Meeting Date: July 18,2013 Division: Growth Management
Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: Planning&Environmental Resource
Staff Contact Person: Christine Hurlev Michael Roberts
(305)289-2500 (305) 289-2502
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion regarding coordination with Coastal Resources Group (CRG) to
assist in the development of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Keys Restoration Fund In-Lieu
Fee Program (KRF-ILF) to meet State mitigation requirements for the operation of a Regional Offsite
Mitigation Area(ROMA).
ITEM BACKGROUND: In January, 2012 the BOCC directed staff to prepare a RFP seeking professional
services to prepare the necessary documentation and provide the required services to permit and operate an In-
Lieu Fee (ILF) mitigation program to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts in the Florida Keys.
This request was initiated as a result of requests from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the South
Florida Water Management District for the County to evaluate mitigation options to potentially replace, or
sponsor, the Keys Environmental Restoration Fund (KERF). Staff prepared the RFP, however shortly after the
RFP was prepared (but not released), Coastal Resources Group (CRG) approached the Corps to discuss
assuming the management and operation of the Fund. The Corps issued the final approval for the Keys
Restoration Fund In-Lieu Fee Program (KRF-ILF) on July 1, 2013. While this addresses the availability of
federally required mitigation, it does not address mitigation needs for impacts requiring mitigation by the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection or the South Florida Water Management District. In short—this meets
the mitigation requirements for boat docks on canals (which do not require FDEP permits), but not for docks or
homes that require an FDEP or SFWMD permit. In order to provide for State required mitigation, it will still be
necessary to prepare a Memorandum of Agreement with the SFWMD to establish a Regional Off-site Mitigation
Area (ROMA). CRG provided a draft proposal for MC to sponsor the development of the ROMA MOU with
CRG as the mitigation provider. This would necessitate some funding by the County, but being a significant
portion of the required information for the MOU is included in the completed Prospectus and Instrument for the
ILF, it is likely that this approach would provide considerable savings over the originally approved budget of
PREVIOUS RELEVANT COMMISSION ACTION: Direction to prepare RFP—January 21,2012
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BOCC direct staff to coordinate with CRG regarding the
potential sponsorship by Monroe County of a Regional Off-site Mitigation Area(ROMA).
APPROVED BY: County Attorney_ OMB/Purchasing_ Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required
County of Monroe
Growth Management Division
Department of Environmental Resources Board of County Commissioners
Suite#420 „� �� � ' Mayor George Neugent,Dist.2
2798 Overseas Highway Mayor Pro Tern Heather Carruthers,Dist.3
Marathon FL 33050 Danny Kolhage,Dist. 1
Voice: (305)289-2500 „ David Rice,Dist.4
FAX: (305)289-2536 Sylvia J.Murphy,Dist.5
We strive to be caring,professional and fair
DATE: JULY 8, 2013
At the January 20, 2012 meeting, the BOCC directed staff to proceed with the preparation of an RFP/SOQ
for a Consultant to prepare permit documents and provide mitigation services for wetland restoration and/or
enhancement in Monroe County. Staff prepared the draft RFP,however since the meeting date the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers notified the County that Coastal Resources Group, Inc. (CRG)had entered into
discussions with Audubon to develop a plan whereby CRG would assume the management of the Fund,
bring the Fund into compliance with the Federal ILF requirements and continue to provide mitigation for
Federally regulated wetland impacts in the Keys. On Julyl, 2013,the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
approved the ILF Mitigation Program proposed by CRG. The new programm is known as the Keys
Restoration Fund In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program (KRF-ILF).
This approval addresses the Federal mitigation issue,but does not address mitigation needs for impacts
requiring mitigation by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or the South Florida Water
Management District. In short—the KRF-ILF will meet the mitigation requirements for boat docks on
canals (which do not require FDEP permits), but not for docks, seawalls or homes that did require an
FDEP or SFWMD permit.
In order to provide for State required mitigation, it may still be necessary to prepare a Memorandum of
Agreement with the SFWMD to establish a Regional Off-site Mitigation Area(ROMA). CRG has
submitted a proposal for Monroe County to assist in their pursuit of a ROMA. This would necessitate
some funding by the County, but being a significant portion of the required information for the MOU is
included in the completed Prospectus and Instrument for the ILF, it is likely that this approach would
provide considerable savings over the originally approved budget of$150,000
KRF-ILF Approval Letter
KR.F-ILF Final Instrument
CRG ROMA proposal
C:\Users\Tezanos-Mayra\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.Outlook\HBDOEK 1 R\KERF-CRG status memo 7-2013.docx
P.O.BOX 4970
REPLY TO July 1, 2013
Regulatory Division
Special Projects &Enforcement Branch
Mr. Robin Lewis
Coastal Resources Group, Inc.
PO Box 5430
Salt Springs, FL 32134-5430
Dear Mr. Lewis:
Reference is made to your proposal submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps),
for the establishment of the Keys Restoration Fund In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program (KRF ILF
Program). The KRF ILF Program is located in the Florida Keys in Monroe County. The KRF
ILF Program has been assigned file number SAJ-2012-02902-TMF,please refer to this file
number in any future correspondence regarding this Program.
The Corps, in consultation with the Interagency Review Team (IRT), has completed the
evaluation of KRF ILF Program Instrument. KRF ILF Program will provide Advance Credits
for Department of the Army authorized impacts to tidal wetlands,non-tidal wetlands and
seagrasses. These credits will be determined through the application of the Uniform Mitigation
Assessment Method (UMAM). The Corps hereby approves the final KRF ILF Program
Instrument submitted to this office on June 28, 2013. We have determined that the KRF ILF
Program will serve to provide appropriate compensatory mitigation for future impacts to waters
of the United States (U.S.) within the approved mitigation service area(MSA).
We are pleased to enclose a copy of the page bearing the Corps signature, which needs to be
attached to your copy of the approved KRF ILF Program Instrument. We will provide you a
copy of each of the pages bearing the signatures of the IRT representatives once they become
available. A copy of the approved KRF ILF Program Instrument will also be available for
review at the Regulatory In-Lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System(RIBITS)web
address: hgp-// eo.usace,4 mil/ft
- &--,--rmy- fts/index.htM1. To access the bank information in RIBITS,
select "Jacksonville" from the "ALL DISTRICTS" dropdown menu, click on "ILF Programs",
select Keys Restoration Fund from the populated list, and click on "Cyber Repository" (located
on upper far right section of webpage)then select Keys Restoration Fund ILF Instrument to view
the Instrument.
Thank you for your cooperation with the Jacksonville District Mitigation Review Team.
Should you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact Ms. Teresa M. Frame by
electronic mail at Te.r.e,*a..AFrgm,e_(&usq I at the letterhead address, or by telephone at
Donald W. Kinard
Chief, Regulatory Division
Copy Furnished: (w/o encl.)
Mr. Ron Miedema, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,400 North Congress Avenue, Suite
120, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Dr. Constance L. Cassler, U.S. Fish& Wildlife Service, 1339 20th Street, Vero Beach, Florida
Ms. Jocelyn Karazsia,NOAA, 400 North Congress Avenue, Suite 120, West Palm Beach,
Florida 33401
Mr. Stephen Werndli,NOAA/Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, P.O. Box 1083, Key
Largo,FL 33037
Ms. Joanne Delaney,NOAA/Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 33 East Quay Road, Key
West, Florida 33040
Mr. Michael Roberts, Sr. Administrator, Environmental Resources, Monroe County Growth
Management, 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400, Marathon, Florida 33050
Mr. Gus Rios, Environmental Administrator, Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
South District Marathon Office, 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 221, Marathon,Florida
Connie Bersok, PWS, Division of Water Resource Management, Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS #2500, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-
Keys Restoration Fund
In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program
Final Instrument
July 1 2013
Submitted to:
Regulatory Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Jacksonville District
701 San Marco Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Submitted by:
Coastal Resources Group, Inc. (a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corp.)through its Florida Keys Program
Keys Restoration Fund
PO Box 5430
Salt Springs, FL 32134-5430
Phone: 352-546-4842
Ke�,,s R Ocvath)n F'ur�d 11F,AVV"Nge"Ietc)P'n Ptogrem* . 111"" Insgrwnvr�t -Coastcf Rriwurcf,"'s Group', Inc,
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and General In-Lieu Fee Program Purpose, Goal, and Objectives 4
2. Federal Regulatory Authorities 4
3. Qualifications of Program Sponsors 5
4. In-Lieu Fee Program Operation 7
a. Program Service Area 7
b. Interagency Review Team 7
c. Credits, Fees, and Financial Assurances 7
d. In-Lieu Fee Account and Program Accounting Procedures 12
e. Functional Assessment Methods 14
f. Force Majeure and Catastrophic Events 16
g. Dispute Resolution 16
h. Program Default, Closure, and Modification Procedures 16
5. Mitigation Project Establishment and Operation 18
a. Mitigation Project Identification and Site Review Procedures 18
b. Restoration Guidelines 22
c. Compensation Planning Framework 23
Element 1: The geographic service area, including a watershed 23
based rationale for the delineation of the service area.
Element 2: A description of the threats to aquatic resources in 24
the service area, including how the in-lieu fee program will help
offset impacts resulting from those threats.
Element 3: An analysis of historic aquatic resource loss in the 25
service area.
Element 4: An analysis of current aquatic resource conditions in the 27
service area supported by field documentation.
Element 5: A statement of aquatic resource goals and objectives 27
in the service area, including a description of the general amounts,
types and locations of aquatic resources the program will seek
to provide.
Kcp, 4(mO flo)(IIPO'M'� (oo',00l /�`r�v)oh( /ru. -2
Element 6: A prioritization strategy for selecting and implementing 28
compensatory mitigation activities.
Element 7: An explanation of how any preservation objectives 30
identified above satisfy the criteria for use of preservation.
Element 8: A description of public and private stakeholder involvement 30
in plan development and implementation, including coordination with
federal, state, and local aquatic resource management and regulatory
Element 9: A description of the longterm protection and management 31
strategies, including financial, for activities conducted by the in-lieu
fee program sponsor, including transfer of long-term management.
Element 10: Reporting protocols and a strategy for periodic evaluation 32
and reporting on the progress of the program in achieving the goals and
objectives above, including a process for revising the planning framework
as necessary.
d. Sponsor Responsibilities 33
6. Definitions 34
7. Additional Provisions 37
8. References 39
9. Signatures 42
Figure 1. Proposed ILF Program Service Area 43
Figure 2. Proposed Lower Keys Project Area 44
Figure 3. Proposed Upper Keys Project Area 45
Appendix A. Current Proposed Projects of the Florida Keys ILF Mitigation Program 46
Appendix B. Proposal for Additional Work Needed for New ILF Mitigation Program 55
bond A/l/ 4)m om r(,!; ()foup Im- -3
1. Introduction and General In-Lieu Fee Proerarn Purpose. Goal. and Obeectaves
This In-Lieu Fee (|LF) Instrument establishing the Keys Restoration Fund /K0F\ In-Lieu Fee
Mitigation Program (|0F Program) is made and entered into by and among Coastal Resources
Group, Inc., (Sponsor) a Florida-based 501(c)(3\ not-fur-profit organization incorporated in 2003.
and the Interagency Review Team (|RT) composed of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Jacksonville District (ACOE), Region |V of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), National Marine Fisheries Service (NC3AA), Florida Department of
Environmental Protection FDEP), and Monroe County Growth Management Marathon Office
(MCGK8). This |LF Instrument is a binding agreement among the parties and incorporates all
attachments to the |LF Instrument asa part hereof.
This |LF Instrument sets forth guidelines and responsibilities for the establishment, use, operation,
protection, monitoring and maintenance of the KRF |LF Program to assure the work associated
with the KRF |LF Program produces the necessary compensatory mitigation credits to compensate
for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, that result from
activities authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and
Harbors Act, provided such activities have met all applicable requirements and are authorized by
the AC[]E pursuant to33 CFR332.letseq. The KRF |LF Program will accomplish these objectives
by creating, restoring, enhancing, and preserving in perpetuity mangrove, sa|tnnarsh, buttonwood
and freshwater wetlands, submerged seagnass habitats and associated upland buffers found
throughout the interconnected Florida Keys (Keys) ecosystem that comprises the KRF |LF Program
Service Area.
Compensatory mitigation for activities authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act in the Keys was previously provided through the
Keys Environmental Restoration Fund (KERF) managed by Audubon of Florida (Audubon).
Audubon will cease operation of KERF on the effective data of this |LF Instrument. The KRF |LF
Program will assume the collected unspent federal compensatory mitigation funds from KERF and
responsibility for 2 planned wetland mitigation projects and 2 seagnass mitigation projects (one
each in the Lower Keys and one each in the Upper Keys) already identified tp offset losses for
which fees have been paid. The type and amount of habitat to be provided by future KRF |LF
Program projects will be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the |RT, and
subject tmthe approval of the/4C[]E.
2. Federal Regulatont Authorities
The establishment, use and operation ofthe NRF |LF Program are carried out in accordance with
the following authorities:
Clean Water Act (33USC §1351 et seq.); Nivers and Harbors Act (33USC §403);
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act /16USC §661 et seq.);
Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers, Final Rule (33 CFN Parts 320'332);
Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule (2008). Department of
Defense Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers (33CFR Parts 325and 332) and
Environmental Protection Agency (4OCFR Part 33O);
Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged and Fill Material(40 CFR Part 23D);
Endangered Species Act (1GUSC §1531etseq.);
Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16USC §1801etseq');
Memorandum of Agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the
Department of the Army concerning the Determination of Mitigation Under Clean
Water Act, Section 404 (b)/1) Guidelines, 1990;
Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 05-01. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, February 14, 2005;
Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-D3. U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, October l0, 20O8;
National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC §4331 etseq.);
National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106.
3. Qualifications of Proeram Sponsor
The Sponsor's established purposes include conducting all activity authorized 6v Florida law
toward the ends of conserving, managing, preserving, and protecting the natural resources of
Florida's coastal zone, including but not limited to seagrass, mangrove, coral raef, sa|tmmarsh,
and freshwater wetland habitats and the ambient water quality upon which they depend.
The Sponsor has carried out many projects around the State of Florida since 2003vvith a
focus on the education and science related to habitat restoration and the Sponsor will
continuethis mission in the Keys with a conservation involvement broader than theKRF |LF
Program. The KRF ILF Program will benefit from nearly 90 years of experience in hands-on habitat
restoration by the principles of the Sponsor - Robin Lewis, Curtis Kruer, and Laura Flynn. The
Sponsor will maintain a day to day presence in the Keys through the use of qualified
resource management consultants.
Mr. Roy R. "Robin" Lewis ||| is President of the Sponsor and a certified Professional Wetland
Scientist with the Society ofWetland Scientists where he also serves on the board of directors
of the Society. Mr. Lewis' expertise includes the ecology, restoration and creation of fresh and
saltwater marshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. He has studied the effects of oil
spills on coastal ecosystems, plant and animal colonization of dredged material islands, and
experimental re-vegetation of wetlands using both marine and freshwater species. He has
designed more than 200 completed wetland restoration or creation projects in Florida, South
Carolina, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nigeria and Thailand, and is currently
working on mangrove projects in the Bahamas, Jamaica, B Salvador and Indonesia. He has
published more than 100 papers on these subjects (most available at
and \ and is the editor Of
Creation and Restoration of Coastal FYomt Communities, published by CRC Press in 1902. Mr.
Lewis is a Florida native, and regularly teaches the Mangrove Ecology, Restoration and
Management Training Course and wetland restoration courses for the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Ohio State University, University of Wisconsin and Louisiana State University.
Mr. Curtis R. Kruer is Vice-President of the Sponsor. Mr. Kruer is a marine biologist with 37 years
experience specializing in coastal ecology with a focus on coastal habitat restoration, coral reef
ecosystem habitat mapping, and natural resource management and conservation. He has
consulted for numerous agencies and conservation groups including the National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department ofJustice, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida
Marine Research Institute, Florida Department of Community Affairs, and the Florida Natural
Areas Inventory. A Florida native, he lived and worked for 22 years in the Keys where, among
other efforts he was the field biologist responsible for insuring compliance with ACC3E dredge
and fill permits during the Keys Bridge Replacement Project in the 1980s he mapped all Keys
wetlands for a formal USEPAmdwaneed identification program, managed the Keys Environmental
Restoration Trust Fund, and organized the Keys Invasive Exotics Task Force. He was also a
member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Water Quality Protection Program and for the USFVVS South Florida Multi-Species Recovery
Plan. He remains active in the Keys working with issues related to protection and
management of native habitats and threatened and endangered species there. Mr. Kruervvas
involved in the beginnings of KERF in the early 1980s, and on behalf of Audubon helped
rehabilitate the Fund in 1991 as an active practitioner of Kays habitat restoration. Under &8r.
Kruer'sdinection and in cooperation with the ACC3E, the Fund in about 1996 began to accept
compensatory mitigation and other fees from state and federal permit holders in the Keys
required tqoffset unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized through the
issuance of Department of the Army permits pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33
U.S.C. 1344) and/or Sections 9 or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 401, 403).
While managing the Fund, Mr. Kruer helped pioneer nngMyseagrass restoration methods used in
the Keys today including the filling of vessel blowholes, planting of prop scars, and the use ofbird
stakes tofertilize and aid revegetation.
