Item Q06 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 17, 2013 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No X Staff Contact Person: Christine Hurley, 289-2517 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to adopt an ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners amending the future land use map of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC) for property located at 98175 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 98, Key Largo, Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Rock Harbor Estates, PB3/P187 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida,having real estate number 00519750-000000 (Legislative Proceeding). ITEM BACKGOUND: The applicant presently owns a veterinary clinic/animal hospital business in an existing two story masonry 3,695 square foot building located at 98175 Overseas Highway, Key Largo. The subject property currently has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Residential Medium (RM) and a Land Use District designation of Improved Subdivision (IS). The current regulations pertaining to permitted uses do not allow a commercial retail use. The applicant is requesting to amend the FLUM designation for the existing commercial use from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC). The proposed FLUM amendment, together with the associated LUD amendment(IS to SC)will eliminate the nonconformity of the use. On July 2, 2013, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)issued its Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report. The ORC report stated that "the amendment is inconsistent with Policy 101.4.20 of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan which states, in part "In order to implement the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study,Monroe County shall promote the reduction of overall county density and intensity." In response to the ORC Report, the County coordinated with DEO to clarify that the amendment application was submitted to Monroe County on July 3, 2012. Policy 101.4.20 was adopted by the BOCC on September 21, 2012 (Ordinance 028-2012) and found in compliance by DEO on November 20, 2012. Policy 101.4.20 states it applies only to applications received after the effective date of the ordinance; therefore the discouragement policy does not apply to this amendment. After discussions with DEO, an email was received on July 10, 2013 which stated that if, in the adoption phase, data is included that indicates the application was received prior to the adoption of Policy 101.4.20,then DEO will not render a non-compliance finding. PREVIOUS RELEVANT COMMISSION ACTION: Monroe County Resolution No. 127-2012, approved on April 18, 2012, allows an applicant to apply for a LUD and/or FLUM designations that would eliminate the nonconforming use created with the adoption of the existing designations and not create an adverse effect on the community,provided the existing use existed lawfully in 1992 and 1997. On September 21, 2012, the BOCC adopted Ordinance 028-2012 amending the Comprehensive Plan to include Policy 101.4.20 discouraging private applications for FLUM changes which increase allowable density/intensity. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No.133-2013 on April 18, 2013to transmit the proposed FLUM amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A INDIRECT COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No N/A AMOUNT PER MONTH: N/A Year APPROVED BY: County Attorney x OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# 1 u 3 4 F 5 6 7 ORDINANCE - 2013 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 12 COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF 13 THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM 14 RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RNI) TO MIXED USE/COMMERCIAL (MC) 15 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 98175 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MILE 16 MARKER 98, KEY LARGO, LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 4, ROCK HARBOR 17 ESTATES, PB3/P187 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE 18 COUNTY, FLORIDA, HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00519750- 19 000000; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE 20 REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE 21 TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY; 22 PROVIDING FOR THE FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE 23 AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 25 26 WHEREAS, an application was filed by Renaissance Farms of the Keys LLC on July 31, 2012, 27 to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed 28 Use/Commercial (MC) for property legally described as Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Rock Harbor Estates, 29 PB3/P187 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, having real estate number 00519750- 30 000000; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee considered the proposed 33 amendment at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 30''day of October, 2012; and 34 35 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 28t' day of November, 2012, the 36 Monroe County Planning Commission held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the 37 transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency, for review and comment, a proposed amendment to 38 the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and 39 40 WHEREAS,the Monroe County Planning Commission made the following findings: 41 42 1. The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the community character of the 43 surrounding area; 44 45 2. The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the Comprehensive Plan 46 adopted Level of Service (LOS); 47 48 3. The proposed amendment is consistent with the following Goals, Objectives and Policies 49 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; 50 51 4. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Plan; 52 53 5. The amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida 54 Keys Area, Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statute (F.S.); and 55 56 6. The proposed amendment is consistent with Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (F.S.). 57 58 WHEREAS, at a special meeting held on the 18th day of April, 2013, the Monroe County 59 Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing and approved Resolution No. 133-2013 to 60 transmit the proposed amendment to the State Land Planning Agency; and 61 62 WHEREAS, the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment to amend the Future Land Use 63 Map was reviewed by the State Land Planning Agency which issued an Objections, 64 Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on July 2, 2013. The ORC report stated that"the 65 amendment is inconsistent with Policy 101.4.20 of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan which 66 states, in part "In order to implement the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, Monroe County 67 shall promote the reduction of overall county density and intensity."; and 68 69 WHEREAS, this private amendment application was submitted to Monroe County on July 3, 70 2012. Policy 101.4.20 was adopted by the BOCC on September 21,2012 (Ordinance 028-2012) and 71 found in compliance by DEO on November 20, 2012 (the effective date of the amendment,therefore 72 the discouragement policy does not apply to this amendment; and 73 74 WHEREAS, the State Land Planning Agency stated that if, in the adoption phase, data is 75 included that indicates the application was received prior to the adoption of Policy 101.4.20, then 76 FDEO will not render a non-compliance finding. 77 78 WHEREAS, the County has provided the data with the staff report that indicates the 79 application was received prior to the effective date of Policy 101.4.20. 80 81 82 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 83 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA: 84 85 Section 1. The Future Land Use Map of the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan is 86 amended as follows: 87 88 The property legally described as Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Rock Harbor Estates, 89 PB3/P187 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, having real estate 90 number 00519750-000000 is changed from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed 2 91 Use/Commercial (MC) as shown on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated 92 herein. 93 94 Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or 95 provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall 96 not be affected by such validity. 97 98 Section 3. Repeal of Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in 99 conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. 100 101 Section 4. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Director of Planning to 102 the State Land Planning Agency pursuant to Chapter 163 and 380, Florida 103 Statutes. 104 105 Section 5. Filing and Effective Date. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the 106 Secretary of the State of Florida but shall not become effective until a notice is 107 issued by the State Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission 108 finding the amendment in compliance with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and 109 challenge periods have expired. 110 111 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, 112 at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of September, 2013. 113 114 Mayor George Neugent 115 Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers 116 Commissioner David Rice 117 Commissioner Sylvia Murphy 118 Commissioner Danny Kolhage 119 120 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA 121 BY 122 Mayor George Neugent 123 124 (SEAL) 125 ATTEST: Amy Heavilin, Clerk 126 127 Deputy Clerk 128 129 ®PPPova TY TO FO ATTO Map'' M 130 ... Date: _ - 3 2 O� O �L OJ O 9ll 0 s� to FsT9ll �QS PJ� The Monroe County Future Land Use Map is amended as indicated above. Future Land Use Map Amendment of one parcel from Residential Medium (RM)to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC): RE Number: 00519750-000000 .uiN VA.W 2 � � �111119JJJlll�!��� 3 9 4 5 MEMORANDUM 6 MONROE COUNTY PLANNING&ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 7 We strive to be caring,professional and fair 8 9 To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 10 11 Through: Christine Hurley, Director, Growth Management Division 12 Mayte Santamaria, Assistant Director, Planning and Environmental Resources 13 14 From: Mitchell N. Harvey, AICP, Comprehensive Planning Manager 15 16 Date: August 26, 2013 17 18 Subject: A REQUEST BY RENAISSANCE FARMS OF THE FLORIDA KEYS LLC TO 19 AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MONROE COUNTY 20 YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM 21 (RM) TO MIXED USE/ COMMERCIAL (MC) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 22 AT 98175 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MILE MARKER 98, KEY LARGO 23 24 Meeting: September 17, 2013 25 26 L REQUEST 27 28 On July 31, 2012, Renaissance Farms of Florida Keys LLC submitted and application requesting to 29 amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan 30 from Residential Medium (RM) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC) for property located at 98175 31 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, having real estate number 00519750-000000. 32 W! 4 y t I ti r � 33 . File #2012-111 Page 1 of 13 34 II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 35 36 The property was within a RU-1 district (Single-Family Residential) and BU-2 district (Medium 37 Business) prior to 1986, when the property was re-designated IS (Improved Subdivision). It is 38 unknown as to precisely when the designation was amended from RU-1 to BU-2; however, 39 according to information within the building permit application, the property was BU-2 when the 40 building was converted to a dance studio in 1977. After 1986, all subsequent permits indicate that 41 the building was being utilized for commercial retail use. Since the zoning district changed from 42 BU-2 to IS, the existing commercial use became a nonconforming use within an IS district. 43 44 The applicant presently owns a veterinary clinic/animal hospital business in an existing two story 45 masonry 3,695 square foot building located at 98175 Overseas Highway, Key Largo. The subject 46 property currently has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Residential Medium (RM) 47 and a Land Use District designation of Improved Subdivision (IS). The current regulations 48 pertaining to permitted uses do not allow a commercial retail use. The applicant is requesting to 49 amend the FLUM designation for the existing commercial use from Residential Medium (RM) to 50 Mixed Use/Commercial (MC). The proposed FLUM amendment, together with the associated LUD 51 amendment(IS to SC)will eliminate the nonconformity to the use. 52 53 Monroe County Resolution No. 127-2012, approved on April 18, 2012, allows an applicant to apply 54 for a LUD and/or FLUM designations that would eliminate the nonconforming use created with the 55 adoption of the existing designations and not create an adverse effect on the community. The 56 property owner must provide satisfactory evidence that the existing use on the site also existed 57 lawfully in 1992 and was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the LUD map and/or the 58 existing use on the site existing lawfully in 1997 and was deemed nonconforming by final adoption 59 of the FLUM to be exempt from the FLUM amendment application fee. 60 61 On June 1, 2012, Monroe County Planning staff prepared an addendum to a Letter of Understanding, 62 issued on April 27, 2010, which determined that the existing use existed lawfully in 1992 and was 63 deemed nonconforming by the final adoption of the LUD map. Staff has also determined that the 64 existing use existed lawfully in 1997 and was deemed nonconforming by the final adoption of the 65 FLUM. Staff concluded that he proposed FLUM category of MC and proposed LUD designations of 66 MU or SC would eliminate the nonconformity of use. 67 68 Comprehensive Plan Policy 101.20.1 states: Monroe County shall develop a series of Community 69 Master Plans. These "CommuniKeys Plans" implement a vision that was developed by the local 70 community. In 2006, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted Policy 71 101.20.2(5) which incorporated the Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Plan into the Monroe County 72 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Action Item 1.3.2 states: Revise the FL UM and Land Use District Maps 73 to resolve non-conformities in the planning area where appropriate. The proposed FLUM and 74 associated LUD amendment implements this Action Item of the adopted Key Largo CommuniKeys 75 Plan. 76 77 On October 30, 2012, the Monroe County Development Review Committee considered the proposed 78 amendment at a regularly scheduled meeting. 79 80 File #2012-111 Page 2 of 13 81 On November 28, 2012, the Monroe County Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval 82 of the proposed amendment to the Board of County Commissioners. 83 84 On April 18, 2013, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 85 No.133-2013 to transmit the proposed FLUM amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. 86 87 ORC Report and Response 88 89 On July 2, 2013, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity submitted its Objections, 90 Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report. The ORC report stated that "the amendment is 91 inconsistent with Policy 101.4.20 of the Monroe County comprehensive Plan which states, in part "In 92 order to implement the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, Monroe County shall promote the 93 reduction of overall county density and intensity." 94 95 In response to the ORC Report, the County coordinated with DEO to clarify that the amendment 96 application was submitted to Monroe County on July 3, 2012. Policy 101.4.20 was adopted by the 97 BOCC on September 21, 2012 (Ordinance 028-2012) and found in compliance by DEO on November 98 20, 2012. Policy 101.4.20 states it applies only to applications received after the effective date of the 99 ordinance; therefore the discouragement policy does not apply to this amendment. After discussions 100 with DEO, an email was received on July 10, 2013 which stated that if, in the adoption phase, data is 101 included that indicates the application was received prior to the adoption of Policy 101.4.20,then DEO 102 will not render a non-compliance finding. 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 File #2012-111 Page 3 of 13 129 III.AMENDMENT REVIEW 130 131 DENSITY AND INTENSITY ANALYSIS (COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY 101.4.21) 132 Existing FLUM Type Adopted Standards Development potential based upon density Residential 1 du/lot 2 units Allocated Density/Acre RM Residential N/A N/A FLUM Max Net/Buildable Acre Transient 0 rooms/spaces 0 rooms/spaces Total site: 0.31 acres Allocated Density/Acre 0.24 net acres 2 lots Transient N/A N/A Max Net/Buildable Acre Nonresidential 0 FAR 0 sf Maximum Intensity Proposed FLUM Type Adopted Standards Development potential based upon density Residential 1-6 du/ac 1 unit Allocated Density/Acre Mixed Use/ Residential Commercial Max Net/Buildable Acre 2-18 du/ac 0-4 units FLUM Transient Total Allocated Density/Acre 0. 4 5-15 rooms/spaces 1-4 rooms/spaces 3�:'l. aracresTransient2-6 2 lots n acres Max Net 10-25 rooms/spaces Acre msspaces room/spaces Non Residential 0.10-0.45 FAR 1,350—6,076 sf Maximum Intensity 133 134 Net Change: Residential (Allocated): -1 unit 135 Residential (Max Net): +4 units 136 Transient(Allocated): +4 rooms/spaces* 137 Transient(Max Net): +6 rooms/spaces* 138 Non Residential: +6,076 square feet 139 140 141 The above table provides an approximation of the development potential for residential,transient 142 and commercial development. Section 130-156 of the Land Development Code states: "The 143 density and intensity provisions set out in this section are intended to be applied cumulatively so 144 that no development shall exceed the total density limits of this article. For example, if a 145 development includes both residential and commercial development, the total gross amount of File #2012-111 Page 4 of 13 146 development shall not exceed the cumulative permitted intensity of the parcel proposed for 147 development." 