Time approx. 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Date:_ October 16,2013 Division: Employee Services
Bulk Item: Yes _ No X Department: Employee Benefits
Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Teresa Aguiar X4458
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval to implement a Wellness Program to
become effective January 1, 2014 which will affect County Commissioners, Constitutional Officers
and employees who participate in the Group Health Plan.
ITEM BACKGROUND: On February 16, 2011,the BOCC approved to advertise a Request for
Proposals for Medical Plan Administration on a Self-Funded or Fully Insured Basis, including: Claims
Administration, Utilization Review, Large Case Management, Disease Management,Network
Management,Pharmacy Benefit Management, Wellness Programs and/or Stop Loss Insurance. On
October 19, 2011, The BOCC approved a three year contract to begin November 1, 2011 with Blue
Cross Blue Shield of Florida(BCBSFL) for Medical Plan Administration on a Self-Funded Basis.
Early last year, a Wellness Committee was formed which consisted of a Representative from each
Constitutional Office and BOCC representative employees in the lower, middle and upper keys.
Earlier this year,the team convened in order to work together to develop the Wellness Program.
BCBSFL assisted staff in finalizing the product for implementation.
On October 19, 2011, the BOCC approved the contract with BCBSFL which includes Wellness
Program assistance.
, VV °
APPROVED BY: County Atty * OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required
Revised 7/09
County of Monroe Mayor George Neugent,District 2
Mayor Pro Tern,Heather Carruthers,District 3
The Florida Keys Danny L.Kolhage,District 1
David Rice,District 4
Sylvia J.Murphy,District 5
Office of the Employee Services Division Director
The Historic Gato Cigar Factory
1100 Simonton Street,Suite 268
Key West,FL 33040
TO: Board of County Commissioners DATE: September 20,2013
FROM: Teresa E.Aguiar,
Employee Services Director
SUBJ: Approval of Wellness Progr
This item requests your approval to implement a formal Wellness Program to cover Monroe
County BOCC employees, Commissioners, Constitutional Officers and their employees. As you
know, in the past we have been offering wellness activities for employee participation such as
Lunch&Learns and reimbursements for participating in walk/bike/triathlon events in the
community to encourage wellness behavior. We also coordinate annual health fairs for group
health plan participants in the lower, middle and upper keys. These events have yielded
approximately 5-10% annual participation.
Early last year Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida(BCBSFL)representatives met with staff and the
Wellness Committee members to educate us on worksite wellness and offer guidance and
assistance in the County's future wellness initiatives. The Wellness Committee members consist
of a representative from each Constitutional Office and BOCC representatives from the lower,
middle and upper keys.
Earlier this year the Committee members met to assist in creating a Wellness Program that would
encourage consistent participation in wellness activities. The members' role was to represent their
peer group by sharing ideas, needs, concerns and feedback from their work areas and colleagues in
regards to wellness activities. Staff then gathered the information and worked with BCBSFL to
develop a formalized worksite wellness program. The Program requires all participants to
complete onsite health screenings at the County organized health fairs or online personal health
assessment with doctor labs.
If approved,the program will be effective January 1, 2014 and the individual will have until
September 30,2014 to obtain 500 points of the various activities offered in the program.
Individuals will be provided access to a webinar that will train them on how the program will work
and help them navigate the website.
It is believed that this program will help our efforts in encouraging sustained improvement in
healthy behaviors. Healthy living and exercise increases one's health and the more participation
the greater chance that we will see a moderation in our health care costs. The fact is that health
care costs are going to continue to go up no matter what we do—Wellness programs help to
mitigate those increases.
It is recommended that you approve this recommendation with the effective date of January 1,
2014. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at X4458.
lllueRewards—Proposed Program Design with Monroe
County BOCC
Group#: B0611
Year I
Activity Name Activity Points Activity Activity
Recurrence Period Reported by
. . Get Asses
Complete Group-Hosted Personal Health Assessment
(onsite health screenings or online PHA with doctor labs)
Description: 'Biometric'-Blood pressure, cholesterol ratio,
total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein(HDL) body
weight(BMI),blood glucose levels.
Measurements: Individuals at risk track throughout the Once 7S Health Fair BCBSF
program as part of their personalized health care
plan,(Nursing Health Care Coaches are assigned)and
monitor numbers.BcBs can provide a report at any time.
Orul:r:ome.s:Analytical data to determine health
improvements and cost controls provided by BcBs.
