Resolution 484-2021 Mayor David Rice RESOLUTION NO. 484 -2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGING THE FOURTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE BY FORMER COUNTY COMMISSIONER SYLVIA MURPHY; PROCLAIMING COMMISSIONER MURPHY AS THE MAYOR EMERITUS OF MONROE COUNTY AND THE FABULOUS FLORIDA KEYS; REQUESTING THAT MAYOR EMERITUS MURPHY CONTINUE TO ACT AS THE GOODWILL AMBASSADOR FOR MONROE COUNTY AND THE FABULOUS FLORIDA KEYS; AUTHORIZING MAYOR EMERITUS MURPHY TO AWARD CONCH CERTIFICATES TO THOSE WHOM SHE DEEMS DESERVING OF SUCH AN HONOR; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TO MAYOR EMERITUS MURPHY IN THE PERFORMANCE OF HER OFFICIAL DUTIES. WHEREAS Sylvia Murphy served with distinction as the County Commissioner for District 5 from her election in 2006 until her retirement in 2020; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Murphy was elected to lead the County as our Mayor three times during her tenure, (2009-2010) (2013-2014), and (2018-2019); and WHEREAS, Commissioner Murphy shall always be remembered for her efforts as a good will ambassador for Monroe County and the Florida Keys during her tenure on the Commission, particularly when serving as our Mayor; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: a) Commissioner Sylvia Murphy shall be conferred with the title of"Mayor Emeritus of Monroe County and the Fabulous Florida Keys"; and b) The Board requests Mayor Emeritus Murphy to continue to act as a good will ambassador for Monroe County and the Florida Keys; and c) Mayor Emeritus Murphy is authorized to award honorary conch certificates to those whom she deems deserving of such an honor; and d) The County Administrator is authorized to provide clerical support to Mayor Emeritus Murphy in the performance of her official duties as Mayor Emeritus. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of December 2021. Mayor David Rice Yes Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Yes Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes ;�•�� '' Commissioner District 3 Vacant tS �� A Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes__ .. o E} 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS "a9ti oo:c a EVIN MADOK, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA oarY , By ( By As Depu y Clerk Mayor/Chairperson Approved as to form and legal sufficiency By Robert B. Shillinger, County Attorney Digitally signed by Robert B.Shlllinger Robert B. DN:cn=Robert B.Shillinger,o=Monroe County BOCC,ou=Monroe County Shillinger Attorney,email=shillinger- bob@monroecounty-fl.gov,c=US Date:2021.12.06 16:37:24-05'00' -,, ry `") l= f'i r-n c-) .�C; { r N.)