148 149 There are no existing residential uses within the subject property. Any new residential use must 150 compete in the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) permit process. An existing affordable 151 residential use may also be transferred to the subject property from a sender site that is located 152 within the Upper Keys subarea. 153 154 *Monroe County does not award ROGO allocations for the development of NEW transient 155 residential units (e.g., hotel & motel rooms), pursuant to Policy 101.2.6. For the development of 156 transient units in unincorporated Monroe County, existing transient units must be transferred 157 from the same ROGO subarea to a parcel designated as Tier III or Tier III-A which does not 158 propose the clearing of any portion of an upland native habitat patch of one acre or greater in 159 area. 160 161 COMPATIBILITY WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA 162 163 A. Existing Vegetation/Habitat: Developed land 164 B. Existing Tier Designation: III 165 C. Number of Listed Endangered or Threatened Species: None 166 D. Existing Use: Commercial 167 E. Community Character of Immediate Vicinity: Adjacent land uses consist of vacant land 168 to the north, residential uses to the south and east, with commercial uses and U.S. 1 right- 169 of-way to the west. 170 171 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the community character of the 172 surrounding area. 173 174 175 CONCURRENCY ANALYSIS (COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY 101.1.1) 176 177 Traffic Circulation(Comprehensive Plan Policy 301.1.1) 178 179 The subject property is located on the northbound side of U.S. 1 at MM 98 in Key Largo. The 180 2012 URS Arterial Travel Time and Delay Study for Monroe County indicated a Level of 181 Service (LOS) of A within the road segment of MM 91.5 to MM 99.5. U.S 1 is required to 182 maintain an LOS of"C" in order to support development. 183 184 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact Traffic LOS. 185 186 Potable Water(Comprehensive Plan Policy 701.1.1) 187 188 In March 2008, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) approved the FKAA's 189 modification of WUP 13-00005-5-W for a 20-year allocation from the Biscayne and Floridian 190 Aquifers. The WUP provides an annual allocation of 8,751 Million Gallons (MG) or 23.98 191 MGD and a maximum monthly allocation of 809 MG with a limited annual withdrawal from the File #2012-111 Page 5 of 13 192 Biscayne Aquifer of 6,492 MG or 17.79 MGD and an average dry season (December 1"-April 193 30'`) of 17.0 MGD. 194 195 The Residential LOS is 66.5 gallons/capita/day. The Non-Residential LOS is 0.35 gallons 196 /sq.ft./day. The overall level of service for potable water is 132 gallons per capita/per/day. 197 198 Maximum Residential: 4 DU X 2.24 (people per household) = 8; 8 X 66.5 gallons per capita per 199 day= 532 gallons per day 200 201 Maximum Non-Residential: 0.35 X 6,076 sq.ft.=2,126.6 gallons per day 202 203 TOTAL: 532 +2,126.6=2,658.6 gallons/day 204 205 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the potable water LOS. 206 207 Solid Waste (Comprehensive Plan Policy 801.1.1) 208 209 Comprehensive Plan Policy 801.1.1 establishes the level of service for solid waste as 5.44 pounds 210 per capita per day or 12.2 pounds per day per equivalent residential unit (ERU) and establishes a 211 haul out capacity of 95,000 tons per year or 42,668 ERUs. The Comprehensive plan requires 212 sufficient capacity be available at a solid waste disposal site to accommodate all existing and 213 approved development for a period of three years from the projected date of completion of the 214 proposed development of use. Monroe County has a solid waste haul out contract with Waste 215 Management LLC, which authorizes the use of in-state facilities through September 20, 2016, 216 thereby providing the County with approximately three years of guaranteed capacity. 217 218 Maximum Residential = 4 DUs X 2.24 (people per household) = 8; 8 X 5.44 pounds per capita 219 per day=43 pounds per day 220 221 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the solid waste LOS. 222 223 Sani1ga Sewer(Comprehensive Plan Policy 901.1.1 224 225 The subject property is presently connected to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District 226 central sewer system. The level of service (LOS) for residential and nonresidential flow is 145 227 gallons per day per equivalent dwelling units (Exhibit 3-8 Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan 228 2000). 229 230 Maximum Residential=4 X 145 =580 gallons per day 231 232 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the wastewater LOS. 233 234 Drainage (Comprehensive Plan Policy 1001.1.1) 235 236 All projects shall be designed so that the discharges will meet Florida State Water Quality Standards as set 237 forth in Chapters 17-25 and 17-302,EA.C,incorporated herein by reference. In addition,all projects shall 238 include an additional 501/o of the water quality treatment specified below, which shall be calculated by File #2012-111 Page 6 of 13 239 multiplying the volumes obtained in Section(a)by a factor of 1.5 ,Retention/Detention Criteria(SFWMD 240 Water Quality Criteria 241 242 a) Retention and/or detention in the overall system, including swales, lakes, canals, 243 greenways, etc., shall be provided for one of the three following criteria or 244 equivalent combinations thereof: 245 246 (1) Wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch of runoff from the 247 developed project,or the total runoff of 2.5 inches times the percentage of 248 imperviousness,whichever is greater. 249 250 (2) Dry detention volume shall be provided equal to 75 percent of the above 251 amount computed for wet detention. 252 253 (3) Retention volume shall be provided equal to 50 percent of the above 254 amounts computed for wet detention. 255 256 b) Infill residential development within improved residential areas or subdivisions 257 existing prior to the adoption of this comprehensive plan must ensure that its post- 25 8 development stormwater run-off will not contribute pollutants which will cause the 259 runoff from the entire improved area or subdivision to degrade receiving water 260 bodies and their water quality as stated above. 261 262 c) New Development and Redevelopment projects which are exempt from the South 263 Florida Water Management District permitting process shall also meet the 264 requirements of Chapter 40-4 and 40E-40,F.A.C. 265 266 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the Drainage LOS. 267 268 Recreation and Open Space (Comprehensive Plan Policy 1201.1.11 269 270 The County has adopted an overall level of service, pursuant to Comprehensive Plan Policy 271 1201.1.1, for resourced-based and activity-based recreation and open space of 0.82 acres of per 272 1,000 persons (functional population). If development occurs at 4 residential dwelling units and 273 2.24 per capita, there would be an additional 8 people located on this property. The increase 274 would require 0.003 acres of recreation. 275 276 The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact Parks and Recreation/Open 277 Space LOS. 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 File #2012-111 Page 7 of 13 287 IV. CONSISTENCY WITH THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, 288 THE KEY LARGO COMMUNIKEYS PLAN,PRINCIPLES FOR GUIDING DEVELOPMENT; 289 AND CHAPTER 163,FLORIDA STATUTES 290 291 A. The proposed amendment is generally consistent with the following Goals, Objectives and 292 Policies of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, it furthers: 293 294 Goal 101: Monroe County shall manage future growth to enhance the quality of life, ensure the 295 safety of County residents and visitors, and protect valuable natural resources. 296 297 Policy 101.112: Monroe County shall adopt level of service (LOS) standards for the following public 298 facility types required by Chapter 9J-5, EA.C: roads, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage,potable waxer, 299 parks and recreation, and paratransit. The LOS standards are established in the following sections of the 300 Comprehensive Plan: 301 302 1. The LOS for roads is established in Traffic and Circulation Policy 301.1.1; 303 304 2. The LOS for potable water is established in Potable Water Policy 701.1.1; 305 306 3. The LOS for solid waste is established in Solid Waste Policy 801.1.1; 307 308 4. The LOS for sanitary sewer is established in Sanitary Sewer Policy 901.1.1; 309 310 5. The LOS for drainage is established in Drainage Policy 1001.1.1;and 311 312 6. The LOS for parks and recreation is established in Recreation and Open Space Policy 313 1201.1.1 314 315 Objective 101.4: Monroe County shall regulate future development and redevelopment to 316 maintain the character of the community and protect the natural resources by providing for the 317 compatible distribution of land uses consistent with the designations shown on the Future Land 318 Use Map. 319 320 Policy 101.4.5:The principal purpose of the Mixed Use/Commercial land use category is to provide for the 321 establishment of commercial zoning districts where various types of commercial retail and office may be 322 permitted at intensities which are consistent with the community character and the natural environment. 323 324 Objective 101.8: Monroe County shall eliminate or reduce the frequency of uses which are inconsistent 325 with the applicable provisions of the land development regulations and the Future Land Use Map, and 326 structures which are inconsistent with applicable codes and land development regulations. 327 328 Objective 101.11: Monroe County shall implement measures to direct future growth away from 329 environmentally sensitive land and towards established development areas served by existing public 330 facilities. 331 332 Objective 101.20: Monroe County shall address local community needs while balancing the needs of all 333 Monroe County communities. These efforts shall focus on the human crafted environment and shall be 334 undertaken through the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Program. File #2012-111 Page 8 of 13 335 336 Policy 101.20.2:The Community Master Plans shall be incorporated into the 2010 Comprehensive Plan as 337 a part of the plan and be implemented as part of the Comprehensive Plan. The following Community 338 Master Plans have been completed in accordance with the principles outlined in this section and adopted by 339 the Board of County Commissioners: 340 341 5. The Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan is incorporated by reference into the 2010 342 Comprehensive Plan. The term Strategies in the Master Plan is equivalent to the term Objectives in the 343 Comprehensive Plan and the term Action Item is equivalent to the term Policy, the meanings and 344 requirements for implementation are synonymous. 345 346 B. The proposed amendment is consistent with the following Key Largo Livable 347 CommuniKeys Plan Action Item: 348 349 Action Item 1.3.2: Revise the FLUM and Land Use District Maps to resolve nonconformities in 350 the planning area where appropriate. 351 352 C. The amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida 353 Keys Area, Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes. 354 355 For the purposes of reviewing consistency of the adopted plan or any amendments to that plan 356 with the principles for guiding development and any amendments to the principles,the principles 357 shall be construed as a whole and no specific provision shall be construed or applied in isolation 358 from the other provisions. 359 360 (a) Strengthening local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that 361 local government is able to achieve these objectives without continuing the area of critical 362 state concern designation. 363 (b) Protecting shoreline and marine resources, including mangroves, coral reef formations, 364 seagrass beds, wetlands, fish and wildlife, and their habitat. 365 (c) Protecting upland resources, tropical biological communities, freshwater wetlands, native 366 tropical vegetation (for example, hardwood hammocks and pinelands), dune ridges and 367 beaches, wildlife, and their habitat. 368 (d) Ensuring the maximum well-being of the Florida Keys and its citizens through sound 369 economic development. 370 (e) Limiting the adverse impacts of development on the quality of water throughout the Florida 371 Keys. 372 (f) Enhancing natural scenic resources, promoting the aesthetic benefits of the natural 373 environment, and ensuring that development is compatible with the unique historic character 374 of the Florida Keys. 375 (g) Protecting the historical heritage of the Florida Keys. 376 (h) Protecting the value, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and 377 proposed major public investments, including: 378 379 1. The Florida Keys Aqueduct and water supply facilities; 380 2. Sewage collection,treatment, and disposal facilities; 381 3. Solid waste treatment, collection, and disposal facilities; 382 4. Key West Naval Air Station and other military facilities; File #2012-111 Page 9 of 13 383 5. Transportation facilities; 384 6. Federal parks, wildlife refuges, and marine sanctuaries; 385 7. State parks, recreation facilities, aquatic preserves, and other publicly owned 386 properties; 387 8. City electric service and the Florida Keys Electric Co-op; and 388 9. Other utilities, as appropriate. 389 390 (i) Protecting and improving water quality by providing for the construction, operation, 391 maintenance, and replacement of stormwater management facilities; central sewage 392 collection; treatment and disposal facilities; and the installation and proper operation and 393 maintenance of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems. 394 0) Ensuring the improvement of nearshore water quality by requiring the construction and 395 operation of wastewater management facilities that meet the requirements of ss. 396 381.0065(4)(1) and 403.086(10), as applicable, and by directing growth to areas served by 397 central wastewater treatment facilities through permit allocation systems. 398 (k) Limiting the adverse impacts of public investments on the environmental resources of the 399 Florida Keys. 400 (1) Making available adequate affordable housing for all sectors of the population of the Florida 401 Keys. 402 (m)Providing adequate alternatives for the protection of public safety and welfare in the event of 403 a natural or manmade disaster and for a postdisaster reconstruction plan. 404 (n) Protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Florida Keys and 405 maintaining the Florida Keys as a unique Florida resource. 406 407 Pursuant to Section 380.0552(7) Florida Statutes, the proposed amendment is consistent with the 408 Principles for Guiding Development as a whole and is not inconsistent with any Principle. 409 410 D. The proposed amendment is generally consistent with Part II of Chapter 163, Florida 411 Statutes (F.S.). Specifically,the amendment furthers: 412 413 163.3161(4), F.S. —It is the intent of this act that local governments have the ability to preserve 414 and enhance present advantages; encourage the most appropriate use of land, water, and 415 resources, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal 416 effectively with future problems that may result from the use and development of land within 417 their jurisdictions. Through the process of comprehensive planning, it is intended that units 418 of local government can preserve, promote, protect, and improve the public health, safety, 419 comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, law enforcement and fire prevention, and 420 general welfare; facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, 421 sewerage, schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and 422 services; and conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within their 423 jurisdictions 424 425 163.3161(6), F.S. - It is the intent of this act that adopted comprehensive plans shall have the 426 legal status set out in this act and that no public or private development shall be permitted 427 except in conformity with comprehensive plans, or elements or portions thereof, prepared 428 and adopted in conformity with this act. 429 File #2012-111 Page 10 of 13 430 163.3177(1), F.S. - The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles, guidelines, standards, 431 and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, 432 and fiscal development of the area that reflects community commitments to implement the 433 plan and its elements. These principles and strategies shall guide future decisions in a 434 consistent manner and shall contain programs and activities to ensure comprehensive plans 435 are implemented. The sections of the comprehensive plan containing the principles and 436 strategies, generally provided as goals, objectives, and policies, shall describe how the local 437 government's programs, activities, and land development regulations will be initiated, 438 modified, or continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent manner. It is not 439 the intent of this part to require the inclusion of implementing regulations in the 440 comprehensive plan but rather to require identification of those programs, activities, and land 441 development regulations that will be part of the strategy for implementing the comprehensive 442 plan and the principles that describe how the programs, activities, and land development 443 regulations will be carried out. The plan shall establish meaningful and predictable standards 444 for the use and development of land and provide meaningful guidelines for the content of 445 more detailed land development and use regulations. 446 447 163.3177(6)(a)2., F.S. - The future land use plan and plan amendments shall be based upon 448 surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, as applicable, including: 449 a. The amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth. 450 b. The projected permanent and seasonal population of the area. 451 c. The character of undeveloped land. 452 d. The availability of water supplies,public facilities, and services. 453 e. The need for redevelopment, including the renewal of blighted areas and the elimination of 454 nonconforming uses which are inconsistent with the character of the community. 