07th Change Order 06/24/2022 " C I. " ' OAR OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS iIIP�III�IIr. ";�i� ��,�r y D � � Mayor David Rice,District 4 ' Pro Iem Craig Mayorerr �xGates,District I b Thc I lIIPId111i Keys � � ft � , � Michelle C;oldiron,District rf� James K.Scholl,District 3 �..... holly Merrill Rascheln,District 5 Memorandum ATE: 06/23/2022 BOCC 1 Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. F Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. � �� �0k A ��'�;�..,.� 2022.06.23 11:57:18-04'00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Girder to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Girder#7 Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area project, This change order increases the final contract sum by 9,911.86. The substantial completion date is unchanged. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders Within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners With at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Friday, June 24, 2022. �m Vlt° m�.,�,, ���'� �t pp VIIII Ilp pp „IIIIIIIII � .�I„ ���,� IIIII °IIIIII �II I owe �. Im NN'a l ° o Wl m Illlll m�II m�a � .I'1u C111J r'� .I1. u11 w . . 1111 Im o lull °ou Im '.`" ..u. PIIIIII m w k OR DIM. k��lo. mlllll llll!!°c III1 i' Ilfww: #007 o nr ,:i 6/0 1I 1 II a9N I 1 I' : 0 (;;IIII3 RAC1' 3° I')ATE" 03/211 01,1 G 1"k 111l3 IV IIII k III" 'V ' (.W'ral III onstruickw III" m°;w" pd'1D Neu "07(',Ni"er 'eas 1..6W hwva -Me �ciinitract W9 chaiiiged as f'ill''luflowsN , m i ���.„ t.VNO�IIiii' �i,.NIN 1.kII�i��pgj 5Id.NWn �.,mIIN�.krw llklt 1kni�.„N WWnId.NWn� WWII";.„ ........ W511, mii ��:m. ��:m. arc.,, .„ ��:m.I,. ����sw„w.„�. ^,k� m ''JV '' � � ik�. .'W �� ""Wdl II k""m �.„ � .ik'". I�"q W.~m L.�.,1� . .wn. w�im��u°�m,1Wn.,, IL....��i':uu°e �k. .N�VI��w!�.NW„Vlm.u°li�... ^;V'.mau'�m,1Wn.,, ..� k. . ......... ..... ...... ... . ............ . 9 V� .�.��. l w � m �°m '' Pie w��W„vlrc �� Il.s�r.w �'„mll.s:��°wu��W»ook°.� �k ��a �wnll.swn i rli�r�.,� i..uuu�.uu i„rw W„Vmu,� ��Vm�����,m';,1e �'mu°Ik.,u rc.,� ... .. ,� ��..„„�VI..i,iV� ��.. "Vmk.,� �.uw��j�rcwuwj Il.sw �..mll.s:�rrcui�W„eo 1k ��.,a��uunll.swn i ��I�w.,, uiV Il.wwn., uu�� �wn.,�ggo Iw1k.c,roaso Il.sui�dt�au'°i�k';Wn., W„VI°mk, Change II: rINN. .......................................$9,9 i i.iiiiiilfi': m uW �.:�I � I ., it � � �''°'�"V'mw., a°���. � ww����ww�wi wur� „..ml.s:��wu°��W„ �ka���wnl.swn i ��I�Wn., uu°��kuw,VN.suu°��k', W„V'm�� ���V'm�,�u°��k',e . � k.,u°�s .........,� ��.. ; ��I.. °'iVi..w',...i..�.. "V'.mw. c''mn�W„rkwwurt TIlme WVVV Ik'ww. (iu'.jcrease (decreased) llsu°i�wwurit�au°i�w';m. Ik'y......... .... .. . . . .. .. .... 0 IIC°My s I I .w. �" .'m �.,u,.� .'u m �" � .�a'„. I I'."V''mw.,„ I �kW„e�'I� LN11. 1w!�u'�W„'uw!�i "�.wnPVeim�.,w� w!���cif W„Vl.mw. I �kie cif W„Vl.m�� �1p'.� au'�m,1Wn.,, ..�w1k.u.V� .. ................... .. [)etaPed e�scripfVc�iin cif dVIIE!111�ge ciird er an�, 'IIjIII m6flic�atic�uin���� In ilk"xWprfiDafi WAS betwmen Pr*cll Aganagefnenlam l Parks am m IIW Beaches"s Staff, the Ulq�mkig own�,rry requW',.ry s,l�ed changes 77wkrvr"e k"k..rvquesl'k..rvck 1 W W v!"k°"lbr� viehicular traffic ftom W"nl`W°i",rd0o,:11 the pai �viia a skk1YvaJ m#aW en11 lt✓ the enllr`anW W°, it Yvas w'.ry w W �k°". IIW" ,''...W..w�W..rv ",d'"""° d W�nWM'�.k�k�WPm"ki "k"„Wik.ek�W M �✓',W k"k°°�✓WW u�'i�k m°°, k�� �� ,lWu„�'"uWt'W',;i",6k"Wk,wW�°;�NWt�k ,",W"✓',. ry ���Wf� .ry W rvl n ry w m the ii� ii2 *W" the pkxpm..rvk'� am IIW plan'I e ak"u1id"„W ffi "s1tk°"ttmek to naumv the W WAkm..rvrall opening,n n g, B Yvas also t k""l'k°"rfni W..wk'IIW ill"kvcF aW IIfifiW Wnal 'cxNat't''sm�nklWIIW be arm gkkkDdto 'k�xwok �vm..kn kkklarw„ktx ewis t`o the picnk anW"eas bufailkm"�b,r II W"Wiik�M,k"s,l�aff�l I u„kII�xers the ` ,area for maintenance pW.eWr NW Wsk..i s,—A Yvalle s 1iiWull cWWWIIil"fifner,91i'y alm rW..rvqiWuiW'nsl'k..rvd to w efter,help umsk..ik"Im Yvall r,usage, I ak IIWtfido,A to l'NW✓I'W..w owner-requested cw a ��� !,'w's« an iWkk"1ik Wd alam'"d W..rvle "tdi�m/fino!..w Y" as v!"fimx`n" iertl..