Title Insurance Old Republic National Title Insurance Company OWNEIMPOLICY Selkedule A Policy No.: Date of Policy: Agents file Reftxence. 0176-9037052 May 5,2022 @ 10:19 AM 22-384 Amount of Insurance: $50,000.00 Premium: $287.50 Address Reference: Lot 1,Block 9,Tropical Bay,3rd Add.,Big Pine Key,FL 33043 1. Name of Insured:Monroe County,a Political Subdivision 1 'I'lle estate or interest in the Land drat is insured by this policy is: Fee Simple as shown by instrument recorded as D(-,)ctgm.cnt No.2374168 in Officiall.Records Book 3171,Page 2487,of the Public Records of Monroe County,Florida. 3. Title is vested in: Monroe County,a Political Subdivision 4. The 1...and referred to in this policy is described as fbllows: Lot 1,Block 9, 1'ropical Bay Subdivision'Third Addition, according to the plat diereof as recorded in Plat Book 5,Page 8 1,Pul-.alic Records of Monroe County,Florida,, Old Republic National Title Insurance Company 400 Second Avenue South,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401, (612)371-1111 Agent No.: 22192 Issuing Agent: Oropeza Stones Cardenas,PLLC 221 Simonton Street Key West,FL 33040 .....................----------- ........------------------ Agent's Signature 5:201201 IS Page I of 3 Form OF&SCH-A (rev. 12110)(With Florida Modifications) Double'Tfirine@ 9.1 Old RepublieNational. TitleInsurance Company 0 WNERS P(NATY Schedule B PohcyNro Agent's File Reiercnce� OF6­9037052 22--384 This policy does not insure against loss or darnage,and the Company will.not pay costs,attorneys'fees,or expenses that,,arise by reason of', 1. General or special tares and assessments reqmr(.,,d to be paid in.tlie year 2022 and subsequent years, I Rights or clainis of'parties in possession not recorded in the Public Records. Army encroachnient,encumbrance,violation,variation or adverse circurnstance diat would be disclosed by an inspection or an accurate and.complete land survey of the 1,Awd and inspection of the I,and. 4, Easements or claims of easements not recorded in the Public Records, 5. .ray lien,or right to as lien,for services,labor or material furnished,imposed by law and.not recorded in the Public Records. 6, Any adverse ovni.ershil)claim Icy the State of Ftc)rida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the Land(s)insured hercunder, including submerged,filled and artificially exposed lands,and lands acereted to such lands, - Ordinance or by Chapter 159,F.S.,in flavor o f any c ity,town,vill age or port authority, Any lien.provided by Count.y for unp aid.service charges for services by any water systerns,sewer systerns or gas systerns serving the land described herein;and any hen for waste fees in favor of any county or municipality, S, All matters contained on the Plat of"T'ropical BayTbird Addition,as recorded in Plat Book 5,Page 81,Public Records of Monroe Courity,Florida. Declaration of Restrictions recorded in.O.R.Book 387,Page 716,amended in O.R.,Book. 1464,Page 1,Public Records of'Monroe County,Florida,, 10. Mineral Deed.Assignment reward edin 0,R,Book 1129,Page 967,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida. 11. Reservations in favor of the State of Florida,as set forth in(lie deed from(lie,Trustees of the Intemal Improvement Fund of the State offloricla recorded.in O.R.,Book 143,Page 1.88,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida; however,the right of entry and exploration.associated with the oil and niineral reservation has been released pursuant to Sec.270.1-1,F.& 11 Easement in.favor of the Utility Board of'The City of Key West,Florida recorded in O.R..Book,399,Page 229,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida, 13. Pending municipal assessinent.h.ens for public improvements,notice of which is contained in Resolution No. 198-2012 recorded in OJ. ., Book 2588,Page 683,Public Records of"Monroe County,Florida.'"Flie aniount of the assessment or levy,if any,has not been.determined. 14. Wastewater Affidavit recorded in.O.R.Book 2508,Page 2374,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida. 15. Owners Acknowledgement Of Water Service Restrictions recorded in O.R."Book 1164,Page 366,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida, 16. Hold Harmless Ag reem., , ent recorded in O.R.. Book 279 1,Page'752,Public Records of Monroe County,Florida. 