Item C04 I BOARD OFCOUNTY CONI MISSION ERS AGENDA FFEM, SUMMARY INIceting, Date., Sep, 17, 2011 Division: L)c jy ----------------- Butk Itern'. Yes X No Deparlment: jj, r, serv�ces, llhl me 4", Nt,)rmci Uhl 0.349 ............................. .......... AGENDA ITEM NVO RDIN(l Approval offfie fitirlp ol'a grant applic'Ution and ,,,q,,,,recrnenl fim- State Aud to Librarics, from the Florida Departinent ol'State, Division of Library ,,and hif6rmalion Services, I and execution ofszunc wilh the proper m..mtv w.i.d"wrifles, 'j7,j--,' ,, 7-------k, jj �( K(wWLJND: This is an an.flUal aq,)phcatim j-")rocess to receive State Financkd A d for 01c Library sysleni PREVIOL)S R-ELEVAN"' BOCC, A,(,."1'1()N: Board approved prior aj�plication at the Septernber, 19, 2 0 1 , ll-r eel i 11 g CONTIZA(111AGREEMENT CHANGES- Changes n:iadc, to the agreement by flie, Stme, were Lo add the—,scopc ofwork. specHic dehver,,Afle,u,,. and speCif"IC 17Hla.R6cfl C,01lS(-Cp:UeFWCS if the recipientfi.-tilsto perform in accordance at the grant. !,a� w requ iremeras added Lfarthe , reemcnt, llwi-e are no ne agreernew 1�-�evond what Hbrarics, are a read,v rcqiihvd lo subrn4 a,,,; parl op the gm,'int appflcartion, .......... ............... ................. S'I'j.%,F'FRE(",()MMI,".Ni),ATIONS: Approval 1`01A 1, C 0 ST: N/A INDWEIC]" COST: N/A BUIDGE]"ED- Yes; X No .......... -------- Dlfff'REN'Y'RAL OF LOCAL, FlR,EFElU, N CE: N/A ................. ................................ COSTTO COUNTY�� N S01,110E' OF FUNDS- State Gr,,..ml -----------........ AMOL.Al"' PER Ycar S 81 Risk �vlariagcmeiit la -1g . APPll0VJ,',D BY: ("cn inty ARV,/j (hh/Purcl, sil DOCUMENTXTION 1111CILliled X Not R,c�CpLlil'Cd N', Revisc(FT/00 MONROE, COUNTY BOARD OF C'C)Ul'��TYC(l MMISSIONERS CONTRA(`] SUNNIARY (',',orarw wiffi: FL, Dept, ol"Statc. DIAS Contract ---------------------------------------- L®1°l`eclive I'Date'. Oclol er 1, 2013 LApiration Datc� S ep t c ni be r "10, 2 0 14 ,Anraia0 �,,nant,prolvidjn State firm.ncial aid to the Monroe Coun, 1 ,,,,bra!X,S. stem ............................. --------------------- ............... Contract Nlanaj,p,cr- Norina KLI]a 71,49 Li�lbrary / 42"" (Ni'arine) for BOC IC niccfint�, on S,ep , 17, 2011 Dc-adlinc, Sa.,pt, -"3, 2013 C 0 N TR A C IT ("OSTS Total Dc,Har Valuca of'Coi.-M-acl- 1 "WWOO urrent Year llomiorr 85,000,00 ... . ................. ------- BLIdgeted" 'Y'(,,sZ Nio D Account Coldes�� ------------ ............. Grant: $ 84.000,00 County Match� $ -00- -------------- ........... ............... A 1)D I H()NAL COS I'S F�,fimatcxl Ongoing (-'osts S.-()()-/,Y,r For (Nor h-whided in ckfflar value above (c,u, makiten,,ince, itfififics, janitorial, saharies, etc. (70 N'FRAC'I' RINIEW harlge�s Dale OUt Date, In P,4ecded Reviewer Dk,isiori Direictor "°resll CNol ... ............. Risk Maimgelneril No[ ..................... IC rig 0 1') 0 A OA1,B)PUr hasi Y e s N ........... C'ot,aay Aillorne U,/ - -------------- ............ ........ Conirm"'mts., .............. ...................................... —-------------------- ............. ........... ......... .......-............. .............. ........... .......- — ......... ..................... .......... ............ OMB Form Revised 2/271"0 MCP ,�C Flot-ida Department (A State, Division ol"Library and Ina forination Set-vices S"I"AIT ,�]D T'O L111HPkItIES! GRANT AGREEMENT TheA,pplic,unt (GRANT01 Wnroe Aunty Board ol'County (."onninis,,siorters Gwening body RN Nlmuue County Public Ltbrauy System hueby makes appkadmi and cerHes elfMAy Ar ivelp of rants autha�)ri zed under Sec,t.iori 257, and gWddhws the State Aud to Librariles., Chant. Prognani. 'rhe lKiMon. as admMeWr c1stme UK pmvWed under Section 257,, has appr(:nv'ed an apphcadon Ar State ,Aid to [Jbraries (Ant Inds SUbn'dued hly O)e GNRANTL,'L- 13y refert.,nce. the applicadon is herc[)y, niadci 1,xim fthis agreelnenL Grant lluqmse. Fliisgrant shafl In basad up)n Be fbHowhy seope of work duririg Fiscal Year 2013 ,2014� The librai-y, adininisnAve At as an dijible podfical SUbdivision Under 257.17 h7w°kle.'I, Sla"Ildes, �s re'..'r)Onsibic for managing (w cNwdKWWg We kl-,)rary service to the residents ofits k.,gal service area, 'Thc hbrary d,,'hafl: L I hoe a A& &Irn unistrative head en iployed 601 Ane by the H brary"s gouning ?mdy,,, 2, Flrovide free library st:rvlce, incWdhg kmnhg library materials avail iNe R)r circuLidorffree providing reficrence and lnk,)rmatiori services free ofcharge, I IWAde access U) nwwduk, Wmmadon and servVes for all tcsi6.r�nts, of the, areaserve&, and A I lave at least one Wary. Minch llnwy or member Mary OpeTaled by the Hisrary's govendrig body open 40 Imis (m mime euch week, IN panks agree as RAW, 1. a. INNide the ITAk"ving as 1punt dekeraNcs� P,"Jy�nic'I'll nulnN r one: E lie amourn of Val Wnds expended durhig 1he ,;ccond prc-ceding local fiscal year ter the operw% and makwu.,ince of throe hbrary and CCIlification that the eNNndAues were fbr the opermion and rnaiiaefriance of tyre library. 2, lor payment nt,unber tN,vw L A copy of be anmA auddhat was done in accordance with the requireirnents, of Won 21197. MAK Waules. Ctapwr 10550. Rules faflhe ,Iudiloi, and genendly acupted accouiling pTincipIs', Fxpend all gmnt Rmds awaMed and prAmi all aw in umuwctkm NO dis agreement On IWI comp%we %vhh the Lemis and condhkms of Clapter 257. HoHda Tannes. as guidelines lk-)r the Stag e Aid to d nl,n.nnnranap (3rant Program. Page 1 of 7 State Ad to I ubrar Gnant Agmement ChapWr 1 B-2 011(2ga), F'forida Admirnstr�,qfivc) Cade, Effective xx..xx.-xx�xx C, t"'Xpend aH y.,u'ant fUnds reedved Wer this agremment solely I'm- the purposes f6r %Akh they were authorized and appropriated. CL flrovrcic the, 1)1%/!Sl(1NJ Wdi statistic,a], rra,rrative, firtancial and otfu.,,r evaluative reporls as 1VqWMCCL e, R.etahi, and in aloe, av,,,tilable t(,:) 1he DIVISION", uipon request., aH financiat and C,)rogrwnniafic records, SUpj,',)orting docunrerits, statiskai records, and ra.-�,corids for the pnijea f, al I records for as period of Hve yews Rom the dwe c&sannksion of A W1 project report, If any Hp lion. clairt'L negmiadon, audit, or caper`acdan invAnIng Haan rcic,ords has been startied the CXI")ir-afion ofthe five )var penod, the records shalI bc� retained unid completion of the aoiori and rescdtltiffl OfUll iSS'LICS wl'6eh arise froin it,, or undl Me end ofAhe regWar five-),�ear period, whichever is, hater, L',stablish and rn,,tinuain as proper accounting sy'steni in accordance, with gencrally acccpted accounting procedures4 TO Use and nuhuAn adequate fiscd aufllorily, cont.rol. and accounting procedures At wAl enstue pnMer disbursenient of, and accounfing fim, prcajccL Funds, h. PeArm A ws in connec6on mAh d5s; agmemem in Act con%bly