Item K2 L/3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: K.2 Agenda Item Summary #10391 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Brittany Burtner (305) 289-2805 n/a AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request for Approval to Submit a Grant Application to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant Program for the Replacement of 23 Regulatory and Informational Buoys Throughout County Waters in the Amount of $54,100, Including $13,525 in Local Match from the County's Boating Improvement Fund (BIF). ITEM BACKGROUND: The grant program provides annual grant funding for boating and waterway projects (see attached current FBIP Guidelines). The Monroe County Marine Resources Office, which routinely applies for FBIP funding, is submitting a grant application for the 2022 funding cycle for the replacement of twenty-six (26) regulatory and informational buoys owned and managed by the County (see attached). Each existing buoy is either missing or has reached the end of its serviceable life based on County inspection reports. The goal of this project is to serve the needs of the boating community by improving boater safety, protecting seagrass beds, and assisting with marine regulatory enforcement of associated boating restricted zones. The work will include the following: !3 Slow Speed buoys and in Tavernier Creek; !4 Idle Speed buoys in Community Harbor (Tavernier); !10 Idle Speed buoys at Jolly Roger Estates (Little Torch Key); and ! The total estimated project cost is $54,100 including a required match in the amount of $13,525 from . If selected for funding, a subsequent grant agreement will likely be approved by FWC in early 2023 with work occurring in spring 2023. In accordance with attached Resolution No. 191-2002, the BOCC has authorized the County Administrator or his designee to sign grant applications approved by the Board for specified marine projects such as this. However, attached Resolution No. 267-2007 requires Board approval when a Qbdlfu!Qh/!2825 L/3 County match is involved. Therefore, the professional staff of the Marine Resources Office are requesting approval from the BOCC to submit the subject grant application. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: FBIP Grant Guidelines FBIP Grant Application Reso 191-2002 Reso 267-2007 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: N/A Expiration Date: N/A Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A Total Cost to County: $13,525 (If Awarded) Current Year Portion: N/A Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: State BIF Repair & Maintenance CPI: n/a Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: N/A If yes, amount: Grant: Yes County Match: Yes Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: N/A REVIEWED BY: Michael Roberts Completed 03/23/2022 4:31 PM Emily Schemper Completed 04/04/2022 11:13 AM Peter Morris Completed 04/04/2022 12:02 PM Qbdlfu!Qh/!2826 L/3 Purchasing Completed 04/04/2022 12:05 PM Budget and Finance Completed 04/04/2022 12:54 PM Brian Bradley Completed 04/04/2022 2:09 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/04/2022 4:24 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!2827 L/3/b Florida Boating Improvement Program Guidelines Division of Law Enforcement Boating and July 2019 Waterways Section Florida Boating Improvement Program 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 Tel: (850) 488-5600 Fax: (850) 488-9284 E-mail: FBIP@MyFWC.com Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Permission is granted for duplication, use and reuse of any and all information contained in this document. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2828 L/3/b TABLE OF CONTENTS AT A GLANCE ... 2 SECTION I 3 3 Source of Funds 3 3 4 SECTION II 5 Eligible Applicants 5 5 5 5 5 Inelig 6 7 SECTION III 8 8 8 9 9 Grant Management 9 SECTION IV SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION 2 2 .2 3 SECTION V ..15 How Project Evaluation Works 5 5 Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Tie Breaker System SECTION VI ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS .......8 Florida Boating Improvement 1 of 20 Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) Qbdlfu!Qh/!2829 L/3/b AT A GLANCE What is the Florida Boating FBIP is a state financial assistance program that provides Improvement Program (FBIP)?funding through competitive grants for boating access projects and boating-related activities on coastaland inland waters within the State. Who administers the program?Pursuant to Sections206.606 and 327.47 F.S., FBIP is administered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Enforcement, Boating and Waterways Section. Who may apply? Eligible program participants include county governments, municipalities and other local governmental entities of the State of Florida. When are applications due?The Commission will announce the application submission period in the Florida Administrative Register before February 1 of each year. Applications must be submitted within 60 days after the announcement date or by the deadline in the announcement, whichever is later. What are the funding categories? Boat Access Facilities Recreational Channel Markings/Uniform Waterway Markers Boater Education Derelict VesselRemoval Other Boating Related Activities How is my project evaluated? Applications will be reviewed and scored by an evaluation Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* committee comprised of the FBIP Program Administrator and no less than four (4) evaluators, appointed bythe Director of the Division of Law Enforcement. Is there a cost share requirement? No.However, Applicants who provide some share of the total cost will receive additional points in the technical evaluation. Florida Boating Improvement Rule68-1.003 ProgramGuidelines (Rev.7/2019) 2of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!282: L/3/b SECTION I - INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND STATUTORY AUTHORITY The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission) pursuant to Sections 206.606 and 327.47, F.S., is charged with providing funding through competitive grants for projects designed to serve the needs of boaters and boating-related activities on coastal and inland waters within the State. General provisions, requirements, and information stated herein, and applicable laws and rules, constitute the program guidelines of the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP). The FBIP is established in accordance with ss. 206.606(1)(b)3., F.S., to fund local projects to provide recreational channel markings and other uniform waterway markers, public boat ramps, lifts, and hoists, marine railways, and other public launching facilities, derelict vessel removal, and other local boating- related activities. Section 327.47, F.S., authorizes the Commission to fund projects through a competitive grant program for the construction and maintenance of publicly owned boat ramps, piers and docks, boater education and economic development initiatives that promote boating in the state. Section 328.72(15), F.S., authorizes a competitive grants program for public launching facilities. The Commission reserves the right to use FBIP funds to fulfill the non-federal match requirements for grants funded through the Federal Sport Fish Restoration Act Boating Access Program in order to make the best use of available resources. SOURCE OF FUNDS Section 206.606(1)(b)1., F.S., provides that a minimum of $1.25 million of the funds collected from fuel sales taxes that are transferred to the State Game Trust Fund shall be used to fund local projects to provide recreational channel markings and other uniform waterway markers, public boat ramps, lifts, and hoists, marine railways, and other public launching facilities, derelict vessel removal, and other local boating- related activities. Section 327.47, F.S., authorizes the Commission to fund projects through a competitive grant program using a portion of the moneys attributable to the sale of motor and diesel fuel at marinas transferred to the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund pursuant to Section 206.606(1)(d), F.S. