Item C25 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 16, 2013 Division: Public Wort s/E i ri nizineenng Bulk Item: Yes _A_ No Department: Facilities Maintenance Staff Contact Person: Dent Pierce/305 292-456 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Lease Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Health,Monroe County Health Department to provide continued 1325 sq. ft. of office space at the Murray E. Nelson Goverm-rent and Cultural, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL ITEM BACKGROUND: Previous staff reductions left available office space in the Murray E.Nelson Government and Cultural Center. In 2009, the Florida Department of Health proposed leasing for one year 1,057 square feet of this vacant office space to Provide programs and office space for administrative and vital statistics office staff. In 2010, the Health Department requested, and was approved, increasing the space to 1,3,25 square feet at no cost for the additional 268 square feet due to budget reductions. The lease has been satisfactory for both parties and the Department of Health is requesting continued use of this space,but at no charge due to ongoing budgetary restraints, Waiver of rent will allow the Health Department to still provide an acceptable level of public health services for residents of the Keys. PREVIOUS RELEVANT' BOCC ACTION: At the August 19, 2009, July 21, 2010, November 16, 2011 and October 17, 2012 meetings, the BOCC approved one-year agreements with the Monroe County Health Department for office space in the Nelson building. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: — -0- INDIRECT COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes--&—No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: same SOURCE OF FUNDS.* REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes— No X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year q PicA, K Vvl APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/PurchSsing_ Risk Management'Ld DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# Revised 1/09 MO ROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Y Contract with: State of Florida Dept of Contract Health, MC Health Dept Effective Date: November 1,2013 Expiration Date: October1, �14 Contract�"u�rpose/Description; Lease agreement with Stag of Florida Department of Health, Monroe County Health De irtment for 1325 s . f. of office Mace in the Nelson Building,, Key Lar o, FL Contract Manager: Alice Steryou4549 Facilities Maint/Sto (Name) (Ext,) (Department/Stop � for BOCC meetin on 10/16/13 Agenda Deadline: 10/01/1 CONTRACT COSTS/REVENUE Total.Dollar Value of Contract:.. $ - - Current.Year Portion. $ - - Budgeted?? Yes X NoE] Account Codes: Grant. $ N/A _ County :Match. S N/A ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ l yr For: (loot included in dollar value above (eg.maintenance,utilities,janitorial,salaries,etc. CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date Out Date In Needed Ie^viewer Division Director ".°;� i Yes No x. , 44 .is Management 'I Yes N.l M 4 f O.M.B./Purchasing , � ,+� 'q;"� Ye's� li�lT'w, r "� ainw..�, "� '�s, " ' �• �,..t�, `�"„� County Attorney ��f" M� Yes ] N0 Comments: OMB Form Devised 2/27/01 MCP i#2 UAU_Afi_RCLMLN_T T'h,is Agreernent is made and entered fnto by MOINIROE C.'01UNTY, a pokdcal subdlvisiori of the State of IMu rida, w1"ii,,.)se address is 1.1,00 Simir,,,)nton Street, Key West, Ft- 3 3040, ("COUN"I'"Y" or. the "U ESSOR"), arid S"I ATE O,F FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, MONROE COUNTY t-1EAL.n-i DEPAR"rMENT ("TENANT" or tl,,re "LESSEE"), a non-pirofit corporadon mnc,orporated in the State olf Florida, whose addriess ns 1.1,00 SimOnton Street, Key West, Ft. 330,40. WHEREAS,, the BOCC ieases premises 'to od"ier governmental aigencnes and riot-for-profit organizaflons ser­0-iig the e� CO Linty cornrrwrlity; and WHEREAS, the State of Harida, Departaient of Heaft:h, Monroe Colunty Hea[tl'i DepartrTIL",int f,-ras requiested use of County office spmCE`,' and WHEREAS,, the State of Florida, Department of Health, Monroe COLA"Ity Health teplaftment providies esseridal services to the citizens of Monroe CoLwity, airid works to, ifflprovie the health of the pul:flk", throughi preparedness, education, prevention, the d0very of clinical services, and by enVlrionmenta� irispectiolin and testing progirams, and WHEREAS, the COUNTY owns an office bux Wng knowin as the Murray E, lNelson Government and Cu tiural Center at 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Mork1a; and WHEREAS, the Murray E. INehwn Goverriimient and CUItUral Centeir has a nUmber of vacant offices due 'to the reductiori of d'ie County workforce; and WHEREAS,, the BOCC has deterrnfned that is in the best interests of If COUnty to lease uriused office spacie at the Murray E. NOson Governimen't and CtfltUraiI (,,enteir; NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the prornises contained herein the parttes agree to the followirrg: 1- M-Ef-EMYL. 