Meeting Date: July 17, 2013 Division: County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes No X Department:
Staff Phone #: Lisa Tennyson x4444
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Monroe County RESTORE Act Local Advisory
Committee's project funding application form and timetable.
The Local Advisory Committee has met three times and has developed a funding application form and
timetable for funding submissions. The draft application and timetable are attached.
The Committee will review applications and then rank projects for funding from the "local pot." It will
then present that list to the BOCC, which will make the final determination of project awards.
Though it still remains unknown when/if/how much funding will be available through RESTORE Act,
the County will be prepared with a project list when funding becomes available. In addition, a local
multi-year implementation plan will have to be developed encompassing our project list, timeframes for
project milestones, project costs, etc. Having a project list in place will enable us to begin to work on that
The Committee may also receive project applications for local pot funding that may be deemed by the
Committee as more appropriate for funding from the "consortium pot" (for example, if they are larger or
more regional in scope or if the funding request is significant) in which case the Committee will also
make a recommendation list to the BOCC for potential consortium pot projects.
County staff has compiled a list of BOCC projects eligible for funding from the local and consortium
pots; that list is also on today's agenda for BOCC approval.
• May 15, 2013 BOCC reviewed project selection criteria and requested that the Committee consider
• March 20, 2013 BOCC approved its six appointees to Committee; the five municipalities have also
appointed their representatives to Committee.
• February 20, 2013 BOCC adopted Resolution 094-2013 creating Monroe County Restore Act
Advisory Committee, and its purpose, duties, and responsibilities.
• September 21, 2012 BOCC approval of Inter-local agreement to join the RESTORE Act Gulf Consortium;
• September 21, 2012 BOCC selection of Mayor Neugent as representative and Commissioner Rice as the
alternate representative to the RESTORE Act Gulf Consortium.
APPROVED BY: County Attyo_-,-OMB/Purchasing_ Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required
Revised 1/09
To: County Administrator RomunGuubui
Re: Monroe County Local RESTORE Act Advisory Committee Draft Application
Fr: Lisa Tennyson, Leo /\coDircctor
Date: July 9, 20l3
The Local Committee met three times: May lh, 2Ol3,June l2, 20|3 and June 28,2OlI At the June l2
the Committee directed staff to draft an application for Local Pot project funding based on the
application being utilized by0EP for RESTORE projects. &1 the June 28m meeting,the Committee carefully
rcvic`rcd/o/odifiud the application drafted 6vstaff, made some modifications, and is presented here for
The Committee selected the DEP application as the template for the following reasons: it is the application
being used across several different pots including RESTORE Federal Pot and the NFWF pot, and iavery
similar tn the NBO]A pot application. This will make it easier for applicants who wish to submit their
projects to these different pots for funding consideration. Thc[)EP application is also thorough and
addresses most of the important project criteria presented tothe BO[C. (YVbc,c it did not,the Committee
modified it.)
2. Project Award Criteria:
The Committee considered the following project criteria u1 the request nfthe B()CC, and wished to have
them all addressed in the application(which they are.) However,the Committee did not think any single
criteria should prevent u project Dmnubeingconuidcrcdfbrfunding. So for example, ifu project docuuot
have zoNcb' it may utU|have merit and should still be considered for funding,though it may score fewer
points on that component. These are the criteria addressed:
l. Project must meet the eligible uses and funding conditions in the Act, and any Treasury
2. Projects provide positive environmental and/or economic bcnufit to Monroe County.
3. Projects are consistent with local government comprehensive plans and community priorities.
4� Projects incorporate other funding partners to fully leverage RESTORE funds.
5. Feasibility(financially,technically, administratively)/Probability of Success (Are there obstacles?
Can they be reasonably overcome?It is permittable?Will it be able to qualify for nec. permits?)
6� Readiness to implement/timeftame for complefion(is it already permitted?How long before
implementation? How long tocorup|ete?)