17. State Law under Chapter 76-490 and Chapter 22F`-8.02 of the Florida Administrative Code for Land Planning for the Florida Keys Area of'Critical State Concern,recorded in O.R.Book 668,Page 43,Public Records of'Monroe County, Honda. 18. House Bill No, 634,Chaptex 70-231,an act relating to the Bureau of Beaches,Shores wid Coastal Const.nEction., arnending Chaap»to r 161,Florida Statutes by adding Section 1.61.052;providing as setback line for coastal construction. and excavation;providing for the granting of variance by the Department of Naftaral.Resources,providing penalfies, and providing an efIbctive date. 19. Rights of the lessees under unrecorded leases, X Standard exceptions 2,,4 and 5 are,hereby deleted in their entirety. Page 2 of 3 Foron OFW-SCIL-B(rev, 12110)(With Florida Hodffications) DoublleTime@ 9.1 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company OWNER'S POLICY Schedule B (Continued) Poficy.No, Agent's File Reference: OF6.-9037052 22-384 Page 3 of 3 Form 0F6-SC71,-B(Conlinued) (�ev. 12110)(With Florida Modifications) DoulbleTkne@ 9.1 (American Land Title Association-Owner's Policy Adopted 611712006)(With Florida Modifications) 0 WNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSU]"NCF1, OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Any noolice ofelahn and any other notice oir statement in writfing required to be given to the Company tinder this 11olicy urnusl be, (given to the Coynpany at line address shown in'Section 18 of thc Conditions. COVERED RISKS t1l)(CLUSIONS FROM C0V11,,RAGF,'f'11F,1--'�X1 I TPTIONS UROTO COV11"RAGUI CONTA1114EI)Ell SCIJEDULE 13, AINDTHU, ('U,4DJJ'JU14S, OfD 1"i61JRI,ANCE COMPA1,4Y, a Florida corporalion (the "Company") insures, as, of Date of llolucy, against loss or daratige,not exceedkig the Aaoxint of hisuraiiwe, su.4ained or ineurred by the hisured by reason 01� I. Tide being vested other kharii as stated ij�i Schedulu;A. 2, Any defecf,in or fien or encumbraiwe on dre Title,'I'lik Covered Risk inchAdes but is,riot fin-iited to itrsiirance against Ooss from (a) A(k-fCCA in the'lltie caused by (i) forgery,kaud,UTidue ief11X1-1("(-1'dUrcr�Ss' 6icaipacny,or imjpersona6on� faijill%_�'of'pj perSol][or Ul'lifity to ha,�/e a uthod zed a transf cir Con veyance; y (iii) a docutirwo affmflng'Fille not propqr.,,fly created, sealled,acknolslcd�,,Iied,notarizted,or delivercei; (➢"V) U11111-0to j')Crf(ffD1 those acts tro,,,cssary to create a docurnent by(Jectronic rnears authorizesi by iaw; (v) a d(,wujnen[executcd under a falsified,expired,or othoro,so inn valid power of aaoniey,' (vi) docUllien8 not properly filed,rucorded,or�endexed in die Pubfic Records includbig fiiihire to peribrin those acts by electronic norans wjdiornzed by law; or (vii) a defectrvcjudicial or achnhiistrative,proceeding, (1b) 11 e Beer of real usue taxes ca,assessments imposed on the'llde by a govemmentaf ti"tho6ty dw.,,,or payable, by it LinpHid, )Airy encroachnient,effl-'Umbrance, vioUion, variation,or adverse eir(winstance affe,cting the Title that wcaild le,disclosed by fall(j S�JrVjr y -o, -oacbnients ofuxisting an alr.3;urate and("'ornph, s' ofrthi.�,Land,'The kn'rn"cnei achinont"includes enci improvenients located on the Larid OT1110 a&irfing land,and ericroachn-wras onto the I and of msting iinpro,ren-wras located On"id ohling land. 3, UninarbOtaide Title'r 4, T,4o right of access w and fitorri the 11,arid, 5, The vk)lation or enlorcemcait ofany Jaw,orcfiji,mcc, or gove'nuneraal roguAlation(�nchiding those,rdahng to building and zorring)remricting,reguhoing,prohlbithig,11,or relating to (a) the occripancy, ase,c.x en oyirncnt of the,Land; (b) fhe character,dhnensjoes,or locafson of any firiprovcxnent errf'.Cted on the Land" (c,') the subdivision of Jan is or (d) environmental protection if a notice,describing any part of the Land,is rev orded in the 11nkiic Reo)rdssefing forth the vrola6on or inlenfion to enforce,but only to the extent of the,violation oir enf6rcernent refc,,tred to in that notice, (Co eered Risks continued) In Witness Whereof, OLD REflUBLIC