'The COUN"'t"" Ileases (,,?xchjsN0Y to the LESSEE 1,057 square feet of office spa,ce; offices 202, 203,, 224,, 227, 228 and 229 in th , Murray E,, Ne&n Government and CUfWral Cent�er, and whidh us §hown oin IfsxNbft A, hereafter the Id rernises, The L-ESSEE is authornzed to usle 'tw(,,) additional office s,paices,, 219 and 220, eac�,n 13e,4 squa:re feet totahng 268 square f(--.,,et, for, the period August 24, 2010, througII°n AlUgUst 2 , 20,11, at no cost, a[so sJhoinn on Exhibit A. If this Agreen,ient is extended for subseqtmnt year(s) raft erAUgUst 23, 2010, then rent will be charged for tNs offic place at the sarne rate as any other office space inCkAded tin tNs lease. Exhibtt A is attached airid made a part of 1.-Ns Agreernerit, 2, The tern,i of fts Agreernent is for a Ipertod ol" rnrnr.r (1) year beginrflng November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014, 1 V-5.9--AND jZQhD.1nQ_". The premi!SmS shatIl b used solely fear IJmw purposes of operating State of Fiodda, Department, of Healtl-,n, Mi(,-miroe Cmxrlty Health IDep artnienot programs and 1")rovichrig office space for adni nistrabve arrud vital stabstics office staff, 'If the premisies are used for any other purpose, the COUNTY sha H have the opdon of ir-nirnediately terminating this Agreement, LESSEE shall not permit any Lme of the prern ses uin ainy mariner that WOL.dd obstruct or, interfere with arry COUNTYfunictions ar"O dLfl.-Jes, The LESSEE MH further use and OCCUPY said prelMises hn a careful and proper manrier, anid not coimrnit-1 any waste thereon, LESSEE M1 riot cause, or aHow to be caused, any rMisance or objectionaWle activity of any nature on the ;,'.),riernises, Airly actiOdes in ariy way urn volvinig hazar-dous irirna terials or substances of any kind whatsoever, either as those terms may e defined tinder any state or federal l'aws (:)r, regu[adoris or', as, those terims aii,-e t,aiiderstood in corninon t.4sage, are specfficaHy prohibJba!d. T,he LESSEE willl not use or, occupy saW prernises for any unlawful pur-pose and wiH, at LESSEE's s6le cost and expense, conform to and obley any present 011- fiUtUre or6nance and/or rules, regulatlons, requiren,nents anid ord'EN-S Of governirnientaI authorifles or agencies, respecdrn g the ruse and occupadon of saW �prernlses. These covenants of the LESSEE shaH also, be binding on, the iuse of the pirernises by per'sonr 0,, VOILInteers or ("'filents of LESSEE in access4ig ariy coninior) areas of the Murray E, Nelson Gover-nirnerit arid Cultural Center-. 4 R-ML For- the use of the prernises, the LESSEE rTIIUSt pay the COUNTY the siurn olf $-0- per year, for 1,0157 square felet of office space at $-0- per- square folot, whhch riental sL,nn is due in irnointhly wnstahrnents of $-0-, payaWe. The COUNTY wdl 4ivoice the LESSEE each month and these twe]ve morithly payrneints hall be remitted to Moriroe Courity ClAerk's Office, 500, Whitel'iead Street, Key West, FL, 330140 If apphcable, an warran't in pjayrnent olf a n IInvoice is not nssued Mthin 410 days after receipt of the invoice and: rec6pt, lnspection, and approval of the goods and servkes, the LESSEE shall pay t o the ILESSOR, in addition to the arnount olf the invoice, interest at an rate estabhst"ied PWSUant to IF.,S. se1cflon 55,0 ), on the unpaW ban aince froim, thie expiration of such 4,0 day period nurntll such thiie, as the warrant Bs nSSUed to the i-ESSOR. a) Addft.Jona consideration from each party: Blectriclty, office rnaintenaince, office c earning, and hoca�l phone caHs MH be provWed bly LESSOR at no adiditiona cost tdr LESSEE, unless the OCCUpadon of the premises has, an s�lgnfficant impact on any of SLICh COStS tO LESSOR, 41 which case the parties wiH 6ther renegotiate the con sIderation or nlUtUaHy terryflriate this agreernient, LESSEE shaH ble entitled to use the cornnion areas of the Murray E. Nelson Government anid CWU,Jral Cerrter-, suicJi as bathroorT-rs, loibb and other common areas indidental to tk,w pn,n-pose of their occupancy cat the prernises, 4ick,tdklig Use olf confer-erice roorns,, 5. 