Resolution 104-2022Commissioner Raschein RESOLUTION NO. 104 - 2022 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DESIGNATING KEY LIME PIE AS THE OFFICIAL DESSERT OF MONROE COUNTY AND THE FLORIDA KEYS. WHEREAS, in 2006, the Florida Legislature designated Key Lime Pie as the official Florida state pie when it enacted F.S. 15.052; and WHEREAS, the recipe for Key Lime Pie originated' in the Florida Keys portion of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, designating Key Lime Pie as the official dessert of Monroe County furthers it's historical and cultural significance to our county and its visitors; and WHEREAS, Key Lime Pie is versatile to make and turns out bright and fluffy much like the bright sun and fluffy clouds the Florida Keys are known for; and WHEREAS, in 2022, the State of Florida Legislature designated "Strawberry shortcake with natural Florida dairy topping" as the official Florida state dessert when it enacted F.S. 15.0522, and WHEREAS, while legislation designating "Strawberry shortcake with natural Florida dairy topping" as the official state dessert did not de -designate Key Lime Pie as the official Florida state pie, the new legislation has led to confusion as to the official status of Key Lime Pie as the appropriate dessert choice for discriminating diners; and WHEREAS, the Board finds it necessary to designate Key Lime Pie as the Official Dessert of Monroe County and the Florida Keys to resolve that confusion and to encourage our residents and visitors to celebrate the history and culture of the Florida Keys by enjoying a slice or three of Key Lime Pie. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THAT: See "VIpf......................................................................................2.......................................................................................................................................................//uhats odkiimi eiriid ,iriiet/lhii to.ii ll"iisto[ ...................yIrLesii ,lln ii°m. 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida hereby designates the Key Lime Pie as the Official Dessert of Monroe County and the Florida Keys. 2. The Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida at a regular meeting held on the 16t" day of March 2022. Mayor David Rice Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Commission District III Commissioner Holly Raschein =VIN MADOK, Clerk Yes Yes Yes Vacant Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ' Mayor David Rice Approved as to form and legal sufficiency By Robert B. Shillinger, County Attorney CD Robert B. Shillingei I Digitally signed by Robert B. Shillinger DN: cn=Robert B. Shillinger, o=Monroe County BOCC, ou=Monroe Coun�ntty Attorney, email=shillinger- bo,`@monroecounty-fl.gov, c=US Date: 2022.03.17 13:20:09-04'00' GVS COURTq c Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe Count Florida o p Y, E cOVN DATE: March 24, 2022 TO: Commissioner Holly_ Merrill Rascheiii District V ATTN: Corie Abel Executive Assistant FROM: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: March 16th BOCC Meeting Attached is an electronic copy of the following item for your records: 04 Resolution 104-2022 designating Key Lithe Pie as the official dessert of Monroe County and the Florida Keys. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (305) 292-3550. cc: County Attorney_ Finance File KEY WEST 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 305-294-4641 MARATHON 3117 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 305-289-6027 PLANTATION KEY 88820 Overseas Highway Plantation Key, Florida 33070 305-852-7145 PK/ROTH BUILDING 50 High Point Road Plantation Key, Florida 33070 305-852-7145