~ c;Ol~SM:!'l-\ Typed Notary Name & Number :~ jconculvertl ""'/'Il~ 'I V cx-CJ-cr7 , Page 43 tlj H G) ::c 1-3 ::c ~ <: tlj Z c tlj :s tlj (J) 1-3 ::c ~ 3: H t-l 1-3 o Z ~ <: tlj Z c tlj \ \ r\~\ \ \ -,,- t-l o 1-3 1-3 tlj 3: ~ o ::0 ~ ::0 to< tlj ~ (J) tlj n 3: ~ tlj Z Z ~ 1-3 t-l N -..J tl:l t-l ~ ~ -..J DROST DRIVE t-l o 1-3 N o ~ U1 tl:l t"i ~:I. ':Jr.~-,t-s> tr ~ tlj ::0 l~ Z tlj Z 1-3 tlj ~ (J) tlj 3: tlj Z 1-3 ~ ~ "4 U1 o \ \ 1-3 tlj 3: ~ o ::0 ~ ::0 to< tlj ~ (J) tlj 3: tlj Z \~ \ \ \--\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -'- ---' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ n ~ Z ~ t"i Page 44 t-l o 1-3 ~ tl:l t"i ~ . ~ (X) t"i o 1-3 ~ ~ tl:l t"i ~ ~ ~ en tlj <: tlj Z 1-3 ::c ~ <: tlj Z C tlj :s tlj en 1-3 J7 ~ o :r 3 ("b ;:s + ~ (J) tlj <: tlj Z 1-3 ::c ~ <: tlj Z c tlj n ncn Coc 0'-10 0'-10'-1 . tlj 0 " t1:: tlj G)~G) g;::O~n oO::Oc tlj~~t-l Zenz<: en entrJ ~ " ~enwl-3 ::cI-3::On 0::0 ~~~o oooen OHO(J) HI-3HH I-3HI-3Z ~OHG) zZOz ~zo ~tl:l'"C' tl:l tl:l ~ ~ ~.. U1 .. :~ , ~ ~G)~ ~. G) . ~ ~O-..J ~U1 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. '.J-tf>,; LIl-€ iZ \", Poe Lt. We and as . or and . husband and wife. whose address is .q 1 (""11:>.U.....C_1 (2L:...LE ~....'1 C;.-~H r~z; o.-Lb Mp "2- I Co s:-"'\ hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the state of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and eqress. - by Monroe county, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described propert~, to wit: a portion of Lot 27 in Block 17 as shown upo~.the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 27, bear West along the North line of said Lot 27 for 27.66 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue West along said line for 22.34 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 27, thence South along the Northwest line of said Lot 27 for 6.93 feet, thence N 720 45' 29" E for 23.39 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 77 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 45 - " "'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. f/we have caused this instrument to be executed at '::::::::""L-. \ U \""" =- '- \ t-"\ n 0 th~ date indica!9f1 below. l [ - l~ Date ~/-:Slrct" . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The forrOing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~o..A.-lt . 199.:1.. ~\ day of t..\,--Q.nJ \ l__ \-\Q .-\v- '- c.ks - Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertll Page 46 -~- c.n 0 1-3 /:la "0 ~ rn ~ ::c 0 rn $ :::0 I-f :J::I G') Z :::0 :I: rn 10( ....; z = 1-3 /:la en :J::I ~. :::- rn en <: :::- /:la rn rn t"' en (") :s:: t"' z z 0 rn :::- /:la 0 1-3 c ~ :s:: z z ~ :::c rn rn ~ 1-3 '" Z t"' ~ ~ :::- ~ ~ 1-3 .. <: rn ~ ,,~"'"I" rn en z 1-3 0: \ t"' C t"' j \ "= rn :;t; \ . ~ ,.... \ \ <= ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DROST DRIVE \ \--\ '(, . \ r\ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :::- \ :s:: I \ ~ ;;.. I \ \ \ e:- \ \ \ t"' ~ ~ '" \ \ \ 0 \oJ 0 , , ~ z I 'Jl ..... :::- ~ ~ <: E2 (") rn - ,.. :::- z - :s:: z 0: .- :;t; - :::- t"' - ... .'~ Z t"' :;.; rn .... z ..... ~ ..... ..... rn ~ en rn :s:: rn z ....; Page 47 :> <: rn z c rn > -r 'I ~ :s- ~ (t) ~ , --r ;Y CI.l rn <: ~ z --: = nn ,...C:~ '--c: o~c; c..oc.. o _~o ". rn G')G') ~>c:: :c ;::::::- ,- 0'0;;;::- .....~o= zz:::- ~Z~ en cr.~ ..... ~ C'lCI.lI.o.l--= ::!~;;;:- - c;:....; :::-~ ;:: 00:::-:-:: 000:-.: 1-1 c; -, I-f ~ - ....;...,1-1- ~~:= I-fo~u Oz- Z '-'- z;::: _"0 ;- .'" -- Ctl - J c: , .::. - ~.. ,-," - "0 ~ c::::l":' . t a . ..... O'Io....J "'iJI GRANT OF EASEMENT _I, ~ .We fJlltelct'Pr and Ge6'~e.-, as j((,sz.. ~ 'jJ.Jd..Alor . and ...:.::......; -#-:. = . f7 husband and wife. whose address is 2-0 q'Tif tlJ. ~7.J4.. fi'VC, C:l.LCJI1ae ~ , hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over. and across the reaf property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 18 as shown upon the Plat of cudjoe Gardens, 6th Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear North for 45.24 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence S 720 45' 29"~i for 52.35 feet to a prolongation of the the Southwest line of said Lot 1, thence South 29.72 feet along said line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence East along the South line of said Lot 1 for 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1874 square feet, more or less. and more partic:Jlcrly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over, deposit of exc::vated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction, the County must resrcre the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that, if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is nm rea:Jired to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 48 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. caused this iYlstrument to be executed at <2 C~('f~ e...on the date indicated below. Date ~/}'V :2 ~ 19'17 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ~ foregoing instrument was ackn~wje~~ed before me on this4day of r . 1991-. ~ad ~ J~~ / ~~~r.- ()&olsE 5;t1o/QEj( ~2.l,""<A/ Typ ea Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Sea 0 i:.AI/5E SA; Y j)l::..~ c:: ~ ='-..Ier:: OF ICIA DENISE SNYDER L NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC28000S ~f!.f.q~1.M!