Get Tools!
Viewed Navigating Health Care Video
Dry;sc:ript:io n:15 min video that can be viewed anytime that
explains all of the options available to participants such as Once 10 Throughout
Health Care Coaches to control diabetes or prenatal health. BCBSF
irMperrruremrrrri:,:r: Number of participants that view.
Outcome: Participants become aware of the many options
and share information with others.
View Making Most of your Health Care Dollars Video
Desc:ri tion:3 min video explaining plan coverage:in-
network v. out-network,cost-share v.deductibles etc. Once 10 Throughout BCBSF
�rc:rNuierrrentar:Amount of money saved. program
Outcomes:Members use less expensive services saving the
plan money.
Personal Health Record Video
Description:2 min video introduces the importance of
creating a health record and identifies the benefits. Once 10 Throughout BCBSF
Measurements:Number of participants that view. program
Outcomes:Data tracked.
Sign Up for Online Member Health Statement
Description:Members register to receive their Explanation
of Benefits on-line and access plan information. Claim Once 10 Throughout
processing greatly increased with opportunities to catch BCBSF
mistakes/errors sooner. program
Measurements:Number of participants that register.
()uftorr°ce5: Potential less costfor employee and plan.
9/20/2013 Page 1 of 10
An Wependent Licensee of 0e
Rue Cross and Rur S hfWd Arauos;'oaflomn
Uses Estimate Costs for Medical Services/Know Before
You Go Tool
Description:Members compare cost of medical services
before they schedule appointments, and tests. ix per 10 Throughout
M sera=��°�entsm Number of participants that view. quarter WebMD
Outcomes:Potential to greatly reduce employee and plan program
cost. (We plan to emphasize health care cost comparison
shopping in our newsletters and trainings).
Uses Personal Health Record
De scri Linn Electronic documentation provides data for
future analysis without violating confidentiality. ix per
Measurements:Number of records created. 10 Throughout
utc a��i�ws Analytical data. Close monitoring of high risk quarter program WebMD
participants...are they utilizing the tools available to
manage health?If not, why.If so, what works best?
Get Moving!
Enters Data in Exercise Tracker
Description:ion:Electronic documentation provides data for 1x per week 10 Throughout
future analysis without violating confidentiality. WebMD
Measurements:Number of records created.
Outcomes:Analytical data.
Enter Data in Weight Tracker
Desctip ion Electronic documentation provides data for 1x per week 10 Throughout
future analysis without violating confidentiality. WebMD
Measurements:Number of records created.
Outcomes:Analytical data.
Get Informed!
Select an Exercise Goal with the Digital Health Assistant
Descti Lion On-line tools to identify establish and monitor
goals.Provides relative information with encouraging tips
alongthe way. Throughout
Y Once 10 WebMD
Measurements:Number of records created.
Outcomes: Number of goals achieved
Select a Maintain Positive Mood Goal with the Digital
Health Assistant
Mood being soft approach to the management of
emotional health.
Description:On-line tools to identify establish and monitor Once 10 ThroughoutWebMD
goals.Provides relative information with encouraging tips Program
along the way.
Measurements:Number of records created.
0encornes: Number of goals achieved.
9/20/2013 Page 2 of 10
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An Ilindnp en ent Lkensne of the
he 0guns and Bhe Sin eld Asnaidafion
No M
Select a Nutrition Goal with the Digital Health Assistant
BcBs provides great coaching tools too. (Sugar Busters)
Description:On-line tools to identify establish and monitor Throughout
goals.Provides relative information with encouraging tips Once 10 WebMD
along the way. program
4eawrsura r ents,Number of records created.
,iutrornes: Number of goals achieved
Select a Quit Tobacco Goal with the Digital Health
Remember we have AHEC program as great resource.
Description: On-line tools to identify establish and monitor Throughout
goals.Provides relative information with Once 10 WebMD
9 encouraging f 9� 9 tips P program
along the way.
Measurements:Number of records created.
a,rla.vmesa Number of goals achieved
Select a Stress reduction Goal with the Digital Health
es(.,rip pion:On-line tools to identify establish and monitor Throughout
goals.Provides relative information with encouraging tips Once 10 WebMD
along the way. program
Measurements:ts:Number of records created.
