Item C34 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/17/2013 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes Department: Airports Staff Contact Person/Phone 4: Don DeGraw, 289-6060 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Requesting approval for the 2013 "Aviation Day" Event at the Florida Keys Marathon Airport on Saturday November 9,2013. ITEM BACKGROUND: This Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1241, annual event, invites the general public to the airport from 10 A.M. — 3 P.M. for "Young Eagles" airplane rides (free plane rides for kids 8-17), a Southernmost Car Club "Car Show", static display aircraft, and refreshments. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: This Event has been held each year at the airport since 2009. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. This important event allows the general public to become better educated on the value of the Marathon Airport, General Aviation and our local EAA Chapter. In addition, this event will allow area young people the opportunity to go flying in a general aviation aircraft and join the ranks of the over 1.6 million FAA Young Eagles. TOTAL COST: soo INDIRECT COST: NA BUDGETED: Yes DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: NA COST TO COUNTY: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: nJa COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: None REVENUE PRODUCING:Yes No X AMOUNT PER YEAR: n/a APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing _Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Chapter Event EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE DATE The evidence of insurance is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the document holder, This evidence of insurance does not affianatively or negatively amend,extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies below. This evidence of insurance does,not 0312(l13) constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s),authorized representative or producer,and the document holder. This certificate cancels and supersedes any previously issued certificate for the same subject matter INSURED INSURERS POLICY NUMBER Experimental Aircraft Association and FAA Aviation Global Aerospace, Inc. 13000709 Foundation, Inc., etal Various London Underwriters AP082212 FAA Chapter 1241, Inc., 9400 Overseas Hwy, Marathon, F1 Old Republic Insurance Co. AI'008781 I Attn: Karen Kryzaniak, Director of Risk Management UA00001893AV12A P.O. Box 3086 X1-Specialty Insurance Co. Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 National Union Fire Insurance Co.of PL1853274-08 Pittsbur 1—Catlin Insurance Company NQC402176 COVERAGES Aviation Operations Liability Insurance POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION TYPE OF INSURANCE DATE DATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability December 1,2012 December 1,2013 Each Occurrence S1,000,000 REMARKS H't,hel—fl'—O em'11'ate h"W11 nr1 1.,Auded,,adchtu,,,al insi r,d,t.r use tf t­hjy but­J,Jy as respect.''the operations of the-med insure 1 and solely:.'ey"t,the o-t b-,g d,Mlt SX,t1d., N he�9,N�3 p� red by the hapte, ,,,the Fhe policies of insurance described herein have been issued to the Named Insured herein for the policy period indicated. Notwithstanding any requirement,terns or condition of any contract or offier document with respect to which this evidence of insurance may be issued,or ruay pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the tenns,conditions,limitations and exclusions ot'such policies. Limits may have been reduced by paid claims. It is further noted that the liability of these insurers is several and no Joint and is speci fiteat ly set out as above. Notice ofcancellation will provided solely tothe Fxperfirtental Aircraft Association at the above address -n0('U'x1VN'1'"OLDER Marathon General Aviation, solely for use of facility Monroe County BO('C, solely for use of facility 9850 Overscas 11,evy 9400 Oversea LIWY Marathon, I'L 3,3050 Marathon, FL 33050 PROM'7CER Marsh USA luc, 540 West Madison Street Chicago, W 60661 REQUEST FOR USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA )ate Name of Contact and organization: LL L-A L 6",Xx) k;2-11 Address & Telephone number L5,"' x rIt 1117,144Lr1l," 01oArS Email, Specific County property or meeting room requested: L314,q Intended use: FY Date(s) needed: A�zv, ;;t?/ Time: from 147,oc,, to' is� Official Monroe County Government Use: Yes F-1 No M, Number of participants: Joo,0 Alcohol consumption/sales? YesF-j No ❑ Use of personal BBC grill: Yes E] NoF-1 USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY ONLY Clean up provisions, assurances, and state if any improvements are to be to facility: Coordination with: Sheriff Dept: Yes W NoF-1 Security: Yes M NoD Public Works: Yes ❑ NoF-1 Previous history of holding similar events: Yes ❑ No ❑ USE OF MEETING ROOMS ONLY Special Audio Visual Equipment needed: YesE] NoFA�j Describe: Public Address System: Yes F-1 No 5] Arrangement of Room: Fees are listed on pages 7, 8 and 9 of the Policy for Public Facilities, Roads, Bridges, & County Meeting Rooms and are NON-REFUNDABLE. Checks or Money Orders are to be made payable to Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. COUNTY USE ONLY Scheduled Date: Insurance/Hold Harmless Requirements: Approved: Yes[] No 7 By: Fees: Remarks: PW 10/12 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This agreement entered into by and between MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, herein"COUNTY", and LM—J, , - / whose address is a,,z , 0A Fs hereinafter"EVENT SPONSOR": That for and in consideration of the understanding hereinafter set forth the parties do agree and covenant as follows: I That in and for the consideration of permission to use certain public roads or other public property, more particularly described as follows: for the purpose of conducting a event, more particularly described as follo, .v Av� lil 6-zl�/ on the day of Ail(,,.,A P(e 20,L"L, from i-,�) am/pintintil am/pm, the EVENT SPONSOR does hereby agree to indemnify the COUNTY in to for any and all claims or liabilities that may arise out of the above described event. 