05/18/2022 Agreement a0.aM��
Kevin CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller-- Monme Coul°1ty, Florida
DATE., May 26, 2022
Sheryl Gr;'NduaMA, Diruectol.,
gamma laud sic]v 0ul's
17FN: Fr;umuu°us
Altache d is au copy o he 16,11oavuuug Hem la:ur: you. r rcco r ds;
D,25 CAR111S Act Corm-act KCA 2G'1°"9-A between Clmu., A1,11anu u° I�'Or Aguur< „ Inc. muu l
Nlonroc COumurly/Nionroc C"ounly- Soictal ServIces in Ilrc xrumuauuurt amll' 818,3 .a'. 5 1'01- liuc, u°a in"Iu:':.
1wr:iod uml" larra°h 1, 2O2 gNuu-()ru,g,du Sc-13tt,urmd�ua:wu- 130„ 2022.
- ie, u, m rar uimra: mrNNNua'ur �,111c, fi ly r �aamled uuu-siam I ", butumuucc 'C
Io the record.
dro ut(N you Nrivk': arrry ul�jui ,'shons lydv'a sc fiT'I dircr° la) c onca l nw a l (30.5) 292 3,550,
�"u�uarutr Attorney,
500 Whilehear► Street Overseas Ilig any 8 0 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road
Hey WeO,Fitwid 3040 Marathon,R(mrmcla M O!,A), I'lanlatloo Key,Florida 33070 1=alaurat�11iu'rri Ftod,,(ti 33070
("im-onavirus Aid, Relief, and Ec ojwrnic Saft-ty (CARES) ACT2022 DO EA Continuation Funding,
TH IS CIONTRACT is entered into betwe,en the Alliance for Aging, Inc., hereirrafter referred to as the "Alliance,"and
Monroe Counly Board. of County Commissioners, Social Serviceslin-floute Services, herefilafter referred to as the
"I Provider"`"" and colleofively referred to as the "Parties." The term . contractor fim, this purpose may designaw as vendor,
sub-grantee or sub-recipient, the status to be forfiier identifieJ 41 AITACH MEN]' 11, Exhibit-2 as necessary-
WHEREAS, the Allicince has established through the Area Plan (ni Aging that it is in need of tertain services as
described herein; and
WHEREAS, the Provider has demonstrated that it lur,, (he requisite expertise r,irid abifity to faithfully perf6rin such
services as an, i'Adependetat c(�nrtraclor of the AI Rance.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of'the services to N PQ0br-rried and payrnews to be tirade, together with the
InAltUal covenarroS and con,ditions hereinafter set fiorth, the Parties agree as l'ollows-
I I. pti rpost of C o n I i-act
The purix).";Q, Offllis Qontrao k to provide s,crvices, in accorclance with, the tertais and CondilJorvs sp,oiciflod in, 1111k
contnao including ail attachtne!nIs and exhib,its, whicli mislitute the contrict docummi.
2. Definitions
ADL— Activities of Daily Living
A 11 S —A c�l u It Pro W,(�t i ve Seiry ic e s
ADA Amiericans a,vfth Disabilities Act
A]I iance—A1rca ,Agtmcy on Aging
ATCL Assessed Priority Conmnaer [Jst
CARES Act —Coronavinls Aid., Relief, and Economic Security Act
eCIRTS,—("fient Inkmilation and Registralion 'l)-acking, Sys,teEla
I)0 EA ...... De pail i,i�i en r off"Adcr Aff"air."," (The Deparime�ra)
I&R— I n Rwrn ati(�,)n aml Re l5c rra I
I A 1)L— I oStI11111 e n ta I Activities o 17 Daily L iv in g
MDD— Major Dimister Declaration
MO A— Memorandrim, of A,rare iaen(
Mi 011 MC1110randurn of Unclerstat'iding
T'SAs —Planning and Service Amis corres,ponding to M iani i-Dade aixi Monroe Coi,intiO
SF`A —Service Provider Application
USDA....... United Staties Depar-trnent (A'Agriculture
I Incoi-poration, of Documents witbin the Contract
The contract, inwiporites by reference attachments, proposal(s), soficitatjori,(s), Provilder's Service Provider
App]ication, and the current DOFF flrogratns arld Services, I landbook. Arly and all coritracts or agreernents
executed beweeti the Provider and the Mfiaricodoring lhe� Off cfive perk)(1 ofthis contr-act shall be governed in,
accordancc with the applicable law,,,
4. Ter m ofConfi-act
']'his contract shall begin qmi March 1,2022,(�)r on the date, on which the contract has been sip rwd by the last party
rquired to,sign it, whichever is tater. It shall end at inkinigl),11, lk),cal firrie in Muni, Florida, oil Scirtemirer 30, 2022,
milcss rr�nenveal or exterided as provided herchl.
Page I of 69
5. Conitnict Amount
Ile Allhuice agrees,to pay P,'Pr Qontracte,d services, accoinling to be lenus and condithns of dik contract in an
arnoullit not to exceed JIL&=sul�ject to the availability of Amd.s. Any, oostW or,s,ervices; paid lc,nr under i,,wy other
cNittect or Dan any, other source are not el igible for payment under this contract.
A Renewals
By mutual agreemoit of the parties, thcr Alliance trtay renew the contract PDr We addh0ml oneyear pcHods.
