Item P11 Q/22 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: P.11 Agenda Item Summary #10458 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: County Attorney's Office TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Bob Shillinger (305) 292-3470 n/a AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of an agreement with the law firm of Fishback Dominick, LLP to provide outside counsel services to the County Attorney's Office and the Planning and Environmental Resources Department retroactive to March 21, 2022. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County retained former Oseola County Attorney Andrew Mai and the firm Persson Cohen & Mooney, P.A. last year to help with the representation of the Planning and Environmental Resources Department. Andrew Mai recently left that firm and now has joined Fishback Dominick, LLP, which has several attorneys board certified in City, County, and Local Government law. This invoice is received from that firm, the contract will be terminated and purchase order closed. Mr. Mai is currently representing the County in one litigation matter, Sunset Garden Estate Land Trust v. Monroe County, CA P 19-460. He will continue to bill at $275 per hour. Under the contract, the County Attorney is authorized to assign new matters to firm and approve new timekeepers who will also bill at $275 per hour. The County Administrator signed the initial agreement in order to fill the immediate need. The ($50,000) so ratification by the Board is necessary under the County Code and purchasing policy. The contract is effective retroactive to March 16, 2022, the date when Mr. Mai joined the Fishback firm. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: n/a CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: new STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Qbdlfu!Qh/!3556 Q/22 Outside Counsel Agreement Andrew Mai Fishback firm April 2022 (Signed by AWM) 4-4-22 2022 04 COI Fishback with Pro Liability Signed 2022 03 COI Fishback, Dominick - Andrew Mai Exp 01 03 23 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 3/21/2022 Expiration Date: TBD Total Dollar Value of Contract: TBD Total Cost to County: TBD Current Year Portion: TBD Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: Fund 148 unincorporated ad valorem CPI: n/a Indirect Costs: n/a Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: $15,000 per month Revenue Producing: no If yes, amount: n/a Grant: no County Match: n/a Insurance Required: Yes, $2,000,000.00 in professional liability insurance; the rest of the cove Additional Details: Yes. 08/01/21 NEW COST CENTER ADDED $100,000.00 148-67504 REVIEWED BY: Bob Shillinger Completed 04/04/2022 11:42 AM Purchasing Completed 04/04/2022 11:56 AM Budget and Finance Completed 04/04/2022 12:53 PM Brian Bradley Completed 04/05/2022 12:20 PM Bob Shillinger Completed 04/05/2022 1:29 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/05/2022 2:20 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!3557 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3558 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3559 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!355: Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3561 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3562 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3563 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3564 Q/22/b 04.08.2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3565 Q/22/b Ejhjubmmz!tjhofe!cz!Spcfsu!C/!Tijmmjohfs! EO;!do>Spcfsu!C/!Tijmmjohfs-!p>Npospf! Spcfsu!C/! Dpvouz!CPDD-!pv>Npospf!Dpvouz! Buupsofz-!fnbjm>tijmmjohfs. cpcAnpospfdpvouz.gm/hpw-!d>VT! Tijmmjohfs Ebuf;!3133/15/16!26;65;38!.15(11( Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3566 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3567 Q/22/b Buubdinfou;!Pvutjef!Dpvotfm!Bhsffnfou!Boesfx!Nbj!Gjticbdl!gjsn!Bqsjm!3133!)Tjhofe!cz!BXN*!5.5.33!\\Sfwjtjpo!2^!!)sbujgjdbujpo!pg!dpousbdu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3568