NATIONA1,1111,F,1'NS1[.JRf'Q1X'E CoMflAy,1Y,has caiased this policy to be sfined and sealol as off)ate of1loliely shown in Schedule A,the policy to becorne vafid Mien c owikasigincd by an awhorized signatory of the Cofilipany, OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stock Company 400 Second Avenes South,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401 (612)371-1111 By President A Attest tjA Soo scary SERIAL OF6-9037052 FORM OF6(rev.12110)(With Florida Modifications) Page I of 5 He Number:22-384 DoubleTlme@ 9.1 (Ctwered Risks cospripmed) 4 An 4;rif1mvement action based mi the exemiso of a govenswontal pokee power not covemd by Cowwd Risk 5 it a notice ofthe ent"orcernent action, describing any part ok lhe.1-and,is nxorded in die Pulslk ltccorAq but only to the eAient of the enlorcenieuit referred to ni that notic"e, 7 °p h,(. excreisle ofitic rights ofardrunn simmin Wa notice of the exerei,e,describing any part.of the 1.,and,is recorded in the Public Records 8, Any tahing,by a goverronenul b(Ay that has occul-red and is Wndrng on the rights of a Mwdinuar Rw vabue wislueb,Know!Wge, 9, Title being vcsted of htn'than as stated in&,,hedure A.or frming deficcflve (a) as a resli of the awktance ma wh0e or in pew,or firsan a coun unda pmd&V an akona6ve rensedy,off, transfer of all fs any part ofthe fide, to or any intereg in the Lmd mmurdig Q:r W also ummaMn vokg Titta-as shlown in SsffinsMe A l,-)ecaws,;that rn'ior ininsfer comstituted a RWAW=t or PwAawal trarIM's'r Under fedr,,xaf bankruptcy,saute irssolvf.-ney,orsirxiflar creffitors'dghts laws;or (W because Te hmixurnmit of umnskiveWng TRW as shown I Selralule A amsWWes a prdbreriHal to under Wdual bwkmpWy mate insolve,ney,of,sinsilar emburW rights hws by reason of the&Hwv aNts remirding I Hm NhHe 11own1s any is,be Ondy,of (n) tir)Impart notice d1s miskme to a pmehaser fax vahu.,qx so a judgment or lien(.neditor, 10 Any defeat in or Hawn or em.ninbeance on die,'Fifle,or othier nsalter inGrUded hi Covured Risks I thriough, 9 that has been erraatud or atiached rishas been fred or tecorded in his public Ro;ords suf»sequent no IDaate of PURy and phr to to mcoMing or the deed m oker hmmment ofAminks-in the Pumfi(;Records dia t vest s,"110c as shown hi,Schedule A The Con sysiny mdrl also pq to unn attorrisq,W Rwq and mr,mms inewaed in defense of any nimter inmuvd agahnst by this PoHry,law only to extent prod&d 5 fire Candid= EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The,fioflosving,rnafters am expreny exxdusled hun Te wNer,e of this poficy,and the f1mriparty wM nso pay rom o"amgq costs,Miomeys'Tim, OT CxTs eras"t'$thai arise by reasion of, f= (a) Any 1,aw, ordlinance,pennh, or govermniarid isjukiHour Qwhuling lose Mating to buMbrg nd xmirto resMeids,ryufadn&prohdMig, or relateng OD (i) the ocir ups ansy,use,or tnipaynnent of flie rand; bo to clumuter,Immim,oiltwgon of any fairprovartent erer.ted on the Lassid; (ill)the subdivkion 0fr lard or (iv)einveronmental t.x-is(eenon; sin the effixi of any viola6on of tfiess, laws, ordinjuices, gmcmnaenind njulalmrs. This ExsJusiou 1(a) dots not inodffy or lunit the coverage pf srAded unde Covercd Risk 5. (b)Any gswernmerriM pobee powm"Mis Exchoson f(b)does nM moTQ dot' irnh the covmage prodded under CoveRA Wsk 6, 2, WgMs of emixteii, rkonMm Tbk Exchision does not modify or HiAt the coverage proOded under Coveral Rid.7 or S. 3 Dcfbc.,ts,Heirs,encumbrances,adverse crarms,or oille'r matters (a)creaosd, oir agrced to by the,Insured Clainnant; Qd not Known to the Company,not recorded in the Pubk Dan& a IMe d policy bW Known V) to baw-ed Crahnni wnsl mt dNdowd hi m6tlurg to Me Cornpwiy by me Insured Crainiant prior to To dato the hrumd Claimant lxeaine an Insured under Rl s poficy-, (c)reskilfing in no loss or dainage to I he In", Ted ydahnasin', (d)attaching or created SinflW(JUK.