Item C05 ACTNIM ITEM SUMMARY ffuwkdluupw, flatu„ ._. t' t m a t.p 17, 01 Divi iotl: Jhm��Ltt�.. L..M i istrata,pr. ......... _. Bulk Item: Yes � . No cpamin.cnt:.. � f bra jy,j es ttuff`f f'c a°wta u t G'u"".�.>u uufl fuc wuc Nw:uu°uf~u a .w.alu:w /x'T)49 " 'EN J a; ''I WORDING. Ap prov aV of tfue, f_,aq uti.ury fmng-.fwaru, I'fan a::wf Service or the ye,,,i s, 2014.. f1 f 6 1C p a't I AT-K(I f iIT f`fna s is, grail of an anfuud:af application fwocess to—receive '-late F'anaau ial Aid f u° the l,ibr ar,y, US l E1. 11i' °`. . ,T B : C" C;TION: The lsfbuary )"tuunuu«af Plan has u»:en appuu°w:wa"ed anrauualf) 1),y the 1()("l', unost n."Cently at the nrieel[ng off' epaten,iber 19, 012 _ _.._._.�__ .....___._w..rv.. ....�_. __..._...,.,......_ _�, . Approval T'OTAI, C"C If : . ...... ....._1 f WC I 1, .. I" COST .I Cl qdTED. etas N w DIFFEREN"r[Al, 01,' LOCAL PREFERENCE: OSTTOCw` fCl °�" a --.-SOURCE, OF' NC dal ' REM, RODU _INC: Yes Vie..... o �� C�`��. UNT ��E e ... ---------- ,.. APPROVED BVrCount.v f'uy ....._.._ tAtlt4B,/PUt' fua flu",lg Risk Manatga.°unew"ut MONROE COUNTY PUIBLIC UBRARY LONG-,RANGE PLAN OF SERVICE 2014 2016 SUBMITTED BY NORIMA KULA DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 A NOTE ON THE LONG�-RANGE PLAN FORTI-iE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 2014­2016 hi the pre%(uOUS long-range plan for the Library, 2011-2013, we began to it away frorni the traidltional view of such a plan, For rnany years, a long­rarige plan was carefuifly f6rrniJated as a biluepdrit, based on inumbers, and stafisfics, detailed, graphed, and measured lini every conceivable way. These were the, keys to the goaPs, the objectives, and thin resufts of the plan, NUmbers, were -the measures of suiccess andthroe indications of changes needed to enabh future success, "Three years ago we, rejected that traditional mold that had become more of a burden than a gt,Jde,, and Moved towarld a format that allowed fiexiibiility, that was open to inew ideas, that recognzed our changing arid diverse communffies, and that called for growth of seMce, Mt jUst more nUrnbers, We blegan asking not jUSt "Fiow many b oks?," and "Row many people"' but "Whio are our readers? What groups are we not reaching and why? Do thin ey prefer to read or to listen win fifle engagiirig in other actiVifies? What are their needs and how can we rneet thern?" and we began tO StrUCtUre OUr plan arOUnd the searcl,-i for answer's to those, questloups and to other, sirrillair, questions, By followmng this exp�oiratory approach our new pharm startedtaro becorne rnore service-oriented and flexib0rty becarne our standard, The past few year,,,,., have not been good oines, for rnany Libraries thr wry ghOLA the state of Florida and around the COUntry,, Financlal and funding instability have strong�y impacted Library resources, and so, Library holurs, and services, those of Monroe County unciludied. Wherr our staffinig and hours were restored inearily two years ago, 'thanks to the County Coo mrnission, Adr-ninistiration, and a Keys c ornnr iunity who appreciated the valLre of I.Jbrary seirvices and ere wMiring to work toward their restoration, our p antook on inew inrupetus, and focus. "The expanded ga s establlished iin the irecent past head to be r&-examined and re.-evalUated in, hiight of our restored freedorn to advance toward our nniussmoin of lmproved and expanded services, that would meet our commurifties' stM­ changinn needs. fin the sanie ve4,i, we needed to ire-exairnine OUr use of fundiing, more aware of our, respionsibiRy f'or nnalntaiinlinig aind even, expandilng servlces with the irnost eff icierut Use of Library assets, both ouir personinel and our financia upport, For these reasons, this I ong-Range Plain of SeMce for thus e Monroe Courity Library for tl,-ie years 2014-2016, wM be aiirned even i paftiiUflady at rneefirig corTirnuinity needs as they change, and providing 'those essential serviices