µk llW during g W..rvx'icmvialkm�k'Wr tIIWVWe mk"w?"Vm V', k..i(1 S1't't'"" rr�'lk 11 1 l',iu fk'WN k..ry sti~„i°W'`ry i u"mffic1l,caused a ski Wpu„k'ge in m"v k°.77h1k and WMml'k W am IIW III x WWdVrvDw",tfiWi°n t twm the Ill the M)I 11:3u lle,n Ei nk a III mtmdi,d IIJI'uWikik)ld"NW v!"k"l'ik-"k",frdno!..w Pull bcxxes wwk"e to beadlbcl in l'Nkvo kWd w„kfions a k"Wk'"V the shk°"77rrt�ffi'WW!'vl.,k 7k"kaiD�l�ain rc„kkx�;m"",'"is WW!'o the W..rvJlwki"cb'kal fino!,,'s.. The fifno tlqkkk�..W to u.mp il'e� is .. *has been� wpli ur � � p m'°gy .�.ts change� o p�°~iors. ilix,WDi Ira iIC A'' D III DD'III Klll"D �':t "e1 �I"' ek' III D 2 IIIt D t t'r1 I. D A D' "Dd o _, k....................................................................................................................................................... 10llmi III RM "�Di~nw: m.murc Vl .w m.u wni..w a ..)ate Cary Knight Digitally signed 1 Cary Knight �llF~^'B 6 'll.FR F'm��JII„.,.�B��.„k �kmmU i ml Date:2022.06.234:59:57 04'00' f 'mMElm,i ........ ......................................................... IIC°:�w�� ��...... Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. "k�Ill„°. k„j'1l1�1i"IIII""""(ASS1VS "" Um�I "ADIAHIm,HSTRATDFZ 1 2022.06.24 19:13:10-04'00' Roman Gastesi Date 10VIiinn V S011) Change Order Aftachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes E No ❑ If Yes, explanation: During construction, there were several owner-requested changes as well as an unforeseen condition. As such, these changes were not included in the original contract specifications, • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes ❑ No E If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds $50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes ❑ No E If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect/engineer approves the change order. Yes E No ❑ If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes ❑No E Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes ❑ No E Explain: NIA OQ LQ LQ \ \ LM LM LM to LM x w 0 r- w E cc .2 0) x 0 t� -M 0 .r u Cc LM 0 — (D a�—,D 1 0 z uj 0 w 0 0 0 z u u u 0 CL CL CL 3 vJ oo 0 0 00 0 V� 0 0 `o 0 0 0 o v 0 .Q v,v,v,v,0 0 F,0 0 F . o w v,v,v, o ci F o 0V,o N 0 0 0 � O o � rye b O � x x x w 00 In Z ID kn ID p C G vi $ Q1 V, O O O a a C6.Ab. a a a a m E d m' N � c m v, [C [C [C cC L v°i o m O O O 0 O a o z v, d z ❑. m r ro m o ut q' H H O O O W N O O O O L LJ V,V,V,V,V,o 0 0 v,v,VO V,V,V,V,o 0 LLJ V, V, v v v u H H H N O O O O LLJ W W W m VI W LLJ u u uv, Q u z z z z 0 LJJ (D z o a .V h - C� v'M ' V , N m w ^ = ` O O Off[ O o c w � a V a 3 a a c a m w ° o I. E v O N N - 0 2 2 2 n z z O O O O a a ❑' H I P oc_ a vu 0 w vu a IN 1. w V +. ` a 1 � � o za— N..m w 76 l o o o 0 0 0 zw Z Z Q p fig. w Z a p CB Q w Z ® a a u a E lo G G G G ° . a u o z �M � u u p m U U va O B,8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .R v.v.v.v.o " ,o " ,o " v.v. o " .v. .o o 0 0 o O o o cD 0 ID rye o es 4 Q � C Z Z Z Z ° Z 'a r o c Ta o a o N o > O O O O a C6.Ab. a a a a m E d O Q w O lF V� [C [C [C cC L O a o m r ro m o s o' o ut q' H H O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O L LJ vo vo vo vo vo O O O vo O vo vo vo vo vo O O va Va Va O LLJ V� v v v u H H H N O O O O LLJ VI VI VI VI O W u u u Q u m LLJ ( z a h — C� c u;,ru N m 0 