-nt to peat".,Off"OHItyi;or (e)rQ udfing in loss rx,daixragc,thai,wc)uld not have been sustaked if to Mured Chaknurt had risid value Tr to 11% o 4. Any darm, by rmsm; of the oor)eratnonli of federal fnankrup lcy, state Insolve'nc"Y' or "'hahlar creditors" rights laws, da dtanwism1hr; vMhg the The as shown in Schedule A, is (a)a firaudulent coriveyance or firaudulent trarssfir',or (b)a preAvrdiad m0k Rr mV wwoun nor-siated in Covered lyish,9 u4 dlris poficy, 5, Any lien on the"pith„Ir reA mintoo Wm%veanmmsx"s bWowd Q gmunnensl a5writy wd created or atitaching between Date ii)f Policy alot he dwe of mcmdrig of le dmd or eahm it of transIr M Use 141he Records that vursts'fitle as shown in Sdrexbute A. CONDITIONS L DEMNURON OF TERMS The forlowing imam when used in this policy nwmi: W"Asnowu or ummm Use arnsamt MMed 0 Schedule Aas mmy be Joscreased or decreased by eirdorserneni:to this pofic.',y,itionvased by Seethn 8MY or dearemed by Swt,WwO 0 aW I I d Mew Cmd0isnis, (b)"Daie ofilofiey"�The date dwignmed as"Date of Poliley"in Schedule A, (0"nurty: A coMmadcar,Rai inership,trust,flirrited liability compairy,or other sirnflar regat aafity tsp"lnsurcd 1he fin,,,ured najs�ed ni Schedub-,A. 6)thua terai"insurtxt" afso includes, (A) succes.sors to the Titre asp' ffw Insuired by mcmtfon of hiv us Istingushrml Rom purchm, NwWdNj he4q deOwnN su"Wors, personal rapine sentatives,or next of kni; (B)sui,weswrs to an hamiard by dismdution,rnerger,consrifidai.ion,ulf,drit,talm,m (C)swxu.-'ssors bi:)an Insure,,d by its conversion to another kind of'En6iy; as gmme wwr hisisre'd undur a deed&Mmmd withorut pysmt,,rit of actual vahiable,consideration couveyhig aloe Iidts 0)N the moc],,,Murres,mornbah4is,otnt,ther clity imetvas MAso gmaw.we Wiofly-owired by flie narned Insumd, FORM OFS{rev.I X10)(With Florida Modifications) Page 2 of 5 Q)if the grainfee wholly owns the naured hosirred, (3) if the granto.11 is wholly­owned by an alfilooed Entity of the nained Insurred, provided the affifiated Flraity and the nanied Insured are,both wholly-,owsim.11 f�y�lie sarne,pv,,xso�r or Entity,or (4)it granice is it trustee or berseficiary of a trust(.seated by a written instr"Trient establishexl by tire Insured nairrexi in Sch(,dule A l'or estate phirniang purposes. (it) Witi-ii rt�gard to (A), (B), and (D) jreservhig, hwsever, all rights and defenses as to any successor tbal the("onipany would hwvc,Iiiitd against. imy pri,,,decc,,­,srjr Insured (e)"Insured Clainoajit' An Insurcs:1 claiming loss or darnage, (f) "K,Tyowledge" or "Known" Actual knowledge,, not consl.n.xtive knossiedge sn notice [.1rat ivrsyy I)e hiriputed too an Insilired by reason ofthu Public Records or any other rccords that inipart cirxistructive notice of manses affecting the Title, (g) "Lertrd" I lite land de seribeld in SchrAule A, arid affixed imp roveintens ffim by bats ccinstitutereveal property, Theterin ")I ond" dcues not inclusk"any property beyond the lines of the area de„sciflsed in Schedule A, nor any right, title, inlerest, estate, or(,;asemcrn. hii abuttsirg strec,ts, roads, avenuels, alleys, lanes, ways,or sswervvays,,but. this does nor nosdify or linift the extent ffint a right ofaccess to air(,] Irom the Land is insured by this policy, (h)"rvvlortgage"�: Mortgage,deed of trust, (rusi decd, so,olher scourity instrurnexit, incllucknt,-, onv,evidenced by f,.�,lectrvrnic mr.-ans auttivnizo-1 b',y law. G) "I'Vshe Records": Recurds under star(,. statutcs Pit Date of Policy for tire purfrose ofinil)arting COnStrUCArVC 11011sCe Of Matters rdaring to real proptery to purcliasers for value arid withouL Knowledge, With respeo:to Covcxed Risk 5(d), "Puliblic Records"shall also incAude envirionnx.,,rItal prosectkin liens filed in the is, .,sca j,v [sfins."('1se-k of the United States llDisnict Court foi-the district where tire Land is located, (j)"Title": flic,,wate on interest de scifllsed in Sohedule A (c) "Uninarketable,Title` Title affected isy an villa ged or apparent matter flial wouid permit Icssev,ref thee. Title or- lensler on them`Vide to lb neka�sed frorn the olt,Hgaflirn to purebase, lease,or lurid if there is a contractual condifiOD requiring the dcHvury of jisarketable title 2, C(fNTINUAT'10N OF INSURANCE The covvi'age of this policy shall continue in forcc as of Dare of 110ficy in fanvurr of an Inswed, NAI:only so long as 0w Insured rtastins as estate ov interest in the, Land, or holds an obligaflon secured by a practivise money Mortgage given by a purcInevea-fi,orn the Insured, or only sirt long as tfie