1 M95E Tfie LESSEE ri"iust pay aH to aind assess men ts, iiMkjdiirig any sa[es or use tax, levied by any government agency Mth respect to the LESSEE's operations on the premises, If at ainy bme after wly tax or assessment has belcorrie due or payat)le, the lessee, or uts, legal representative, neglect's to pay, thie tax or assessrnent, LESSOR sh,,iah be entifled to pay the tax or assessment at ariy time alfter, that and the ainiount paW by LESSOR, shaH be deen�ned to be ad&borlal rent for - the leased prernises, dUe arid payaWe by the lessee,, 6, INAURANUCC. "T"he Depairtrnent of HeaWi, to of Florida, provides General LiabOity Coverage for Moinrole COLHIty Health Departrnent Operations throL,ngh the Dvi.sion, of Msk Management arrnd the State Ris,k IMar iagernent TRIst FUnid. F-Iorida Chapter 284 and Section 768,24(1,6) authorize ffie State to adni0',0ster an seff- 2 41SUraince prograrn and F,S, Sectlon 768,24(5) CUrrently sets the general Habihty coverage Hrrilts, a,s follows: $1,010,000 each person; $200,000 eact-ii occk.irrence, -CDAPMDN jQE_pJaM5_F,,& I he LESS�EE mUSt keep, the premises rn good ordt-,,n- and condition, The LESSEE MUSt priornpitly repalr darnage to the prerilsesl At the end of the terryi of this Agreiernerrt,, the LESSEE rmls't surrender the pren-lises to, the COUNI-Y hi the same good order, and r:or dltiion as, td°n Il=nrerntses 'were on thie COITH'Tiencer'nent of the terrn,, normal wear, and tear excepted. T'he ILESSEE is solOy responsblie for ainy i rn prove nrients to laind and aPPLU"teriances placed on the prernises, 7. IMP-RQ, , YLMKNjA, No struct,ur-e (Y iMprovenilents of any kind shaH be placed upon the dand MthOLA far Cram approvah 4n mItirig by the County Aidmiriistrator, a buHding perrnit lssiued by the COUNTY and any other agency, feidera or state, as requlred by daw, Any SUCh StructijIIT or knprovernerits shall be OXISbrUcted ln a glood and workmanlike imanner at LESSEE's scfle cost and experise, &,jbject to any l arnrndlorrd' Ilsen, any structur,es or irr'nprovernents con,Stl"Llcted by LESSEE shaH be ren,ioved by the I-ESSEE at LESSEE's sole cost and expense, by midnight on the day of terminabon of this Agreerrierit or" extensiori herelof, and thie Iland restored as nearly as pracdcal to its (:,ondiUon at the time V-Os agreemerit is executeld uMiess the Board of C"ounty Coirnmissioners, accepts in wdting dehivery of: ttie premises together with any structures or Vrriproviements constructed tnly LESS EE, Portable oir temporary adverdsing signs are prohibited, �LESSEE shaH perform, at the sole expense of LESSEE, aH work 1-1eq1tilred iIn the preparation of the property or premises, hereby leased for occupancy by LESSEE; arid LESSEE doe�s heireby accept than IEnased property or premises as now being nn fit anid tenantable conditilon f"or all purposes of LESSEE,, COUNTY reserves the right to, inspect the leased area arid to reqLJre whatever adjiustri,ient to structures or lrnprovernents as COUNTY, in its We dlscretion, de1P-fTIS necessary,, Any adjustrnents shaH de done at LESSEE's We costs and eXpense,, Any bUH&iig perrrilts sought Iby LESSEE shaM be SUbject to pern,ift fees at LESSEE's solle cost and expense,. 8 V'ie I-ESSEE, as a state agency or, subdivisuon as defined lin Sectdon 768.28, FlorWa StatUtes, agrees to be fuHy resporisibdin to, the limltS set forth in SUch statiute. for lts own nieghgent acts or ornissions, or ilntenflonad tort.uouls actlons, whlch resuk din clairns or SUrts agalin!st elther tl,ne County or the LESSEE, an!d zigrraes to be flable to tf,ne statUtory HrIlits for any darnages proxdn'iatefy caUsed by saW aicts or oms,.,)mr s, or inteirftionad tortiOUS acts. The Clounty, as a l.,)okdcad sub-dMskm of the State of' Plorida, as defined in Section 768,28 Florida Statutes, agrees 'to, be fully responsiblie to the ldrnrts !set fortl"i in suich statute for its own negHg(,-.,int acts or onidssions, or dint enflonad t0l"WOUsr acts, which itesult ln clakTis or SWtS agalnst eitheir the LESSEE or. the COUnty, and agrees to tile liable tin the statutory limits foir any damages prox rnatefy caused by !said races M OMOSS�ruiner, Ot- intendonad t0ftUOUS ]CtS, Nothing cointaiined in this Sectiorr shaH be construed tote a w aiver Il y either party of any protections urAt,ar- sovereign in"irm,Jnmty, Section 7618.28 Florida Statutes,, or, ariy other similair prowsi I or) of law. Nothing cointained herein shah be,3 constrUed to be as consent by either Iparty to Ibe sued by third pairties rin arry matter. arisirig OlUlt Oif '01u53 Dr any otheir Aigreernerit. 