Item O5 BOARD OF COUNTY CON RUMONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting DaW Jmg=bz 17.20I3 Division: Bcclkke= Ya No CmintyAdminisrator Staff Contact IPhone# Rhob An-Am AGENDA rMd WORDING: Approval of Amendment No. 1 to a contract with AMEC Environment tit Lufrastntcmre,Inc.to provide a no cost extension of time. 1TBdki BACKGROUND: Additional time is necessary to cmordinaw the patdcipation of the bameowners before the top 5 canal projects can be confimned. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 1. March 21, 2012 the BOCC granted approval and autbmized c wcution of a Gram Agreement ficgm FDEP to find Phase 1 of the Canal Management Master Plan and also authdzed execution of a task order with AMEC under the on-call profess and engine dig sacvices comet to devdop Phase 1. 2. June 20, 2012, the BOCC approved dw grant application submitted to EPA, which requested $100,ODD In grant floods and specified a$10.000 match of in-kind Services. 3. September 19, 2012, the BOCC approved the $10D.00D grant agreement from EpA that funded Phase 2 of the Canal Master Play 4.November 20.2012 the BOCC approved a Task Omar with AMHC F.nvironmeatal&iofirasavcttnr� Inc. under the on-call professional enghoedug services csznt W to develop phase 2 of a county-wwe Canal Impacovemens Master Plan. 5.Februaq 20.2013 the BOCC approved FDEP Cam 50640 providing$100,000 of&Wing of wank to peiform bathymetrie aarveya and also approved a$100.000 Task Ocher with ANIEC to worm the bathymetric wodc. 6. March 20,2013.the BOCC approved$S million for the canal reatmzd=d aeration projects. 7. May 15, 2013, the BOCC approved a $37,725 contract with AMFC to sdect the demoastnctian projects,as a result of a request for quotes. S. August 21,2013 the BOCC provided direction an tice Selec ion process for use in selecting d a top 15 canal won projects and the fad 5 demonstradon projecn. CONTRACT/A CHANGES: 1. Article 21.1 of the CONTRACT was de1ded and replaced with the following: 2.1.1 The CONSULTANT will tmmphft all services for the COUNTY no later than M from eaxecutkm of the CONTRACT. This CONTRACT shall egire Mber Q,2011 STAFF RECOMI&INDATIOM.-Appramd T : Yes ®_NIA LOCALDIFFEWMAL OF SOURCECOST TO COUNTY:UA PRODUCING:REVENUE Yea_..,_ No X AMOUNT PER MONTH. Yew APPROVED Y: County AttyO / RWcMmWmmt . 1 Not MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUhIMARY mu7m - F ±�- #A, Eff Date: September 7=203= Expiration Date: December Con 'ptian: This No. 1 shall authorize dt The contract will iie an December 30.2013. Rhonda Paa 4 CAD M.S.#26 #) B an Og-17-13 •09 I3 CONTRACT COSTS FB=ud&eted?�Yes[r1NZo[03 al 0. . unt Codes: NIA _ Match:County $ ADDMONAL COSTS kAnmated OngoingCosts:$—Ojyr For. NIA of included is doDw value above utgi 'aai adaria etce CONTRAC`rREVIEW Changes Date Out Date R .ewer Division No ... d m Risk Macagemant � YesO No d '" ErJ IOJdJ3A%nhasi. Yes No � mm ,_ ,.. OMs Fora,R�vi�d ZR7101 MCP*2 AIVIENDl1ENT NO.1 TO THE CONTRACT FOR ENGDGCZMG SERVICES FOB THE SELECTION OF CANAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS THM AMENDbEW NO. I dated . to that Contract dated the IS& day of May. 2013, by and between Monroe County, "COUNTY; and AMEC Environment&Infrastructure=,Inc.,"CONSULTANP; WLMESSE[ - WHEREAS,the COUNTY has agreed to proceed with several demonstration projects to teat various methods for canal restmation; wbmgam to verify the applicability. feasilMlity,effictiveness sad coats in real time of the techniques on the canals;and WIRES,much progress has been made under this CONTRACT;and WW REAS. an extension of time is needed to coordinate the motion of the bomcowners in the demonatration projects; WHEREAS,this extension of time shall be at no additional cost; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises, coveaaata and agtaematta BMW herch and for other good and valuable cmmidasdon.the sufficiency of which is heraby acknowledged.COUNTY and CONSULTANT agree as faollows: 1. Article 2.1.1 of the CONTRACT shall be deleted and replaced with the fallowing: Ill The CONSULTANT will compleoe all services for the COUNTY no later than tima mKotion of the CONTRACT.This CONTRACT shall expire D2em9a 30 13. (Remainder Of This Page Left Intentionally Blank) A=odm=aAMaCC==fWDaumPmja* PW I IN WrMW WHEREOF,each party caused this AMENDMENT NO. 1 to be executed by its duly mesh dud rapreseutat£va on the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ROARD OF COUNTY COMNUMONERS Attest: rims OF MONROE COUNTY,FLoRIDA By: By.- Deputy Clerk MayadChairmea Date: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY PROVED AS TO7cc-,�:e-ImIe!2 ; NA L ENE W. (Seal) AMRC ENYMONhUM& A418111TA r couun►ATrCV&W INFSA5TRUCIIMII,INC. Date— Attest; �] , Al` gy; 1/� Hy; rc, Tidy gy. Lc . 1F� wr mm