Resolution 026-1999 Clerk of the Circuit Court RESOLUTION NO. 026 - 1999 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX BUILDING AT 500 WHITEHEAD STREET. KEY WEST. AS THE TEMPORARY COURTHOUSE FOR THE POSTING OF STATUTORILY REQUIRED NOTICES WHILE THE OLD COURTHOUSE AT 500 WHITEHEAD STREET IS UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION. WHEREAS, the old Courthouse building at 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. is presently undergoing extensive renovation that frustrates the use of the building as a site for the posting of public and statutory notices: and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, as the entity responsible under the laws of Florida for providing and managing the County Courthouse, has determined that it is necessary to designate the Courthouse Annex Building at 500 Whitehead Street as a temporary site for the posting of public and statutory notices: now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA: Section 1.) The Courthouse Annex Building at 500 Whitehead Street is hereby designated as the location for the posting of public notices and for the posting of those notices required by statute to be posted at the County Courthouse. Section 2.) This Resolution will remain in effect until the reconstruction work at the old Courthouse building at 500 Whitehead Street is complete. Complete, for the purposes of this Resolution, means when the City of Key West issues either a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy for the old Courthouse building. 3: o \D ." PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of MO~~~O~ty, ~ Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of January, 1~~ :z: 0 ~~%I~:~:~~~~~~:~:~man ~:: ~~~ : ~ / ",..> ' Commissioner George Neugent Yes ;<~:r: ::E ~ '>~ Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Yes ". :t> c:!' g .". , C". N W'II' Y r- C) ~ .;;..~~. ommlSSloner ora I lams es 1> f"l'l CJ1 Eg JO,;.~ '~,""': ' _ ; ,_ ,'lSl:&),' " ", , - ':'6ANNY I. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By B,jJ:"D ~~o lA~.~_ Depu Cle . . ~\ By\.~~ .t\':IIo.A~ ~._~~~ ~ Mayor/Chairman slresl annex.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM ANDl~ B~ ROBERT N DATE I.... G; .. 9.9 Danny Kolhage, Clerk Rob Wolfe, Chief Assistant County AttorneyO( V Posting of notices at the Courthouse while the renovation work is on-going. C OK~~rY of ~L~~A~goE County Attorney's Office 310 Fleming Street, Room 28 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292-3470 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: September 16, 1998 MEMORANDUM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Keith Douglass, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem, Jack london, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 (;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q(;Q There is no statute or case that I could locate that specifically addresses the concern you have raised. However, as I think we all would agree, the construction and maintenance of a courthouse are historically one of the essential functions of county government. See Posey v. Wakulla County, 3 SO.2d 799 (Fla. 1941); State v. County of Santa Rosa, 105 SO.2d 365 (Fla. 1958). In addition, the Legislature has specifically granted counties the power to "provide and maintain county buildings." See Sec. 125.01 (l)(c), F.S. The Legislature has also mandated that the "counties shall provide appropriate courtrooms, facilities [and] equipment...necessary to operate the circuit and county courts." See Sec. 43.28, F.S. Therefore, given the pervasive responsibility of the BCC to operate, equip and maintain a county courthouse, I suggest that the BCC, as essentially the manager of the courthouse, by resolution designate a temporary courthouse door and posting location for the placement of notices until the current renovations are complete. I also suggest temporary location be close to an office traditionally in the courthouse, e.g., the courtrooms, the Clerk's office, rather than offices that might or might not, be in the courthouse based upon administrative convenience, e.g., the County or State Attorney's offices. Please call or write with your comments, suggestions, etc. Rw/pr ~~ ~19