Comitigait upon saUsNckuy perfUrnaixe evakmAms by the A1hance and the avAllability of fund,,,,, any renewal is
sullect W the saine loins as The orighal connect, moth the exception of esublishIg unit raws which is descHbal
Rater in thk section. I'lie orighaal contrachuil unit rales are set fi)rth in the bid proposal aml reply,
ReWwsts to renegotiate the original contractual established, rates are provklod Rx in Me oilier ce's appmwed
Wimburseawint Rate Review Policy, °lrich is incorporated by ref ercnicc,,
Ilk cmurau nny he extended upon atulual agreement for,one extension perio,d not to exceed si\ months u) erisrae
condnuily of serveice, Seny ices, provided under Ohs exteriskm will be paid for out of succeled ing agreenterit
7. (loin plia nee Milli lkedeivl Law
7.1 This cmitract conWs Weral hurds, Ile RObwhg flialll appj:�
T L L The Provider shall coinply with We provisions of 45 CFR 74 anWor 45 CFR 91 and over apphahlle
T11 V IN,amamo cagains f derall funds and is over$I 0%DUCANJ the Provider And canoy wth all
applicablestandards, oiler, or regulations issited wxkr& 306 of le(lean Aar Act as amended (42
U.S,C. '740 1, et seq), s, 508 oftbe Federal Mder Pollution Control Act as amenJed (33 USAD, 1250 et
seqVI Executive ter er 11731 as ameiWej and stem apoicable Envininmental lhotection Agenzy
rvguhthas 40 CFR 30. The conRactor shall report any vjolat[ons of the aNwc to die All iance.
7,Ll The Prov Meq or aganocting fair the Provider, rnay rint use any federal funds rcceive,d in connection
vith this coittrant to influence legilhitim (n apNopriltions, pendhDg hefore the Cortgress or any State
llegklawn4 The Provider must comphte all disdosure Wns as required, speQiHoall-the Cerlificalk)n
of Assurances Attachnien; which niust be contpletee W returned wth did sigwd carstract.
7.1 A. In accordance with Appnrlix A to 2 CFR 211 the common- W conlYly w4h Execudve Chdir 11246,
Eqn! Employment 0ppimunity, as airituded by Executive Order 11375 and others, =J as
supplemenic'(1 in Dc"Parlincra ofl,abca regiflation 41 CF R 60 and 45 CTR. 92, Wapplicable.
T 13, A coisr-act award mAM an 11111OLK11 expected to eqwl or exceed S25100,00 and cerrain, other contract
awards shall not be rnade W prubs 1kWd on Me government-wide Excluded Parties, List System, in
accordance w4th the 0MB gnrideliuJes at 2 (7'V'R 18O that ityq),lei'ttent 1',x."utive Ord ran l2549 and 1,2689,
"Debarment and Suspension? W Excluded lanai List ystern contains the nanics of parties
debarred, suspc tided, or oxo%lied by agerichs, as weH as parties declared ineligible arider,
statutory 01A'CgUlatory authori4r other than Executhre 0rder 12549, The Provider sh,all conaply with
these provisions bel'bre doing business, or emerhg huo subcoritracts receiving federal funds pursuant to
this contract. The Flovider shall coniplete and sign the CeNfication and Assul-ances Attachnwrit prior
lo execution ofthis con,tract.
72. The ProvWer shall not ernploy an unaudwHzed alien- The iUhance W comkkr the emphyrnent of'
unauthorized allens as violadvi ofdw hrlmigraHmi and Nationality Act(8 LI.Sk, 1324 a) and the Irnmigration
Reft)rni and Control Act of 1986 (8 USK 11011 Such viloWtion shall be cauwe for unilateral caticellation of
this contract by the Alliance,.
[%ge 2 of 59
73. If Me PnwkWr is as nowpwnt provider and is suk9ect to Wernal Riverluc Service: IIIS) tax exempt
oNanization nTarUng requirmnerrN (du kg a Fomi 990 or Fonn 9900)and has its tax exempt stam revoked,
lbr failing to e(�mtply with the Ung reglimmeWs of the 2006 Pensic�)n Pr(.)lection Act or fibrany other reason,,,
the Provider must nody, the Alliance in Ming whbin thirty (30) days of)'Qceiving the IRS notice of
7A, Ile F'rovkler shaH comply w1th TWe 2 CFR Pan 175 1'rafficking in Persons.
TS. (hiless exempt under 2 CFR Pan I 11 0(b), the Provider shall comply with the raaportjng reqairenicnts of the
1'renspareney Act as, expressed in 2 CFR 170.
T6, To oonlifly With PresiderWal Execmdve (Wee 12989 and Stme of lam as Executive ()rder Number I I -I 16,
NoWer agrees to LOW the US. Depanntent of lJoirieland Security's F-verify s)sip a to verily the
employmmu of all ne%v employees And by Provider dudng the contract term,. Provider shall [ticlude in related
suixaAmets a raluiretnent that subcoiltractor's, aural or vendors 1�)erforrning work or providing services j)'Ur'S'naW
to he SMW coldract utilize the Ewedty jymm w verij employment(Wa.11, new etnployces I'dreldby lh,c
suNontnac,tor and/or vendor duHng the contract term. Providers, meeting the tennsand conditions ot'llve F-
edj Symmm are deemed to bQ irt Qotnpfiance Nvith this provision,
8. collipliance With State Law
U. Ibis urnoaclis executed and entered 5k) & be State of 110rkla' aired Shall, be construed, perforined and
enforced in all respects in accoWance wth he FUWa, law, including Florida provisions, fi(�)r conflict of laws.
12, Ile Provider AaH cwnply wit the rupiremmUs of s, 287151 W as amended,
82A. The Provider AAH pmvide units of deliverables, including nVoWny Win, and drahs, as sIxecified W,
his cornme, which the Contract Manager mirs't receive and accept in writing prior 1(�.) paynient.
&22. The Con uAwor AM ciom Q w 1A the Weria and 11na I dule by wh ich mich,criteria m ust be met
MrcompWon ofdhs amirau as yncilted hi ATTA('11NIF:N-l' 1, Sioion 111. Melhod of
L23. The Provklorshafl submit Ws W flees or other cornpomknl ftr s,erviccs or expenses in sulficient
Mai I hr as propolme-audit and possaudh.
UA. If hembed payment Or travel expenses is petinitted in his coiarac; It: co,mracm Wl Minh bills 1by
any travQ1 expens,es in accodance %ith s, 112061, ES, or at such lower rates ais may be Fwavided in
this Contract.
82.5. Ile Flovider sh,all allow public access to all documer;tt papers,, letl(TS, air'0thCTpLl1bHc records wi,
deDned in subsection 119,0111(12), [�',S, mado or received by the contractor in con,oWon %v ith dais
contract except for those records which ar'e inade confideMial or exempt by law. The Providers refilsal
to cornNy mAth this pmvkhn MmIl constitute an, immediate breach of contrawl for which the Alliance
For Aging, Inc. may LIrnitaterally, teritthlatc the contract.