Insured slorill have liability by reason ofwaiTantics in any transbr-.,i co,reorrveyance of tine;"II This frolicy `hall nor corainue in force.,in fwvor of siny purchases froor the Insured of enbcr(i)an estate or dicerest in the Land,or(it)an o1bligmicin secured by 2 purchasx.,nionoylMorrgage givt-,ni to the Insured, 1 NOTICE Of CILADI TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMAN'l 'The Insured shall notibs the, Company prv-,risiptly in writing (I) in vase of any lhigaHon as sel ft)ilh in SteAion 5(a) c4these Conditions, Gi) In case Krsowk�alge sirall co no­.,to wi hlstusxi hers,,,under C&or),V claitir of tifle,or inter'sst that is adverse to the nude,as insured,avi(i that n iglst icausc,loss or darnage for winich ffie. C.rimpany ralay III libble by Virtue of this policy, or (i%i) it'the Ti0e, as insured, is rejected as Unnoarke alrle Title If the Cornpany is prejudiced by ilse� failure of 6o hisuied Ctahvrant to PrIoViLie prrovelpt notice., the Couapairy's liability to the Insiared Clsianarri urrderthese policy shall be reduced to the extent of the.preJudice, 4,PROOF 01�r j,o,�)S In dre vNerit the Company is unable or det(.xTsbne the arm ourt I,of loss or darnage, the Cosapany nosy, at its,oPtion,require as a condition of payrrvent that the Insured Claimant furnish a sigired proof of h)os, The,proof of loss nrust dess-xilbe the defect, flea, re cuin brat i ce, or other mame insured against b',y this policy that Constitutes ffic basis of loos or daniage and shaH stak",to the,uxtent IscrSsible,tire,basis ofca(culadng the ammirt:ofthe loss or daurage, 5.DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION 01FACTJONS Gap [Jpon writleir reqi.oest by Ore Insured,and sulbjecr it)#lie cipflivers sssni:aivved in Seoiiun 7 of(hese Conditions, the Comfiarry, at its uwn cost and without wareasoeable delay, shall provide for the defsarse of an hisured in litigatiori in which air.),thinA parry asserts a claim covered by thiS Policy adv,rst,W 0ie Inswed,'ibis obfigaiiisn Is hTnited to only those stwed causes ofacdon afleging rratea's insured againsf by this polsc.Y,The Cornfirany shall have die', right to s6xt counsel of its choice,(subJect to the right of tine Insured Ix)object for reasonable cause)to represent the Insured as to those,state d causes ofacticirs, It shaii not N; Hable for unrl will not is any the Fees of any other counsel Cornpany will nor pay any,fees,covas,or cxpenses incurred by the Insured in the defense ofthivrw causes ofae6vii float ally ge niatter's niot imsured against by this policy, I))The Company sliall have the,right,in addition to the options,contkjined in Section 7 offluese Conditions,at its own cosIl, to institute and prosecute any action or provectling or to do any other acl ffiat in its opinion iiiiay be neets'sary or de,;rinnaloien to establish dre,,Title,as inwred, or to present ol reduce loss Or darnage to tire Insured, The Con'tpany usay take any appropriate wron under the term s of flio;policy, whether oi not it sleili be liable to the Insurcx] The exerewse of these riglits shall not bt an admission offiabflity or waiver of any provision of(his poliey, fifdle,Con-liparly exercise's its rights under 0jis tsulbsextrosi,b inust do,so diligently, (ic) Whenever the Corispany bj6ngs ate action or asserts an.dofensf,,as requked aril'peraiftledle by dris policy, the Ctonpany rviay pursue the h6gation to a firial doeteriliration by a court ca'cornpetent jurisdictioni,and it expressly reserves flie right,in its sole dkcroion,do appseal any A verse I u dgesuart or order. 6, DUTY OF'UsSUR1,I)C'LAUVIANTTO C'00PEVATE (a) In,all cases where this 1,-.wlicy permits or tex1rdies the Company J()proseetlie of'fe,vide 16-the defense Hof any action toy,r proceeding arid an,v apireals,ille Insured shail ,secure ten the Coinparty the right to so proso.aute or provide deftx se in tikes action or including dre,right to USIC, at its;Option, the nanw,of the lirs'larcell for fliis, purpose, WhenevuIr requeste,41 by the C'ompany, thc-, Insurod, at tine,(".'Onpaly's expcarse, shall give them Couspuy, all reasonable,aid(i)in securing rwidence,obtaining vviniesses,prosecuting or delleviding the action orproceeding,or