7. |0cneOtu are direct and measurable(are the benefits clear, obvious, measurable?Are they
& Benefits are Keys-wide(Do the benefits accrue Keys-wide or are they localized?)
g. Cost-effective/rcturn on investment(Is it worth it?What is the fundiug/leverage ratio?)
lU. Public support(Can the project dcouonobNeuuppo/i§nrnUhcpoh|ic? lait part ofunalready
approved comp plan? State plan?Federal plan?}
ll. Clear ability to demonstrate, monitor and report on both results and expenditure of funds
(Requirements for project compliance with monitoring, reporting, oozupliunoc` outcomes will be
very rigorous,will the project/applicant buuh\etocnucT/nunugethumo,cquircmucnta?)
12. Applicant is able to demonstrate experience/expertise related to project, ability to manage project
type/size, and ability to manage gov't grant/contracts. (Due to the rigor of
reporting/monitoring/auditing requirements,the administration of these projects will require
resources and experience, does the applicant demonstrate this ability/experience?)
3. Scoring:
Each of the questions on the application addresses the following components,and applicants may earn any
number of points up the maximum number of points for each component. The following is the scoring
rubric for the application:
Component Max Pts
Project Description 20
Project Budget(Match, Financial Feasibility, Cost-effectiveness) 15
Technical Feasibility 5
Readiness for Implementation 10
Completion Time 10
Environmental Benefits 10
Economic Benefits 10
Community Resilience Benefits 5
Complements Existing Efforts/Public Support 5
Management Capacity 10
Maximum Total Points 100
4. Application Process:
The Committee's recommended time frame for the application process is as follows:
• Funding Solicitation Opens: July 22, 2013
• Funding Solicitation Closes: August 30, 2013
• Local Advisory Committee Review/Ranking Meeting(s): September/October,2013
• BOCC Decision on Project Rankings: October/November,2013
5. Ongoing considerations:
Administration responsibilities and costs are an issue we must monitor. These costs are limited to 3%by the
legislation. We are uncertain at this time how"administration"will be defined or to whom it will be
assigned, as we are still waiting on further guidance from the Treasury rules. It is a possibility that the
County may be assigned the role of administrator for the projects that receive funding from the Local Pot.
Therefore both the County and funding recipients should be mindful of potential administrative
responsibilities(financial and program monitoring, auditing,reporting, etc.)and the associated costs.
We also anticipate,though don't know for sure,that the RESTORE funding program will operate as a
federal grant program. Federal grant program rules and regulations are rigorous, include requirements such
as NEPA analysis and Davis-Bacon Act wage reporting and procurement regulations, and can be costly in
terms of resources for grant recipients. The County should be prepared for this. Potential recipients should
also be knowledgeable of federal grant requirements as they apply to the implementation and management of
their projects, and have the capacity to manage these requirements.
Though it still remains unknown when/if/how much funding will be available through the RESTORE Act, by
acting now,the County will be prepared with a project list. The County is also required to develop a multi-
year implementation plan encompassing our project list,timeframes for project milestones,project costs, etc.
Having a project list in plan will enable us to being to work on that plan. Should the process be significantly
delayed, and the project list gets stale,then the project list can always be revisited and revised at the
direction of the BOCC. (Of course all project awards are subject to the availability and amount of local
RESTORE Act dollars directed to Monroe County. We can give applicants no anticipated timeframe, and
they are informed of this on the application.)
� 01 dl
Project Funding Submittal Form -- DRAFT
The RESTORE Act Project Submittal Form is designed to assist citizens, businesses and public or private
organizations wishing to submit a project for consideration of funding from the RESTORE Act dollars allocated to
Monroe County by the 2012 RESTORE Act.
• To be considered for RESTORE Act funding from Monroe County's RESTORE Act local allocation, or "local pot,"
you must complete this Project Funding Submittal Form and submit it electronically and hardcopy, by the due
date: AUGUST 30, 2013 AT 2:00 PM. Late or incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.
• Please submit one complete Submittal Form per project; if you have multiple projects, please submit one
Submittal Form for each project.