vKh A app%He laws and nTaumns or we We of Fkbda, Not use any yvant ninds IN Wong 010 ICgiShAIUN. fliejudicW branch, or ',any state agency. j, I lerehy ccrtily' Lh,.a it is cognizant of Liu ! proldbidon a contuas or humm deuxbod W S"ANns 111311 thnmgh 112326. Wkkn9ams, and Wnns that it will not enus into or makuhn a hudness (w cAher reladonship "Ah any caMloyce of the Departynent ()fS('jre that W(Rdd violate Owse IqRwisions. be (WANIVE I'Arther agmes to wek auloWmAi Crum the to neral for the Dcpartment of" tate prior to en-aering inio any bLlSilleSS or other rcda6onsho) "Adl a Depann-rent of State enVhtne U) aivoici as potential violafion Ofd)OSC SUIIUW-S k. Not discrinnnate agWnst imy enWhIce empkqed Un the peAnnmwe of Ohs agreement., (w agalm any apoimnl Mr empknanent because ollace, color. refigion. gendcr, nationai Won, age, handlap tw rnwA,.-fl status,, Tlie CiRANTFE shall hreN as WAY proVion in ,Ifl SUI)COTAIaiCtS for services lacy this agreeniem. 1. In the event TaL the grantee cxpmts a UAW surowit of mate fbancial Halmance tNLUd tO or in excess or$500,,O00 in any fiscaA year of such GRAN'Ff"[:' the P)"fljte- 1111,rlSt have as st'al�e' Single or PT(dect-specil1c aul; Nn such fiscai year in Se�a"tjojl 2]I5,97, Pori(Ja Valutes; applkaWe ruWs orMe Ikpartment of Hnancial ServIes; and Chapters 10.550 (Joad govanmenwi mdbes) or 10.650 (nonprcwfit and f6r-profit organizathons), Wes Qhe Auditor Gaugyd, ha (lejej-1,T11ifling the state financial a.!;siswnce expended in W 1-heal ye am the GRANTLT hali consider all sC)Urees ofsuriw fimanciAl assisuince, inclUding suae 11nancial asdswnce re"Leive�d born the DepartniGnt ot"Sulte, mher sUde agenchn. and (Aher mmmme entities. State Financial assisuance doe','s not hlChrldC fe(,Ic',ral dirc�cl or jxvss-dirough awaMs aml resoun,'es received by a nonstate emiLy IN fodcral progntni nuttAng,requireinents. Page 2of 7 State AkI to t..Jbrarves Grant Agreement ,ChapWr 1 BA01 QHa), Florida Alinioistr,,.-'ifive Cade, Effecbve xx-xx xxxx In (:camera ion with the audit requirements addressed in part. 1, paragi7a-ph 1, the GRAN"ITE shail ensure that the alidit cornplies with the requirernents of Se:ction 215,97(8), 1"loritlaStatwes. "I'his includes submission c,)f a firiancial reporting package as definod by Section 215,97(2)(e), 11'h,Arida Statutes, and .'hapters 10,,550 (local governmental entities) or 10,650 (nq)nprofit and organizations), Rules (,,),f lhe� ,,Iuditor General. If the C.":RAq,rEE t,-xpends less than $500,000 in suate finaticial assistance: in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of'Section 215,97, Florida Sti-itules, is not require('1. In the event that the GRAN"ITE expends less than ',55(t0,000 in state fillaiuJal assistance in its, fiscal year and elects to have an AUdit conducted in ,acc ordance with tht f,.)rovisions of Section '215.97, Flori&. Statutes, the cost of the audit 113LAst be paid from the nonstate eritity's, resotirces (i e, the cost of such an audit must be paid from the graiitee's resources obtained From other than Start,, enfifies), Inforrm,aion re hated to the requireinents of Section 2 15,,',,)7, 1,lorida, !;tatures, (the Florida Single A cut,Act) zind related docttmenUa rmay be ftmind at1v.!j2sJ/a) ).L ffijt�_—A-L tyet C',opies of financial reporting paclL.,iges required by this agreement shall be rat btnitted by or. on behalf of tlie