2nd Change Order 02/16/2022 `v BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of Monroes � , Mayor David Rice,District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates,District 1 FloridaThe s Michelle Coldiron,District 2 Vacant,District 3 �. Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 02/15/2022 TO: BOCC Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. 2022.02.16 07:49:46 -06'00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Order#2 for the Koehn and Big Pine Shores Roadway project. This change order increases the final contract sum by $4,245.75. The substantial completion date is increased by 3 days. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. MONT�OECOUNl'Y/]-',NGLNEERLNG?�,'.I,"LQ,I,, FK,&,NAGEX1F1q-1' C0NT'tU%Q1`(21"JANGEORDER ................... PROJECT 'TiTLE: Koehn, and Big Pine Shores Roadway Project CHANGE ORDER JNMATjON DiATE 2/11/22 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 8M8121 The Contract is changed as foliows, The oriainal Contract SLIM lKoehn and Lome), _SJ,783,277 38 Net change by prewously aLithorized Change Order I ... $4,920 90 The Co� tract Surn prior to lh4s Change order was_ S1,7881sac 28 The Contract SkIrn is (Increased) by ti-iis, Change Order 2., $4,245,75 The Revised Co tract SUnL1 including this Change Order $1,792,444 03 Pursuant to contract article 7 2 2, the cost or credit to the owner resulting from a change in the Work shall be cletermiried In orte or more of the following rnethods� 7 2 2 1 rnUtUal acceplarice of lurnp surn Ixoperly iterr'irzed and supported by SUMCIOot substantiatirig data to peri-gait evaluation d A_p _LU)2_n ,5A,stated I,, the Contract Documents or SUbsg,�uentl, 7.2,2 3 cost to be delerr'nined in a manner agreed r.ilcon by the parries and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee The original project bid doct,,in"ients did not include any work ,along the ex°sting imerock ro- aid base on McLean at from approx sta 1000-4-00 to sta 1001-1-52 The exrstirig liririerock base has visilf)le potholes and scabs in this area and this Cl-iiar-ige Order entails reworking the base and adding limerock Material 'to im.prove the rideatAity as well as the or_�,g­lierrn durability to this approxvm.ale 14-7 foot section of McLean St. Tay e total cost estiinale is aloprox $4,245 75 using Contract unit bid prices The Contr�ictor has also requested a 3-day tIme extension to perforrn this work "j"his change., order represer,,(s Vie constrUGU(Drl Costs for afttionai quantities of existing aid iterns and was app)rovecl by the EOIR Baxter& `I/Voodryian arif,:1 the CEI, I 0R, Inc The no'eases to the contract are as follows B e "JOPA Unit Cost S An i o,,._.,i n I id item" Dec re�71 Inuease Quantity 21-1 11 10- 1 Rewo,"Kinr- I rnernrk, Base F 29S, SY 11 25. S tau,3 E33-7 5 .......... -2 Li ,I i� C Y nirock e New Mate rol fow Rewo rx in,(11 49,D-) S 88200 Net Change to Cotitract Change Orcler 002 S4,245,75 Ti"ie project notice to proceed date was October 4, 2021 TI-iis Change Order 2 increases cwontract Urne by 3 work days .1--'ontractor agrees to accept the rricrease in mor etary cornperisation and heret',ly waives and releases any and all clairns fe,,)r any additional con,).yens atjori related to H­,ese bid Items, as related to this scope "FhIs Change Order 2 represents ( 010238) % of the original con'.ract price Not,yiLiCiLiLitil app 2v J b Owner, It Arc h jtectffAER!IE2,��d Contrac or �i i s it Richard Toppino }„ M „ JFORudith Clarke,P.E. pa'eazozz-tle,zod;hCls,ko,P.E. ENGINEP.-RING SERVICES Kevin G.Wilson P.E. Dale 2022 02 17 11 55 29 05 00 ----------- Date.. E"1,10 iSC OP F iN€..J4 D 4 86J ' w4 0 f(G1R 0) Date k E,u s. Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 0 Chia age O,der was not included in the origmial contract specificatiorls, Yes N o If Yes, explanation The animal project bid documents did not include any work along the existing ijimerock base oil Mct-ean St from- approx sta 1000+00 to s(a, 1001-1-52 The existing limerock base has visible pothoies and scabs in this area and thi's Change Order, entails reworking the base and adding limerock rnaterial to improve the rideabilay as well as the bng ierin durability rat this to this approx 147' suction of McLean St. 'rhe additional work is the same as the ex�sll�ng Koehn project scope including rework limerock base and adding himerock material as necessary a Change Order was included in the original specifications, Yes No j If Yes explanation of increase in price 0 Change Order exceeds$25 000,or 5% of contract price (whichever is grealer) Yes 1 Noy i If Yes, ex,ptanatiori as to wr1y it is not subject for a calling for bids 6 Project engin(aer/ard-litect approves the change order Yes F,",Jl No If No, explanation of why * Ctiange Order is correcting an error or ornission �M design (Jocuinent Yes ]No i Should a dairl'i ur§der ti"ie applicable Professional liability ooficy be rnade? Yes No Explain, Change Carder INN. 002 McLean St. �i , d"'r ea�, 13 f f �u. C'ONTINI ATION SEE . ,HT 50 Y N { !r'"navu m n.. Calculation: C7"R #210-1-1, Rework Limerock Base 6": a Axe sta. 1000+00 to sta. 1001+25 125'x 18' = 250 SY w: 20'x 22' = 48.9 SY p$, m ( Total Area = 299 SY @ $11.25/SY Total Unit Cost= $3,363.75 N a #210-2, Limerock, New Material: W a4 Total Qty. = 18 CY @$49.00/CY .,., Total Unit Cost= $882.00 Total Change Order No. 002 Cost: $4,245.75 z a p Fa I rs >l 14 Pl i £ ?z? +`f u�£r��;�z �Nfi Y i �i•"��,�q'z S'� h 34; Qi n qWx� f ��'�' t '. �'�h u t k� + �e�^4,.�- '��^ £ik'��r' ''�-� "� �'., -cF- !' ��i"-..F1 f"�'st-d '-f � ,f `�� $ f•; g! a�f� �'� ; d`'tom 1 �� � � A p � stiE� darSt kj'z ,i` tr } ar 'k', IT i t § S � ss.,r r s f- £�IS�sY'�t�*xl ? j't Y Stir>3 �*� t9S�tYrakEJ[;r,et -r -tr�4r npi?y I�yj } �y`•,r L a ! { 4, rr r� 4�1 f§s!>= S'��x 5'�n ��'�tis� t�? �9Sn,��kt�v i�?,+`f S`,iz'a��E`'�J, F � � � s = c i14 e�e, J t 1 h t J A f9 C '. zs n Tl AE ,� h � t k tit 7 k .} 44• �+r #F f�£�£ �� � '� D°�� r ! �t t 't�;i`���b�� '` ��r' �i, �r �'E �JF��-��, s, ,w.. ,n� J ,�f,�>T �„��t��`� �i :k.,r �.� ar�.>;.'.� .r rr�+ k t„• '�k'�y�'�ti r �s r '�i� t F� � t r sA �w �,�T C'h} 6�� ^4'�n t 3 '✓.h�sh� a C� t .... alit s �