PC Minutes 04/22/2010 MINUTES OF THE TIER DESIGNATION REVIEW COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tier Designation Review Committee Thursday,April 22, 2010 Marathon, Florida A regular meeting of the Tier Designation Review Committee convened at 9:08 a.m.,at the Marathon Government Center. Present were Amy Phillips, Department of Environmental Protection; Richard Grosso, Everglades Law Center; Randy Grau, Fish &Wildlife Conservation Commission;Winston Hobgood, U.S. Fish &Wildlife;Julie Cheon, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority;Tiffany Stankiewicz, Development Administrator, Planning and Environmental Resources;Susan Grimsley,Assistant County Attorney; Christine Hurley, Director,Growth Management Division; Michael Roberts,Senior Administrator, Environmental Resources; Phil Frank, Private Environmental Consultant; Bryan Davisson, GIS Planner,Growth Management; and Rebecca Jetton, Department of Community Affairs. A quorum was established. Christine Hurley extended thanks to the Board from the Board of County Commissioners. Explanation was given regard the process taken once the Board makes their preliminary recommendations. A decision has not been made whether to take public input in front of the Tier Designation Review Committee yet. The Board's opinion regarding that is welcome. The color code of the maps was restated. The order of map review was given. Randy Grau stated that turning the committee members'maps in to Tiffany Stankiewicz after each recommendation was made would be helpful. Suggestion was made to complete all discussions regarding a certain map before motions are made. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 23,2010 Randy Grau requested questions or comments. Amy Phillips corrected the spelling of Deborah Poppell's last name to include two L's. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion to approve the February 23,2010 minutes with that one change. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. March 25,2010 Randy Grau requested comments, hearing none. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion to approve the March 25,2010 minutes. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. March 26,2010 Randy Grau requested the"Thursday" at the top be changed to "Friday." Motion: Randy Grau made a motion to approve the March 26,2010 minutes. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. Mike Roberts asked for a vote. Julie Cheon requested a statement of"No objections" be made rather than going through the vote. Randy Grau stated there were no objections. MAP SERIES MAP 57 Julie Cheon questioned the discrepancy of designating a scarified lot with houses on either side as Tier I, as well as a lot in the middle of an undeveloped tract of land. A discussion ensued regarding the clearing limits in Tier I and Tier IIIA. Phil Frank raised the issue of secondary impacts on wildlife when developing a scarified lot. A discussion ensued regarding the impacts of the permits issued. Motion: A motion was made by Richard Grosso that all undeveloped lots in 387E and 387C be designated Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. The conditions constituting a break in the Comprehensive Plan were read by Christine Hurley. A discussion ensued regarding the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan. Motion: A motion was made by Richard Grosso that the developed lots(already constructed)be designated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. Randy Grau agreed. MAP 19 Phil Frank described his visit to this area. A discussion ensued regarding the wildlife in this area. Motion: A motion was made by Julie Cheon that 133D remain designated as Tier IIIA. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Randy Grau requested a designation for the little hatched lot within the Tier I area to the right. Motion: A motion was made by Randy Grau to keep the little hatched lot within the Tier I area to the right as Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A discussion ensued. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. MAP 20 Discussion was had regarding the lots in Florida Forever. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the Florida Forever properties within the Florida Forever boundary be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Phil Frank described his site visit of this subdivision. A discussion ensued regarding connectivity and hammock in this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the rest of areas 133 and 134 be designated Tier III. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. 1 MAP 22 Discussion was had regarding the commercial parcel adjacent to U.S.1 and whether its boundaries were contained within Florida Forever. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion to designate this parcel as Tier IIIA. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Disagreed,Voted Tier I; Randy Grau, Disagreed,Voted Tier I;and Winston Hobgood, Disagreed,Voted Tier I. MAP 24 Discussion was had regarding the blue-hatched trapezoidal parcel's ownership. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion this parcel be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood, Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the two developed lots. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion these two lots be designated Tier Ill. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the two lots in the pink hatch marks and whether they are included in the administrative judge's recommended order as to wetlands. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion these two lots be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood, Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. MAP 25 Discussion was had regarding challenge area 135E and the current cleared portions of the parcel and the possibility of further development. Motion: Richard Grosso made a motion 135E be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the redesignation parcels hatched in blue. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that these parcels remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Agreed only if the wetland parcel was excluded. Discussion ensued regarding the administrative judge's recommended order related to wetlands. MAP 26 Discussion was had regarding the ownership and size of 139A. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion 139A be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. +' I Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the parcel north of the previous recommendation be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 33 Discussion was had regarding the hammock in 146C. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion 146C be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. Discussion was had regarding the potential for clearing,the fragmentation and the surrounding habitat species dependence in 146D. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that 146D remain Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Winston Hobgood, Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the lots within the Florida Forever boundaries. Discussion ensued regarding the ordinance language for Tier I. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion the lots with hammock be designated Tier I,and the rest of the lots be designated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso, Agreed;Randy Grau,agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 41 Discussion was had regarding the hammock and species in this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion for a Tier I designation. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. MAP 44 Discussion was had regarding the habitat and ownership of area. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion for a Tier I designation. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 45 Discussion was had regarding ownership of area. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion for a Tier I designation. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood, Agreed. MAP 46 Discussion was had regarding how the initial tier designations were arrived at on Big Pine Key. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion the parcel be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed; and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 47 Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion for a Tier I designation. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed; and Randy Grau,Agreed. MAP 48 Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion the designation remain a Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 49 Discussion was had regarding species habitat in the area and current construction on the parcel. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the current designation remain the same. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. MAP 51 Discussion was had regarding connectivity of parcels,as well as size of the parcels. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion to designate the northernmost parcel Tier I and the rest to remain Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau, Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. MAP 52 Discussion was had regarding area 370/371. Richard Grosso reminded the Board to make decisions based on improved habitat mapping. Discussion ensued regarding habitat in the area. Phil Frank questioned the purpose of designating developed lots as environmentally sensitive. Discussion ensued regarding the challenged areas. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the six developed lots be designated Tier Ill. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the remaining parcels in 370/371 remain Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding pulling parcels out of 371D to be designated Tier I. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion to designate the four oddly-shaped parcels attached to significant hammock Tier I,and designate everything else Tier Ill. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed; and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that the four wetland parcels to the right remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. MAP 59 Discussion was had regarding the current land use of the area. Discussion ensued regarding secondary impacts from potential development. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion to designate the top three lots Tier IIIA and the lower lots Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Disagreed,wanting all lots to be IIIA; Richard Grosso,Disagreed,wanting all lots to be IIIA;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. A luncheon recess was held from 12:52 p.m.to 1:59 p.m. MAP 60 Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion the designation remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood, Agreed. MAP 61 Discussion was had regarding ownership of the two redesignation lots highlighted in blue. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion these lots be designated Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Agreed. MAP 63 Discussion was had regarding the hammock and wildlife in the area. Phil Frank described the two northernmost parcels. Discussion ensued regarding the land use on these parcels. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion to take Map 63 section by section when voting on parcels. Randy Grau seconded the motion. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the four developed lots on the ocean be designated Tier Ill and the two lots above them remaining Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the lot in fuchsia remain Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the middle parcel in blue remain Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed; Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. i l Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the two parcels together in blue remain Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the remaining four parcels be changed to Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 64 Discussion was had regarding ownership. Phil Frank described this area. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that the four lots owned by the State remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Winston Hobgood, Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. Discussion was had regarding the four staff-added parcels. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that these parcels remain Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding area 414B. Phil Frank described the area. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion this area be redesignated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood, Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the BOCC resolution parcels to the west of 414B. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion these parcels be designated Tier Ill.Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Agreed. MAP 67 Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that 439A and 439E be designated as Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. Discussion was had regarding ownership. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Disagreed;and Randy Grau,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding ownership of the three redesignation lots to the west of 439B. Motion: Richard Grosso made a motion that these lots remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed; and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. MAP 68 Discussion was had regarding ownership and habitat in area 450E. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that 450E be designated Tier I. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the redesignation parcel north of US1 remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. MAP 77 Discussion was had regarding ownership and development in this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the parcels north of State Road 4A be designated Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Discussion was had regarding the properties to the south of State Road 4A. Phil Frank described this area. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that these properties be redesignated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. MAP 71 Discussion was had regarding ownership of the BOCC resolution parcel. Motion: Richard Grosso made a motion that the current designation for this parcel remain. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed; and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Discussion was had regarding ownership of challenge areas 467D and 467E. Phil Frank described these areas. Discussion ensued. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the lot in 467D on the end with the number 46 in it and the lot to the right of it be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Disagreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that the remaining three lots in 467D be designated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Disagreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. Discussion was had regarding the current designations in 467E. Discussion ensued regarding what had and what had not been classified wetlands by the administrative judge. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that the four lots in 467E that are contiguous to the larger area to the north be designated Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the two undeveloped lots south of the road be designated Tier Ill. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that the remaining lots in 467E be designated Tier III. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso, Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 73 Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the redesignation lot to the far west of the map be designated Tier I. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed. MAP 75 Randy Grau described this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the designation remain Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed. MAP 78 Discussion was had regarding the habitat value in this area. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that all the parcels be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. MAP 82 Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that area 547's designation remain Tier III. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the redesignation lot south of U.S.1 remain Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed. MAP 85 Randy Grau described this area. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the designation remain Tier III. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed. Winston Hobgood requested to break for the day. The schedule for the April 23,2010 meeting was discussed. The May meeting schedule was discussed. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Jennifer Belz