455 f. The compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to or closely proximate to military installations. 456 g. The compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to an airport as defined in s. 330.35 and 457 consistent with s. 333.02. 458 h. The discouragement of urban sprawl. 459 i. The need for job creation, capital investment, and economic development that will 460 strengthen and diversify the community's economy. 461 j. The need to modify land uses and development patterns within antiquated subdivisions. 462 463 163.3177(6)(a)8., F.S. - Future land use map amendments shall be based upon the following 464 analyses: 465 a. An analysis of the availability of facilities and services. 466 b. An analysis of the suitability of the plan amendment for its proposed use considering the 467 character of the undeveloped land, soils, topography, natural resources, and historic 468 resources on site. 469 c. An analysis of the minimum amount of land needed to achieve the goals and requirements 470 of this section. 471 472 163.3194(1)(b), F.S. — All land development regulations enacted or amended shall be 473 consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, and any land 474 development regulations existing at the time of adoption which are not consistent with the 475 adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, shall be amended so as to be 476 consistent. If a local government allows an existing land development regulation which is 477 inconsistent with the most recently adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion File #2012-111 Page 11 of 13 478 thereof, to remain in effect, the local government shall adopt a schedule for bringing the land 479 development regulation into conformity with the provisions of the most recently adopted 480 comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof. During the interim period when the 481 provisions of the most recently adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, 482 and the land development regulations are inconsistent, the provisions of the most recently 483 adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, shall govern any action taken in 484 regard to an application for a development order. 485 486 163.3194(3)(a), F.S. —A development order or land development regulation shall be consistent 487 with the comprehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, and other aspects of 488 development permitted by such order or regulation are compatible with and further the 489 objectives, policies, land uses, and densities or intensities in the comprehensive plan and if it 490 meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 491 492 163.3201, F.S. — It is the intent of this act that adopted comprehensive plans or elements 493 thereof shall be implemented, in part, by the adoption and enforcement of appropriate local 494 regulations on the development of lands and waters within an area. It is the intent of this act 495 that the adoption and enforcement by a governing body of regulations for the development of 496 land or the adoption and enforcement by a governing body of a land development code for an 497 area shall be based on, be related to, and be a means of implementation for an adopted 498 comprehensive plan as required by this act 499 500 VI. PROCESS 501 502 Comprehensive Plan Amendments may be proposed by the Board of County Commissioners, the 503 Planning Commission, the Director of Planning, or the owner or other person having a contractual 504 interest in property to be affected by a proposed amendment. The Director of Planning shall review 505 and process applications as they are received and pass them onto the Development Review 506 Committee and the Planning Commission. 507 508 The Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing. The Planning Commission shall 509 review the application, the reports and recommendations of the Department of Planning & 510 Environmental Resources and the Development Review Committee and the testimony given at the 511 public hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations and findings to the 512 Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The BOCC holds a public hearing to consider the 513 transmittal of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, and considers the staff report, staff 514 recommendation, and the testimony given at the public hearing. The BOCC may or may not 515 recommend transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency. The amendment is transmitted to the 516 State Land Planning Agency, which then reviews the proposal and issues an Objections, 517 Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report. Upon receipt of the ORC report, the County has 518 180 days to adopt the amendments, adopt the amendments with changes or not adopt the amendment 519 520 V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 521 522 Staff recommends approval. 523 524 525 File #2012-111 Page 12 of 13 526 VII. EXHIBITS 527 528 1. Application dated July 31, 2012 529 2. June 1, 2012 Addendum to a Letter of Understanding Issued on April 27, 2010 concerning a 530 proposed veterinary clinic/animal hospital, to be located within an existing building at 1300 Almay 531 Street, Key Largo 532 3. Monroe County Resolution No. 127-2012 533 4. Proposed FLUM Map 534 5. Monroe County Resolution No. 133-2013 535 6. FDEO ORC Letter Dated 7/2/13 536 7. FEDO Email Dated 1/10/13 537 File #2012-111 Page 13 of 13 Exhibit 1 REQUEST FOR A LAND USE DISTRICTin AMXNDhW4T APPLICATION RECEIVES} JUL - 3 2012 MONROE CO.PLANNING DEPT MONROE COUNTY &112MRGIIGMIMAL RESOURCES DEPAIRTMENT An appl1cadon must be deemed complete and in compliance with the Monroe County CO&by the Staff prior to the item being Wheduleil for review Amendment to Land Un Map District(Residential)Application Fee:$4.131.00 Amendment to Land Use District Map(Non-Residential)Application Fee:$4,929.00 In addition to the above application fees,the followingfees aLw gply to each application: Advertising Costs:$245.00 Summding Propezty Owner Notification:$3.00 for each pro ownerrequired to be noticed Technology Fee:$20.00 Dates / 2 / l Month Day Year Property Ownw. Agent(if applicable): Name i� R N ® y Mailing e Maift Ad 3Q!�L— 1•1.4L— 27010 Daytim Phom Dayd=Phone i •to Legal Descr*lon of (If in metes and bounds,allach legal description on separate sheet) iil � Block a®�iit ?.o -O o®®®® '� .. t f 3 Real Emte ME)Ntunber Aftar&ft Key Nmficr T '3 Street A e narker Pap I of Last Revised: April 2009 REQUEST FOR A LAND USE UD) AMENDMZNT APPLICATION Cun*nt Land Use District D tiou(s): j kA Proposed Land Use s); Current Future Land Use Map s): Tier Designation(s) 3 Total Lana Area Affected In acres: 3 R `1 Existing Use of the Property(If the property is developed,pleme describe the existing use of the property, including the er type of any residentialunits the t and of any develop t): 6 , In accordance with Sec. 102-158, the BOCC may consider the adoption of an ordinance g the proposed change based on one or more of sia factom Please describe how one or more of the following factors shall be met(attach additional sheets if necessary): I) Changed ProlOctiOnS(e.g.,regarding public service needs)from those on which the lext or boundary was based- 2) Changed assumptions(e°g.,rdemographic trends): 3) Data errors,including errors in mapping,vegetative types and natural features described in volume I of the plan: 4) Now issues: Page 2 of 4 Last Revised; April 2009 REQUEST FOR A LAND USE DISTRICT(LUD)MAP AKENDMEW APPLICATION Recognition of a need for additional d or comprehensiveness: 6 Date upda In no event shall an amendment be approved which will result in an adverse communitychange of the planning area in which the proposed development is locaft& Plow describe how the map amendment would not resuk in an adverse community change(attach additional sheeft R ): Has a previous Land Use District Map amendment applicadon been submitted for this site within the pan two ye ? Yes Date: No Ali of the following must be submitted in order to have a complete application submittal: (Please check as you attach each required item to the application) fff Complete Land Use District Map amendment application(unaltemd and unbound);and Correct fee(check or money order to Monme County Plimning&Environmental Resources);and Proof of owners (i,e.Warranty Deed);and Current Property Record Card(s)from the Monroe County Pro Appraiser;and Location map from MOOM County Property Appraiser;and Copy of current Land Use District Map(please requesit from the Planning&Environmental Resources Department prior to application submittal);and Copy of current Future Land Use Map(please request from the Planning&Environmental Resoumm Departrnent prior to application submittal};and 300 foot radius map from Monroe County Property Appraiser Office List of surrounding property owners from 300 foot radius map Photo ph(s)of site from adjacent roadway(s);and. Page 3 of 4 Last Revised: Aprit 2009 REQUEST FOR A LAND USE DISTRICT(LUD)MAP AMENDhMT APPLICATION Signed and Seated Boundary Su veY,prepared by a Florida registered surveyor—sixteen(16)sets(at a i�survey should include elevations;Iocation and dimensions of an existing structures,paved areas and utility structures;all bodies of water on the site and adjacent to the site;total acreage marked with land use district;and total acreage shown with vegetative habitat);and Typed name and address mailing labels of all properly owner within a 300 foot radius of the PrOPOO(two M sets} This list should be compiled from the ccurent tax rolls of the Monroe County Property Appraiser. In the event that a condominium development is within the 300 foot radius,each unit owner must be included If applicable,the following most be submitted in order to have a eomplete application submittal: N Agent Authorization Letter(note:authorintion is needed fiom all owner(s)of the subject property) Any other Monroe County documents including betters of Understanding pertaining to the proposed Land Use District Map amendment If deemed necessary to complete a ihil rovkw of the application,the Planning&Environmental Resommes Depulment reserves the right to regnegt additional information. I certify+that I am familiar with the information contained in this application,and that to the best of my knowledge such information is true,complete and accurate. Sign,sture of Applicant: C PLWlp— Date: Sworn before me this�-day of91, ir�B186 B.taPltttl /�Q/ (VWCOMMMONMOOM otary Pub c E1QaI M AM A Z0f 4 14 My Commission Expires ewmemot"80, 1-1 Please send or deliver the complete application package to: Monroe County Planning&Environmental Resouron Department Marathon Government Center 2795 Overseas Highway,Suite 400 Marathon,FL 33050. Pap 4of4 [Act Revised: April 2809 Exhibit 2 County of Monroe Growth Management Division Planning EnvironMIntal Resources Bo r{d of County Commissioners peoartment Mayor David Rice,Dist 4 2798 Overseas Highway,Suite 410 "' Mayor Pro Tem Kim Wigington,Dist 1 Marathon,FL 33050 Heather Carruthers,Dist 3 Voice: (305)289-2500 George Neugent,Dist 2 FAX: (305)289-2536 Sylvia J.Murphy,Dist 5 We strive to be caring,professional and fair June 1,2012 John Kocol PO Box 491 Islamorada,FL 33036 SUBJECT: ADDENDUM TO LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ISSUED ON APRIL 27, 2010 CONCERNING A PROPOSED VETERINARY CLINIC/ANIMAL HOSPITAL, TO BE LOCATED WITHIN AN EXISTING BUILDING AT 1300 ALMAY STREET, KEY LARGO, MILE MARKER 98.1, HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00519750.000000 Mr. Kocol, Pursuant to §110-3 of the Monroe County Code (MCC), this document shall constitute a Letter of Understanding (LOU). On February 1, 2010, a Pre-Application Conference regarding the above-referenced property was held at the office of the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department on Key Largo. Attendees of the meeting included John Kocol (hereafter referred to as "the Applicant")and Joseph Haberman,Principal Planner, Steven Biel, Senior Planner&Barbara Bauman,Planner(hereafter referred to as"Staffl. The Board of County Commissioners passed and adopted Resolution #127-2012 on April 18, 2012. This resolution, adopted after the issuance of the letter of understanding on April 27, 2010, amended the Planning & Environmental Resources Department's fee schedule. Of relevance to your property and the development thereon, the amended fee schedule included the following new provision: There shall be no application or other fees, except advertising and noticing fees, for property owners who apply for a map amendment to the official [Land Use District (LUD)] map and/or the official [Future Land Use Map (FLUM)], if the property owner can provide satisfactory evidence that a currently existing use on the site that also existed lawfully in 1992 was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the LUD map and/or a currently existing use on the site that also existed lawfully on the site in 1997 was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the FLUM. To qualify for the fee exemption, the applicant must apply for a LUD and/or FLUM designation(s) that would Addendum to April 27,2010 Letter of Understanding(File#2010-008) Page I of 4 eliminate the non-conforming use created with adoption of the existing designation(s) and not create an adverse impact to the community. Prior to submittal of a map amendment application, the applicant must provide the evidence supporting the change and application for a fee exemption with the proposed LUD map/FLUM designations to the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department as part of an application for a Letter of Understanding. Following a review, the Director of Planning &Environmental Resources shall determine if the information and evidence is sufficient, and whether the proposed LUD map and/or FLUM designations are acceptable for the fee waiver, and approve or deny the fee exemption request. This fee waiver Letter of Understanding shall not obligate the staff to recommend approval or denial of the proposed LUD or PLUM Category. You have requested that the Senior Director of Planning&Environmental Resources render such a decision in relation to the subject property and allow you to submit FLUM and LUD amendment applications without the required application fees. The property has a FLUM designation of Residential Medium (RM), a LUD designation of Improved Subdivision(IS),and a tier designation of Tier 3. You have requested a FLUM designation of Mixed Use / Commercial (MC) and a LUD designation of either Suburban Commercial(SC)or Mixed Use(MU). The property was within a RU-1 district(Single-Family Residential) and BU-2 district(Medium Business) prior to 1986 when the property was re-designated IS. It is unknown as to precisely when the designation was amended from RU-1 to BU-2; however according to information within a building permit application, the property was BU-2 when the building was converted to a"dance studio"in 1977. Regarding the development and use of the existing building on the property: In 1972, Building Permit#27471 was issued for the construction of a 774 SF one-story, single-family residence (18' x 43')on Lot I. Although for a smaller residential structure, this was the original building permit for the building. In 1977, Building Permit#C2714 was issued for a building addition. Although a change of use was not expressly noted, the proposed construction stated the building would be used as a "dance studio". A continued residential use was not indicated. The building plans are somewhat unclear, but it appears the building addition was a 976 SF second story addition(46'6"x 21')located over the existing 774 SF ground level building(18' x 43'). In 1980, Building Permit #C7436 was issued to enclose stairs and overhang resulting in an unspecified amount of new floor area. In 1985, Building Permit #C16923 was issued for a 1,000 SF elevated building addition (40' x 25')that extended the building onto Lot 12. Addendum to Apa127,2010 Letter of Understanding(File#20I0-008) Page 2 of 4 In 1986, Building Permit #C19066 was issued to enclose the lower level of the addition approved under Building Permit#C16923,thus resulting in 1,000 SF of additional square footage. All subsequent permits indicate that the building was being utilized for commercial retail use. The current regulations pertaining to permitted uses in the IS district do not allow a 3,695 SF commercial retail building. Furthermore, Policy 101.4.3 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, which describes permitted uses in the RM FLUM category, does not state that commercial retail uses are allowed. Therefore, the existing commercial retail use is nonconforming to the current provisions of the Monroe County Code and Comprehensive Plan. However, as the 3,695 SF building and its commercial retail use were approved and permitted prior to 1986, the existing use is considered a lawful nonconforming use. Resolution #127-2012 requires the property owner to provide satisfactory evidence that the existing use on the site also existed lawfully in 1992 and was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the LUD map and/or the existing use on the site existed lawfully in 1997 and was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the FLUM. Following a review, Staff has determined that the existing use existed lawfully in 1992 and was deemed nonconforming by the final adoption of the LUD map. Staff has also determined that the existing use existed lawf Wy in 1997 and was deemed nonconforming by the final adoption of the FLUM. Resolution 9127-2012 requires the applicant to apply for a LUD and/or FLUM designation(s) that would eliminate the non-conforming use created with adoption of the existing designation(s) and not create an adverse impact to the community. Following a review, Staff has determined that the proposed FLUM category of MC and proposed LUD designations of SC or MU would eliminate the nonconformity to use. Therefore, the proposed designations are acceptable; however prior to application submittal, you must decide on whether to pursue an amendment to SC or MU. Staff cannot make this decision. In addition, please be aware that Staff is not obligated to recommend approval of the proposed LUD or FLUM designations. Staff is required to review the application on its merit and determine upon a full review that there shall not be an adverse impact to the community and is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Monroe County Code. In conclusion, Staff has determined that your proposal qualifies for fee exemptions to the "Comprehensive Plan,Future Land Use Map(FLUM)Amendment" of$5,531.00 and the"Land Use District Map, Amendment—Nonresidential" fee of$4,929.00. You may submit a FLUM amendment and/or LUD amendment application without the submittal of the aforementioned application fees. However,you are responsible for all other requirements, including the fees for advertising ($245.00 per application) and noticing ($3.00 per each surrounding property per application). In addition, please note that you are eligible for these fee waivers so long as such waivers are permitted by the fee schedule. If the fee schedule is amended to remove such a provision in the Addenduun to April 27,2010 Letter of Understanding(File#2010-008) Page 3 of 4 future, you may not be eligible to submit the application without such required application fees afterwards. Pursuant to MCC §110-3, you are entitled to rely upon the representations set forth in this letter as accurate under the regulations currently in effect. This letter does not provide any vesting to the existing regulations. If the Monroe County Code or Comprehensive Plan is amended, the project will be required to be consistent with all regulations and policies at the time of development approval. The Department acknowledges that all items required as a part of the application for development approval may not have been addressed at the meeting, and consequently reserves the right for additional comment. You may appeal decisions made in this letter. The appeal must be filed with the County Administrator, 1100 Simonton Street, Gato Building, Key West, FL 33040, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this letter. In addition,please submit a copy of your application to Planning Commission Coordinator, Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department, 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 410, Marathon, FL 33050. We trust that this information is of assistance. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, or if we may further assist you with your project, please feel free to contact our Marathon office at(305)289-2500. Sincerely yo Mayte San aria, Assistant Director of Planning for Townsley Schwab, Senior Director of Planning&Environmental Resources CC: Joseph Haberman, Planning&Development Review Manager Michael Roberts, Senior Administrator of Environmental Resources Addendum to April 27,2010 Letter of Understanding(File#2010-008) Page 4 of 4 County of Monroe Growth Management Division Planning&Eovtronmentsd Resouro Board of County!CommWlonera Deoatcmmt Mayor Sylvia I Murphy,Dist 5 2798 Overseas Highway,Suite 410 y'ti Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers,Dist 3 Marathon,FL 33054 Mario Di Gennaro,Dist.4 Voice: (305)299-2500 George Neugerd,Dist 2 FAX: (305)289.2536 Kim Wigington,Dist I We strive to be caring,professiond and fair April 27,2010 John Kocol PO Box 491 Islamorada,FL 33036 SUBJECT: LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING A PROPOSED VETERINARY CLINICIANIMAL HOSPITAL,TO BE LOCATED WITHIN AN EXISTING BUILDING AT 1300 ALMAY STREET,KEY LARGO,MILE MARKER 98.1.,HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00519750.000000 Mr.Kocol, Pursuant to §110-3 of the Monroe County Code(MCC), this document shall constitute a Letter of Understanding (LOU). On February 1, 2010, a Pre-Application Conference regarding the above-referenced property was held at the office of the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department on Key Largo. Attendees of the meeting included John Kocol(hereafter referred to as"the Applicant")and Joseph Haberman,Principal Planner,Steven Biel,Senior Planner&Barbara Bauman,Planner(hereafter referred to as"Staff'). in addition, to further discuss the proposal,on March 15,2010,a second meeting was held at the office of the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department in Marathon. Attendees of the meeting included John Kocol and Joseph Haberman. Materials presented for review included: (a) Pre-Application Conference Request Form; (b) Existing Site Plan by Keys Engineering Inc.,dated March 10,2010; (c) Proposed Site Plan by Keys Engineering Inc.,dated March 10,2010; (d) Site Plan by the Applicant; (e) Monroe County Property Record Cards; and (f) Monroe County Land Use District Map and Future Land Use Map Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 1 of 13 I. APPLICANT PROPOSAL The Applicant is proposing to convert the first floor of an existing two-story commercial retail building into a veterinary clinic/animal hospital. The veterinary clinic/animal hospital would be located entirely within the first story of the building,which currently provides space for a dance school/martial arts center. The second story would not be modified and would continue to provide space for the dance school/martial arts center or a similar business in the future. In addition, the Applicant is proposing to establish a fenced area for convalescing and otherwise temporarily boarded animals at the animal hospital, to establish a new off-street parking area and to improve the site as determined necessary by the County. As stated in the application, the veterinary clinic/animal hospital would be open normal business hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Saturday. However, it would open intermittently at other times to provide emergency services to patients. t. w 4 Subject Property(outlined In blue)(2009) u. SUBJECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1. The property's address is 1300 Almay Street on Key Largo. However, most of its frontage is located along US 1,between Almay Street and Grand Street. 2. The property consists of one parcel of land. Real Estate number(RE)00519750.000000 is legally described as Block 4, Lots 1 and 12, Rock Harbor Estates subdivision (PB3-187), Key Largo. Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 2 of 13 3. According to Monroe County's GIS database, in total, the property consists of approximately 13,217 W (0.30 acres) of land area Therefore, all calculations included in this letter are based on these records. A sealed boundary survey indicating total land area may be required at the time of application submittal for any development approval of any additional floor area If the amount of upland area provided on the sealed boundary survey differs,then calculations provided in this letter are subject to change. 4. According to the Monroe County Property Appraiser's records, RE 00519750.000000 is currently being assessed under the property classification(PC)code of 17(office buildings). IIL RELEVANT PRIOR COUNTY ACTIONS 1. According to the Monroe County Property Appraiser's records, the existing two-story building was built in 1972 and consists of 3,695 W of floor area. In 1972,Permit 2747I was issued for the construction of a 774 ft2 one-story,single-family residence (18' x 43') on Lot 1. Although for a smaller residential structure, this was the original building permit for the building. In 1977,Permit C2714 was issued for a building addition. Although a change of use was not expressly noted, the proposers construction stared the building would be used as a"dance studio". A continued residential use was not indicated. The building plans are somewhat unclear, but it appears the building addition was a 976 W second story addition (46'6" x 2I') located over the existing 774 ft' ground level building(18' x 43 ). In 1980,Permit C7436 was issued to enclose stairs and overhang resulting in an unspecified amount of new floor area. In 1985, Permit C16923 was issued for a 1,000 ft2 elevated buildiag addition (40' x 25') that extended the building onto Lot 12. In 1986,Permit CI9066 was issued to enclose the lower level of the addition approved under C16923,thus resulting in 1,000 ft2 of additional square footage. 2. Staff located building permits for the subject property dating back to 1972. Permit 27471, issued in 1977, states that the building was to be utilized by a residential use at that time. However, the next building permit on file, Permit C27I4, issued in 1977, states that the building was to be utilized by a commercial retail use (dance studio) at that time. All subsequent permits indicate that the building was being utilized for commercial retail,many specifically referring to a dance studio. 3. On March 7, 1986,the Board of County Commissioners approved a flood variance to allow the construction of an enclosure below the 100-year flood elevation under the existing building(resulting in the issuance of Permit C 19066). Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Anunal Hospital.Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 3 of 13 IV.REVIEW OF PROPOSAL The following land development regulations directly affect the proposal; however, there are other land development regulations not referred to nor described in this letter which may govern future development as well: 1. The property has a Land Use District designation of Improved Subdivision (IS), a Future Land Use Map (FLUM)designation of Residential Medium(RM)and a tier designation of Tier 3. 2. References within the building permits files on file indicate that the property was within a RU-1 district (Single-Family Residential) and BU-2 district (Medium Business) prior to 1986 when the property was re-designated IS. It is unknown as to precisely when the designation was amended from RU-1 to BU 2; however according to the building permit application, the property was BU-2 when the building was converted to a"dance studio"in 1977. 3. The veterinary clinic/animal hospital would be located within the first story of the building. The second story would continue to provide space for the dance school/martial arts center. Regarding use, Staff has determined that the existing dance schoollmartial arts center and the proposed animal hospital would be classified as commercial retail uses. Although neither are traditional commercial retail businesses, the Land Development Code defines commercial retail as a use that sells goods or services at retail. Depending on trip generation,commercial retail uses are classified as low,medium or high- intensity. A-traffic impact analysis has not been submitted which would indicate whether or not the proposed change in business to an animal hospital would affect the site's currently approved intensity. Based on traffic impact analyses for similar developments, Staff anticipates that both the existing and proposed commercial retail uses generate less than 100 average daily trips per 1,000 ft' of floor area and thereby would be elassifed as low or medium-intensity. However to ensure that there is not a prohibited increase in intensity,a comparative level 1 traffic impact analysis will be required prior to Staff conclusively stating such. 4. The commercial retail use of the existing dance schooVmartial arts center was rendered a nonconforming use following the re-zoning of the property from BU-2 to IS in 1986 and the assignment of the FLUM future land use category of RM in 1997. In the Monroe County Land Development Code, the current regulations pertaining to permitted uses in the IS district do not allow a 3,695 ft2 commercial retail building. Furthermore, Policy 101.4.2 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive PIan,which pertains to permitted uses in the RM future land use category, does not state that commercial retail uses are permitted. Therefore, the existing commercial retail use is nonconforming to the current Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 4 of 13 However, as the 3,695 ft building and its commercial retail use were approved and permitted prior to 1986, the existing use is considered a lawful nonconforming use and Policy 101.4.3 provides some protection to such lawful uses. Specifically, Policy 101.4.3 states a nonresidential use that was listed as a permitted use in the land development regulations that were in effect immediately prior to the institution of the Comprehensive Plan, and that lawfully existed on such lands on January 4, 1996 may develop, redevelop, reestablish and/or substantially improve provided that the use is limited in intensity, floor area, density and to the type of use that existed on January 4, 1996 or limited to what the pre-2010 land development regulations allowed. In addition to being lawfully established prior to 1986, the existing type of use(commercial retail) and the existing amount of non- residential floor area(3,695 ft1)were in existence in 1996. The existing intensity of the site could not be determined in the absence of a traffic impact report. Furthermore, without knowing the intensity, Staff could not determine the existing density(the floor area ratios are 0.35 for low-intensity, 0.25 for medium-intensity and 0.15 for high-intensity commercial retail uses). 5. In accordance with Policy 101.4.3,a commercial retail use(with businesses associated with this type of use) and the building's floor area may be redeveloped, reestablished and/or substantially improved with a major conditional use permit, subject to the standards and procedures set forth in the Land Development Code. In the event that reestablishment or substantial improvement is carried out, although the building is over 2,500 ft, in area and could be classified as high intensity following the submittal of a traffic impact report stating such, the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan currently provided for in Policy 101.4.3, shall take precedent over the requirements for an existing nonconforming commercial retail use in the IS District, currently provided for in MCC §130-94(c)(1), which restricts buildings to 2,500 ft2 and low/medium intensity. Conditional uses are those uses which are generally compatible with the other land uses permitted, but require individual review of their location, design and configuration and the imposition of conditions in order to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location. Minor conditional use permit applications are granted or denied by the Planning Director in accordance with MCC §110-69 and major conditional use permit applications are granted or denied by the Planning Commission at a public hearing in accordance with MCC§110-70. Concerning the Applicant's proposal, a major conditional use permit shall not be required for the change in business and moderate building/site improvements as these improvements would not meet the intent of terms redevelopment, reestablishment or substantial improvement as used in Policy 101.4.3. 6. Policy 101.4.3 allows redevelopment limited to intensity, floor area, density and to the type of use as that existed prior to its redevelopment. The policy does not protect the existing configuration of development on a particular site and does not protect existing nonconformities other than intensity,density and type of use. Furthermore, it does not state Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Anunal Hospital,Key Lugo,Letter of Understanding Page 5 of 13 or otherwise provide that a development may be reestablished or substantially improved without coming into compliance with the current comprehensive plan policies, land development regulations and/or building codes. As the site was lawfully developed prior to adoption of the current regulations, it would be difficult to bring the site into full compliance the land development regulations,especially those relating to bulk regulations and off-street parking, in the event of reestablishment or substantially improvement. Staff requests that the site come into compliance to the greatest extent practical with all applicable comprehensive plan policies, Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys policies and land development regulations as improvements are carried out. 7. Building permits are required for interior renovations to the commercial building,site work and new signage. As both the proposed veterinary cliniclanimal hospital and existing dance school/martial arts center are commercial retail uses, Staff shall consider the occupation of the first floor by the veterinary clinic/artimal hospital a change in business, not a change in use. Changes in businesses do not require a building permit or other approval from the Growth Management Division. However, as stated a previously, a traffic impact report must be submitted to provided the existing and proposed intensity to determine if the change in business would result in a higher intensity. Increasing changes in intensity do require building permit approval (however, in this case a building permit to increase intensity would be denied per Policy 101.4.3). 8. It has been determined that the conunercial retail use and the existing building's floor area were lawfully-established and therefore the use and existing floor area are lawfully nonconforming. However, expansion of the existing commercial retail use is prohibited unless the subject property's land use district designation and PLUM category are amended to designations that allow commercial retail uses of this size and intensity or the text relating to the permitted uses in the IS district and RM FLUM category amended. 