83. If clients are to he tmnsported under dais contract, he F'rovkler SAN comply Will) The provisions, (.')1'Chapter
427, F,S,aortal RLI]e 4 1-2, 1". A, (7.
8.4. Subconinactors and/or vendors wwhur are ort the distrinainatory vendor fist may not tran.,qi.et business with ally
pubUc W% in accordame with the provisions of s, 87,134, F',&
U, ]Fhe Provider Will Con'llily with the ppyOsOns of s, I I A61 IAS, and s. 2 1&347, FS, wh A lxoWbh the
expenditure of ootilrut funds ft)r the purpose of Ilcwbbying the [egislature,juditial branch or as state agency.
Nje 3 of 69
Uq In accordance Wd! Sectimi 287J35 FS-, atq O)ntractor on dw ScrutinUed CAmpaides wit AchvhWs Ri
Sudan Ust,, the Scrutinized Co,orkpanics with Activitts W Me tan Wile= Energy Saw At or Hie!
Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel list (INO, crea.ted pursuant to Section 215,473 RS, and
215,4725, F,S, or is engaged in as boycott of IsraQ], or is engaged in hushess operations in Cuba or Syria,, is
inelligiblie to,enter into or renew as WOW WIT 1he Depailment A goock or services o0 1,000,000 or in ore,
Pursuant to Seclimi 281135 FA, die Alliance nMy terminate this contract if the Provider is fi)und to have
submitted a thke,cerfifiQadon of A maus on the Lists or has, been placed on die Lists or is, crigaged, in a.
boycou of Israel or has been engaged in business operations in CAN or Syda, Further, the Provirler is
suh�ject To Evil pen,allies,, -,,vuirneyi Neon and causes and any costs Ra- invc.mip;ations that led to the, finding of
11i[se ceifHcaliom Ile Pro,vider Aall complete and sWn to CertlHemkis aml Amuran"s Alladmeii; Qn-
to, the a�,Ntxjufilon offliiS, 010111raet,
9. Backgroutid Svireening
9A. Ile Provid,ex shall comply -Alm and ensore are in conipliailee %vith the requirenients ors,
430M402 and. ChaNer 4 3 1 F.S, as arriended, am nwt tegardkg baokground screerdttg for all persons wvho
rmeet the deflinkian of a dimet service:provider and who am not exempt from the Departmerit's level 2
backgrottrid screerring pursuaiit to s, 43MOMU(1431 FT 'lle Prxwider nium also comply with any applicable
rules pmmidgated by the Ekpartment and thr Agetxy for, 1.4ealth Care Administratk)ri rcgiarding
of s, 430.0402 and (7hapter 435, 1',S,
12, Firt-ther infAniationconcerning Ow procedures For background screeniing is fAHW at
9 A Background Screening Affidavit of Comphmne - To deinomusm comphange md1h this contract, the, Provider
shaH submit AVACI IM['Wr l), Nwkground ScTeen ing ADNdavit of Con'Thatme arumaRy by Jmwary 15th.
11t. Grievance Procedums
'Ile Provider shall comMy with and ensure s,ubcortumctor War vendors compliance with tbo Minimum Ciuidehnes
f6r Rocipiew Grievanec I'mcedures, Appendix D, DOEA Progratirs and Services Harid600k, io address cotnphi4its
regard big the WInation, swpeitsion or reduction of service, as recluji-O R)r reccipt of funds.
Cojiiplfdra: lln ieedurcs
Ile Flovider shaH d"elop and jmp,Wment complabit procedures ancl erisiurQ, that suhct�)taraicicyrs; and/or
vendors, devek.)p antl implemem complakV proceduses,to pr(�iccss and resolve cl ient dissatist'liction w 4h,
servicey Comphint pmwedwvs shall address the quality and tirrieWss of servAns, provider a;nd direct service
worker cimnygaints, or any othcr advice. related to Coniphlilits other than, tennination, su,,�,pensiotl or reqJuction
in services that require the grievance process im descrHred in ANxnAx D, 1)ep�arinient of'Elder Affairs
Nograms and Services I fandboc�ik, The o.,)mplaint procedures shall include nod fication u) WI Am cW the
comp hini pmcmWre and inducle trackkig Te d1mr, nature of compWrit, die deterriiinatio!ii of ach complairu,
and tht RAW-up with die client to ensure satisj:hction with the res(duflo'n
11. 1'rublic Records and Retenikin
I IT By execulkin (if this coinmCL Comm agmes to MI pmvisions ofC"Viapter I 19, F,S,,, and aany
other appWalde Inw. and AN k
1 1,1 ,L Keep and inaintain public records rcqtdrcd by'-we [kPammma 10 POMMM Me cmnramd Services,
1 1.1.2. Upon request Wnr 1hc DelsmimenCs custodian orpWic rennAs, proNik time Depamnieni as copy"
O[the requiesled rec,?Ixk k,)rallo%N, thc rocords to be inspected or copied within at reasonable finie
ai a com dial does not exceed the cost pmvided in Oisipwr 119, FA,r�)r as other),vise provided lby
QW .
Plaige 4 of 69
11.13. Ensure that: pulflic records At am cxwupt. (w confidential mid excmpL num pubhc rewrtls-
diAclowne raluirernems am nnol chsclosed except as. nothalzO by! hov for the (Juration of the
contrael li:rni and fbHo"ing compWon aft he comract if the Corflraetor doc..", rjoi transIl"cr die
nxoms to be Wpubrims.