Outcomes,. Number of goals achieved
Select a Weight Loss Goal with the Digital Health
Da sciiprtion On-line tools to identify establish and monitor
goals.Provides relative information with encouraging tips Once 10 Throughout WebMD
along the way. program
Measurements:Number of records created.
i:"pawp.a,rrmesm Number of goals achieved
Achieve an Exercise Goal with the Digital Health Assistant
Description:pion:Each goal achieved is highly rewarded to
motive and encourage continual participations. Once 50 Throughout WebMD
i amasurerraer ts:Number of pounds and inches lost. program
Out:armesm Reduced BMI numbers=Improved health for
participants and reduced cost for plan.
Achieve a Maintain Positive Mood Goal with the Digital
Health Assistant
Desctiprpion Each goal achieved is highly rewarded to Throughout
motive and encourage continual participation. Once SO WebMD
iearsarrarrrserrp°sm Number of records created.
Outcomes: Number of goals achieved(data will indicate
self-reporting improvements)
Achieve a Nutrition Goal with the Digital Health Assistant Throughout
Description:Each goal achieved is highly rewarded to Once SO WebMD
motive and encourage continual participations. program
9/20/2013 Page 3 of 10
Arr IIrdrrpr.rtideira Il.icensee d tl e
BLe Ci msc and CB6 9ie@d Assndarfloiru
asur,,meats:Number of pounds and inches lost.
Outcomes: Reduced BMI numbers=Improved health for
participants and reduced cost for plan.
Achieve a Quit Tobacco Goal with the Digital Health
Description: We may considering sending out the KWHS Throughout
marching band for this one O Once 50 WebMD
Measurements:Not smoking—eliminate tobacco use. program
Outcomes: Reduction in number of smokers improves
participant health and reduced cost for plan.
Achieve a Stress Goal with the Digital Health Assistant
Description Each goal achieved is highly rewarded to
motive and encourage continual participations. Once 50 Throughout WebMD
Measurements:Data self-reported. program
Outcomes:s. Reduced stressors =Improved health for
participants and reduced cost for plan.
Achieve a Weight Loss Goal with the Digital Health
Description:Each goal achieved is highly rewarded to Throughout
motive and encourage continual participations. Once 50 WebMD
Measur nientsm Number of pounds and inches lost. program
Outcomes: Reduced BMI numbers=Improved health for
participants and reduced cost for plan.
Make Progress toward your Weekly Plan
Description:To encourage members to participate at any 5ptseach Throughout
level and post data into the system. 1x per week WebMD
Measurements:Data self-reported. /180max program
Outcomes: Data available for analysis.
Complete a Weekly Plan
Description:To encourage members to participate at any 10pts Throughout
level and post data into the system. 1x a week each/100max program WebMD
Measurements:Data self-reported.
Outcomes: Data available for analysis.
!% Group Sponsored onsored Activities
Healthy Cookbook Event
D srtipt n:To encourage members participation and
share practical cooking tips to improve daily nutrition. Throughout
Measurements:Number of participants. Once 5 program Group Reports
Outcomes: Improved nutrition and program participation
will reduce plan cost.
Healthy Cookbook Event Cheerleader points
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level o Throughout
Y f Once 50 program Group Reports
participating by scheduling the event,securing the
location, organizing the event,leading the activities,
9/20/2013 Page 4 of 10
F�r4&Ae ®ruv,
An Vndepemndent:fiicensee of the
Bbe Cross and BLe slh'iM Associstuen
m �
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
5k walk/run/bike challenge/Hula-hoop Challenge/jump
rope challenge or Triathlon
DescripI`1cm:Team events to improve physical fitness in a
fun and competitive manner. 6x a year 25 Throughout Group Reports
�� o�a.�r�;^�� enBs°a Number of participants. Program
Outcomes:Improved health for individuals and reduced
cost for the plan.
5k walk/run/bike challenge/Hula-hoop Challenge/jump
rope challenge or Triathlon Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the a year 50 Program Group Report
location,organizing the event, leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
7 Inning Stretch
Description:Similar to activity at baseball games. The team
cheerleader calls for the 7th inning stretch around 3:00 pm
in the afternoon.Participants stand up from their desk and
complete the four minute desk exercises that were
identified in the Lunch&Learn exercise session.Physical
stretching increases circulation and energy levels while Throughout
avoiding the need for a snack or soda ix year 5 Program Group Reports
Measurements:Number of participants.