Ms. Laura L. Flynn is Treasurer of the Sponsor Ms. Flynn provides multi-disciplinary natural
resource assessment support and project design, negotiation and implementation of permit
conditions and mitigation plans. Additionally, she provides expertise in G|S mapping and data
Recent clients of the Sponsor for work related to its mission of habitat restoration science
and education include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the St. Johns River Water Management
District Everglades National Park, and the Gulf of Mexico Program. Collectively, our staff has
designed, implemented and monitored more than 200 wetland mitigation/creation projects
during their careers, ranging in size from less than a half acre to more than 600acres' We have
successfully relocated submerged seagrasses at over 20 sites, created mangrove forests at
individual sites as large as 150 acres, and restored estuarine tidal marshes, and freshwater
marshes as large as 500acres. Given our knowledge of habitat ecology and plant biology, we
are often able to offer substantially less expensive alternatives that are accepted by the
agencies and which result in successful projects.
Most recently, the Sponsor is working to restore a 271 acre mangrove restoration project
(64 acres currently dead, 207 acres currently stressed and likely to die) located at the Fruit
Farm Creek, Collier County, Florida, USA, near the town ofGood|and and the City of Marco
Island. The Sponsor has secured initial funding of $60L000 towards a total restoration cost
estimated to be $675,000 for design, permitting and implementation of construction.
The Sponsor is also committed to the providing educational opportunities to resource managers,
regulatory staff, and private individuals. CRG experience, commitment to the environment, and
ability to be flexible and work as ateann will give the KRF KLF Program the support needed to
design, implement and complete successful mitigation projects. Resumes of the Principles of
the Sponsor, including examples of habitat restoration projects accomplished, are available
upon request.
4. In-Lieu Fee Proeram Oneraxiop
a. KRF ILF Program Service Area
The Service Area for the KRF ILF Program includes both islands and submerged lands within
the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), including County,
State, and Federal waters (Figure 1). The KRF ILF Program Service Area encompasses
approximately two-thirds of the 2,900 square nautical miles (9,800 square kilometers) of the
FKNMS as defined in the 2007 FKNMS Final Revised Management Plan. The total landmass of
the U.S. Highway One connected islands (Monroe County) is approximately 86,000 acres. The
K R F I L F Program Service Area will not extend to the mainland portion of Monroe County in
south Florida or beyond the boundaries of the adjacent Everglades National Park or Biscayne
National Park.
The Sponsor will select and submit proposed projects from a Lower Keys Project Area (Figure 2)
and an Upper Keys Project Area (Figure 3). These project areas were based on a number of
factors including geology, development patterns, historic permitting activity and distinctive
wetland plant community types. A more detailed discussion of the scientific justification for these
Project Areas within a single Service Area is provided in Section 5b (Element 1) of this ILF
b. Interagency Review Team ORT,)
The ACOE will initiate the assembly of the IRT to review documentation for the
establishment and management of the KRF ILF Program. The designated representative of the
ACOE shall serve as permanent Chair of the IRT. All decisions, approvals, consents and other
actions of the IRT are implemented by its Chair, and all references in this ILF Instrument to a
decision, approval, consent or other action by the IRT shall be deemed to refer to its Chair,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. The ACOE will include representatives from the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; NOAA's National Marine
Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary;
Monroe County Dept. of Growth Management and other state, local and federal agencies
deemed appropriate by the ACOE. The ACOE retains final authority over the IRT composition,
but shall not unreasonably exclude any government agency with an interest in IRT matters.
Any of the IRT members may terminate participation upon written notification to all signatory
parties. Participation of the IRT member seeking termination will end thirty (30) days after such
written notification.
c. Credits Fees and Financial Assurances
KeyMig Fees
The ACOE has assessed KeyMig debits to be offset by compensatory mitigation work funded by
KeyMig fees received or required to be received by KERF as a condition of a Department of the
Army permit that was authorized by the ACOE prior to the approval of the KRF ILF Program. The
Kays hlz Ofm ;ood OF 1"Alioryatlr.'� Plouzror,r pit - ((I o(",` G'r�,rr�ur t r�ru,;ll, I'm -7
Sponsor will, through full project funding and cost accounting, and in conjunction with the |RT,
complete the 2 wetland (Bahia Honda and Rachel Key) and 2 seagnass (UenunnxitaeSeagnass and
Lower Keys Seagnass) projects planned (see Appendix /&) by Audubon for KERF, and use any
remaining KeyK4ig fees to identify and implement additional projects needed to offset impacts
authorized bw Department 4f the Army Permits.
Advance Credits
To implement the KRF |LF Program, the Sponsor is authorized to sell advanced credits (via the
direct receipt of compensatory mitigation fees) to provide compensatory mitigation for impacts
authorized by Department of the Army Permits. The number and resource type of credits and
debits are determined by utilizing Florida's Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method /UK8/\&8\.
Through Department of the Army permit application review and UM4A&8, the ACOE will establish
debits required to be offset by wetland or submerged habitat compensatory mitigation credits.
UhA/4&1considers the following functions: location and landscape support, water environment and
community structure and factors in time lag, risk and preservation adjustment factor as
appropriate. During the permitting process, the /\[CJE will evaluate impact(s) for each project
utilizing UM/\M and determine the number and resource type of credits required to provide
appropriate compensatory mitigation for authorized projects on a case-by-case basis. Based on o
review of permitting activity reported by KERF over the last 10± years, the Sponsor has
determined an allocation (3 year period) of U&8A&8 advance credits for the KRF |LF Program
Service Area as follows:
Tidal Wetlands (mangrove and salt marsh)
12 advance credits /6 for the Upper Keys Project Area and 6 for the Lower Keys Project Area)
Non-tidal (Freshwater) Wetlands
3 advance credits in the Lower Keys Project Area
Q advance credits /4 for the Upper Keys Project Area and 4 for the Lower Keys Project Area)
Credit Fees
The price charged perrnittees by the KRF |LFProgram for credits is determined by the Sponsor.
The cost per unit credit must take into account all expected costs (full cost accounting) associated
with the restoration, enhancement and/or preservation of aquatic resources in the service
area. Such costs must be based on full cost accounting according to 33
CFR§333.8/oK5Vii1\ and will reflect, as appropriate, expenses for land or property
interest acquisition, project location, planning and design, construction, plant materials,
labor, legal fees, monitoring, rernediation or adaptive management activities, long-term
management, catastrophic events, as well as all costs associated with the administration of the
KRF |LF Program. The cost per unit Credit shall also take into account contingency costs
appropriate to the stage of project planning, including uncertainties in construction and real
estate expenses. In addition, the cost must also include any cost of providing financial
assurances necessary to ensure successful completion of mitigation projects, and may
reflect other factors as deemed appropriate by the Sponsor and the /\CC)E. Based on the
above requirements, a review of costs associated with past wetland and seagrass restoration
enhancement and preservation projects in the Keys and the Sponsor's best professional
judgment the fee schedule bv resource type and credit throughout the Service Area isasfollows:
Tidal Wetlands (mangrove and salt marsh)
Non-tidal (Freshwater) Wetlands
The prices charged toperrnit1ees6«the Sponsor for credits shall be reviewed bVthe Sponsor, the
ACOE and the |RT on at least an annual basis. This review will take place within three months
after the completion of the required Annual Report to the ACCJE and the |RT, and will be
aided by the proposal in Appendix B. The KNF | LF Prograrn fee schedule will be
provided to Department of the Army permit applicants. Compensatory mitigation credits
generated at each KRF |LF Program project site will be determined on o project-by-project basis
using U&8AM as directed by the AC[3E. The number and type of credits for each project will be
evaluated by the ACC3E in consultation with the |RTot the time each project is proposed for
Credit Releases
Credit releases (indicating satisfaction of responsibility) must be approved by the AC0E and will
be reviewed upon submittal of documentation to the ACOE for each KRF |LF Program project
demonstrating that appropriate expenses have been accrued, and milestones for credit and fund
releases have been achieved. Once the mitigation obligations associated with debited Advance
Credits have been satisfied by Released Credits, that corresponding amount of Advance Credits is
again available for use. Credits may be released as milestones are achieved in the Credit Release
schedule approved for each K R F |LF Prmgranm project. Credits shall not be released for a
pro'ect until the ACCJE and |RThawe acknowledged proof that appropriate land protection
agreements are approved and required documents are in place.
The Sponsor shall maintain o separate ledger for each NRF |LF Program Project that will
depict all Credit releases and Credit withdrawals associated with each KRF ILF Program
Project. The final conservation easement or equivalent mechanism for long-term
protection and management shall be submitted to the ACOE and |RT for review and approval
prior tothe initial release of KRF |LF Program project credits.
The project credit release schedule is as follows:
Released Credits will be applied to Advance Credits as milestones specified in each mitigation
project plan are achieved. Credit release schedules may vary by project and will vary between
restoration/enhancement and preservation. As projects are implemented any credits generated
as o result of meeting ecological performance standards will first be used to secure the
mitigation obligations associated with debited "advance" credits (fulfilling advance credits and
restoring the advance credit balance). Atypica| credit release schedule for a restoration and
enhancement project vviUinc|ude:
0 1096 release following /4COE approval of a KRF |LF Program project and compensatory
mitigation plan, submittal of the baseline monitoring report, recording of an approved |$Md
protection agreement, setting aside necessary financial assurances for construction and
implementation and long term management of the project.
0 10% release following project construction, production of an as-built drawing, and submittal
of time-zero monitoring report
� 15% after the first year ofsuccessfully meeting the monitoring performance standards and
submittal ofthe first annual report,
0 15% after the second year of successfully meeting the monitoring performance standards
and submittal of the second annual monitoring report,
0 1596 after the third year of successfully meeting the monitoring performance standards and
submittal of the third annual monitoring report,
w 15% after the fourth year ofsuccessfully meeting the monitoring performance standards
and submittal of the fourth annual monitoring report,
w 30% after the fifth year of successfully meeting the monitoring performance standards,
submittal of the fifth annual monitoring report, and concurrence by the ACC3E in
consultation with the |RT that the project has achieved final success after all activities have
been implemented successfully and community specific criteria and/or hydrologic criteria
have been attained in all assessment areas.
Atypica| release schedule for a strictly preservation project will be:
w lOOYN release upon approval of project plan, recording of an approved land protection
agreement and setting aside necessary financial assurances for long term management of
the project.
The Sponsor will complete initial physical and biological improvements, and any land acquisition
and land secumernent needed for a NRF |[F Program project no later than end of the third year
after receipt of the first KRF |LF Program payment for each resource type. If the Sponsor fails to
meet this deadline, the ACOE must either rnohe o determination that more time is needed to
plan and implement an in-lieu fee project or, direct the Sponsor to provide alternative
compensatory mitigation to fulfill those compensation obligations. This alternative mitigation
will entail disbursement of funds from the |LF Program Account.
Financial Assurances
Financial assurances are mechanisms used to guarantee some aspect of mitigation site
performance and may include a contingency account, escrow account performance bond,
insurance, letter of credit, or other mechanism acceptable to the /\CCJE and the IRT. Financial
assurances will be provided for construction and implementation and long term management of
each K0F |LF Program project. Each KRF |LF Program project site will be protected in perpetuity
and o long term management mechanism will be established sufficient to provide annual
maintenance and management for all aspects of site activities. A long term management plan will
be developed for each KRF |LF Program project which will define how the site will be managed
after performance standards have been achieved to ensure the long-term sustainabi|itV of the
resources, including long-term financing and the party responsible for long-term management.
The long term management plan will include a description of the long-term management needs,
including r$nnedia1ioM of catastrophic events, annual cost estimates for those needs, and
identification of the funding mechanism 1obeused.
The Sponsor will provide financial assurances to ensure project completion and long-term
management and oversight by setting aside adequate funds from the KRF |LFPnmgramn Account
sufficient to guarantee the success of each KRF |LF Program Project Site, including rernediation of
catastrophic events and long-term management of each OF |LF Program Project Site. Specific
detailed information about the long- term financing will be proposed in each specific NRF |LF
Program Project Site Long-Term Mitigation Plan and will explicitly describe the long-term
financing mechanisms and the party responsible for the long-term management. The cost per
unit credit for in-lieu fees will factor in the need for contingency costs that are appropriate to the
scale and nature of the project (i.e. public vs. private lands), the stage ofproject planning, and
include uncertainties in construction and real estate expenses, and will initially constitute 20V8of
fees charged. The Sponsor may be allowed to rely upon accumulated, unspent funds to
address the need for remedial action or adaptive management at certain sites, upon
approval by the /\COE and the |RJ of specific KRF |LF Program project plans. Long-term
management funding refers to funds set aside from credit fees to ensure that monies will be
available tPsupport the annual long-term management needs of the mitigation project. It is
anticipated that specific project plans to be reviewed by the IRTuvi|| include these mechanisms
and levels ofassurances, depending on the anticipated long-term expense that is mainly related
to site ownership. As most project sites are anticipated to be on already managed public lands,
these expenses are expected to be relatively low once long-term management agreements are
signed with land managers, and will be adequately covered by the 2O96contingency portion of
The Sponsor will submit an annual financial assurances and long-term management funding
reports as part of the annual reporting for individual projects and accounting of fees and debits
and credits. This report will be provided to the ACOE and IRTso that they are able to ensure
that financial assurances are maintained for each project and will include:
- Beginning and ending balances of the accounts providing funds for construction and
implementation financial assurances and |ong-terrn management financial assurances,
- Deposits into and any withdrawals from the accounts providing funds for construction
and implementation financial assurance and long-term management financial assurances,
' Information on the amount of required financial assurances and the status of those
assurances, including their potential expiration,
- Anyre|evant information on the transfer of long-term management responsibility to another
All monies and fees collected by Audubon for KERF prior to the effective date of this |LF
Instrument, and not allocated for expenditure for an approved Mitigation Site under the prior
1998 K4OU between Audubon and the ACOE, shall be managed in accordance with this |LF
d. KRF ILF Program Account and Accounting Procedures
The KRF |LF Program Account is the repository for all fees collected from permittees, as well as
penalties, fines, and interest received by the K RF |LF Program from operation as a
program carrying out compensatory mitigation. The establishment, operation, and use of the KRF
|LF Program Account will be developed in full compliance with 33 CFR 332.8(i)/40 CFR 230.98/i\.
Upon AC[JE approval of this |LF Instrument, the Sponsor will designate a separate bank account
as the KRF |LF Program Account. Any funds accepted by the Sponsor from entities other than
perrnittees shall be kept ina separate account.
The NRF |LF Program Account will collect deposits (fees) from the sale of credits to pernni1tees
and these funds will be used for all activities and program management related to the selection,
design, acquisition, implementation, monitoring, management, and long-term protection ofKRF |LF
Program projects. The Sponsor will submit proposed KRF |LF Program projects to the ACC}E for
approval. Disbursements from the NNF |LF Program Account will only be made upon receipt of
written authorization from the ACC}E of approval of activities requiring the disbursement of funds,
after the ACOE has consulted with the |RT. The ACOE does not need to authorize each individual
disbursement from the account, but must provide written approval for the project, based on a review
of the project mitigation plan, which will include a description of activities and projected costs. Once
the project is authorized,funds disbursed from the account must be spent for the project inamnanner
consistent with the approved project rnitigationp|an. The ACOE shall have the authority to approve
activities and proposals by the Sponsor that will entail expenditure of KRF |LF Program Account
funds to alternative compensatory mitigation projects in cases where the Sponsor does not
provide the required compensatory mitigation within the time frame specified in Section
333.B (n)(4\ ofthe Final 2008 Mitigation Rule.
The Sponsor will provide an Annual Accounting Report fmr the K RF |LF Pro grarn to
the /\COE and the INT. The Annual Report will include the following information:
/i\ All income received, disbursements, and interest earned by the KRF ILF Program Account;
/ii\ /\ list ofall Department of the Army permits for which QRF fLF Program funds were accepted.
This list shall include: the ACOE permit number, the project area in which the authorized impacts
are located, the amount of authorized impacts, the amount of required compensatory
mitigation, the amount paid tothe KRF |LF Program, and the date the funds were received from
/iii\ Adescription ofKRF |LF Program expenditures from the K0F |LF Program Account, such as
the costs of planning, design, construction, monitoring, land acquisition, maintenance,
contingencies, adaptive management, and administration;
/iv\The balance ofadvance credits and released credits at the end of the report period for each
KRF |LFProgram project area;
(v) The annual monitoring report described in Element lO below; and
hvi\ Any other information reasonably required b*the ACOE
The KRF ILF Program Account will be held at a financial institution that is a member of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation. All interest accruing from the account will be used to fund the
KRF |LF Program to provide compensatory mitigation for impacts to aquatic resources authorized
by Department of the Army permits. The KRF |LF Program account will be established before
any fees are accepted. Upon reasonable prior notice the ACOE shall have the right to
audit the Sponsor's records pertaining to the KRF |LF Program Account. Long-term
management funds will be transferred from the KRF |LF Program Account to an endowment
dedicated to fund long-term management of the KRF |LF Program project.