effecung settlernent,and�ii)in any other lawful act that hr flie,opinion of the Company 111say bra ro.,,cessary or desnable to estalslish the Fide or any other niatter as insured, IftheCornpany is pre�utficed by the faflure of the Insured to furnish ihe rrequirsei cosipt�rason, the Comparry's ob ligat lons to tits; Insured uuneder dit, policy small rernfinate, including any habbity or,obfigafiorr to defend, pro,,.,,eciste, ir continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or, matters requirsirg such cooperation, FORM OF6(rev.12110)(With Florida Modifications) Page 3 of 5 (b)'I he Company may rcasonably require,the insurtall Clairrilaill,to n o etun subin to under oath ls�y arill stutharized represen e of tatisthe C m opan a y nd to producu fur exaunination, i,nspection,and copying, at such reasoinable tirnes and places as may be designated by Ore autiorrizrA iepresentative of the Company, all records, hi whatever inedium maintained, including books, ledgers, fAred<,s, inernowanda, correspondence, teports, e maIls,disks,lapt,.s, and videos is ethers bearing a date before or afit,r Date of policy,that rtorsonabiy perta41 to the loss or darnagc, FuiflicA% ifrcrjuclsted by any truthorized represenuitive of the Compan.y, the Insured Clakinani shall grant its pe.runission, in writing, lot any authcjsized represcritative of the Cornioarty to exarn4re, inspect,and copy all of these records in 0u-,ciumody or control of a third partY that reasisnalAy ptm-vain to the loss ordaniage All infonnation ticsignated ss confidential bly tire insured Claimant provided t1) b11C COMP911Y PLUSUallt to t1liS Seicfion sliall not be disclosed to othus, ardess, in the rea,onable,judg,rix"Ilt of t1lic" conspauy, it is Ticcessary in the admindstra(ion of Che ellaim, FaHure ofthe Insured G,aaissaW tcn subinit lsr examination under usah, producc; any icasonably requested unforrnat,bsn, or ymnt psomission to secure re,,,o;otm1bIy necessary inforinatlon from, daird parties as mquir(A in this su[)sc,,ction, unhoss,prohibited lay law or g0,,s.,,.rnrnu,.nml regulation, Shall terminate 0,11 Y lialtilit'y , offlie,Company under this Policy as to ' that claim, T OPTIOINSTO PAY OR OTHERWISE,SETI'LE CLAIMS,TE'R MIN A11110P1,4 OF LIAB11,111Y In case of a clairri under this policy,the Clornp,iny shall ha%re the f6flossIng addifiomal optimm (a)To Ay ear uider flaynaent oftheArnsoint oHnsurance, 1 o pay or Isrrider payment of the Amount off'insurancA,under(his pohcy togdher wruli ran' y costs,attornoys'f6es,and s,,xpenscs incurred by time.,Insut-A r Claimant that altos,auffi d by ctrize Ire Company up to the farmer of payment or(ender of payment and thar the conpany is oldigritet-]to paly. Lfpwn the eco."reise by tht-,CornImny of this option,all liability arld obligations of the,Company to the Ifisured under this isslicy,other than t.110 Make,flit', imyrrientl required in this subso.11tion,shall tcorninate,including any liability or obligafion to defenst,prosrcufe,or continue any lifigation. b)TO 11'ay or Otherwise,Settle With Parties,Oflier'lluan dre Insured or With Die Insured Clain-mria (i) to l.:)ay Cir Otherwise settle nmifli other pardes lot or di tile name 017an lnsurcsl Claimant anY ulahn insured against under this[:wlic.ry, In addition,dal C'ornpany wifl pay any costs,adorne.ys' fces,aud expuses incurred by the Insured Clahriant fliat were cUthierized Ity the Comparry up to the time of payment and that the Company is olbfigated to pay;or (it) to pay or cliflis"Im/ise settle,wrth the Insured Claimant tlne IoSS Orr damage inovided for under(ins pc0icy,together wIth a r/(,,,osts.,morrie.ys'fees,and expensc�,,, inirurred by the Insured Chihnant that were aufliorized by the Company up to thc,,time(A payment and timer.the Compwyf Is obligate(]to Tray, 6the 0,orpany foleiiher of(be op6ons pro,vida1 for in subseu:�ons(b)(i) or(h),theCompay's obligations to the Insmexi underU - this poficy fiw the cJairnW loss isr damage, other tjo,Tj the payrrients recpnred to be mal-Je, shall terminate, includirig any habilfty m obfigaiiissi lo del'card,proses:ute,or cominue any lkiga6orr 8.DE"I"ERMINATIO!"q AND This policy cs a contract of hidemniry against actual monsoary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Insull-c"d Claimant Who has suffered loss Or darnage by reason ofmattets insured against by this policy. (a)The extent of liabilhl�is of the Comparry 4`0r ICrSS'or damage under thus policy shall not exice,ed into. lesser of 01)'dre Amount Of hISM-allCe;or dii)11u.