PC Minutes 04/23/2010 MINUTES OF THE
Regular Meeting
Tier Designation Review Committee
Friday,April 23,2010
Marathon, Florida
A regular meeting of the Tier Designation Review Committee convened at 9:08 a.m., at the
Marathon Government Center. Present were Amy Phillips, Department of Environmental Protection;
Richard Grosso, Everglades Law Center; Randy Grau, Fish&Wildlife Conservation Commission;Winston
Hobgood, U.S. Fish&Wildlife;Julie Cheon, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority;Tiffany Stankiewicz,
Development Administrator, Planning and Environmental Resources; Christine Hurley, Director,Growth
Management Division; Michael Roberts,Senior Administrator, Environmental Resources; Phil Frank,
Private Environmental Consultant; Bryan Davisson, GIS Planner,Growth Management; and Rebecca
Jetton, Department of Community Affairs.
Randy Grau called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m.
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion for a Tier I designation. Amy Phillips seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;
Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
Julie Cheon described her visit to this site. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that the
designation remain Tier III. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following
results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
Discussion was had regarding the content of hammock in this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made
a motion for a designation of Tier Ill. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. Discussion continued
regarding zoning of the parcels on the map. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard
Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
Discussion was had regarding the zoning in this area and the size of hammocks. Motion: Randy
Grau made a motion that the southern large trapezoid-shaped parcel be designated as SPA and that
the northernmost parcel be designated Tier Ill. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. Discussion
continued regarding ownership of parcels and the designations of previously-designated parcels on the
map. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Richard Grosso,Agreed;
Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
Julie Cheon described her visit to this site. Discussion was had regarding the size of hammock in
the area. Randy Grau recommended future consideration be given to the north section connected to
Tier 1 parcels for SPA designation. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that area 112F be designated
SPA. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. Discussion continued regarding the connectivity to Tier I
parcels and species habitat. Richard Grosso discussed what he considered inconsistent clearing limits in
the different tier designations. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,
Disagreed;Winston Hobgood, Disagreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 14
Richard Grosso raised the issue of consistency with the designations of a surrounding system.
Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the designation remain Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;
and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 16
Julie Cheon described her visit to this area. Richard Grosso again raised the issue of designation
consistency with surrounding properties. Discussion continued regarding the zoning in this area.
Motion: Randy Grau made a motion to leave area 126 designated as SPA and to leave area 125E
designated as Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results:
Richard Grosso,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 18
Phil Frank and Julie Cheon both gave their impressions of this area. Motion: Julie Cheon made
a motion these parcels remain Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the
following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 27
Phil Frank described this area. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that this parcel remain
Tier III. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy
Phillips,Agreed;Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 28
Discussion was had regarding whether a conservation easement was on this property,and
regarding the quality of the hammock. Motion: Randy Grau made a motion that area 141 be
designated SPA. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results:
Amy Phillips,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 29
Discussion was had regarding the size and ownership of the parcels. Motion: Winston
Hobgood made a motion that 142D be designated Tier I. Richard Grosso seconded the motion. A vote
was had with the following results: Amy Philips,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,
Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
Motion: Richard Grosso made a motion that 142E and 142C be designated SPA. Winston
Hobgood seconded the motion. Discussion was had regarding what parcels were developed and what
parcels were undeveloped. Randy Grau asked Richard Grosso to withdraw the motion. Motion: Amy
Phillips made a motion that 142C be designated as SPA,that the southern part of 142B owned by the
County be designated SPA,and that 142A and the northern part of 142E be designated Tier Ill.
Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,
Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 32
Phil Frank described this area. Motion: Amy Phillips made a motion that 146A and 146E be
designated Tier III. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results:
Richard Grosso,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 34
Julie Cheon described what she found on her site visit to this area. Discussion was had regarding
zoning and size of the parcels. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion designation remain Tier Ill. Randy
Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;
Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 36
Phil Frank described this area. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the designation
remain Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy
Phillips,Agreed;Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 37
Phil Frank, Randy Grau and Julie Cheon gave their impressions of this area. Motion: Amy
Phillips made a motion that the designation remain Tier Ill. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A vote
was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston
1 1
MAP 38
Discussion was had regarding the size of parcels in 151/152. Motion: Richard Grosso made a
motion that 151/152 be designated Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A vote was taken
with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
Discussion was had regarding the hammock and species habitat in 151C. Motion: Amy Phillips
made a motion that 151C be designated Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken
with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Winston Hobgood,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,
MAP 40
Discussion was had regarding 152A and what the Board has previously designated certain
parcels on this map. Discussion continued regarding the hammock quality in 152B, as well as the size
and ownership of these parcels. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that the parcel
immediately adjacent to the SPA area outside of consideration,that the triangular parcel with the
hammock,and that the lower rectangular parcel be designated SPA,and that the rest of 152E be
designated Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results:
Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed.
MAP 42
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion for a Tier I designation. Discussion was had
regarding the Comprehensive Plan's policy as to offshore islands. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. A
vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Randy
MAP 43
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion for a Tier I designation. Randy Grau seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;
and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 53
Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion that the designation for this area remain Tier Ill.
Discussion was had regarding the hammock and habitat content of the area. Randy Grau seconded the
motion. A vote was had with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and
Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 54
Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion 371C remain designated Tier Ill. Discussion was had
regarding the inappropriateness of titled wetlands being designated Tier Ill. Michael Roberts said
making a recommendation outside the policy and code will be difficult to defend. Discussion continued
regarding the connectivity of the parcel to hammock. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion that
371C be designated Tier I. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following
results: Richard Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 55
Discussion was had regarding the habitat in the top parcel of 372A. Motion: Randy Grau made
a motion that the top parcel of 372A be designated Tier III,that the remaining areas within 372A be
designated Tier I,and that 372E be designated as Tier III. Winston Hobgood seconded the motion. A
vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie
MAP 56
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion for a Tier I designation. Randy Grau seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;
and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 58
Randy Grau described this area. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion to designate the
entire area of 400A Tier I. Discussion was had regarding species habitat in this area. Size and
ownership of parcels was discussed. Michael Roberts pointed out the zoning of parcels in this area.
Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,
Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed.
MAP 65
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion for a Tier I designation. Randy Grau seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed.
A luncheon recess was held from 12:07 p.m.to 12:48 p.m.
MAP 66
Discussion was had regarding ownership of the parcel. Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion to
designate the parcel Tier Ill. Discussion was had regarding species and habitat value in the area. Phil
Frank described his site visit. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following
results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Winston Hobgood,Agreed.
MAP 79
Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion for a designation of Tier I. Winston Hobgood seconded
the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,
Agreed;and Randy Grau,Agreed.
MAP 80
Julie Cheon described her site visit. Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion to designate
the parcels Tier Ill. Randy Grau seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results:
Amy Phillips,Agreed; Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Agreed.
MAP 81
Phil Frank described this area. Richard Grosso asked about the impacts of adding more
development to the area. Zoning and ownership of the area was discussed. Motion: Winston Hobgood
made a motion that the entire challenge area be designated Tier I,except that the marina parcel in
549 be designated Tier Ill. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following
results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon,Disagreed.
MAP 83
Discussion was had regarding the current designations in the area. Motion: Winston Hobgood
made a motion to designate 553/554 Tier I and 554A/553 Tier Ill. Ownership of the parcels was
discussed. Amy Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard
Grosso,Agreed; Randy Grau,Agreed;and Julie Cheon, Disagreed.
MAP 84
Motion: Julie Cheon made a motion for a Tier I designation. Winston Hobgood seconded the
motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Richard Grosso,Agreed;and Randy Grau,
Bryan Davisson asked to review Map 86. Map 86 was tabled until the next meeting because it
was not on the agenda.
The next Tier Designation Review Committee Board meeting will be held on May 27,2010 at
9:00 a.m.
Motion: Winston Hobgood made a motion to adjourn. Julie Cheon seconded the motion. The
meeting was adjourned at 1:26 p.m.
Jennifer Belz