Item G1 YNINFVR�IRS MONROECOUNTY L= .... ......-".,............ Economic Impacts(2018) Client Satisfaction(2018) Agricultural and related industries generate. Quality jobs(26.6%of total)in Residents who used Extension services and 15f'752 Monroe(ou�nty, 92% were satisfied with the service provided. Effllion in Gross $ 1 .05 Regional Product, Ole nts who had an opportunity to use the contribution to(.,ross .88% inform n atio received,and- 2390041/0 Regional Product. Oamd opi an annwi UT sh4dy Said it solved their p a roblem or nswered 177'd their questio'll. It is estimated that for every invested in agriculhiral$ Leverage 1 research and Extension, 11 Client:who shared the informaticar with there is a rettarn of $20 to the cornniu.nity. 71610/40' sorneone else. Alsftm,Andersen,et at,(2010) Funding(r!Y 202 1) Clientele Contacts(2020) Field and office consultations 199 State funds for Extension $578,310(67119%) Participants at group learning event: 7,5261 Federal ftinds for Extension $56,804 (7%) Phone and email consultations 1,877 County funds for Extension $228, 108(2,6%) &6,R)dal media ertgagenient 240 F"ducational materials created 203 Volunteers(2020) Statewide Clientele Outcomes(2020) Number of volunteers 3,614 Hours,worked 103, 144 Gallons of water saved by residents and landscapers , ,958,2618 Dollar value of hours worked $2,`943,`730 No.of producers who adopted recornmended practices I�7,589 No.of adults and youth reporting healthy eating or physical activity practices,or p:mproved healdi parameter's 55,285 Giving (I!Y 2020) Recent donors residing in county 433 Students and Alumniff:,afl 2020) FY 202.0 donors residing in county 177 OF students from cxmnty 1 75 Gifts to UF from munty resident: $493,749 CALS students from county 366 Gifts to IFAS from county residents $6,972 OF alumni residing in county 884 LJF/IrAS alunuii r&;Jding in county 93 ........................................... ............ EXTENSION:Best management practices for hoineownersand landscapers'�(''Hinate change rriffigation&adaptation,,Sustainable marine fisheries;Master Garde necrna ............... ............... UNIFAS Utension Monroe County 1100 Simonton St.,Room 2-260 K,ey West,1-1,3304.0-3110 305-292-4501 Directon Alicia Email:abb@%xfl,edu Feb:httpWnioni ux 1fas.ufl,edu/ ............ ....................