3rd Change Order 07/26/2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of' Monroe Mayor David Rice,District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates,District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron,District 2 �,. James K.Scholl,District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 07/25/2022 TO: BOCC FROM: Kevin G. Wilson P.E �, i ° Kevin G.Wilson, P.E. `` � °��� 2022.07.25 14:33:25 -04'00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Order#3 for the Koehn and Big Pine Shores Roadway project. This change order decreases the final contract sum by$37,836.54. The substantial completion date is unchanged. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. MONROE COUMY/EN ING/Eggiggi.,AMP!A�� COMMACr CJJAN(;r QRVFA PROJECT TITLE: Koehn and Big1 Pine Shores Roadway Project CHANGE ORDER 11 3 MITIATION DATE: 7/22!122 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Topplino,& Sons, Nric. CONTRACT DATE: 8/18121 Me Contract is changed as foflows' The origiinall Contract Surn (Koehn and L.orna) -$1,783,277,38 Net chainge by pireMOUSly authohzed Change Order I ........ . ............ $4,920,90 Net change by previously aUthorized Change Order 2 $4,24535 The Contract S,uni Prior to this Chainge order was ., , . $1,,79i2,444rO3 The Contract Sum is (decreased) by thrs Final Reconciliation Change Order 3, 1-1 ($1317,836,54) 1'he Final Contraict Sum including this Change Order is $1,754, 7,49 Pursuant to contract article 7.2,2, the cost or credit to the owner reSUlfing from a change in the Work, shale be determined in one or more of the following methods T2 2, 1 rnUtual acceptance Of lUirrip sljin properly ltemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data t ra-sit eVaWaifiOTI 7 2,22 unit prices stated in the Contract DOCUrrients or subsequently agreed upon 72 2 3 cost to be determined in a maniner agreed ii.,upon bythe parties and a mutuWly accepta bile fixed or percentage Nee The under/overrun,amounts to the contract are-a-s-,f.2H-cws:.'--.11.,........ ... ................m. Wd Item Dewliption Increasial Quantity Unit Ulnk Price $Amount Di 104-103 SedimeM BWT�er,'Watlk� Decrease (350) LF S 1 90 (665,011)) ............ 2102 bmerock New Matehal fM Rtwvking Base ire crease 304 1 CY $ 49 01() S 1,4,9101)W) ............... 286-1 lbrnoO Construdion Decrease (929) Sly, $ 27,00 S (25,0183,M)) ------. ....-................. ........ ................--------" .................. 334-1-12 �-raffiicB (153 2� IN $ 193 20 5 (29,598 24) 111"--"'.—.......... ...... .................. ..............— 430,175-'[18 Pipe Wi C)Fftnai Matwmi, Rourd 18" S/C,D Deepease (10) L F "�.� 20, S (2,200 0 )..-1- ...... 1.530-74 Bedding Stone(No, 57) Increase 2864 TN 42 00 $ 12 028 0---------— ------- ---- -- 570 1�2 PlerfornianceTurf, Sod Decrease (389) SY s 6 00rcl.$ V2,334 1010) ...............--......................... ....... ......... .............. Lorna Lane .................- .......... ....... Decrease 121,2) q'N Sa Z,30 00 S (4,876 00) �3'A A 12 Supeipow,As ftaft�c Cone , Iraffic B 711 16-231 "n'en"noplastu, Sm Oiler surtaces Yeftk (0 00 1) GM 1,000,00 Sr W IV J, Final ReconcMation Change Order li 3, Net Contract Decrease Arnouint; S (37,836,54)1 T he project corrimen cement was,Cictober 4,,2 021 SUbstantial Colnplefionl was achieved on July 8, 2022 and FinW CorripMebon was achieved on JWY 15, 2022- 1 he total and final contract days are 276 daysi, Per the attached reconcdMion, the C0 (FIDR Eingineeirirtg, inc,) concurs with the above overlunderrun wrournts The Cointractor agrees,to accept the decrease M monetary compensation and! hereby waives and relleases any and a,ll claiin'is for any,aidditjonW cornpensation Irelatied to these bid items This Change Order 3 represents a net decrease to the contract Not valid unt!HLAp2rovec I ( Owneiir Arch hftectLif aM Lica§jeLAnd Contractor G � � � "n ...