Item P07 Q/8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: P.7 Agenda Item Summary #10411 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: County Attorney's Office TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Shillinger (305) 292-3470 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution requesting the Supervisor of Elections to place a question before for the qualified electors of Monroe County at the August 23, 2022 primary election to vote on the School Board's referendum questions regarding flexible funding and school security per the School Board's direction and rescinding resolution 067-2022, which had called a special election at the School Board's request for June 28, 2022. ITEM BACKGROUND: On February 8, 2022, the Monroe County School Board adopted Resolution 2022-001 (attached), which directs the County Commission to request the Supervisor of Elections to place on the August 23, 2022 primary election ballot a referendum on whether the School District should continue to enact a yearly ad valorem tax of .5 mill, for four (4) years, beginning on January 1, 2023 for operating expenses of the School District. The proposed BOCC voters on the August 23, 2022 primary election. Due to time constraints presented by necessary election preparations and potential changes in pending legislation, HB 777, the School Board simultaneously adopted an alternative resolution by the same number directing the BOCC to call a special election for June 28, 2022 to place a nearly identical referendum before the voters. The BOCC adopted Resolution 067-2022 to accommodate referenda to be held during general elections, had an effective date of July 1, 2022. The effective date of HB 777 was subsequently amended to October 1, 2022, making it lawful to hold the School counsel, notified the County Attorney that due to the change in the effective date of HB 777, that the Special Election is no longer necessary. The proposed resolution also rescinds BOCC Resolution 067-2022, which called the Special Election. This action effectively cancels the previously called June 28, 2022 Special Election. The Schos the statutory process currently set forth in F.S. 1011.73 for placing a referendum question on the ballot. That statute requires BOCC authorization to place a Qbdlfu!Qh/!3528 Q/8 referendum on the ballot but places the financial responsibility for any costs associated with noticing and conducting the election on the school board. The School Board RENEWAL OF OPERATIONAL FUNDING FOR MONROE COUNTY SCHOOLS: The School District seeks to continue its reduced millage for capital projects, making a proportional amount available for operational expenses, like teacher salaries. The District also seeks to continue retaining legally-required safe schools officers. Shall the District enact a yearly ad valorem tax of no more than 0.5625 mill, for four (4) years beginning January 1, 2023, for raising revenue for purposes of funding enhanced security measures and operational expenses of Monroe County schools? ____________ YES ____________ NO PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On February 8, 2022, the BOCC adopted Resolution 067-2022. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: BOCC Resolution placing school board question on August 23 2022 primary election ballot corrected 4.6.22 Exhibt A to Resolution MCSD Resolution 001-2022 Operational + Security Millage Referendum Resolution (Primary Election) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: N/A Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: None. Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: School Board will advertise referendum at its expense. CPI: Indirect Costs: Qbdlfu!Qh/!3529 Q/8 Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: REVIEWED BY: Bob Shillinger Completed 03/23/2022 2:28 PM Bob Shillinger Completed 03/23/2022 5:05 PM Purchasing Skipped 03/23/2022 5:04 PM Budget and Finance Completed 04/01/2022 3:57 PM Brian Bradley Skipped 03/23/2022 5:05 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/04/2022 4:46 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!352: Q/8/b NPOSPF!DPVOUZ-!GMPSJEB !!!!!!!!!!CPBSE!PG!DPVOUZ!DPNNJTTJPOFST !!!!!!!!SFTPMVUJPO!OP/!`````.3133 BSFTPMVUJPOPGUIFCPBSEPGDPVOUZDPNNJTTJPOFSTPG NPOSPFDPVOUZ-GMPSJEBSFTDJOEJOH!SFTPMVUJPO! Op/!178.3133-!DBODFMJOH!UIF!KVOF!39-!3133! TQFDJBM!FMFDUJPOBOESFRVFTUJOHUIFTVQFSWJTPS PGFMFDUJPOTUP!QMBDF!CFGPSF!UIF!WPUFS“T!BU!UIF! 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Dpnnjttjpofs!Ipmmz!Nfssjmm!Sbtdifjo!!!!