GRANTEE directly to each of the following 1, Tlw Departnient c&State at the following addresses. Office of lu sector Generai Florida Departrnent of State R. A, Cyray BuMing, Roona I 14A 500 South Bronmtgh Street Tallodiassee, Florida 32399-025C) 2. The Auditor Cleneral's Office at the following address, Auditor General's Office Room 4,01, Pepper Budding I I I West Madison Street, "nxilah ass e,e, F"lorida 32399-1450 c, Identify an individual (.,)r position with the authority to make minor modifications to the application, if necessary, p,rior to execution ot"the IL TheDIVISION ,,.igrees: as To provide a gnmit in accordance with the tenns of areas agreement in considerati(:m of'ffie till AN,rEE's perforniance hereirIL111dor, and contingent upon funding by the Legislature. "nie State of' Fkvida's Perfori-nance said obligation, to pay under this agreeinent I is contingent i'lpoll an anni.ml appropriation by the Legislature, In the event that the state ffinds on which this agreentent. is dependent are withdrawn, this agreement is tery-ninated �,.uid d-te st�ate has rnio further liability to the GRANTEE be-yond that already iflCUrred, by the termination date,, In the event of as state reveruie shortfall, time tart al grant rnay be reduced accordingly. Su,.ae Aid to Libnairies Grrant Agreernelit Flalgle 3 of 7 Chapter I B-101 J(2)(a), Florida A(.Irnim,vrarive Code, E1'fecfivexx,-xx--xxxx K 'ro n(A Hs� the gmntee of Te gnant vvard af'ler revie,�x and appr(mmi o r required docunwrits, 1,1-te r,ratlt W.11,C)LIM shati be NOW W acuwdance mwith Chapter 257, Floi-ich,,,t �,Wilules, and guideiines for the Suite Aid to Libra.ries Grant Prq)gr,,,krm c. -1 o diAhme gnmt Ws in tkvo payn-mils, Fhe OBI paynion ,whil be reqUested by the DIVIStON froni the Chie[Tinarichl Mcer gun exandon of Ae agnemcm. The reniaking payinma %OH be nmde by Jww 30, (1, That any [:mlwwe of umhUgmed cob W has bemi paid to the grantee may be I-et",jiflod f6r direct ivognan'i COStS iiI ',I SUI)SCCluent period. III, Thc� (JRAMYE and be ITI(LIMIlly a(gree diac as Ffa i,s �n strtmn emoA te wolc reernent ()f ,e l : e arejrj() Pj,()%",isions, tienns, condiflons. or oblWadons odwr Umn INve conwhed herein: and this agreennent shaH supersede add 1,)revkws cmnmunkatkns, repivsentation, or Citjrjc,-r vet-bal or wriucn, betvveen the parties, No amoidnwnt shA1 [)e unic.,is recluced in writing and Lny the parties" K lie agmanent is exccuted and emeNd into in the State of FEW, and diall be construed, iuerfbrmedn and enforced in ,,rdl respects Ut acwvdancc xvith the laws W mles of the Staw ' F'Iorkha, L"ach pany shali per1brrn its ohhgatiOnS MMUDder in accordanct with the ternis and conditions (Wis agreernent, If any inauer arising, out ofthis Agreernent beconies d-w subject ot'litigation, venue shaH he hi Lua°on ("'ou nty. c. irany lemi (w [wovisimi of the agmernem is ON to be Hlcgal mid unentrveabk. the xmAder ofaw agmement Wil ranain hi IWI Wrev ar)d effect and such terra or provision shaill he cleemcd Suicl,,en. d, No delay or u�.)niission to eXiOrcke any right", power, or rennedy accRdn to either party upon bn a(fli or defirailt by MY party under this Agremnent hadd inTak any W rQ4 power. or retriedy (A'either pamy: nor shall such delay or on-dssion be construed as a avaiver of any such Mach or dekadt. or any similar bre,,,ach or,defialrfllt. e. TO aprenient a,hafl be wrrnfnaled by the DIVISI(DN because (..)f failLure of[lie CiRANTE',F, to MR11 in cNigations, undc,,r 1rhe agreemw in a tannic and satisf.actory unless tile GRAN'FFFT.', denioristrates good cause as to vWq it carinot WIN W Wgrikmi SMNEwWril oroldigathms by GRANTIT Miall he detertriined by the DIVISR)N. based on the tenns aJjj(j ifilr')osed on the GRANUE in parajymphs I and Hl of dis agremment and gtiidefines for the Suite Aid to Librarics Gnant Prograni. 