Item C22 D/33 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: C.22 Agenda Item Summary #10454 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Facilities Maintenance TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Suzanne Rubio (305) 453-9687 No AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to award bid and execute a contract with Five 12 Painting and Remodeling for exterior painting of the Big Pine Key Fire Station building, excluding the mural. The cost is $19,300.00 and will be funded by Infrastructure Sales Surtax. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Big Pine Key Fire Station requires exterior painting as part of the ongoing, preventative maintenance program for County owned buildings. Staff has solicited, through a Request for Proposals, exterior painting of the Big Pine Key Fire Station, excluding the murals. Proposals were opened on March 9, 2022, with five (5) proposals received with Five 12 Painting & Remodeling, LLC as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Staff recommends BOCC approval to award a contract to the proposed vendor, Five 12 Painting & Remodeling, LLC and approval for execution of the Agreement. The Contractor will have thirty (30) days after issuance of a Notice to Proceed to achieve substantial completion of this project with final completion to be thirty (30) days thereafter. The contract amount is $19,300.00 for the work. It was anticipated that this project would cost approximately $60-80,000. When the proposals were received as shown on the included bid tabulation sheet, there were three bids below the anticipated costs and two bids significantly higher even than the expected costs. Staff has confirmed with the lowest bidder, Five 12 Paining, that it understood the full scope of the work and what it entails due to the its low bid amount. The Bid Tabulation sheet is attached in the backup. While the amount of the proposed Agreement is within the authority of the County Administrator to execute, pursuant to County policies, Code, and the Request for Proposals, only the BOCC can award the bid. So, staff is requesting that the BOCC award the bid for this project and approve execution of the Agreement by the Mayor. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New contract Qbdlfu!Qh/!741 D/33 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: 2022-04-20 Big Pine Fire Station Painting Contract (Final) (With Specs) Bid Tabulation Sheet pdf FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: April 20, 2022 Expiration Date: Substantial completion to be 30 days after issuance of Notice to Proceed with final completion to be 30 days thereafter. Total Dollar Value of Contract: $19,300.00 Total Cost to County: $19,300.00 Current Year Portion: $19,300.00 Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: 304-24001 CPI: Indirect Costs: Staff time and ongoing maintenance Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Yes Additional Details: None Cost of Contract to be covered by Infrastructure Sales Surtax 10/21/20 304-24000 · GEN GOVT CAP PROJECTS $19,300.00 Sub account 304-24001 REVIEWED BY: Kevin Wilson Completed 04/03/2022 5:32 PM William DeSantis Completed 04/04/2022 8:25 AM Patricia Eables Completed 04/05/2022 2:17 PM Purchasing Completed 04/05/2022 2:34 PM Budget and Finance Completed 04/05/2022 2:37 PM Risk Management Completed 04/05/2022 3:49 PM Brian Bradley Completed 04/05/2022 3:49 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/05/2022 4:16 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!742 Buubdinfou;!Cje!Ubcvmbujpo!Tiffu!qeg!!)Bqqspwbm!up!bxbse!cje!'!foufs!joup!dpousbdu!xjui!Gjwf!23!Qbjoujoh!. D/33/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!743 against the . BID AMOUNT $19,300.00$48,975.42$55,250.00 $128,000.00$116,745.00 AT 3:00 PM LaChapelle (Sea Tech), Brook Stamas & Marina -- 2 5%5%5% 2 BID BOND , 20 9 BUDGET AND FINANCE TABULATION SHEET l bids listed above were received by the date and time specified MARCH PURCHASING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Keys, Inc OPEN DATE: EXTERIOR PAINTING OF BIG PINE KEY FIRE STATION Kathy Smith (Marino), Keith Bring (Royal), Ryon : Suzie Rubio, Patricia Eables, Chrissy Collins RESPONDENT TITLE: Razorback, LLC : Royal Complete Home, Inc Sea Tech of the Florida Five 12 Painting & Remodeling Marino Construction Group, Inc Bid Committee PresentMembers of the Public Present(Razorback)I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of said bid opening and that all bidders listed above have been checkedState of Florida Convicted & Suspended Vendor listings. AlBid Opened By: Lisa Abreu, Purchasing Coordinator