9. According to the proposed site plan, the proposed fenced area would be an unenclosed area located behind the existing building in the northeastern corner of the subject property. This secured space would serve as a supervised area for exercising animals. This type of structure is considered an accessory structure and not a component of the principal structure. As defined in MCC §101-1, accessory means a use or structure that is subordinate to and serves a principal use or structure; is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal use or structure served; contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of occupants of the principal use or structure served;and is located on the same lot or on contiguous lots under the same ownership and in the same land use district as the principal use or structure. Accessory structures are permitted as-of-right in the IS district. Therefore, a fence may be constructed and would not constitute. an expansion of the nonconforming use. I0. The Non-Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (NROGO) shall not apply to the redevelopment, rehabilitation or replacement of any lawfully-established, nonresidential floor area which does not increase the amount of non-residential floor area greater than that Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 6 of 13 which existed on the site prior to the redevelopment, rehabilitation or replacement. Therefore, owners of land containing non-residential floor area shall be entitled to one square foot for each such square foot lawfully-established. Administrative Interpretation 03-108 provides the criteria to be used by Staff to determine whether or not non-residential floor area was lawfully-established. Non-residential floor area is the sum of the gross floor area for a non-residential building or structure as defined in MCC §101-1, any areas used for the provision of food and beverage services and seating whether covered or uncovered,and all covered,unenclosed areas. Following a review of the building permits on file, as well as the documentation within the applications, Staff has determined that all of the non-residential floor area within the existing 3,695 ft'building was lawfully-established. The accumulation of all the floor area approved in Permits 27471 (774 ft2),C2714(976 W),C7436(unknown),C16923 (1,000 ft2) and C19066(1,000 ft2) is 3,750 ft2. However,as the plans for new floor area did not show existing portions of the building in some of the permit applications, Staff could not determine if there was some overlap. Therefore, unless scaled floor plans are submitted, drawn by a licensed architect or engineer, showing 3,750 ft2 or a higher figure, Staff is utilizing the lesser figure of 3,695 W provided by the Monroe County Property Appraiser. If the Applicant submits floor plans, Staff will have to compare such plants to the plans in the building permit files to ensure their accuracy. 11. In the IS district,there is a required open space ratio of 0.20. Therefore,at least 20 percent of the site must remain open space. !2. In the IS District, the required non-shoreline setbacks for commercial uses are as follows: Front yard—25'; Rear yard— 20% and Side yard — 10'/IS' (where 10' is required for one side and 15'is the minimum combined total of both sides). The property is a triple frontage, corner lot. The site has front yard requirements of 25' along the right-of-way of US 1 to the northwest, Almay Street to the northeast and Grand Street to the southwest In addition, there is a side yard setback of 10' along the property line to the southeast. According to the existing site plan, the existing building is partially located 2' into the required 25' setback along Almay Street. As the building was legally established, it is considered a lawfully nonconforming structure. In addition, a concrete walkway and off- street parking is located within the required 25' setbacks along US 1, Almay Street and Grand Street. As these structures were legally established, they are considered lawfully nonconforming structures. The change in business would not affect the building's existing footprint. However, the modified off-street parking area and new loading zone would be located in the front yard setbacks along all three rights-of-way. The new dumpster would be located in the front yard setback along Grand Street and side yard setback. Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding page 7 of 13 At the pre-application conference, Staff informed the Applicant that the proposed modifications to the parking area may require a variance to the setbacks requirements as aerial photography suggested that parking had never existed in the front yard setback along US 1. However, following the conference,Staff reviewed the approved site plans on file. The most recent approved site plan, filed with Permit C16923, shows the parking area 6' from the property line adjacent to US 1, 6' from the property line adjacent to Grand Street and 3' from the property line adjacent to Almay Street. The revised, proposed site plan shows a reconfigured parking area that is 5' from the property line adjacent to US 1,8' from the property line adjacent to Grand Street and 5' from the property line adjacent to Ahmay Street. Staff supports the new reconfigured parking area as it would bring the nonconforming parking area into compliance with several parking lot requirements such as clear site triangles, proper aisle widths, correct parking space dimensions and better access and handicap accessibility, as well as provide a compliant loading zone. If a 6' setback can be provided along US 1, Staff shall not require a setback variance for the parking area improvements. If only 5' can be provided, a setback variance would be required as the nonconformity would be expanded; however in our recommendation on such a variance application to the planning commission, Staff shall strongly consider the fact that the site will be brought into compliance with several access and parking related regulations by approving the setback variance. The C16923 site plan does not show the location of a dumpster. Therefore, the proposed dumpster must be relocated to an area outside of the required setbacks, unless a setback variance is granted. 13. A stornwater management plan shall be required as a part of any application for the proposed off-street parking areas. This plan shall detail pre and post development water flow and storage on site with supporting calculations. 14. The development is subject to the following off-street parking requirements: 263 W., Commercial Retail 3 spacm/1000 W 3,695 W t t smces The redevelopment requires i 1 off-street parking spaces. The proposed site plan shows 12 spaces. As only 11 spaces are required,Staff requests that the Applicant remove the"end" parallel space adjacent to the US 1 property line near Almay Street as this unnecessary space may interfere with access to and from the site. Further,the removal of this space and its replacement with landscaping would bring the site further into compliance with the setback requirements (as outlined previously) and bufferyard requirements (to be outlined later). Proposed Veterinary CliniOAninW Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 8 of 13 All regular parking spaces, with the exception of parallel,must be at least 8.5 feet in width by 18 feet in length and all handicap-accessible parking spaces must be at least 12 feet in width with an access aisle of 5 feet in width. Parallel spaces must be 8.5 feet in width by 25 feet in length. If there are I to 25 total parking spaces in a lot,one(1) accessible parking space, 12 feet in width,is required. Such a space shall be designed and marked for the exclusive use of those individuals•who have been issued either a disabled parking permit or license plate. In addition, a 5-foot parking access aisle must be part of an accessible route to the building entrance. The access aisle shall be striped diagonally to designate it as a no-parking zone. Curb ramps must be located outside of the disabled parking spaces and access aisles. I5. All nonresidential uses with 2,500 ftz to 49,999 ft2 of floor area are required to have one(1) loading and unloading space,measuring 11 feet by 55 feet. Loadingfunloading spaces shall be located entirely on the same lot as the principal use they serve.These spaces shall not be located on any public right-of-way,parking spaces or parking aisle and shall be as close to the building served as possible. The Applicant inquired about whether or not the required loadinglunloading space length requirement could be reduced from 55' to 45' as the veterinary clinic/animal hospital and dance school/marital arts center do not require any deliveries to be made by a semi-tractor trailer or other large vehicle. There is currently no approved loadinglunloading space on the site at all. Further, the existing vehicle maneuverability guidelines could only allow a 55' loading/unloading space, with proper room to reverse, at the expense of finther encroachment into the required setback(s) and/or reduced of parking. Therefore, Staff shall allow the reduction as the introduction of an 11' by 45' loading/unloading space would be bring the site into compliance to the greatest extent practical. 16. Since the parking area shall be required to contain six or more parking spaces and is within a IS District, a class"A"landscaping standard will be required. This standard is explained, with accompanying graphics, in MCC §114-100. Although there is vegetation on the site, there appears to not be any parking lot landscaping. Further,the modification of the parking area will result in the removal of existing vegetation. Staff requests that the Applicant bring the site into compliance with this regulation to the greatest extent practical. 17. No structure or land which abuts US 1 shall be developed, used or occupied unless a scenic corridor or bufferyard is provided. In the IS District, the required major street bufferyard is a class"D"bufferyard. The minimum class"D"bufferyard is 20' in width. Widths of 25', 30' and 35' are also optional with reduced planting requirements. The site is nonconforming to both the minimum width and planting requirements. As previously stated,if a 6' setback can be provided along US 1, a setback variance shall not be required and if only 5' can be provided, a setback variance would be required. In either event,Staff requests that the Applicant bring the site into compliance with this regulation to the greatest extent practical. However, if a setback variance is requested, the Applicant Proposed Veterinary Cliaic/Aairnat Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 9 of 13 shall also have to request a variance to the bufferyard requirements (as the nonconformity relating to bufferyard minimum width would be expanded). As a note, the two types of variance requests may be filed on the same application as they are related. 18. Mitigation will be required for qualifying native vegetation removed for development. The number, species and sizes of plants to be mitigated shall be identified in an existing conditions report prepared and submitted by the applicant and approved by the county biologist. 19. There are existing access drives into the site from Almay and Grand Street. The existing drives may be nonconforming to clear site triangles for vehicles entering the side roads from US 1 and distance requirements for access drives from US 1. However, Staff supports the modification to the access points as shown on the proposed site plan as the one-way traffic pattern through the site would result in safer vehicle maneuverability. However, Staff requests that upon implementation of the proposed site plan, signage be installed that clearly directs motorists entering and exiting site. V. OTHER ISSUES CONCERNING THE PROPOSAL 1. The Applicant inquired about the possibility of amending the land use district and FLUM designations of the subject property from IS and RM, respectively, to designations that would permit the existing use and thereby render it conforming. As set forth in the Land Development Code, the purpose of an amendment is not intended to relieve particular hardships, nor to confer special privileges or rights on any person, nor to permit a change in community character, as analyzed in the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, but only to make necessary adjustments in light of changed conditions. Amendments may be proposed by a person having a contractual interest in property to be affected by a proposed amendment. The Director of Planning shall review and process amendment applications as they are received and pass them on to the Development Review Committee and the Planning Commission for recommendation and final approval by the BOCC. The BOCC may consider the adoption of an ordinance enacting the proposed change based on one(1) or more of the following factors: (i)Changed projections(e.g.,regarding public service needs) from those on which the text or boundary was based; (H) Changed assumptions (e.g., regarding demographic trends); (iii) Data errors, including errors in mapping, vegetative types and natural features described in the comprehensive plan; (iv) New issues; (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness; or (vi) Data updates. However, in no event shall an amendment be approved which will result in an adverse community change of the planning area in which the proposed development is located. In an analysis of community needs, the Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Plan states: "existing uses.on parcels that were previously down-zoned are generally non-conforming. Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,Letter of Understanding Page 10 of 13 It is appropriate to re-evaluate these parcels and uses on a case-by-case basis and restore the commercial status where appropriate". This analysis is substantiated by Action Item 1.3.2 which directs Staff to "revise the FLUM and Land Use District maps to resolve conflicts and inconsistencies the planning area where appropriate." However, it should be noted that this language does not guarantee that any map amendments shall be granted as each application must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the BOCC makes the final decision on the matter. Further, although Staff discussed the amendment process with the Applicant at the conference,the Department of Planning& Environmental Resources will not provide any recommendation of approval or denial until an application for an amendment is submitted and reviewed by Staff. 2. The Applicant inquired about whether or not the site plan would be in compliance with regulations relating to the Suburban Commercial(SC)district. As the site is designated IS at this time, it would inappropriate for Staff to comment on whether or not the site would be in compliance with the regulations pertaining to other land use districts. Such comments could be deemed to be an endorsement of a map amendment. 3. The Applicant inquired about ground-mounted and wall-mounted signage. Specifically,the Applicant inquired whether or not a variance would be required to advertise the veterinary clinic/animal hospital. In the IS district, a nonresidential developed parcel of land shall be allowed one ground- mounted sign, but limited to 32 fts in area per face and eight feet in height. In addition, ground-mounted signage is required to be located at least 5' from any property line. Wall- mounted signage is also permitted, but shall be limited to a total of 32 W. Staff has determined that a variance to the sign regulations shall only be required if the Applicant requests signage of greater square footage than that allowed or a deviation from the height, setback or other construction requirements. The Applicant inquired whether or not variances could be granted administratively. There are no administrative variances to the sign regulations. All applications are decided upon by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. The Applicant also inquired about whether or not Staff would recommend approval of such an application. Although Staff discussed the variance process with the Applicant at the conference, the Department of Planning&Environmental Resources will not provide any recommendation of approval or denial until an application for a variance is submitted and reviewed by Staff. The Applicant inquired about whether or not his facility would qualify for the additional signage permitted for"Hospitals or other emergency facilities" in MCC §142-4(1)(c). In addition to any other signage allowed under the Land Development Code,hospitals or other emergency medical facilities, excluding individual medical offices, shall be allowed one additional illuminated ground-or wall-mounted sign not to exceed 32 R2 per face to identify each emergency entrance. Although considered a commercial retail use, the veterinary clinic/animal hospital would qualify and serve as emergency facility. As there is one-way Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,letter of Understanding Page 11 of 13 traffic through the site,Staff shall allow one additional illuminated ground or wall-mounted sign not to exceed 32 W per face to identify the emergency entrance. Although there are two drives,it is only necessary to designate one drive as an emergency entrance. The Applicant also inquired about whether or not his facility would qualify for the additional signage permitted in MCC §142-4(3)(a)(5) which states that a school, church, day-care center or other similar use shall be allowed to add an additional 64 ft2 or 32 fl per face of signage to the ground-mounted or wall-motmted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign. Although named a dance school,the dance school is a commercial retail use and not a school use as defined in the Monroe County Code. Therefore, this additional signage is not permitted The Applicant inquired as to which of the building's frontages is considered the front. The US 1 frontage would be considered the front. 4. The proposed veterinary clinic/animal animal hospital would introduce animals to the site which could result in more noise than the existing businesses. Although increase noise is not prohibited, in respect to the residential neighboring properties, noise should be mitigated and the noise ordinance must be observed. The Applicant submitted a noise abatement strategy that should mitigate noise acceptably. Further, although not required, Staff suggests that the Applicant install buffering vegetation in the setback between the existing building and the neighboring residential properties. 5. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, proposed development shall be found in compliance by the Monroe County Building Department,the Monroe County Public Works Division and the Monroe County Office of the Fire Marshal. Staff recommends that the Applicant coordinate with these offices prior to application submittal. 6. All development shall be required to meet all standards and construction requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). The site must be brought into compliance with ADA parking and building access requirements upon approval of a new site plan. Pursuant to MCC §110-3,you are entitled to rely upon the representations set forth in this letter as accurate under the regulations currently in effect. This letter does not provide any vesting to the existing regulations. If the Monroe County Code or Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan are amended,the project will be required to be consistent with all regulations and policies at the time of development approval. The Department acknowledges that all items required as a part of the application for development approval may not have been addressed at the meeting, and consequently reserves the right for additional comment. You may appeal decisions made in this letter. The appeal must be filed with the County Administrator, 1100 Simonton Street, Gato Building, Key West, FL 33040, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this letter. In addition, please submit a copy of your application to Planning Commission Coordinator, Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department,2798 Overseas Highway,Suite 410,Marathon,FL 33050. Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key largo,Letter of Understanding Page 12 of 13 We trust that this information is of assistance. If you have any questions regarding the contents Of this letter, e t we may fi500.rassist you with your,project, please feel free to contact our Marathon office at(305)289-2500. Sincerely your Townsley S , Senior Director Planning&Environmental Resources Proposed Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital,Key Largo,better of Understanding Page 13 of 13 Exhibit MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 127 -2012 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 169-2011, THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE; TO GENERALIZE THE TITLE OF THE FEE FOR APPLICATIONS FOR EXTENSIONS OF TIME AUTHORIZED BY STATE LEGISLATION; TO EXEMPT MAP AMENDMENT FEES FOR PROPERTY OWNERS WHO APPLY TO AMEND THEIR PROPERTIES' LAND USE DISTRICT AND/OR FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATIONS TO DESIGNATIONS THAT WOULD ELIMINATE NONCONFORMITIES TO USES THAT WERE CREATED WHEN THE PROPERTIES WERE REZONED BY THE COUNTY IN 1992 AND/OR PROVIDED A FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION IN 1997 UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR A FEE FOR A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING FOR MAP AMENDMENT FEE WAIVERS;AND TO REPEAL ANY OTHER FEE SCHEDULES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners wishes to provide the citizens of the County with the best possible service in the most cost effective and reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interests of the general public to charge the true cost for such services, thereby placing the burden of such costs directly upon those parties deriving the benefit from such services; and WHEREAS, the updated fee schedule prepared by the Growth Management Director for providing these services includes the estimated direct costs and reasonable indirect costs associated with the review and processing of planning and development approval applications and site plans, on-site biological reviews, administrative appeals, preparation of official documentation verifying existing development rights and other processes and services; and Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 1 of 7 WHEREAS, the Board has discussed the need to adjust the fee schedule to compensate the county for resources needed in excess of the fee estimates included in the base fees; and WHEREAS, applicants for development review should pay the cost of the review,rather than those funds coming from other sources; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to amend fees to compensate for resources expended in applications for private development approvals; and WHEREAS, The Florida State Legislature is considering legislation which allows for extensions of time for some development orders for which the fee is currently $250.00,based on previous Senate and House bills; and WHEREAS, in 1992, a revised series of zoning maps was approved(also known as the Land Use District(LUD)maps) for all areas of the unincorporated county. These maps depicted boundary determinations carried out between 1986 and 1988, depicted parcel lines and were drawn at a more usable scale. Although signed in 1988,the LUD's did not receive final approval until 1992. The Monroe County Land Development Regulations, portions of which are adopted by Rule 28-20.021, F.A.C., and portions of which are approved by the Department of Community Affairs in Chapter 9J-14, F.A.C., were amended effective August 12, 1992. The Land Use District Map was revised to reflect the changes in this rule. The LUD maps remain the official zoning maps of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, in 1993, Monroe County adopted a set of Future Land Use Maps (FLUM) pursuant to a joint stipulated settlement agreement and Sec. 163.3184 Florida Statutes. The Ordinance #016-1993 memorialized the approval. This map series was dated 1997. The 1997 FLUM remains the official future land use maps of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of the LUD maps and FLUM, the County has discovered that several parcels with existing, lawful uses were assigned land use district and future land use categories that deemed those uses nonconforming. In these instances, the County created nonconformities to use without studying of the existing uses and the impact of deeming those uses nonconforming. A remedy to existing property owners would be to allow those property owners to apply for map amendments to designations that would eliminate the nonconformities created by the County and not by the property owner without the payment of a fee;and WHEREAS, the County wishes to clarify that fees will be changed to private applicants for traffic studies required or requested for not only map amendments,but for text amendments submitted by private applicants; and Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 2 of 7 WHEREAS, the Board heard testimony and evidence presented as to the appropriate fee schedule during a public hearing on April 18,2012; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 102-19(9),the following schedule of fees to be charged by the Growth Management Division for its services, including but not limited to the filing of land development permit applications, land development approvals, land development orders, and appeal applications, and requests for technical services or official letters attesting to development rights recognized by the County shall be implemented: Administrative Appeals........................................................$1,500.00 Administrative Relief.......................................................$1,011.00 Alcoholic Beverage Special Use Permit.................................$1,264.00 Appeal ROGO or NROGO to BOCC.................................... $816.00 BeneficialUse............................................................... $4,490.00 Biological Site Visit(per visit)............................................$280.00 Biologist Fee(Miscellaneous-per hour)..................................$60.00 Boundary Determination................................................... $1,201.00 Comprehensive Plan,Text Amendment..................................$5,531.00 Comprehensive Plan,Future Land Use Map(FLUM)Amendment. $5,531.00 Conditional Use,Major,New/Amendment..............................$10,014.00 Conditional Use,Minor,New/Amendment............................ $8,484.00 Conditional Use,Minor,Transfer Development Rights(TDR)........$1,239.00 Conditional Use,Minor,Transfer Nonresidential Floor Area(TRE)$1,944.00 Conditional Use,Minor,Transfer ROGO Exemption(TRE)..........$1,740.00 Conditional Use,Minor/Major,Minor Deviation...................... $1,768.00 Conditional Use,Minor/Major,Major Deviation....................... $3,500.00 Conditional Use,Minor/Major,Time Extension....................... $986.00 Department of Administrative Hearings(DOAH)Appeals............$816.00 Development Agreement...................................................$12,900.00 Development of Regional Impact(DRl)................................. $28,876.00 Dock Length Variance......................................................$1,026.00 Front Yard Setback Waiver,Administrative............................$1,248.00 Front Yard Setback Waiver,Planning Commission....................$1,608.00 Grant of Conservation Easement..........................................$269.00 Habitat Evaluation Index(per hour)......................................$60.00 Home Occupation Special Use Permit................................... $498.00 Inclusionary Housing Exemption.........................................$900.00 Land Development Code,Text Amendment........................... $5,041.00 Land Use District Map,Amendment—Nonresidential................. $4,929.00 Land Use District Map,Amendment—Residential.......................$4,131.00 Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 3 of 7 Letter of Current Site Conditions..........................................$936.00 Letter of Development Rights Determination...........................$2,209.00 Letter of ROGO Exemption................................................$215.00 Letter of Understanding for LUD Map/FLUM Fee waiver ...........$250.00 NROGO Application.......................................................$774.00 Planning Fee(Miscellaneous-per hour)...................................$50.00 Parking Agreement..........................................................$1,013.00 Planning Site Visit..........................................................$129.00 Platting, 5 lots or less.......................................................$4,017.00 Platting,6 lots or more......................................................$4,613.00 Pre-application with Letter of Understanding...........................$689.00 Pre-application with No Letter of Understanding..................... $296.00 Public Assembly Permit....................................................$149.00 Dog in Restaurant Permit...................................................$150.00 Research,permits and records(per hour)................................$50.00 Road Abandonment.........................................................$1,533.00 ROGO Application.........................................................$748.00 ROGO Lot/Parcel Dedication Letter.....................................$236.00 Legislative Time Extension for Development Orders/Permits....... $250.00 Special Certificate of Appropriateness....................................$200.00 Tier Map Amendment—Other than IS/URM Platted Lot............. $4,131.00 Tier Map Amendment IS/URM Platted Lot Only.................... $1,600.00 Vacation Rental Permit(Initial)............................................$493.00 Vacation Rental(Renewal)................................................$100.00 Vacation Rental Manager License........................................$106.00 Variance,Planning Commission, Signage...............................$1,076.00 Variance,Planning Commission,Other than Signage..................$1,608.00 Variance,Administrative...................................................$1,248.00 Vested Rights Determination.............................................. $2,248.00 Wetlands Delineation (per hour).......................................... $60.00 Growth Management applications may be subject to the following additional fees, requirements or applicability: 1. For any application that requires a public hearing(s) and/or surrounding property owner notification, advertising and/or notice fees; $245 for newspaper advertisement and$3 per property owner notice. 2. There shall be no application or other fees, except advertising and noticing fees, for affordable housing projects, except that all applicable fees shall be charged for applications for all development approvals required for any development under Sec. 130-161.1 of the Monroe County Code and for applications for variances to setback, landscaping and/or off-street parking regulations associated with an affordable housing development. Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 4 of 7 3. There shall be no application fees, except advertising and noticing fees, for property owners who apply for a map amendment to the official LUD map and/or the official FLUM, if the property owner can provide satisfactory evidence that a currently existing use on the site that also existed lawfully in 1992 was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the LUD map and/or a currently existing use on the site that also existed lawfully on the site in 1997 was deemed nonconforming by final adoption of the FLUM. To qualify for the fee exemption, the applicant must apply for a LUD and/or FLUM designation(s) that would eliminate the non-conforming use created with adoption of the existing designation(s)and not create an adverse impact to the community. Prior to submittal of a map amendment application,the applicant must provide the evidence supporting the change and application for a fee exemption with the proposed LUD map/FLUM designations to the Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department as part of an application for a Letter of Understanding. Following a review,the Director of Planning & Environmental Resources shall determine if the information and evidence is sufficient, and whether the proposed LUD map and/or FLUM designations are acceptable for the fee waiver, and approve or deny the fee exemption request. This fee waiver Letter of Understanding shall not obligate the staff to recommend approval or denial of the proposed LUD or FLUM Category. 4. Hearing fees: applicant shall pay half the cost of the hourly rate, travel and expenses of any hearing officer. The County is currently charged$144.00 per hour by Department of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). If the fee charged to the County is increased, the charge will change proportionately. An estimated amount of one-half of the hearing officer costs as determined by the County Attorney shall be deposited by the applicant along with the application fee, and shall be returned to the applicant if unused. 5. Base fees listed above include a minimum of (when applicable) two internal staff meetings with applicants; one Development Review Committee meeting, one Planning Commission public hearing; and one Board of County Commission public hearing. If this minimum number of meetings/hearings is exceeded, the following fees shall be charged and paid prior to the private development application proceeding through public hearings: a. Additional internal staff meeting with applicant $500.00 b. Additional Development Review Committee public hearing$600.00 c. Additional Planning Commission public hearing $700.00 d. Additional Board of County Commissioners public hearing$850.00 The Director of Growth Management or designee shall assure these additional fees are paid prior to hearing scheduling. These fees apply to all applications filed after September 15,2010. Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 5 of 7 6. Applicants for Administrative Appeal, who prevail based on County error, as found by the Planning Commission, shall have the entire application fee refunded. 7. Concerning the application fees to amend the tier maps, the lesser application fee of $1,600.00 is only available for applications to amend the tier designation of a single URM or IS platted lot. It may not be used to amend the designation of more than one parcel. 8. Applicants for any processes listed above that are required to provide transportation studies related to their development impacts shall be required to deposit a fee of$5,000 into an escrow account to cover the cost of experts hired by the Growth Management Division to review the transportation and other related studies submitted by the applicant as part of the development review process or any text amendment submitted by a private applicant. Any unused funds deposited by the applicant will be returned upon permit approval. Monroe County shall obtain an estimate from the consultant they intend to hire to review the transportation study for accuracy and methodology and if the cost for the review on behalf of Monroe County is higher than the $5000, applicant shall remit the estimated amount. Any unused funds deposited by the applicant will be returned upon permit approval. Section 2. Any other fees schedules or provisions of the Monroe County Code inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution to the Division of Growth Management. (REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK) Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 6 of 7 } PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 18thday of April ,2012. Mayor David Rice Yes Mayor Pro Tem Kim Wigmgton Yes Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes OUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS L. KOLHAGE, CLERK . B 14 F Clerk Mayor David Rice OR 'C�4M1)r. M♦M6 Cn tY Cl )` 1V Cr A C✓ MONR E p UNTY ATTORNEY 1 R VED A5 TO F Q -( UJ Date. —j N _ Planning&Environmental Resources Department Fee Schedule Page 7 of 7 /9u 4 ppy .rr ( i iptr��3 (r'tl f rl !� ✓q � / rll%� "r s s MA bE(' I�I'.:I�ICIV*x rw 'v i r Exhibit 5 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 1 33-2013 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TRANSMITTING TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) TO MIXED USE/COMMERCIAL (MC) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 98175 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY,KEY LARGO,LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 4, ROCK HARBOR ESTATES, PB3/P187 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00519750-000000. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the transmittal to the Florida Land Planning Agency and Reviewing Agencies as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(c), Florida Statutes for review and comment of a proposed amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan as described above; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners support the requested text amendment; NOW THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA: Section 1: The Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission to transmit the draft ordinance for adoption of the proposed future land use map amendment. Section 2. The Monroe County staff is given authority to prepare and submit the required transmittal letter and supporting documents for the proposed amendment in accordance with the requirements of Section 163.3184(4),Florida Statutes. Section 4. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Director of Planning. P. 1 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida,at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of April, 2013. Mayor George Neugent Yes Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes Commissioner Danny Kolhage Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FL RIDA BY �. (�•t�w � 5 Mayor George Neugent (SEAL) ATTEST-. Amy Heavilin, Clerk Deputy Clerk N N _ =C rri MONROE O APPR yEq TYATTORNEY S TO•FORM r'3 Date; P.2 of 2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ORDINANCE - 2013 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 12 COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF 13 THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM 14 RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) TO MIXED USE/COMMERCIAL (MC) 15 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 98175 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, KEY 16 LARGO, LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 4, ROCK HARBOR ESTATES, PB3/P187 17 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, 18 HAVING REAL ESTATE NUMBER 00519750400000; PROVIDING FOR 19 SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT 20 PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSMITTAL TO THE 21 STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING 22 WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 23 - 24 25 WHEREAS,an application was filed by Renaissance Farms of the Keys LLC on July 31,2012, 26 to amend the Future Land Use Map(FLUM)designation from Residential Medium(RM)to Mixed 27 Use/Commercial(MC) for property legally described as Lots 1 &2, Block 4, Rock Harbor Estates, 28 PB3/P 187 of the Public Records of Monroe County,Florida,having real estate number 00519750- 29 000000;and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee considered the proposed 32 amendment at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 30'"day of October,2012; and 33 34 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 28 h day of November, 2012, the 35 Monroe County Planning Commission held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the 36 transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency, for review and comment, a proposed amendment to 37 the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan;and 38 39 WHEREAS,the Monroe County Planning Commission made the following findings: 40 41 1. The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the community character of the 42 surrounding area; 43 44 2. The proposed FLUM is not anticipated to adversely impact the Comprehensive Plan 45 adopted Level of Service(LOS); 46 47 3. The proposed amendment is consistent with the following Goals, Objectives and Policies 48 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; 49 50 4. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Plan; 51 52 5. The amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida 53 Keys Area, Section 380.0552(7),Florida Statute(F.S.);and 54 55 6. The proposed amendment is consistent with Part II of Chapter 163,Florida Statutes(F.S.). 56 57 WHEREAS,at a special meeting held on 18 day of April, 2013,the Monroe County Board of 58 County Commissioners held a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the proposed 59 amendment; and 60 61 WHEREAS, the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment to amend Future Land Use Map 62 was reviewed by the State Land Planning Agency which issued an Objections,Recommendations, 63 and Comments (ORC) Report on with no comments or issues relative to this 64 amendment; 65 66 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 67 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA: 68 69 Section 1. The Future Land Use Map of the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan is 70 amended as follows: 71 72 The property legally described as Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Rock Harbor Estates, 73 PB3/P187 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, having real estate 74 number 00519750-000000 is changed from Residential Medium (RM)to Mixed 75 Use/Commercial (MC)as shown on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated 76 herein. 77 78 Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or 79 provision of this ordinance is held invalid,the remainder of this ordinance shall 80 not be affected by such validity. 81 82 Section 3. Reveal of Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in 83 conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. 84 85 Section 4. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Director of Planning to 86 the State Land Planning Agency pursuant to Chapter 163 and 380, Florida 87 Statutes. 88 89 90 z 1' 91 Section 5. Filing and Effective Date. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the 92 secretary of the State of Florida but shall not become effective until a notice is 93 issued by the State Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission 94 finding the amendment in compliance with Chapter 163,Florida Statutes. 95 96 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida, 97 at a regular meeting held on the day of ,2013. 98 99 Mayor George Neugent 100 Mayor Pro Tern Heather Carruthers 101 Commissioner David Rice 102 Commissioner Sylvia Murphy 103 Commissioner Danny Kolhage 104 105 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA 106 BY 107 Mayor George Neugent 108 109 (SEAL) 110 ATTEST:Amy Heavilin,Clerk 111 112 Deputy Clerk 113 MONA 114 AP Ro EOT N ' �RNEY 115 Date: k { Exhibit 1 to Ordinance# -2013 0 �o i 00519750 0000 r 9f. r, i { 0 The Monroe County Future Land Use Map is amended as indicated above. N Proposal: Future Land Use change of one parcel from Residential Medium (RM)to MixedUse/Commercial (MC): RE Number: 00519750-000000 Exhibit 6 Rick Scott Jesse Panuccio GOVERNOR 4" ) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FLORIDA D E -/ ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY July 2, 2013 The Honourable George Neegent Mayor, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 Dear Mayor Nuegent: The Department of Economic Opportunity has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment for Monroe County (Amendment No. 13-2 ACSC), which was received and determined complete on May 3, 2013. We have reviewed the proposed amendment in accordance with the state coordinated review process set forth in Sections 163.3184(2) and (4), Florida Statutes (F.S.),for compliance with Chapter 163, Part Il, F.S. Review comments received by the Department from the appropriate reviewing agencies are also enclosed. ..-. The attached Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report outlines our fin dings concerning the amendment. We have identified three objections and have included recommendations regarding measures that can be taken to address the objections. The County should act by choosing to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed amendment. Also, please note that Section 163.3184(4)(e)1, F.S., provides that if the second public hearing is not held and the amendment adopted within 180 days of your receipt of the Department of Economic Opportunity report,the amendment shall be deemed withdrawn unless extended by agreement with notice to the Department of Economic Opportunity and any affected party that provided comment on the amendment. For your assistance, we have enclosed the procedures for final adoption and transmittal of the comprehensive plan amendment. Florida Department of l'sconomic Oppotcunity Clidwell Building IUi E Madison Screet 'rallahassee,Fi,32399 866.E+LA.3345 850.245.7105 850.921.3223 Fax www tloridaiob�c or; www.twncr co—m/Fl Dl'O www.Eaccbook.cuni/N1,l)h'O Mayor George Neugent July 2, 2013 Page 2of2 If you have any questions related to this review, please contact Robin Branda at (850) 717-8495, or by email at Robin.Branda@deo.myflorida.com, Sincerely, Q6 William B. Killin worth Director, Division of Community Development WBK/rsb Enclosures: Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report Procedures for Adoption Agency Comments cc: Christine Hurley, Growth Management Director Mr.James F. Murley, Executive Director,South Florida Regional Planning Council OBJECTIONS,RECOMMENDATIONS, AND COMMENTS REPORT FOR MONROE COUNTY PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (DEO NO. 13-2, ACSC) L Consistency with Chapter 163, Part II, and Chapter 380, Part 1 Objection 1: Amendment 134-2013 represents a 49.40 acre site located within Tier III on Stock Island within the Military Installation Area of Influence. Monroe County has proposed a land use change for a combination of 18 lots from Industrial to Mixed Use Commercial. If adopted, the intensity of development of a maximum of 1,291,118 square feet of retail would remain the same while the density could increase from the present allowance of 49 residential dwelling units to a proposed density of 481 transient rooms/spaces, according to the data and analysis submitted with the proposal. Approximately 80% of the site is located within the 65 to 69 noise contour with about 20% being in the 70 to 74 contour of the 2007 Noise Study conducted by the Naval Air Station—Key West(NAS-KW) (Figure 4-3). In a letter regarding this amendment, the NAS-KW requested that transient and residential uses not be allowed in areas located within the 65 Day-Night Average Sound Level(DNL) and higher (as proposed in the amendment), and strongly objects to residential and transient uses in the 70 to 74 DNL. Further, in the May 2,2011 "Department of Defense Instruction"manual with regard to its Air Installation Compatibility Use Zones (AICUZ), the following notes occur with regard to transient and residential development within noise zones: a. Although local conditions regarding the need for housing may require residential uses in these zones, residential use is discouraged in DNL 65-69 and strongly discouraged in DNL 70-74. The absence of viable alternative development options should be determined and an evaluation should be conducted locally prior to local approvals indicating that a demonstrated community need for the residential use would not be met if development were prohibited in these zones. Existing residential development is considered a pre-existing,non-conforming land use. b. Where the community determines that these uses must be allowed, measures to achieve outdoor to indoor Noise Level Reduction(NLR) of at least 25 decibels (dB) in DNL 65- 69 and 30 dB in DNL 70-74 should be incorporated into building codes and be considered in individual approvals; for transient housing, an NLR of at least 35 dB should be incorporated in DNL 75-79. c. Normal permanent construction can be expected to provide an NLR of 20 dB, thus the reduction requirements are often stated as 5, 10, or 15 dB over standard construction and normally assume mechanical ventilation, upgraded sound transmission class ratings in windows and doors, and closed windows year round. Additional consideration should be given to modifying NLR levels based on peak noise levels or vibrations. d. NLR criteria will not eliminate outdoor noise problems. However,building location, site planning, design, and use of berm and barriers can help mitigate outdoor noise exposure particularly from ground level sources. Measures that reduce noise at a site should be used wherever practical in preference to measures that only protect interior spaces. The County has not demonstrated that there are no viable alternative development options and that there is a need for the proposed increase in development density at this site. Additionally, the NAS-KW states that the Navy is utilizing the 2007 AICUZ and that the more recent Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)noise contours are in draft form and therefore not acceptable at this time. The recent EIS study depicts the parcel as being within a lower noise contour, one in which the transient development would be acceptable with landscaped berm on the outside of the property. noise attenuation and For the reasons cited above, the Department objects to the proposal because the change will exacerbate the incompatibility issues that already exist. The proposed change is also inconsistent with the Principles for Guiding Development that require that proposed amendments must be consistent with protection of the value of public investments in the Florida Keys,including Naval Air Station- Key West. Authority: Section 163.3175(1), 163.3177(1)(t)2; 163.3177(4); 163.3177(6)(a)f; and 380.0552(7)(a) and(h)4., Florida Statutes (F.S). Recommendation: The Department of Economic Opportunity recommends that the County coordinate with the NAS-KW in addressing the issues of noise contour compatibility. The noise concerns should be addressed and mitigation measures to modify noise impacts may be developed through coordination among the two government entities. Data and analysis should be submitted indicating that there are no viable alternative development options and that there is a need for the proposed increase in development density at this site. Alternatively, the County may wish to delete the 481 rooms/spaces from the amendment and retain/create a Commercial or Industrial designation. The applicant may consider delaying adoption of the proposed amendment until the 2012 EIS DNL Map is adopted by the military, and provide noise attenuation and outside landscaped berms, as requested by the Department of the Navy. Objection 2: Amendment 132-2013 represents a 0.34 acre site located in Key Largo and proposes a change from Residential Medium(RM) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC). The site is located in a suburban area and has a Tier III designation. The data and analysis submitted with amendment indicates that, if adopted, the land use change could increase densities and intensities of development by a total of four maximum net dwelling units, five allocated transient rooms/spaces, six maximum net transient rooms/spaces, and 6,678 square feet of non-residential development. Amendment 133-2013 represents a 0.31 acre site located in a suburban and commercial area of Key Largo and is within a Tier III designation. According to the data and analysis submitted with the proposal, the site is presently partially developed with a commercial establishment. The County seeks to change the land use designation from R.M to MC. If the change is adopted, densities and intensities of development could increase by a total of four maximum net dwelling units, four transient allocated rooms/spaces, and six transient net rooms/spaces, and 6,067 square feet of non-residential uses. Amendments 132-2013 and 133-2013 are inconsistent with Policy 101.4.20 of the Monroe County Comprehensive plan which states, in part, "In order to implement the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, Monroe County shall promote the reduction of overall County density and intensity..." Moreover, the FLUM amendments have not included the needs analysis required by the comprehensive plan in response to the Administration Commission's Work Tasks as outlined in the Commission's 30-day Report (28-20.140(5)(a)9.,Florida Administrative Code. Both the policy and Work Plan were designed to discourage increases in density and intensity of development relative to hurricane evacuation and wildlife preservation. The proposed increase in residential density on these sites only serve to exacerbate the hurricane evacuation clearance time and increases the subsequent exposure to takings claims. Authority: Section 163.3177(4); 380.0552(7) (a),F.S., and Chapter 28-20.140(5)(a)9, Florida Administrative Code(F.A.C.) Recommendation: The County should not adopt the amendments as submitted. In order to reduce the densities of development on the proposed FLUM,the County should change the residential land uses to Commercial designations instead of the MC proposals,thereby disallowing further density increases. SUBMITTAL OF ADOPTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR STATE COORDINATED REVIEW Section 163.3184(4),Florida Statutes May 2011 NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED: Please submit three complete copies of all comprehensive plan materials, of which one complete paper copy and two complete electronic copies on CD ROM in Portable Document Format(PDF)to the Department of Economic Opportunity and one copy to each entity below that provided timely comments to the local government:the appropriate Regional Planning Council;Water Management District; Department of Transportation; Department of Environmental Protection; Department of State; the appropriate county(municipal amendments only);the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (county plan amendments only);and the Department of Education (amendments relating to public schools); and for certain local governments,the appropriate military installation and any other local government or governmental agency that has filed a written request. SUBMITTAL LETTER:Please include the following information in the cover letter transmitting the adopted amendment: Department of Economic Opportunity identification number for adopted amendment package; Summary description of the adoption package, including any amendments proposed but not adopted; Ordinance number and adoption date; Certification that the adopted amendment(s) has been submitted to all parties that provided timely comments to the local government; Name,title, address,telephone, FAX number and e-mail address of local government contact; Letter signed by the chief elected official or the person designated by the local government. ADOPTION AMENDMENT PACKAGE: Please include the following information in the amendment package: Effective:tune 2, 2011 (I)pdared March 11, 2013) 1 In the case of text amendments, changes should be shown in strike-through/underline format; In the case of future land use map amendment, an adopted future land use map,in color format,clearly depicting the parcel, its existing future land use designation, and its adopted designation; A copy of any data and analyses the local government deems appropriate. Note: If the local government is relying on previously submitted data and analysis, no additional data and analysis is required; Copy of executed ordinance adopting the comprehensive plan amendment(s); Suggested effective date language for the adoption ordinance for state coordinated review: The effective date of this plan amendment, if the amendment is not timely challenged, shall be the date the Department of Economic Opportunity posts a notice of intent determing that this amendment is in compliance. If timely challenged, or if the state land planning agency issues a notice of intent determining that this amendment is not in compliance,this amendment shall become effective on the date the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the Department of Economic Opportunity. List of additional changes made in the adopted amendment that the Department of Economic Opportunity did not previously review; List of findings of the local governing body,if any,that were not included in the ordinance and which provided the basis of the adoption or determination not to adopt the proposed amendment; Statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes not previously reviewed by the Department of Economic Opportunity to the ORC report from the Department of Economic Opportunity. effective:!une 2.,2011. (Updated March 11,2013) " DEPART141ENT OF THE NAVY ' NAVAL.AIR SCATION PO BOX BOO1 xEYwesrrL mot 11000 Ser NO2/ 396 31 May 13 Mr. Ray Eubanks, Administrator Plan Review and Processing Florida Department of Economic Opportunity 107 E. Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 SUBJECT: MONROE COUNTY 13-2ACSC COMMENTS FOR PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ,AMENDME 4T This letter is prepared in response to proposed Amendment 13-1 to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Naval Air Station Key West is in objection to Resolution 133- 2013, transmitting an, ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map from Industrial (I) to Mixed Use/Commercial. (MC) for 18 parcels located on South Stock Island. Our comments to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) are forwarded as enclosure (1) , and address our concerns. Specifically, Naval Air Station Key West requests that transient and residential uses not be allowed in areas located within 65 DNL and higher, as proposed in the amendment. We look forward to working with Monroe County and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity on this mission-critical issue. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact my Business Manager, Mr. Ronald Demes. He can be reached at (305) 293-2488 or via e-mail: ron.demes@navy.mil, or Community Planning and Liaison Officer, Ms. Ashley Monnier at (305) 293-2633 or via e-mail: ashley.monnieranavv.mil. Sincerely, P. A. FERE Capt -zn, U.S. Navy Commanding Officer Enclosure: 1. NASKW Comments Special Meeting 4-18-13 2. May 6, 2013 DEO Memorandum Copy to: Rebecca Jetton, Administrator Areas of Critical State Concern Christine Hurley, Director, Monroe County Growth management Division Naval Air Station Key West Comments Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Special Meeting April 18,2013 Agenda Item B.3. A public hearing to consider a resolution to transmit to the State Land Planning Agency a proposed ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners amending the Future Land Use Map from Industrial (1)to Mixed Use/Commercial(MC)for 18 parcels on Stock Island,having real estate numbers 00123660-000000, 00123720- 000400,00123760-000200,00123720-000100,00123720-000200,00123730-000100, 00 123 740-000000, 00123770-000000,00127290-000000, 00127380-000000,00I27250- 000000, 00127280-000000,00123600-OW 100,00123600-000102,00123600-000101, 00123590-000000, 00123570-000000,and 00123540-000000, located on South Stock Island. Naval Air Station Key West (NASKW) has reviewed the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment modifying 18 parcels on Stock Island from Industrial to ]Mixed Use/Commercial. Issues that have been discussed on record at Development Review Committee and Planning Commission meetings are summarized as follows, and remain to be critical issues for your consideration at this transmittal hearing; (1.)The Navy uses the 2007 Air Installations Compatible Use Zones(AICUZ)noise contours as the basis for this analysis. The proposed Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) noise contours are draft; not yet accepted, and therefore should not be used as a basis for analysis. (2.) The Navy interprets residential and transient residential use proposals within high noise zones to be incompatible development, based on the 2007 AICUZ,Table 6-2 Suggested Land Compatibility in Noise Zones (Exhibit 6 of the BOCC transmittal package). Specifically, Housing Units and Transient lodging within the 65 DNS, are respectively Iisted as not being compatible(Nl=No with Exceptions).The superscript of 1 stages: a: iilthough local conditions regarding the need for housing may require residential use in these Zones, residential use is discouraged in DNL 65-69 and strongly discouraged in 70-74. The absence of viable alternative development options should be determined and an evaluation should be conducted locally prior to local approvals indkating that a demonstrated community need for the residential use would not be met f development were prohibited in these Zones. b. Inhere the community determines that these uses must be allowed, measures to achieve and outdoor to indoor Noise Level Reduction(NLR)of at least 25 dB in DNL 65-69 and NLR of 30 dB in DNL 70-74 should be incorporated into building codes and be in individual approvals; for transient housing,a NLR of at least 3S dB should be incorporated in DNL 75-79. c. Normal permanent construction can be expected to provide a NLR of 20 dB, thus the reduction requirements are often stated as 5, 10, or 15 dB over standard construction and normally assume mechanical ventilation, upgraded Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings in windows and doors and closed windows year round. Additionaf consideration should be given to modifying NLR levels based on peak noise levels or vibrations. Enclosure (1) d NLR criteria will not eliminate outdoor noise problems. However, building location and site planning, design and use of berms and barriers can help mitigate outdoor noise exposure NLR particularly from ground level sources. Measures that reduce noise at a site should be used wherever practical in preference to measures than only protect interior spaces. (3.)Chapter 380.0552 (7) of the Florida Statutes requires any arnendments to Florida Keys area comprehensive plans to be consistent with the principles for guiding development, inclusive of provisions for protecting the value, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and proposed major investments, including Key West Naval Air Station and other military facilities.It is the position of NASKW that the Future Land Use Map amendment, as proposed, is not consistent with this provision. (4.)Chapter 163.3177 (6) (a) 2. of the Florida Statutes provides that future land use plan amendments shall be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, as applicable, including the compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to or closely proximate to military installations. It is the position of NASKW that the Future Land Use Map amendment,as proposed, does not include adequate provisions regarding compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to or closely proximate to military installations. NASKW requests that transient and residential use entitlements not be allowed within areas located in 65 DNL or higher. It is also important to consider the noise impacts for exterior uses, as well as the impracticality of noise attenuation for uses, such as vessels. NASKW looks forward to continuing this dialogue to resolve this extremely important issue, critical to mission sustainability. 2 Enclosure (1) opPICE OF THE COMMISSIONER THE CAPITOL (850)617-7700 400 SOUTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE,FLORIDA 32399-0800 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES COMMISSIONER ADAM H. PUTNAM May 31,2013 VIA EMAIL(santamaria-mayte@monroecounty-fl.gov) VIA EMAIL(DCPExternalAgencyComments@dca.state.fl.us) Monroe County Growth Management Division Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Attn: Mayte Santamaria State Land Planning Agency 2798 Overseas Highway Suite#400 Attn: Ray Eubanks Marathon,Florida 33050 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee,Florida 32311 Re: DACS Docket#—20130502-235 Monroe County Resolution 132-2013, 133-2013 Submission dated April 6,2013 Dear Ms.Santamaria: The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services(the "Department") received the above- referenced proposed comprehensive plan amendment on May 2,2013 and has reviewed it pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes to address any potential adverse impacts to important state resources or facilities related to agricultural,aquacultural,or forestry resources in Florida if the proposed amendment(s)are adopted. Based on our review of your county's submission,the Department has no comment on the proposal. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 850-410-2287. Sincerely, �W_ Reid Cunningham Senior Management Analyst Office of Policy and Budget cc: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (SLPA#: Monroe County 13-2 ACSC) i-800-HELPFLA �a. www.FreshFromFlorida.com 'ffi"AV Florida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTr 1000 NW 111 Avenue ANA ']'H MASAI),P.E. GOVERNOR Miami, Florida 33172-5800 SECRETARY May 28, 2013 Ray Eubanks, Plan Processing Administrator Department of Economic Opportunity Community Planning and Development 107 East Madison Street Caldwell Building, MSC 160 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Subject: Comments for the Proposed Comprehensive Phan Amendment, Monroe County#13-2ACSC Dear Mr. Eubanks: The Florida Department of Transportation, District Six, completed a review of the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Monroe County #13-2ACSC. The District has reviewed the amendment package per Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and has found no impacts to transportation resources and facilities of.state importance. Please contact Ken Jeffries at 305-470-5445 if you have any questions concerning our response. Sincerely, it Phil Steinmiller District Planning Manager Cc: Harold Desdunes, PE, Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 Aileen Boucle, AlCP, Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 Mayte Santamaria, Monroe County www.dot.state.fl.us South Florida Regional Planning Council MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM#19LD DATE: JUNE 3,2013 TO: COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: STAFF SUBJECT: LOCAL GOVERNMENT C0hIl'gEI-1ENSIVE PLAN PROPOSED AND ADOPTED AMENDMENT CONSENT AGENDA Pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, Council review of amendments to local government comprehensive plans is limited to 1)adverse effects on regional resources and facilities identified in the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida (SRPP) and 2) extrajurisdictional impacts that would be inconsistent with the comprehensive plan of any affected local government within the Region. A written report containing an evaluation of these impacts,pursuant to Section 163.3184,Florida Statutes, is to be provided to the local government and the State Land Planning Agency within 30 calendar days of receipt of the amendment Staff analysis confirms that the proposed and/or adopted amendments identified in the Table below are generally consistent with and supportive of the Goals and Policies of the SRPP.Attached are the separate amendment review forms that will be sent to the local government and Stage Land Planning Agemy. Exhibit A, attached,is a general location map of those amendments listed below that includes a Future Land Use Map amendment. Miami-Dade 3RCaunty v N/A 1 N/A April 2,2013 12-0 Monroe Coin N A #113-2ACSC / 2 N/A April 18,2M3 5-0 Parkland March 4, #13-1ESR N/A N/A 3 Consistent March 6,2013 3-0 Recommendation Find the proposed and adopted plan amendments from the local governments of Miami-Dade County, Monroe County and Parkland generally consistent with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida. Approve this report for transmittal to the local governments with a copy to the State Land Planning Agency. 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suits 140,Hollywood,Florida 33021 Broward(954)985-4416,State(800)985-4416 FAX(954)985-4417,e-mail:sfadmin@sfrpc.com,website:www.sfrpc.com Exhibit A. Fixture Land Use p Amendments for the June 3,2013 Counefl Meeting ng General Location Map X � i r � l�rak9 �J,Y 8 P ff r P' d r r 7 M I a 1 w d I I. Attachment 2 FLORIDA REGIONAL COUNCILS ASSOCIATION LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW FORM M South Florida Regional Planning Council Agenda Item and Date: M-D;June 3,2013. Local Government Amendment Number: Monroe County proposed#13-2ACSC. Date Comments due to State Land Planning Agency; June 2,2013. Date Mailed to Local Government and State Land Planning Agency: Prior to June 2,2013,with final Council Action on June 3,2013. Pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, Council review of amendments to local government comprehensive plans is limited to adverse effects on regional resources and facilities identified in the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida (SRPP) and extraprisdktional impacts that would be inconsistent with the comprehensive plan of any affected local government within the region. A written report containing an evaluation of these impacts,pursuant to Section 163.3184,Florida Statutes,is to be provided to the local government and the sty land planning agency within 30 calendar days of receipt of the amendment: DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT The proposed amendment package contains three amendments to the County's Future Land Use Map described below. County Amendment Resolution 132-2013(Riviera Village,Key Largo) This map amendment would change approximately 0.34 acres (three parcels) of land from Residential Medium to Mixed Use/Commercial,at 10498 Overseas Highway,near Mile Marker 105 in Key Largo. The property is developed land with a Tier III designation,no endangered or threatened species,and home to a 960-square foot pet boarding and grooming business dating as far back as 1992. No residential uses are within the subject property. Adjacent land uses consist of vacant to the north,residential to the south and east, and commercial to the west. The intent of the amendment is to eliminate the nonconformity to the existing use. County Amendment Resolution 133-2M3(Rock Harbor Estates,Key Largo) This map amendment would change an approximately 0.97-acre parcel from Residential Medium to Mixed Use/Commercial located at 98175 Overseas Highway,near Mile Marker 98, in Key Largo. The property is developed land with a Tier III designation,no endangered or threatened species,and home to a veterinary clinic/animal hospital in an existing two-story 3,695-square foot building. The property has been used as retail and commercial dating back as far as 1977. No residential uses are within the subject properly. Adjacent land uses consist of a day care center to the south,residential to the north and west, and.U.S. 1 right-of-way to the east. The intent of the amendment is to eliminate the nonconformity to the existing use. County Amendment Resolution 134-2013(South Stock Island) This map amendment would change the land use designations for 18 parcels of land(total of 51.5 acres)from Industrial to Mixed Use/Commercial located near Mile Marker 5 on.South Stock Island. All the properties are developed land with a Tier III designation and no endangered or threatened species. The surrounding areas include a mix of uses from commercial, office, industrial, service and repair, storage, warehouse, restaurants, residential, public utility, commercial fishing and recreation. The proposed cumulative development potential would be 49 residential units, 481 transient units, or 1.3 million square feet of non- residential use. The change would not affect residential or non-residential uses but allow for transient units. Upon inquiry,County staff informed that any transient units would have to be purchased from the existing pool of transient units from other areas of the Keys. In late 2012, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 032-2012, amending the Comprehensive Plan to assign Maritime industries (MI)Zoning District to the Mixed Use/Commercial Future Land Use Map category, including provisions to preserve and promote working waterfront uses. If the proposed change were adopted,all properties would be subject to said provisions,such as maintairsing a minimum of 35% of the upland area for waterfront and water dependent uses and limiting residential units to commercial apartments or employee housing. Council staff has not identified adverse effects to regional resources and facilities or extra urisdictional impacts that would result from the map amendments. 'L ADVERSE EFFECTS TO SIGNIFICANT REGIONAL RESOURCES AND FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN THE STRATEGIC REGIONAL POLICY PLAN. Not Applicable. Z. EXTRAJURISDICTIONAL IMPACTS INCONSISTENT WITH ANY COMPREHENSIVE PLANS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WMM THE REGION. Not Applicable. Exhibit 7 From: Santamaria-Mayte Sent: Wednesday,July 10, 2013 2:05 PM : Harvey-Mitch! Hurley-Christine Subject: F : comp plan ORC I From: Jetton, Rebecca [mailto:Rebecca.Jetton@deo.myflorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:03 PM To: Santamaria-Mayte Cc: Branda, Robin S Subject: comp plan ORC f�."IfNwk Mre°Iy'$;:i,!! Wffll-ii n:�ga;il°r s her th'� t.wo ob1ectk,)ll�,s for 132 20',93 a,In,J ,933­20',1.3 Ifii IQ Largo, �,Aie N aflse° ,J fSbject on, bs4,sef ,.l onii h, :''° 0'r .04."a°re I#I IC"sid4."#It.Isi10 P,Jeni°ritlp",Ps, 1 V°lNif' 14."v1ewl#Yg the pmpv"k,ses ,J wllls"!n&inl .°#Its W:p P'JkJ n(")# any ll,J g thatthe fi�.°;o II"�I�S��4�,�� ���.°P,� ml����;��Il%.ad(,)r'1�.l,a�.lhal IY"ffa0f abhll II w::,Pr`::." Nf."°celve�,;J L"y tV,P:°couniity p,NRSI fio the PJalte of: d,i,e M(,)nroe 0,uinty poNcy t.o a af.liscoI.ImI',e d�.°';9e�� pth Illa"111t", in,mu disc ,a.:6°rslon,with, you Os"'gsiln'fitlg tVbl'hai Issue we 61otef,J tI"lat If, IN°I ma af,Jopt„ on, pVlm,ls4':�, (,,,;)u`iR fl I#YiP,„ku6 ,4� d,I,e f,Jalta, wf::P wlii not 0 s"'#Ids",!1 of fil Ifll#ifll,„ 1�b'VaIIP"fk f6("'e)l.i Rebecca Jetton (850)717-8494 (850)766-7822 (cell) This email communication may contain confidential information protected from disclosure b privacy laws and is intended for the use o y p y p y f the individual�� named above.If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,this is notice to you that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this communication or any attachment to it may be a violation of federal and state privacy laws.If you have received this email in error,please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message.Please note that Florida has a broad public records law,and that all correspondence to me via email may be subject to disclosure.Under Florida law email addresses are public records. 1