Ibashc to ouir rnh,,sion, We wM I explore those communfty needs airid wow orkto the corne rnore aware of how they are changMg, what issues are dr-Mng those changes, and how we can, adapt our previous goals and objectives so t1nat they will rernain relevant and meaningfiA to OUr cornmuni'hies, Our missuon of seirvkae has not and does not change, but the rnethods and technology through which the services are delivered do change, and we wiB need to explore the reqU r urine nts of these changes and learn how best: to incorporatethem ln'to OW" work, A BREF HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA �In May of 1513, expimer Ponce de Leon sighted 'the Florida Keys and c irned Rohda fair Spain, "T"he Spanish sailors gave! this area of mangroves, the narne of "Los Mu rbres," or The Martyrs. Oin later rnaps, various Keys were, identified as Cay,o Flu eso (Bone Key), ls1larnorada (Puirple Island), and a host of other narnes that (,,,,hainged Mh the identifier and malpirnaker, When F oirida carnie under Brrfish co ntrol in FebrUary of 1763, an of the loca� Indians ffloved to Cuba Twent years later, under the second Spanish Reign in Florida, Loyaksts left for, the Baharrias and other Bridsh possessllons. Florida becan,ie a U & Territon/ iiin 1821, with the rafification of a fireaty between the Urilted States and Spain, and �ater fl-iat year Juan Pabl Salas, who had received Key West as a Spanush Marld grant in 1815, sold the ls and to John W. Sknontion, a Havana rnerchan't, for the notew1orthy surn of $ 2,000,,00, &rnontion then sold p nrt,s of the iusland to fellow b skies smien Whitehead, Ilwlllerrnirng and Greene, ln 1821 Spain ceded Fast and West Roirida to the Unrted States. President' James M pp onroe aoin An ted Genera� drew Jason ck as %Mary govern and or, irlStIrUcted the General to stet up a new government, Jackson's first action toward thls goar was to organize Florida into a singie territory corn posed of two counties. "ThUs West Florida becairne Escarnibla COUnty witti Pensacola as its courity seat, and East Florlda became St. John's County, with St, ALAgUsfine as the COWIty seat. On July 3, 1823, Monroe COUnty became the sixth county urn the State, when 'it was formed OLA Of St. John's. ,ill f the rnainiand areas in ow kriown as South Florida, as wetl as the Florkia Keys, w ere included in this formiation. This large area rerT4ned one COL111ty unfil 1836, wtien Dade CoUnty was forrned, through a series of r.m lffical Miaineuvers. fts borders klClUdnit the eastern haft of then rnarnlland and the Keys, nm1h of BaMa H(,.)nda,, Those IKeysfrorn Bahia Honda to Old Rhodes Key were not retUnried to Monroe County uirA0 18�66 The rnrOnal fornia-fion Hof Monroe COUnty was diviuded over and over agam through the Vlow ng years. Frorn rts inifial boundairies cairn Dade,, Lee, Hendry, Collier, Broward, and a part of Palm, Beach Counties,, Key West was estabfished as the County seat a 2 year after the islarid's first settiers air-rived-, that sarne year it was rnade a port of entry. The few Keys setfiers were scattered across the is1ands—probably riot more than 150 EU,ropeains in all. No Y rrnCUr t IPcnfnu.uiatilcnrn data exists frorn that period, l"he Fohda Keys have pliayed a major part 4,1 Rorida's growth, both historicaHy and economicaHy. T'here are 822 Keys large enough to be shown on government chalqs� marry of their narnes have changed over the years, lndeed, a large nurnber of thern have changed narnes with ali,-nost every generafion of mapmakers,, (An extensive study of this hint airy has been carried out by LJbrary staff; the fascinating results are avaHable on the w,ebsit [r I L It is noteworthy that there are oMy five incorporated areas irr aH of Monroe County; is West incorporated in 1828, Key Co ony in 1955, Layton in 1963, pslarnorada in 1998, and Marathon in 1999, MSTORY OFTHE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ire 1835, a yourig attoriney, orig