Item G4 H/5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: G.4 Agenda Item Summary #10461 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: County Land Acquisition and Land Management TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Christine Hurley (305) 295-5180 9:15 A.M. AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners nominating property for purchase by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority at the corner of Cross Way and West Circle Drive on the ocean side of Saddlebunch Key near MM 14 with a legal description of Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Bay Point Amended Plat (PB 3-75) with Parcel ID Numbers 00160160-000000 and 00160170-000000 for public recreational facilities and potentially for affordable workforce housing/employee housing; and authorizing the Mayor to sign a Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) ITEM BACKGROUND: This acquisition is proposed as an addition to Bay Point Park and potentially for affordable workforce housing/employee housing units. The subject property consists of two adjoining lots totaling 19,710 square feet at the corner of Cross Way and West Circle Drive on the ocean side of Saddlebunch Key near mile marker 14. The property attributes are: !Tier designation: Tier 3 Infill Area. !Zoning designation: Suburban Commercial (SC). !Vegetation: Disturbed habitat with a mix of exotic and native vegetation. !Sea Level Rise: The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact sea level rise projection for the period from 2000 to 2070 is 21 to 54 inches. In the event of a 12-inch increase in sea level, estimates provided by the South Florida Water Management District indicate a small portion (approximately 1,800 square feet) of this property will have a 75% to 100% probability of being inundated. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2591 H/5 !Florida Forever Boundary: This property is outside the Florida Forever boundary. !Transferrable Development Rights (TDRs): 1 TDR The property owner has agreed to sell the property for the price of $500,000 to the Monroe County Land Authority. The Land Authority staff coordinated with County Administrator Gastesi, Parks Director John Allen, and others to determine whether this site was desirable as an addition to Bay Point Park. Once the Land Authority closes the transaction, the Authority will deed it to Monroe County for future development as a public recreational facility and potentially for affordable housing, likely in the form of County Employee Housing with the goal being a caretaker for the park. The closing costs for transferring title to the County will be paid by the Land Authority. The attached Land Use Restriction Agreement between the County and the Land Authority will limit the use of the property to recreation and affordable housing in order to maintain compliance with the PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Aerial photo Proposed Resolution FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A (Land Authority will purchase) Total Cost to County: $0 Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: Qbdlfu!Qh/!2592 H/5 REVIEWED BY: Christine Hurley Completed 04/04/2022 1:39 PM Mark Rosch Completed 04/05/2022 11:11 AM John Allen Completed 04/05/2022 12:30 PM Purchasing Completed 04/05/2022 12:49 PM Bob Shillinger Completed 04/05/2022 1:27 PM Budget and Finance Completed 04/05/2022 2:38 PM Risk Management Completed 04/05/2022 2:59 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/05/2022 3:16 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!2593 H/5/b Bfsjbm!Qipuphsbqi!pg!Tvckfdu!Qspqfsuz Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu Tbeemfcvodi!Lfzt Buubdinfou;!Bfsjbm!qipup!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf!Ipvtjoh** Qbdlfu!Qh/!2594 H/5/c Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!2595 H/5/c Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!2596 H/5/c Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!2597 H/5/c et seq. Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!2598 H/5/c Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!2599 H/5/c Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!259: H/5/c Address Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!25:1 H/5/c Address Buubdinfou;!Qspqptfe!Sftpmvujpo!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)Cmpdl!4-!Mput!4!boe!5-!Cbz!Qpjou!Bnfoefe!Qmbu-!Tbeemfcvodi!Lfz!)Sftpmvujpo0Bggpsebcmf Qbdlfu!Qh/!25:2