~2!.~~.,E~A y 21,1997 ......,.,-~."'~---- Page 49 ~- -" rn /-l G1 = ,..., - - (j ::::- I:'f z 0 ::::- ,..., I:'f '" -.J c: \ I:'f ::::0:: ..... -.J :;::t ~ ~ .- ::- ::; '"':: .- -- z V'I :;::t c::: :: ~ - 3 ;.; ... - ,..... DROS7 DRIVE IV C ":: W ::0 ~ :;::t z ....J % >-: rn :;::t en rn ~ rn % >-: U1 o ,..., rn ~ ." o ::0 ~ ::0 t< rn ~ CI:l rn ~ rn z ,..., ,..., rn ~ ." o ::c :::- ::c t< \ " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .- \ \ \ \ ..... \ >-: \ , Iil ~ :: - ;:'J:: r:- .... .... Page 50 ,... b >-: ..... .. , -"J .. .......a;' , t"' ::::0:: I-' c: Cf:l m. e::: rn z >-: - ~ e::: rn z c:: - .'.J :E: ~ :n >-: :::- c::: t:j % -- - - I..": p ~ o ;:r- ~ m ;7 -t J;> (jD;: c::.::= 0::'_ .... ~ c...-.;:.. c~:: C::" ~ G1.- ~:;::t.. :;::t;::;:. :N=::: 0::,;::- C'=j.,....,.. %&:5:: en c:: . ..... ' C'li:n:- >-:~:::: = ~ c. :::- ~ :::- -:;:.. ....;::-. \oJ """"" __ . o~=~ .....~..- .. - - ~ ~......-=- ~ . - co;: z%z~ ..., .- ...,-- --...: ....., -~ A 0'\", ....-. .. = - "'..;;:- G1 ~. c: .... C'I_...... C'I'::; GRANT OF EASEMENT ~1. .We IA-7,e,c(A and ~~~r;tLq ~ -. as M ..& L~~,j;)r- and --- . husband and wife. w ose address is 2 (!)~ 7 t./. lJ..J. 7.:5 Au e~ C ~J.ro ~ hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West, Fl 33040, hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: /c~ A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to qo over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 1S as shown upon tbe.Plat of Cudjoe Gardens, Sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear North for 8.59 feet along the West line of Drost Drive to the Point of Beginning, thence continue North along said line for 20.94 feet, thence S 720 45' 29" W for 52.35 feet to the Southwest line of said Lot 1, thence South along said line for 14.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence West along the South line of said Lot 1 for 22.34 feet, thence N 120 45'29" E for 28.97 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 970 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert, Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer aU its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 51 1 qtJ 7 . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE C) The foregoing instrument wos OC. ~nowledged b/Jeforj me on this :2.-~ d:JI doy of ~/~ . 199!L. ~~~~-,/b~ ~ ;IPb,. / /J.- JJ 5 ,- C Illy j},~L - _/::../1/1 l:::- .../~ C Typed Notory Nome & Number '/5f 5)}yf).EI jconculvertll OFFICIAL NOT DENISE SNYDER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO, CC28000S ~Y,~~OMM1SSfor" ...y" u . v ~1 1')<)7 Page 52 l:!J ..... o - .... ..., :c ~- -~ "- '" o ~ ~ ~ ~ ." o toO ::a trJ :t:' ::a ~ $ ~ Z :t:' trJ Cf.l Z trJ ~ ~ 9 trJ ~ .... z .z..... ~ :=:t en ~ J \~~" ~ \ '~ \ \ \ \--", r--- \. \ \ \ \ \ \ IV ~ e: - ;:; ..... ~ DRCS7 DRIVE \ , '\' \. \ \ \ \ \ = ::::r ~ - - - - - z -' :;:. < == - . z ;0:: = ,. :'V \ :: ~ ..... ~ ::::r z - ,". z --: /il - ::; CJJ ~ :i ~ ~ Page 53 U1 Q \ \ \ \ \ . \ \. en trJ <: t. trJ t-t Z 1-3 0 - 1-3 - ..... ::::r <: l:!J ~ e::.- ,";) " z C t-t :!J l:lo; . ~ ..... :z3 00 ::n ..., t:"" C ~ ..... ~ i:::' t:"" ~ ..... ..... .'. z c ~ ; ~ ..,. f ;:5 ~ ~ ;S , I ~ (J) ~ < ~ z ~ (j(j Cc:; .- - O~c c..C::" 9tlJO .... rn Q O;:::rC) ~~2 ::c '-' ..... _ C rn. = : c:Jz~- Z ::n =.; < rn ~:: ..... ::: C'\~w ~~::- - c_ ;:::r ;:: :=-0:;:':-: 00' c=:.: C c~- .....1-1 _ ~~- .....::! . '- ~,.....~.- 1-1 0 ~ -- oz::_ z z:= ~::!_;- cc....ti~ A en ~ v" ... = ~~- ~ ';~ c: . ::::r < ... 0"_..... O"u:; GRANT OF EASEMENT ,We llallJa I 5 J1t1l..ind ~ li1JfhsiJ, /{ J1,iJlIfI4// as or and , husband and wife. whose address is f 6 } 1... IJ/R-JJl'Jfl fJ J.. ~'h.""1, fie Ji;{ I vA hereafter Grantor(sJ, do hereby convey and release to Monroe' County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West. Fl 33040, hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: I. A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 28 in Block 18 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast comer of said Lot 28, thence West 50.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 28 to the Northwest comer, thence South along the West line of said Lot 28 for 32.64 feet, thence East 22.61 feet, thence North 56>16' 41" for 32.93 feet to the East line of said Lot 28, thence North along said East line 14.36 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1381.57 square feet, more or less and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the rlght of entry, passage over, deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction, the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that, jf the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs, the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 54 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. ~~ Witness STATE OF FtORIE:l,\ u(~~u^.J(;" COUNTY OF MONROE f:-A..l.Afry. The foregoing instrument was acknowledg d before me on this b fe. day of ~~v.:!.'1 ,1992-. A V'..h/M2-o Sot --r ~(L- p t;- Typed Notary Name & Number jconCUlvertl ?( '3( "T " Page 55 ~ ~ 0 0 ""3 ..; n I: I\J .