nalHy frorn Kerl'fticky, wrote to relatives frown his new horne in Key West, "The society of the place is, of cm,jirse, srnaH, Ibut there are mariy fa mHies frorn the Atianfic States now, our resklents, that would be very desiraUe acqLJSffi0r1S were they 'to returin 'to the places of their nativity, "There is the same taste, lUXUITY', and display that YOU find pre the large cities in their 6nner and evening parties, More good books, ireviews and late puUicafions are fi:)und here than YOU have the most distant ideas of," ln 1835, a Sunday Scho61 lip rary drculated books arnong the people! olf the cornrnuiriity. Did records of that year expiain tha,t or) "SatUrday, Apr-H 4, 1835, on suggestion of the Mayor and Una niri'musiy resolvied, the fees Ipaid by members of board absent during the year, $ '12,00 in a=Unt, be presented to the Sunday Scholo� Library of Key West," The Monroe County Public Library Ihas a LjniqUe Iplace in history as the oidest Library in South Forida, its tea gint-flngs can line dated as far back as '1853. The first written record of the Key West Library Association is mentioned in the diary of William R. 1-1a&11ey, who wirites, that he had paid his dues to, that Association in Ju y of 1f , A microfilffl copy of that diw y is now held in the IFlorida History Room at the Key West Bram:�,h of the �Monroe County PuUic [Jbrary, whHe the oriqinai can be fOUnd in the coil ecfion at the F"lorida State CJirflversity. The Asso6afion stored its book coTiection within a wire enclosure, and upon selection by patroris, the books were passed through a wire wicket. The I.Jbrary was 1`10LISed in ail variety of locations on Duvai Street and guided by various civic gr'OLIPS over the next sixty or so yew-S, Until ire 19,15 the Key West Wornan's, Ciub aSSUriled the operafion of the Library AssocOfion as its foremost project, The Key West Branch, which becarne the lHeadgUarters, Lk,)irary, ffloved into its present location in '1959, with a rnajor explansion in 1992, 'The Key Largo Branch began in the 3 Key Largo Civic Ckib BUilding in 1962, rnoving once in '1967, and 'taking up its, cuirrent tlocation 41 1989. The Marathon Branch begain in 1962 and 'took Lip its present iocation in 1982,, isiamorada's Branch opened in 1966, with expansions, in 19,83 and 1997. The most recent IBiranch was established in Big Rne Key in 1995, with an expansion there in 2003, Over one hundred and fifty years have passed s,ince those earfiest steps toward as C.'ounty Library systern, today the Monroe COUnty PlUtfli(; Library is a vitai part of the fa bdc of its corni-nunities, IEach branch, r fiects i°its own area, and each area reflects its own people, with disfirict characteirisfics, interests and needs, [Jbrary service is ad va for ern tax-based, funded by the Generai Fuirid of' the Moinroe County budget, The five branches, with staff totaling forty-three employees, pirovOe on-site services s da rnd Cann e evening each week. OUir L.,ibrary card-hoIders rlUrnber more than half the population of Monroe County, Our web0e now pirovides 2417 access, to the fLill Library catalog, ircWing renew ai and re(4Uest seirvices Our coHecfion has grown frorn the '10,000 books of the Key West Branch in 19519 to over 207,0001 iterns in a vahety of rnedu , nciuding digitW databases. 7'he Library has grown and developed thrOUgh its history, arid WrltlnUes to do so, as ser,vices and patron usage iincl"ease yearly, UNTRODUCTIGN -roTHE ILONG-RANGE IPLAN The I,Jbirairy is as viaUe and iiving ins,6tufion; to remain so, iot MUSt gr'OW, Withiout the guideHines of a �Or'jg­rrange plan, that growth coUld becorne unrnanaged and unn­ianageable. Such as p4n provides as frarnework for esserrt4l growth arid as set of gUideknes for decisions regair6ii-ig all aspects of L-ibra iry developi,nenut and operations, Yet fl­iese guidehines MUSt be flexNe, Ho in the pos,sib ilia y of chain as cirCUmstances, change in m,)r commiunifies, Indeed, outside