9 LESSOR and LESSEE agree thalt there will Ibe no disci1mination against ariy peir-sion, and dt is expressly Understood that upon as detleirrnination by a court of competent jurisdk:don tl.iat Mscriirninatioirr hals OCCUirred, this Lease Agreement autornaticaHy ten-ninates Mthout any fUrther- acflon on the part, of any party, effective the date of the court, order'. LESSOR and LESSEE agree to comply Mth aH Fedeiral artcl Florida staitutes, and all local ordiriarices, as apphcaWe, relating to rioiridiscr,rri,rijia,,uatioii, "These iincude bi�,A are i Halited to,, 1) 11tile V1 of the CMI IRights Act of 1.916,4 (PL 88-352) which prohiib[ts ddscrimiknatiioin on the Iba is of race, color or naUonial origin; 2) Title IX of tlhe Educabon Aaiendment of 1,972, as arnertided (20 LIS(Z ss, 1681-1683, and 1685-1,686), which, prohibits discrimination on the bas s of sex; 3) Section SG4, of the Rehabilitafloiril Act of 1973, as, amended (20, USC as 71914), wh ch prohibits discrirnination, on the basis of handicaps; ) The Age Discriniination Act of 1.975, as amended (42 USC ss� 6101- 6107) whk''hi prohibit's di.�,.;criminahon on the basis of age; 5) Ttie Dr c Ug AbUse Offie, and Treatment Act of 1,972 (fate 92-255), as arnendeld, relafling to nondrscrkmrnadon on Uie basis of drug abUse; ) Tfie Coirnpirehensrve Ak,:cfliol Abuse and Micoholisni Preverstion, Treatmerit and Rehabifitation Act of 1,970 (P11- 91-616), as arnendad, r1r dating tea l nondiscdrrfliriaflon on, the basis of adcohO abUse or, adccihohsrn, 7) rhe PuHic Heaith SerVice Act of 19112, ss 523 and 527 (42 USC ss, 690idd-3 and 29,Oee-3), as amended, relating 'to conflidentiahty of alcoholl and drug ab .,se patilerat rieciord!s; 8) 1"Jtie VIII olf the CivH Rights Act f 1968 (42 USC s, et seq), as amended, r6aiting to nondiscrin,iiination in the safe, rental or fiinan0ig Of hOUs0g; 9) The Arniericans with Disabilities Act of 11990 (42 USC s,, 12011. Note), as may be amended frorn time to time, relating to r"ioridiscr,iirriirr,a,tiori on the basis of (fisabdity; '10) Sections 13-101, et seq., Monroe Cour�ty Code, relating to discrimination based on race, icolor, sex, rehgiion, disabMity, nat'ional oriiqdin., ancestry, sexual odentation, gender, ldentity or, expressilon, farrflHad &tatus or age,; 11) An y other nondiscirTrn natrioni piiaris in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the sTutu)ect Matter of, fts I-ease Agreement, 1110 M, 11-09. This Agreerrent rnay be tE rniinatied at the discreflon of the COUNTY in the ft,)HoMrig ch-curii.starices: a) Lessee faaHs to pay d-ie reir-A Mhen due; b) Les,s,lee faHs to obtain ttie 0siurance required Under this lease or aHows the requir(,,-,�id dnsurance coveraige to iapse or faH b6ow the ffliinifllLjrn i-eqUired; C) Lessee� otherwise breaclies the terms of ,d-iis leasie. L.Iniess the COUNi T'Y has acceptled 4 urftirig as delay lin perforniance olf dutile.4,"', the failure to perfo�-M saW dutiies shail cor,shtute as defiriUlt Under the terms of this agreement, In the case of default/breach, the COUNTY shall first give LESSEE a written notification stating the default/brea chi and that Lessee Ihas ten (10) days tio correct. the defZiUlt/brealich. If the Lessee ha Irnotµ cornmenced correction of the diefat.flt/breach at the eirid of the 10 days, d"ien thie COUNTY may terminate the leaise in its discretion, If it shafl be necessary to eirnpdVy the s alma ces of an attorney iri orider to enforce its rigl°its under this Agreernent, the COUNTY' shaH be enbdeid to reasoriablIe attorney's fees. Waiver of as default in any particWar rnointh shaH not bind the COUNTY to forego the prov�siions of this paragraj.A'i and any subsequent 4 default shaH be grounds for termination,, T'he COUNTY may in its Mscretiori 'treat, the LESSEE rn defaLdt and terminate this Agreement imfT'iediately, Mthout prior notice, Upon faHure of LESSEE to coaip y with any provision of this Agreement, LESSEE rnay tern-0nate this Ag rue nient upon giving th0ity days prior written rnotice to COUNTY. 