Resolution 014-1999 Rcsolution Nil. 014 - 1999 OMB Schcdule Itcm Numbcr 12 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 1998, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that there shall be transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 1998 as. hereinafter set forth to and from the following accounts: Fund #148 - MSTD - PlnglBldg/Codc/Firc Marshall From: 148-5900-85525-590990 Cost Centcr # 85525 - Rcscrvcs 148 For the Amount: $53.00 To: 148-5220-14000-530410 Cost Center # 14000 - Fire Marshall Other Uses Phone, Postage, Frcight Fund #141 - Fire & Ambulancc District 1 From: 141-5900-85520-590990 Other Uses Cost Center # 85520 - Reserves 141 For the Amount: S24,000.00 To: 141-5260-13001-510120 Regular Salaries & Wages Cost Center # 13UOl - LK & MK Ambulance Fund #504 - Central Scrvices From: 504-5900-85542-590990 Othcr Uses Cost Center # 85542 - Rcserves 504 For the Amount: $19,000.00 To: 504-5190-23502-510120 Regular Salaries & Wages Cost Ccnter # 23502 - Fleet Management Svc Fuel Fund #002 - Supplemcnt to Gcneral Fund - Library From: 002-5900-85501-590990 Cost Centcr # 85501 - Rcserves 1102 For the Amount: $1,200.00 To: 002-5710-62012-560660 Cost Centcr # 62012 - Librarics Big Pine Fund #001 - General Fund From: 001-5900-85500-590990 Cost Center # 85500 - Reserves UOt For the Amount: $23.69 To: 001-5750-00502-530410 Cost Centcr # 00502 - Middlc Kc)'s AARP From: 001-5900-85500-590990 Cost Center # 85500 - Rcserves 1101 For the Amount: $6,106.69 To: 001-6890-82004-530310 Cost Ccnter # 82004 - Oth Circ Ct Juvenilc Itcm # 12.doc 12/29/98 Pag~ I Othcr Uscs 3: C> 0 :z::: }> Books,Pubs,&Lib Matel'ia~p~: ,." :x: -(: n' (- oc"). e::::o .~ 2:.. C -fC':)r- Other Uscs :<:-i::t: ..,,' l> r- Q > f'?1 Phone, Postagc, Frcight Other Uses Phone, Postage, Frcight \0 \D GJ , N .." ;::= l"I'l o " o ::0 :::0 ,." C"") o :::0 o .~ - - - en ~. Fund #101 - Law Enforcemcnt, Jail, Judicial From: 101-5900-85503-590990 Othcr Uses Cost Center # 85503 - Reserves 101 For the Amount: SI,8-t3.13 To: 101-5210-81008-530310 Professional Services Cost Center # 81008 - Sheriff Extradition From: 101-5900-85503-590990 Other Uses Cost Ccntcr # 85503 - Reserves 10 1 For the Amount: $2,317.73 To: 101-6180-81004-530400 Travcl Cost Center # 81004 - Witness Coordination From: 101-5900-85503-590990 Other Uses Cost Center # 85503 - Reserves III I For the Amount: $800.23 To: 101-6210-81006-530310 Professional Services Cost Centcr # 81006 - Public Defender Conflicts Fund #103 - Law Library From: 103-5900-85505-590990 Cost Center # 85505 - Reserves 103 For the Amount: $28.02 To: 103-7140-85001-560660 Cost Center # 85001 - Law Library Other Uses Books,Pubs,&Lib Material BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above. is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items. as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of January AD 1999. Mayor Harvey MayorProTem Freeman Commissioner Neugent Commissioner WilIiams Commissioner Reich YP-H Y'2'~ yp-p. yep. YPp. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS u::, ~:~.~':~E ~~' F;2~~\-- By: Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~q~A~~~ ~. <J l Item #12.doc 12/29/98 Page 2