• A complete Submittal Form will consist of the following four sections:
1. Application Cover Pages- please use the formatted cover pages included (questions 1-6);
2. Proiect Budget- please use the budget form included;
3. Application Narrative-Detailed Project Information (questions 7-18);
(For this portion, please provide responses on normal, letter size paper, 12 pt. font, and 1" margins; and
paginate. Take as much space as needed for each question, but please keep responses as focused as possible.
It may assist you to review all the questions before addressing any one question. Please be sure to respond to
each question. If a question is not applicable, please indicate that.)
4. Any additional documentation necessary to fully understand your project.
• Please submit completed form ELECTRONICALLY, as a single PDF document, to tennvson-lisa@monroecounty- Once your Form is received,you will receive a confirmation email.
• Please submit completed HARD COPY Form to Lisa Tennyson, Office of Management and Budget, 1100 Simonton
Street, Room 213, Key West Florida 33040.
• Please refer to the Monroe County RESTORE Act website for additional information. Questions can be directed to
Lisa Tennyson by email at
Selection for Funding:
• Proposals will be evaluated based on these criteria: 1) need for and benefits of the project; 2) cost-effectiveness
and financial feasibility; 3) technical feasibility/probability of success; 4) timeliness of implementation and
completion; 5) consistency with approved public plans/public support; and 6) project management capacity.
• Applications received by the due date, and which meet at least one of the allowable uses, will be reviewed and
scored by the members of the Monroe County Local Advisory Committee.
• The Committee will meet in one or more noticed, public meeting(s) (dates to be determined) to discuss,
evaluate and rank project submissions.
• The list of ranked projects will be presented to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners which will
make the final decision on project awards.
General Information:
• All project awards are subject to availability and amount of local RESTORE Act dollars directed to Monroe
• All project awards will be subject to all applicable federal,state,and local laws, rules, regulations, and policies
(auditing, reporting, procurement, transparency, etc.). Federal rules and regulations guiding RESTORE Act
project award funding are still being developed by the US Treasury. All information provided herein is subiect
to further revision pending the development and adoption of these rules
• All projects must have a direct benefit to Monroe County pursuant to one or more of the RESTORE Act criteria.
• Applicants certify that the information provided in their completed Submittal Forms and in any supporting
documents, are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. Inaccuracies, omissions, or any other
information found to be false may result in rejection of this application and project funding consideration.
• All Submittal Forms and supporting documentation are subject to discussion and public input at RESTORE Act
Local Advisory Committee meetings, public meetings, and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners;
and those submitting proposals may be requested to present their proposals or respond to questions at such
• Applicants may be requested to provide additional information or to complete a supplemental project proposal
• All forms and supporting documentation are public information and will be made available to the public
pursuant to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and policies.
• Projects for funding from other RESTORE Act provisions should be submitted to the appropriate funding entity,
(ie, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Natural Resource Damage
Assessment, etc.) For additional information on other funding opportunities, visit the Department of
Environmental Protection website at wv vA e a.
• Projects must meet at least one of the uses listed below. The list of allowable uses has been ranked in priority
order by the Local Advisory Committee and is provided as a reference.
Monroe County RESTORE Act Local Advisory Committee Ranking of Allowable Uses
Use Rank
Restoration and protection of natural resources,ecosystems,fisheries, marine and wildlife
habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands 1
Mitigation of damage to fish,wildlife and natural resources 2
Infrastructure projects benefitting economy or ecological resources 3
Promotion of tourism in the Gulf region, including recreational fishing 4
Workforce development and job creation 5
Coastal flood protection and related infrastructure 6
Improvements to state parks affected by Deepwater Horizon oil spill 6
Implementation of federally approved marine/coastal management plan g
Promotion of consumption of seafood harvested from the Gulf Coast region 9
Planning Assistance 10
Section 1: Application Cover Page; Basic Criteria
Please use this page,or re-create as is.
