Resolution 179-2022 k� 1� �, ? 1 �rak � - i Wyi 'M'ru✓N/�oAlfJ 10 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. 179 -2022 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLOWING A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATION/WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS PART OF TRACT "A", SEXTON COVE ESTATES - RESUBDIVISION KEY LARGO, PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 30, OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CURRENTLY BEARING PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 00532701-043600. WHEREAS, an application has been filed that requests a special permit allowing a temporary construction staging area at property located at 15 Swallow Road, Key Largo, located on the bayside at approximate mile marker 106; and WHEREAS,the property is legally described as Part of Tract"A", Sexton Cove Estates - Resubdivision Key Largo, Plat Book 6,Page 30, of the Official Records of Monroe County, Florida, and currently bearing property identification number("PIN") 00532701-043600; WHEREAS,the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (`BOCC" or"Monroe County") desires to grant said special permit to allow the solicited temporary construction staging area; and WHEREAS,the temporary construction staging area would facilitate a canal restoration/water quality improvement project being carried out by Monroe County; and WHEREAS, due notice has been carried out and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Monroe County Code § 6-3, and the Board has considered the record; and WHEREAS,the BOCC hereby makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: 1. The temporary construction staging area is not inconsistent with any of the criterion provided in Monroe County Code §6-3; 1 of 2 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA,that the preceding findings of fact and conclusions of law support its decision to approve the instant request for a special permit, subject to the following conditions: Section I. Recitals and Lep�islative Itn'tent. The foregoing recitals and statements of legislative intent are true and correct and are erey incorporated as if fully set forth herein. Section 2.The temporary construction staging area shall only be used in association with the canal restoration project for Canal No. 28 located in Key Largo. Section 3.The expected commencement date of the temporary construction staging area is Jjuy 1, 2022° e termination date of the temporary construction staging area shall be no later than February 28. 2023. Section 4. Other than fencing, no temporary structure associated with the temporary construction staging area shall be located in any required setback. Section 5. on termination of the temporary construction staging area, the property shall be restored to its prior conditions. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 15d'of June,2022. Mayor David Rice Yqs Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Commissioner James K. Scholl Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROEYC UINT ,FLORI A BY: M Yo AVV AYO ID RICE �)N MMROE COUNTY ATTO ORNEY U FRM VED CR I ale. D /P Tt' KEVIN MADOK- C1 FR --------..................... AS DEPUTY CLERK 2 of 2 �r MC 9E The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876 PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041 P:(305)292-7777 ext.219 F:(305)295-8025 legals@keysnews.com MONROE CO PLANNING DEPT 102050 OVERSEAS HWY KEY LARGO FL 33037 Account: 423741 Ticket: 3848864 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text] COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Melinda Prescott ,who on oath says that he or she is The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa- per published in Key West, in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of advertisment, being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa- per in the issues of: Saturday, May 28, 2022 Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru Saturday weekly, and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise- ment for publication in the said newspaper. ., r A,jYUQA) ), (Signature ofAffiant) Affirmed and subscribed before me this 15th day of June 2022 (Notary Public Signature) Laura M Robins (Notary Public Printed Name) My commission expires 9/26/2022 Personally Known X Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal) Stale oflinSo�Gt"s 2YNK �C��2 MON FAO E COUNTY BOARD OFCOUNTY 'COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND NOTICE OFPUBLIC HEARING JUNE 15v 2022 NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, June 15, 2022', the Monroe County Board of County Cornmiosioners, will hold a Public Meeting, beginning at ftffl AM, The BOCC meeting will be a hybdd format with the County Commission members meeting live in Key Largo, The public will be able to participate via Zo�orn W,obinar The following iterna will be considered at a PUBLIC MEET r ING: PUBLIC HlEAR111INGS: 1:30,PM (or a�s soon thereafter as may be heard): 15 S,al ALLOW ROAD, KEY LARGO,, MILE MARKER 106-, A RESOLUTION OF -DIE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLOWING A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATIOWWATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS SEXTON COVE ESTATES., RES,UBDIIVIIS,IION KEY LARGO PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 30 PART OF TRACT A HAVING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 00532701- 043,600,. (FIILE 2022-08-7) 2 IEAGLE IDRIVE. KEY LARGO, MILE MARKER 106., A RESOLUTION OF -DIE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLOWING A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATIOWWATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS BLOCK 6 LOT I S,EXTON COVE ESTATES, - RES,UBDIIVIISIION KEY LARGO PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 30 HAVING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 00532701- 015500,.(FILE 2022-088) 30 OSPREY DRIVE. K.EY LARGO. IMILE MARKER 106: A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLOWING A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATIONfWATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS BLOCK 5 LOT 30 SEXTON COVE ESTATES, - RESUBDIVISION KEY LARGO PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 30 HAVING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 00532701- 015,400,. (MILE 2022-089) Please visitthe Monrop Cotilnlity�Ne.b,slitpatwww.tii!oni,ro(.Acotlilty- ff.giov for ineetIng aigiendai updates and ilifflormationa, regarding the various op'tilorISr aV,aIjlaj)i'e' to the pUbIlle to view the live merAllingi and/or to make public comments on certain agenda: Items. Pursuant to Section 286.0105 Flo0da Statutes, it a person decides to appeal any decision of the 8oardof County Commissfonars, with respect to any matter conskle red at the meefing or heaHng, he or she wN need a record of the proceedings, and' that, for such purpose, he or she may np-ed to ensure a verbatim record'of the proceedings is made, which record'fixgudes the testlazony& evidence upon which the appeaf is to be based. ADA ASSISTANCE If you are a person with a disability who needs special accominodations In order, to partictpate In th,ts proceeding,please contact the County Administrator's Office, byphoning(305)2.92-4441,between th in hours of 8.30a.m.-5.00, p.rn.,no later thar?five,(5),calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting;If you are hear"Ing or"voice Impalred, all*1711." MAY2B,21322 KEYWE.3701flZEN I