08th Change Order 07/01/2022 w BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
County of' Monroe Mayor David Rice,District 4
The Florida Keys � � � Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates,District 1
G Michelle Coldiron,District 2
James K.Scholl,District 3
Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5
DATE: 06/30/2022
Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.
FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. A r✓rr �� 2022.06.3011:55:01
SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved
Attached is proposed Change Order#8 Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area project. This change
order increases the final contract sum by $20,825.36. The substantial completion date is unchanged.
Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the
Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County
Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they
may have.
It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Friday,
July 1, 2022.
Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area INITIATION DATE: 6/29/2022
CONTRACT DATE: 03/21/2019
Coral Construction Company
6807 Overseas Highway
Marathon, FL 33050
The Contract is changed as follows:
The original (Contract Sum (Guaranteed Maximum Price) ........................................... $ 1,665,000.00
Net change by previously authorized Change Orders.....................................................$ 663,106.08
The (Qontract hum)
(Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was .............$2,328,106.08
The (gontract Sum (increased (decreased) (unchanged) by this
(Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be Q
Change Order ...................$20,825.36
The new (gontract hum)
(Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is .........$2,348,931.44
The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by...................................... 0 Days
The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is........................ .. 7/01/2022
Detailed description of change order and justification:
Upon permit review by the Monroe County Biologist, it was determined that 30 Pigeon Plum trees would be
required following the removal of 30 hazardous Poisonwood trees, This change order captures the net difference
between landscaping changes previously approved via change order for the required Pigeon Plum trees,
Additionally, there were several areas of the site that were left without ground cover, Project Management staff
requested additional gravel where appropriate to facilitate pathways for vendors and maintenance vehicles.
No additional time is required to complete this work.
Change order is 1,25% of original contract �rice,
Not valid until ntractor
ENGINEER: 06/29/2022
S&ME, INC. Date
CONTRACTOR: 6/30/2�022 y
Coral C�cnstruc�fio �or�pan Date
Digitally signed by Cary Knight
DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Cary Knight Date:2022.06.30 10:40:10-04'00'
Cary Knight, Director Date
Kevin G.Wilson, P.E.
COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: 2022.07.03 14:05:39-04'00'
Roman Gastesi Date
Kevin Wilson
Change Order Aftachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999
• Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes E No ❑
If Yes, explanation: During construction, it was determined by the County Biologist changes to proposed
landscaping would be required to facilitate removal of poisonwood trees. It was also determined during
construction that several areas where ground cover was not called for should receive gravel. As such, these
changes were not included in the original contract specifications,
• Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes ❑ No E
If Yes, explanation of increase in price:
• Change Order exceeds $50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes ❑ No E
If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids:
• Project architect/engineer approves the change order. Yes E No ❑
If no, explanation of why:
• Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes ❑No E
Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes ❑ No E
Explain: NIA
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`°"' `r °JJ111 .r1f.,1 'I„ °ll) 111(,alb I"u° ',.," ilE
June 20, 2022
Change Order#9—Mature Trail Landscaping -Updated
Project: Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area.
Address: 29550 Overseas Hwy, Big Dine Ivey, FL 33043
Contract: GON68
Financial Project ID: 435511-1-58-01
ChanEe Order Description:
Remove existing poison wood trees from nature path and picnic areas, no removal of any trees
from wetlands, and install replacement landscaping as proposed by Brightview.
Repaint bathroom water fountain to match new shower tower.
*** Updated to change all replacement tree/shrubs with 30 Pigeon Mums as stated by Monroe
County Building Department Biologist.
Subcontractor total - $42,880.47
GC 5%Markup - $2,144.02
Credit for Change Order approved previously: ($2 0 2 0 7,➢.3'1)
Change Order #9 Total: $1 ,757.36
Respectfully Submitted,
Chelsea Lyons
Project Manager
Mailing Address:PO Box 500582,Marathon,FL,33050
Physical Address: 347 Aviation Blvd,Marathon,FL,33050
Phone: (305)394-0747
Licenses: C C044320—C C1264278—C C1264279—CGC045270—CFC045270—CCC1331887
June 15,2022
Vp� r ,itV eW Page 1 of 3
far, alll"k aIt
IIII...........owe IIl1r IIK'RY 1111 liii Illh°°°°IIII lie li Il
Property Name Lower Keys Scenic Hwy Viewing Contact Chelsea Lyons
Property Address 29550 Overseas Hwy To Coral Construction Company
Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Billing Address PO Box 500582
Marathon, FL 33050
Sct:wIIIpe t:;l Wt:;wlirk
CITY UoM/Size Material/Description Unit Price Total
30.00 EACH PIGEON PLUM TREE 12'-13'ht,3"CAL $877.43 $26,322.75
For internal use only
SO# 7845244
JOB# 355400014
Service Line 130 tota�l IIirice $42,880.47
This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc.