- ~ c::c n (13 t:7 ::l:J cc ):II ~ r:t' -a ~ ~ - ~ z . >c n ~ := ::- .... = 0 .... \C rn = ~ ):II m c: .. ", z z ~ c: tII'J Z 0 ~ . = en loW ""3 nn ~ 1:: CO 'i- ww 00 sr t':I~ (' OROST ORrlE C~ ~ ):II;:' :t ::C::l:J co " ~~ ~ zz ~ men U7 ~~ ~ C fn l"'r I ~ IT':: ...; I\J tllS ,,::r ~ c ~ co ~ ~ Cf\ 00 ~ 0 0 .... ....... ~ S; ...; :Ie ...;-: ('I CIJ :j ... .. ::l:J ::c - - 00 ~ $ to< A ZZ 0 n " ..; :z t':I <: ~'U tz3 =- ~ cc tIJ a:cc """" z m ~ z "i :z fIJ ~ I: .. ~ % . ta .. .. a: ta " ta I:"" > Z .... ~~ ~ CD C'" ..; = QQ . l'3 :!: -~ """" tIJ = en - :;: U7 ..; Page 56 , TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR CULVERT CROSSING AT LOT 28, BLOCK 18, CUD JOE GARDENS, 6th ADDITION, PB 6, PG. 66 *** NOTE: REVISION 5/19/1997 POINT OF BEGINNIN7G TEMPORARY EASEMENT EXISTING 6' EASEMEN , - - ~o.QO -.. (1/--- 44.4-Q _ ~-~~ :'~ ., '\~ ~~ i ct' $ t .-". ~~<;J i f=-S.Sl . \ ~~~ /1 ~' \B .OUt o~~~ 6)"'./' ~ I ~~~ ~'V~ I \ ~ .7 'I '2.'2.,CP\ /' . "------' I I~~ .l-tpa I~~ 11-tCf.l ~..:x: papa ~ E-t ~:z opa ~~ ~ I-t 0:: I-t o pa 0:: p.. p.. Q E-t Cf.l o 0:: '0 can a 1 ----------- LOT28/BLOCK18-PERMANENT EASEMENT LOT 27 S90-00-00W SOO-OO-OOE S90-00-00E N56-16-41E Final Area= 44.49 17.64 18.06 31.77 551.69 Square 0.013 Acres Feet LOT28/BLOCK18-TEMPORARY EASEMENT S90-00-00W SOO-OO-OOE S90-00-00E N56-16-41E NOO-OO-OOE Final Area= SEVENTH AVENUE WEST ~ . " 50.00 32.64 22.61 32.93 14.36 1381.57 Square 0.032 Acres Feet ""F":T'T'1 Page 57 ~ './'-'_. 'i . } I GRANT OF EASEMENT .WeRewI,) s,J1t/JIHINkI and fJ,U,h81'), 11' IIcll~JI as or and husband and wife. whose address is '/ "- hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe C unty, a political subdivision of the State of Rorida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culyert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Rorida. described as follows: I, A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 28 in Block 18 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Lot 28, bear West along the North line of said Lot 28 for 5.51 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue West along said North line 44.49 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 28, thence South along the West line of said Lot 28 for 17.64 feet, thence East 18.06 feet, thence North 5616' 41" East 31.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 551.69 square feet, more or less and more particwlarly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the ea~ement This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating, establishing, constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill, storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer alf its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 58 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I{we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date i I ated below. C STATE OF FlORIDA Vdt<;-\oIV,A COUNTYOFk~IJKo[ ~~ d.L&~ ~ Date ~ Qu~ /99,7 ~ The f')reg,.,inQ :;'1,tr'Jment was cc!{:1c'.....ledged befa..; t rie I.Jil this G day of ". (..( 0.;.-. ~., , 1992... .-..tl t1-\SI2Ds. G ., f+<G t..p 1:- Typed Notary Name & Number ( '? 3. jconculvertJ/ ~ 19nature ~ seat~ Page 59 t"" t- o 0 ...; ~ .., tv C .- ~ = n ll!I c: = == :Il' I:"" (/'I ~ t"" :::Ie a- ~ Z . ~ .., eo; == :P .- - 0 - .- \C CD = ~ )II CD < ... I'IJ Z z G'J c: It:2 Z 0 z: . tlO CD w ~ nn ~ c: cc ~ c.."", 00 ~ t'.2~ (" DROST ORIVE C~ ~ )r:t :$ === oc ~ tlOt=2 ZZ '"+- CD CD VI .... ~ ~ Cl CD rt' I ~ tT'::r ~ ='=- -0 c -+ co t"" ~ O~ ~ 0 ,.. .... .... ." ..; =c ..;~ ('J t':1 ~ a- _ :: - - 00 - ~ $ .. ::z:z 0 n 2t ..; Z tI3 < ."." ~ ~ :Il' c: tv == .- z CD I:" Z ..; Z P.I ~ C .. ~ % . tlO .. .. a: t': =- tI3 ~ ::. z .- "'3'" :::II: ~ t'" ..; = QQ ~ ~ ,... ~ .- C'] = en ,... z: VI ..; Page 60 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR CULVERT CROSSING AT LOT 28, BLOCK 18, CUD JOE GARDENS, 6th ADDITION, PB 6, PG. 66 *** NOTE: REVISION 5/19/1997 POINT OF BEGINNING TEMPORARY EASEMEN} EXISTING 6' EASEMEN . ' - - ~o.OO _" (11--- 44.4'1 _ ~-~~ :'~ ..s '\~ ~<t i c:r ct" C .-". ~~<p i t:. S 5l 4\ ~~ /1' r;:' IB.Ou. O~"" ~ ..,,,,./ ~ I ~~~ ~ttr~ I \ <t ./' \ I '2.'2..Ut\ /' . "-- - - ---/ I I~~ .Hril IZ~ ,Zril IHCIl ~oex: rilril !:Q E-4 ~z Oril ~ ~ g; H~ H Oril ~ ~~ C E-4 CIl o ~ '0 can a 1 ----------- LOT28/BLOCK18-PERMANENT EASEMENT LOT 27 S90-00-00W SOO-OO-OOE S90-00-00E N56-16-41E Final Area= 44.49 17.64 18.06 31.77 551.69 Square 0.013 Acres Feet LOT28/BLOCK18-TEMPORARY EASEMENT S90-00-00W SOO-OO-OOE S90-00-00E N56-16-41E NOO-OO-OOE Final Area= SEVENTH AVENUE WEST ~ _~T''''"'' ........,...'T~ " 50.00 32.64 22.61 32.93 14.36 1381.57 Square 0.032 Acres Feet ~- -....,'''~,.", Page 61 } I , . GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We and . ' as . or f! hll~l."'" 77de~ and tell/? 7/d% . husband and wife. whose address is 1''''''00 N.',4/< Sf. ~2;!J..6. .4zJ1;/J{;;> VI., fA .CJ-;;:x77 hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: - A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a por~ion of Lot 1 in Block 19 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being tpe Southeast corner of said Lot 1, bear North for 30.58 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence bear S 830 45'13" W for 50.30 feet to the prolongation of the Southwest line of said Lot 1, thence bear South along said line for 25.11 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1, thence bear West for 50.