Resolution 132-20221 Wa4i JA I J, 1 101" Al. *.Z WHEREAS, an uninamed Key located at 24"41'59"N, 81 "26:44"W between T'optree Hammock and Big Torch Key has been privately owned by the Schwartz family for 30 years,, and WHEREAS,, the Schwartz familly hias referred to the Key as "'Urchin Key", due the Presence of small sea urchins prevalent around the island when the family first visited tihiei Keiy,, and i WHEREAS,,the island is an 11.5; acre island in the Florida Keys, wihlic!h lies along Nilies Channel, east ofToli Hammock Key a:nd west of Big Torch Key; and the official geographic location of the island is Monroe Counity, Florida', 24 degrees 41i' 59"N81 degrees 26'44"W�l USGS map — Summerland Key 1,24,OiOO, WHEREAS, research has found a 191h century chart listing the niame "BUrnt ,<eys'o in the general vicinity of this island and neighboring Toptree Hammock Key; t,hi riame is recorded in the U.S. Board of Geographic Names' Graphic Names Infoirmati -1 System (G, NIS) as a variant of the latter name, citing Key Namies� A Gazetteer of the i y Islands aooo of the Florida Keysa publictin in the Mnroe Cunt Public Library, but is -iot recorded as an official name; and WHEREASwhile much of the area surrounding the island is managed by t,h'i U,S, Fish and Wildlife, Service as the Great Whit�e Heroin National Wildlife Refuge, t1i �sland itself is, privately owiined,' and WHEREAS, the GNIS does not list any ot�hieir features in Florida or the Florida Keys namedi "Urchin Key,". NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE MONROE COLINTYBOARD COUNTY COMMISSISIONERS, THAT: I 1111111111 iiiijil�nii� :'3. The, Clerk is her0by-I directed to forward a certified 'copy ,of this ,- r6solutioft to; a e'&S,. pplogh:�al` ey'. the arnk�'U G Sury -12201 Suneis­eVa1ley D�riv ,,VS:5.2_3' Re_ stortVA. ,20192-0 -5 -23; b. the Florida .8tafebbard_66 GeographicGeographjc Karnes, FRE Q<.'U.0O22K StateUniversity; 1all-ailhassee, F Florida SiL 32306.; 2641 c, Richard B. Schwar , tz, 44:03 Fe,rr. Landing, . Evans, GA 30809; Efhd _y 6-6 ` - d. John -Schwartz, 311. turner Road, Willia�.nston, Michigan -4 95. ,4; Staff is. authorized. to complete. any, forms necessary to tomplete.' the application req'q,i'r&d b '''h f y%t ..e.Bb*d p 'Geographic Names PASSED, AN D�A'DO PT E D.by_ith&., Bdadrdlbf L'i rity"Commissioners O'f,-,M on roe-, ou n, Florida at a regularmeetingof:said Bo_ard,'aq.Ahe 20th day of Apfil,.2422. Mayor David P. Rice Mayor Pro Tern Craig,'Qates issioner Michelle Cold iron iSSio' n bistrict. 3 issioner'H IN Rascheini ­ -0" _ ''" VI N MADOlk, CLERK .BY: Q±k (As Depuy.QlerO Yes Yes Yes Vacant —Yes BOARD- OF COUNTTCOWIMI COMMISSIONERS. OF VONROE COUNTY' FLORIDA: App roved d fdr form and legal,sufficlency. 0191ta!lk:stgHed by Robert O;Shilll ng 6f, DR- Cn-;n6tmNt-'8. r�oty r Jomou-m - Robert B. Shilling-e �dnr6e County Attorney; Date: 2627,03.07 13iW44 (15W Robert.13. 8h-i'llinger,'County Attorney _j C\ Mayor r!DaWi`� ,Ribo