-,difkrence between die Value of theTille as irlstrrex]aud the Vahle ofthel'k.le sarlbjec-t to the risk insured against�.-ty this policy, (b)lf the Company pursues its rights under Sccfion 5 oftbe-s�c s"'onditionsand is unsuccessf-ul in umalblishing flieTille,a,,,insured, (i) the Ainount(dfr Insurance,shall be in by I 0%i ,and (if)file Insured Ciainlaw sh"JI have Hie right to li,,n/e the loss or dwriage,d(,,fenrtintsi eiffiur as of Fie date the iolaim was inade by the Insured Claimant or as of1he date it,is sefflesland paid, pc)I ,,, )fr liditi lity n addi(ion tad midi'("Xt0i under(a)and(b), Ifis-,Company%vill also pay tfissx.,,,costs, atvnrit�ysl fees.,and cxpeirses jrred in amorshince wid) Sections 5 and 7 ofthese C'ondidons, 9,ILJMITAT1110?1,M OF LIABIL111Y (a)If tine,Compainy csodblishes bie Title,or rernmes rbefev, Hen,or encuiribrance,or cures flie lath or as righs ol'access to or firrin this,1-and`or eurss the chum of Unmarll�,etable Title, all as insured, in a reussmald,t, difigent manner by any nomhod, inoludirig litigation anid Inc,cmiripletion ofany appeals,Ashall Imuve fiffly perforisted iis obligations with respect to drat Tratter and shall not be flable for arry loss(it,damage caused to the„trsurrd. (b) lie the esent of any Iftigaidon, incluribig lifigtition by thu,Company or with the (Jmpany's con'seni, the("ornpany shall lia%,e no liability fiv Iic:ss Or damage untid there has been a final duted rr6ntsion by a Court of coinp etcml.jurnolic.lion,and dislo,osiGon of all vappe"fls,add arse to the flIle,as insure(IL (1c)'The Compally slnfll not be liable for loss or darnage tea[be lr,S,seaj roar lij,fily Voluntaiilly msurned by the lnsursxi in setflni)g any clann or,sint "sihimt the lHior wrifteri c.onssflt of ths-,Company, 10,REDUCTION OFINSUIUNCE;REDUC11011114 Olt,1"EIRMINA"FION OF LIABILITY All payments under tkis,policy,exccy)t t.myrnerns made fix,costs,attorne,ys'ft,,es,and expers:ets,shall redi,ice the Anroiunf of Insurance,fssy the arnount ofthe jmyulent. IL LIABILITY NOioKAJNIULATIVE "I'he Amount rA' ljs,surancu shall be, reduced by ainy amount the Company pays under an.y policy insuring, a Pdortgage to wfinch exor.-ptIcjn is taken in Schedule B tv to whi1c,111 the InSnrre(I f,1,jS 1,jgr,(..,,j, aScimied,or eaken sut)ect, or which is exeswed b f dui Insured after Date offlolicy and which is an charge fle,j on drelltle,and the amount so paid shall be deeno.,xi H foaymera to the lnsured undcx this poIsc,,y. 12. PAYMENT01FIL,OSS When liabifit's and the exfcrrt of lic,,ss ot damage have been derfnstc,,ly fixed in accordance,willi these Conditions,thepaytrient shall bemade,w4f6ri 30 days, 11 RIGH'I'S OF RECOVERY LITON PAYMEIVU OR SE'll"FILEMEN11' (a) whem.vcr the.Company shall hsive satlext and paid all clairts -iIS fg)h(�� du.�,rights dal the Insur ed Claimant .,hr y,it Slisill be subrogated and entided o FORM OF6(rev.12/10)(With Florida Modifications) Page 4 of 5 in U)e'l itle and all other rigffts and rentedies in rt�sfwut to the clanni (hat the ilMired('Wrnanf ms:s against any person or property, the extent of the arnount of arry ioss, cosys, attorney' feet, and expenses paki by Ahe Company, 11 requestod by Jel ("ornpany, die, Insuired Claintant shall executt,, docuritents to eN/islence the trarisfer to flu.