Resolution 230-1997 BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 230-1997 ,~-) \.0 ,J A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENYING THE REQUEST FILED BY DODGE LAKE ENTERPRISES FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) TO MIXED USE COMMERCIAL (MC) FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 2, <r GOVERNMENT LOT 2, PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 AND SW = 1/4, NORTH MARATHON SHORES IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP -.66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, VACA KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, MILE MARKER 51. THE REAL ESTATE NUMBER IS 328510. Co C0 C'J c:: ,- l..~,- L..,'_ r.. 1, 1- ,......., 'OJ WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, --::I on April 15, 1993, adopted the Monroe County Year 2010 Cc:iiiiDrehensive Plan, and therefore, designated the above-described property as Residential Medium (RM) on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM); and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, during a public hearing held on June 18, 1997, conducted a review and consideration of a Future Land Use Map amendment request filed by Dodge Lake Enterprises, Inc. to change the future land use designation of the subj ect property from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed Use Commercial (MC); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Resources Departments have reviewed the proposed future land use map amendment and recommend denial of the requested change to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC) and recommend approval of Residential Low (RL) instead; and WHEREAS, during the amendment process, the Development Review Committee, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, has reviewed the proposed future land use map amendment and recommends denial of the requested change to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC) and recommends approval of Residential Low (RL); and WHEREAS, during the amendment process, the Monroe County Planning Commission, sitting as the local planning agency, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, has reviewed the proposed future land use map changes and the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Resources Departments and the Development Review Committee and recommends denial of Mixed Use/Commercial (MC); and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, has reviewed all of the above recommendations; and Page 1 of 5 DODGE. 23/TXTAMAP/#F96016 Initials WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The subject property was designated Improved Subdivision (IS) on the Land Use District (Zoning) Map in 1986. In 1996 when the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan became effective, the subject property was designated Residential Medium (RM) on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). 2. Between 1960 and 1986, the property had been zoned RU-1 for single-family residential development. 3. RM/IS and RU-1 districts allow one unit per lot pursuant to Policy 101.4.3, Sec. 9.5-242, MCC, and the pre-1986 Monroe County Code (MCC). 4. According to the applicant, the property contains a total of 4 individual units (1 main house and 3 suites) which, he states, have historically been in commercial use. No evidence was presented which indicated that commercial or multiple family use was ever legally established. 5. Due to the following conditions placed on building permits beginning in 1995, the property has been effectively rendered a conforming single family residence: --stoves rendered inoperable; --rental of individual units prohibited; and --commercial use of docks prohibited. 6. The applicant stated that the rationale for a zoning and FLUM change were a data error, changed assumptions, new issues and a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness. The Planning Staff determined that only a need for additional detail could justify a consideration of a designation change based on the size and land use configuration of the property. 7. The parcel is nearly 2 acres in size and is located on a yacht basin which is surrounded by a neighborhood designated RM on the FLUM. The parcel is across Aviation Boulevard from the airport and about a tenth of a mile east of the Lagoon Motel. 8. Testimony was given which indicated that many of the lots of the North Marathon Shores subdivision are aggregated so that although individual lot sizes may be smaller than the subject property, large properties are common and the community is less dense than most. 9. Lots zoned IS and designated RM on the FLUM which are as large as the subject property exist elsewhere in the County. 10. Lot size is not specified for any land use designations in the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan or in the Monroe County Code. Page 2 of 5 DODGE. 23/TXTAMAP/#F96016 Initials 11. The community surrounding the subject property is composed of three predominant characters: the airport district to the south, the single-family residential neighborhood to the north, and the commercial motel use to the southwest. The residential neighborhood is the most sensitive of these to the uses on the subject property. 12. The subj ect parcel is part of North Marathon Shores which was established in the early 1950s. It is one of the largest and oldest residential subdivisions in Marathon, with a well-established, family-oriented single family, non-transient character. 