•� _ �. an .. w...�,........... W _ .�,,,,� � Dan I ToppOo (')ate Ditally Cary Knight Da e:202 07.ONTRAMOR 225 1 L4 22-04'00' ENGINEERING SERVICES MIREC TOR Kevin G.Wilson P.E. Date 2022.07.26 15:00:04-04'00' °� ; f 1" P T COUNTY CY EY 6 Is1& � Tag'. .....m........ .. � ......- Efate Nets. FDO, " dares not fund changeorders but must acknowiedge, 17DO"T�SCOIIP FUNDIED 4 6 ..1-54-Ol/GlIR20 Date 4,P�6M I a 61hd�!;.f, 2FYU;�:P-k4�k4W��✓'T�6P.» Change Order Attachment pier Ordinance No. 004-1999 0 Change Order was,riot included in the original!co,ntract specifications, Yes, [,-' No If Yes, explariatiom Finat instaHed quantities versus the origJnal bid quarififies changed as fa lows' 104-10-3, Sed inient Bar6er. Wattle Decreased 210-.2, Umeirock New Mater4 for Rewolrking Base Mcreased, 286-1, "T'Urnout Construction Decreased', 334-1-12, Sup erpave Asphaltic Conc., Traffic B Decreased. 430-175-118, P'ipe CuNerl, Optional Material, Round 1 "SICD Decreased 530-74, Bedding Stone (No, 57) Increased, 570-1-2, P,erformance'Turf, Sold Decreased, Lorna Lane 334-1-12, Superpave Asphaffic Conc , Traffic 6 Decreased, 711-16-231, Thermoplastic, Std, other SUrfaces YeHow Skip, 6" Decreased, * Change Order was inicluded in the originM specifications 'Yes I No L If Yes, explarration of increase in priice: * Change Order exceeds $25,000 or % of contract price (whichever is greate') Yes Fj No ff Yes, explanation as to;why q is not subtect for a ca:lling for bids: * Project eng inn eerlarchiteict approves the change order. Yes Z No lf:No, expNanation of why * Change Order is correcting an error or oftssion in design dOCUment Yes No Should a clairn under, the applicable professional liabiNy policy be made? Yes No ExpNain: FN July, 21, 2022 Monroe County Engineering Department Judith Clarke, RE, 110 S4nontoin Street Key West, FL 33040, Subject: Overruns and Underrunis Koehin arid Big Pine Shores Roadway lmprovernents Project RFP No,. 374-.01-2021/la FIDO,T S P', FP,ID No. 443865-1-54-01 Dear Mrs, Cllarke; Good afternoonL The surrima1v of contract do,llaa Pharr for the referenced Contract is shown belolw� The original Contract Sun'ii (Koehn and Lonia),.... $1,7 3,277 38 N' et change by previously at.,ithorized Change Order#1.. . ...... $4,9201,90 The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was—, $1,788,198,28 The Contract Sum #2 is (increase), b�y Change Order ' $4,245 75 1'r he Contract SUM prior to this Change order was. ............ $1,792,444 03 The Contract Siurn (decrease), due to, overruns/underruns. .......... ($3�7,8,36-54) The Final ContractSurni inClUding overrurIS/L�nderruuis,.,,,.,,,,,,, $1, 4,6017.49 The contract time was increased 01 days due to weather, 6 days for change orders #1 and #2, 01 days for rework, and 01 days dUe to holidlays, The summary of contract time chanOLIS is shown below: 0 r ig i na 11 co�ntract tirne.. .... .2 70, d a!y s, Contract time extension from Change Oirder#11- 3days Contract tirne,extension,from Change Order#2, 3 days Weather— .......... 0 days Li Y. --g a '�LS j Total Contract days ..... ..... ...... ... 