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Section 328.72(15), F.S., requires $1 from each recreational vessel registration fee to be deposited into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund to fund a grant program for public launching facilities. WHERE TO GET INFORMATION Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation E-mail: FBIP@MyFWC.com Commission 620 South Meridian Street Boating and Waterways Section Tallahassee, FL 32399-6000 Tel: (850) 488-5600 Website: http://myfwc.com Fax: (850) 488-9284 Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 3 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2831 L/3/b TENTATIVE TIMELINE AND PROCESS November January: Statewide workshops to educate potential applicants. February: Application submission period opens. April: Applications due to the Commission. Commission reviews applications for completeness and eligibility. Mid-April: Letters to applicants to confirm receipt of application and to ask for additional information if needed. May: Staff perform safety checks on proposed construction application sites. Mid-May: Additional or missing information due to the Commission. Applications sent to evaluation committee for review. June: FBIP evaluation committee meets and ranks applications. July: Applicants are notified of selection; Agreement drafting process begins. The Commission will announce the application submission period in the Florida Administrative Register before February 1 of each year. Applications must be submitted within 60 days after the announcement date or by the deadline in the announcement, whichever is later. The application submission period will also be announced on the Commission website. The Commission may announce additional application submission periods if funds become available after the initial submission period. The Commission will only accept applicant submissions on the Florida Boating Improvement Program Application, Form FWC/FBIP, incorporated into Rule 68-1.003, Florida Administrative Code. This form will also be made available on the Commission website each funding cycle, and the Commission will not accept any other forms. The Commission will not accept late applications, nor will staff process any applications received after the specified deadline. Applications received after the deadline will be returned to the applicant. Applicants will be notified in writing of the status of their application. Applications will be reviewed and scored by an evaluation committee comprised of the FBIP Program Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Administrator and no less than four (4) evaluators, one of which must be a member of the Florida Boating Advisory Council, appointed by the Director of the Division of Law Enforcement. Each evaluator will review and assign a score to each application based on the evaluation criteria found in these Guidelines scores, plus the technical score. Complete applications will then be ranked in descending order. Grants will be awarded to the highest-ranking applications until all funds have been awarded. Staff will send notification of award status to Applicants within fifteen (15) days of the evaluation committee decision. n annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 4 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2832 L/3/b SECTION II ELIGIBILITY AND FUNDING ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Eligible applicants shall include county governments, municipalities and other local governmental entities of the State of Florida. Eligible applicants may submit more than one project application for consideration. The project sites must be in different locations and the applicant must rank the priority of projects in their cover letter. INELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Ineligible applicants shall include private or nonprofit entities. Applicants shall be ineligible if they have adopted ordinances or rules that allow swimming or that in any way prohibit launching vessels in public boat ramps. TYPES OF APPLICATIONS New: Project applications that have never been reviewed by the FBIP evaluation committee. Reconsideration: Project applications that have been previously reviewed and not selected for funding by the FBIP evaluation committee. Phased Continuation: Applications for large projects or projects with initial planning/pre-construction costs may be submitted in phases, over several years, to maximize funding; however, funding for an initial phase does not guarantee funding for subsequent phases. TYPES OF REQUESTS FCO Design, Engineering, and Permitting Projects: Applicants who have not received all necessary federal, state, and local permits at the time of application will be allowed to apply for planning/pre- construction costs only. Once all necessary permits are received, applicants who seek construction funds for the proposed project site will need to submit a phased continuation application during the next grant cycle. FCO Construction Projects: FCO construction project requests must be fully permitted by all permitting Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* agencies before applying for funds. Non-FCO Projects: Applicants applying for boater education, derelict vessel removal or other non- construction boating related activities shall select this type of request. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS Eligible projects include those submitted for the planning, design, engineering, permitting, development, new construction, expansion or rehabilitation of projects on coastal and inland waters within the State of Florida that enhance recreational boating for motorized vessels in the following categories: Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 5 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2833 L/3/b Boating Access Facilities: !Costs associated with the design, engineering, permitting, construction, repair, or enhancement of publicly-owned boat ramps, lifts, hoists, marine railways, other public launching facilities, and associated amenities for recreational boaters. !Costs associated with the design, engineering, permitting, construction, repair, or enhancement of publicly-owned piers and docks, mooring fields, and associated amenities for recreational boaters. !Costs associated with the design, engineering, permitting, construction, repair, or enhancement of amenities associated with boating access facilities and designed for recreational boaters. Eligible amenities include boarding docks, staging areas, restrooms, trailer parking, access roads, dry storage facilities, utilities hook-ups, laundry facilities, fueling docks and educational kiosks. Recreational Channel Markings and Other Uniform Waterway Markers: !Costs associated with the installation, repair, or replacement of signs or buoys marking a Commission-permitted boating restricted zone. !Costs associated with the installation, repair, or replacement of permitted signs or buoys marking a channel to/from a recreational boating access facility. !Costs associated with the installation, repair, or replacement of permitted signs or buoys which provide information to recreational boaters (other than aids to navigation). Boater Education: !Costs associated with projects that will increase public knowledge of boating issues through brochures, pamphlets, boater guides, educational programs, posters, signs and kiosks. Derelict Vessel Removal: !Costs for the removal and disposal of derelict vessels as defined in section 823.11, Florida Statutes. A sworn law enforcement officer must determine a vessel meets the definition in statute and this determination must be verified by the Commission in the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation -Risk and Derelict Vessel Database to be eligible for removal. !Only derelict vessels that are located on the public waters of the state may be removed with grant funds. Other Local Boating-Related Activities: !Costs associated with non-construction projects that increase or enhance boating access for recreational boaters including, but not limited to, research, studies, or planning to determine the need for additional boating access or improvements. !Costs associated with projects that improve boater safety, boater education, or boater understanding Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* of waterway regulations. !Costs associated with construction projects (excluding boat ramps, lifts, hoists, marine railways, piers, docks, or other public launching facilities) that increase boating access for recreational boaters. !Costs associated with projects that provide economic development and promote boating in the state. INELIGIBLE PROJECTS Program Funds will not be awarded for projects that do not directly relate to the enhancement of boating or boating access within the state. Costs listed below are not eligible for reimbursement under the FBIP: Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 6 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2834 L/3/b !Costs for the construction or repair of any facilities not directly related to boating access (such as park benches, gazebos, trails, fishing piers, picnic areas, general parking for picnic areas, restrooms and walkways for picnic areas, etc.) !Costs for the construction or repair of any boating access facilities not open to the general public on a first come, first served basis with no qualifying requirements such as club membership, stock ownership or equity interest. !Costs associated with preparation of grant application(s). This includes overhead, payroll, salaries or accounting costs. !Costs related to the acquisition of real property. !Costs for any legal fees. !Costs associated with ordinary operation, or routine maintenance of a proposed project. This includes costs to provide power, water or sewer or any other utilities or services to the facility for the stipulated length of the grant Agreement. !Costs expended for any type or form of law enforcement or security activities, watchmen, fee