2. That, in addition to indemnification described in Paragraph One, the EVENT SPONSOR does hereby agree to hold the COUNTY harmless in all respects concerning the event described in Paragraph One and will defend any and all causes of action or claims and will, further, pay the cost of any attorney's fees incurred by the COUNTY arising out of the event described in Paragraph One, Organization By: Of the aboveand duly authorized to execute this agreement. State of Florida County of Monroe SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to (or affirmed before me) on,".�- day of 5r— 20 By (Event Contact Person), lie/she is personally known to me or has —L'iLl R V produced � (type of identification) as identification. Notary Public TAWM LAMM*f MY COMMISSION 0 EE 8WI73 EXPIRES:Jetty 4,2017 EAA Young Eagles -What is Young Eagles Page I of 2 /Sf4/ Y / M,rawt��NJ6�IIV�fj � �fl��i�frw�urau10.0 fi ,���P�VOVIbVIU ��[�li�id'IlI4Wvv„0 r „u�lbti II�uYS�%r i„ 04 rttf'6JNn9 fJNmSVmrwrn� ;; ///., 000Ufa S9NA0,,, ' i o l�N 'r011 IS 3 �'t c Ex. What is EAA Young Eagles? The EAA Young Eagles program was launched in 1992 to give interested young people,ages 8-17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible thyugh the generosity of EAA member volunteers. Since 1992, more than 1.6 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight through the program.Young Eagles have been registered in more than 90 differentf; countries and have been flown by more than 42,000 volunteer pilots. Participation is easy. z to find the closest volunteer pilot. From thereljkg arrange a convenient time to go flying.We hope you enjoy a Young Eagles introduction to the exciting world of aviation. Make sure you come back to visit WA this web site after your flight to continue exploring the wonderful world of aviation! So what will your flight be like? �% The biggest question on your mind might be about the actual flight. So what should you expect? First of all,your pilot will explain what will happen during the flight.This might include talking about the airplane; reviewing an aeronautical chart(or map); identifying reference points during the flight;completing a careful"walk around" preflight inspection of the airplane and identifying the parts that control the �f airplane. � Once you are ready to go flying,your pilot will help you buckle your seat belt and describe the interior of the airplane,including the instrument panel. Pretty soon, it will be time to go flying! Once in the air,you'll see the earth and sky in a new and exciting .You'll way. ,f experience the wonderful freedom of flight that many people only dream about. If you are like most Young Eagles, you'll remember this experience for the rest of your life. Most Young Eagle flights last between 15 and 20 minutes. Once back on the ground,there will be additional time for you to ask questions about the flight. Ask away!Your pilot will be happy to tell you more about flying and their particular airplane.And don't forget,you'll also receive an official Young Eagles logbook,which is signed by your personal pilot. jj We look forward to adding your name to the ever-growing list of EAA Young 'f Al Eagles! http://Www.youngeagles.org/programs/youngeagles/info.asp 8/28/2013 EAA Young Eagles - What is Young Eagles Page 2 of 2 What is EAA? EAA, the Experimental Aircraft Association, is an international aviation membership association founded in 1953 and headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. EAA sponsors many aviation education programs including the EAA Young Eagles program. More than 160,000 people currently belong to EAA,with local Chapters located in all 50 states and many countries. Members are aviation enthusiasts of every age group, including many airline and commercial pilots,engineers, business people and even astronauts. Our members enjoy all types of airplanes, including"experimental"aircraft, those aircraft built by individual craftsmen, rather than in a factory. "Experimental"refers to the category of aircraft designed by the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)for these types of airplanes. Similar to standard category aircraft, Experimental aircraft are inspected and certified airworthy by FAA. EAA's corporate offices and extensive AirVenture Museum are located in Oshkosh. EAA is a 501(c)(3)organization, recognized by the Intemal Revenue Service. EAA hosts one of the world's largest general aviation events,the annual EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Fly-In. The event draws more than 700,000 people and 10,000 aircraft to Oshkosh each summer, rt Z, PHILLIPS V. c C g:2e �W i f 5-e :t_a,_Z s, 1 `aspovr, 1631!es ra:7 to S�U, �etent tr(t Ott=f .A T-1 as9 f',-(.eq GA R t�l 1 N '.� ForeFfiq .��._. AMA' http://www.youngeagles.org/programs/Youngeagles/info.asp 8/28/2013