V g O O O 5 O o a u a 3 a a c Al 2 mu a v w a o v a p V a Z Z Z Z Z ° O O O O �_ O_ ~ a v' - U H a a O w Go J �-1 N ttl cf tri UW l O O y O O O O U W Z Z Q ® C7 W Z d N �_ W Q W Z ® m iF U C a E � G G G e G ° . o o m z U O 0 m 0 0 Q o 0 o Q o o Q o 0 V o C Q o o ci 0 o 0 o ci ov v .v.v. o v o v. v.v. v. o.v � b v z z z z 0 v ID kn z z z z O 'a r o c Ta o a o a o 0 p O O O a a C6.Ab. a a a a m E d O Q w O lF V� [C [C [C cC L O a o m r ro m o s o' o ut q' H H O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O LLJ VO VO.VO VO c' v. o v.v.v.v.v.o o va va v.o 0 LLJ V` V� v v v u H H H N O O O O LLJ O O W u v. u u Q u Pm Lu N N ( z a h - C� v M � c u;,ru N m V g O O O 5 O o a Al 2 mu V a 3 a a c a GS i= v wi a V c L � a � p U a w U w N E.: O a 2 O 2 2 G 2 O U a a O a in IM w '" in _ E p a m o c „ d m m m 0 v w Z a CB Z Gp a G G G G M m Z Z z m Z ' t Y ® � W ,,'mJYq NMI, 2��(L � " " May 25, 2022 Change Order#11 —Boulder Relocation Project: Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area. Address: 29550 Overseas Hwy, Big Dine Ivey, FL 33043 Contract: GON68 Financial Project ID: 435511-1-58-01 ChanSe Order Description: Relocate 4-5 boulders from the back of the property to the entrance of the property. Install 2 bollards near sidewalk area —final location to be decided by owner. Coral Construction Labor- $716.80 Equipment- $1,200.00 5% OH — $95.84 5%Profit— $95.84 Bollards - 331.69 2 = 663.3� (verified �.osl� (ra�mCO ���ll2 V����m �,�u�m,,pes @1���1��"� �.�a�li���u�ls) Change Order #11 Total m $2,771. 6 Respectfully Submitted, Chelsea Lyons Project Manager Mailing Address:PO Box 500582,Marathon,FL,33050 Physical Address: 347 Aviation Blvd,Marathon,FL,33050 Phone: (305)394-0747 Licenses: C C044320—C C1264278—C C1264279—CGC045270—CFC045270—CCC1331887 Labor Days Laborer Labor rate Insurance Labor total Hours Total I Foreman 45 28% $ 57.60 8 $ 460.80 1 carpenter —25 —28%—$ 32-00 —8 $ 256.00 Labor Total $ 716.80 KqWpment E E i m�en Et Rate Total ui m _g,g�� Hours Skid steer 8 $--15000 $1,200.00 Equipment Total: $1,200.00 ' t Y ® � W ,,'mJYq NMI, 2��(L � " " June 7, 2022 Change Order#12 —Water Timer Project: Lower Keys Sonic Highway Viewing Area Address: 29550 Oversees Hwy, Big Pine Ivey, FL, 33043 Contract: GON68 Financial Project ID: 435511-1-58-01 ChanZe Order Description: Install a timer to shut cuff water to park Subcontractor total - $2,350.00 GC 5°l Markup - $117.50 Change Order#9 Total: $2,467.50 Respectfully Submitted, Chelsea Lyons Project Manager Mailing Address:PCB Box 500582,Marathon,FL,33050 Physical Address: 347 Aviation Blvd,Marathon,FL,33050 Phone: (305)394-0747 Licenses: C C044320—C C1264278—C C1264279—CGC045270—CFC045270—CCC1331887 Gaits Plumbing and Fire, Inc. Proposal Cam 0 �r � Ph. (305')296-6o13 I�IJ"����� �rf�fl 6409 end Terrace Suite r Key Nest,FL 33040 Date Ph.(305)296-6o13 � garysplumbi ngi(a)aol.com 5/20/2022 Name/Address Coral Construction Company George Steinmetz PO Box 500582 Marathon,FL 33050 Prospect Scenic Highway Q ty Total Ref: Timer Loe: Scenic Highway Project Provide all labor and material necessary to install a timer to shut down the water at the above referenced location. Proposal amount 2,350.00 2,350.00 We appreciate your continued business. U,A bttTt f $2,3 50.00 Signature/Title SalesTax (7.5%) $0.00 Total $2,3 50.00 ' t Y ® � W ,,'mJYq NMI, 2��(L � " " `°"' `r °JJ111 .r1f.,1 'I„ °ll) 111(,alb I"u° ',.," ilE June 7, 2022 Change Order#13 —Pull Boxes Project: Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area Address: 29550 Oversees Hwy, Big Pine Ivey, FL, 33043 Contract: GON68 Financial Project ID: 435511-1-58-01 ChanSe Order Description: Exploration, hind digging to find existing