collection, maintenance or other personnel costs. !Costs associated with the acquisition or use of any type of equipment such as park equipment, vehicles, lawn care, dredge, computers, projectors, or other capital equipment used for operation and maintenance of the existing or completed project. !Costs associated or directly related to a component of a project that would create or increase a boating safety hazard. !Costs and activities conducted for the primary purpose of producing income. !Costs for any type of general business, marketing or promotional plans. HOW WE FUND Funding Limits: There are no funding limits for total project costs. Due to limited allocable dollars, applicants with total project costs under $500,000 will higher technical point values, as outlined in the evaluation criteria described herein. Cost Reimbursement: This is a reimbursable grant program. Grant funds will be disbursed to the Recipient only after pre-approved deliverables have been met or completion of the project occurs, and work is verified by Commission staff. Payment will only be made for documented and verified costs. Funding Advance: The Commission will not approve a request for any advance in FBIP funds. The Recipient must have the financial capability to process invoices and make timely payments to contractors, vendors, etc. pending receipt of FBIP funds for reimbursement of project expenses. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Financial Capacity: Applicants must have the financial capability to make timely payments to all contractors or others working on the project (upon billing/invoice) pending requested receipt of reimbursable grant funds. Cost Overruns: Once awarded, the Recipient shall make every effort to avoid cost overruns on a project. If the total cost of the project exceeds the grant amount and match, the Recipient shall assume liability for any additional cost. Records: Once awarded, the Recipient must keep detailed records of all funded project costs including audits and documents required for reimbursement. These records must be retained in keeping with Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 7 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2835 L/3/b SECTION III COMPLIANCE AND REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be willing and able to comply with the requirements below if applying for FBIP grant funds. A grant Agreement will be terminated, and FBIP funds shall be returned to the Commission for non-compliance with any of the terms of the Agreement, applicable laws, or these guidelines, unless the non-compliance is rectified by the Recipient. PERMITTING AND SAFETY Regulations and Permits: The project must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations, including the Manatee Protection Plan, if applicable. Photo copies of necessary permits will be required with the application. SOBA: The Commission recommends grant Recipients comply with the States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) Design Handbook for Recreational Boating & Fishing Facilities when designing or building boating access facilities. A copy of the Design Handbook may be ordered from the SOBA Web site at http://sobaus.org. Safety: Commission-approved uses for boat access sites include launching, retrieving, mooring and servicing of vessels. If the site is used or converted to use for non-boating purposes during the period specified in the Agreement, and not replaced with a like project acceptable to the Commission, the Recipient agrees to return to the Commission all funds tendered for the original project. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Applicants must allow public access to all portions of a funded facility during useful life. Sites utilizing FBIP funds must be open to the public for reasonable periods. Also, the applicant must allow reasonable public access to other parts of the facility that would normally be open to the public and must not limit access in any way that discriminates against any member of the public. Nondiscrimination: All Commission activities comply with Federal and State nondiscrimination laws and all applicants/grantees must also operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. The applicant shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that facilities or programs funded, in whole or in part by FBIP funds, are made available to the general public without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability. Public Records: Commission Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* records laws. Maintenance: The applicant must agree to provide, during the period specified in the Agreement, any and all costs for ordinary and routine operations and maintenance of facilities funded in whole or in part through the FBIP grant, including equipment or service, and supplies costs. Fees: Once awarded, the Commission reserves the right to review and approve any and all fees proposed for projects, funded in whole or in part by the FBIP, for the term of the Agreement to ensure that excess collection does not occur and that funds collected are not reallocated or diverted to any non-boating related purpose. Reasonable prevailing rates in the locality may be charged to boaters for transient mooring facilities constructed under FBIP. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 8 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2836 L/3/b Access: Recipients of FBIP funding must allow reasonable public access to any part of the FBIP-funded facility that would normally be open to the public and must not limit access in any way that discriminates against any member of the public. An FBIP funded facility must be open from a minimum of dawn to dusk unless it is necessary to temporarily limit public access to all or part of the facility due to an emergency, repairs, construction or as a safety precaution. PROPERTY RECORDS Applicants must agree to the requirements contained in this section as a condition of receiving grant funding. Prospective applicants should carefully consider their ability and willingness to comply with these provisions before applying for a grant. Site Dedication: Land owned by the Recipient that is developed with funds from FBIP funds shall be dedicated for a minimum of twenty (20) years as a boating access site for the use and benefit of the public. Real Property: In accordance with s. 287.05805, F.S., any state funds provided for the purchase of or improvements to real property are contingent upon the contractor or political subdivision granting to the state a security interest in the property for a minimum of the amount of state funds provided for at least 5 years from the date of purchase or the completion of the improvements or as further required by law. Once awarded, the Commission requires that all Recipients record the State interest in real property that includes the FBIP-funded capital improvement with the local Clerk of the Court, which recorded interest must remain throughout the duration of MONITORING AND AUDITS Records Retention: Once awarded, the retention of all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records or any other documents pertinent to the proposed project shall be maintained by the Recipient during the term of the Agreement and retained for a period of ten years after completion of the Agreement or longer when required by law. Audits: Once awarded, the Recipient shall comply and cooperate immediately with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Office of the Inspector General (s. 20.055, F.S.) Monitoring: Once awarded, the Recipient agrees to provide the Commission all documentation necessary to complete monitoring of the award and verify expenditures in accordance with s. 215.971, F.S.; and agrees to cooperate with the Commission on all grant monitoring requests, site visits and/or Florida Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Department of Financial Services contract reviews and Expanded Audits of Payment. Property Management: Once awarded, the Recipient shall establish and administer a system to protect, preserve, use, maintain, and dispose of any property furnished to it by the Commission or purchased pursuant to the award. GRANT MANAGEMENT Personnel Changes: If there is a change in Project Manager or the person assigned Signature Authority for the Recipient, or if any information changes, including but not limited to mailing address, phone number, email or title change, the Recipient must notify the FBIP program administrator. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 9 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2837 L/3/b Obligation of Grant Funds: Unless prior approval is received in writing from the Commission, grant funds shall not under any circumstances be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination or end date of the Agreement. Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date, and on or prior to the termination or end date of the Agreement are eligible for reimbursement unless pre-award costs were approved. All payments must be requested from the Commission within thirty days of project completion. Grant Start: After execution of an Agreement with the Commission, if a project is not begun within 30 days, the Recipient must report by letter to the Commission the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for delay, and the expected start date. If a project is not begun within 60 days of execution of the Agreement, the Commission shall determine if the reason for delay is justified or may, at its discretion, require additional project documentation and justifications throughout the term of the Agreement. The Commission will also require the Recipient to provide a revised project timeline that includes all anticipated project activities, tasks and estimated completion dates(s). Financial Management: Once awarded, the Recipient must have a financial management system in place that is able to record and report on the receipt, obligation, and expenditure of grant funds. An adequate accounting system must be able to separately track receipts, expenditures, assets, and liabilities for awards, programs and subrecipients. The Recipient shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices. Procurement: Once awarded, the Recipient shall procure goods and services through a competitive solicitation process in accordance with Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. The Recipient must have written procedures for procurement transactions and asset management. The Recipient must agree to comply with all local and state laws related to procurement for any labor, equipment, materials, facilities, construction and other services related to the project funded. Subcontracts: Once awarded, the Recipient agrees that all employees, subcontractors, or agents performing work under the Agreement shall be properly trained individuals who meet or exceed any specified training qualifications. Project Reports: Once awarded, starting the first quarter after the date the Agreement is executed, the Grantee shall submit to the Commission, on a quarterly basis, Project Progress Reports outlining the progress of the Project and identifying any problems that may have arisen as well as actions taken to correct such problems. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Grant Amendments: Once awarded, the Recipient shall contact the FBIP program administrator if at any time the need for major substantive changes to the Agreement such as scope modifications, changes to the project activities, implementation schedules or any budget changes that affect a cost category that was not become foreseeable. The Recipient shall provide the FBIP program administrator at least 60 prior to the Agreement termination date if amendments to the Agreement are necessary. Publications: Public information produced with assistance from FBIP funds shall not be copyrighted and shall be provided free of cost, except for the cost of reproduction, to the public. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 10 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2838 L/3/b Acknowledgement Signs: Once awarded, the Recipient, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain a and acknowledging the Commission and FBIP as a funding source for the project. Language to place on the sign shall include: This Project was funded by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission through the Florida Boating Improvement Program. Directional Signs: Once awarded, the Recipient, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain directional signs, approved by the Commission, on main public highways to direct public users to each boating facility funded through FBIP regardless of which phase(s) of a project were funded. Project Completion: Failure to complete the project and make final payment request to the Commission within the period provided in the Agreement will result in project termination and possible loss of FBIP funds. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 11 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2839 L/3/b IV SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION APPLICATION PROCESS Applicants must submit their proposal for funding on the Florida Boating Improvement Program Application, form FWC/FBIP. The Application and these Guidelines may be obtained from the https://myfwc.com/boating/grants-programs/fbip/. Applicants must deliver applications on or before the last day of the announced submission period(s), no later than the close of business to the following address: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating and Waterways Section 620 South Meridian Street, Room 235 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600. In order to be complete, Applications must be submitted according to the following directions and with all of the following supporting documentation: !One (1) cover letterOne (1) cover letter summarizing the project request, ranking summarizing the project request, ranking the the priority of multiplepriority of multiple projects if projects if applicable, and signed by the individual with authority to submit the applicationapplicable, and signed by the individual with authority to submit the application; ; !One (1) original signed application form and two (2) photocopies of One (1) original signed application form and two (2) photocopies of the the signed application form; signed application form; !Three (3) copies of required attachments (copies of the site Three (3) copies of required attachments (copies of the site control documentation and permits may control documentation and permits may be submitted in digital format on CD only)be submitted in digital format on CD only); ; !One (1) digital copy of application and attachments on CD; One (1) digital copy of application and attachments on CD; !Staple Staple Staple the the the application in application in application in the the the upper leftupper leftupper left--hand hand hand corner orcorner or clclclip ip ip it together it together with one binder clip. Do not with one binder clip. Do not spiral bind or place spiral bind or place the application the application in a threein a three--ring binder or report coverring binder or report cover; ; andand !Place a tabbed divider between each application attachment or sectionPlace a tabbed divider between each application attachment or section.. KEYS TO APPLICATION FORM Cost Estimate: All applicants are required to provide a detailed cost estimate or schedule of values in the form of If the applicant does not have this required documentation, they must submit a detailed explanation of how the budget was developed. Budget Narrative: All applicants must provide a brief description of services or activities to be provided including the number of units and rates for each budget category. Contingency Costs: A construction contingency is an amount of money set aside to cover any unexpected costs that can arise throughout a construction project to cover items for which the cost is not known exactly at the time of the estimate, but which will occur on a statistical basis. If the applicant includes contingency costs, they may not exceed 10% of the proposed project. Pre-Award Costs: For construction projects, costs for surveys, environmental reviews, working drawings, construction plans and specifications, engineering, design, or permitting required to begin a project are allowable as pre-award costs or pre-award cost share, only if the application clearly identifies the costs as Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 12 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!283: L/3/b occurring prior to the application being submitted. A detailed explanation must be provided as to why the costs were necessary prior to the application being submitted. Costs associated with preparation of grant application(s) are not allowable. Cost Share: Cost share is not required. However, Applicants who provide some share of the total cost will receive additional points in the technical evaluation. The A- kind services, cash expenditures or partner contributions. In-kind services include: !The cost of administration/contract management, project management, labor, materials, and equipment provided through in-house resources of the Applicant. !In-kind project administration may not be more than 5% of the total project cost and in-kind project management may not be more than 10% of the total project cost. Cash expenditures may be in the form of the following: !Master plans or other engineering and/or consultant services paid for by the Applicant. !Construction expenditures paid for by the Applicant. !Other expenditures paid by the Applicant directly related to the grant-funded project and not listed as ineligible costs. Cash expenditures for items listed as ineligible uses of program funds may not be Applicants are encouraged to seek cash funds from other sources including state or local grants to help leverage the maximum amount of grant funds available. Applicants can use the county-retained portion of vessel registration fees for recreational channel markers, derelict vessel removal, and public launching