13. Residents of North Marathon Shores testified that families and children frequently use the lake for swimming and boating. Therefore, although the subject property is on the periphery of the subdivision, the orientation of the subdivision towards Dodge Lake and the residents' historical use of the lake integrates the parcel with the neighborhood rather than buffering the neighborhood from it, making the neighborhood sensitive to the parcel's use. 14. The purpose of the Residential Medium designation is to recognize improved subdivisions and limit development there to one unit per platted lot or parcel (101.4.3). 15. The purpose of the Mixed Use/Commercial future land use designation is to provide areas for commercial, retail and office development at intensities consistent with surrounding commercial and retail uses (up to 32,757 square feet), including marina, light industrial and hotel uses purusant to Sec. 9.5-235, MCC and Policy 101.4.22. 16. The purpose of the Residential High district is to provide for high density single and multi-family development near employment centers (101.4.4). Residential High districts allow detached and attached units and the tranfer of development rights. 17. The purpose of the Residential Low district is to provide for low density residential development in partially developed areas with substantial native vegetation (101.4.2). The Residential Low district allows detached and attached residential dwellings and the transfer of development rights. 18. The subject property has approximately .97 acres of net buildable area, and thus, with the transfer of development rights, could accommodate 4 units or 11 units under Residential Low and Residentail High, respectively. 19. The Vacation Rental Ordinance, if it becomes effective, would not allow transient rentals within Residential Medium districts without rezoning to a subindicator (T) district, Page 3 of 5 DODGE. 23/TXTAMAP/#F96016 Initials but would allow licensed rentals within Residential High (in Urban Residential districts) and Residential Low districts. 20. Sec. 9.5-511, MCC, prohibits any map amendment which will have negative impacts on community character. Obj ecti ve 101.4 requires that the County maintain community character and protect natural resources through a compatible distribution of land uses. 21. Commercial and multi-unit designations inherently involve the potential for greater intensity in the form of road and waterway traffic, increased noise, and additional development potential. Potential community character impacts include diminished neighborhood safety, privacy, quiet and aesthetics. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The land use designation of the subj ect property has been continuously established as single family for more than thirty years. (Findings 1-5) 2. The subject property's size and zoning are compatible with the rest of the neighborhood and therefore are not reasons for changing the future land use designation. (Findings 6-10) 3. Given the neighborhood's orientation toward the basin and its sensitivity to uses around the basin, it is appropriate that the subject property's designation be maintained consistently and compatibly with the rest of the subdivision's single family character. (Findings 6, 11-13) 4. Based on the requirements of Sec. 9.5-511, MCC, the need for additional detail regarding the size and configuration of the subject parcel related to its surrounding uses did not outweigh the need to protect community character. Therefore, there is not sufficient justification to change the subject property's future land use designation to anything besides its current Residential Medium designation which allows only one single family residence per parcel. (Findings 6, 14-21) THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. This Board specifically adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law stated above; and therefore Section 2. The previously described property is currently designated Residential Medium (RM), as shown on the attached map, Page 4 of 5 DODGE. 23/TXTAMAP/#F96016 Initials which is hereby incorporated by reference and attached as exhibit 1. Section 3. The Future Land Use Map of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan shall be not be amended, but shall remain designated as delineated in Section 2 above. Section 4. If any section, subsection, change or provision of this ordinance remainder of this ordinance shall not invalidity. sentence, clause, item, is held invalid, the be affected by such PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 18th day of June, A.D., 1997. Mayor Douglass Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich yes yes yes absent yes ,.,~" ~ /- "-:', \c,~ . /:' )/".,.-~,-v..., <\ ,- "It .'\. / ." ~,':-1\" ".' I ";]1'- -' . ' I 'J. ""r'" /'----\....\ I,',:"~,~;~"., ,\~",',{ ".IP'J -;",Q; :;:~':;~...-:-. t',' 1,- .;jf \'. - " u.'.. \ . ~? \ .' ....~.,,~, ~;.- :"'E ,._.'-~ ." -.)...~J' " . .c.? . . ., """,P t;~~__ BY (Seal) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Sl~ C. ~~ DEPUTY CLERK BY Page 5 of 5 DODGE. 23/TXTAMAP/#F96016 Initials RC cb Rachel Key Little Fat Deer Key <V RH . m; Vaca Key Blght ="~ Vaca Key ISLE N ~ KeY:Vaea MM: 51 Proposal: From RM to MC 1 "=2000' I Property Description: N - Marathon Shores, Gov' t lot 1, See 2, Govt' lot 2 & pt 3 & SW ~ See 1, Twn 66, Rge 32, Key Vaea Applicant Name: Dodge Lake Enterprises Ine _ (Craig) Map #: 5 File Number : F96016