1. PROJECT TYPE: (As mandated by the RESTORE Act,funds may only be used for one or more of the allowable uses listed
below, which the County cannot amend or change. Carefully review each criteria listed below and determine if your project
will achieve one or more of the allowable uses below. Projects that do not meet at least one of the allowable uses below will
not be considered for funding. Check all that apply.)
C__a Restoration and protection of natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife
habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast Region.
F7 Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife, and natural resources.
Cl Implementation of a federally approved marine/coastal management plan, including fisheries
FJ Workforce development and job creation.
C1 Improvements to or on state parks in coastal areas affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
C. Infrastructure projects benefitting economy or ecological resources, including port
Coastal flood protection and related infrastructure.
El Planning assistance.
C_I Activities to promote tourism and seafood in the Gulf Coast region, for one or more of the
[__1 Promotion of tourism in the Gulf Region, including recreational fishing.
11 Promotion of the consumption of seafood harvested from the Gulf Coast region.
2. CONTACT INFORMATION: (Include at least one name, phone number, email address, and organization name if
• Organization:
• Address:
• City, State, Zip Code:
• Contact Person
o Name:
a Title:
a Phone:
o Email Address:
Section 2. Application Cover Page; Project Summary Information
Please utilize this sheet or re-create,but keep format as is.
3. Project Name: (Provide a short,succinct title for the project)
4. Project Executive Summary: (Provide a concise summary or abstract in the space below;do not exceed the space below.)
5. Range of Benefit: Does this project have a
❑ Local benefit?
❑ Keys-wide benefit?
❑ Regional benefit?
❑ Gulf-wide benefit?
(Provide the location of the project and a brief description of the area that is benefiting, do not exceed the space below,)
6. Project Cost: (Provide the actual/estimated project cost, the amount being requested with this submission, and the amount of
match committed to the project from any source. Please make clear the total project cost and the amount you are requesting.
There is an opportunity to provide detailed cost/request/match information in the narrative section(see question 8.)
9 Total Project Cost: $
• RESTORE Request Amount: $ %of project cost:
• Secured Cash Match (committed funding from other sources): $ %of project cost:
• In-kind Match value: $ %of project cost:
i • Funding Gap:
$ %of project cost:
• Anticipated Cash Match (potential funding from other sources)*: $ %of project cost:
*These funds must be secured within 1 year of project award,
Section 3. Project Budget
Activity/ Cost Anticipated Cash In-kind
Item RESTORE Match Match
Construction or Project Activity(ies)
Project Cost
Total Administration*:
TOTAL Project Cost:
Estimated Costs by Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Notes:Only complete the sections of the budget that are applicable for your project. Please refer to question 8 to provide further explanation
of budget details. *The RESTORE Act places a total 3%cap on administrative expenses. We are uncertain at this point how this will be applied
how"administration"will be defined or assigned or whether projects may even be able to include administration We are waiting on further
guidance from US Treasury rules to define this Please keep this in mind as you develop your budget.Administrative costs typically include but
may not be limited to overhead costs for basic operational functions(insurance, utilities),as well as costs associated with admin staff such as
Section 4. Application Narrative; Detailed Project Information
Please respond clearly and specifically to each of the following questions. Use 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, and
pagination, to aid in readability. There is no page limit, but please be as brief as possible. To complete your
submission, please attach your response to these questions to the application cover pages and the budget page.
7. Project Description: (Describe all aspects of the project, what issue, need, concern or problem does the project
address? Why is the issue/need/concern/problem important?Is there an urgency or immediacy to the need?Provide
facts and data sources used to support the need for this project. What and/or who does the project impact, benefit or
affect; what will it accomplish when completed? Provide facts and data sources to support the expected impacts.
Proved any other relevant information needed to describe your project. Be sure you make the connection between
your project and the RESTORE Act criteria selected on first page. Provide citations for all references quoted or used to
support the need for and impacts of this project.)
Maximum 20 pts. How important is this project in terms of the need it meets and the goals it is seeking to
achieve?How critical is the need it addresses?Is the need supported by data/facts?Is this project likely to meet
its goals?Is the project approach organized and well thought out?