facility projects only. Proration (If Applicable): Applicants must prorate costs for facilities that will benefit non-boating users sharing landside facilities such as restrooms, etc. After Project Completion User Fees (If Applicable): Applicants must describe the amount and frequency of proposed fees that will be charged to boaters for the use of the funded infrastructure after construction is complete and the Agreement ends or has been terminated. Fees charged must be comparable to those charged regionally. All collected fees shall be used for operation and maintenance of the funded infrastructure for its useable life. KEYS TO APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Resolution or Legal Authorization: The Applicant must submit documentation that certifies it possesses the legal authority to receive the funds to be provided under the FBIP program, and that, its governing body has authorized, by resolution or otherwise, the authorized signature authority to apply for and administer the grant on behalf of the Applicant. Acceptable documentation includes, but is not limited to, adopted resolutions by the governing body, ordinances, charters, by-laws, and adopted rules or policies. Site Control: The Applicant must have control of upland project sites sufficient and adequate to construct, operate, and maintain the areas for the term required in the Agreement. This requirement is necessary to protect investments made with FBIP grant funding and to ensure public access to those investments. This hrough land ownership, a lease, a use agreement, or an easement. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 13 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2841 L/3/b If a project will occur over or in a navigable body of water, an authorization to use State-owned aquatic lands may be needed. If the project is on State-owned aquatic lands, the applicant will need to secure a lease or easement (use authorization) to use those lands. Securing a lease or easement may take up to a year. The Commission requires the executed lease or easement within 2 calendar months after award selection toshow control and tenure for the site. The lease or easement is required before the project will be placed under agreement. Boundary Map: The applicant must provide a boundary map to define and indicate the boundary of the project area to be dedicatedforpublic use. Detailed Cost EstimateDetailed Cost Estimate: All applicants are required to provide a detailed cost estimate or : All applicants are required to provide a detailed cost estimate or schedule of schedule of values in the form ovalues in the form offoror must provide a detailed explanamust provide a detailed explanation of how the budget was developed.tion of how the budget was developed. Navigational ChartNavigational Chart: If : If availableavailable,,AA Datum 83 nautical chart with NOAA chart name and number, indicating the precise location of the project Datum 83 nautical chart with NOAA chart name and number, indicating the precise location of the project sitesiteusiusing latitude and ng latitude and llongitude in degrees, decimal minutes and secondsongitude in degrees, decimal minutes and seconds.. PhotographsPhotographs: The applicant shall submit photos to depict the physical characteristics of the project area.: The applicant shall submit photos to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. Florida Boating Improvement Rule68-1.003 ProgramGuidelines (Rev.7/2019) 14of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2842 L/3/b V PROJECT EVALUATION HOW PROJECT EVALUATION WORKS Upon receipt and review of the Application for completeness, Commission staff will assign a grant application number and outline the review process in an acceptance letter back to the Applicant. The Applicant will use this grant number for all future correspondence regarding the Application. Applications will be reviewed by Commission staff for assignment of a technical score based on the criteria contained herein and shall then be scored by an evaluation committee comprised of the FBIP Program Administrator and no less than four evaluators, appointed by the Director of the Division of Law Enforcement, one of which must be a member of the Florida Boating Advisory Council. The meeting of the Evaluation Committee will be noticed in the Florida Administrative Register and advertised on the Commission website. Scoring for each application will be the total of the technical score added to the average of the qualitative scores. Applicable bonus points will then be added to generate the final score. Complete applications will be ranked in descending order according to total assigned points. To be eligible for funding, an application must receive a minimum of 50 percent of the points available from the evaluation committee scores and a minimum of 65 percent of the total points available after combining the committee scores with the technical review scores. Grants will be awarded to the highest-ranking applications until all funds have been awarded. TECHNICAL EVALUATION Commission staff will review and assign a technical score based on the criteria listed below. Commission staff can assign a total of 30 points in a technical evaluation of the A Technical Technical Evaluation Criteria Points 1.!Does the Applicant have the correct number of applications (three hard copies and one Yes = 5 points No = 0 points electronic copy) submitted? Yes = 5 points 2.!Has the Applicant provided a cover letter, signed by a person with signature authority? No = 0 points Yes = 5 points 3.!Has the Applicant completed all required sections of the Application? Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* No = 0 points Yes = 5 points 4.!Has the Applicant included all required attachments? No = 0 points Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 15 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2843 L/3/b 5.!Amount requested is less than or equal to: Derelict Boat Access Channel Boater Other Boating Vessel POINTS Facilities Markings Education Activities Removal Possible Points = >$500,000 >$100,000 >$100,000 >$200,000 >$200,000 1 5 $499,999 $99,999 $99,999 $199,999 $199,999 2 $399,999 $79,999 $79,999 $149,999 $149,999 3 $299,999 $49,999 $49,999 $99,999 $99,999 4 <$199,999 <$29,999 <$29,999 <$49,999 <$49,999 5 6.!Cost Share: Applicant is providing some share of the total cost through in-kind Yes = 5 points services, cash expenditures or partner contributions; or, Applicant is located in a Rural No = 0 points Area of Opportunity. 30 Points Available QUALITATIVE EVALUATION Each evaluation committee member will review and assign a score to each Application based on the criteria listed below. The evaluation committee members can award a total of 70 points in a qualitative evaluation of the A Qualitative Qualitative Evaluation Criteria Points 1.!Need Statement: Does the Applicant explain why the project is necessary? Does the Applicant describe why the existing facilities or activities are insufficient? Does the 0 10 points project address a documented need? Is the need documented with photos and statistics? 2.!Project Purpose: Does the Applicant summarize the ultimate purpose of the proposed project and describe how the proposed project will address the need(s) and 0 10 points benefit(s)boating access? Does the project improve or enhance boating? 3.!Expected Results and Benefits: Does the Applicant describe how the proposed structures, services, products or activities will accomplish the desired project purpose 0 10 points and outcome? Will the proposed project increase boating access, safety or education? Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* 4.!Project Goal(s) and Timeline: Does the Applicant describe the project goal(s)? Does the Applicant provide a proposed timeline to achieve the project purpose, desired goal(s) 0 10 points and expected benefits? 5.!Approach and Tasks: Does the Applicant describe what tasks must be performed or services provided to reach the project goal? Are the tasks and goals specific, measurable 0 10 points and those that can achieve the desired outcome(s)? Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 16 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2844 L/3/b 6.Budget Narrative: Does the Applicant provide a brief description of services or activities, including the number of units and rate(s), for each budget category?Do the 010 points associated budget items demonstrate cost effectiveness in meeting project objectives? 7.Cost Estimate: Does the Applicant provide a detailed cost estimate or schedule of values in the form ofa formal bid, written quote from proposed 010 points estimateor provide a detailed explanation of how the budget was developed?Is the proposed estimate reasonable? 