11 .1.4. LJI)on conaj.-0c6o " OF00 C01101CL the Conlrackw vdH eitlier sans,15% at no cost fate A111hawall
public rccmA s in possession af be Coriiractot% 1:mV- ill I keep and nuhnu in pubHe reamAs req u irod,
by tl'w IrWe (Mntractor transtbrs all] pubfic recor(N to dic Deliartiment upon
complethn of dw comma. Contra= shall demmy any duplicate public recortis 01"11 are
ewrnpl. or conlidendal and xamp, kom pubbi ruco,rds tl$a(Ac)sawc mqm.rernerits, 11 f the
C ontriclor keeps and inaintains Q11c nmorcls tWon corriNEW of the conner The (%Hravloir
shall ricel all app&AW ivqWrernems ku rMaining po[flic rc(,ords, All records storedl
electron:iQa Illy rrium be proyWed wke Depwirnew in as Wrinar that is c(unp;U01c xvidi die
h1lorniMion technology systenis (d"Hus 1hpartnuont,
111, 1 he Alliance rnkat unillaicraly, cancel this conumch nwidistauling smy (Aher pmwkions of ibis
cwitmo, boncl`hyd by Ow AnImcuir W comMy kOlh A FIONCIINIENT I of this cmumet by not Wkwing
public acuss to all domoncinn papers. Wers, or other material inacle or reQcived by flic (."ontracti:)r in,
corjunoicrn "Ith Us consact, unless the reumAs are exon, or confidential mid evmmp, fhmn Sectiola
21400 of Ajtic,kr I of the Sale ConsthulAn and Section; 119.07(1 )® FS
11117-111F, (1^1"RACTOR HAS QUES"HONS REGARIMM; TnE APPLI('AT ION OFC11A p"j,1',"1� 1,19,
Flubfic Records C!oordinator
Florida Del'xictriwol oftkller
Affairs ,4040 I'';S][011nade NVay
Tallahassee, Ftorida 32399
Ll raa!SL�La
12.1. The ProvidusbA eMabHsh and mablahi Woks, records and docutincrIs (WoW ding,electronic momge medh)
sufficient to reflect al I asset% oblyadonn unobligmed balances,. incurne, interest and expetiditures,of ftinds
fwav Tale d by the Alliance under 1hisommmu. PmvWershW! adequmcly eels gk,iai-d ail llsiicl�l aisset,", ,,�iti,das,,Stire
they are used solely f lor the porlynes Wwrized We dis coiww Whenever appropriate, 11nmiciat
Wrtnation should be related to peArtmance and unh cost data,
12.2. 'rhc, Provider shall Wah all Wit records, financial records, suppwilti,g docUnICIAtS, StIlfiSti"I re(OKIS, and
arty other docurnenis (hichtding electronic storage media) peoinent to this ocmlnad: ftir it period ofsix (61)years
after completion of1lic conract or longer whtn requircid by law. In the eVent an aodit is N'qtflred by 1his
contrad, records shall be retained 1br a rninimmin period ofsix(6) years after the audh report is Sued ar uritif
resolmio,of an), audit or litigation, bawd on he turns of his oonhwel, at no additional oom to the
123. Up ori demand, at no a(ldhionall com to flee /Uliance, the Provider wdl tbcifitau�the dulflio,'iticm and transfier c&
any remods or 010'CLITIleuts during the required reu�,tifion perkid in Paragra.pIll IL2.
12A. The Pmvidier shall assure that Me rmotAs dweribod in 1his se0ion shaH be subject at all reasonable time to
inspoedwr, rev kw, cupykg,or aucht by Fedcm4 Ww, or other personnel cluly authorized by the Alliance.
Page 5 of 69
12.5, At null reasonable fime.,,, for as Ion as ree't"wds are rn a hitabred, persons,duly authorized by flic A,III iance, DOLA
and Fedeml audhors, ptuxuant to 45 CFR Pin 71 shall be altowc l full access lo and the right to examine any,
of Me ProyWar's contracts and relmd records and dOCUITICutSpe mina rit To dais specific c(nittact, tega rd less of
We Urn in which kqm.,
116, The Provider shall provide a financAl and compliance audit to Me AlIliance as specified in this contrao and
ensure that aIJ related third-party transactions aiv dhdowd to Me mWiMr,
117. The Provider shall cotntily and cmyemw in-nnelawly lAth any KsIpecdamonviews, hwemigatkmsar
audits deerned necessary by the office of the IX)EA"s Inspoct,or General pursuant to s. 21051 FS. ProOder
I'urther agrees that it shall inchide in related subumnmds ai requirelnent that quhoolnriaoors and/or
vc',Ildors perforni ing work. or 1.)rovidOg services pumumn a) &is contruct agree to coopenne Ath die
Alfi;w1ceorhispector General in any invQs6gafion .WE hspcoion . review .psi hea ring pursom w
S"ahn 20MIJ51 FS. By exmulion of Wis ewract the Providc.i, undvrttands and will conifily this
subsect kin.
13. N on tliscrim ina do n-Civil Rights Compliance
13A The Provider shall execute assurancle,.'i in A"I"I'AC11 IMIENT VI that it will not disc rindnate again s,t any person
hi the provisk)n (if services,or hendils under this contract or in ontployment because of age, race, 1-0(gion,
color, disaWhy, nwiou;d origin, niarhal staws or sex In complince with suite and 10dwil Ww and mgWaWs.