4155 E.Mowry Dr,Homestead,FL 33033 ph.(305)258-8011 fax
June 15,2022
Page 2 of 3
& 14, CsnOellai NOUC
e of CancelbaVori of work rniat be receveud in writing
before the crew a,dnpaotted to their docation or Chent)Orvi will be HaNe for
L The Contrai shall rerollprii and perforto ln accordance vallf varflen lemons, a r6mirnum traver charge of$150,00 and Wiled to Chentl(Maror,
written t crftcatinnrvs and drooAngs onivy, contained or referred to herein All
malenaN shall cKrnforrin to bid specificatimis
The folitowing sections shall apply,where C*ntractor provides Customer wfth tree
2. Work Forci Contvacktt Shah designate a qLolified representative volin care Services:
experience in larrdscarre upgrades co when
arprAcade in tree management 'The vmMorce shaIl be coinfeetent and quallifed, 115, Tree&Stump Removal Tirehes removed valli he nor as,close,,or 11ho ground as
and shall be fegaify airflhor2ed to work in ffie U St frossibe based on condlikons to of next to the tratrom of[he free hunk Additionat
chialger,i fro levie'd for unseen hazards i as, Wt nor limited to concrete
1 License and, lacrinrl. Gcnntuwlor shall malntafn a Landscape Contmctot's bnck filWid trunks',rnetal Fees,etc If reque0red mechanrcral gnnding of visbi ties
hCensb, if raqurrefJ hy State of local t&ee, and will campy with of rather licerrae stornip wolf be lJoi to a defined vrvfth and depth betrwv ground levril at an
and perinut requinamerts fit the City, Statis and Federal as emr,11 addilronial charge,to the ChortUDmier Defined backfidl and landscape,rnatiei
as alt oflhei requirements of lai may be specified ClienVOwnei shall be jrqsTronqUe roi conlaching Underground
Service At 0, to focale underground ubirry lines,paean to Wart of ork (rorltraclor is
A. Taxes CorAraclor agrees to pay all applicable taxes,inctnudlrn,g sales tay,wheire not resj-wjnsRfrH darriage done to undergiound utilities such as i not hinted to,
apprmali on friareirial supplied caUes,vAres,ppes,and if rigation parts Contractor mIll i epwr darriaged dri
fifies,at the expense
6, Insurance Contfacto agfees to prowde General 1-raloldy insurance,
Automotive babirti insurance, Worker's Compensation lnsufance, caned any 116, Waiver off Liability:RequeMs lot circrhrt thintring in axcrrrs of lweaity-frve pett,eirrt
other insurance i by rary i Chent)Ovown, as spHolfied iin wi iting pntir to (25%r 01 Walk not in accordance voffr ISA(inlernailional Sodety,of Arlboricullihii
cornnirencernert of vyr,)rk H not spa„;rifled, contrpjt,'Ifor MH furnith rnswanrne"th standards mll fequi a signrrqwarvea of fiabildy
$1,000,000 hinit of liability.
M 1his, art
6. Liability Contractor sharl jrK.Jemnify the ChenVChviri er and its agents and Contractor is authorized to perform the work stated on doe:face of the Conpacl
cinir.floyees from and against any third party liatAties that arme oul of Papi orti,be 10011,4 due� at fivrie of billing If payrrent ha's not been tecisived, by
Contriadofr'�,�work to the extent such rablifies �ure aditudicated to have been Bngr,AView within fifteen,(15)days after bilf"rg, Bright View shall be entitled to all ensis;
caused by Contracrof's inegirgence or willful rnfaccii Contractor shiall not of cotlechm, rinclurbng reiasoriable- attorneys' fercs and it shaill be relieved or any
be liable for any dernaV&that ornmrs frorn Acts of God are dpfirfed as Ifiose obi to c.ontinue perttarntareae under lhis sac any affier Contract vvith ClientrrDisnef
carrised by Mridslairn, ha0,fire,floccl earthquake, hurircrime and freezing,etc 41letest at si Pei,annum rate 0 1 51Vo per month(18`% per year), of the highest late
Under Threse Cir racists Cee, Contractor shW luivre the rqht to the Permitted try faw,may be charged on untatO balance 30 days after Ulling
turn s,and poces of thirs at giefei within sixty(60)days Any illegar vespass,
claiins, andlor dai i frorn vvoik requested that is not or,rnci NOTICE FAft.URE TO MAKE PAYMENT VVHEhl DUE FOR COMPLETED VK)RK ON
owned by Citent/Cismi or not under Cilent/Ovaier management and control CONSTRUC"I ION JOBS, MAY RESUI I' IN A MECHANIC'S UEN ON THE TilTLE 'TO