of our mission itseff, change is thie one constant in the fUncfional iffe of the L.ibr'ary. R is esseintiah to set goals that cover a periold of several years as vane effective pirocedUre 'for sound planning arid for naking cost-effective budgetary decisions, Ibut we nlUst not aHow these guideiiines and goa@s to becorne rnore important than ttie work itself. The mission of serve ce to aH of our corn irru.inifies IIIUst aWays be at the foiregmUnd of aH that we strive for "Phis mi"dssion, however, is, nat just to provide,, but to expiore, to examine, and to, iearn and prioritize, so that we can help savor patrons 'to avaH themselves of the benefits, of our plan6ing, 4 CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICSINEW COMMUNITY NEEDS Over the past seveirap years, Monroe COUnty has expehenced a number of demograph�c changes, which have had a great impact on its communities and their service needs, A County's rate of growth, or it of mt, will aWays be a major factor in commUrflity and comrnunfty services pl�anning, The incorporafilons of lslarnorada and Marathon have had an impact, on thie econoiryk life of the uinincorpoirated areas of the County as, weil, Afthough ry,iany of the services 'for these cities are provided from within, the Ubrary stilly operates as a Countywde service provider—,there is one public Librar stern for, the whoie of Moiriroe County. Changes ire the makeup Of COUnty populiation are factors that need to be taken into account in Library 1pianirfling -as the IpncnpL,flation ages or more young farnifies move into the area, as fiteracy rates, i'increase or decrease, as language harriers i,,)ecome niore, or pees pirevaient­­aii these vairiations create new cha�enges for the Library, and 0 rTILISt be inc�uded in our p ans to rTieet futLlr'En needs, Co �cfions, of rnateriWs, programs offered to the public, afl the serVices that the Library offers need to be eareld to adaptation and nnodification. Most of the estirnated dernograpNcsfor Monroe County siince the 2010 census show onpy srnalp changes, but soirne, are it to changes, that the I ibirary must mare coris der: Tote popu� lation shows an kic.rease from '73,090 to '74,456 �No noteworthy change iin % of cNidren Linder 5 Decrease in children between 5 and 14 fro, 9% to, 7,9% Decrease in youth IbletWeern 15 and '19 frorn 4.3% to 4.21-Yo, Decrease in young adUfts between 20 and 24 from 5.140% to 5.1% Decrease in adufts, between 25 and 44 frorn 25.7% to 25,2%, Increase in aduits between 55 and 64 from 17,81%, to 17,9% pnc real e iri adufts between 65 and 74 frorn 4,6%, to 11% pncreasie iin Hispanic popuiation frorn 19,,51% to 20,,6%, (NUrnL)ers taken frorn US Cerisus 2012 esfirriates) Interestingly, wN e schoo l registrations have gone down, LIP, and down again in recent years, a sfight increase has aga n been noted at the start of the current school year­­ whetheir it wiB h6d has yet to be seen, Everi such si ght chair qes me to be taken in-to cons derat,ion when we piairl future actioins in ccAecfiarm developn ient, prograirTis, and other services to be offered. 5 Taking these factors, lento account, wefomWate ision for the comrnunfty of ff°ne Monroe County L.ibrary Systerm VISION FO�R THE MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY COMMUNITY 'The p eople of the Monroe COUrIty C01MMunity wiH� * Fiave the rnforimafion they needtO SUcceed at school, at work, and wn their personal lives; 0 Discover' 'the joy of rea6ng and develop an appreciation of learning; * Eirijioy a h gh level of access to electronic Oformation resWrces, thmUgh the 4test �nfora-mfion techn6og�es n the pro0sion of [Jbrary ser-0ces-, Develop the tech no� logucak, Infoirr'nafion seeking, and inforrnation evaWtion skills needeld in an lncreasOgly compiex world, Use the resOUrces of -the Moinroe County Public ILlhairary 41 a way that wffl Improve the qUality of their Hves and that ofthe community as a whole, SERVICE RESPONSES "mouth thin vision lni mind, w(.,� have identified the foHowMg as the service responsesthat are OUir cornrnitment to our community., * General liirlfOrMatuon * Current fifles and topics * Lifeiong leamung Locai history and genealogy Frx,-)rn these service riespoinses the mission of the Monroe COUnty PUbik,. Ubrary us forrned: MISSION STATEMENT 'The Monroe COWIty PL,ibkc [Jbrary wiH meet the changing needs Of OUr cornmunities for inforirnaLion„ education and recreation in a variety of rnateriais, forum s, and tech noiogies. 