276 days, Below is a detailed descriptiori of pay item overrUns and underrLMS, for the referenced ContracL Pay Itern No. 104-10-3, Sediment Barrier—Waftle This Rern was decreased by 350 LF as a result of miore d6vieway openiings, needed than conternplated duiring designjr Pay Itern No. 210-2, Lim erock NIew Material for Reworking Base This itery'i was Increased by 304,1 CY as a result elf additional material added by Change Order Nos. I and 2 and various, roadway elevations, being slightly lo,wer than depicted in the plans and in need of additional limn erock materiaL Pay Item No. 286-1, Turnout Construction This it ern was,decreased by 929,S as a result of the nurnber of&veways requiring partial or full turnOlUt construction being less than anticipated dUring design, Pay Item N , 3,34-1-12, Superpave Asphaltic Conc., Traff ic B Thils item was decreased by 153,.2 tons as a result of tonnage needed to constrUct the protect beingi less than origirially calCUlated and straightedge dedUctions, Pay IItern No. 430-175-118, pipe Culvert, Optional IMaterial, Round 18" SICD This item was decreased by 10 LY as a result of actual field measurements from inside of all Of StWICtUres as required by subarticle 430-11,1 Designer calculation applears to be center of structure Pay Itemi, INo. 530-74, Bedding Stone(No. 67) 'This itern was increased by 286.4 tons as a result of a field change to, use bedding store in lieu of sodding in variolus locations depicted on the final as-builts, Play Item No. 570-1-2, Performance Turf, Sold This items was decreased by 3891 SY as a result of a Wd change to Use bedding stone in 1ueU of sodding in various locations depicted on the final as-guilts. Loma Lane - Pay Item No. 334-1-112, SUperpave Asphaltic Conc,, Traffic B Thais item was dlecre sed by 21.2 tons as a result: of tonnage! needed to construct the project being less than originally cMculated, Loma, Lane- Play Item No, 711-16-231', Thermoplastic, Std, other surf es Yell, Skip, 6" This item was decreased by 0,001 GM as a result of a slight decrease to the qUantity needed to complete the striping work 'The final recond1ration of actuallAg,@ ­"...................................­­­.-L _ ,§ installed resulted in the foilowing, overrUns and Underruns and a net decrease,for the referenced Contract: .............. ............................. ------- ---------- Bid iftem Description Increasel ovantity Unit Unit Pdre S Amount Decream W4-10-3 Sedment 2, Wone Waittle Decrease............ po LF S (W`l 00) 10 Lmvra New -- Mall br nee Base nicirl 304 1 VY, $l, 4,900 S K90090 . ............ ................... ............... 286,1 T�gnout C",onstnxfion (929) SY S 27,00 S (25,083 00) ...............---.. ........ ..... .....-............ --- 334- 2 Superpaw.AsphaiV�c Conc, Vraffic B Decirea%e (I�3 2) IN S 193 20 S (29,598 24� ............................ ........................... ......--,................... ........... ......... 430-115-1 M Ppe Culw.M, Optional MaterW,Round 18",131CU) Decrease LF $ 22000 $ (2,20000) ............. ......... 530-74 Bedding Stone(hlu 57) 286 4 TN $ 4201) $ 12,028 80 570 1-2 Fledamiance Turf,Sod Decrease (389� SY S 6 00 $ (2,3,34 0 0) .................................. .................... --l-1-11111......................... --- -------- ------------............. Loma Lane .............. 334-1 12 Sli4x,,,rpas*.�Asphaltic Conc, Friffic 1 (21 2) TN S 23 i� (4 876 00) ---— ------ --——------------- -----11-111-11,11,11.1 _9�� 111-16-231 lbellmolplastic,SW,ather surfaceq Yoftw Decrease (0001) �,'�M $10,00000 S (10 i�)0) ........... ...... ... ........................................................ Total Civerrun/Underrun HrW Reconciliation(Net Decrease Amount): $ (37,836.54) Please feel free to colt/ me at 305-796-8600 or ernail' with any questions or concerns you may have &ncerely, Anthony Sabblag, Project Engineer Cc, IDebrra! 11-ondon, Glaryl Miller, Koehn File