Mist L*the so6e restyarvitiiWity of the Ciferd,ri)wner YOUR PROPERTY
7, Subcontractoirri Contractor reserves The tight lo Infre quahfied
subcontractors to peurform spiacictilized funchons' or mark requiring sipec4alized
equipment Property Manager
S. Additional Services Any additional vrork not sirrown in the above
specirfmai "wolving extra costs volt be Pxecuilrrid arty uji signed written
orders,and will boconie an extira charge over and above the esUrnate Chelsea Lyons June 15, 2022
1. Access to Jobsite ChentIrrNrier sl-faH avide all utilifies to perfav'n Irre
work Ch&,fV0wn& shall furnish access to aft pads of jobsine Wrefe Contractor Bjrjgjjt',i/iew Landscape Serv�ces, Inic. "Bright"i
is to ;x7.rfoirri i as FequirreKl' by the Contract of other 1im0ons related
themito, during normal humnear haum and other reasonable penods of tirne,
Contractor wiH perfarnr the,work as reasonably piactleM after the own-or makes Account Manager Exterjor
the site avaidarle for perfomance of the.orork r,eT,V,11
10. Invoicing,ClhernViOrwnef shall make payment to Contractor within filteen(15�,
days i receit-.A of invoice. In the event the schedi.fle for the corrIjAption of Ramiro Fernandez June 15, 2022
hies work %half rerikare more Than Vi (30 days, A prrograss pIr vfl be
presenIed by irrionth end and shall be paid oelihnn frfir(qm(15)days in"'fif)n
of invoice
11, Tarminatici This lurk Ordei irray be tervii by the eiffier party 1 01
f Job# 55400014 Pnodosed $42,880.47
wirhout c4use,upoiseven(7)work diys advance mplten nboe Clientr(Wa-er,
wdl be reqwi-pd to pay for all malerials purchased and Anrk complelied to the
date at letorinatrwr and nekisonalAp. charges intiurfort in den,*rAizintl SO#: 7845244
12. Assignment The OvintilClicnt and the Contractor naspecfivOy bind
arienisOves, trfoir parineis, sumeasors, asatp)eaxi and legaf representative to
the other party voth resped to all coverpants of this Agneet'rent Norther lho
OwnedClmil nor life Contractor shall assign or ri any interest in this
Agreement withour the warlten consent of the outer providert, however, that
consolt shati net be rerjOied to assign thus Agreement to any company whioll
controfs, Is cionlroHed f.y,01 is, under onunnion cui with Corrti4cror or in
ocrinnechon with assignment tax an affi(hate,of puisuarif to a merge(,sale of aH or
subsionfially air of its assets, or equity secuifties, consolidation, change of
contreg or co7pwala roorgunizotlon
113. Disclaimer: This proposal vwas issilinated and priced based iiupon a site visd
ind visual inspeccon from ground rnvM usmig ordirtsfy rinclits, at or ai The
tone this proposal was arepaied Tihe,price ClUoted fn flus proposal fon the
orroi k descnbeid, is rhe resuft of that ground level vrsuM inspection rind Iffeiefure
our cornpany rvnit riO be irable for any additionar oDsIrs of di for
actchbonal voork not described heeirr, or liable fur arty incidents/acoiderwN
resulting trorn condtlions, ilhat were not ascairtaii by said ground level
visual instectioru lay ordinary areians at the thine said faspechon or.1r;I;rer]V med
Crirdractor carinttt he hoild iosponsible for undii of othermser hidden
defects Any cori work proposed herein cannot guaiande ex@Cr reUrits
Puclessionai eiVineenri aichifectraral, an(Vor landscape design services
('Design 'Skw icon r,) are, not induced her this Agieenfunt and shati not. poi
provided by the Contractor. Any design defects in the Contract Documents are
the safe responsibility of the Ovenor If the ClientlChvitei nnist engage a
lic,ii kingineer, ardirted anOai landscape des4jn prolessronal, any on
concerning these Design Services are to be rand by the Client/Owner di
to I"',dmognto wiviolved
IIIIII IIIII : liiii iiiii : n
Personnel(Working Hours
m This Proposal is based upon personnel working normal daytime hours,8 hour work day,40 hour work week.Proposal excludes working in an ineffective manner(rain,
unsafe working conditions,etc.)
m BrightView is an open shop contractor,non-signatory to any labor agreements.
m This Proposal is based on non-prevailing wage and non-union labor rates.