1-1,-ne LJbrary respiondsto the needs of users of aH agies and diversity by prov6ng equal, easy and open access to materials and services delivered in an fiWicient, firnely, ar d professional ran inn er by staff members who are fdend y, helpful, and knoWeidgeal,,)llle, in bUfl61gs that are nnv tin g, COIRIfortable and' Litt ed for technological growth ar d developry'ient. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SERVICE RESPONSE #1. GENIERAL INFORMATION GOAL rhe Iftinroe County F'UbHic Lilbr�,ary wiH provide tirneiy and accurate information nn prnnt and Oectronic formats for resudents of aH ages. OBSECIWE� The L.ibrary wiH r-naintain a coHection of pirinted rnateirOis that are current, organized and accessiNe, covering a broad variety of toplics, Achievement /MeaS,Uren'ient Man: FY 2014,', Set Up and irnpMemient a hard tear branch coHaborafion to dev6lqt:), branch coHecfions i'in nori--ErngM[sh niaterWs to meet the needs of their �indi0dlUal cornrYWrIffies, hHe maintaining a core coHection of basic 1-ibrary requJsfte rnaterWs, F Yr 201 � Analyze the p1an, organization and reSWtS throt.igh custorner feedback liin pnor sori, through brief' surveys, and staff observafion; r'e-work and adapt as needed for stronger impact and Usage of rnateh,Ws F"Y" 2016, Use infori-nation on current and anticipated derillographic changes to re-assess progress and coHection LISage-1 OBJECI]VE: The Library wiH expand a coHection of maternaMs in a va6ety of forrnats to, mieet 0LJr Users' need for information. Acli"iie)/errir:;r"it/, a$Llir'leimei�'it Plan FY 2014 Assess the Use and vWue to OUr patrons, of print rnateriaMs as opposeld to, oir Mn conjunction wfthl eMectronuc ii'iiateha�s covering the san,ie inforrnafion, in teirrns of content, currency, itekab kty, ease of use, and cost vakjaflon, Birr'linate dLipkated resources and those of Messer worth to patrons. 7 FY 20 15. Perform a study o,f all databases ClUrrenfly purchased Iby the Library and those recelved through the States Library for patron Use and satis-factiory evaluate for l.-)ossible changes. FY 2016, Evaluate cost benefit of databases curreinfly in c6lecfion; set up guidelines for criter"Ja fOIr WtUre purchases. GOAL: The Library will offer reference service through phone and on­site access, and expaind reference services avaHable thrOLIgh inew technologies. OBJECIIVE,-, Staff wHl be trained in the reference process and the use of print arid eIiecftirork reference Sc"Urces, A(,,lh°iieverrient,JMeas mar emTierat Ran: FY 2014, Encourage on-g6ng staff development in the use of all Ubirary databases, I'iMkjding the Ilmm Iorlda IDectrork Library and our Gale drat ablases- expand OUr reference services through technology, such as texting, reference chat, and the Ask.­a IJbrarOn program, at 0 branches FY 2015: investigate and incorporate simart phonetechnology into our reference service functions, thrOUgh SUch avenUes as alobfle reference service FY 2016, Exp�ore the j,,)otentW of QR coding for reference uses; Ilook lnto experirner?ts in other libraries, costs, and vai6ty of the process SERVICE RIESPONSE #2-,, LIFELONG LEARNING GOAL: Library users of aHl ages, wiVfind the meansto cionfinUe to learn throughout their Wes and to access, evaluate, arid iusle information ln a vairiety of formats OBJECTIVE" Resourcies and prograrnming for chHdren, both in,..'house and oL.Areach, wiH be designed to reach a broad