Outcomes:Fun physical activities help to overcome the
stigma of exercise being punitive. Improved physical
conditioning reduces health care cost for individual and
7` inning Stretch Cheerleader Points
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 1x year 50 Self-Report
location,organizing the event, leading the activities, Program
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
AHEC Tobacco Cessation
The FL Keys Area Health Education Center provides 1x a year 10 Throughout Group Reports
participants with a FREE program that includes Rx patches, Program
support groups and more.
AHEC Tobacco Cessation Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating 1x a year 50 Throughout Group Reports
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Program
participating by scheduling the event,securing the
9/20/2013 Page 5 of 10
auw 4 mum �I�
An Oubdepeirwde nt I.censesn of 6e
Mue Gross and Due Sfdeld Assodafion
�I�lil J ,fj�
location, organizing the event, leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
R62 400 PFG§FaFn GF9UP RePGA
Annual Flu Shot Throughout
Description:On site clinic's provided in collaboration with Program
Visiting Nurses Association.
Measurements:Number of participants. ix a year 10 Self-Report
Outcomes:Reduced health care cost associated with upper
respiratory infections and reduced absenteeism for
individuals and co-workers.
Annual Flu Shot Clinic Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 1x a year 50 Program Group Report
location,organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Go to Farmers Market
scd iption Participants take afield trip to a Farmers
Market to identity healthy food choices/alternatives. Throughout
P' ' ��,�tar�t��entsm Number of participants. ix a week 5 Program Self-Report
Outcomes::Improved nutrition for participants and lower
health care cost for plan.
Farmers Market Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 1x a year 50 Program Group Report
location,organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Sport Tournaments(flag football,softball,tennis,beach 5x a year 10 Throughout Self-Report
volleyball) Program
Sport Tournaments(flag football,softball,tennis,beach
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the ix a year 50 Program Group Report
location,organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Healthy Recipe Contest Throughout
Description: A fun activity to encourage the consideration 2x a year 10 Group Report
reparation of nutritional meals and support Program
9/20/2013 Page 6 of 10
An Independent Licensee of tl'ie
Blue Cross and Bhe Shlkdd Association
participation in the program.
asurvinent n Number of participants.
Oute,,,'om 5,'Program participation,improved nutrition and
lower health care cost.
Healthy Recipe Contest Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of Throughout
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 2x a year SO Group Report
location,organizing the event,leading the activities, Program
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Weight loss Program(weight watchers,Jenny Craig, Throughout
Nutrisystem,BIue36S discounts,TSFL) Program
k esrripdon:Individual and group activities to encourage
weight loss.
Measurements:Weight loss numbers. 1x a year 5 Group Reports
Outcome Improved health for individuals and lower
health care cost for the plan.
Weight loss Program(weight watchers,Jenny Craig, Throughout
Nutrisystem,BIue36S discounts,TSFL)Cheerleader Program
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of ix a year SO Group Reports
participating by scheduling the event,securing the
location,organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Biggest Loser Challenge
Di.rva cription:A fun weight loss competition modeled after
popular television program.
Measurements: Weight loss numbers. 2x a year S Throughout Group Reports
Outcomes:es Improved health for individuals and lower Program
health care cost for the plan.
Biggest Loser Challenge Cheerleader
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 2x a year SO Program Group Reports
location,organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
Create a wellness bulletin board in break room Throughout
Cheerleader Program
The person responsible for coordinating a Wellness Bulletin 2x a year SO Group Report
board to share information about activities and program
10 minute stretch breaks Throughout
Dscfiption r Similar to the 7`n inning stretch but targeting 3x a week S Self-report
9/20/2013 Page 7 of 10
R. ) 0
An Vuude uruurodent Liceruuueun of tau
Blue Cross and Mu e prelhie'd A=Oatioin
less active participants at any time during the work day in Program
an effort to overcome resistance to physical activities and
improve program participation.
Measurements:Number of participants.
Outroa m Improved health for participants and reduced
cost for plan.
10 minute stretch breaks Cheerleader Throughout
A 'Cheerleader'is the person responsible for coordinating Program
the group activity. They go above and beyond the level of
participating by scheduling the event,securing the 1x a year 50 Group Report
location, organizing the event,leading the activities,
conducting the registration,and providing the activity
reports for BcBs to award the individual points.
BCBS Lunch and Learns Throughout
Description:Psycho-educational seminars provided by BcBs Program
during lunch that focus on health improvement topics. 2x a year 2S Group Report
Measuar merit:Number of participants.