11, QjffAMLL, LESSOR'S rright 'to r1L,,!possess, operate, oir sublease,, If the, rental reserved by diis lease or other chairges to Ibe paid under this lease by LESSEE, or any part of this lease, are not i,,,,)akl when dUe and rernaIn t.mpaid for a period of 10 day's after notice in writing, or if LESSEE fails to Ifnrunmfetdy perforrn any covenarnt, condk-ion, or agreeirnent by lt to be peii-ft',wmed unde�ir this lease and such failure slhaH continui�,,,� for a periold of tern (110) days after notice in writinig specifying the nature of sudh failuire, or ilf LESSEE ablandons the demised prernises, or if LESSEE brealdhes any obHgadon under this k?ase to ble performed by it which canrrviot be CUred, t'hen , and in any siuch event, LES�SSE E shall be deerned to be iri defw,.0t and LESSOR, WithOUt ftlrl-11-wr nodce rnay at its opdoin take possession of the leaseld prernises, including all iiniprovern(,,,n-,nts arid fixtUres arid eqUipi'Tnent Ilocated rat, in or abOUt the Prernises, By hegal proiceeidings, LESSOR shafl take, operate, or sub]ease the preimisr�,.,s, iin whoie oir in part, fbr- the account of the LESSFE as the, LESSOR in good faiths nlay deeim l.)roper, for a terrn not exceedlTig the Unexpired period of the fLAH terim olf this leaise, LESSOR shaH receive aH piroceeds and rent accruinig from such operaflon or subleaskig of the dieased lierernises or fixturesmar.nawi quipment, LESSOR shaH apply these pro,ceelds, first, to the Ifnayrnier,rt of aH costs anid expenses 41CM red by the LESSOR in obtaining the possession olf,, arid the operatiori or subteasiing, of the pirc,nTlises or fixtt,wes and equiprilient, irxWidiing reasonaWe attorney' fees, cornt nssions, and coH redo n fees, and any Mteration or repairs reasonably necessary to enable the LESSOR to operate or sublease the prenlis ewe, or fixtures and equipmLmt; and second, to the payim�(,,,,nt olf all such amiournts as may ble due or becorne payaWe under th,e provisioris of this lease, The rernaining ba�ance, if any, given by t1he I-ESSOR to the I-ESSEE, shaH be palkd ovei- to the LESSEE at the expiration of the fUH tP.r-Fn of th s dease or on the sooner tert,ninadori of the Lease by written notice ref tern,°Hnadon. Repossess�corn or subIeasing not a termination; LESSOR'S right to ter-minate not fic)rf6ted: No, repossession, operation, or subteasing of tVie premises or of fixtures and equOn'ien't shaH be construed as an electldoin Cyr the LESSOR to terminate tl-fls, due ase unless a written notic�e of such 6ntenbon is given by the LESSOR to fl"w LESSEE, NotMthstanding: any SUch oper,ation or subWasir-ig without terrnH,iatioin olf Vhiis, deasie,, the LESSOR nnay at, any time after 'that elect to terrndnate the lease in the event that the LESSEE rerna4is iri defaUlt under U-Js Ilease, LESSEE'S obligadon to pay deficiencies, In the event the proceeds of rentals re(,,, nived by the LESSOR Under, the provislons of t[,iis Seicflon are iin'.,Ufficent to pay all costs anid expenses and aH amot.ints due and becomirig dUe under this lease, the LESSEE shaH Ipay to tl,,ie lLESSOR on demand such deficiency as may occnx or ex�st'l LESSORI'S rigl'it to terrninate lease: In the event of LESSEE'S defat.flt, LESSOR rnay, al., its option Mthout further noflce, terrrflnate ths k?as1F,,, and all interest of LES15EE Under this lease, and ai y then take possession of thie leased preirnis,es by lega� procee6ngs, 5 LESSOR'S right on termination to recover arnouint equal to rerit reserved: If this lease is teririninated by fl,'ie UESSOR biy reasori of any defaUit by LESSEE, LESSOR shaill be entitled to recover fi-orn the LESSEE, at the drTie of such tel-MklatiWl tfYe eXCeSS, if any, of the arnot.int oif rent reserved rn this lease for ittie baance of the term of the iease. LESSOR'S reiryiedies are cumulative: Each and aH of the remedies given to the LESiSOR ki, this lease or by law are ournuiative, and the exeric[se of one right of rernedy shaH not ki,ipak, �ts dight to exercilse any other right or rie,:,medy. 12, P E_EA shire waiver Ibly thie LESSEE orthe COUNTY of an alct or omission that cicorn SbWtes a default of an obligation undier this Agreenient doles not waive another defaLA of that or any other obhgadoirn, The LESSEE may not assign this Agreement or assign or SUbcontraict any of its obligationS, Under this Agive errent withiout the approva� oif 'the COUNT Y's Board Of COUnty Cornrirdssioners. AH thie otfligations of tNs Agreernent MH extend to and bind the legal representativies, successoirs and ass gins of thie LESSEE and the COUNTY, 14. 