Funds paid into the KRF |LF Program Account may only be used, after payment of the
administrative fee addressed below, for the restoration, establishment, enhancement,
protection, and management of aquatic resources and associated upland buffers. This means
the selection, design, land acquisition (i.e., appraisals, surveys, title insurance, etc),
implementation, and management of in-lieu fee compensatory mitigation projects. This may
include, but is not limited to, fees associated with securing permit for conducting mitigation
activities, activities related to restoration, enhancement, establishment, and/or preservation of
aquatic resources and associated upland buffers, maintenance and monitoring of mitigation
sites, or any other fee related to the mitigation process contemplated by this program.
The Sponsor will receive an administrative fee of 17.5% of the funds when funds are deposited
into the KRF |LF Program account. The administrative fee will come from the deposited fees
and is deemed to represent and reimburse reasonable overhead and related costs of
administering the KRF |LF Program to accomplish the mitigation projects described herein in
an area with a high cost ofliving and high construction costs.These fees will be used generally to
defray such ordinary expenses involved in administering the KRF |LF Program, the administration
of contractual agreements, record keeping, communications with partners, financial management
and accounting, costs associated with coordinating project proposals as well as the
management and presentation of proposals and coordination with those seeking proposal
information, and specifically including but not limited to:
- Staff time and employment expenses, including relevant training
- Office expenses, rent, computer equipment, transportation costs, and office
equipment and supplies related to program administration
' Phone, internet, and other communications expenses
- Site selection leading to project identification
- Fee and credit accounting for the NRF |LF Program account and K R F |LF Program project
accounts, including accounting services asneeded
- Legal services
- Data management
' Reporting regarding the program
- Correspondence and meetings with |NT and other regulatory agencies, including negotiation
of modifications to this Instrument
- KRF |LF Program development
- Other program administration duties osnecessary
- Bank and other fees associated with operation of the KRF |LFProgram.
Functional Assessment Method
The Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UKUAR8) is a Florida rule 62'345\
authorized by subsection 373.414/18\, F.S, which requires the establishment of a uniform
mitigation assessment method to determine the amount and resource type of
compensatory mitigation needed to offset adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface
waters and to award and deduct mitigation bank credits..
UKUA&4 analysis will evaluate the potential functional lift that is anticipated to be generated by
the proposed compensatory mitigation activities. The resulting wetland Relative Functional Gain
(RFG) quantifies. the difference in wetland function between the pre-restoration scenario and
the post-restoration scenario to determine the number of credits to be gained. The gain in
functions provided by a mitigation assessment area is determined using the following
formula: Functional Gain (FG) =RFG x Mitigation Acres. The U&8p\&Hassessment will include
evaluating the following categories for each community type:
l. Location and Landscape Support: The value of functions provided by an assessment area to fish
and wildlife are influenced by the landscape position of the assessment area and its relationship
with the surrounding areas. The availability, connectivity, and quality of offsite habitats and
offsite land uses that might adversely affect fish and wildlife utilizing these habitats, are attributes
to be considered when evaluating the location of the assessment area. There are eight (8)
attributes identified in U&8AM to evaluate this category. These attributes are the support to
wildlife by outside habitat; invasive exotics or other invasive plant species in proximity of the
assessment area; wildlife access to and from outside (distance and barriers); functions that
benefit fish and wildlife downstream (distance and barriers); impacts of land uses outside
assessment area on fish and wildlife; benefits to downstream or other hydrologically connected
areas; and, benefits to downstream habitats from discharges and protection of wetland functions
bV upland mitigation assessment areas.
3. Water Environment: The quantity of water in on assessment area, including the timing,
frequency, depth and duration of inundation or saturation, flow characteristics and the quality of
that water, may facilitate or preclude its ability to perform certain functions and may benefit or
adversely impact its capacity to support certain vvi|d|ife. There are twelve (12) attributes
identified in U&8AKH to evaluate this category. These attributes are seasonal water levels and
flows; tides, wave energy; soil moisture/ erosion/ deposition; fire history; plant community
zonation (appropriate for all strata); vegetative indicators of hydrologic stress (leaning or falling
trees, insect damage); use by wildlife with specific hydrologic requirements; plant community
composition; water quality degradation or alteration; standing water; water quality data; and,
appropriate water depth, current, and light penetration.
3. Community Structure: The wetland is characterized either by plant cover or by open water
with a submerged benthic community. When a plant cover is present, the area is assessed using
the "Vegetation and Structural Habitat" section and when benthic communities are present the
site is assessed using the "0enthic Communities" section.
Vegetation and Structural Habitat isthe presence, abundance, health, condition, appropriateness
and distribution of plant communities in wetlands used as indicators to determine the degree to
which the functions of the community type are provided. There are ten (10) attributes identified
in UKH/\K8 to evaluate the Vegetation and Structural Habitat category. These attributes are
appropriate and desirable plant species composition; absence of exotic invasive plants; normal
regeneration and recruitment; appropriate age/size class distribution; density and quality of
coarse woody debris (snag, den and cavity); plant condition (no evidence of insect damage,
spindly growth); land management potential; topographic features present /refugia ponds, creek
channels, flats or hummocks); low siltation mr algal growth in submerged vegetation; and, upland
Benthic and Sessile Communities is intended to be used in marine or freshwater aquatic systems
that are not characterized by terrestrial or emergent plant community. There are seven /7\
attributes identified in UKHAMto evaluate the Benthic/Sessi|ecategory. These attributes are the
number and diversity ofbenthicspecies; exotic or inappropriate species; optimal regeneration,
recruitment, and age distribution; condition of appropriate species; structural feature integrity
(no physical damage); topographic features such as relief, stability and interstitial spaces in
herdhottonn and reef communities mrsnags and coarse woody debris in riverine systems; and,
spawning or nesting habitat.
4. Time Log: The Corps has adopted aTennpona| Loss /T'factor\ table based on a396discount
rate. The T'factor associated with mitigation equates to the period of time between the loss of
functions at an impact site and the replacement of those functions through the implementation of
mitigation. The time lag, in years, gives a value to the amount of additional mitigation needed to
account for the deferred replacement of wetland functions, considering nutrient cycling, hVdric
soil development, and succession and community development ofamitigation area.
S. Risk; Will be incorporated into the UM/\KH analysis to account for the amount of
uncertainty that a particular mitigation activity will not achieve the desired results. To that end,
there are two components of risk. First there is the risk that the mitigation activity will not
succeed in the short term defined by performance criteria have not yet been met. Second, there is
risk that the desired outcome of the mitigation activity will not persist in perpetuity, due to long-
term management decisions or adjacent land uses.
6. Preservation Adjustment Factor: (PAF) is used in conjunction uxith preserwatimn'on|Vrnitigation.
P#F is scored on a scale from O (no preservation value) to 1 (optinma| preservation value), on one-
tenth increments. The score is assigned based on the applicability and relative significance of the
following considerations:
The extent to which proposed management activities within the preserve area promote
natural ecological conditions such as fire patterns or the exclusion of invasive exotic species.
The ecological and hydrological relationship between wetlands, other surface waters, and
uplands to be preserved.
The scarcity of the habitat provided by the proposed preservation area and the degree to
which listed species use the area.
The proximity of the area to be preserved to areas of national, state, or regional ecological
significance, such as national or state parks Outstanding Florida Waters, and other regionally
significant ecological resources orhabitats, such as lands acquired or to be acquired through
governmental or non-profit land acquisition programs for environmental conservation, and
whether the areas tobe preserved include corridors between these habitats.
The extent and likelihood of potential adverse impacts if the assessment area were not
preserved. [This factor only applies when the site is Preservation Only]
f. Force Maieure and Catastrophic Events
Force M 'eure shall mean an irreparable material and detrimental impact on a K RF |LF
Program project site over which the Sponsor, or any entity controlled by the Sponsor, could not
have anticipated or controlled such as a catastrophic event. Catastrophic events in the Keys
with risks and impacts beyond the reasonable control of any involved party may include, but
are not limited, to hurricanes, tropical storms, storm surges, flooding, drought, effects of
climate change on habitat or hydrology, and wildfire. The ACOE and the |RThave sole reasonable
discretion to determine whether an event is o "Force M 'eure° event as defined herein, and
the Sponsor shall bear the burden of demonstrating to the AC(]E and |RT's satisfaction that:
(a) The Force M 'eure event was caused by circumstances beyond the control or anticipation of
the Sponsor and/or any entity controlled by the Sponsor, including its contractors and
(b) Neither the Sponsor nor any entity controlled by NRF, including its contractors and
consultants, could have reasonably foreseen and prevented such anevent;
(c) Damage was caused by such circumstances;
(d) Damage is irreparable by any practicable and reasonable means as determined in the
discretion mf the/4COE and the |RT;
/e\ Possible remedial actions proposed bV the Sponsor, including but not limited to, removal of
debris, recontouring substrates if needed, ensuring tidal flows and proper flushing and/or
drainage, nevegetadon as appropriate, and removal of invasive exotic vegetation shall be given
proper timely consideration bV the ACOE and the |RT.
R. Dispute Resolution
Resolution of disputes between Federal |RT agencies and the /\COE regarding the planning,
approval and other aspects ofKRF |LF Program Projects approved under this |LF |nstrurnent
shall be in accordance with ACC3E regulations at 33 CFR §332.8/e\, as well as any other
applicable federal regulations governing mitigation bank operation.
h. Program Default, Closure, and Modification Procedures
If the ACOE determines that the Sponsor has failed to provide the required compensatory
mitigation within the specified time frame, the Sponsor may be determined to be in default.
Default determination could also be due to failure to:
1) meetperformance-based milestones identified in the KRF |LF Program project-specific
mitigation plans,
2\ meet ecological perforrnancestandardsspecifiedinKRF |LFPmognarnp 'ectspecificrn|t|gation
3) submit monitoring reports in a timely manner,
4\ establish and maintain an the appropriate annual report and individual ledgers for each
project in accordance with provisions in Element 10 of the Compensation Planning Framework
5) provide required construction and implementation and long term management financial
assurances and long-term management funding report,
G) report approved credit transactions,
7\ complete land acquisitions and initial physical and biological improvements by the third full
year after the initial sale qfadvance credits, and/or
8\ otherwise comply with the terms of the Instrument and all approved mitigation plans.
The Sponsor or the ACOE, acting independently or in concert, may force closure or terminate
this Instrument within 60 days of written notification to the other party and tothe |RTrnernbers.
In the event that the KRF |LF Program operated by the Sponsor is terminated, the Sponsor is
responsible for providing to the |RTmeports detailing credit and fee ledger balances, as well as
status reports for all compensatory mitigation projects. The Sponsor will remain responsible for
fulfilling any outstanding or pre-existing project obligations including the successful completion
of ongoing compensatory mitigation projects, relevant maintenance and monitoring, reporting,
and long-term management requirements. With funding from Project accounts, the Sponsor
will remain responsible for fulfilling these obligations or ensuring the transfer of
| ong-ternn management and maintenance of all mitigation lands to n separate party
approved bV the/4CCJE.
Funds remaining in the KRF |LF Program accounts after the above obligations are satisfied
must continue to be used for the restoration, enhancement, and/or preservation of aquatic
resources and associated upland buffers. Any expenditure of these remaining funds requires
ACOE and |RTrevievv and approval. If the KRF |LF Program has outstanding mitigation obligations
at the time of closure which it is unable to fulfill, the ACQE, in consultation with the |NT, will
direct the Sponsor to 1\ use these funds to provide further restoration, enhancement or
preservation activities, 2\ secune credits from another source of third party mitigation, or 3\
disburse funds to another entity such as a governmental or non-profit natural resource
management entity willing to undertake further compensation activities. The ACCJG itself cannot
accept directly, retain, or draw upon those funds in the event of a default. If default is
determined,the ACOE must take appropriate action to achieve compliance with theterms of
the instrument and all approved mitigation plans. These actions may include suspending
credit sales, decreasing available credits, requiring adaptive management measures, utilizing
financial assurances o7 contingency funds, terminating the agreement, using the financial
assurances or contingency funds to provide alternative compensation, or directing the use of
in-lieu fee program account funds to provide alternative mitigation (such as purchasing credits
from another mitigation provider).
Any delay or failure of the Sponsor to comply with the terms of this agreement shall not
constitute a default if and to the extent that such delay or failure is primarily caused by any
force nn 'eure (as described above) or other conditions beyond the Sponsor's reasonable
control and that significantly adversely affects its ability to perform its obligations hereunder,
such as flood, drought, lightning, fire, effects of climate change on habitat or hydrology,
condemnation or other legitimate taking or action by a governmental body. Other
conditions beyond the Sponsor's control will include: interference by third parties;
condemnation or other taking by any governmental body; change in applicable law, regulation,
rule, ordinance, or permit condition, or the interpretation or enforcement thereof; any order,
judgment, action or determination of any federal, state or local court, administrative
agency or governmental body; and/or suspension or interruption of any permit, license,
consent, authorization or approval. The Sponsor shall provide written notice to the ACQE and
|RT if the performances of any of the |LF projects are affected by any such event as soon as it
|s reasonably practical.
Modification of the approved KRF IkF Program and |LF Instrument, including the addition of
new sites or expansion of previously approved project sites, will follow the procedures
outlined in33 CFR332.8 (d) and will utilize the streamlined review process (33 CFR332.8(g)(2\\
when deemed appropriate by the ACC]E. The streamlined process will be proposed for
Instrument modifications that reflect adaptive management of the overall |LF Program,
changes in credit releases or release schedules, and any other changes the ACOE deems not
Mitigation Proiect Identification and Site Review Procedures
Two wetland restoration projects have been identified by Audubon for KERF with fees set aside,
and limited funds spent to date on preliminary assessment and design. The Rachel Key
Lagoon Restoration Project (herein renamed "Crane Point Hammock") is located at the private,
non-profit Crane Point Hammock in Marathon in the Upper Keys Project Area and the Bahia
Honda Mangrove Restoration Project ("Bahia Honda") is located in the Lower Keys Project Area
at Bahia Honda State Park. Existing file information for the two funded restoration projects has
been reviewed by the Sponsor and is attached at Appendix A. The project sites will be assessed,
and permit applications submitted to the responsible agencies once final designs are agreed
upon. All requirements for long-term site protection and management as provided for herein
will be met, and will be included in the final Site Development Plans (see below) submitted for
approval to the ACCJE with review by the |RT. Any funds remaining after these two projects
have been completed (excluding funds set aside for long-term monitoring and maintenance)
will be dedicated and transferred to other restoration projects in the respective Project Area
following approval by the ACOE.
Recognizing that opportunities to provide large-scale habitat restoration and enhancement in the
Keys at any one site are limited due to issues of scale, land ownership, and other factors, the
Sponsor shall submit to the AC(]E and |RT multiple mitigation project proposals (wetland and
submerged habitats) for approval in accordance with this Instrument that are intended to
identify and address high-priority resource needs in the Keys. The extensive list of nearly 100
potential Keys restoration projects prepared through the collective effort of KERF and local,
state, and federal agencies in 3010 (KERF 2010) will be used to initially identify potential
projects in each KRF |[F Program Project Area for various habitat types. Coordination by
the Sponsorvvi1h local, state, and federal agencies and other interests will be ongoing as a
means of identifying new potential sites (wetlands and submerged) as new information
become available. Ultimately, project sites will be located where they are most likely to
successfully replace lost functions and services taking into account aquatic habitat diversity,
habitat connectivity, relationships to hydrologic sources, trends in land use, ecological benefits,
and compatibility with adjacent land uses. Project proposals will be based on the
Compensation Planning Framework that follows. Each plan and associated funding requires
approval by theA[C3E in consultation with the |RT.
The KRF |LF Program will select sites for restoration generally based on the following criteria:
* . So that the Sponsor may better directly mitigate for the
diverse types of development impacts to Keys aquatic resources, the KRF ILF Program
will consist of multiple wetland and seagrass restoration projects throughout the Keys
rather than limiting its activities to a single site. Due to the linear nature of the Keys and
the unique factors of differing geography, geology, plant communities, and climate that
affect and control Keys habitats, and their dependent wildlife, the KRF |LF Program will
also further refine its selection process to identify both Upper Keys projects and Lower
Keys projects, to more precisely capture differing ecosystem functions through
application of 2 Keys Project Areas within the OF ILF Program Service Area (Figures
1-3, and see Element 1 below). The KRF |LF Program will endeavor atall times to
maintain both Upper and Lower Keys wetland restoration projects, as well as Upper and
Lower Keys seagrass restoration projects.
• Landscape Connectivity. Projects will be located where they pose minimal conflicts with
adjacent land uses and where they meet regional conservation priorities related to
unique habitats/plant communities and listed species, provide habitat corridors, and
enhance and expand the effectiveness of nearby protected natural areas.
• Permanent Protection. Potential projects in areas already in conservation ownership
(such as State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and local government and private
conservation ownership) will be given preference over privately owned lands (unless
permanent conservation status and perpetual maintenance can be secured through
legal and binding nmechanismns).
� Mitigation projects on public lands will
benefit from existing authorities for land protection on those sites and surrounding
lands. Where possible, physical barriers will be used to preclude problematic public
access. The existing program has $ good history of protecting restoration sites and
past problems have been minimal. The exception may be seagrasg restoration sites,
where, although success has been good, boating access continues to present new
challenges for protecting the resource as well as restoration sites.