aUdience of children and the r caregiver's ,Aci,illeve�,,r-ient/MeasurAen,)e,rrt Plan,- FY' 2014" Anallyze the uses, equlpment, and palmy sical arrangements Of DUr UhHdren's unfts to deterrnine irnmediate and poteintia[ tutu ire needs for coHeations, open space, rea61ng space, and progranis; utilize staff skiHs and experlence to draft a report offindlngs; confinue ln-hoiu se and OLItreach prograrnming sichedu es to eincourage aH segments of our dive se conmmlUnrties to becorne einthUsiasfic parficipants FY 2015: Usk'ig the staff rej,'>ort as a set Of gU defiines, look' into poss6Hfies of re-working raw aiilabile space, renovating Wrnlshiings, and 8 n.npdating collections. Explore potential for community partnerships to assist with fmplemenfirig fUnding and renovafions, FY 2016� Estabfish a program of system-.,wade coHaborafion for prograim planninq and sharing of mateNafs OBJECTIVE The youth of Monroe COUnty will be targeted as a part of the cornmurifty not yet fully served. ,Achie'veryieiit/'MleaSLire'nen't Ran: FY 2014, Concentrate on the foirmHafion of a plan to fncorporate the rileeds and input of our youth community into� coHecfion developrinent, activities and pry graimrning; involve staff in a study and report tin set up a �pfan for enhan6ng the phys,ical space Mlotted to the Young AdUft musty rner FY 2015- Work with schob and comrnunfty grOUPS 'tO imp�eimeant the plan resuffing frorn the staff iteport to create a L.Jbrary en0r(-.)nrnerit res poi nsivie to the needs of this Library audience FN 2016, Assess the iresults of the prograrn fron"i the last twr ears; perform an NOT analysuis and take acfions, needed to iniprove reSUIRS OBJEC"I"IVE-1 The Senior Citizens of Monroe County will find sources of inforrnafiori and entertaim"nent at the Library reflecting their patcular needs and 4"iterests. Achievement/MeaSUrement Ram FY 20141 Expand the prograM of cornputer and software cl ses b61ng (,')ffered to aH branchies, coor&iafing efforts and joint p anning on a branch lever FY 2015- Estabfish outreach ser0ces to Senior Citizens throughOLA the Keys cornrYlUrifties-I coordinate efforts and planirflng arnong the branches,-, expand in house prograrns for the Sennor patirons, Ulfifizing inter-branch collaboiration and coor6nafion FY 2016� lrnpl�ernent a systierTi of ana is and enrnchrnent of the Large Pirint and a 6o coflections (irlClUdiing online materials) to Ul Ser"6or patron needs at aH branches SERVICE RESPONSE #3: CURRENTTITLES ARD TOPICS GOALu Patrons of the Monro muarnt IPiubHic I ibirary wit Ihave access tam the high-, dernand popt 4r mat Sri alis that they wantthrWgh their loam branch Library. OBJECTIVE Branch Managers WH coordinate efforts -to ensure that copes of high,-dernand print rnateriais are avaHabie to aH tirons, hHe oveir-dupficatiot'i, of these rnateriWs is av6ded Achieven'ient/Measur :me nt Rain: FY 2014, Appropriate staff wiil be trained in the t.use arid capabilities of the H.-S (ante grated Ubirary System) Am qUisitions modWe, using it as a to6l iirn coHecfion deveoprrent while keepiing custorr-ner need and materials bUdget restrictioris in the forefront of coilecfion irnanagemeet �FY 20'15: "T'h ILibrrry wiH initiate an 4"i-depths StUdy and ana ysis of mat rial 1purchasing systerns and vein for s, comparing costs of prod=tS in, aH media, and benefits in terms of value received �F)l 2016, Staff wHi ble Va4-ied in Readers' Advisory' services for aH age groups, and in aH materiaBs formats OBJEC"nVE: i"he 1.1birary 4H use tech n6ogica�l advan(,;es as weH as traditiorlai means as toois for m mmh rm ir°n ILibrar murketing of holdings and services Achievel�Tie�inU�Measuren,ien't Plan FY 2104� The Library wiH make extensive Use Of OLK w'ebpage for prornofion of Library seirvces, events, news, and pirograrns at aIH branches, using staff irlpUt and creativity to keep the site fresh, CUrrent, and of interest and signficance to our patrons �FY 20'15° We wails use sociaB