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 1 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1392.32 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement, This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must reslore the area described above io its conaition immedic..llely prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs, Page 62 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above, ~d~~ -- /3dt; AlRAv:$:s Witness .IN WITNESS WHEREqF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at A Nvbro/!/ II/!. on the date indicated below. d J?~ ~ /% ~~, / (_ ~t2rt4-e-/l /;7/96 Date STATE OF FcORIDA VH~A, I COIJNTY OF ~ ~fl'\ ~e foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of 0- i\U UD.AJ4 . . 199Ia-. ~t\.R.I""t\ LMcilll!1 We.! r~cl~~ QMAP . Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertl Page 63 VI 0 >-3 '"3 ~ ~ ~ t"'" ~ t-< 0 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ "< >-3 n 0 IV ::tI f: f-' t"i 00 "< <: n l;Jj I:n l:';I l2:l tc ::tI OJ ~ ;):I ~ ~ en >-3 t't en PJ ~ ~ ~ z ~ z . x n 3:: I.; I.; ~ ~ t'1 f-' :z: 0 f-' Z \D en 00 ~ I.; ):lr en <: ~ [!j z z t;:l 0 r:rJ Z \ 0 ~ . [!j en w '"3 n(") --, cc ~ 0'0' c..c... \ 00 ~~ DROST DRIVE G)C') ~ >> } ~~ cO' ;. > ~tzj 'i- zz en en l , ......(7\ ~ III tT 1 I h tT~ IV lrr- -t-: >> 0 co t"i l;Il 0'0 0 )-I ~H ItJ ~ >< 1.;1-3 t!1 ~ HH :;g tZJ f-' ::I: 00 t-< ~ A ::::Z 0 (") >< > "3 Z ~ < to." en tJJ > ~ to tJj tt1~ .... z I I-f t:'" Z 103 Z Z ~ C AQ'\ n c;) . t1j ~ .. l:x1 tJJ ):I > t'1 > z ~ f-' ."Ood ~ en t"i ~ 0 Clc;) . t!1 t1 Z 3: > ......(7\ "'"' t%J t-< OQ'\ ...... Z ." VI ~ tZJ ~ 't1 t-< ):I '"3 Page 64 GRANT OF EASEMENT .we(~rb.71dej and ~~7dey as or and husband and wife. whose address is C?#1'7::J "'~ r1Y'~ b)~1 ~I/ J:!;J.y, Ii 36&2- hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe Couniy, a politicef subdivision of the State of Roride. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Fl 33040. hereafter County, an appurtenent easement or right-of-way for a cufyeri over end across the reaf property owned by melus in Monroe Coun1y, Roride. described as follows: I. A pennanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assi~ to go over,'across, and upon the foHowing descIibed plopeli:y, to VY:~: 3. paction cfLot 1 in Block 19 as ShOWii upon ~~.e Plat ofCudjoe Gardens Sixth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on page 66 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Lot I, bear North along the East line of said Lot 1 for 3.68 feet to'the Point of Beginning, thence continue North along said East line 24.05 feet, thence South 56'16' 41" West 45.69 fee~ thence West 12.00 feet to the West line of said Lot I, thence South 2,36 feet along said West line to the Southwest comer, thence East 44.49 feet along the South Ih1e of said Lot I, thence North 56016' 41" East 6.63 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 589.79 square feet more or less and mere ~c;.;c~fcMy shown in Attcchment A which is made apart of the easement. ThIs e~E:mt::;it is gt".1fac..i "'oily fer ~>~ P' !rpose of locar.,'g. estohF~,h!!1g, e:::nstruc~:ng and maintaining, over and across the reci property just described a culvert connec~ing two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passcge over. exccvation. placement of culvert. pipe. depasit of exccvated earth. plccement or fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the c:::nstruc~:on of the culvert. Up:::n cempfetion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to trcr.srer ail its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Hemecwners' Assc:::iation for no monetary consideration. Page 65 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. / ~7 1/1 ~~ 'vtf/~><:] //1. ,~/ Witness Date f)au 01'" FltJ)( STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE 9 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ ,_ _, 1991L. ct;k JJ, ~~ Notary Signature &. Secl 3011J day of UNDA I. PEREZ · . ;it"lt.".dff\....~& 1N-b '. .1Ir.. .' "1Oii1iinini NaIIIy NIIIc ~ jconculvertll Page 66 * ~~~~ 0\0...., ..... ~-...Jrtrt l\.>l\.>rtCD e- CD 0l:J 3: e- O rt llJ 0 f'i ::rllJ::l n c::: \.0 ~ :t:ortl"1 C l\,I -w;g 5' 2 .... ~ CD O. 1"1 . n IJ1 ....'fJ) m = -::e:N::rar := ~ -..J. llJ llJ ~ rJ'l ..a e- t ~ rt f-I :ll: - ..... f-I ~ Z I CIl 0 · )C n . \OJ:J:J ..; = ~ ~ ~~:; - 0 - """ en CD ~ ~~~ =- en < .. llJ rt2 Z :J3:0 a.I"1C::: z ~ .rt C l"l........ ~ Z CD 3: ~ 0 '< 1"1 ....' Z . ~ fJ) rt . ::r co I'%j 0 tn w f-II-3C::: "i ..... rt a. nn ~ CD '< c: ere ;\: we- 00 mlil!l ~ CO' CROST OR!VE: C~ ~ "" :t :c:= ce ~ t'2t'J :;::z ~ cnen ur .... G\ ~ C en '"" ) - ""::1' r ..; IV tlEI ,,::r '"'t) c ~ co ." e- CfI ere ~ 0 0 .. ....- ." s: .. X ~~ I'J t':l ~ ... .. := :c """ - 00 - c:- $ .c: .. Z% 0 n )f ..; Z t'J < ."." t'J ~ " = tv == .... Z 02 ~ Z ..; :: tIJ ~ C ..'" 3: . tv . . = CI: " tlEI ~ ~ :z: .... .,,"0 ~ en ~ eo; = CQ . CI: ~ .... '" .... t'J = en po. Z ur 0.3 Page 67 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR CULVERT CROSSINGS AT LOT 1 BLOCK 19, CUDJOE GARDENS, P~. 6, PG. 66 ***NOTE: _g~VlSIQl'i._5.L1~.LJ,~97 SIXTH AVENUE WEST y I ----------- LOT1/BLOCK19-PERMANENT EASEMENT NOO-OO-OOE S56-16-41W N90-00-00W SOO-OO-OOE N90-00-00E N56-16-41E Final Area= 24.05 45.69 12.00 :l.36 44.49 6.63 589.79 Square 0.014 Acres Feet r:a :> H c::: Q N ----------- LOT1/BLOCK19-TEMPORARY EASEMENT / / ~~ ~ ~<<J A~ ~~<<J . ~ A. ,.-- J 0# ll' r .3 ;.45 ~ ~<? b('" ~ rO ..