Outcomes:Improved health for participants,increased
program participation and reduced health plan cost.
Nutritional Assessment with RD Throughout
Description:tion: One on One services with registered dietician Program
primarily targeting those diagnosed with diabetes.
Measurements:nts:Number of participants. 4x a year 2S Self-Report
Outcomes:es:Improved health for participants,increased
program participation and reduced health plan cost.
EAP/Aetna Webinar Lifestyle topics Throughout
Description:30-40 min Psycho-educational lifestyle Program
Webinars on topics like managing elder care,adolescent
behavior,child development and many more. Once a
aaa+�.sur ra�r nts: Number of participants. month 10 Group Report
im)a.aia:omesm Reduced stressors for participants and reduced
health plan cost.
Individual Physical Activities(Swimming laps,walking Throughout
fitness,weightlifting,exercise classes,bicycling,racquet Program
ball,water aerobics,spin classes,tai chi classes)
Descii lion:Targeting those that are already active to
participate in the program and document their activities. 3x a week 5 Self-Report
Measurements:Data entered.
(hilt"urns:Healthy data will increase the overall health of
the group and continue to keep health care cost low.
Walking/Cycle to work
Description:To encourage and reward healthy lifestyles. 3x a week 5 Program
Mea�stira�rraa:�nts:Data entered. Self-report
Outcomes:Healthy data will increase the overall health of
9/20/2013 Page 8 of 10
Ain k d'eiaecua ent Licensee of the
the group and continue to keep health care cost low.
Q:Why is the company so interested in my health?
A: Promoting better health for employees is a win-win for employees and the company. When employees are
healthier,we can enjoy a better quality of life,have more energy for the things we love and reduce out-of-pocket
health care costs.
Almost three-quarters of what the United States spends every year on health care is on chronic diseases—and
most of these can be prevented or controlled by changing behaviors and making better health care choices. We
want to encourage employees to take the steps they can to improve their health.
Q:Why wellness now?
A:In the past,we—along with the rest of the industry—focused on efficiently treating the symptoms of health
issues. As health care costs continue to rise rapidly,we are focusing on prevention and intervention activities to
encourage healthy lifestyles and reduce future costs.
Q: Who can participate in the program?
A: All employees can—and should—participate. Each Employee has an opportunity to earn Blue Reward"Points".
Earn enough points and be rewarded with reduced health care premiums.
Q: How does the program work?
A: Employees earn points for participating in certain health and wellness activities that are part of the BOCC Group
wellness program.
Q: How many points do I need?
A: Employees must complete the health assessment/biometric screenings and earn at least 500 points between
January 1St and September 301h each year.
We will add the online Personal Health Assessments instructions here and dates for the on-site health fairs
Q: How do I earn points?
A: Employees earn points by participating in the on-site personal health assessment,using online retail tools and
learning programs through Member Account at and WebMD,tracking physical activity with online
tracking tools,completing learning modules and participating in company-sponsored wellness events and even
9/20/2013 Page 9 of 10
An hdepeu dent V.kwnee of tyre
ag �l
getting a seasonal flu shotl
Q: How do I track my points?
A: For Florida Blue health plan members, you can track your points through the WebMD "Earn BlueRewards" tab.
Through a series of weekly and monthly updates, points will be added to your account for completed activities.
Please note that your points are awarded as soon as possible. However, it may take 30 calendar days to post your
points from the previous month's activities.
Q.What is my reward?(may be modified)
Employees are rewarded with reduced premiums.
Employees that don't participate(or meet the minimum level of points)will be assessed a monthly fee of$100.00
(hired before 5/01/12). For those currently xontributing$50.00 per month toward the monthly premium(hired
on or after 5/01/12),the assessment will be an additional$50 for a total of$100.00 per month.
Q: When does the program start and end?
A: The program starts at midnight on January 1st and ends at midnight on September 30th,2013.There will be
opportunities throughout the year to earn points,with new components added as they become available.
Q: How do I find the tools on the Member Website and WebMD?
A: We've created a navigation chart to help you find the tools easily.
Q: How do I get started?
® If you're a Florida Blue health plan member,log into or register for Member Account at and then
navigate to WebMD "Earn BlueRewards". This is where you will find many of the Program tools and activities.
As you complete activities,points will be added to your WebMD"Earn BlueRewards"account.
30/1/2013 Page 10 of 10
An hdgenndent Uceinsee of tlie
B ue Cross and INu e SNdd Association