rned tools for the expansior� of our reaching 0L)t to a broader Ipatron basiel types of soc41 media vViH be studied and anaiyzed for SLJ'tabHty, usability, cost, and effectivenessil staff at aBB Bra nchies w H betrai'uned toward fts end �FY 201& 1 Jibrary staff wHi stay abreast of developrnents in the use of soc�a� r-nedia for irnarkefing and PR, and adapt our use accordingly SERVICE IRESPORSE #4: L C IHWORY AND GENEALOGY G 0 IL: The UniqUe featUres of the Florida Keys wH be highHghted iri speciM c6lections in a vai1ety of formats arid ephernera, and wiH be rna6za more wide ccessiWe to piromote formal and infortrai researich on aH lev6s of interest and scWairship, r.0 OBJEC"FIVE The c61ecfions of rnaterials, reWed to Keys History, rraturW history, and gieneallogy at alW the branches MI be expanded and publicized, encouraging use arid enhaincinq appreciatiori of the unqUe natUire of thils island chain. Aci,iieveri'ieiit/'MeasLir-erT'iei,iit Pian: FY 21014: The Floi1da History coflections Mli be analyzed and the informaboin coordinated to rimprove access to and know load gie of thesie spe6aiized rnaterdWs. Preservafion r-nethods M1 be expiored irii depth and a systernto priohtize and categorize preserva-hon needs M1 be dev lam ped and da p emerrtafion begun, The Fliorida History Department in IKey West MR be reoirganuzed to increase disp9�ay space and work space, as weii as increasing sec0ty for the deiicate rrmteriais contained there FY 201 . Ongoing 6gitization Of SUitable rnaterials Ml be piromoted to increase the web presernce of the c.oidections, Archival rnate6aWs vvM receive the needed treatment, and onfine access, Ml be enaWed wherever feasible. iindexing anid ca4oging of collection content wiR I irnpllernented FY 2016: T'he rem vi'talized Florida History DepaiiIniant and coldecfior in ail branches will be piibiicized througi"i program , displays, news resources, and the Librar ebsite and onfine presence elsewhere, inCkidirig sociaW rriedia, witi-i as Oew to increasing accessto the information contairled without endangering the preservation aspect mid"fraid matei-Ws, CONCLUSION At as recent State Library conference, Stephen AbrwTIS, weK-k now n library strategist for &-ecdor�, r-narketing, and techirmbgy, corT'iffliseiated with his audience on 'the rnany changes, that had taken pilace in Ubrary services and techilloliogy over the past ten yeairs, therr added, '11nthe next ,three 'yea rs there wifl b tWce as rnany!" -niis was trim[Y no exagge-a,tior,i-,..-,Lbrary ,tea chtio ogy has evolved at an arriazirig pace, thirMgh as myriad of devices, appal cafionsl and formats, some of'which are takOg as long-. term and weil-grounded pl�ace in ILibrary seMcesl, some of wKilch are passmg thrOUgh Re fireworks, glaring brigl,°fly and disappearing, leaving behJnd as CiUtter of ash and ri�irsspent furids, A long-range plan for, Ubrary seirvicies, ri,iust take these factors aind remoras into ccruse deratior,i,,-,.--exploiratrori and deve opn-ient of new ideas rmlst be basic to ouir own devOopn,ient, but consideration and pii1oiritizing of new offeirings must precede aql decisions that involve inn vestirnerrt of staff turn andfUnds. We have u,,in obligafion to OUr users, riot just in what we Ipirovide forthern, but in n'raintaining financial imamponsibiMy to our community who suppofts us. Although not always specfficaHy rnentioried iin the outfine of acfivifies ilisted above, all e�eirnents of this plan must 4idude three important aspects: staff t4rdng, tech nologicW advances,, andfiscW responsibiRy, Witholut aH three, a pµan, especially a iong­range plan, iiis iincoimp te and doorned to faHure, At is our intein'tto make this plan work as it is meanttam do---.as, a statement of our mission, and our goals, and how we hope -to fulfill them, -1 hat is our p edge to our COUnfy communfty, it LA whose support aH Of OUr best nnteinfi ern s '=Uld be Mear*igiess, and to whorn tNs is dedmcated. 12