The Provider further assures that all comramm, subcoinractors, vendors, s uh-grantees, or oilhc�rs with wli[orri it
arrariges, to provide services or We% in connedion with any of its ji,rograitis and activities are not
discriniinathig qgahmt clinus; or entployees because of age, imce, religion, color, disa[)ifityi, wtiorial origin,
Inar-ital status or sex,
13.2 lJuring the terin oHhK owarao,Me ProvWer shall complete aa.nuad retain Oil file a finiely, complete and aocurale
CIO! Rights (Anpikince Check!kt minted to dais contract,
13 3 The Provider sWO emaNish pmcedwvs purskmit lo, ficderal, [aw to handle corliplaints of discrunination
WvWvkg service or henefin dwough this contract. These proce�lwvs YdH indude nodifing Aents,
emph)ree, and participants orthe rWht to Of a canpWrit with the approphate Werra (w Oak emity,
114 If As contract comaks Weral funds, these assumnces me a cmidlithon of cotilmnd (5for benefit from
federal financial assistance, Euid am biruldg upin be Prov%4 its sncesmus, hansfirren, and as&ignces Wr
the perio4,1, during mtkh such assistance is provIded. The Provider further ass,urfn.', fluat all subc(nitractors,
vendors, w others with wbon) it arrangus to provide services or benefus to part ic ipa nts or Qniployces in
contlec"tion with any of its progmnis and a3whils am not disaindnathg agahst Tose panicipwits ar
employees in vhlatk�i,ti of the above slatutes, regiflatkins, guiddheq and slanthIrds, Irt flie event of failure to
comply, be Pmvicler understands that t1w Alliance tnay, at its discretion.,seek a court order reqkdring,
conMlWnce vidi dw Wrins of this aosurance or seek other appropfiatejudicial or administrativ relief,
illicluding but not filrdted to, terniination ofaind denial offin'ther,as,sismwe,
14. Provision of Services
The Pwider shall provide Me services relFerred to in, ATTACTIMENTVII in fl-te manner described in the DOEA
Programs JkServices I hmdbook and the Provider's 'Service ProviderApplication (SPA). In the event of a conflict
between the Service Provider AppEcation and ON cwHract, the contract language prQva4s,
15. Monitoring by the Alliance
Ile Provider Will pernih prisons duly awhadzed by the Al Hance to inspect and copy any records, papers,
&icunaenls, racilities, goods and services of the Provider whidi are relevant to Nis,contract, and to interview any
Page 6 of 69
clients, enlifloyees and subcon tnic toriii've rid oti,emptoyeesofthe Provider t�o ass'ure the A I li;-ance ofthe satis-ractory
perforniance ofthe tcrin-s, and cort(litions (if Otis txmitracl. Noll wing such review, the Altiance Mll deliver I(I the
Provider a writic�ii report of its, findings, and where appropriate, that Prov i'der shall develop as Corrective Action flan((.I I AP), The I'tovider hereby aplees to titiaely correct all deficiencies identified in the CAP,
16. Coordinated Mcildtoring with Other.Agenciies
If the Provider receives fUnditig frictni one or riliom, Of the offloricla human service ageticies, in addition tcl
Alliaacie funding, thert ajoint momhoring visit including such other agcncics rnay Iv, scheduled. For the purposes of
this contract, and pursuant to s,, 287,0575,FS. as amerided, Florida's hunlan service agencies,shall include the
Del),tronent oiThildren aild Families,the Department of Healtk, IhQ Ag(:rwy for Versoji,s Nvith Disabilities, the
I.Department of"Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Elder Affairs. Uport nollfication and the mibs,equenit
schieduling,of such as visit byr the designated agencys, lead administralive coordinator, the Provider shall coinIfly ,'tnd
Cooperate kvith all moniti,i,)rs, inspectors, and./or investigators.
17, Indentrifficallon
Thc Provider'shall inderim i fy, save, (kfQn('1, arxi hold ll'anrdoss tlie Al,fiance and its agents anct eniploy0es frc�nii tully
and all claims, deniiands, actiotis, causes of action of%kilimQver nature or character, arishigmit ofor by, reason of`the
execution of this ag �enw.iall or ofthe services, provided Ibr herein- It is iinderstood anid agreed thiat the
Provider is ii.,ot required to indemnify the Alliance ticn- clairnis, deimmids, actions or causes ofaction arising solelly out
of the Alliati negligerice.
1 7,,[ Excopt to 1he extent permitted by, s. 768-28, F.S., L,-)r other, 171(),rida laiii ljaniigraph, 15 is not applicable to
contracts exeQuited bel'veQn th,e Alfianev and state agencies or subdivisioris, defined in s, 76&28(2)" J.'is"
18. Insuranceand Dowling
I&I The Prov ider shall prov i,de continuous adequate I ial')i klyi insur�',owe coveri during the existence ol"this
contract awl any, renewal(s)and Cmiension('S'),of it. By execution of this contract, unless it is a male: agency, or
SUbdivisimi as defined by subsi�cfio,n 768,28(2), 1,'iS,, the Provider accepts,f1d] responsibility J"or identifying
and deWroti,ining the type(s) and extent ot'liabifity insurance necessary lo provide rcasonabhe firuirIciah
protections for the Provider aoid Tile Cliews 1(.), be served under this cotitract. The Alliance shall be ipichide("l as,
ark additional insured on the provider's fiab,ility insurance po,filcy or Volicies, andl as copy of the C ertificate of
Insuratice shall be provideld annually or when any cilimages --occur, The limit of"coveragic unki, each po-licy
maintained by the Provider do not Haiti,,the Provider's fiabifityi and obligations under this contract, 'rhe
Provkk,r shall ensure fliat the Alliance has copy ofthe most current Avriuen, ved fiteation of insurance coverage
thrOUghOLIt the (ClIn (Iffili'S conitiam Si.wh coven'.'ip may be provided by as self-insurance pri estal.flished
arid operm hig urider the laws of the State of Florida, The A]Iiiance reserves the right to require add itiotial
insurailce as spiccified in this, contnia
'1'11)�'�)tjgjj()J�t I[e,terr it
18,2 ,I Of fljjS agi.eeniellf, tile Provider shall makitaim an insurarwe bond from it responsible
commercial in.,,iuranQ,Q, company covicring all officers, (114,-ectors, employees,arid agents ofthe Provider
aullic)rized to harldle hi rids received or di,,,bi-irsed kmder all agriuments, mad/or contraicts incorpo,rating,this
contract by r0emneo in art ".inioum conimensurate with the fLijids handIc(l, the degree ofrisk as determined by
the insurmice company and consistent vdithi good business, practices.