5Q '"'Ns, Agireernent subordinate to the 1aws and reguladoris of the (Jnfted States, the State olf Mori da, and the COUNTY, whether ki effect or' coriirnencenient of tl',Os lealse or adopt(,,:d after° that datei, wtl" .y.&rgj N_q_LAW S Ly EN QE, 'niisi Agr1k,.,,enieint is governed bly the laws of the State of Florida apiphicable to contract's made arid to be perforrined entir6y in fl'ie State, In the i that any cause of action or adrnlnistradvei pirloceelding is lnsdtuted for the enforcerrsent or interpretation olf this Lease Agreerrient, the LESSOR arid LESSEE agree that veflUe will He ln tl,w appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body in Monroe COUnty, Florida, The LESSOR AND LESiSEE agree that, in the eveint olf corifflicting interpretations of the terrns or a term ofthiis Lease Agreement by or bletween any of them the aSSLje shaH be SUtMitted to niedliaboin pdoir to the lnsfltudoiin of any other as niirr istrative or legal proceeding. .16. CQMTftAXj JLQPL. This Agreement has been carefuilly reviewed biy the LESSEE and tthe COUNTY,, 1"hereft',we, this Agreement is not to be construed algainst either party oin the basis of aUthorslnij). IT A9 I I �M U. Notices in this Agreement, iurnlr. ss otherwise specified, must ble ser)t by certified rnaH to the followirig: C Q V N,[Y LE.SISEIE Cow'Ay Administrator Monroe County Heath Deplaftr7'ierit Roman Gastesi, Jr. Robert ter do Adiiiinistratior 11010 Sliniontoin Street 11.00 Sirnorition Street Key West, FL 33040 Key West, FL 33040 M LESSEE is, and to nil bie, in the performance of iaIll works, serVices, and activideS Under this Agri eirr�ent, an Independent agency, arid not an empl�oyee, age nit or servant of the BOCC, LESSEE shaH exercise clontroi, 6rectiblin, and stjpervisnon i the personnel and rain iteers who use the Iprerrnlses,, LESSEE shMi have no aUfllorfty Miiatsoever to ac.t oin behaff and/or as agent for, the BOCCI' urn ariy prorNse, agreement or, representation other Uhan specificzfly provided 6 for in tMs agreiement. The BOCC shall at no fliTte be, degaHy resporisible for any negHgeince on the part of LESSEE, uts ernployees, agents or, vokilinteers resWflng in either bodHy or personal iii ijLff'y or, property danriage t1D any Mdividual, property or corl.,miration. M f M-LL-IMME-9.51A Tl')is AgreelMerft is 'the pai i ' fin'tesal MLAUai I�- . MOOR, understanding. It rep1aces, any earlier agreen'ients oir and erstain6ngs, whether writte'n or oraL TMs Aigreie[Tient canriot be nriodffiied or replaced except by ariother written and sJgned agreernent, 20, 8 r LESSEE, its, ageint, eirnployeles, CUS,Wrners, SUPPRers, anid patrons shall have the right of ingress and egress, to aind firorn the lease premises, w[,iich shaH not be Unr1(,.,asonab1y restricted by thie COUINTY, LESSOR shaH Ihaaw e access to the pireirna,ses, and each and every part ttiereof, during LESSEE'S regU[ar business hours for the PUrpose of inspecting three sarne, rriakding repairs, and posting notices that LESSOR may deern to be for ttw protection of the LESSOR oir the property, 22,, AM , RLTj—K-ra. This lease rnay be fiiodffied or an-riended only by a wridng dWy authorized and exeCUted by both LESSOR and LESSEE. It ri®iay riot be amended or" rTloVied by orall agrelements or understandings betweer the parties uniess, the sarne s�hafl be riedUced to, writing dWy authorized and execn,Aed by Ibeaffa LESSOR arid LESSEE, 23, NDLPLfto _Qyf& No, hol&ig over and continuation olf any bUSHniess, of tl-w LESSEE after the expliraflorr of the term hereof shaH ble consdered to be as renew, aip or extensiorii of this Ilease uniess written approval of siulch ho1ding over and as deflri[te agreement to SUdh effiect is signed by the LESSOR defining thie length of SL,Icl�'r addffionaa term, Any holding over, Mfl,"iout consent of thic, LESSOR shah t)e corisidered to be a day-to-day tienancy ait as rental self three thTies the daHy rate of the fixed niii air ITURI rr°i!ontf'0y reintal pruOdied fierein, computed on the bas olf as 301- day rnonth. 