~ ,.;. N 1 Jf ~ii= ,...... 4-4.~ - - - - - - - c:.o.QQ EXISTING 6' EASEMENT = PERMANENT EASEMENT E-4 o ~ NOO-OO-OOW S56-16-41W N90-00-00W SOO-QO-OOW N90-00-00E Final Area= ......,.,..- can a 1 ~ 45.76 51.15 7.45 17.36 50.00 1472.13 Square 0.034 Acres ~ tJ) o c::: Q " \ Feet ~G ~~~..;;.<'\. ~ ~(:)~~~~ ..0 t"\~ ~ ~~.. ~ ,. ~ ~~~~~~ ~ -Q,O~ ~ /-Q,<<J ", /~Ji \r, - POINT OF BEGINNING TEMPORARY EASEMENT Page 68 A+.h~c.h(Yle^+ A 102 of Z. GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We and , as or Jo~E:PJ.l1:CoOi<- an9 ll!)"ltJl~ M, c."",\<-. husband and wife, whose address is 20qt-O STH. 4"'~ .W.} CcJo.}ot! Gpws , hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the state of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florido, described as follows: A temporarj easement for ingress and egress fo~-the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 32 in Block 19 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Fifth and Seventh Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 88 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 32, bear South 37.68 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence, S 8So 19' 32" W for 50.02 feet to the prolangation of the Northwest line of said Lot 32, thence North 39.14 feet along said line to the Northwest corner of said Lot 32, thence East along the the North line of said Lot 32 for 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1920 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes th.e r!ght of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs, Page 69 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at ~ ~ on the date indicated below. A ~'4 '-/e~hJ-1 JJd!: '/ ~cf}b:~~:13-/W-b - (fiJ/I_J-lA- u/ ~"(~9--tvCr;..tm -5.3,3-/(,- Witness ) J S I .3 -lJ Date II / '2-1- 90 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this / Ol day of Ja.n lLetr '( . 199~. SHftR.rJ~ /('. DfrU/5 Typed Notary Name & Number SA~~ g~ Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertl '. ~''i:'if.~:rt.~*, SHARON K. DAVIS ~.( c," :.~ MY COMMISSION' CC 297555 ~~~.~q EXPIRES: June 'lJ. 1997 "~;if.j~'t" Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwrtters Page 70 l!f" U1 0 ~ ~ tz] :s:: rn I 3:: "Zj f t'" "tI 't1 t'" I-l n C/) 0 0 0 0 "Zj f c I-l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'" X ~ ~ :c I <: ~ w ~ ::0 ,.... r tz] :c '" t< t< ~ ~ tz] !:Xl <: ~ ):II l:Xl rn t'" '. tz] <: t'" ~ n ):II ~ z I n tz] ~ en ~ C/) . c tz] ::0 Z :s:: z rn tz] 0 c tz] ~ :s:: IV , en tz] J-I Z t'" tz] 0 ~ ~ en 1.0 ~ Z tz] I-l ~ ~. en t z t:3 tJ ... ~:.' ~ ','I . ~ G) en ~ z ~ 0 IV 0 n. - n I T" c c ~ t e e - J r.., r.., rv i 0 0 I I ~ rn tz] G) G) I I ~ ,- ):II ~ DROST DRIVE i ::0 ::0 II! rl -t '. e e I t:lJ t:lJ Z Z C/) en I I I I I J-I l.1l I C/) ~ I )> ~ :c I I en '" I "Zj ):II ll" I-l 0 I I-l e .x I I "Zj e ...,J ~ t'" I I .... j I-l rT :c 0 "tI b - ~ :r ~ t:3 I I ~ I-l ~ ::0 ~ 0 ~ <: J-I ::: ,.... <: z e t:lJ ):II ~ t:lJ e Z !:Xl Z (') Z "tI I-l C t'" t:lJ ~ !:Xl C l:Xl ~ t:lJ ~ Z Z t'" t:lJ I-l ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 t'" Z J-I t:3 0 ):II I.C "tI "tI C/) G) !:Xl t:lJ . ::: en t:lJ J-I .. Z 0 ~ l.1l "tI G) . (Xl (Xl -~- ....... Page 71 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. ,We and , as , or Jos F~l-I 'L C.,~ . qnd ~~ ~,t:. l"l I ~OK. husband and wife, whose address is 20Q, 0 So ~.Jf \AI. C~ 1)"5, , hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easemept for surface and sub-surface construction lnstall~cion and for ingress and egresc by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described propert~, to wit: a portion of Lot 32 in Block 19 as shown upoh~the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Fifth and Seventh Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page aa of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 32, bear South 2.67 feet along the West line of Drost Drive to the Point of Beginning, thence continue South along said line for 20.00 feet, thence S aE! 19'32" W for 50.02 feet to the Northwest line of said Lot 32, thence North along said line for 20.00 feet, thence N aa- 19' 32" E for 50.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1000 square feet more or less. . and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. Thi$ eC$ement is grcmted or.l)' for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection, passage over, excavation, placement of culvert, pipe. deposit of excavated earth, placement of fill, storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Cudjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 72 ~~ p-~.~ . . ess~~ I4L M IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. ~ /='L()L ~~.,{ 7. ~_ c-~o:7_"oqF-"- V /' ,,' . " _ ,---./<' FL I)L. ~>~ ~ ') /J. . cZ" Yi/OO-S33-1j.- Date )11 '2->1 9 r; b/.3 - 0 Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this / ;( day of JQ n U D.." Y . 199 JQ... SHft-l2otJ y. tJ;rtJf5 Typed Notary Name & Number ~~ '? j}~ Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertll ...~-;r..~f""", SHARON K. DAVIS g:~'?-'~ ~;.. MY COMMISSION /I CC 297S.'i5 ~~.~:kl EXPIRES: June 27. 19!!7 ....:,f,Rt'~~~'.. Bond&d ThnJ Notary Pubftc Underwriters.._, Page 73 (j c: t:"4 c::: ~ ::c ~ (j ::c 0 en en 1-+ z (;') z 0 . ~ (j (j c: c: 0 0 c.. c.. 0 0 ~ ~ (;') (;') ::;:. ::;:. ::0 ::0 0 0 ~ ~ z z en en t-' U'I en ~ ~ - - ::;:. Crt 0 0 ...J I-' rt" ~ - - 1-+ 0 ::;:. z 0 0 ~ 1-+ a: ~ 1-+ ~ 0 z ~ ~ (;') - "" Cl'I t-' .. 