-Company of these rights and rernedics,The Insurs-,xi Clannant shali perrniV the Cornpany to sue,courprounise, or seftle In ffie natne of flic' ItISUrCd Clahi,ianl and to use the name ofthe Insured in any n,ansactfon or lifigation inso)Ishin free rights and V, runedic,s, If a pa,yrnent on �.iccourH 'of a claim does tot fally cover the loss,of the Insured(1an-nara, the Company shall defer ffie exercise ofits right to recover until after hie Insured Ciannant shall have mcovered its foss, (b)The Company's right of subrogation includes she rights of'the Insured to hidentnities,gimramics,other polic.ies of rjrjj.,,Uranee,of bonds,not,,xithstaawfing any tenri,,.,drn^conditions contained ill if][SIlrotnents thus address si.u.brogation rights, IC AIRRITRATION LJiik,,,s,s prohibiwd 11.,)y applicable lacs,, arbitration pursuant trio filt., ItISLIrance Arbitration [Zuies of the Arncricun Arbitration Associadon may be deiii,arisic-rid if agreed to by botfi the Company and the Insured at me time of the controversy or claim,Arbifrable niativas nray im-lude,hut am ins not lijinited w, any controversy to,claina Ibeteseen the Company u d she InSUred arisinn,,,,out of or rela6ng to this poliq-°y,and service of the C"Onipany in conneefiort%vid-i its, issuarox,or t,he I'Dreacli of a policy provision (,,ri othc.,,,r obfigation, yen bivation PUItSmint:to this policy and under thc.,,Rules In effdcct on the datethu deniand for arbilradc"a is made or, at flae option ofthe Insured, the Busles iiii eftext at Date, of Policy slisdi, be binding upon (he pardes The award tnAy include avorneys fees only if the laws of trine state in which the,1-and is locawd permit a court to award attornelys, fees to a tnr�n ailijng party, ludgpneint ul"ni ifie award orenderurd 1.,)y fire Arbitrator(s)unay dad.,entaresi In any court having judsdielion thereof The law of trine situs of the hand shall apply to,in arbilraflon uncke dre'fitbc Insi.irance Arbitration IsUiC'S, A copy of Priles,may be obtained from dic Company upon 15, LIABILFTY LIMITED"FOTHIS 110LICN; 11"01,1CY ENTIRE CONTRACT (a) I'his polic, togeet[er with all (,,,.ndorsenmits, if'any, attach(xi to it by die, Company is the eahre poiicy and oontract [oewcen (he Insurud and the, Y Company, In inIGrjrjnc6ng army pro'si.sion of this policy,this pofiely slliall be construed as a sshok�,�. (it)Any clann of N)ss or dainagk-,tbat arises out ofilte status of"theTitle or by airy action asserting such clairri whetfier or riot based on,negfigence oludi be restriceed to this poiicy (c)Any arnoidisicait efor endorst.,rnent to this policy must[,)a in sviifing and awltenficateid by an authorized peison,(,rrexpi-c,,ssiy incsnporate�.!by Sch(ehbe A of ihis policy, (d) Each endorsenient to INs pchielf isstwd ca, any tonne,, is made, a Inift of this policy and is suffied to alp offts ternis and prrJsions, E,nncept as the endorsement expressly states, it does not(I)modif/any of the,te.mrs and pro6sions of the policy, (if)irrodify any prior entlursenacInt,(iii)emelnd the Date of 11C.11ficy,oj (iv)irierease,hie ArnounV Of IMSUrancv, 16.SIEVEI(ABULITY in the evt"nt ary provision of flhs Trolicy, in whisle or in pari, is held invalid or unenforcc.",able under applicalsic, lass, the policy shall be deenied flut to include that provision or such parl Iheild to be invalid,but add outlier provision.s,shall rernahi in hull force,and effect, 17s CHOICE 0FJ,,AW; FORJUM (a) Choice of Law- The Insured af,1,riow ledges the Company bas underwriden the rishs covered by this policy and desertinned the prenioun charged flnxefor in reliance upand tfie law affbeting interests in real property and applicathel to the,dnuVreoidon,rights, rcrtoscfit,s,or,enfonlcxnent ofpolieies,of title re'surance,of theJ I surisdicflon where the Land is kmated. 1herefore, the cout or an arlsilrator shall apply the law of iheJurisdiction where the,Land is located to derertnitte the vafidily ofsfahns agaire.,,V. the Title ihat are Relverse to fhe Insured and to interpro aird enforc(-,,Uhc k,,rms of 1his policy, In neither case shall the cour� or arbitrator api-fly its conflicJs of law principles to determine the appficable W)v, (ti) Choice of For.nn: Any litigation or other proceeding [n-ought Ity the,Insured against Ifie.Company muSl be fihNJ only in a n,,ata or federal court vJthin the,thfipcd Soites of Ponerica or its terraxjttso having 18.N0110ES,M11ERE SENT Any notice of6airrt and any other notice oi staternent in'ssriting required to bt,given to ilic,Company undef this policy must The given to tine Couap�nry at 400 Second Avenue South,Minrcapolk, Minnesota 5540 1-2499,Phone, (612)371 1111 FORM OF6(rev.12/10)(With Florida Modifications) Page 5 of 5 lw� 4 T. 0 ur, ?D I W 0 - CD 0 ICL I (ar 0 0 t7l zo ...................................