• Multiple Oboectives. Projects will be evaluated for their ability to address nnuhdpke
functions and services such as improvement of fish and wildlife habitat support for
listed species, water quality improvement, and recreational or educational values.
Projects will target native plant community diversity and natural processes and the
overall driver will be the ability to replace lost ecological services in perpetuity. Projects
with greater functional and ecological gains /|if1\ will be given preference.
~ Leveraging of Costs. Wherever possible, KRF |LF Program projects will utilize
collaborative funding from multiple sources in order to reduce the time between
resource impact from development and full restoration and mitigation of
ecosystem functions. The Sponsor will maintain fully separate ledgers for
documentation of fees (and credits) from the KRF ILF Program and from other funding
sources. The Sponsor will maintain separate accounts for the KRF |[F Program and
for other sources of funds (such as grants, appropriations, and donations).
w Timing of Proiects. Preference will be given to project sites that are already in
conservation ownership or otherwise perpetually secured for conservation in order to
reduce delays in restoration of ecosystem functions. Effort will be made to complete
mitigation work within a period of 3 years from the time of the resource impacts being
� Likelihood of Success. proposed projects must demonstrate the potential for a high
likelihood of success through a sound wetland or submerged habitat restoration or
enhancement concept and design. Threats from invasive species or vandalism should
be low or nnangQ$gb|e. The project will be evaluated for its ability to result in successful
and sustainable net gain of resource acreage and function as required, with limited
maintenance. Projects that can demonstrate a high likelihood of success and |ovv
maintenance requirements will receive priority due to the higher lift in ecological
function that can be achieved, and the higher success rate in general of these types of
projects in the unique Keys environment.
� Historical Preservation. Due to the unique and varied history of the Keys, the Sponsor
will obtain archaeological site location data for the Keys and potential restoration sites
from the Florida Dept. of State as well as information of Site* listed on the National
Register of Historic Places. The Sponsor will undertake no restoration measures that will
adversely affect such sites. The Sponsor will undertake planning to avoid adversely
affecting any archaeological sites recorded in the Florida Master Site File inventory and
will develop an "unexpected discovery plan" for each project to be included in the
project proposal. In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act (1966),
the effects upon cultural resources must be considered on any undertaking that is
federally funded or permitted. Section 106 requires federal agencies to take into
account the effects of their undertaking on historic properties, and provides the
Advisory Council onHistoric Preservation a reasonable opportunity to comment. Due
to unique geological characteristics, historic sea levels and seafaring along the Florida
coast that spans more than 500 years, the Keys contain a multitude of cultural
To insure that cultural resources that may be affected by mitigation projects are identified, all
information about existing or known sites on federal and non-federal lands will be gathered,i to
include historic properties/cultural resources listed in or determined eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places, all known historic and archeological sites and
locations that are potentially eligible for the National Register, and areas that have been
surveyed, even if no sites were found. A historic property does not need to be fornn$||V listed on
the National Register to receive NHRA protection. It need only be eligible for listing under one mf
the four National Register criteria. Historic property includes properties of traditional cultural
importance to an Indian tribe or that meet the National Register criteria (36 CFR 800.16(|)).
The National Park Service, National Marine Sanctuary, State Historic Preservation
Off ice, and managers of the affected lands, as appropriate, will be consulted to determine
presence of historic sites. The Sponsor will undertake no restoration measures that will
adversely affect such sites. The Sponsor will undertake planning to avoid adversely affecting any
known archaeological sites recorded inthe Florida Master Site File inventory and will implement
the "unexpected discovery p|an" to be included in final mitigation project plans approved by
the AC(]E and the |RT. Sources for information on cultural resources include:
° State Historic Preservation Office Archeological Site Files
* NPS Site Files and the Archeological Site Management Information System
w NPS List ofClassified Structures (LCS)
• National Register of Historic Places
• National Historic Landmarks
Following general approval by the ACC>E of a proposed mitigation project site, the Sponsor
shall submit for approval a Site Development Plan. Site Development Plans should include, if
applicable, m description of the proposed mitigation project and site specific plan including
location, ownership, project goals, funding available, baseline conditions, credit assessment
methodology, a schedule for conducting the project, monitoring, maintenance and reporting
provisions, performance standards for determining ecological success, and provisions for
protection and management in perpetuity with appropriate real estate arrangements including
transfer of long-term management authority. The |NTsha|| meet on a regular basis with the
Sponsor to review proposed mitigation projects. The ACOE, after seeking comments from the |RT
members, shall approve or deny specific mitigation project proposals for restoration, creation,
enhancement, buffering, and preservation of aquatic resources and their adjacent uplands.
Such approval or denial will be based on factors including site suitability, long-term
sustainabi|ity, likelihood of success, maximum return on expended funds, benefits to rare and
endangered species, and an acceptable mitigation plan.
Site Development Plans will include funding for costs associated with accomplishment of the
project including, but not limited to, project design, project management, restoration, creation,
monitoring, stewardship, labor, land acquisition, appraisals, legal, closing, equipment and
materials necessary to fully accomplish the restoration and monitoring. In the event the
Sponsor determines that modifications must be made in a Site Development Plan to ensure
successful establishment of a mitigation project, the Sponsor shall submit a written request for
such modification to the A[OE for approval. Modifications to approved site plans, as well as
the addition of new approved mitigation site plans will be through the modification of this
instrument as required at33 CFN §322.8 unless a streamlined modification review process is
determined bV the ACC)E to be appropriate.
b. Restoration Guidelines
Due to the fact that many Keys wetlands were either filled or hydrologically altered or isolated
during the early development of the Keys, wetland restoration consists of two primary methods:
l\ removal of fill material to directly restore historic wetland elevations, or 2) removal of
an impediment to water flow (such as afi||ed roadbed) in order to restore historic flows and
enhance degraded wetlands (Hobbs, K4cNeese, and KrueF20D6\. Complete restoration of
historic hydrologic conditions will be the goal of all restoration projects, but may not be possible
in all cases (for reasons including, but not limited to, conflicts with adjacent property uses, or the
transition by the area of historical disturbance to another ecologically desirable habitat, such and
tropical hardwood hammock,� thereby making restoration counterproductive). Once historic
hydrologic conditions have been restored to the maximum extent possible, sites with suitable
substrates may be planted with appropriate native species in order to restore ecosystem
functions as quickly as possible, although ensuring the availability ofnative seed sources to the
site is critical tothe success of restoration.
The shallow depth of many seagrass communities in the Keys, coupled with heavy usage of
these areas for both commercial fishing and recreational purposes, had, as of the mid-1990s,
resulted iM damage t# some 30,0OO acres of Keys' shallow seagrass habitats (Sargent et. al, 1995\.
Many of these same impacts continue to the Keys benthic habitats today (C]NNHS 2011). The
damage may consist of propeller scars, vessel grounding impressions, or blowholes from
propeller wash as vessels attempt to power off of shallow areas. Tidal flow may then scour
or deepen these scars if restoration is not undertaken quickly. if scouring or deepening has
occurred, topographic restoration is first necessary to restore seagrass elevations.
Once the appropriate topography has been restored, scarred areas may be planted with the
appropriate donor seagrasses and bird stakes installed to provide nutrient input to facilitate
quicker rewegeta1ion and coverage of denuded areas. In areas with smaller scars where
recruitment from seaQrgss$$ immediately adjacent is possible, bird stakes alone may suffice to
achieve complete restoration. All seagrass restoration projects and use of seagrass donor
sites will be conducted through consultation with the appropriate resource agencies in
accordance with guidelines and best management practices found in Fonseca et al. (199B) and
NC)AA and FOEP (2004).
Mitigation plans for each restoration project will outline which of the above techniques are
necessary and appropriate for each site. Upon completion, each project will typically be
monitored fora nninirnurn of five years in order to ensure that quantifiable success criteria have
been met, or to implement adaptive management techniques for projects that are not meeting
quantifiable success criteria. These criteria will be established for each project through
coordination with and input from the A[C)E and the |RT.
Compensation Planning Framework
The purpose of the KRF ILF Program is to offset impacts to waters of the U.S., including wetlands
and shallow seagrass habitats authorized by Department of the Army permits. Therefore, priority
is given to mitigation that replaces lost functions and values of Keys wetland and submerged
habitats, as determined by the ACOE and the |RT. No credits will be approved unless and until
the |RT determines that the restoration vv¢ rk c oMst|tutes compensatory mitigation
for the I st functions and values for permitted impacts to wetland and submerged habitats.
The Compensation Planning Framework for the KRF |LF Pnognmrn is based on a landscape
approach and outlines the framework for selecting, securing, and implementing wetland and
submerged habitat aquatic resource restoration and enhancement projects, and possibly,
associated upland buffer preservation and restoration. The Compensation Planning Framework
describes program elements designed to meet requirements of33 CFN332.B(c).
Element 1:The geographic service area, including a watershed based rationale for the delineation
of the service area.
The overall service area for the KRF |LF Program represents a unique situation and includes
both islands and submerged lands within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary (FKNK8S), mostly located within Monroe County (Figure l\. The service area for the
KRF |LF Program encompasses approximately two-thirds of the 2,900 square nautical miles
(9,800 square kilometers) of the FKNK4S as defined in the 2005 FKN&4S Draft Revised
Management Plan, and will include state and federal waters within the FK0MUS. The total
landmass of the U.S. Highway One connected islands, including wetlands, is approximately
86,000 acres. Use of the typical, well defined watershed approach in setting service areas to
receive mitigation fees is not appropriate for the KRF |LF Program.
Two distinctive Project Areas will constitute the single Service Area - the Lower Nays Project
Area (Figure 2) and the Upper Keys Project Area (Figure 3) - with the boundary line between
these 2 distinctive areas at the approximate center of the 7-Mile Bridge (the navigation
channel. Fees generated within each Project Area will be committed to in-kind wetland or
seagrass mitigation within that Project Area. These 2 Project Areas include all of the two 12
unit HUCs termed the Lower Keys /#030902030300\ and Upper Keys /#030902030200\ and the
very south end of the HUC termed Biscayne Boy /#030982861700\ which extends north into
Biscayne National Pork. The formal 12 unit HUC for the Upper Keys extends below the 7-Mile
Bridge and includes Ohio, Bahia Honda, and VVestSunmmner|and Keys, islands and shallow water
much more closely related to the Lower Keys than the Upper Keys. For purpose of dedicating
mitigation fees these islands will be included in the Lower Keys Project Area. The south end
of the Biscayne Bay HUC will be included in the Upper Keys Project Area in order to capture
the north end of North Key Largo,the Ocean Reef Club, and Card Sound.
The scientific justification for the boundaries of these 2 Project Area is based on several well
known factors including appropriate size, geology (the upper region is Key Largo limestone
based, the lower region is Miami oo|ite based), distinctiveness of the wetland and upland plant
communities /Kruer 1992, Kru$r 1995\, pattern of boating impacts (Sargent et. a| 1995) , tidal
circulation patterns (the Upper Kays Project Area is influenced by Florida Bay), distinctive
wetland associated threatened and endangered species distribution (i.e. Lower Keys marsh
rabbit, silver rice rat and Key deer are all confined to the Lower Keys 'on) precipitation (the
Lower Keys Project Area is significantly drier), elevations, human population density, land
ownership and development patterns, and types and numbers of wetland and submerged
impacts anticipated.
The Program will refine its selection process to identify both Upper Keys projects and Lower Keys
projects, to more precisely capture differing ecosystem functions. It would seem contrary to
goals of good mitigation planning, for example, to have impacts in listed species wetlands on
Sugarloaf Key mitigated for in Marathon. Or, conversely, to have impacts toshoreline mangroves
on Grassy Key mitigated for in Key West. The Program will endeavor at all times to maintain
both Upper and Lower Keys wetland and seagrass habitat restoration projects. Projects
within each Project Area will be located where they pose minimal conflicts with adjacent land
uses and where they meet regional conservation priorities related tounique habitats and plant
communities, listed species, provide habitat corridors, and enhance and expand the effectiveness
of nearby protected natural areas.
Element 2:A description of the threats to aquatic resources in the service area including how
the in-lieu fee program will help offset impacts resulting from those threats.
Threats to aquatic habitats and resources of the Keys primarily take two forms - impacts from
dredging and filling, shading, and vessel impacts to submerged resources, prirnari|ysaagrasses,
and the filling of various wetland habitats on the shorelines and in the interior of islands.
Much of the historic physical alteration of the Keys took place from the 1950's to the 1970's.
During this time, tropical hardwood hammock or forest was cleared, and many acres ofmangrove
shoreline and adjacent seagrass beds were destroyed when finger canals were dredged and
the spoil used to create "fast|and°' For example, between 1946 and 1991, the US Highway 1-
connected islands of the Upper Keys (Key Largo south to Long Key) lost GG% of their hardwood
hammock forests and 39% of their mangrove forests. Although on a smaller scale, these
threats continue today requiring mitigation through habitat restoration and enhancement
and other efforts to offset the loss. Ongoing, permitted impacts that often require
mitigation include small scale fill of disturbed wetlands for residential and cqnnrnerc|a|
development, bulkhead construction in canals, public infrastructure, transportation, and utility
projects, private dock and marina construction, minor new dredging, maintenance dredging,
vessel mooring fields, and the like. |||ego| impacts often lead to agency enforcement actions at
all levels qfgovernment. Historically NE0F has also been a recipient of fines and penalties levied
in an effort to offset resource impacts and loss. In particular, minor unauthorized
dredging and filling and boat impacts (grounding and scarring) resulting in impacts to
seagrass habitats were often resolved through the payment of fines to the mitigation program.
Through a review of the number of fees paid into NEBF for the period 2007-2021 (NERF May
2012, Work Performance Review for Project Mitigation), it is possible to generally
determine the level of federal permit ac1|Y|1v in the Keys as a means of identifying the need for
federally approved mitigation. /4total of323 fees were paid to NERF during this period and
applied to seven different restoration/enhancement projects, averaging about 67 per year, with
a maximum of1l3 individual fees (corresponding to the # of issued federal permits) paid in
2007 and a minimum of39 paid in 2009. Separate permitting data available for 2012 indicate
that 43 federal permits (individual permits, letters of permission, and general permits) requiring
mitigation were issued in the Keys from Key Largo to Key West. It is assumed that with a
strengthening economy this level of permitting activity will continue and potentially increase
in the Keys.
Current Threats:
1) Nutrient enrichment
2) Wetland loss
3) Invasive and/or non-native species
4) Loss and destruction of buffer zones
5) Global climate change (especially sea level rise, drought, and temperature extremes)
6) Recreational use
7) Contaminant load through stormwater runoff
8) Development (e.g. dredge and fill and shoreline construction)
9) Alterations to hydrology and water flow
10) Sedimentation
The Keys Environmental Restoration Fund (KERF) has played a vital role in the
restoration and preservation of the Keys' aquatic resources since its creation in 1981. By
complying with the 2008 Final Mitigation Rule, 33 CFR PART 332, on Compensatory Mitigation
for Losses of Aquatic Resources, the KRF ILF Program will continue to focus, expand, and
improve its efforts to mitigate against further losses to the unique and invaluable resources
within the Keys.
Element 3:An analysis of historic aquatic resource loss in the service area.
Although the Keys were sparsely settled for many years, 1924 marked the construction of the
first subdivision on Key Largo, with development continuing since that time (Strong and Bancroft
1994). Much of the physical alteration of the Keys resulting from dredging and filling took
place from the 1950's to the 1970's. During this time, tropical hardwood hammock or forest
was cleared, and many acres of mangrove shoreline and adjacent seagrass beds were destroyed
when finger canals were dredged and the spoil used to create "fastland" (Kruczynski and
McManus 2002). Between 1945 and 1991, the US Highway 1-connected islands of the
Upper Keys (here Key Largo south to Long Key) lost 66% of their hardwood hammock forests
and 39% of their mangrove forests (Strong and Bancroft 1994). Although similar figures are not
available for Lower Keys islands, they are generally lower in elevation than much of the Upper
Keys and their mangrove and wetland losses may have been even greater. Coastal wetlands
perform vital environmental functions such as filtering upland runoff, absorbing nutrients,
buffering upland systems from storm damage, providing critical nursery habitat to fish and
invertebrate species and providing habitat for many terrestrial species.
The shallow depth of many seagrass communities in the Keys, coupled with heavy usage of
these areas for both commercial fishing and recreational purposes, had, as of the mid-1990s,
resulted in damage to some 30,000 acres of Keys' shallow seagrass habitats (Sargent et. al, 1995).
The seagrass communities of the Keys are important both for maintaining water quality and for
providing critical habitat for numerous fish and invertebrate species, including many of
commercial importance. One of the most common seagrasses, Thalassia testudinum, is
y5 s ,,%ur�71 ,rr rrJr'itill'` � ur; 'riCn 1'rr,f, (,,, IrrC. -25
commonly known as turtle grass and is a critical food source for the federally endangered green
turtle, Che/on/o xnxdos. The loss and damage to those acres can lead to an increase in
suspended sediment, loss of available light, degradation of marine habitats, and an
increase in algal blooms, all of which can result in further losses and degradation to
seagrass beds /Durakmet al. 2OO2\.