0 U'I '"0 (;') . :c cc t:"4 en 0 1-+ ~ X ~ w ::: IV ~ l:I:1 c::: t:"4 ~ ~ z c: ~ ...... \C ~ ~ en ~ ::;:. c::: , " ~ z c: t!J " en 1-+ :< :j - t'" C 0-:; I-' a: t'" ~ . ,. .-:..-,.... I-' o U1 "0 0 ~ ::c S ~ . ~ I'!J Z 3: t:l1 ~ t:"4 I-l Z 0 0 I'!J ~ !: ~ J-3 - - t:l1 ::c .... ~ I-( ::- tI.l a:7 c::: ~ ~ t:"4 t:l1 3: (j ~ ~ Z t:l1 :t:- en . c z z ~ tzJ ~ :t:- 3: IV t:"4 tli2 0 ~ r z tzJ ~ 00. d J-3 r-t<j I~ I I I I I I I DROST DRIVE I r-' It! I I . I I I I I I I I I IV I'!J 0 I I I-l Li I'!J I t:"4 ~ ~ 0 - - tli2 I ~ ::0 ==- S .... <: ~ tzJ Z (j Z ~ ==- a: c z Z t"" t!J t-3 ::;:. ~ t'" ~ ==- \C en tli2 3: ~ Z ~ -~-- Page 74 ~.l.. ill '1 :i. ''1 > --- + ~ (' ::s- .3 (1:) .3 , T , , i.' It i; I' ~l L'~ I. ,- f! tJ I. I,' I: /,; I' t; t.~ I;; I, I' i p J>- -7 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. . We jC91i: P IJ T (r~ k:: and Lo v I)J ,~ tL [t'~ ~. as . or and . husband and wife. whose address is 20C;~" $7 I,( 411f... W. Su H'14t,~Lt.I.IJ'b 'Ke'( }:.L. 33P'/2- hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 20 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Fifth and Seventh Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 88 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear North 12.34 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence, S 88-19'32" W for 50.02 feet to the Southwest line of said Lot ~, thence South 10.88 feet along said line to the Sour~west ~OT.ner of said Lot 1, thence East for 50.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 1 to the Point of Beginning. Contains 580 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 75 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. p~2~ ( . ... Witness. ';m , /~--z~./ ' , Witness I!J ./ ~::'"C Lj ') ~/2..5 /J INk Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The for,~oing instrument was jJcknow/ed~ed befor me on this 2. day of !Uf!O i:J!/~te:5~!{LY :J1U ~ ~i: P/+ ! /1!(jO:~)" ,/ / ;;f/)fJ/J/J / If ~{ !t1d(: ~ trf6 L It. Ilfd;fff lUll (l!lfJ. ~U Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertl CAROL A. THORPE MY COMMISSION' CC 337575 :~: EXPIRES: JIIlUlIIY 7. 1998 ~'"'<tl IIondIId Thru NotIIy PublIc UndeIWrIt8r8 Page 76 n n c c c c Cool Cool o 0 ~ ~ G1 G1 :::- :::- ::c ::c c c ~ ~ z z en en I-' 1JI en 1-3 1-3 = ):It ll' C C -.J ~ rT 0-3 :r ~ o ):It z c C ." ~ lJ' 0-3 ~ .::. C Z ." ." G1 ::: 0\ ..... .. o 1JI ." C":l . CD CD n c t" <: ~ ::c 0-3 n ::c o en en H Z C":l Z o en ~ X 0-3 - - ):It <: ~ z c ~ ~ ~ en 1-3 />.J en H X 0-3 - - ):It <: I .... ~ Z C ~ r-~ - I I I I ! I I I rl! I . I I i I : I '. I I i I7l t" o 0-3 W />.J tx' t" ~ I-' \Q t" o 0-3 I-' tx' t" ~ ..... o -~- />.J o ." ~ ::c :s:: :::- z ~ Z 1-3 t:j ):It en ~ :s:: ~ z 1-3 0-3 ~ :s:: ." o ::c ):It ::c I-( ~ :::- n en :::- ~ z :s:: ):It ~ t" ~ ? I I r-I ! I , I I Page 77 U1 o 0-3 ~ :s:: ." o ::c ):It ::c I-( ~ ):It en ~ :s:: ~ z 0-3 ... ....:.. ~ ,", . rv DROST DRIVE t" o 0-3 I-' l:I:l t" '. ~ . />.J o t"' C 0-3 t-' .::. lJ' ..... ~ \C ~ ~ ~ 0-3 - :::- <: ~ z c ~ ~ ~ en 0-3 ~ ~ ~ 0-3 == :::- <: ~ z c ~ J? t ~ 3 (\) ;/ + ~ GRANT OF EASEMENT LSiifArt., /l, nsJ.ee .We and as , or and . husband and wife. whose address isJ.pf7f-5!!!-~'1...eUJ:>~E{Vl-/i!,D€ffS, 5~y',t-~~~~ hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress, for. the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its~~qents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 35 in Block 20 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Fifth and Seventh Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 88 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 35, bear South 24.15 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence, N 78. 45' 50" W for 50.98 feet to the Northwest line of said Lot 35, thence North 14.22 feet along said line to the Northwest corner of said Lot 35, thence East for 50.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 35 to the Point of Beginning. contains 959 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made ~port of the easement, . This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert conne7tlng two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over, depOSit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert, Upon completion of the construction, the County m.ust restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to constructlo~ except that, if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs, the County IS not required to replace such trees or shrubs, Page 78 ~ This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. F. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. / ~/4 it~4:/J--S- Witness Date j, /7- C/& STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this In n f.,{(lrV , 199 & . f - , Yanessa ReClric/C /7 day of ~~A- Notary Signature & Seal Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertl '. Page 79 ..... (') /'I,) b c:: 0 --= t'"' ~ t'"' <: I-j 0 WJ r::l ~ 1-3 1-3 'tl '" 0\ ::c j t!:I r::l 1-3 - WJ 3: ::c CD U1 'tl (') 3: - (') )lI 0 )lI )lI ~ ::c <: CD ::c z z 0 t!:I t'"' :::- )lI r::l /'I,) en z ~ ::c t'"' Z 0 en c:: t< , .. <L ~ . __., I 1-3 :> I-j t!:I l\J Z 0 t!:I t!:I C) :E: > :%" 1 t!:I en / -I en z en t!:I r::l 0 1-3 3: 3: . t!:I I / t!:I Z Z ~ I-' 1-3 I / 1-3 ;::;- I (') (') I 3 = c:: , 0 0 (t> C-l C-l /-/ / I 0 0 t23 t23 if ---.. ;s C) C) DROST DRIVE. -+ )lI > ::c ::c / ,/ c C t23 t23 Z Z ;p- en en / I , I I i-' ...., en 1-3 I 1-3 - - I )lI > 1 I I t" ~ C C t'"' I 0 0 0 c ~ 0 I 1-3 c:: I-j I-j I-j 1-3 I ::c 1-3 1-3 "'IJ I-' 1-3 I-j I-j 1-3 I-' ~ - - 0 0 :: z z CD CD > , > t'"' (') U1 t'"' <: 'tl 'tl c:::: ~ > 0 ~ t!:I CD CD m z z Z \C > CZ) c:: ~ 0\ c:: t'"' io3 t!:I r::l t23 'tl 3: 'tl C) 'tl C) . 