70Points Available BONUS POINTS Five (5) bFive (5) bonus pointsonus pointswill be awarded based on will be awarded based on priority consideration established in s. 206.606 and 328.72, priority consideration established in s. 206.606 and 328.72, Florida StatutesFlorida Statutes, to, toapplicants meeting applicants meeting at least one of the criteria listed below. at least one of the criteria listed below. If a mIf a municipality is located withinacountythat meetsthecriteria for these bonus points, that municipalityshall also be given the bonus points.Counties Counties who have not submittedwho have not submittedan annual detailed accounting report of vessel registration an annual detailed accounting report of vessel registration revenues to the Commission as required in revenues to the Commission as required in ssection 328.72(15), Florida Statues, ection 328.72(15), Florida Statues, are notare noteligible for eligible for bonus bonus pointspoints..Bonuspoints will be added to the score created by adding the average of all thequalitative evaluationsand the technical evaluation scoreto Projects located in a county with a population of 100,000 or less.Projects located in a county with a population of 100,000 or less. Projects located Projects located in a coastal county with a high level of boatingin a coastal county with a high level of boating--related activities from individual related activities from individual residing in other counties. residing in other counties. Projects located in a county with more than 35,000 registered vessels.Projects located in a county with more than 35,000 registered vessels. TIE BRAKER SYSTEM If two or more applications receive the same score as a result of the scoring process, the following tie- breaker system will be used in the order listed to decide the priority ranking: The Application submitted is for a project located in a county having a population of 100,000 or less, or a coastal county with a high level of boating related activities from individuals residing in other counties. The Applicant having received the lowest amount of program funds during the previous three fiscal years receivesthe higher priority. Applications submitted by counties, or municipalities within counties, with the lesser amount of revenue from vessel registration fees will be ranked higher. Florida Boating Improvement Rule68-1.003 ProgramGuidelines (Rev.7/2019) 17of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2845 L/3/b SECTION VI ACRYNOMS AND DEFINITIONS ACRONYMS FBIP: Florida Boating Improvement Program, created by Rule 68-1.003, Florida Administrative Code FAR: Florida Administrative Register FCO: Fixed Capital Outlay NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration DEFINITIONS ACCESS ROAD: Roadway to provide motor vehicle access to a boat ramp or other public launching facility. Does not include a public thoroughfare or through street. AGREEMENT: Written document under which the Recipient and Commission mutually agree to carry out respective responsibilities for a fixed period, unless amended by mutual consent. APPLICANT: Eligible participant that applies for Program Funds to the Commission during an announced Application Submission Period. APPLICATION: A formal request for Program funds by an Applicant on the form approved by the Commission and with required documentation. APPLICATION SUBMISSION PERIOD: The formally announced period of time provided by the Commission for the submission of Applications by eligible participants for Program Funds. AUDIT: An audit of the Recipient project records conducted by the Commission. AWARD: A grant is awarded when it is chosen for funding by the Commission. BOARDING DOCKS: A fixed, floating, or adjustable structure extending parallel to a launch ramp and designed to permit mooring of a watercraft in such a way as to facilitate boarding or exiting the craft. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* BOAT RAMP: A graded and surfaced slope consisting of one or more launching lanes constructed of concrete, timber, or asphalt, which extends from the shoreline into the body of water and partially above and below the water surface. It is designed to accommodate launching or retrieving a boat from or to a trailer. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Is defined as (1) a new structure that costs at least $25,000 to build; or (2) Altering, renovating, or repairing an existing or if it costs at least $25,000. COMMISSION: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 18 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2846 L/3/b DOCK (PIER): A fixed or floating structure, including access walkways, terminal platforms, catwalks, mooring pilings, lifts, davits, and other associated water-dependent structures used for mooring and accessing vessels. EVALUATION COMMITTEE: A committee formed by the Commission to evaluate each application. FACILITY: The structures, equipment, and operations that (1) Provide services to boaters at one location and; (2) Are under the control of a single operator or business identified in the grant application. FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY: The appropriation category used to fund real property (building including appurtenances, fixtures and equipment, structures, etc.) including additions, replacements, major repairs, and renovations to real property which materially extend its useful life or materially improve or change its functional use. MARINA: Licensed commercial facility which provides secured public moorings or dry storage for vessels on a leased basis. MAINTENANCE: Activities that allow a facility to function, such as repairing docks, excluding routine janitorial duties. Examples of maintenance actions are: (1) Lubrication of mechanical components of FBIP-funded equipment; (2) Replacing minor components of an FBIP-funded improvement such as bolts, boards, and individual structural components and; (3) Painting, pressure washing, and repointing masonry. MAINTAIN: Keeping structures or equipment in a condition to serve the intended purpose. It includes cyclical or planned actions to keep facilities fully functional PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR Director, Division of Law Enforcement, to manage the Florida Boating Improvement Program. PROGRAM FUNDS: Funds appropriated by the Legislature to the Florida Boating Improvement Program as specified in Sections 206.606, 328.72, and 379.208 Florida Statutes. PROJECT: Component(s) designed to provide additional or enhanced boating access that meet criteria. PROPOSAL: A description of one or more projects for which an applicant requests grant funds. PUBLIC LAUNCHING FACILITY: A boat ramp, lift, hoist, marine railway or similar facility for launching and retrieving vessels from the water; includes associated amenities like boarding docks and boat Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* trailer parking. REAL PROPERTY: One, several, or all interests, benefits, and rights inherent in owing a parcel of land. A parcel includes anything physically and firmly attached to it by a natural or human action. Examples of real property include fee and leasehold interests, easements, fixed docks, piers, permanent breakwaters, buildings, utilities and fences. RECIPIENT: The Applicant that has been awarded Program funds and party responsible for completing the project and the operation and maintenance of the site. Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 19 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2847 L/3/b CHANNEL MARKING: Labor and materials to provide and install any device external to a vessel intended to assist a mariner to determine position or safe course, warn of dangers or obstructions to navigation, or to alert the mariner of various regulatory matters. RURAL AREA OF OPPORTUNITY: A region composed of rural communities adversely affected by extraordinary economic events which meet the criteria stipulated in Section 288.0656, Florida Statutes, and which are designated by the Governor in an Executive Order. USEFUL LIFE: The period during which a FBIP funded capital improvement can fulfill its intended purpose with adequate routine care and maintenance. Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Hvjefmjoft!