Many of these same impacts continue to the Keys b$nthic habitats today (ONMS 2011). The
damage may consist of propeller scars, vessel grounding impressions, or blowholes from
propeller wash as vessels attempt to power off ofshallow areas. Tidal flow may then scour or
deepen these scars if restoration is not undertaken quickly. If scouring or deepening has
occurred, topographic restoration is first necessary to restore seagrass elevations. Once the
appropriate topography has been restored, scarred areas may be planted with the appropriate
donor seagrasses and bird stakes installed to provide nutrient input to facilitate quicker
revegetation and coverage of denuded areas. In areas with smaller scars where recruitment
from seagrasse$ immediately adjacent is possible, bird stakes alone may suffice to achieve
complete nestoration. All seagrass restoration projects and use ofseograss donor sites will be
conducted in accordance with guidelines and best management practices found in Fonseca et.
a| (lB98) and NCjAA and FOEP /2004L
The Keys support one of the largest commercial fisheries in the State of Florida, accounting for
about 809A of the total spiny lobster harvest and about 40% of the total harvest for both stone
crab and pink shrimp. In 2006, Monroe County was ranked the fifth most valuable port in the
nation, with adocksidevalue of about $54.4 million /htto://vvwwJkcfa.orgIoageslxboutus.aspx\.
In addition, the Keys economy is highly dependent upon tourism, with approximately 4 nnUUon
visitor trips annuaUV. The total contribution from tourism to the Monroe County economy,
including multiplier effects, is about $2.23 billion and the value generated by tourism
represented about 6096 of the local economy /NOAA 2010\. Most visitors are drawn by the
natural beauty and resources of the Keys and tourism-related employment supports nearly
32,000 Keys jobs. |n total, about l.6 million people engaged |n water-based activities (NCJAA
2010). Further degradation and loss of Keys wetland ondseagrass communities will result in
negative economic effects to these critical Keys' business communities. Projects that result
in restoration and enhancement of Keys wetland and nearshore habitats will improve
conditions resulting inapositive effect onthese communities.
The wetland and seagrass communities of the Keys are clearly much diminished from their pre-
development extent and ecosystem functions. Continuing development places additional
strain on the systems, both in terms of direct habitat loss and from changes to water quality
associated with the human footprint, including stornmvvater runoff from developed areas.
The need for conservation, habitat restoration and enhancement, and preservation of these
aquatic resources has never been greater. In recent years this Deed has been recognized and
reflected in numerous protective designations and measures torestore and enhance degraded
* State Designation as the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, 1974
~ Establishment of the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary, 1975
~ Establishment of the Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, 1981
w Establishment of the Florida Keys Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund, 1981
� Establishment of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 1990
� Completion of the F0Nh8S Management Plan, 2g96
w Creation of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, 1993
� Passage of the Water Resources Development Act in1996
� Creation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's South Florida Multi-Species Recovery
Plan, 1999.
w Numerous Everglades system restoration projects and water quality improvement
measures to restore and enhance historic water flows to Florida Bay and the Keys
w Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Public Law 94-265 as
amended through 2OO6
Element 4:An analysis of current aquatic resource conditions in the service area supported by
field documentation.
There is extensive scientific documentation available for the Keys that establish the current
conditions of aquatic resources, including threats and management efforts, and the need for
active restoration and enhancement where possible. This documentation is associated with the
FKNN1S management plans and condition reports, USFWS Refuge management plans, the
Monroe County Comprehensive Plan (and the current update process) , Florida Area of
Critical State Concern documentation, various land use/land cover (LU/LC) and benthic habitat
mapping projects, listed species reviews, sea level rise projections and reviews, scientific
literature, and other programs. Of particular interest are the acreage figures derived from the
updated 2009 Monroe County LU/LC mapping for various natural and developed land cover
Land Cover Type Acres
Beach Berm 300.33
Buttonwood 4,137.51
Developed Land 13,436.03
Exotic 509.78
Freshwater Wetland 1,040.89
Hammock 8,940.30
Impervious Surface 3,155.90
Mangrove 33,006.53
Pine|and 1,757.27
Salt Marsh 2,853.26
Scrub Mangrove 10,194'74
Undeveloped Land 3,694.41
Water 4,131.74
TOTAL 86047.78
The goals and objectives for restoration, enhancement, and preservation of aquatic resources in
the 2 Projects Areas of the Service Area will depend on the level of permitting activity and
the amount of mitigation required to offset the permitted impacts (see the year to year Variation
in permitting activity noted in Element 2 above). As Vve||, the location and general
amount, and type of mitigation work will be a direct result of permitting. In general, areas
restored, enhanced, and preserved will include shallow water seagrass and hardbottorn
habitats along with mangrove and transitional /ga|tmnarsh and buttonwood) wetlands in both
the Upper Keys and Lower Keys Project Areas, and freshwater wetlands in the Lower Keys eco-
region. Restoration of wetland and semgrass habitats will be conducted using well established
methods and procedures, and best management practices, while hardbottomn habitat
restoration, if pursued, will rely on recommendations of the FKNK8S, and others, and typically
simply involve fill removal to restore natural, exposed limestone or oolitic rock surfaces.
The best information available on the potential for future levels of mitigation work is derived
from the work of the previous Fund program (projects funded variously by penalty funds,
grants, and |LF mitigation) outlined in the 2006 sunnnnorV report by NERF (Hobbg, KUcNeese
and Kruer2Q06). The Summary Table at the end of the report shows summary information for
each project. KERF projects from 1981to 2006, and those of its predecessor program, included
full completion or facilitation of:
•The direct restoration of over 63 acres of habitat:
3.9acres of hardwood hammock
7.4 acmes of freshwater wetlands
4.7 acmes of buttonwood wetlands
5.2acres of salt marsh wetlands
3O.0 acres mf mangrove wetlands
G.7 acres ofseagrassas
5.B acres ofhardbottonn, tidal lagoons and creeks, and salt ponds
w Removal of4.26 miles ofroadway
w Direct enhancement of over 2,000 acres of native habitat
• Mapping of:
Invasive exotic vegetation over the entire Keys
Vessel impact damage to187 acres of seagrass habitat
Mosquito ditches throughout the Lower Keys refuges
Element 6: A prioritization strategy for selecting and implementing compensatory
mitigation activities.
Mitigation projects will be evaluated for their potential to provide appropriate compensatory
mitigation for impacts to aquatic resources in accordance with a strategic planning
process based pnsound science and adaptive management principles. Projects will be evaluated
based on their potential to address multiple functions and services such as improvement offish
and wildlife habitat, support for rare species, water quality maintenance and improvement,
resilience to sea level rise and climate change, and recreation or education values. Projects
that can utilize native plant community diversity and natural processes will yield greater
functional gains and be given higher preference. The overall driver will be to replace lost
ecological functions and services in perpetuity. The Sponsor will use targeting tools available to
identify and prioritize projects based on ecological and functional values to increase the
likelihood of success of mitigation projects. These spatial layering tools (e.g., historic and
current aerial imagery, cadastra| data, land use/land cover maps, G|S, etc.) will first help
evaluate key restoration and/or preservation parameters. For example, ecological and
functional parameters for successful restoration include an assessment of habitats, existing
' degradation, current and adjacent land use, elevations, existing and potential hydrology, site
history and historical alterations of the property, landscape proximity to other preserved or
restored lands, evaluation of the potential to improve habitat for threatened and endangered
species, and evaluation of cultural resources. Projects should be located where they
compliment adjacent land uses, meet regional conservation priorities, increase habitat
diversity, support state wildlife action plans, reduce fragmentation, establish corridors' enhance
the function of existing natural areas, and focus on the most degraded areas.
For land preservation funding, hey prioritization parameters include, but are not limited to,
surrounding landscape and potential to improve buffers for restoration sites, local, state and
federal designation of important lands for preservation, a highly impacted and/or threatened
landscape type, lands important for threatened or endangered species and habitat corridor
establishment, lands important for water quality maintenance, willing landowners, and
potential future threats.
|n general, factors toaid in prioritization include:
- the sustainabi|ity of the proposed conservation action (restoration, enhancement,
preservation) and the acreage (size) affected.
- the resource types to be restored, enhanced, or preserved and the degree to which the
proposed project improves the functional benefits of impacted resources based on afunctiona|
assessment of the project (functiona| ||ft).
- the potential to include upland areas sufficient to protect, buffer, or support identified
resource functions and ecological connectivity to other conservation areas or undeveloped
large blocks afhabitat.
- presence within or adjacent to habitat areas of conservation significance or other natural
resource priority areas
- presence within or adjacent to public or private conservation lands to maintain and preserve
habitat connectivity.
- presence of natural resources of significant value and rarity within the project site
- docunnantation of landowner willingness to participate in proposed project, including
conveying a conservation easement or fee title, with conservation covenants, to the property (for
projects not on public or private conservation lands).
- level ofproject urgency (i.e. future risks tosite)
- the value of the site in addressing issues of resilience to climate change and assists the
landward migration of native habitats due to sea level rise
- likelihood that the project cannnee1thepmoposedschedu|e.
- likelihood that the proposed actions will achieve the anticipated ecological benefits and
' cornp|eteness and feasibility oflong-term stewardship and monitoring plan, including
- conformance with applicable ACOE and state mitigation pm|irW guidance and permitting
requirements, including appropriate financial assurances for any construction activity.
- the extent to which the proposal meets the core program requirement to provide for long-
term management and/or stewardship by a responsible state or federal resource agency,
or conservation organization.
- presence of qualified, capable conservation entity willing to sponsor and/or maintain the
- level of support and involvement of other relevant agencies, organizations, and the local
- adequacy oflong-term stewardship to ensure the project is sustainable over time and funding
mechanisms for the associated costs are available (e.g., endowment or trust).
- the extent to which a project represents an efficient use of funds expended, and matches the
availability and sufficiency offunds available in the app|icab|eeco'region.
- the extent of threats from invasive species or vandalism should be |ovv or manageable.
Element 7:An explanation of how any preservation obiectives identified above satisfy the criteria
for use of preservation.
If preservation is used to provide mitigation, to the extent appropriate and practicable the
preservation will be done in conjunction with restoration or enhancement activities. In
accordance with 33 CF0 332.3/h\ of the 2008 Federal Mitigation Rule, preservation projects
may beused to provide compensatory mitigation when the following criteria are met:
/i\ The resource to be preserved provides physical, chemical, or biological function for the
(ii) The resource to be preserved contributes significantly to the ecological sustainability of the
/iii\ Preservation is determined by the A[C]E to be appropriate and practicable.
(iv) The resources are under threat of destruction or adverse modifications.
(v) The preserved sites will be permanently protected through an appropriate real estate or
other legal instrument.
If mitigation fees are to be expended, preservation objectives will provide an approach to
nn$xinniaa ecological benefits to the Keys ecosystem. Preservation will support Keys conservation
initiatives and will be compatible with the surrounding landscape. Projects will be located where
they compliment adjacent land uses, meet conservation priorities, maintain habitat
diversity, support state wildlife action plans, abate threats and prevent fragmentation,
maintain habitat corridors and enhance the function of existing natural areas.
Element 8:A description of any public and private stakeholder involvement in plan develoDment
and implementation, including coordination with federal, state, and local aquatic resource
management and regulatory authorities.
The recent ILF Programs in the Key had an excellent record of involving local resource
management and regulatory authorities in project identification, planning, implementation, and
monitoring. This process will continue through coordination as required through the IRT as well
as routine coordination with other public and private partners in the Keys including but not
limited to:
Audubon of Florida, Tavernier Science Center
City of Marathon
Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas
Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Keys Parks Managers
Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Regulatory Division Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Islamorada, Village of Islands
Monroe County
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
South Florida Water Management District
The Nature Conservancy
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Ecological Services
U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Keys Refuges
U.S. Navy, Boca Chica
The Sponsor will work closely with agencies, public and private organizations, conservation
entities, and interested landowners to identify realistic wetland and shallow water mitigation
opportunities and develop mitigation plans and assessment methods. Methods for assessing
aquatic resource functions pre- and post-project implementation will be coordinated with
ongoing efforts by the FKNMS, State Parks, the USFWS, and other entities in the Keys. This
will allow efforts of the KRF ILF Program to dovetail with ongoing inventory and monitoring
efforts, especially in regards to seagrass restoration efforts. The Sponsor's team of wetland and
restoration biologists, GIS specialists, project managers, accountants, and attorneys can provide
full service delivery of high quality mitigation projects (i.e., site identification, wetland
construction and plan implementation, performance monitoring, long term protection via
easements, adaptive management plans, and accounting and financial assurances).
Element 9: A description of the lone term protection and management strategies including
financial, for activities conducted by the in-lieu fee program sponsor, including transfer of long-
term management.
The Sponsor shall be responsible for developing and implementing a long-term protection and
management plan for each KRF ILF Program project. On publicly-owned property, long-term
protection and management may be provided through agreements with the appropriate
agencies (i.e. USFWS, FL State Park System, Monroe County) tied to management or integrated
natural resource plans. On privately-owned property, including property held by conservation
organizations, real estate instruments shall be recorded to guarantee protection. The
Sponsor will ensure that protection mechanisms are in place prior to release of credits. When
appropriate, draft conservation easements or equivalent protection mechanisms will be
yS i,r �,ir,'�r�ii l� rlrr lLF f`AW!r,om(;r; flm/Yol I(,l . ���r��,(tl l�r;ry«rC�''. ���Gi;I�, Iric. -31
submitted to the |RTas part of each project mitigation plan for review and ACOE approval.
KRF |LF Program projects will be designed,i to the nnanimnunn extent practicable, to require little
or no long-term management efforts once performance standards have been achieved and
shall be responsible for maintaining NRF |LF Program projects consistent with the mitigation plan
to ensure long-term viability as functional aquatic resources. The Sponsor shall retain
responsibility until the long-term management responsibility is formally transferred to a long-
term manager (typically an agency) with ACC]E approval. The long-term management plan
developed for each KRF |LF Program project will include a description of anticipated
management needs with annual cost estimates and an identified funding mechanism (such
as non-wasting endowments, trusts, contractual arrangements with future responsible parties,
Qr other appropriate financial instruments). The final formal agency agreement or conservation
easement or equivalent mechanism for long-term protection and management shall be
submitted to the ACOE and the |RT for review and approval prior to the final release of
mitigation project credits. Upon achieving its performance standards and approved transfer of
the project for long-term protection and management, NRF'$ responsibility will cease.
Element 10: Reporting protocols and a strategy for periodic evaluation and reporting on the
progress of the program in achieving the goals and obeectives above, including a process for
revising the planning framework as necessary.
The Sponsor will provide annual reports, based on calendar years, to the ACC]E with updates on
the progress of mitigation work in each project area and project implementation work
accomplished. The reports will be submitted no later than March 30 of the year following the
reporting year. This report will provide an overview of what aquatic resource impacts were
permitted, what approved mitigation projects were funded, and the amount of funds deposited
in those project accounts. It will also summarize the successes and the challenges (lessons
learned), and ways to improve the program for next year. The status ofdevelopment of new
mitigation project plans will be reported. For restoration and enhancement projects that may
take several years to complete due to extended monitoring requirements, the Sponsor will
summarize monitoring reports and the results of the work. For preservation projects, evidence
of agency agreements, easements, or other protection details will be documented and reported.
Every five years, the Sponsor will produce a status and trends report summarizing the previous
five years. The document will examine the goals for each eco-region and discuss how well the
projects assisted with promoting those goals. As funds allow, every five years the Sponsor,
along with the A[C)E and the |RT, will reexamine and update the Compensation Planning
Framework, including the involvement and cooperation from the broad range of stakeholders
identified above.