'The DIVISION !,;hall provide GRANTILT as written Mcc of"delhult lettan GRANTET, shall have 15 c,,.dendw- days to CLH'(; the CIC1111rih- IrKe de= koot cured by GRAN FE'E' within the strited period, the DIVISION shall Wnnhate IN agmemem, unless the GRAMEE dern(unmes g(wd came as to why it cannot cure the MAN YAW Te prescribed uiine period. FOr" rMArposes of"this agreement. "g(K)d muse" is deMed as circunistances beyond ffie GRA'N1'F1F,E,'s control, Nofice shall be SL'iflkiCnt if"it is delivewd u) floc pztrty personaily or rnailed to its specified address, In the event of ternamation orthis apvement, the CiRAN"FFT,', will The compensated -i e I - kx Ww)u]u S�fliSfijlctorily Conlpleled Prior to I reation of tennination, if equitai Page Of 7 State Aud to Ubraiiies Grarit Agireernent Chaphr 1 M 111 Pga), Fk,)nda Administrative Code, Effective xx..xx-xx�x„x 11 The [AVISM WWI unilaLcrafly caiicel US agreem,ent in the event that the GRANTEE refuses "k) allow pubhc access toy all tWunients, or other rnaleri��,.ils made or receivcd in regard to Tis agreement,dwt we suNect to the provisions, 01,C11almer 119, Nor kla Statutes, GRANTF.'E agree,,,s, to irninediately contact the DIVISION for assistance in the event that It receives as pUbliC rocon,.1s, request related to this agrecri,renl (m, the grant the it awards. g The DIVISION shall not be liable 1k) pay amrney Wes. interest. We chaXgLO and service fees, or cost MVHection relaated to the grant, hi, 'The 1AVISION shA not asmune any, liability t'or the acts, omissions lo act or negligence of J the G R A N its aguit& servants. or enio(ques; rtor sha R fl the (JANTE-, exclude ljal:)jjitwa1 ilrS OWY) MIS, OUWoms to aa, or neghgence V)Te WI MUM hi addidon, the GRAOTTEF hmAy a0ves to be rvymmstle Ar any Qnvy or pnTeHy damage mslddq,� from iny activiflos conchwWd by dw MNNTEE. L The GRAMM (aher than a CiRANTL,,'L,, whicAi is the Sue, or agericy or subdivision ofthe State,, agrees to indeinnify and hold [lie DIVISION harnfless frorn ant.1 ,,qwirlst any andaHl cWrns or,demands, (lor dain,ages ofai:'ry nature. in bUl TWA HlIllted to personal ilrjury., death. or damage to prc�pcn-ty. arising eruct of any,wivides perfornwd murder thisap-eenlent mid shall investJgate aH clamor s at its own expense. J, 'I he GRANTU Ml he ivsponMble Rw A Nwrk ped)mwd and A expensc�,s mcuwmd I cmincoWn widi the prQeCL "I be GRANTFF, [11',1Y SUbcorftracl as necessary to perl"onn the services set f6rth K tWs agivomaA. bdudhg entming into subcontraos ,�vit.h vendors for sarvices and eonnnodities, provWed At awh subconvaci has been appnwal by the DIVISURA such appowd ism to be unreasmiably mithheld. and pnwided dial it is undmsm! by the C'5RANTL:,Effianhe INVITON shall not, tie HabW U) de sIxontraclor l'or an3, expensQs or liabilities incurred under the subcontract and thajrl the GRANTEA',' shall bc My 1119c Ui 1he subconactor Ru A exlpenses and li�',Nhfies