11.9. Clonfidentiality of Infor.suation
The Provider S'hal] riot use oil, disclose any inf6iination concerning as reciji,icli,t of services under this contract flor any
purpose probibited by stale or fedcTal law or regLilations,except with the written ccoisent oif as persami legually,
autlic)rized to, give,that cotisQnt or wbert milhorized' by ktw,,
Pace'7 of 1619
20. Health Ists,urauee Portability and Accountabifily Act
Where alip[icable, the Provider shall comply with tke I kallb JnsorancQ Portabillity and Accounuibility Act (42 uSC
1,1320dj, ais wel I as all regutations prornul uteri thereunder(45 C!'R 160, 162,and 164),
21. Juckleril Reportiog
21.1, The Provider shall notify the Alliance ininiccliately but no later Than fi)r1yeig)A(48) hou", from the Providel.7's,
3AV31,1:11es'S Or djscomery of con.difions 11[im may materially aff&ct the Frovider's, sLibcoiitractot'S,,Ory iidor's
abilit�y to perfimn the services required to be pc0brnted umfer any contracc Such ru�)ficc sho.tl be naade orally
to the(t°)ritracll Man,ager(by tclepli,one) with aura erna.fl,to immediately fbilou-
�2 1�2 Thie Provider shal I ininicidiately relmnt knowledge or reasonable suspicion of abuse, neglect, rat exploitation of
a child, aged person, or disabled adifli, to the Floricla Abuw I lotline 4.,)n the statewide toll-free telephone
run in,ber D-8010-96A BUSE,.), As required by C'hapters 39 and 4 15, F%S, this is, binding up uri; the
Provkkr, subcontramrs, vendors, and their emplio'Yees,
22, Maulwuptcy Notification,
It', En any finie during the tern) of Oak Contrad,0,W Priwider, its subcontractors, vend ors or "Iffil iiates Coles,as
claiiii ft.)j- bankruptcy, th(e Provider RILLSt huniediately the AllianQe, Within lert (R))days, after notificmioti, the
Provider inustalso provide tine 16111owing inforinalion 'to Ore Alktincc: (I) the date ol'fifing ofthe bankruptcy
pefition-, (2) ffic case nrunber; (3l the court nanie and the division in which the ),ti i
I e t on, was filed („e. g,.,,Northiern�
Distr ia:fl of'Hoirida, Tallahassee Division); and, (4) the name, address, and telephone number of the batlkruptcy
23. Sponsorship and Publicity
23,1 As tequired by s� 28,6,25, F.S., if the Provider is a rion-governiniental organization which spoowr_s as progran'l
financed wvhofly or in part by stato 1:11nds, including any funils t+uflried through this contract, it shall, in
publicizing,advertilsing, or describing the sponsorship of the progranistaW. "Sponsored by(Pri,-.,)vider`s
nanie), the State of Florida Department of EliderAfpairs,and the.Affiance for Aging, Inc." If the sponsorship
reference is in written material, the words "Statc:of Florida, Department of Elrder Affairs" and "Alliance for
Aging, Inc," shall applear in -at least the sarric size letters or type as the narne of the organization,
212 The Provider sl all. not use the words"'I"he State of Florida DepartnariA of 1,711der Affairs"or"Allfiance for
Aging, lne-" to indicale of prograrni otherwise financ'Cid, L1,111CS'S SPICCUIEC MithOHZIni011 IMS blecil
obtained by the Alliance prit)r to rase:
24. Assignments
24-1 The Provider sham] not assign, Ole rights and responsibi I itios tinder this Contract without the prior wrilwri
approval of the .Alfiance,ivhicb shall not he iintcaisonalfly withhelit Any StlbfiCCIISe, a11ISSigI11,111CF11,or tral'Isfer
othervOise Occurring vaithorvt Prior written approval oftlie Alliance will consthiiwa rnaterial breach (�Ifthe
24.2 The Alhanct shall 411, alt, filtnes be entilkd to assign, or transfer, in whole or part, its rights, duties,, or
obligations under this,contracl to another agpiiq upcwi giving prior written notice to thic Provider. In the event
the Allian,ce approves transfer,of the Provider's obligAtions, the Ilrovidc;r remains responsible for all work
perffirmed and all expenses incurred, inconnectiortwith the cotaract.
24,3 110s, contraa shall rerriain binding upon the successors in interest of eitlaer the Provider oir tile Allialw'e.
Page 8 Of 619,
25. Sn'bemclimets
211 The Provider is responsible for all mvrk per1kinned pnimnUo this COMM whether aCtLUIlly ftirnishO by the
rn-ovkJor or Us subiewitraoMrs and/or venday Any nAwAracts shall be evidenced [o), ai wrilten clocurrient and
SLIIijed to any conditionis of approval the Alliance Ar Aghg dems The PtoKer must cnswv that
the Alliance has, as current Jim of all subewHractom anclVor vmWnn. Ile Provider flardier agrees that the
AHianice shall nal be lbble to, the subcontmicK anNor vendor indiny way or A)r any; reason, Ile ProAlder, at
its expenw, shal I defend We Alliance zig!ainst an), such clairns.