wires, markings, remove existing pull box and replace with new pull box, chip out old concrete, pour new concrete around and slightly lower wires to have pull boxes at bile path elevation. Subcontractor total - $3,750.00 GC 5%Markup - $187.50 Additional Bond Cost- $735.00 Change Order #9 Total: $4,672a50 Respectfully Submitted, C4� - . Chelsea Lyons Project Manager Mailing Address:PO Box 500582,Marathon,FL,33050 Physical Address: 347 Aviation Blvd,Marathon,FL,33050 Phone: (305)394-0747 Licenses: C C044320—C C1264278—C C1264279—CGC045270—CFC045270—CCC1331887 McMJIJII�en & Sans .5409 Overseas Hwy #318 "" Marathon, FL 33050 Phone # 305-916-9831 msconstruction7617@gmaii.com CBC # 1261704 PROPOSAL June Is', 2022 Proposal for Coral Construction Work being performed at: 29550 Overseas Hwy Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Project: Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area—Pull Boxes Scope of work: Exploration, hand digging to find existing wires, markings, remove existing pull box and replace with new pull box, chip out old concrete, pour new concrete around and slightly lower wires to have pull boxes at bike path elevation. Not included if required: • Electrical • Plumbing • Permits • Engineering • Landscaping • Anything other than stipulated in scoop of work All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for the above work and completed in a workmanship like manner for the sum of three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($3,750.00) Payable in the following manner: Balance due at completion of installation. Any alterations or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs,will be executed only upon written orders by the owner, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, windstorm,flood and other necessary insurance upon above work. Workman's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by the Contractor. Rates charged for allowances, extras and change orders approved by the owner: Labor rate: $75.00/hour Note: Contractor profit and overhead at a rate of 25%will be charged on all the above rates for work performed for a change order or an extra and on all costs that exceed the allowances estimates. Respectfully submitted: William C. McMillen Jr. Note:This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 14 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted.You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Customer Contractor CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES RECOVERY FUND NOTICE Payment may be available from the Construction Industries Recovery Fund if you lose money on a project performed under contract, where the loss results from specified violations of Florida Law by a state-licensed contractor. For information about the recovery fund and filing a claim contact the Florida Construction Licensing Board at the following telephone number and address: 7960 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, Florida 32211-7467; 904-727-6530. Kelly its & Associates Insurance, LLC 1622 Hickman Road ,Jacksonville,FL 32216 Telephone (904) 880-8881 Coral Construction Company Invoice 5209 Po Box 500582 6/15/2022 Marathon Shores, FL 33050 POLICY NUMBER COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE MX1930798244 AGCS Marine Insurance 611512021 713112022 611512022 443 Company PROPERTY AND COVERAGE DESCRIPTION CHARGE CREDIT Builders Risk Endorsement-extend coverage from 6/15/22-7/31/22 $735.00 Big Pine Scenic Overlook PAYTHISAMOUNT CREDIT DUE YOU $735.00 We now have ACH available! To request electronic payment of your invoice, simply fill out our ACH form and return to melissa@kwhiteinsurance.com. Thank you!