incurred under tl-'Ie subconhad, L Who- tine Aunt noiAmy agalcy or subdivision cl`lhe�, State waives any defiense of sovet eogrl iml-nuAly, or increases the Anks of its lAbHiy, upon erlicring rnro as conrna(.,Iua� relationship, 1. Ile GFZ,AN'1'FA-'- its offic(,',rs, agents. and engloyee& in perfonnance Ofthis 'apre'elrtent' skall acl in the capachy ofan indeq,ndent convacm and not a,,; an officer, enrployee or apeivorawnsim Underthisatareejrjj(''r'Jt. RAN T1--,'J,, is imi,endded to ewcnie any berielIls of sme emphyn= illClUn inp..n. refterneril henefits. and other ril,_,Jits or QHeges connecind mAth emphyment in. O-ie Sate Can,,,ei- Service, GRANTIl-, agrees to take such ""teps as irl'ay hc necessary to ensum tat each suhcontrac'tor ot'the GRANTEU' N,,'vifl be deemed txi be an independeig conkackw and At not be consickred or permitted to he dit agert- son"v ant. poi not vcnturer, or partner of the DIVISK)K Page 5of 7 State Aid to [Jbrariies' Granl Agmament Chapor 1 B-2 01 QXa), WHO Administrabve Code, Effecfive xxoxaxxx in� The (RANTIAT shMI rwi assWn. sublicense, ru)r odwrwise transfer its 1-ightS dUtieS., or obhgations under. Us agmemem without die prim Wwn comem of A IN ASK)KI, "lose C,OFISCIlt hI ',fll 1101 LHI-Nasonably be xOdAcIA, The agreement trairsibree must Wimmisveac comohmee with the reqWrementsofthe prograrn. IftefMVISKR� ,,:tpp�'ovesili'ai,isi"er(,)I' the GRAKFEE's oblWations. the GICANTE1 remains responsit-ile for all work pertorrned and all c)qwnses inmirred in connecdon Nvhh the Agmement.. In the event the Legdsharure tran"'d'ers ffic rigj'its. dLaiCS, on-olAigavions of the Deponnient to amher govei-nnicnU ewAty [)LU'SUallt 1,A) Section 2().06 hh')ricki or otherwise, the right,,, dutk,',,s, and obligations mWer this agmementAW! aho he unnslued to the successor goveimment entityas if it ,were an Mond! Immy to Te agreemem, rl. This ".-igreernent shM1 bind the successors, assigns., and legal represematives, of the (TAINTEE and of any legal ent4y thm wAxweds to the obligation ofthe DIVISION. o, The State ot'llai-idal pertAmname and (thgadon U) pay under this ,.i,greetnew is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the IeWshtury In the event th"Ut LJ1C state Ounds on which IN agreemem is depenclent eare wiffidrawn, this is terii6nated a,aid the, DIVISION has raaw Rmher liability to the GRAROTFAI beyond that Mat QW-red by Lhe wnnhwdon Ono In the event of as store mverme AMR the trawl grant AM] be reduced in accordance with Section 257,21, F7orido Staraae,s,% lftlw GRANTI'T", i,,; ln noncomplInce x0th any terrii(s) of this grant a,greenrt("iljj or any other gnani a.grceimm Ah the INAMon of Mmy, aad Int,brinattori Services., the, Division (A"I limmical Resource°s or tluea Division ofciulturtd 'fkffairs, tlie, Division ma,, withhold gralfl pay'nicjlts 1,11161 be (WANTIFF cornes into comphance. Volafion of'a grwrt prograni reqdremcm. AWAg beat int AM m !Whnv to submit grant reports and other 141'ant dioc,umc"Iits" Su.fllmnission ofincoinplcte gram rej�)orts, of" ()thtl°'r (jOCj'HT1Cj1tS"' of' violation �,.mint agrwnerit reqtdrenients; AM consdume it bads Or the ITAMon to phee the GRAMYT hi mmemnNianne status Wth 11w Duparmwil of Stan q, lie Mvidon Mhpoy the ITAKA11 financial c0nS(-(jL1C11CCS 101- failure to perform the dudes / asks requVredin le sale of w(wk. Should the library fiffl to provide fi-ee