``````` )TFBM*CPBSE!PG!DPVOUZ!DPNNJTTJPOFST BUUFTU;!LFWJO!NBEPL-!DMFSLPG!NPOSPF!DPVOUZ-!GMPSJEB Cz;````````````````````````````````Cz;`````````````````````````````` Bt!Efqvuz!Dmfsl!!!!!!!!!!!!Nbzps!Ebwje!Sjdf ```````````````````````````````````` Bqqspwfe!bt!up!gpsn!boe!mfhbm!tvggjdjfodz Spcfsu!C/!Tijmmjohfs-!Npospf!Dpvouz!Buupsofz Buubdinfou;!CPDD!Sftpmvujpo!qmbdjoh!tdippm!cpbse!rvftujpo!po!Bvhvtu!34!3133!qsjnbsz!fmfdujpo!cbmmpu!dpssfdufe!5/7/33!!)Bqq!pg!Sft!sfr!TPF Qbdlfu!Qh/!3532 Q/8/c FyijcjuB RESOLUTION 2022 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROPOSING RENEWAL OF TEACHER SALARY MILLAGE LEVY, APPROVING FORM OF BALLOT QUESTION, REQUESTING PLACEMENT OF REFERENDUM ON BALLOT, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, due to limitations in the State of Florida funding formula, the Monroe County School District has experienced budgetary shortfalls with respect to teacher salaries, insurance benefits, and classroom materials since 2004; and WHEREAS, in 2018, the State of Florida issued a mandate to promote school safety and enhanced coordination between education and law enforcement entities to comprehensively address the crisis of gun violence on school campuses in the wake of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida; and WHEREAS, Florida Statute § 1011.71(9) provides for an increase in ad valorem taxes for the purpose of raising additional funds for school operational purposes pursuant to referendum levying additional millage approved by the voters of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Florida law requires that any discretionary millage levied by the Monroe County School District for operational funding be approved by the voters at least every four (4) years; and WHEREAS, the voters of Monroe County previously approved a referendum authorizing the School District to raise funds for purposes of funding teacher salaries, insurance benefits and classroom materials for a four (4) year period beginning July 1, 2020; and WHEREAS, the voters of Monroe County previously approved a referendum authorizing the School District to raise funds for purposes of maintaining and improving the safety and security of local schools for a four (4) year period beginning January 1, 2019; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Monroe County, Florida requires a renewal of the previously levied millage to continue meeting its operational budgetary needs with respect to teacher salaries, insurance benefits, classroom materials and meeting the enhanced safety and security measures now required by law; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County School District wishes to combine the operational millage approved by the voters in 2018 and 2020 into a single referendum, which if approved, would void the remaining two years of millage approved in 2020; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Monroe County, Florida intends to issue a voter referendum in a special election on August 23, 2022, requesting that the citizens of Monroe County, Florida approve a renewal of the 2018 and 2020 operational millages; Buubdinfou;!Fyijcu!B!up!Sftpmvujpo!NDTE!Sftpmvujpo!112.3133!Pqfsbujpobm!,!Tfdvsjuz!Njmmbhf!Sfgfsfoevn!Sftpmvujpo!)Qsjnbsz!Fmfdujpo*!!)Bqq Qbdlfu!Qh/!3533 Q/8/c NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1.!Adoption of Recitals The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety as if set forth in the body of this Resolution. 2.!Requesting Placement of Referendum on Election Ballot Pursuant to Florida Statute § 1011.73(2), the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida is hereby directed to call an election on August 23, 2022 for the qualified electors of the Monroe County School District to vote on a continuation of the current ad valorem millage rate set for the operating expenses of the School District as authorized by Florida Statute § 1011.71(9). 3.!Approval of Ballot Question The substance of the millage referendum and the ballot title shall read: RENEWAL OF OPERATIONAL FUNDING FOR MONROE COUNTY SCHOOLS: The School District seeks to continue its reduced millage for capital projects, making a proportional amount available for operational expenses, like teacher salaries. The District also seeks to continue retaining legally-required safe schools officers. Shall the District enact a yearly ad valorem tax of no more than 0.5625 mill, for four (4) years beginning January 1, 2023, for raising revenue for purposes of funding enhanced security measures and operational expenses of Monroe County schools? ____________ YES ____________ NO 4.!Effective Date This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the School Board of Monroe County, Florida. Buubdinfou;!Fyijcu!B!up!Sftpmvujpo!NDTE!Sftpmvujpo!112.3133!Pqfsbujpobm!,!Tfdvsjuz!Njmmbhf!Sfgfsfoevn!Sftpmvujpo!)Qsjnbsz!Fmfdujpo*!!)Bqq Qbdlfu!Qh/!3534 Q/8/c th DULY ADOPTED by the School Board of Monroe County, Florida this 8 day of February, 2022. Board Chair John Dick NO__________ YES_________ Vice-Chair Andy Griffiths NO__________ YES_________ Board Member Mindy Conn NO__________ YES_________ Board Member Robert Highsmith NO__________ YES_________ Board Member Suzanne Woltanski NO__________ YES_________ _______________________________________ Superintendent, Theresa Axford _______________________________________ Dirk M. Smits, B.C.S., Board Attorney Qbdlfu!Qh/!3535