Item B03BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 16, 2008 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes — No x Depmtment: Dist.3 Staff Contact /Phone #: Tammy Sweetina AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Mayor's Proclamation observing May 10, 2008 as World Lupus Day. ITEM BACKGROUND: Lupus is a chronic wAoimmune disease that strikes mostly women of child-bearing age. Women of certain races and ethnicities bear the biggest burden of this debilitating and sometimes fatal disease. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACTIAGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENU>r PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY. County Atty _ OMEWurehasing _ Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Wtuded DISPOSITION - Reviwd 1 Ift Not Required lei NIIXI " ;IJ .9 fRapor ' prodamat'ton A4 The World Lupus Day Prodsna4ion was fires deveaoped m 2004 when as nderrrudiornal steering omwnkbe representing lupus ab m 13 different nations mat in Fain Unified Kingdom to orWnke V* first observance of Wand Lupus Dory. The Pmc n ebon is a call to action for goverrrnents around the world tolnaeaae their imancial support for kmus resew d , awareness and patient services. Each year, Use 5tearirg CwvrWtee revises the Proclamation to neAect the emerging Issues brat people with lipus around Ow world muss face every day. The Procyon serves to give a single voice to all irKrwk ucls afisctad by this deva stvdng and debilitating cfsonic disease. The wend Leper DRy Pfodamadm Please join the khemational lupus ommnunity m urging yow goverrnrrent to adopt and tea the Wald Lupus Day Proclamation. Whereas., lupus Is an a lofrrsnu ns disease Us# can cause severe damage to the true and organs in the body and, in some cares, death; and Whereas, acre Haan five mltiiora people worldwide suffw tine devaasmb% effects of this disease and each year over a hundred Uousard young worrren, men and children we newly diagnosed with krpus, the great rr *My of whom are wornen of childbetalring age; and Whereas, medical research efforts into kgxn and the discovery of safer, more effecim beshnsr>bs for lupus patients are under -furled in cornpariraa with dieeasss of cariparaeble mag txb and severity; arnd Whereas, many physkmm worldwide are u new om of symptoms and health effects of Lupus, causing people wily k4na to suffw for marry yam before they obk* a aired diagnosis and medfcai beatrnenti and Whereas, #we is a deep, unmet need worldwide to educate and support irdMduals and fartrtiles affected by Lupus; and Wherems, there is an urgent need to hm ase awareness in communities ►nrorfdwide of the debRaft impact of kipus; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that 10 May 200E is hereby designated as World kjpLm Day an which lupus orgarkaftu around the globe call for raises m public and private sector funding for medical reseact on lupus, targeted education prc>Bramr for twmM professionals, patients and to public, mid worldwide recognition of a sigrAc ent public immm mew. R=Ialfnad This My,16 April 2M Chades'So , Mayor Monroe County, a