0 . ::c (Xl )lI i-' (Xl ::c 0 -~~ t< U1 t!:I :%" en t23 3: t!:I Z io3 Page 80 I..blktj t)/9;lM GRANT OF EASEMENT .We and . or and husband and wife. whose address is $ () 979 -5;f'/;v6-/::,pJxrt)6 &F;,eAti'/YS 3jL:>r.R-~OL)d here?f!~r Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdiVIsion of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: as A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 35 in Block 20 as shown upon ~~~Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Fifth and Seventh Addition as recorded in Plat Book 6 on Page 88 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 35, bear South 8.94 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence N 780 45' 50" W for 45.88 feet to the North line of said Lot 35, thence East for 45.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 35 to the point of Beginning. contains 201 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the c...udjoe Gardens Homeowners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 81 ~- IN WITN=e have caused this Instrument to. be. executed at Z er /&/1 " F / on the date indicated below. ~tt? . /ljA./rf &, f/lk i. W}t1)'E?ss ~t</'~ Ndw/cS' Witness Date ;;;; tlll~ /J1 /91b STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE . Vanessa Hedricf( Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertll ,......,. VANESSA /;>,~''.~J:~;~., HEDRICK f'/'~' ":.; MY COMMISSION # CC 233492 ~'~,{r/ EXPIRES: October 6, 1996 ":.r.111';:\~~'" Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Page 82 I ~ (') l'o.) 0 c: 0 >-3 .... I'Z] ~ <: I-l 0 t. I..l t!] PI'J ..; ~ "'C C\ .' :::c >-3 t!j t!j ..; - w :=l t%' - :::c 1JI (') J: ~ (') ~ J: ~ ~ ,:: :::c < t%' ~ Z Z Z 0 t!] t"'4 t!] ~ t!j to.J en z ~ Z t"'4 . Z 0 en c: t-3 'It .~:: ....~ ...; I-l t!] l'o.) >- z 0 t!] m c ~ )II )II t!] en ---, en ~ z en t!] I I r::l 0 io3 J: J: I / t!j t!] z I z ~ .... t-3 I t-3 I I :r (') (') I ~ c: c: I , 0 0 , c:.. c:.. 1-1 /L/~ , m 0 0 ~ tIIiI t'il t c c DROST.DRIVE. )II ~ :::c :::c I ! 0 0 .:t:> t!] tIIiI Z Z en en I . , . , I I , ~ .' .... ..; I I en . , ..; :c I ~ )II )II 1 I I t"l PI'J t 0 0 t'" , 0 0 .j 0 0 PI'J 0 I >-3 c: I-l I-l I-l t-3 , :::c io3 ..; PI'J .... >-3 I-l I-l ..; .... ~ = " 0 0 - 11 - :z: z t%' t%' )II ,1 )II .... (') LTI t'" c::: ''''C "'C < ~ )II 0 ,:: t!] a1 t!] - :z: t%' - ," Z \D ~ CXl c: , Cl'\ c: t"'4 io3 tlO ~ ~ tlO t!] ~ "'C J: '" ~ C 'tl d . 0 1 c . :::c c:c )II .... c:c :::c 0 -~~ I< LTI tlO )II ... en tlO J: t!j :z: >-3 Page 83 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. VINCENT M. DROS+WeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXX. ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~K~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXX ]{l~~X:i't'ldX~xwhose address is 51 Drost Drive, Surnrner1and Kev, fL 33042 hereafter Gruntor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florido, described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of cu~vert construction, by Monroe County, its aqents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the fol~owinq described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 21 as shown upon the Plat of Cudjoe Gardens Eiqhth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 7 on paqe 16 of the Public Records of Monroe County , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1, bear North for 26.65 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence N 78' 45' 50" W for 50.98 feet to a prolongation of the the Southwest line of said Lot 1, thence South alonq said line for 36.58 feet to the Southerly corner of said Lot 1, thence East for 50.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 1 to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1581 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 84 ....... This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. Date 9t-tlJ...{ (.3 I I? 9(, (., I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE (JU.Th, foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this iU .199 (V. A v~ /3 Clay of J:;"K v~ ~J e. 1Yl~ ~/ NO III Typed N ary Name & NDmber j,: onculvertl r~.-' .. IMC~am M. SYN~N , No4ary PubliC. SIaIB at Ronc':.. My Comm, Expires March 22. 1 No. CC 445742 t.