Item O7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM. SUMMARY Meeting I)rate: Ma 16 2M 2. ..... Division: CO Adiiaiiiistrawr,y _ . -Eq................... _­..._. Bulk Itern: Yes No Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Conni.LCn/292-4441 .............. AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval of anappointment to the South Florida Regional 1"llanning Council replacing Com[nissioner George Neugent. ITEM BACKGROUND: Commissioner Neugent has requested that he be replaced on the South Florida ]Regional Planning C.,owicil (SF"RP(",')�. Therefore, the SFRP(.I has requested that weiappoint a replacemetil befoi,e their June 4, 2012 and Meeting, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION. At the November 16, 2011. BOCC ineering the appiroval of the Conmrassioner's appointments to various boards, committees, haison activities, etc, which included the appointment of Commissioner Netigent to the SFR.PC. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ..................... STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval an appointmenit to SF'RP(',, TOTAL COST:­_0 INDIRECT ('70ST: ..............0---.--BtJD("V'LqTED- Yes No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE:! COST TO COUNTY:.- I.,.,.................................................................................................................. SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING- Yes................, No ......................................................... AMOUNT PER A40N'YH,---- Year ........... APPROVED BY: Cmuity Atty........................... OMB/Purchasing _., Risk Managenrient DOCUMENTATION: 111cluded X Not Requit"ed_..... AGENDA DISPOSITION:.,........ ITEM# I'll,......................................................... ................ Revised 7/09 South F 1 on Regional laruiin CouncH~I RECEIVED 14AY 14 May 1'1, 2012 °f° mm E~immm°o rmmble David Rice Mayor,or,fmmfmm'n rmm m,County unt ghway Suite 210 11 ,mom°-mm. 'wmmmm,, "IL 3,M),50 Dear Mayor Rune: Please ]'Nimrm�gent feu the Bout �mn.rm.� � m m�mf � mm�m:� �. ��fmmmm�"�:mm' m��m„,�.�. � mm mm'�.m.m� m�f'mm mrm� ��m� m,m'�mmwmrllu& � �� Florida Regi d Manning Council, Please act to replace Commissioiier Neugent 1*46ire the to mv,mm"mr( ("ir mmmrlm r seri eps ��:mmbon on e South ��°nrmma.mmfm "mm:mm�m� f:, "'.� :� mmGm~�f Meeting„� ..m~mm°ms,msre Florida Regional Planrdng Council. If you fmmmlve arry questilums,please call me. R' Execuhire Director pia 3440 liollywocod Boulevard,Suite 140, Hollywood, Florida 33021 Browar ���( 9854416, State( )985-4416