212 The Provider shall prornpity pay any subcontractors and1or vendors up(In reccipt of paynient fi,oni the
Alliance. Failure to make payments to any subconvactor andMr vendor in accordance with s� 287.0,585, I�Q
unless ofiter"Pisesiated, in the c(mitract between the Provider and subcontractor zinclVor,vencli will residlt in a
penalty as Provided by st,,i
261. Independent Capacity, of Provider
H is lie intan and understanding of the ParHes that the Pmivitleq or any of his subcontmciors andki vendors, an
indepien(knt coiatractors and are not ernployees of the AHAnce and .shall not hicild HICETISCIVeS, OLIt as cnip[oyees or
agions of the Adhance widixnd specific authorizatkm limn die Alliance, R is the furtiver intent apid t,inderstandingof
die lNinjes At the Alhance does not control the employmir practites; 4.'A"the Provider and sliall nctt be liable for any
wage and hour, emNoytneW discrimilmHoF4 or other labor and emphynient oliirns against the Pruivilder or its
Hsu bcouractoto and/or viendirns off deductiomi flor s(I,cial security, Nvith1volding taxes., hicorne Ca es, contr[lItitions to
LMCMPKYMMO 0010piCTISMOn RnKafldl aa,ll necessary in for the Provider shzill be Me sole responsibility of
the Priovider,
27. Payment
2TL Nyments mwill be rnadc, to the Provider 13LIBLIard to & 2 11422, RSi, as scriii are re,nidered and invoiced by
thc Pro,vider. 'I'lic JklOnce will have thud appt-oval ofTe invoke 6wrmyrnmL and will Vpmve Me Qvice
for' if the Providerhas nictall terms and condhions ofTe contract, unless the bid specifications,
purchase order, on this conbact specill otherwise. Tlhe approved invoice will be smbrnitted,to the Alliance's,
riscal section for budgetary, approval and. prt�)cessirigi, INsputts arising over invoicing and payinicats will be
resoNed in accordance wviih, the provisions, of is, 215,.,,122 F,S,,
2T2. Ile ProOder agrees to submit WIN for Nes or other compensation flor services of expierrses. ni SiAlcient detail
for a Proper pre audit and post audit thierecd. The cornractor shall ecrni Ay whh the pan WWa"-eWkrernents
t,nider the: fbillowing bws and guklcliivuros that ape applicabile:to the contracts or agreleatients ineorporating in this
(7,antract by reference: (a) paragraph (16) (j)of sectioin 216.18 1, 1%, regatd,hig advances,; (b) Rule 691-
40.1,03 f".Ak!, pertahiing to Reoriodon of Expenditures Hxmi suac funds;and, (Q) (lie lnvt�)ice Requiriciuents of
the Refenimice Gukle Ru State Expendituries thm the Departnisai of Financial Services at:
1,04", , , p LWdfil 1:1.1 E .i,li"Vl t
Ile Provider vviH cut 60hat delailed documentation is available to support each hiem on Ke fternized irwoke
or payinent request lbr cost r6ruborsied expenses,, fixeld rate or del iverables contracts or agree in("Fits
itroorpori this, Cli by rek!jiencc,, imbiding paid sotw(mitractor and/or ve�ndorinvoiQes, and mdH be
piroduced up oin request by the Alhance, The Provider xvHl Other cerfif that reirnburscinient requests are only
ft:Fr ii.flowable experrses as dehncd in Me Nos and guidiiiag,circuilars cited in Sections 4 of Ik Qrnrac4 in We
Rvfi:reiwe Guide for Mate Expendihirres,and any-mdwr laws or mgWakAm as apokable.
2Z3. Ile Awider, A anNor vendms shall prcwide units ofddKemble, hwkWkg rVon% Rndhp,
and drafts,as in the cit.,Fwricts or agreements and attaclunients, which incorporate this Contract to be
received, and accepted by, the Manager prior to, payment,
Page 9 of 69
�2 7A, Paynients %,vil I be nuWe to the Provider based on as co,niplete an(,] correctu invoice, invoices thin are incomplete
or with hunrect twal will not be processed and swill be relunied to the Provider for correction, Hscadl stall'
wA I W be able to marvel or make changes to the invoices, Rommilg invoices R CUTOOKs may msult it),
Ehiltue-As receive, payment f6t that mornh. Invoices shall be subrnitted timely as per AT'J'A(1 IMENT Vill in
order to avoid any Payment delays.
211 Each serwK pmhwmed sAll be rewmAed as specified irr t1w client inforniation and registration Tracking
systeni (e(ARTS),guidelhws, Sqvodkg dommenuthn of sery Wes provided mot be axleclume to penuit
fis'eal and prograrnmadc evah,tatha, and ensups blernal inanagernern.
28. Return of Funds
The Frov[der will rettint to 1heAlliance any overpaym= dtm to unearrte(l funds or funds disallowed and any
interest attributable to such fitti(is 1,.mrsqrara tc�) the tenns and condithns of Ilds contract thal were disbursed to, the
Provider by the Allhimm In the event that the ProyWer or its indqxndent andhor discovers that an overpoyrnent has
been m.ade, the Provider shall repay said overpayment inimediately withour prior notifleation ftorn the All iance, In
the event that the! Alliance first Kliscoveis an overpayrttent has been nrade, the (7ontract Manager, on bcJ)alfoflfi,e
Alliance, %vill notjd'y the Provider by letter of such Andings, Should repayment not be made forthwitla, the Provider
wM be charged, at the Owl"Lil rate of interest on the oummnding balance pursuant tt) s. 55-03, 1',S,, afWr Alliance
ttofification, or Provider disco,verwy,n.
2% DWa Safeguarding Information
Ile lboviclev and U subcamawas and/or vendors shall K' smv an apropriate IL vel ofdalawicurity fin the
infortuatron the Provider is collecting or usAg in the I),erJ1)rru,ance of Ills contract. An appropriate level c)f'�ecurily
inchWes appnning and nc%all Provicler employees that request system oritifornration access and ensurhig that
user access has been rernov"! hvm all ten nWated ernployees, 17he Provider, aniong otbet tri'llst
anticipate mild Prepare for the Ks of infibrination proccsAng capfbilhWs, AN &Ua and soh%vare shall be routinely
backed up to ensure recovery ]"roan losses cm- outages of be computer sysmThewcurily over the backled-Lip data
is to he as Stringent as the protection rtqujred of ibQ pthru,',try systenm The ProAder shall ensure all
ar"Vcr veridors tnainlairt written, procedures Rw compmar syMern NwOnp ami recovery. The 1'rovitler shall cowq*lc
and sign ATTACI-IMENT IV prior lo the execudon of this Contract.