The Sponsor will monitor completed KRF |LF Program projects using a mitigation monitoring
plan to be developed by the Sponsor in conjunction with the AC[]E and the |RT for each
project. This mitigation monitoring plan will be consistent with current ACOE mitigation
guidance and will provide consistent methods and measurements among sites, allowing the KRF
|LF Program to ensure that performance standards are being met. The frequency and duration of
monitoring and specific monitoring requirements will be defined in each individual mitigation
plan, inaccordance with requirements at 33 CFR 332.6. In general, monitoring reports will
include plans, maps, and photographs to illustrate site conditions (based on apre-existing
conditions as well as a Time Zero report), a narrative summarizing pre- and post -project
implementation site conditions, monitoring results as compared to performance standards,
and recommendations for contingency or adaptive management if needed. The monitoring
duration designated in the mitigation plan may be extended by the ACCJE if performance
standards have not been met. The ACQE may also reduce or waive monitoring requirements
upon determination that performance standards have been achieved. Monitoring and
contingency reports will address adaptive management strategies that provide management
guidelines and recommendations for future site restoration and monitoring. The responsibility of
each participating party will be clearly defined and address procedures to improve or alleviate
unforeseen threats to the restored wetland or shallow water habitat and functions. The
monitoring and contingency plan will track progress towards measurable goals and their
associated objectives.
d. Sponsor Responsibilities
a. The Sponsor will, fora fee to be paid by pernnittees, provide compensatory mitigation for
impacts to waters of the United States authorized by Department of the Army permits and
commit to create, enhance, restore, preserve and maintain the functions and values of aquatic
habitats and associated buffers for each compensatory mitigation project approved under this
|LF Instrument in accordance with the provisions of this |LF Instrument.
b. The Sponsor assumes all legal responsibility for satisfying the compensatory mitigation
requirements (i.e, the implementation, performance, and long-term management of the
compensatory mitigation project(s) approved under this |LF Instrument) of Department ofthe
Army permits for which it transfers credits once a permnittee has secured the appropriate number
and type of credits from the Sponsor. The Sponsor will provide written documentation to the
ACC)E, in the form of a signed and dated credit sales letter, confirming that the Sponsor has
accepted legal responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation.
c. The Sponsor is responsible for the performance of all necessary work to establish, monitor and
maintain aquatic habitats and associated buffers as described in the Mitigation Work Plan for
each compensatory mitigation project approved under this |LF Instrument until the Sponsor has
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the A[OE, in consultation with the |RT, that the KRF |LF
Program complies with all provisions contained herein.
d. The Sponsor will be responsible for maintaining KRF |LF Program account records, notifying the
ACOE of credit sales, monitoring each compensatory mitigation project approved under this |LF
instrument for success, conducting remedial action as necessary to insure success, and providing
this information to the AC[]E in reports documenting KRF |LF Program usage and the results of
monitoring in accordance with the provisions of this |LFInstrument.
e. The Sponsor will beresponsible for notifying theA[CJE of any pending sale, transfer or change
in sponsorship of compensatory mitigation project site approved under this |LF Instrument at
least GO days prior tm the effective date.
f. The Sponsor will obtain all appropriate environmental documentation, permits and other
authorizations needed to establish and maintain any compensatory mitigation project site
approved under this |LF Instrument and the KRF |LF Program. Compliance with this |LF
Instrument does not fulfill the requirement, or substitute, for such authorization.
g. Unless any of the responsibilities identified above are transferred, with prior approval of the
8COE, to a new sponsor or long-term steward, the Sponsor remains responsible for: 1\ the
compensatory mitigation requirements for any Department ofthe Army permits for which it sold
KRF |LF Program credits; and 2\ the long-term management, maintenance, monitoring and
protection of the compensatory mitigation represented by those credits.
6. Definitions
Adaptive Management - The development of a management strategy that anticipates likely
challenges associated with compensatory mitigation projects in the coastal zone and provides
for the implementation of actions to address those challenges, as well as unforeseen changes
to those projects. It requires consideration of the risk, uncertainty, and dynamic nature of
compensatory mitigation projects and guides modification of those projects to optimize
Advance CredYts - Credits associated with a compensatory mitigation project that are available
for sale prior to initiation of a mitigation project conducted in accordance with this approved
Instrument. For purposes of this Program credit sales equate to the payment of fees by
pernnitteestmKRFas directed by the ACCJE.
Agreement — The Keys Restoration Fund |LF Instrument as prepared by Coastal Resources
Group, Inc. in conjunction with the /kCOE governing operation of the Keys |LF Pnugnmrn described
under ACOE regulations at33 CFR §332.8.
Buffer - An upland or wetland area that protects and/or enhances aquatic resource functions
associated with wetlands and shallow water habitats from disturbances associated with adjacent
land uses.
Compensation —Actions taken which have the effect of mitigating for, or substituting some form
of aquatic resource lost or significantly disturbed due to a permitted activity. This is
generally accomplished through aquatic resource restoration or enhancement, and possibly
preservation when provided as part of mitigation project.
Credit — & unit of measure representing the accrual or attainment of aquatic resource
function, condition, or other performance measure at an approved mitigation site.
Debit—A unit of measure representing the loss of aquatic resource function, condition, or other
performance measure atan impact site.
Enhancement - The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of an
aquatic resource to heighten, intensify, or improve specific aquatic resource functions.
Enhancement results in the gain of selected aquatic resource functions, but may also lead
to a decline in other aquatic resource functions. Enhancement does not result in a gain in
aquatic resource area.
Financial Assurances — A mechanism used to guarantee some aspect of mitigation site
performance. Financial assurances may include a contingency account escrow account,
performance bond, insurance, letter of credit, or other mechanism acceptable to the ACOE.
Financial assurances may be required for varying aspects of the |LF Program including
mechanisms to ensure that monitoring and maintenance of the site is completed, and
mechanisms ensuring financing is available to address catastrophic events and required long-
term management.
Full Cost Accounting - The process of collecting and presenting all cost information for each
mitigation project. It is a conventional method of cost accounting that traces direct costs and
allocates indirect costs. It includes all appropriate expenses such as administrative, site
selection, planning and design, land acquisition, construction, planting, legal expenses,
monitoring, maintenance, remnediaUPn, adaptive management, long-term management, and
Functions — The physical, chemical and biological ecosystem processes of an aquatic resource
without regard to its importance tmsociety.
Hydrologic Unit Code — Divisions of the watersheds of the United States. For the purposes
of this Agreement, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) shall refer to those divisions as defined by the
United States Geological Survey
In-Kind-A resource of similar structural and functional type as the impacted resource.
In-lieu Fee Program ' A program involving the restoration, enhancement, and/or preservation of
aquatic resources through funds paid to a governmental or non-profit entity to satisfy
compensatory mitigation requirements forACC)E permits.
In-Lieu Fee Program Account — An account at a financial institution which contains any and all
monies, including any interest associated with fees, and the sale or transfer of credits in
accordance with this Instrument. Funds in this account can only be used to provide compensatory
mitigation (including selection, acquisition, design, implementation, administration and
management of mitigation projects).
Interagency Review Team (IR7) —An interagency group of federal, state, and local regulatory and
resource agency representatives, and possibly others, that participates in the development of
site development plans and overseas the establishment, use, operation, and long-term
maintenance of mitigation site with the ACOE acting as Chair.
Ledger — An accounting of mitigation credits and debits and other information maintained by
OF and reviewed annually bV the ACOE and the |RT.
Long Term Management and Maintenance Plan —The plan that defines the goals and objectives
of long-term stewardship of a mitigation site after success criteria monitoring (typically a
monitoring period of up to 5 years following completion of physical work) has been
completed. The long-term management and maintenance plan shall be binding on the long-
term steward.
Long-Term Steward —The party (landowner, easement holder or other party) responsible
for long-term maintenance and management of the mitigation site. KRF will be the long-term
steward for a mitigation site unless another steward has been designated and has
accepted this responsibility. A different long-term steward may be designated, however, KRFis
responsible for ensuring success criteria monitoring (typically a monitoring period of 5 years
following project completion) until the project has been closed.
Mitigation—The process of sequentially avoiding impacts, minimizing impacts and compensating
for impacts to aquatic resources that could not be avoided or minimized.
Mitigation Plan —A detailed portion of the site development plan that identifies specifically how
aquatic resources and associated upland buffers will be restored, enhanced, preserved, managed
and maintained on the mitigation site.
Mitigation Performance —The outcome of applying success criteria to a mitigation site in terms
of identified goals and objectives.
Mitigation Project—The entire compensatory mitigation project including all activities described
in the mitigation plan and undertaken on the mitigation site to generate credits.
Mitigation S/te — A site or sites where aquatic resources are restored, enhanced or preserved
expressly for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts
to similar resources.
Preservation ' The removal of threat to, or preventing the decline of, aquatic resources by an
action in or near those aquatic resources. This term includes activities commonly associated with
the protection and maintenance of aquatic resources through the implementation of appropriate
legal and physical mechanisms, and may involve protection of upland buffers. Preservation
does not result in a gain of aquatic resource area or functions.
Program Instrument - The legal document governing the establishment, operation and use of
an |LFProQnamn.
Real Estate Protection /Jocunnent - The document or instrument intended to protect, restrict or
preserve the land associated with a mitigation site and that will be recorded in local land
records. The document may take the form of an easement, a declaration of restriction, or other
similar legal document.
Released Credits — Credits associated with mitigation sites that have met their success criteria,
as determined bV the ACOE and the |RT.
Restoration - The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of site
with the goal of returning natural/historic functions to a former or degraded aquatic
Service Area - The geographic area within which impacts can be mitigated by an in-lieu fee
program, as defined in its instrument. The overall service area may bedivided into appropriate
Project Areas to direct the use of fees in mitigating impacts.
Seruicss - Benef|ts that human populations receive from functions that occur inecosystems.
Site Development Plan — The overall plan governing the restoration, enhancement and/or
preservation of aquatic resources and associated upland buffers on the mitigation site.
Soomsor - A public or non-profit entity responsible for establishing and operating an in- lieu fee
Success Criteria—The rninirnurn standards required to meet the objectives for which the site was
Tempmra/ /oss - The time lag between the loss of aquatic resource functions caused by the
permitted impacts and the replacement of aquatic resource functions at the compensatory
mitigation site. Higher compensation ratios may be required to compensate for
temporal loss.
7. Additional Provisions
� Controlling Language - The Parties intend the provisions of this Instrument and each of the
documents incorporated by reference in it to be consistent with each other, and for each
document to be binding in accordance with its terms. To the fullest extent possible, these
documents shall be interpreted in e manner that avoids or limits any conflict between or
among them. However, if and to the extent that specific language in t h i s | n s t r u nn e nt
conflicts with specific language in any document that is incorporated into this Instrument bV
reference, the specific language within the Instrument shall be controlling. The captions and
headings of this Instrument are for convenient reference only, and shall not define or limit any
of its terms orprovisions.
� Entire Agreement - This Instrument, and all exhibits, appendices, schedules and agreements
referred to in this Instrument, constitute the final, complete and exclusive statement of the
terms mf the agreement between and among the Parties pertaining to the Program, and
supersede all prior and contemporaneous discussions, negotiations, understandings or
agreements of the Parties. No other agreement, statement, or promise made bV the Parties, orto
any employee, officer, or agent of the Parties, which is not contained in this Instrument, shall be
binding or valid. No alteration or variation of this instrument shall be valid or binding unless
contained in a written amendment. Each of the Parties acknowledges that no representation,
inducement, promise or agreement, oral or otherwise, has been made by any of the other
Parties or anyone acting on behalf of any of the Parties unless the same has been embodied
w Reasonableness and Good Faith ' Except as specifically limited elsewhere in this Instrument,
whenever this Instrument requires a Party to give its consent or approval to any action
on the part of the other, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or
delayed. If a Party disagrees with any determination covered by this provision and
reasonably requests the reasons for that determination, the determining Party shall furnish its
reasons in writing and in reasonable detail within 3O days following the request.
• Successors and Assigns - This Instrument and each of its covenants and conditions shall be
binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and
assigns subject to the limitations on transfer set forth in this Instrument.
• Partial Invalidity - If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any term or provision of this
Instrument to be invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, for any reason, the validity and
enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions, or portions of them, shall not be affected
unless an essential purpose of this Instrument VvVu|d he defeated by loss of the invalid or
unenforceable provision.
w Notices-Any notice, demand, approval, request or other communication permitted or required
by this Instrument shall be in writing and deemed given when delivered personally, sent by
receipt-confirmed facsimile, or sent bV recognized overnight delivery service, addressed as set
forth below, or five days after deposit in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, and addressed asset
forth below. Notice by any Party to any other Party shall be given to all Parties. Such notice
shall not be effective until it is deemed to have been received by all Parties.
Addresses for purposes of giving notice are set forth below. Any party may change its notice
address by giving notice of change of address to the other Parties in the manner specified in
this Section.
Program Sponsor:
The NeYm Restoration Fund, Coastal Resources Group, Inc., PO Box 5430, Sa|t Springs, FL
8COE and |RT:
District Engineer, Jacksonville District' Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 701
San Marco Blvd.,Jacksonville, FL33307
Mr. Ron N8iedenma, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 400North Congress Avenue, Suite
12C1 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Dr. Constance L. Cass|er, U.S. Fish & VV||d||fe Service, 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida
Ms. Connie 0ersok, FL Department of Environmental Protection - Mitigation Section, MS 3500,
2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 33399-3400
Ms.Jocelyn Karazsia, NOAA, 400 North Congress Avenue, Suite220, West Palm
Beach, Florida 33401
Ms.Joanne Delaney, NOAA/F|oriclo Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 33 East Quay
Road, Key West, Florida 33040
&8r. Michael Roberts, Environmental Resources, Monroe County Growth Management,
2798O*erseas Highway, Sui1e4OO, Marathon, Florida 33050
Mr. Stephen VVernd|i, NO44/F|mrida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, P.O. Box 1083, Key Largo,
Mr. Gus Rios, FL Department of Environmental Protection, South District Marathon Office, 3796
Overseas Highway, Suite 22l, Marathon, Florida 33050
• Counterparts - Th|s Instrument may be executed in multiple counterparts, each mf which shall
be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute aSing|e executed agreement.
• No Third Party Beneficiaries - This Instrument shall not create any third party beneficiary,
nor shall it authorize anyone not a Party to the agreement to maintain any action, suit or other
proceeding, including without limitation, for personal injuries, property damage or enforcement
pursuant to the provisions of this Instrument. The duties, obligations and responsibilities of the
Parties to this Instrument with respect to third parties shall remain as otherwise provided by
law |nthe event this Instrument had never been executed.
w Availability of Funds - Implementation of this Instrument by the |RT is subject to the
requirements of the Anti- Deficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341, and the availability of appropriated
funds. Nothing in this Instrument may be construed to require the obligation, appropriation, or
expenditure of any money from the U.S. Treasury. No agency of the |RT is required under this
Instrument to expend any appropriated funds unless and until an authorized official
affirmatively acts to commit to such expenditures as evidenced in writing.
• No Partnerships - This Instrument shall not make or be deemed to make any Party to this
Instrument an agent for or the partner or joint venturer ofany other Party.
• Governing Law - This Instrument shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 etseq., and other applicable federal and laws and regulations.
• Headings and Captions - Any paragraph heading or captions contained in this Instrument
shall be for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation
of any provisions of this Instrument.
8. References
Brainard, R.E, C. Birke|anci C.M. Eakin, P. KNcE|hany, M.W. Miller, M. Patterson, and0.A. Piniak.
Keys fV1//i1r'/o/0n Pmgmm -/LF /ngmmen� - i, nos(u/ �/ou�), In(. -39
2011. Status review report of 82 candidate coral species petitioned under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act. U.S. Dept. Commerce., NOAA Tech. Memo., NOAA- TM-NMFS-PIFSC-27, 530 p. + 1
Durako, Michael J., Margaret 0. Hall, and Manuel Merello. 2002. Patterns of Change in the
Seagrass Dominated Florida Bay Hydroscape, in The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of
the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook. Porter, James W. and Karen G. Porter, eds. (CRC
Press, LILC, Boca Raton, FL), pp. 523-537.
Fernald, Edward A. and Elizabeth D. Purclum, eds. 1998. Water Resources Atlas of Florida.
(Institute of Science and Public Affairs), p. 16.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2009. UMAM Training Manual. Florida
Department of Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Fonseca, M.S., Kenworthy, W.J., and Thayer, G.W. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and
Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean
Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD. 222 pp
Hobbs, J., P. McNeese, and C. Kruer. 2006. Pieces of the Real Florida Keys, Twenty-Five Years of
Habitat Restoration, 1981-2006, Keys Environmental Restoration Fund. National Audubon
Society, Miami, Florida, 191 pp.
Kruczynski, William L. and Fred McManus. 2002. Water Quality Concerns in the Florida Keys:
Sources, Effects, and Solutions, in The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida
Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook. Porter, James W. and Karen G. Porter, eds. (CRC Press, LLC,
Boca Raton, FL), pp. 827-881.
Kruer, C.R. 1992. An assessment of Florida's remaining coastal upland natural communities:
Florida Keys. Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Tall., Florida. 71 pp. plus appendix.
Kruer, C.R. 1995. Florida Keys Advance Identification Project, Wetland and Seasonal High Water
Delineation. Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Reg. 4, Atlanta, Georgia,
10 pp. plus attachments and maps.
Kruer, C.R. 1994. Mapping assessment of vessel damage to shallow seagrasses in the Florida
Keys. Final report to Florida Department of Natural Resources and University of South Florida
Institute of Oceanography. F.I.O. Contract #47-10-123-L3, 26 pp.
Kruer, C.R. 1995. Florida Keys invasive exotic vegetation removal project, Phase I - mapping and
assessment. Report to Florida Keys Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund, Fla. Aud. Soc., Trustee,
Surnmerland Key, Florida, 23 pp. plus appendices.
Lazell, James D., Jr. 1989. Wildlife of the Florida Keys: A Natural History. (Island Press,
Washington, D.C.), p. 14.
NOAA and FDEP, 2004. Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Seagrass
Restoration in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 94 pp.
Kry,,, / c0or 10)i'm H [ONNIfdmf� P)m,`rmn -0/' (F);1'runrW - Crwool 1',(,w)ur( �wmo, ,m. -40
NOAA. 3010. FKNN0S/NOAA Socioeconomic research and monitoring program, structural
changes in the Florida Keys economy, climate change and the Florida Keys, Fact sheet 4` 3pp.
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. 2011. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Condition
Report 2011. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 105 pp.
Ross, Michael S,Joseph J. O'Brien, and LouroJ. Flynn. 1992' Ecological Site Classification of
Florida Keys Terrestrial Habitats, in 8iotropica, 34(4): 488-503'
Sargent, F.J., T.J. Leary, D.W. CreVvo' and C.R. Kruer. 1995. Scarring of Florida's seagrasses:
assessment and management options. FMR| Tech. Rep' TF-1. Florida Marine Research Institute,
St. Petersburg, FL. 37 pp. plus appendices.