8. Budget Narrative/Financial Feasibility/Cost-Effectiveness: (Be sure that your responses to this question
and dollar amounts used are consistent with those used in Application Project Budget, and those in Question 6.
• Clearly indicate and describe the estimated or actual costs of the project.
• Clearly indicate and describe the amount and use of RESTORE Act funding request.
• Identify amount and sources for your secured cash match funding ["Cash match" is defined as actual cash
contributions to project costs. "Secured cash match funding" is funding that has been committed to your
project.] Please demonstrate secured match funding with documentation such as commitment letter(s)from
the funder(s).
• Identify amount and sources for your anticipated cash match. ["Anticipated cash match"is potential funding
you have sought or will seek but is not confirmed.] Please note that an applicant must have its project's
"anticipated cash match" secured within one year of award of RESTORE Act funding. Explain, if applicable,
how these RESTORE funds may be used to leverage additional funding.
• If your project is also using in-kind match ["In-kind match" is defined as contribution to project costs other
than cash], please identify what the in-kind match includes and how you calculated its value.
• Explain how the project is financially feasible fie, is there a plan to cover all costs?]
• Explain how the project is cost-effective fie, is this project a good value, is it economical in terms of the
tangible benefits produced by the money being spent?])
Maximum 15 pts. Several things will be evaluated with respect to the budget including match value,financial
feasibility and cost-effectiveness.
9. Technical Feasibility: (Explain how this project is technically feasible,ie, how do you know that this is a feasible
project that can be implemented and that will result in success. Describe the technologies involved. Describe
relevant past experience or proven success with this type of technology and this type of project. Describe why this
project is likely to succeed?)
Maximum 5 pts. Is this approach likely to work?
10. Readiness for Implementation/Permitting Considerations: (What steps are necessary and how long will it
take to implement this project? Describe the required design and permitting work required for implementation.
How far along is the design and permitting? Has it started?Is it complete?If required permits have already been
obtained, please attach copies. If the design has been completed, please attach copy of the design work. If the
design work has not yet begun, please tell us how long this will take. If permits are required, but not yet obtained,
please discuss how you know your project will qualify for the required permits and how long will this permit
process take. In other words, if your project is not shovel-ready, what is entailed and how long will it take to
before it becomes shovel-ready?Identify the specific milestones and timeframe for each.)
Maximum 10 pts. is the timeframe realistic?Is the permitting achievable?Is the timeframe acceptable?
11. Project Completion Timetable: (Once the project can be implemented, what are the steps and how long will it
take to complete the project?Identify milestones and timeframe for each.)
Maximum 10 pts. Timeframe realistic?Is the timeframe acceptable?
12. Environmental Benefits: (Describe the nature, magnitude, and timing of any environmental benefits
attributable to the project. Identify and quantify all environmental benefits expected. How will these benefits be
measured and evaluated? How long before benefits are realized? Are these benefits short-term? Long-term?
Identify the party responsible for the achievement of these benefits. Describe how your project is sustainable. (In
other words, how much or what percentage of the project's services and/or benefits will still be delivered and
maintained after the project is complete and/or funding has ended.) How will you monitor and ensure
sustainability after the funding has ended. Please address any potential environmental impacts (ie, loss of habitat)
associated with implementing or maintaining the project.)
Maximum 10 pts. Are the benefits impactful? Do the benefits address/correct/mitigate/advance a critical
need/issue? Likelihood of achieving these benefits? Acceptable timeframe for achieving the benefits? Does the
project have long-term sustainability?
13. Economic Benefits: (Describe the economic benefits that will be achieved. Identify and quantify all economic
benefits expected. How will these benefits be measured and evaluated? When do you expect to see the results?