24, EXTjU_jA_G_R_UM_R1qT Ttn�s writing embodies bhe entire agreement anid understan6n,g between the pairties hereto, and theire aire no other, agreements and understandings, oral or written, with rieference to the subject rnattler hereof that are niot merged herek,r and sq:)er-sleded heireby. Any amendrnent to this, lease shald be in wii1bng, approved by the Board of COLVIA)l Corrin"rissioners, and signed Iby both pardes before rt blecornes, effiacbve, 25, $LVERABLL If any term, covenant, conditioln or provsr on of thJs Lease Agreernent (or" the appilcation thereof 'to any c rUlmstaniur,a oir person) shaH be declaired rinvaHd or uneriflorceable to any extent by a court of cornpletient jurisdiction, the rernaining terirns, (:,,ovenants, clondiflons and provisions, of this Lease Agreement, shaH not be affected thereby; and eadh rernaOing terrn, covienant, condition and provisiori of thd s Lease Agreernent hadd Ibe valid arid st,rad be enfoi ceablle to fl-iie fthflest extent permrtted law uMess the enforcernient of U-ie rernairOngi terrns, covenaints, cor6flons and parovw ions of thd s Lease Algreernient WOLdd prevent the acicorMpkshment serf the or1ginal inten't. of this ILease Algreernent. '11he LESSOR and LESSEE agree to refoirni the f.rease Agreernent to repdacie any stricken provision with 7 as valid provision that con'ies as close as plossiblle to the int(,Mt f tl­ie stricken Pir"(.wilsiorl" 26 T A.,. .T._.,_QR-JN..F.Y-'S_E!g..F.5_..AN_Q_QQ.5_T3 The LESSOR and LESSEE agree that in, the event arny caiuse olf acdon or, adaiinistrative piroceEr6ng is rnitlated or deferilded by any pafty relative to the enfor-CeMent or dnterpretatlion of tWs, Agreement, the prevailing par , t'iaH �be entitled to reasonaUle attorney' fees,, (MUrt. costs, investlgative, and 0LJt--0f--j,)ticket' expenses, as an award agalunst' the non-prevafling party, and stiaH rnck.jde attorney's fees, C.OlUrts costs, investigadvie, and out-of- pocket explenses in appeflate proceic-�dMgs. MeicHaflon proceedinigs inMated and coindUcted PLH-SUant to this, ILease Agr-,(,,,,!ernent shall be iin accordance wlth Uie Florlda RWes of Civil Procedure and Lj!st4 and ciuston'tary Iprocedures required tpy to cimWt court olf Monroe Courntiy. 2T D11DALffi_fFEYCTm The, terii'Tis, covenants, condiUons, and piro0sions of tWS Lease Agreement shall Wrid and il]Uire to the beriefit of the BLESSOR and LESSEE and tl,,wlr Iriespecti,ve Begail representadves, sii.iccessors, and assigns,, 28, AMIHDJM_Y, Each party represents and warraints to the other tl"iat the executlon, delivery and perforrnancir! of thlls Lease Agreernent have been duly authorized by aH necessary Couinity and corpoirate acflon, as required by Vaw. 219, APjMDjCAUQA__Qf , SRU S., I.-ESSOR and_21 _Tj5__QR__PJSAfiMjEMgNj,_ LESSEE agree that a1l disputies and disagireements shaH be attempted to... be resiollved by mieet and iconfeir sessions between representaflves, of each of the pardes. If no reso,IU'bion can be agreed ul,')on wit[iidn 30 days after tl'ie flirSt meet and confer sessilori, the issue or issuies shaH b,E,,,, disicussed at as public nneeting of the Board of Cotinty, Commissioners. If the iSSUe or issues are still not resoNed to the satisfaction oft.]"ie parties, thien any party shaH @"rave the right to sleek such reflef or remedy as rnay be provided by ffils Lease Agreement or by FlorWa law, 31(,),, !MQPYJ_KATjg N, In the event any adrniindstrabve or legal proceeding is inSfltUted against either pa,aari, Ir0anfMdrnr to tt-ie formation, execution, perforrnance, or breach of tl'ils I ease Agreenient, LESSOR and LESSEE agree to participate, to the extent required by the otll­�er party, 41 aH proceedings, hearings, processes, rrieetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Lease Agreement o'r pro0sion of the servicieS Under this Lease Agreement. LESSOR and LESSEE specifically aire e biat no party to this, Lease Agreerneint sl,-sall be required to enter into any arbltration proceedings related to this IfLease Agreement. 31. QQY_9N_A1Nj_Q _T LESSOR and I ESSEE covenant that neither presenfly has any interest, and §hiaHl not acquire any mnteirest, M'IiCh w r.Xfld conflict in any marineir or degree with its pierfor„niance under, tNs Lease Agreement, and that the only interiest of each is to per-forn,ii and receivie, benefits as recfted fii 'this Lease Agreement. 32. CQP.L IEIL LESSOR a cares that office car and ef'Tlployees rat the R LU COUNTY recognize anid Wll be required to comp ith the standards of co induct for PUbhc officers and eimlployeies as dehneated' in Section 112.313 F-lorida, Statutes, regarding, Beast 110t lifflited to, solicitation or acceptaincle of gfts; doing bUsiness with one's agency; Ljnauthorized cornnpensation; rr�J:%Jse of public posiflon, conffictirig a ernpl ogre nt or contractual relaidonship; nd d sc. osure 0�- Use of ceirtanir) information. 