South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan. 2009. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, South Florida
Ecological Services Office. June 2009.
Strong, Allan M. and G. Thonmas Bancroft. 1994. Patterns of Deforestation and Fragmentation of
Mangrove and Deciduous Seasonal Forests in the Upper Florida Keys, in Bulletin of Marine
Science, 54(3): 795-804.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. South Florida multi-species recovery plan. Atlanta, Georgia.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and The Nature Conservancy. 2012. Sea Level Rise Adaptation in the
Florida Keys: Conserving Terrestrial and Intertidal Natural Areas and Native Species - A
Workshop Synthesis. 38pp+ appendices.
Keys Restoration Fund/Coastal Resources Group, Inc.
By: Date:
Its: PresideRoy R. Lewis, III
U.S.Army Corps of Engineers:
By: 4 Date:,--.?/I 'Z��3
—! L
C�k its: District Engineer
Keys R(estaration Fund JLF Mitigollon Prograrn IL F Ins trurvent Coastal Resources Grouj,�, Inc. -,42
Figure 1. Service area for the Keys In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program.
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Keg ReWWWn Fund U Wout�Abn PmWR;m —UF krraMmeent -- Coos to Re soup ces Group, grin -43
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Current Proposed Projects of the Florida Keys ILF Mitigation Program
Wetlands Restoration - Upper Keys Promect Area
Crane Point Hammock Hydrological Enhancement Proiect (formerly Rachel Key Restoration
Background - This project was originally proposed for mitigation funding by the Keys
Environmental Restoration Fund (NERF) to the Army Corps ofEngineers W\COE\ in about 2004
and at that time both cu|verting and bridging, as well as large-scale dredging to re-establish
historic tidal channels and facilitate flows were discussed. Ahvdro|ogica| study had been
conducted by Paul Lin and Associates in CJctober, 30O2. Crane Point Hammock is a privately
owned parcel on the Gulf shoreline of Marathon known as the Crane Point Museum and
Nature Center managed by the non-profit Florida Keys Land and Sea Trust (Figure 1).
Communication with the owners in2OO5 led toa letter agreement for KERF to proceed with
project design and possible implementation. Dated July 27, 2011, Hydrologic Associates U.S.
&, Inc. prepared a report to KERF on the "feasibility of culvert installation for wetland
enhancement" at Crane Point Hammock. That report i$ attached here.
Proiect Design and Approximate Costs - Hydrologic Associates presented a minimal proposal to
place 3 new 12" culverts under the easternmost road and 2 new 13" culverts under the
westernmost road to restore tidal flows tmthe interior wetlands, approximately 10acres in size
and composed primarily of mangroves. The Sponsor will review all information acquired to
date, conduct additional field reviews and surveys, coordinate with the landowner, and
recommend to the ACOE and the Interagency Review team (|RT) a Mitigation Project Plan to
accomplish the project goal of re-establishing the tidal OoxxS and flushing and the marine
habitat values of the interior wetlands at Crane Point Hammock. It is estimated that without
large scale dredging the overall project costs with full cost accounting and long-term site
protection and management plans in place will cost$lQ0,00Oto$300,000.
�e,yoi?e�tw� I`und/1F nprog/mno -/IF /nstm/n*enf -C'o�sta/ Resuunces 6"rnup, Mc. -46
Location of
Proposed Culverts
and Excavation
Location of
Proposed Cuuiverts
and Excavation
�"„„, Gene�at Wetland Area of Potentiat
HydraBogica9 Enhancement
Approximately 10+acres
� J&
500 250 a 500 Feet
Keys Rw:rstolwst°ts;;wn i°"unrf IL mffigrw&sr,rw �''"'wrwww,,iw°w:aw�w^� "R.i�'"In 1prww"rwp, i ...Cwlcu rfwc:wi Re,,,,ources 6".'w c wwi.wa Inc. -47,
2. )&etlands ReslarAtion- LgWAC Kgvs ergiggt AMa
Bahia Honda State Park Wetlands Restoration and Enhancement Proiect
Background - This project at Bahia Honda State Park was originally proposed to the ACOE for
funding in the KERF April 2007 Work Performance Report and included the following:
Proposal for New Wetland Restoration Project at Bahia Honda State Park - With the transfer
of ownership of the Big Pine Boat Basin to Monroe County, that restoration project is no longer
a possibility. I would like to propose moving the $349,794.70 to a new project at Bahia Honda
State Park. Bahia Honda actually has 2 separate wetland restoration proposals that would be
combined into a single project. The first, labeled by the Park as "Project 1" on the Florida
Ecological Restoration Inventory, would entail installation of a culvert under on existing paved
park road in order to re-open an impounded wetland area. The project would directly restore 1
acre of wetland, with enhancement to 2 acres. Preliminary work would involve a consultation
with a hydrologist to determine best placement for and size of culvert needed to restore
maximum water flow. The Park estimated a project cost of $100,000 in 2004. The second
restoration need at Bahia Honda is referred to as "Project 6" on the Florida Ecological
Restoration Inventory. This project consists of removal or scrapedown of an artificial berm
(formerly a Monroe County dump site) which is impounding a 3-acre wetland and tidal lagoon. 3
acres of wetland restoration, and the additional 3 acres of enhancement would result. Cost
estimate by the Park in 2004 was $25,000. Preliminary work to be done would include testing
for soil contaminants, which may increase the cost of the project slightly.
And in 2009 KERF prepared the following expanding the proposal and project to 3 different
wetland sites (2 culvert sites and I wetland restoration site)within Bahia Honda State Park:
KERF. This project will consist of 3 components (see Figure 1):
1. Scrapdown1fill removal from 1.3 acres of historic mangrove wetlands on the north side
of Bahia Honda Key.
2. Possible culverting under the road on the north side of Bahia Honda to improve
circulation to interior mangrove wetlands.
3. Restoring some flow to an impounded 2.5 acre wetland on the south side of Bahia
Fill removal from the northern section will be straightforward; however, we are interested in
improving water flow to that and the remainder of the northern wetlands by installing culverts
(number and placement to be determined). Current rood surface elevation is not substantial;
therefore culvert (or other solution) would need to have a low profile. I think they make 12" tall
precast culverts that are reinforced and can be driven over without fl//cushioning. Whatever we
do should be large enough and durable enough that it won't collapse or become blocked under
normal conditions. N
�(,'n rogram ''U F /nstrurrenf ("Ciao'rrd Gf cuq��,, Inc. -48
The impounded wetland to the south has a culvert underneath the roadbed to drain it, but the
culvert has become blocked and no longer functions. Salinities move toward fresh conditions
during the rainy season and become hypersaline during the dry-season drawdown. The most
likely durable solution here would be replacement of the existing blocked culvert with box
culverts. However, I'm concerned that this really won't do much for the health of the wetland
except during extreme storm events when a culvert would allow storm surge to drain, thereby
reducing hypersoline conditions during dry-season drawdown. I also don't see possibilities for
another solution.
Northern section of road for possible culverting
1.3 acres of fill in historic mangrove wetlands
Existing blocked culvert under existing road
2.5 acre impounded wetland
Key,„Res r)�ation Fun(Y 11 F AIM hP M ion Pro yp(,�,irn 6LF ln-steumeot Group, Im. -49
Project Design and Approximate Costs - In January, 2010, Hydrologic Associates U.S.A., Inc.
prepared 3 individual reports for KERF incorporating preliminary designs for the 3 different aspects
of this project, and estimating costs for 2 of the 3. Project accomplishments potentially include:
Tidal wetland restoration through fill removal - approx. 1.3 acres
Tidal wetland hydrologic enhancement through culvert placement north of US 1- 16 acres
Tidal wetland hydrologic enhancement through culvert placement south of US I- 2.5 acres
Coastal Resources Group ("Sponsor") will review all information acquired to date, conduct
additional field reviews and surveys, coordinate with the landowner (State of Florida), and
recommend to the ACOE and IRT a Mitigation Project Plan to accomplish the project goals
of wetland restoration and enhancement. It is estimated that the overall project (3) costs
with full cost accounting and long-term site protection and management plans in place will cost
$200,000 to$250,000.
3. Seagrass Bestorat"on - Upper Keys Project Area
Lignumvitae Key Seagrass Restoration Project
Background - KERF has had a long standing involvement with seagrass restoration at what is
now formally known as the Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park due to the serious and
ongoing boating impacts to the extensive shallow water seagrass habitats within the Park
boundaries. Pioneering work in the use of scar and blowhole fill, bird stakes, nutrient additions and
seagrass planting in scars was conducted by the original KERF program in conjunction with others
in the 1990s. This involvement with the Park continued with additional work in 2005 (Phase I
of new project) and early 2013 (State funds only) and with current proposals to work
cooperatively with the Park staff. A Phase 11 project to work on scattered scars and impact sites
was delayed. Following are excerpts from KERF proposals to use mitigation funds to perform
additional work:
KERF June 2007 Work Performance Report:
Lignumvitae Seagrass Restoration, Permit and Violation Fees(ACOE and State Funding)
The ACOE and State approved this project for funding in October of 2003. The Lignumvitae Key
Submerged Lands area is tricky to navigate, and prop scarring is frequent and often severe. This
area is managed by the State of Florida DEP Parks and Recreation Division, and in 2003 they
approached the Fund to propose a cooperative restoration effort, using both Fund fees and
awards to the DEP from groundings on site. Lignumvitae has drafted a management plan for the
area, and prop scars and groundings are prioritized according to severity of damage/need to repair.
2005 Phase 1: The first restoration project was carried out in January and February of 2005. Year
4 monitoring was scheduled for May of 2009.
KERF November 2007 Work Performance Report:
2008 Phase Ih KERF is currently working on the scope of work for a second phase of restoration
at Lignumvitae which will be done in the winter of 200712008. The work will involve both
topographical restoration, planting of seagrass, and bird staking.
Lignumvitae Seagrass Restoration, Violations & Fines (ACOE and State Funding)
Both the ACOE and the State desired a seagrass restoration project that could direct fines and
penalties resulting from submerged aquatic violations toward repairing submerged violations or
un-permitted activities. A large number of the prop scars at the Lignumvitoe Key Submerged
Lands Management Area occur without the violator ever being known. Lignumvitae documents
and assesses these "orphan" scars just as they do known violator scars, but no damage
assessment monies are available for their repair. For this reason, both the ACOE and the State
approved the use of submerged aquatic violation fines and fees for the repair of these orphan
scars (October 2003 MOU meeting).
KERF April 2011 Work Performance Report:
Lignumvitae has drafted a management plan for the area, and prop scars and groundings are
prioritized according to severity of damage/need to repair.
In about 2009 KERF prepared an undated "Draft Mitigation Plan" presumably for the Corps and
the Park in an effort to expand on the planning for boat impact restoration at Lignumvitae, and
also provided the following Table for the Park's review. The Peterson Key Bank Scar was filled
using State funds in early 2013 and is being monitored by the Park. Presumably all other sites
detailed here are still available for restoration work.
Square Average Cubic yards of fill Stakes
footage depth needed Needed Planting Units Needed
Triple Scar North 3,808.55 2.1' 296.2204 52 104
Triple Scar Middle 6,980.41 2.1' 542.9211 100 200
Triple Scar South 8,084.29 n/a no topo required yes? none(already recruiting)
Triple Scar South
Blowhole 609,493719 2.5' 56.43 10 20
The Long Scar 2,409.92 minimal yes probable
Peterson Key Bank
Scar 38,845.98 5. 7,193.70 283* 566*(accomplished 2013)
Teatable Scar 137,672.53 6' 30,593.90 49 98
Scar 5 89,942.66 6' 19,987.26 TBD** none required
* Cannot install this many stakes here at one time since there are others in the vicinity that need to be removed
fi rst.
"This will be a large array. Decision to place stakes on 2 or 3 meter centers will be made at time of installation
based on the number of other stakes already installed in the vicinity.
Keys Restopcybc�rA Furu'l Iff f0itigc)9ion Fpnoyrarr� - 11,F pnstrwnera Ccw,,hW Gt�!!Yup, Inc. -51
Priority Seagrass $cars. Lignumvitae Key State Park
The Triple Scar North
The Triple Scar Mid
Triple Scar South Blowhole
The Long Scar
Peterson Key Bank Scar
The Teatable Scar
Proiect Design and Approximate Costs e Sponsor will review all information acquired to
date, conduct additional field reviews and surveys, coordinate with the landowner (State
ofF|orida), and recommend to the AC[>E and |RTaMitigation Project Plan to accomplish
the project goal of seagrass habitat restoration. It is estimated that the overall project
costs with full cost accounting and long-term monitoring and management plans in place will
4. Seagrass Restoration - Lower Keys Project Area
Lower Keys Seagrass Restoration Project
Background - This new project proposal is a continuation and extension of KERF's seagrass
restoration work including boat impact sites initiated at Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park in
the 1990s. Extensive areas of seagrass habitats have been restored by KERF and others in the
Keys since the 1980s and in addition to restoration of Keys shallow seagrass habitats through fill
removal and backfilling of old dredged sites to mitigate for and offset permitted impacts,
restoration of boat impact sites will also be reviewed for the Lower Keys Project Area. The
following statement of this new Lower Keys project is excerpted from the KERF May 2012 Work
Performance Report:
Lower Keys Seagrass (ACOE and State Funded)
The goal of the Lower Keys Seagrass project is to restore seagrass and submerged habitat
within the waters of the lower keys. For purposes of this project, the lower keys area is
defined as water south of Knights Key to Rebecca Shoal, within the boundaries of the
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Audubon will work with representatives from the
Marine Sanctuary and FDEP Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas to prioritize suitable areas
for restoration.
Project Design and Approximate Costs—The Sponsor will review all information acquired to date,
assess lists of potential project sites, conduct additional field reviews and surveys, and
recommend to the ACOE and IRT a Mitigation Project Plan to accomplish the project goals of
seagrass habitat restoration. It is estimated that the overall project costs with full cost
accounting, long-term monitoring, and site protection and management plans in place will cost
5. SCDjice Area Mitigation Proiect Development
Background - In order to offset development impacts to wetland and shallow water seagrass
habitats beyond the 4 projects addressed above it will be necessary to locate and assess
additional potential projects within the Service Area. As discussed in this Instrument, planned
is the location and design of additional wetland and seagrass projects in both the Lower
Keys Project Area and the Upper Keys Project Area. Extensive public lands in the Keys, along
with ongoing acquisition by various government programs, present opportunities that need to
be identified and assessed for an enduring mitigation program. As well, the availability of land
acquisition funds from mitigation fees provides opportunities for acquisition of disturbed
private property to facilitate and allow wetland restoration and enhancement work.
Where possible, coordination with agencies, conservation entities, and the public will occur for
collaborative, community-based efforts that may provide some level of matching funds.
Kre,',ys ReOc',uwbcm Ft�ncf/LF A ktibgation' 111aHe;pa,a;rm /11: Inauburna°rAt Coy , ^,:Ark Rc,5ouues 9.rrc'pupp, Inc -53
Proiect Design and Approximate Costs - Coordinationwith members of the |RT, Keys land
management agencies, conservation entities, the public, and others as appropriate, will take
place to solicit suggestions for restoration and enhancement projects that can be prioritized for
assessment based on field reviews. Past reviews by the previous |[F Program and the working
group of agencies and organizations will be utilized to identify possible projects. Two reports
(wetlands and seagrass$s) reviewing potential mitigation project sites and including summary
information (habitats, size, environmental benefits, ownership, approx. costs, etc.) will be
prepared for submittal to the |RT. Anticipating that funds from previous fees will be available
following completion of the mitigation projects described in #s 1-4 above, these additional Keys
projects Will be used to provide compensation for impacts associated with prior wetland and
seagrass impacts, as well as for new permitted impacts.
As part of the ongoing |LF program related to project implementation, it is anticipated that
meetings can be held, potential projects identified and preliminarily assessed and summarized,
and 2 reports prepared in the first year ofthe new |LF Program at a cost between $60\000 and
���� I�IeOmrmb/on Fipnd/1F AAI/bYo�"/on Progrom -/LF /ns'nannent -(omsto/ 6rmup, Inc. -54
Proposal for Additional Work Needed for New Keys ILF Mitigation Program
As stated in the discussion sections of the 2008 Final Rule for Compensatory Mitigation (DOD
and USEPA 2008), some of the noted shortfalls of past ILF projects included "fee credits are
often too low" and "lower or looser standards than mitigation banks" (page 19599). Our
preliminary review of the information in hand indicates to us, as we have previously noted
to the ACOE, that the previous KERF credit fee structure, particularly for seagrass projects,
seems very low for the types of projects and associated costs we are familiar with, especially
when combined with additional requirements of the 2008 Mitigation Rule. We have
reviewed and provided to the Corps the KenworthV et al. (2013) publication reporting
very high costs in the range of $10-20 per square foot for seagrass restoration, as well as the
final KERF seagrass restoration project at Lignumvitae Key State Botanical Site (Hobbs 2013)
which shows costs over $40 per square foot, mainly attributable to the extensive fill work
needed. We anticipate the need to very carefully analyze the existing data for previous KERF
seagrass and wetland restoration projects in order to accurately determine what past costs have
been, what they covered and what did they not cover, and based upon this what future costs
for successful projects, including all the monitoring and success criteria determinations and
long-term management might be as required by the 2008 Rule.