Are these benefits short-term?Long-term?How will you ensure the achievement of long-term benefits?Identify the
party responsible for the achievement of these benefits. Describe how your project is sustainable. (In other words,
how much or what percentage of the project's services and/or benefits will still be delivered and maintained after
the project is complete and/or funding has ended.) How will you monitor and ensure sustainability after the
funding has ended. If this is a workforce development project please describe how the project will result in new,
expanded or retained business development opportunities and job creation. Please include detail about what types
of jobs will be created?How many and when? What it the anticipated annual salary or hourly rate, are the jobs full
time or part time, are benefits included, etc.?)
Maximum 10 pts. Level of benefits?Do they address/correct/mitigate/advance a critical need/issue?Likelihood
of achieving these benefits?Acceptable timeframe for achieving the benefits?Does the project have long-term
14. Community Economic and/or Environmental Resilience Benefits: (Describe if the project assists with our
community's ability to anticipate, withstand, or recover (environmentally and/or economically)from hazards or
threats, eg. hurricane evacuation,flood mitigation and prevention,future oil spills, shoreline protection, etc.)
Maximum 5 pts. Level of benefits?Do they address/correct/mitigate/advance a critical need/issue?Likelihood
of achieving these benefits?Acceptable timefrome for achieving the benefits?
15. Complements to Existing Efforts/Public Acceptance: (How does the project complement existing local,
regional or state efforts/plans/objectives or on-going efforts/activities. Explain why your project does not interfere
or conflict with any existing efforts, and why your project in not duplicative of any existing efforts. Also, please
explain whether your project is consistent with/included in a local government Comprehensive plan, Capital plan,
Mitigation Plan, Wastewater or Storm Water Master Plan, etc. if not part of an already approved plan, please
describe any known or potential public approval or opposition to the project. Explain any efforts to determine
public acceptance.)
5 pts. Does the project align with county and/or municipal priorities?is there clear public support?
16. Compliance with Federal, State, Local Regulations: (Describe how the project complies with all regulations.
Note:Additional restrictions and requirements may be applicable based on US Treasury guidance to be established
pursuant to the RESTORE Act.) No points awarded,since compliance with regulations is a requirement.
17. Project Management Capacity: (We expect that all funded projects will receive a high degree of scrutiny from
both state and federal agencies throughout their duration both programmatically and financially, and will be
required to comply with a rigorous standard for monitoring, reporting and auditing of both results and
Please also note that the framework for RESTORE Act project funding has not yet defined but will likely draw
significantly from federal grant guidelines, rules, regulations and requirements. Therefore, assuming the applicant
entity will be responsible for implementing and administering its project according to federal grant guidelines,
1. Describe the expertise, experience and prior success of the organization and persons to implement the type and
size project proposed here.
2. Describe the organization's experience with federal grant requirements, and with management of government
grant funded projects of this type and size, including financial and outcomes, monitoring, reporting and
3. Describe your plan for programmatic and financial management, oversight and monitoring.
4. Describe the project management team, including the names, qualifications, experience and prior success of
those responsible for design, implementation, outcomes achievement, and financial management.)
Maximum 10 pts. Does the organization or sponsor have the demonstrated ability and experience to
implement/administer this project, and deliver on the outcomes?
18. Additional Information: (Please include any maps, designs, drawings, photos, or background resources that
may assist in understanding the project. Please be mindful of the electronic file size of your application. We will be
forwarding this application to various reviewers/recipients electronically. Many servers do not accept large file
sizes. Also limit attachments to those measuring 8x11 that can reproduced with little or no expense (limit color
photos, blueprint type documents, etc.)
Project Description 20
Project Budget(Match, Financial Feasibility, Cost-effectiveness) 15
Technical Feasibility 5
Readiness for Implementation 10
Completion Time -10
Environmental Benefits -10
Economic Benefits -10
Community Resilience Benefits 5
Complements Existing Efforts/Public Support 5
Management Capacity 10
Maximum Points 100
• Funding Solicitation Opens: July 22, 2013
• Funding Solicitation Closes: August 30, 2013
• Local Advisory Committee Review/Ranking Meeting(s): September/October, 2013
• BOCC Decision of Project Awards: October/November, 2013