This proposal is based on performing the work in one continuous operation and includes one mobilization of equipment,tools and resources to and from site.
Utilities,Traffic Control,and Permitting
m BrightView excludes any permits or applicable fees in this proposal.Permits and fees,if required,are to be supplied and paid for by others including street closure
and traffic control plans.
m Permanent or temporary Water meter fees,permits,installation and cost for water not included in proposal.
m BrightView Landscape Maintenance, Inc.is not responsible for underground or overhead utilities or their re-routing.
m BrightView is not responsible for unmarked private utilities.
m A minimum of(48)hour notice prior to mobilization must be provided for proper underground utility marking,etc.in public areas.
m The owner shall be responsible for identifying and marking all underground utilities within in the work site.
BrightView shall accept no responsibility for damage to any unmarked underground utilities.
Scope of Work/Project Specifications
m No import or export soils are provided for in this proposal except as noted in the scope of work.All planting spoils to be used on-site.
m Equipment access roads and level crane pads are to be provided at the time of installation and approved by BrightView prior to mobilization.
m Any and all concrete or asphalt cutting,demolition,removal and replacement to be performed by others.
m Hardscape,electrical,surveying, metal work or waterproofing or any other scope not specified in this proposal are excluded.
m No demolition work is provided for in this proposal except as noted in the scope of work.
m BrightView will receive the site clean and free of weeds and construction debris and in finish graded condition(plus or minus 1110th foot)
m Site is to be readily accessible by smooth bucket skip loader,forklift,and workmen with hand tools,semi-truck and trailer.
m Cutting,patching or penetration of planter walls is excluded.Coring of structures has not been included.All necessary penetrations into existing planters,sealing of
these penetrations,etc.to be by others.
m Waterproofing,protection boards,and topping slabs shall be completed,in place and tested by others prior to mobilization.
m Specified plant materials are subject to availability at the time of construction.
m BrightView shall be given sufficient notice to place irrigation sleeves prior to paving,curbing or wall footings being poured.
m No hardscape(asphalt,concrete,etc.)cutting for purposes of installing irrigation piping,wires,etc.is provided in this proposal.
m Irrigation to be taken from provided point of connection.Water meter installation excluded.
m Irrigation to be installed per plan.Any necessary irrigation modifications to be billed at time and materials.
m Power(110v)P.O.C.for irrigation controller will be provided by the others.
m BrightView will warranty the irrigation system,with regards to material and workmanship for(90)days post-installation.
m BrightView shall Warranty all shrubs,ground cover and vines for a period of(90)days.Specimen trees for a period of one(1)year.
m Warranty does not extend beyond the natural life cycle of the plant material.(E.G.annual color,perennials,biennials,etc.)
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`°"' `r °JJ111 .r1f.,1 'I„ °ll) 111(,alb I"u° ',.," ilE
June 22, 2022
Change Order#14 —Additional Gravel
Project: Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area.
Address: 29550 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Ivey, FL 33043
Contract: GON68
Financial Project ID: 435511-1-58-01
ChanSe Order Description:
Lay out additional 57 rack in designated areas from the owner for ground cover.
40 tons x $47 = $1,880.00
5% OH - $94.00
5%Profit- $94.00
Change Order #14 Total: $2,06 ®00
Respectfully Submitted,
Chelsea Lyons
Project Manager
Mailing Address:PO Box 500582,Marathon,FL,33050
Physical Address: 347 Aviation Blvd,Marathon,FL,33050
Phone: (305)394-0747
Licenses: C C044320—C C1264278—C C1264279—CGC045270—CFC045270—CCC1331887
6120122, 1:25 PM Yahoo Mail-#57 Rock Pricing
#57 IRock lPricing
Fmm� Mike Haack Excavating Inc. (info@haacl<excavating.com)
TO: cheIseamIyons@yahoo.com
cc: i n f o @ h a a c ke xc a va t i n g.c o m
Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 12:13 PIVI EDT
The price for#57 Rock lis $47.00 per ton. I e me know lif you need anything else.
Thank you,
Denise I anier
Mike HIaack IExcavating, Inc.
(305) 872-8945
Attention: The lilnformatioln contained liln this e-mail message lis confidential lilnformatioln and privileged intended solely for
the use of the individual(s) named above. Therefore any transmission or use of this electronic communication is in
violation of the IESlectronlic Communication F'rivacy Act, 18 USCA 2510. If the recipient of this message lis not the
intended recipient, you are Ihereby notified that any distribution or dissemination of this communication lis strictly
prolhibited. In the event that you Ihave received this communication lin error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail
and destroy any and all copies of the original message.