The same need for investigation applies to how successful past seagrass and wetland
projects have been, and what potential projects currently exist in the Keys (seagrass and
wetland) to build on those successes, and learn from failures. Our preliminary review of
available documents indicates that monitoring and reporting over a sufficient time to
determine functional success of past projects has been very spotty. As we propose future
projects we need to know what worked and what did not. Again, a lot of work is needed to
improve upon the existing data base.
Based on our review of historical KERF credit fees, the additional requirements of the 2008
Final Rule, and our professional judgment we believe we have adequate preliminary
information to propose per credit (U M AM) costs for our initial efforts, but going forward
the Sponsor needs to undertake and complete four tasks for the new Keys Restoration Fund
(KRF) ILF Mitigation Program. Any future proposals to revise credit fees and costs would be
based upon these proposed analyses. As Program Sponsor and to address these very real needs
of the new Keys ILF Program we propose:
Task I - A report after the examination and organization of all of the previous ILF Program files
and data (12 boxes provided to the Corps by KERF, KERF DVD file information, A C 0 E scanned
documents, maps and photography, 25 Year Summary Report, Kruer files, etc.) that will
provide summaries and conclusions regarding costs (updated to 2013 costs), and that will
identify and propose projects for site assessments. In addition, we propose to access and
review comparative information from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Program and
other sources for Keys seagrass restoration projects, to assemble a robust data base on both
costs (updated to 2013) and reports of success or failure of the various types of historical
seagrass restoration efforts in the Keys;
Kilys Re. hnabcm Funci/If AINtigation Prograrn 10" InArurnenH - C I oasgal Gaatq,u� Inc. -55
Task 2 - Two reports (one for wetland habitats, one for seagrass habitats) of the site
assessments providing suggestions for improvement of monitoring future projects, confirm
existing conditions and update where possible success or failure of various past KERF projects,
and define efforts needed to conduct future KRF projects in compliance with the 2008 Rule;
Task 3 — Coordination with the IRT for two meetings. The first meeting is proposed to take
place six months from the date of the signed instrument and will be a comprehensive meeting
in the Keys with all Keys Restoration Fund (KRF) staff. Reviewed will be the project plans,
designs, and estimated costs for the Bahia Honda and Crane Point Hammock wetlands
restoration projects based on the information provided in Appendix A, KRF field reviews, and
discussions with the property owners and managers. Provided also will be updates on plans
for the Lignumvitae Key and Lower Keys Project Area seagrass restoration projects. The
second meeting with the IRT will be scheduled at one year and will be an update by Mr. Lewis
on KRF progress and the credit fee rate structure. Both meetings will include preparation and
distribution of meeting agendas and minutes by the Sponsor.
All reviews, assessments and reports related to Tasks 1-3 above would be completed with the
first year of operation of the KRF ILF M i t i g a t i o n Program based on a final proposal for
scheduling and budgeting to be submitted to the Jacksonville District of the Corps.
Literature Cited
DOD and USEPA. 2008. Compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources; final rule. 40
CFR Part 230. Federal Register April 10, 2008. P. 19594-19705.
Hobbs, JF. 2013. Lignumvitae Key submerged lands seagrass restoration project Phase III:
Peterson Key Bank. Construction methods and time zero report. 13 p.
Kenworthy, WJ, MO Hall, M Merello and G Di Carlo. 2013. Boating and seagrass.
P. 7-11 plus supplemental material, Seagrass-Watch 47. Seagrass Watch Global Assessment
and Monitoring Program.
Key.,t Re�orvtion,Fund lif�"1�,,'Hbg(,vion P�oqnvn , a r Inskrument - ('�oustal Gmq,� Inc. -56
Coastal Resources Group, Im
A �bld3 501(C)(3)A&-br�tV&CaMatM
November 1, 2012
via e-mail and US Mail
Mr. Michael Roberts
Sr.Administrator, Environmental Resources
Monroe County Growth Management
2798 Overseas Highway,Suite 400
Marathon, Florida 33050
Re: CRG proposal for development of a Regional Offsite Mitigation Area(ROMA)in Monroe
County and the Keys
Dear Michael:
Thanks for taking the time recently to discuss various issues related to mitigation and
mitigation opportunities in the Keys. CRG is pleased to submit the attached proposal to Monroe
County as a means of furthering the discussion of Robin Lewis and myself assisting Monroe
County with the development and implementation of a ROMA for the Keys. This effort would
track our current plan to assume and adopt the current federal ILF Mitigation program for the
Keys that is working its way through the Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District Office.
We look forward to your thoughts on this proposal and in working with Monroe County to
provide mitigation opportunities for landowners and others,and to designing and implementing
quality habitat restoration projects in the Keys.
Thank you. Please let me know if you have any questions about the attached.
Curtis Kruer
cc R. Lewis, L Flynn
PO Bkix 5430 Sallil Sphig, I-L 32134-5430
Streul! WkItess,23797 NE 11'Oh5�sueet,SAISTvm,;,F1 Q'I
Phone 546-4842 Fax:a352,,546 5224 I'A Fror(888)899,9684
Mobde (813�505-3991"19 byiuwl I ESrrB 61&d com
Proposal and Statement of Qualifications
for the Development and Implementation of a Regional Offsite Mitigation Area
Memorandum of Agreement in Monroe County and the Florida Keys
Submitted by:
Coastal Resources Group, Inc. (a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation)
Through its Florida Keys Program-The Keys Restoration Fund
c/o Robin Lewis, President
PO Box 5430
Salt Springs, FL 32134-5430
Submitted to:
Monroe County Department of Growth Management
2798 Overseas Hwy.
Marathon, FL 33050
Table of Contents
CoastalResources Group Statement of Qualifications...............................................................4
ProposedScope of Work...........................................................................................................5
In about 1996 the Florida Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund (in existence since 1981,
managed b«Audubon mf Florida) entered into agreements with the Army Corps of Engineers("0orps") and the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP")to begin accepting mitigation fees for state and
federal permitted activities as a formal In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program /"|LFPrugrarn"\. In addition,the
Restoration Trust Fund was often the recipient of enforcement penalties and fines levied by the agencies. in
about 2003 the Fund was renamed the Keys Environmental Restoration Fund ("KERF") and continued to
function asan |LF Program managed bVAudubon.
In 2008, a new Final Rule for Compensatory Mitigation for Aquatic Resources was implemented by the
Corps and the USEPA and existing ILF Programs were allowed up to 5 years to come into compliance with the
new rule. Also,the DEP and South Florida Water Management District("SFWMD") continued to allow fees and
fines and penalties to be paid to KERF until such time as a Regional Offs[te Mitigation Area /"ROKHA"\ could be
developed and receive approval bythe State ofFlorida. DEP and the SFVVMD advised Audubon that KENFmust
come into compliance with State requirements regulating a ROMA in order to continue to provide mitigation for
impacts regulated under Chapter 373 Florida Statutes.
In June, 2012 Audubon announced to the Corps and DEP that they were terminating the ILF Program of
KERF and would no longer be providing mitigation services in the Florida Keys. |n September 2O12, Based on
its history and prior experience with wetland and shallow water habitat restoration in the Keys and around
Florida, Coastal Resources Group /"CRG"\submitted a Final |LF Program Prospectus as required bv the 2OO@
Final Rule toassume and adopt the current ILF Program in the Keys, accept its mitigation responsibilities and
obligations, and funding. CRGia currently working on the |LF Instrument in conjunction wuiththe Corps with a
plan to assume the federal |LF Program in early 2013.
The Corps has assured Monroe County that it is their intention to work with CRG in hopes that the Fund
can be assumed and can continue to provide mitigation opportunities to the residents of Monroe County.They
have further assured the County that it is their intent to facilitate the review of CRGs prospectus to ensure that
there will not be gap where mitigation is not available.While this addresses the availability offederally required
mitigation, it would not address mitigation needs for impacts requiring mitigation by the DEPorthe SFVVKHD.
This would meet the mitigation requirements for boat docks on canals(which do not require FDEPpenmits\, but
not for single family docks or homes or dredging that require FDEP or SFWMD permits. In order to provide for
State required mitigation, it would still be necessary for Monroe County as sponsor to enter into a Memorandum
of Agreement with the DEP and SFWMD to establish a Regional Off-site Mitigation Area (ROMA). Monroe County
has expressed interest in retaining a qualified contractor to provide consulting and ecosystem restoration
services for the preparation of a M CIA between Monroe County and the DEP and the SFWMD in accordance
with State statutes(373.4135, F.S.)for the design, permitting,and operation of a ROMA and this submittal is
provided in response to that interest.
Through this submittal toMonroe County CRG proposes tm assist the County in the development and
implementation of a ROMA Memorandum of Agreement for habitat restoration work in Monroe County and the
Florida Keys asa nneans of providing rnitigationforstate-regu|ated wetland impacts associated with
land development activities including single family residential development, docks,seawalls, and residential
maintenance dredging.
Coastal Resources Group Statement of Qualifications
As a local program of Coastal Resources Group, a Florida-based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit established in
2003,a ROMA will benefit from the nearly 90 person-years of experience in hands-on habitat restoration of the
prindp|esof[RG- Robin Lewis, Curtis Nruer, and Laura Flynn. |n addition tm the involvement ofthe principles,
CRG will maintain a day to day presence in the Keys through the use of qualified resource consultants.
Mr. Roy R."Robin" Lewis III is President of CRG and a certified Professional Wetland Scientist with the
Society of Wetland Scientists where he also serves on the board of directors of the Society. Mr. Lewis'expertise
includes the ecology, restoration and creation of fresh and saltwater marshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass
meadows. He has studied the effects of oil spills on coastal ecosystems, plant and animal colonization of dredged
material islands,and experimental re-vegetation of wetlands using both marine and freshwater species. Hehas
designed more than 2OO completed wetland restoration or creation projects inF|orida,SouthCamoUna,theU.S.
Virgin Islands, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nigeria and Thailand, and is currently working on mangrove projects in the
Bahamas,Jamaica, E|Salvador and Indonesia. He has published more than 1OO papers onthese subjects(most
available at an� and is the editor mfC�,o�mn
and Restoration of Coastal Plant Communities, published by CRC Press in 1982. Mr. Lewis isa Florida native, and
regularly teaches the Mangrove Ecology, Restoration and Management Training Course and wetland restoration
courses for the U.S'Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio State University, University of Wisconsin and Louisiana State
Mr. Curtis Krueris Vice-President ofCRG. Mr. Krueris a marine biologist with 37 years experience
specializing in coastal ecology with a focus on coastal habitat restoration,coral reef ecosystem habitat mapping,
and natural resource management and conservation. He has consulted for numerous agencies and conservation
groups including the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Department of Community Affairs, Florida
Natural Areas Inventory, National Wildlife Federation,Trust for Public Lands,and others. A Florida native, he
lived and worked for 22 years in the Florida Keys where,among other efforts, he was the field biologist
responsible for insuring compliance with U.S.Army Corps ofEngineers dredge and fill permits during the Keys
Bridge Replacement Project inthe 19B0s, he mapped all Keys wetlands for a formal USEPA advanced
identification program, under contract to Audubon managed the Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund
from 199O-1999, and organized the Florida Keys Invasive Exotics Task Force. He was a member of the Technical
Advisory Committee of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program and for the
USFVVS South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan. He remains active|n the Keys working with issues related to
protection and management of native habitats and threatened and endangered species there.
Ms. Laura L. Flynn is Treasurer of CRG. Ms. Flynn provides multi-disciplinary natural resource assessment
support and project design, negotiationandimnp|emmentationmfperrnitmonditions and mitigation plans.
Additionally,she provides expertise inG|Smapping and data analysis.
Recent clients of CRG for work related to its mission of habitat restoration science and education include
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,the St.Johns River Water Management District, Everglades National Park,and
the Gulf of Mexico Program. Collectively,our staff has designed, implemented and monitored more than 200
wetland mitigation/creation projects duringtheircaneens, ranginginsicefromn |essthanaha|facmetonnorethan
1,250acres. We have successfully relocated submerged seagrasses at over 20 sites, create d/restored mangrove
forests at individual sites as large as 1,25O acres, and restored estuarine tidal marshes, and freshwater marshes as
large as5OOacres. Given CRG's knowledge ofhabitat ecology and plant biology,vve are often able tooffer
substantially less expensive alternatives that are accepted by the agencies and which result in successful projects.
Most recently, CRG has worked to restore a225 acre mangrove restoration project (64acnescurnent|Vdead, 1G1
acres currently stressed and likely to die) located at the Fruit Farm Creek,Collier County, Florida, USA, near the
town ofGood|and and the City ofMarco Island. CRG has secured initial funding mf$85,000towards atota|
restoration cost estimated tobe$1,950,000 for design, permitting and implementation of construction.
CRG is also committed to the providing educational opportunities to resource managers, regulatory staff,
and private individuals. Our experience,commitment to the environment, and ability to be flexible and work as a
team will give Monroe County the support needed tm design, implement and complete successful mitigation
projects for a Monroe County sponsored ROMA. Resumes of the Principles of[RG are available upon request.
Proposed Scope of Work
Aa contractor CRGshall:
l\ Identify suitable mitigation areas for the initial inclusion into the NOK4/\ program area.
2) File application with the State to create and operate a Regional Off-site Mitigation Area (ROK4A) and
prepare a Memorandum of Agreement (&40A) in accordance with State statutes (373.4135, F.S.) with Monroe
County as the Sponsor. At a minimum, the M(]A must address the following for each project authorized:
a\ A description of the work that will be conducted on the site and a timeline for completion
of such work.
b\ Atirne|ine for obtaining any required environmental resource permit.
c) The environmental success criteria that the project must achieve.
d) The monitoring and long-term management requirements that must beundertaken for the
e\ An assessment of the project in accordance with s. 373,4136(4Va\-A\, until the adoption of the
uniform wetland mitigation assessment method pursuant hms. 373.414(10).
f) A designation of the entity responsible for the successful completion of the mitigation work.
g\ Adefinition of the geographic area where the project may be used as mitigation established using
the criteria mfs. 373.4136(6).
h\ Full cost accounting of the project, including annual review and adjustment.
i1 Provision and atimnetab|e for the acquisition of any lands necessary for the project.
'\ Provision for preservation of the site.
h\ Provision for application of all moneys received solely to the project for which they were
|) Provision for termination of the agreement and cessation of use of the project as
mitigation if any material contingency of the agreement has failed to occur.
m\ Provision in the agreement for additional projects to be added and evaluated as they are
THIS AGREEMENT(Agneennent) is entered into this dayof3D12, bv and between the Board ufCounty
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (hereafter"[ountV" or"8oard")xvhose address is 1100
Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33O4Q,and "Contnac±or' whose address is Coastal Resources Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 543D Salt Springs, FL32184-5430
WHEREAS, the County has certain objectives as directed and established by the Board of County
Commissioners, and which are consistent with, and supportive of, Federal and State regulations regarding
wetlands and other surface waters;and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of the property owners of the County that a
reasonable alternative to on-site mitigation for wetland impacts remains available;and
WHEREAS,Contractor desires to perform such services;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration Vf the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree asfollows:
This agreement shall be effective on the date above,for aperiod of years. The term of this
agreement shall be renewable in accordance with Section V.
The County,in consideration of the Contractor substantially and satisfactorily performing and carrying out the
objectives of the County as to providing the services described in attached Scope of Work, shall pay to the
Contractor the sum of DOLLARS($ ) for the development and approval ofthe
Payment will be made according to the Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Any request for payment
must be in a form satisfactory to the County Clerk (Clerk). The request must describe in detail the services
performed,the payment amount requested,and supporting documentation.
&8mnnoeCmunty's performance and obligation to pay under this contract, is contingent upon an annual
appropriation bv the Board of County Commissioners.
The Contractor must furnish to the County the following (prior tothe payment of any invoices, items
(a) through(h) must be provided):
(b) List of the Organization's Board of Directors. For each board member please indicate when
elected to serve and the length of term ofservice;
/c\ Evidence of annual election of Officers and Directors;
(d) IRS Form 990 from most recent fiscal year(if applicable)for all organizations;
(e) OrQanioatimn's Corporate 8v|axvs, which must include the organication'a mission, board and
membership composition,and process for election ofofficers;
(M (]rgan|zation's Policies and Procedures Manual which must include hiring policies for all staff,
drug and alcohol free workplace provisions,and equal employment opportunity provisions;
(g) Cooperation with County monitoring visits that the County may request during the contract year;
(h) Other reasonable reports and information related to compliance with applicable laws, contract
provisions and the scope of services that the County may request during the contract year.
Proposed Timeline
Submit proposal to Monroe County-----------------------------------------------------------November 2,2012
Enter into Contract with Monroe County-----------------------------------------------------December 1, 2012
File application to create and operate aRgK8A and prepare aKn(]A--------------February 1, 2013
Revise R0MAa9p|ication and K8QAas necessary------------------------------------------April 1, 2013
Finalize RCJ&4A and &4QA and implement program on behalf of Monroe County— June 1, 2013