05th Change Order 04/11/2022 Lfwjo!H/!Xjmtpo-!Q/F/! 3133/15/19!25;18;64!.15(11( M ONROE C OUNTY/E NGINEERING/ P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT C ONTRACT C HANGE O RDER Coral Construction Company 6807 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 Original landscaping plans were generated utilizing a survey from 2015 and incorporated additional landscaping that met the existing native landscape. Since 2015, multiple storms including Hurricane Irma, have impacted the project site. Following hurricane Irma, several densely vegetated areas no longer exist leaving vast areas of fill. If left as is, these areas would result weeds, erosion, and an undesirable walking surface within the park. Without a permanent irrigation system planned, sodding these areas with Bahia Grass was recommended by the Landscape Architect. This change order encompasses all additional work including all labor, equipment, materials and temporary irrigation necessary to sod an additional 17,500 square feet of fill area within the park. No additional contract time is required to complete this additional work. Change order is 2.91% of original contract price. Ejhjubmmz!tjhofe!cz!Dbsz!Lojhiu! Dbsz!Lojhiu Ebuf;!3133/15/19!22;58;3:!.15(11( Lfwjo!H/!Xjmtpo-!Q/F/! 3133/15/22!2:;4:;24!.15(11( During construction, it was determined that placing sod to cover large areas of fill was necessary to prevent weeds, erosion, and provide a desirable walking surface, as such, it was not included in original contract specifications. N/A