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Florida Boating Improvement Rule 68-1.003 Program Guidelines (Rev. 7/2019) 20 of 20 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2848 L/3/c Florida Boating Improvement Program Grant Application FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Grant Application Number : Date Received: Fill in all sections that apply Put N/A for all sections that do not apply IAPPLICANT INFORMATION DUNS #: Applicant Organization Name: 184987868 NpospfDpvouzCpbsepgDpvouzDpnnjttjpofst StateHouse StateSenate U.S. Congressional Federal Employer Id. No.: 6:.711185: 4: 231 District: 37 District: District Signature Authority Name: Signature Authority Title: TsBenjojtusbups-NbsjofSftpvsdft DfmjbIjudijot Project Manager Name: Project Manager Title: NbsjofQmboofs-NbsjofSftpvsdft CsjuubozCvsuofs Mailing Address: City: Zip Code: 38:9PwfstfbtIjhixbz-Tvjuf531 Nbsbuipo 44161 Shipping Address: City: Zip Code: 38:9PwfstfbtIjhixbz-Tvjuf531 Nbsbuipo 44161 Telephone: Fax: Email: 416.39:.3647 416.39:.3916 cvsuofs.csjuubozAnpospfdpvouz.gm/hpw IIPROJECT SUMMARY Project Title: SfhvmbupszboeJogpsnbujpobmCvpzSfqmbdfnfou Type of Application: New (never considered before) Reconsideration Phased ContinuationPhase No.: Type of Request:FCO Design/Engineering/Permitting FCO Construction Non-FCO Project Project Category: Boat Access Facilities Recreational Channel Markings/Uniform Waterway Markers (Select only one) Boater Education Other Boating Related Activities Derelict Vessels Project Cost: Total Project Cost: $ FBIP Amount Requested: $ 65-211/11 51-686 Project Summary: Uifhpbmpguijtqspkfdujtuptfswfuifoffetpguifcpbujohdpnnvojuzczjnqspwjohcpbufstbgfuz-qspufdujohtfbhsbttcfet-Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* boebttjtujohxjuinbsjoffogpsdfnfouuispvhiuifsfqmbdfnfoupg37sfhvmbupszboejogpsnbujpobmcvpztuibuibwfsfbdife uiffoepguifjstfswjdfbcmfmjgf/Uijtjodmveftuisff)4*TmpxTqffecvpztjoUbwfsojfsDsffl-gpvs)5*JemfTqffecvpztjo DpnnvojuzIbscps-21JemfTqffecvpztjouifKpmmzSphfsCpbujohSftusjdufeBsfb-uxp)3*DbvujpoCmjoeCfoecvpztjo UbwfsojfsDsfflboetfwfo)8*DbvujpoTibmmpxTfbhsbttCfecvpztjoCppuLfzIbscps/ Uifupubmftujnbufeqspkfdudptujt%65-211xijdisfqsftfoutpwfs:1&pguifDpvouztboovbmcvehfupgTubufCpbujoh JnqspwfnfouGvoetgpsuifjogsbtusvduvsfnbjoufobodfpg611,xbufsxbznbslfstnbobhfeczNpospfDpvouz/Uifsfgpsf- NpospfDpvouzjtsfrvftujohb86&dptutibsf)%51-686*uptvqqmfnfouuiffyqfotftsfmbufeupuijtqspkfdu/Uijtxjmmbmmpx NpospfDpvouzupdpoujovfqspwjejohpuifsdsjujdbmxbufsxbznbslfsnbjoufobodfuispvhipvuNpospfDpvouzxbufst/ Uijtqspkfduxjmmsftvmujojnqspwfnfoutupcpbufstbgfuz-qspufdujpopgtfbhsbttcfet-boebmmpxmbxfogpsdfnfouqfstpoofmup fogpsdfuiftfjnqpsubou{poft/Uifqspkfdudmfbsmztfswftuifoffetpguifcpbujohdpnnvojuz/Uijtqspkfduxjmmbmtpbttjtu NpospfDpvouzjonffujohnbobhfnfouhpbmtjefoujgjfejocpuiuifGmpsjebLfztObujpobmNbsjofTboduvbszt)GLONT* NbobhfnfouQmbobtxfmmbtuifDpvouztDiboofmNbslfsNbtufsQmbogpsxbufsxbztbgfuzboesfhvmbupsz{pojoh/ FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 1of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2849 L/3/c IIIPROJECT INFORMATION Project Type:Boat Access New Construction (New Facility) Boat Access New Construction (Existing Facility) Boat Access Engineering/Permitting (no construction) Boat Access Renovation/Replacement New Channel Markers New Regulatory Markers New Information Markers Replace/Repair Channel Markers Replace/Repair Regulatory Markers Replace/Repair Information Markers Derelict Vessel Kiosks /Signs Educational Program Portable Exhibits (trade show exhibit) Printed Materials (boater guides, brochures) Current Facility Description: Boat Ramp/Public Launching Facility Marina/Tie-up/Overnight Moorage Facility o Primitive Other: Dpvouzxbufst BumboujdPdfboboeHvmgpgNfyjdp Npospf Facility Location: County: Water body: Latitude: Ndeg. min. sec. Longitude: Wdeg. min. sec. Facility Street Address or Location: o0b Upland Ownership: Public -Fee Simple Public Lease Number of Years Remaining in Lease: Name of Owner: o0b Is this facility open to the general public?YesNo Estimate percent (%) use of launching facility: % Motorboats/Sailboats % Non-Motorboats $ Current day use, parking or launch feeamount: Tie-up/Overnight Moorage fee: $ fwfsz7npouit How frequently are facilities inspected or maintained? Who does the inspections and maintenance? jotqfdujpoczDpvouztubgg<nbjoufobodfczijsfedpousbdupst To capture boating access opportunities in the area, please provide names of comparable boating facilities (ramps, tie-up Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* facilities/marinas) within a 10-mile radius of the proposed facility. Name Distance Name Distance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10. FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 2of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!284: L/3/c IV-FACILITY COMPONENTS AND USE EXISTING CONDITIONS Number of Launch Lanes: Type of Ramp: Asphalt Concrete Other Condition: Poor Average Good Number of Boarding Docks: Length: Ft. Type of Dock: Fixed Wood Fixed Concrete Aluminum Floating Other Condition: Good Average Poor Moorage or Tie-up Dock: Ft or Slip Type of Dock: Fixed Wood Fixed Concrete Aluminum Floating Other Condition: Good Average Poor Number of Boat Trailer Parking Spaces: Number of ADA Boat Trailer Parking Spaces: Type of Parking: Asphalt Concrete Grass Other Condition: Good Average Poor Other Facility Attributes: Restroom: YesNoPump-out Station: YesNo Showers: YesNoGarbage Cans/Dumpster: YesNo Laundry Facilities: YesNoHoist Launching System: YesNo Shelters at Launch Sites: YesNoWave attenuation /Breakwater: YesNo Other: V-PROJECT ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Who is or will be completing project design/engineering? Level of engineering completed at time of application: None Consulting Engineers Conceptual (Master Plan Phase) o N/A (Materials or Equipment Purchase) Preliminary o Other: Final (Ready to Bid) Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Submitted Approved N/A VI-PERMITS Y U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Y Florida Department of Environmental Protection Y FWC (Projects involving mooring buoys must be permitted pursuant to Chapter 68D-23, F.A.C.) Y Local and Others (If needed) FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 3of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2851 L/3/c VIIPROJECT SCOPE Need Statement:TheApplicant must explain why the project is necessary,timely,and how it fulfills a need. Describe why existing facilities are insufficient to meet demand. Uijtqspkfdujtofdfttbszbtfbdixbufsxbznbslfsibtsfbdifeuiffoepgjuttfswjdfbcmfmjgf/Sfqmbdfnfoujtdsjujdbmup jodsfbtfcpbufstbgfuz-qspufdutfbhsbttcfet-boebttjtuxjuifogpsdfnfou/Juxjmmbmtpgvmgjmmuifnbobhfnfouhpbmtjefoujgjfe jouifGLONTNbobhfnfouQmboboeDpvouztDiboofmNbslfsNbtufsQmbo/Evfupmjnjufegvoejohbwbjmbcmfgspnuif DpvouztCpbujohJnqspwfnfouGvoet-uijtgvoejohxjmmbmmpxuifDpvouzupqspwjefpuifsdsjujdbmnbjoufobodfgpsuif611, xbufsxbznbslfstnbobhfeczuifDpvouz/Tqfdjgjdoffetgpsfbdibsfbbsfpvumjofecfmpx/ Bsfb2.UbwfsojfsDsffl/Uijtbsfbjtbifbwjmzusbwfstfe-obsspx-boenfboefsjohxbufsxbzxjuiuxpcmjoecfoet/Btb sftvmu-juxbtftubcmjtifebtbTmpxTqffeNjojnvnXblf{pofjo2::6voefsDpvouzPsejobodf$12:.2::6)Buubdinfou 7E*/Jobeejujpo-uxpDbvujpoCmjoeCfoecvpztxfsfftubcmjtifeupqspwjefbeejujpobmobwjhbujpotbgfuz/Uifcvpztibwfopu cffosfqmbdfejo22,zfbstboeibwffjuifshpofnjttjohpsbsfxfmmcfzpoeuifbhf.foepguifjsvtfgvmmjgfbttipxopouif fyjtujohdpoejujposfqpsut)Buubdinfou4B'4C*/ Bsfb3.DpnnvojuzIbscps/Uijtbsfbjtbtnbmm-qpqvmbsbodipsbhfxjuitfwfsbmnbsjofcvtjofttft/Evfupwfttfmt usbwfmjohuispvhiuifibscpsbuijhitqffetuispvhibtibmmpxtfbhsbttbsfb-juxbtftubcmjtifebtboJemfTqffeOpXblf {pofjo2::8voefsDpvouzPsejobodf$162.2::8)Buubdinfou7I*/Uifcvpztnbsljohuifcpvoebsjftpguijt{pofxfsfmbtu sfqmbdfejo3122boeibwfhsfbumzfydffefeuifbhf.foepguifjsvtfgvmmjgfbtfwjefodfepouiffyjtujohdpoejujpotsfqpsu )Buubdinfou4D*/ Bsfb4.CppuLfzIbscps/Uijtbsfbdpoubjotbifbwjmzvtfebodipsbhfboembshfqvcmjdnppsjohgjfme/Jo3112-tfwfo)8* DbvujpoTibmmpxTfbhsbttCfetnbslfstxfsfftubcmjtifebspvoebtibmmpxtfbhsbttcfeupqspufduuijtbsfbgspncpbujoh jnqbdut/Uifzibwfopucffosfqmbdfetjodf3125boebsfxfmmcfzpoeuifbhf.foepguifjsvtfgvmmjgfbttipxopouif fyjtujohdpoejujpotsfqpsu)Buubdinfou4E*/ Bsfb5.KpmmzSphfs/UijtbsfbjtbifbwjmzusbwfstfecpbujohspvufofbsbsftjefoujbmdpnnvojuzpoMjuumfUpsdiLfz/Up bmmfwjbufbebohfspvttjuvbujpogpsuifcpbujohqvcmjd-juxbtftubcmjtifebtboJemfTqffeOpXblf{pofjo2::5wjbDpvouz Psejobodf$153.2::5)Buubdinfou7P*/Uiftfcvpztibwfcffojotfswjdfgpstfwfsbmzfbstboebsfjowfszqppsdpoejujpobt joejdbufepouiffyjtujohdpoejujpotsfqpsu)Buubdinfou4F*/ Project Purpose:The Applicant must succinctly summarize the ultimate purpose for the proposed project and link the purpose to the demonstrated need. Be specific and focus on the benefits to the boater and boating access. Uifqvsqptfpguijtqspkfdujtupbeesfttdsjujdbmoffetgpsuifcpbujohdpnnvojuzczqspqfsmz nbsljohuifcpvoebsjftpguiftf{poftboecpbujohtbgfuzib{bset/Uijtqspkfduxjmmjnqspwfcpbufs tbgfuz-bmmpxmbxfogpsdfnfouqfstpoofmupfogpsdftqffesftusjdujpotboebttjtujouifqspufdujpopg pvstibmmpxtfbhsbttboeofbstipsfibcjubut/UijtqspkfduxjmmbmtpbttjtuNpospfDpvouzjonffujoh nbobhfnfouhpbmtjefoujgjfejocpuiuifGmpsjebLfztObujpobmNbsjofTboduvbsztNbobhfnfou QmbobtxfmmbtuifDpvouztDiboofmNbslfsNbtufsQmbogpsxbufsxbztbgfuzboesfhvmbupsz {pojoh/ Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 4of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2852 L/3/c Uijtqspkfduxjmmsftvmujonvmujqmfcfofgjutupuifcpbujohdpnnvojuz/Uifqsjnbszcfofgjuxjmmcfbo jodsfbtfjocpbufstbgfuzczsfhvmbujohtqffeboenbsljohxbufsxbzib{bset/Czbefrvbufmz nbsljohuifcpbujohsftusjdufe{poft-mbxfogpsdfnfouqfstpoofmxjmmcfbcmfupqspqfsmzfogpsdf uif{poftboeqspnpufcpbufsfevdbujpo/Czbefrvbufmznbsljohuifdbvujpobsfbt-cpbufstdbo bwpjeib{bsepvttjuvbujpotboeifmqqspkfdupvstfotjujwftfbhsbttcfet/Uijtqspkfdudmfbsmz beesfttftbepdvnfoufeoffeboesfqsftfoutbijhi.wbmvfcfofgjuupuifcpbujohdpnnvojuz/ Uifhpbmpguijtqspkfdujtuptfswfuifoffetpguifcpbujohdpnnvojuzczjnqspwjohcpbufs tbgfuz-qspufdujohtfbhsbttcfet-boebttjtujohxjuinbsjoffogpsdfnfouuispvhiuif sfqmbdfnfoupg37sfhvmbupszboejogpsnbujpobmcvpztuibuibwfsfbdifeuiffoepguifjs tfswjdfbcmfmjgf/UijtqspkfduxjmmbmtpbttjtuNpospfDpvouzjonffujohnbobhfnfouhpbmt jefoujgjfejocpuiuifGmpsjebLfztObujpobmNbsjofTboduvbsztNbobhfnfouQmbobtxfmmbtuif