libro:iry soNle u) Ke pubhc or [-)c open 6e%s�k,,r ban 40 hows per week it vv'ill rao longer be eligible to recc�ive Slate Aid Libraries gran't �'unding., and its funding will be reducc;d to $0, n Unless there is as QuIc olliddress. any nAce required by dais greernent shall be Mewd U) we J)iVjSj()jj, and InOrmaGn Sowlec 500 South Wommlh Saco, T"'rfflahassee„' Flori&a 32399-0250, fi.)r [lie State and, Or the pal ANAW U) its single hbiury admh1stnAveunh, hileevwuofachngeof',,idduess, itistl.,ieol)iig,.itioriol'tlier'iic)vill�-, party to notily the other parry in wr4fi-ig oft.he change ofaddress. Page Bof 7 State Ad to LibralIes Grart Agreement C.hapter I B-ZO1 1(2)(a)l Florida Administrative Code, Effecflve xx-,xx-,xxxx IV'. rhe lelill of phis agreenlent wifl cornnience on the date of execution ofthe grant agreemeni, THE Al�'l�ll.,I('ANI'/(,'RA.N'I'U',E DIVISION ........... Chair ol'Governing Bod'v or 1,loridu Departincnil.of St'ate Chiet"FAcculive Officcr Divi6,-)n ofl,ibrary and Infc)n-naflon !�"-)ervlcc�s Tyr�cd Nanle Typed Narne Date Date ................................------- -------------.......................................................... --------------- Clerk or CBA'Financial Wilce Divkion Witncss� ...... --------------------------------- ................... I'Ype(l Natr�c itle ol'i0fricial Division witncs�i ------------------ .... ............ j -,4fT ........... 'Y �Page 7of 7 State Ad to bbrairiles Grant-Agireennent Cf�aplteir 1 B-ZO'l 1(2)(a), Flonda Administnative Code, Effecfive xx-xx-xxxx FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE IDIVISM OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FY' 2013-'2�014 STATE AMTO LIBRAMES GRANT APPLICATION CERTIMATION OF LOC�AL OPERAT"M EXPENUTURES The Monroe County Board of County Gornrnissuoners goverining body for Monroe C u,unt IPUbk Ubrary' Systets We hereby certify that the fofloMng total funds from Incas SOUrces were expended centrally dur�lng the fiscal year begInnirrg October 1, 2011 and eridung Septernt)er 30, 2012for the operation and rr4ntenance of IIII rar under the pr(-MsVons, ouflined nn Chapter 257 14 - 257 25, FRotida Statutes:, and guidellnes for the State Aid to Libraries Grant Prograrn, We ftirlhier certify that the amourrt listed below does not indude funds received fron,i the federal governrnent: funds received frorn state governmentl- or fUndS Used for, pu rrchase or constrUction of a li�brary building or Iit)rary quarters SUchfunds are not, e igiUe to be Used as local match for State AI appkations urideir Chapter 257, Florida Statutes, and guiidelkies for the State Aid to V'Jbrariles, Grant Progran"ii TotM locM funds expended centrally by the library for the operg tion and mainteriance o'f a library between October 'l, 2011 and September 30, 201Z $2,,769,803 SIGNATURES, j" V ........................ -F------------------......Library, Pittance Mainager Single Library Administrative Head Va�ehe Moore Norma KU�a .............. ............. ................................ Typed Name Typed INaime Date Date Expenditure Report FX11E N E)HU RE F-UiNDING OR REVENUE SOURCES "TOTAI.r SerOces I � Expenses Ouba y Grub U rued) ...... . 2,835,724 , ope rabon 81, .d.°u a u ntenarnce of the IIbra.uirk ......_..... ........................................ .... ... n 'IcAuudu°i g 1 r,")u.uirclg� a"�� d:uu" construction quarters) I Notes