33. —ND-5PIMMIMINI The LESSOR arid LESSEE warrant that, in re pect to itseif, it has neither, ernployed nor, retained any coirnpany or peirson, other than may boina fide ernplioyee work ng sole]y for lit, to soldlicit or seClUre this Lease Ap r rwnnnennto, and that, it has, not Ipaid or agreed to pay an Iperson, cornparly, corporat'iOni, indMdUall, or firi[Tl, other than, a biona fide elrTipioyee working solely for it, any fee, CWTIJT0ssion, percentage, gift, or other consideratiori con'brigent upon or resuWng fron"i thie award or making of this Lease Agre erne nt, For the birleach or vio1ation of the provision,, the LESSEE agirees that the LE SSOR, shafl have thie right to terniinate this Lease Agrecmient withiout liability and, at its discrietion, to offset frorn moinies owed, or otherwise recover, the f1uH anIOUnt Of SUch f'ee,, coirnirniss0n, ion ercentagle, gift, or consideration,, 34. PAW_LLC,_AQCM, "fl­ie LESSOR and I-ESSEE shaH ailo,w and perm t reasonable access to, anid linspection of, all doct,iments, papers, letters or other, matierials in its possiession oir urildier, its controi subject tio the pirovisions of Chaptcn- 119, Florkla Statutes, and rriade or received by the LESSOR and LESSEE in ca:)injuinction wiLh this Lease Agreement; ar"O thir'! LESSOR shaH have the rIght to Un0ateraHy cancel this Lease Agreement upon violation olf this provision by Lessee. 35 _ND_N-W ' M Notwithstanding the provisk,)rls- of Sec,, , _ _AJ _QL..IMMM_NM, 768,28, Florida StatUtes, the participation of the LESSOR and II SSEE in tWs Lea ran Agreement and the acquisidoiri of any clornrnercial iiabihty insurance coveirage, welt- iinsuraince coverage, or loc:al governmen't liability ir'ISLJirance Ilaro6l coverage st°IaH not be deeirned a waiver of irnrnuin[ty to thin extent o,f Hability coverage, nor shall any contraict entered Hntio t)y the lLESSOR be required to cloritain any proOsioin for waiver", 36. Ali of d'ie privileges and iMirnunities from HabijiTty, exerMptions, frorn Ilaws, ordinances, anid ru[es and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensation, and ot:her, berwfits which appily to the activity of officers, agents, or., eniptoyees of any public agents or employees of the LESSOR, when performing their respective funcdonS Linder, this Lease, Agreement within the territoriall hrrflts of thile COURty shalH apply 'to ti ie same dielgree and extent to, 'the performance Of SUCh fUlICdOr"Is and cludes of such officers, agents, voWnteers, or employees, outside the tierritorial Himits olf d"Ie County. 37, rvrvNo person or enbty shaH be erffitled to r,eiy iupon the terms, u,olr ny of thern, of this Lease Agreemiem it to enforce or attempt to enforce any th4-d-paity claki, or entidernent to or benefit of an rvice or prograrni conternf.flated here ul nde r, and thie LESSOR and LESSEE agree that neither the LESSOR noir the LESSEE or ainy agent, officer-, of, ernployee of leeither shall have the aUthohlty to iinforn-i, coijns6, or otherMse indicate that any pan tic,ular- MdMduai or grolup of iindlMduals, enitity or entities, have entitlernents of- benefits under th lLeaise Agreement sqmrate arid apart, unferIloir to, or superior to the cornmunity rn genera or If or the piurposes contefTlp aced in this Lease Agreement. 38, ATIE$_IAII_Q LESSf E agrees 'to execute sL,iich do(,Urnents as the LESSOR may reasonaWy requlre, to incWde as P'Liblic Entity CrH'ne Staternent, an Ethics State nrent, anid a Dr,ug-Firee Workplace Staternent. 9 39. j 'EXEQ.UQN N_CQMhaif"AM'S This Lease Agreement may be execiuted in any nurnbler of counterpatts, each of whid-i shail be regarded as an original, all of which 'tak'en together shai� CIMISUtUte on and the same instrument and any of the plardes heiretio may exleCUte thiS L.eiase Agreeniant by sigining any such counteirpart, 401, Efff. _CT.jL'V_L_Q.Aj. F,., This Agreeirric,.,rit wih take effed, on November 1, 2013. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each plarty has cat.ised tl"iiis Agreernent to be executed Iby its duly authorized representative. (SEAL), BOARD OF COUN'"ry CO,MMISSIONERS Ai-rEST: AMY HEAVILIN, CLERK OF MONROE COUN'T-Y, FLORIDA By ---------__------ B y Dep,L,it)( Clerk Mayor/Cliairman STATE OF' FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, �MONRO,E COUNTY HEAL'TH DEPAR"T-MENT Witne,ss W�tness 11 010, By 'Title ................. C)q:':' 4 61 t 10 N �, gggg :. �. La �wez Go SO *, I�r Ll 4�8 W ry a� E ,Aa I i