DpvouztDiboofmNbslfsNbtufsQmbogpsxbufsxbztbgfuzboesfhvmbupsz{pojoh/ Uifujnfmjofpguifqspkfdujtboujdjqbufeupcfdpnqmfufexjuijogjwf)6*npouitpggvoejohbxbse/ Vqpobxbse-uifDpvouzxjmmqmbdfuifhsboubhsffnfoupouifNpospfDpvouzCpbsepgDpvouz DpnnjttjpofstnpouimzbhfoebgpsbqqspwbmboefyfdvujpoczuifDpvouzNbzpsbmpohxjui ftubcmjtinfoupgofdfttbszhsboubddpvout/VqposfdfjqupguifGXD.tjhofebhsffnfou-uif Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Dpvouzxjmmgpmmpxqspdvsfnfouqpmjdjftcztpmjdjujohdpnqfujujwfcjetgspnqsf.rvbmjgjfenbsjof dpousbdupstvoefsfyjtujohdpousbdutxjuiuifDpvouzboebxbseuifkpcupuifdpousbdupsxjuiuif mpxfturvpuf/Uifdpousbdupsxjmmuifodpoevduuifxpsljobddpsebodfxjuiuiftdpqfpgtfswjdft boeftubcmjtifeqspdfevsftboedpousbduvbmpcmjhbujpotjodmvejohbeifsfodfupbmmmpdbm-tubuf boegfefsbmsfhvmbujpot/Uifbxbsefedpousbdupsxjmmqspwjefbmmepdvnfoubujpopguifxpslupuif Dpvouzgpssfwjfxboebqqspwbm/Vqpobqqspwbmboeqbznfou-uifDpvouzxjmmqspwjefbmmsfrvjsfe epdvnfoubujpoupGXDjobddpsebodfxjuiuifhsboubhsffnfou/ Uifqspkfduxjmmjnnfejbufmzbdijfwfuiftubufeqvsqptf-hpbmtboecfofgjutpvumjofejouijt qspqptbmvqpojotubmmbujpo0sfqmbdfnfoupguifxbufsxbznbslfst/ Qbdlfu!Qh/!2853 L/3/c HPBM;Uifhpbmpguijtqspkfdujtuptfswfuifoffetpguifcpbujohdpnnvojuzczjnqspwjohcpbufs tbgfuz-qspufdujohtfbhsbttcfet-boebttjtujohxjuinbsjoffogpsdfnfouuispvhiuifsfqmbdfnfou pg37sfhvmbupszboejogpsnbujpobmcvpztuibuibwfsfbdifeuiffoepguifjstfswjdfbcmfmjgf/ Ubtlt; €Vqpogvoejohbxbseboefyfdvujpopguifhsboubhsffnfou-uifDpvouzxjmmqsfqbsfbtdpqfpg xpslboetpmjdjudpnqfujujwfcjetgspnqsf.rvbmjgjfenbsjofdpousbdupstvoefsfyjtujohdpousbdutxjui uifDpvouz/UifDpvouzxjmmsfwjfxuifcjetboebxbseuifkpcupuifdpousbdupsxjuiuifmpxftu rvpuf/Dpnqmfufcz21.3133/ €Uifdpousbdupsxjmmuifodpoevduuifxpsljobddpsebodfxjuiuiftdpqfpgxpsl-ftubcmjtife qspdfevsft-boedpousbduvbmpcmjhbujpotjodmvejohbeifsfodfupbmmmpdbm-tubufboegfefsbm sfhvmbujpot/Dpnqmfufcz12.3134/ €UifDpvouzxjmmsfwjfxuifdpousbdups(tepdvnfoubujpopguifxpsl)jowpjdfboeqipupt*-bqqspwf- boeqbzdpousbdupsjgxpsljtbddfqubcmf/Dpnqmfufxjuijopof)2*xfflxjuijosfdfjqupgjowpjdf/ Dpnqmfufcz12.3134/ €UifDpvouzxjmmqspwjefbmmsfrvjsfeepdvnfoubujpoupGXDjobddpsebodfxjuiuifhsbou Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* bhsffnfou/Dpnqmfufxjuijo)2*xfflpgqbznfouupdpousbdups/Dpnqmfufcz13.3134/ Qbdlfu!Qh/!2854 L/3/c VIIIBUDGET Budget Category Total FBIP Request Cost Share (FBIP + Cost Share) $$$ Administration (Project Management) $$$ Contracted Services 51-686/1124-636/1165-211/11 $$$ Permitting & Project Inspection Fees $$$ Site Preparation $$$ Demolition and Removal $$$ Construction $$$ Equipment (Rental or In-Kind Use) $$$ Contingency Costs $$$ Other Costs $$$ Pre-Award Costs $$$ TOTAL BUDGET: 65-211/11 Cost Share Breakout Grantee/Applicant Share: Non-cash/in-kind and cash funds $ 24-636/11 Partnerships (Other sources of funds): Public and private partners $ 51-686/11 FBIP Grant Request: $ Partnership Details Funding Source/Agency: Type of Funding (Federal grant; State grant; Federal loan; State loan): Grant Name: Amount Awarded/Applied: $ Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Approval Status (Approved, Pending, Date Intend to Apply): Funding Source/Agency: Type of Funding (Federal grant; State grant; Federal loan; State loan): Grant Name: Amount Awarded/Applied: $ Approval Status (Approved, Pending, Date Intend to Apply): FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 7of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2855 L/3/c IXBUDGET NARRATIVE Cost Estimate:The Applicant isrequired to provide a schedule of values in the form ofa formal bid, written quote from proposed vendor, or an cost estimate,or in the alternative, may provide a detailed explanation of how the budget was developed.Please attach to this application. Budget Narrative: Responding to the budget narrative questions below, the Applicant is required to provide more budget detail on how they estimated the budget in narrative form. If any of the questions are not applicable, put N/A. Budget Category Cost Justification:The Applicant must explain all requested budget items/costs listed in the proposed project budget completed in this application.Demonstrate a clear connection between costs and the proposed project activities by providing a brief description of activities, including the estimated number of billable units and rate(s), for each budget category. Administration: Contracted Services: Permitting & Project Inspection Fees: Site Work: Demolition & Removal: Construction: Equipment: Contingency Costs: Other Costs: Pre-Award Costs:Pre-award costs occur prior to the Application being submitted. The Applicant may submit for reimbursement of the costs of design and engineering costs (site surveys, working drawings, construction plans, cost estimates, technical feasibility studies, etc.) and costs for tests, surveys, and application preparation required for permitting as part of the grant Application.In order to be granted pre-award costs, the Applicant must provide an explanation as to why it was necessary to incur these costs prior to the grant Application submission. Proration (ifapplicable):TheApplicant must prorate costs for facilities that will benefit non-boating users sharing landside facilities such as restrooms, etc. After Project Completion User Fees (ifapplicable): Describe the amount and frequency of proposed fees that will be Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* charged to boaters for the use of the funded infrastructure after construction is complete and the Agreement ends or has been terminated. Fees charged must be comparable to those charged regionally. The collected fees must be used for operation and maintenance of the funded infrastructure for its useable life. FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 8of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2856 L/3/c XAPPLICATION COMPLETION CHECKLIST Cover Letter:One (1) application transmittal cover letter (identify priority rank with multiple applications). Application: Three (3) applications. One MUST have original signature from authorized individual. Electronic Copy on CD: One (1) application with attachments on a CD. --Required Attachments -- Authorization:An adopted resolution or other authorization, by the Governing Body, authorizing the individual signing the Application the authority to apply for the grant and authorizing the project manager to administer the grant on behalf of the Applicant. If the Applicant is applying on behalf of another public entity, then anMOU between the Applicant and the public entity must also be submitted. Site Control Documentation: Site control documentation for the upland portion of project site (e.g. deed, lease, results of title search, etc.) Boundary Map:Map indicating boundary of the project area being dedicated for public use. Existing Condition Photographs: Sufficient photos to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. Detailed Cost Estimate: cost estimate,or in the alternative, a detailed explanation of how the budget was developed. Navigational Chart:If available, submit a chart (provide the NOAA chart name and number) indicating the precise location of the project site. Permits:Photocopies of allnecessary project permit(s). If exempt, provide notification of exemption from permitting agency. ---Optional Attachments --- SitePlan: Attach preliminary site plan or conceptual plan (if completed). Support Letters: Attach letters of known public support. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Application is hereby made for the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this information is true, complete, and accurate. I further certify that the Applicant possessesthe authority, including the necessary requisite property interests, to undertake the proposed activities. ofthe Applicant to act in connection with this Application and subsequent project as well as to provide additional information as Buubdinfou;!GCJQ!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* may be required. By signature below, I represent that the Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in conjunction with this proposal and resulting project, if approved. TsBenjo-NbsjofSftpvsdft DfmjbIjudijot Print/Type Name Individual Signing Application Title Signature Date of his or her § 837.06, Florida Statutes. NOTE: Instruction and further information regarding this application and the Florida Boating Improvement Program can be found in the Florida Boating Improvement Program Guidelines or by contacting the Program Administrator at: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Boating Improvement Program, 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600; or call (850) 488-5600; or email fbip@MyFWC.com. FWC/FBIP (07/19) Page 9of 9 68-1.003, F.A.C. Qbdlfu!Qh/!2857 L/3/d Buubdinfou;!Sftp!2:2.3113!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Qbdlfu!Qh/!2858 L/3/d Buubdinfou;!Sftp!2:2.3113!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Qbdlfu!Qh/!2859 L/3/e Buubdinfou;!Sftp!378.3118!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Qbdlfu!Qh/!285: L/3/e Buubdinfou;!Sftp!378.3118!!)GXD!Hsbou!Bqqmjdbujpo!gps!Cvpzt* Qbdlfu!Qh/!2861