~l~~~~~_" '. Page 85 n l'o.) c 0 ~ PI'J ~ ~ <: ~ 0 0 t!3 I'Ij t-3 ~ 1-3 := ~ tv t-3 - w :::c I-' - 1JI n $ n ~ ~ t%' := < t:C Z Z ~ 0 to t"'4 ~ t!] ,:: en z :;lI; ~ z en c: ~ to.J """ tIO l'o.) I-' ~ :z: 0 to CO) ~ ~ tv / -7 en -+ :z: en I to 0 >-3 I ~ S}- . t!3 I z ~ I 1 t-3 f' ... I I :s- n(') n I I 3 cC: c / I 00 0 , r\ C"jc:.. c.. 1-/ I 00 0 I ~ tIOtIO t!3 /Lj ---.J -+ cC CO) DROST DRIVE. ~)II ==' :::c:::C := I / ~ 00 0 tr3tz:2 Z :z: t!3 en en :z: en I . I al.... ~ I I 1-3 en :: t-3 t-3 I - - I ~ ~ 1 0 ::r I - ~ 0 0 0 t'" I 0 0 0 I-t I-t 0 ~ 0 / I 1-3 c: 1-3 """ I-l ~ , - >-3 - I-t 003 'IJ .... >-3 I-t 0 0 """ t-3 .... ~ - - :z: 0 - z - :z:; c: c::: )t 'tl 'tl :::r t'" (') U1 ~ c::: .t%' t%' ." < ~ )t c:: ,:: tIO , t:= to % :z: ."J ~ Z \D )t = c: C2'\ c:: ~ t-3 to 'tl 'tl tv t!] C C ." ~ . . CO) 'tl , , 0 I-' .... ~ C\ 0 c:c LTI c:c :::c I< tv )II ~ en .. tv ~ J: t:a % 1-3 Page 86 GRANT OF EASEMENT We, Jack D. Niles, Jr., and Imogene M. Synon, as Trustees of the Vincent M, Drost Intervivos Trust, dated September 14, 1993, whose address is 420 Fleming Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter County, an appurtenant easement of right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida, described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 21 as shown upon the Plat ofCudjoe Gardens Eighth Addition as recorded in Plat Book 7 on Page 16 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particular described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast comer of aforementioned Lot 1, bear North for i 1.44 feet along the West line of Drost Drive, thence N no 45' 50" W for 50.98 feet to the Southwest line of said Lot 1, thence South 20.38 feet along said line of said Lot 1, thence S 78045' 50" E for 5.10 feet to the South line of said Lot 1, thence East along said line for 45.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Contains 817.9 square feet more or less. and more particularly shown on Exhibit A which is made a part of the easement. This easement is subject to conditions, limitations, and restrictions as set forth on Exhibit B. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating, establishing, constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection, passage over, excavation, placement of culvert, pipe, deposit of excavated earth, placement of fill, storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. All fill, stored materials, and equipment will be removed from easement upon completion of installation or maintenance, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I1We have caused this instrument to be executed at ~ cJW1 Ff. on the date indicated below, ..-IrJoJ1l~C:€(/']M r:Y~ ~~ Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Typed Notary Name & Number ot Signatur ~4-':t.~:f~..~ Bonnie. ms ~*(A'\:~ MY COMMISSION fI CC522399 EXPIRES ~.~~~~ February 10, 2000 "'~iif.~~~' BOHIIED 1HRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC. ,pt- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1m ' ~~(~ c::r: tlJuO Page 87 EXHIBIT A (Page 1 of 2) ;.. .. - IlIJ : IlIJ to ~ A2 >of =: ~ 0 Q, : I A2 Eo- ~ C z = C :r. , t.) D2 = = Z D:I :a:: > .: C ::I - ~ - :- - - - = '"' 0 " fI.. .: , . .r1-f 1 / / i / / ~ -, A2 , i f .... N ~ Z ..:2 ~ D2 ~ ~ Z Z = ~ ~ .... CJ =: !oc D2 0 Q, ~ = N ! 7 ,-- I / I / /7 I / 1/ I I I I I I 'I' "'-. " ~ = C\ - &S :.:: > ~ C :::l - - ..... :.. f.. =- .... C2 ~ - .~'a ~SOE:a Page 88 !oc en D:I == :: N D:I ~ = z ~ m = > r.n .:r: ,., - - ~ Pc lit 0 loot ~ lit ~ =: D2 > ~ = CJ = tn - ~ - = ~ .... . :" . . ~ .... 0 ..., Q" Q" ~ ~ r" ::) ~ = ~ ~ Q" - :5 % % _ 0 0 =- .... .... =-- .... :- =: -.... _ _ ::I - ~ ::l C C .=: - - - =- =- r.:: ,.. U) - ~= rt.lU) z% Q:lraJ o :: - - -.=: SO Q:lD:I o 0 ~~ CO == t.)tJ rn :: A2 = - ~ o M :;) .., = = CJ . ..... .. o :: o :z: .... rn tIJ o - - CJ ,'/1' ~ EXHIBIT A (Page 2 of 2) PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR CULVERT CROSSING AT lOT 1, BlK. 21, CUDJOE GARDENS. 8TH ADDITION PB 7, PG. 16 FOURTH AVENUE WEST lOT 1, BlK 21, PERMANENT EASEMENT NOO-OO-OO.OW 11.44 N78-45-50.0W 50.98 SOO-OO-OO.OE 20.38 S78-45-50.0E 5.10 N90-00-00.0E 45.00 Final Area = 817.9 Square Feet 0.018 Acres - -20. '18' - CANAL -dJ ((\ ~ ~ /":;,\0' ~'! I 'S.D ~D' - -- PERMANENT EASEMENT Page 89 tJ w > a: o ~ o ex: o ~ EXHIBIT B CONDITIONS, LIMIT A TIONS AND RESTRICTIONS TO GRANT OF EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 21, CUD JOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION, PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 16, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE FOLLOWING ARE PERMANENT CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS TO THE GRANT OF EASEMENT TO MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OVER A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 21, CUDJOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION, PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 16, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS. 1, ALL FILL, STORED MATERIALS AND EQlJIPl\1ENT WIIL BE REMOVED FROM THE EASEMENT UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, 2, THE CONCRETE SLAB OVER THE CULVERT WILL NOT EXCEED 12' WIDE BY 60' LONG, 3, THE ENTIRE AREA OF THE EASEMENT WILL BE CLEARED AND REVEGET A TED WITH GROUND COVER MATCHING THE SURROUNDING, EXISTING VEGETATION UPON COMPLETION OF INST ALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, INCLUDING SODDING OVER AND REVEGETATION OVER THE CONCRETE SLAB, 4, A GRATE WILL BE PLACED ON THE END OF THE CULVERT FOR SAFETY. THE OPENINGS WITHIN THE GRATE WILL BE A MAXIMUM OF SIX (6) INCHES SQUARE, 5, THE EASEMENT IS NONASSIGNABLE, MONROE COUNTY SHALL RET AIN THE EASEMENT AND MAINTAIN IT AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF TillS GRANT. WITNESSES:,. ~ ~~~ ~ F ST WI . S ~K D, NIL , " TRUSTEE .S;~;:~tf~ dt/IJJWJ~ ~ SS. IMOGli'NE~vSYNON. T -- STEE SECOND WITNESS FOR MONROE COUNTY Page 90