31 Sochi Adledia an(] Personal Ce,U 'Phone use
30.1 Inappropriate use of'social rnediaaimed posonsd c0l phones may pose risks to the,
and propHoary hilonnatioti, -and niay jeopardize c(mulAiance with legal obligations. By signing this contract,
Provideragrees to the ROlowing mwial med,4t and persional cell phone userequironems,
30L2 Soeial Media De inn ed. 711te termi Sochi Me% and /or perRmud cellular cornrounicaticrn include, but is not
IhOwd to, social networking websir,;s, blogs�, Iiodcasts, dNcusshn lbrurns, RSS, feeds, video %Hng, SNIS
(including Direct Messages lDMB)" iklessages,text Inessages"ele');soci,a.,d nctNvorks like Instagrarya,Tjkl'ok,
Snapchat, (ioo)g[Q Hati,gottis, WhatsApli,, Sigillarl, I'aciebook, Pinterest, and Twilter, andconteri,t shaming,
networlis mich as Ftkkr and YouTobe, TV inchgles the transmission of social ruedia through any cellular
or onUne wornission, via,any electronic,, internet, intranet, or o4ber
�3 0,3 Application to any direct or incidental 13010k or other state business, This corulact applies to any,
Alliance did" EA l"undcdconuacts or Tether-stame bLas,iiile!sscondudedonAria) t)f theProvdier's, Subcontractor's,
or their employees" social rnediat accounts or through personal
314 FMAdm QYverninent in tire Sunshine, Iflodda Public Records Law,and 111PAX, Provider ackrioNvIedges
that any Alliance I)OEA funded or other state busincss coulucted by such! meta ar throot1h pasooal
cellular communicabon is subject to Florida's, Chovunment in Me Surrshins Law, Florida"s Public Rec�ords,
Lavy (Chaper 119, FWrida Stanorst and the Iloalth 111SUF1111cle P(mlability and Accountability Act (11111AA).
Conq)hance with these laws and other applWaWe laws an Mother &hd led inn the
Page 10 of 69
30,5 Prohibited (or Restricted Postings.
Any =Wl media posts Wch hiclude photos,video%or names Of CHCWQV0fUnteC1-N, staff,or offier affiliates
of The Allhonce or EX)EA may be posted when authorized by law and when any rejurred HIPAA
ainhorizatii,tos and any (�)Ihet conserits or authorizations required ptirsnarit to federal or state lavv are, on file
with the 11rovider's recoi-6.
3L Conflict of Interest
The Pmvider ANI establith saQuards to prohibit wnpk�)Yees, board menibers, nuinagenient and sirbcontracto rs
and/or vendovs, from iising their lxtssilvns Ir as pw7mc that cons,fitutes or Invsents the appearance of personal or
organizational conflict of interest or personal gab. No employele, cifficer car argent of the or skibcorkiraclor
andlor vendor sliall participate in selnuionam in be award of an agreern(eotl su,ipported by State or Federal fands if as
conflio ofititicrest, real oc apparent, woWd be hwolved. Such a conflict woAd arise what 0) dw emphym, oWer
or agent (b)any munber or hhAcrimaw1me Why; ) his or her partner, cc; (d) an organization %vhich eniploys,
(.�)ri,sarbotit toe,iiiploy, aRy, of0maNw, limos afimnchloi7o!ber interest inn MeHnnseWcmdfbrawauL 77heilovider
or anymbcontractor's andAw vendar's officers, ernployees or ago as vdH nwither solicit nor accept gratuities, 11avors
or anything of monetary value from contnictors,potential contractorsi, or parties to stfhconlracts. The Provider's
boarci inembers,and management must diselose to the Allianne any relation4hp which rnay b, cor romy be petnein,cl
to be, a cmiHiet of interest within thirty(10) calendar days of an individuars original appointment or plaeernent in
'that: position, or if the individual is sowing as an incutrobent, within dirly (30) calembr 1, orwe conmaxement
of this contract, The Provider's employees and subcontractors andMr vendors must niake thesarne disclosures
described above tar the Provider's board of directors. Cornphmme with M provkhm will be manhov?
32. 11tiblic Entity Critne
I'lursuant ft) s. 287.133, E&, the 661 low ing testrictkns are phzed an the ahH Uy of perswis coivv icted (51'public,entity
crimes to Unnsact bushes wkh the /Ulance, A person or affiliaw who has been placed on the convi,eted veador list.
hHowWg a conviction boar as ptiblic etaity Arne may not submit a W, proposal, or reply on as contract to provide any
g0k)ds or sorvices, to as public endy may not submit as bid, pmpman or reply an as contractwith as poblic entity 17or
the consirtiction, or repak of a public btAding or public %vat; may am sAndt bids, proposals, or, replies on leases of
real property-to as public entity; may not he awarded or perRurn work as a cordractor, sqvHeri, sahecmtrztctor,
vendor, or consulmd under a contract with any poblic entity; anAi may nul transact business with any rntbfic enthy in
excess of die threshold amown provided in s. 287A I I RS, %r CATEGDRYTWO fii,r ;i period of 36 nionths
follci,wing lbe dam of heing phiced on the corivicted vendor list,
33. F"micrgency F"repwredness and Confirswity of Opovdons
311 If the tasks to be pallunred ptn'stiara to this ccmHract Alude Me physJcal care and control of'clients, or Me
and coordination of'sQrvioes necessary for client ficahli, safety or weRre, the Provider shal[.
within Thirly (30),calendar days of tine execution of th is caumc; m&nih to the Contact Mager voificat0l
of an emergetiney pieparedriess I% (Continuity of()perations Ham) In the Qvciil of ari emiergency, the
Provider W11 notib, the rkiliannce, of emergency PraViSif)11S�, 'The C0111firILlity of Operations, Plan (COOP),most
address confiriuity of services, especially Or meal providers, in weather and emergencies,
312 In A event as situation results in a cessation of sQrviQcs by as sibconnuor andW venAor, the Provider sball
retain responsibility f6r perforrnance on this emurad and mum JbIlow-procedwes to enmae continuity ol'
operations without interruptions.
313 Cmamoors o0hing ritrubon. services must have an Allbroce apptvved sheffstable niervu witb at least 3 days'
warth of Adf stable rueals, with reserved f"Unds set aside to purchwic [lie f.bod items in order to ensure
continAty of services without inrerrup kms in %vaVer and no-weMlierrelated onojmwhs,
Page 11 of 69
34. Use of Contract Funds to Jl'urchase Equip nent
No Hinds under this c,rnitraot %vil I be used by Me Pwvi ider to purchase equipinent,
1,quiporoenit rrooanc OQ an arlich of'rionexpenclable,, langibilc personla;d Property having as usefid 11rc OfnlorQ than one
yvar and an acquiskion w which equals oirexecieds the lesser of dit, capitalization, level established by the
organization Rw 1W 11uncial staternicon puTows, or$51COOO f1bi, fiederal finads], or (b); nonex pie ndab Ile,, uiingible
perisonn,l Property of 4�1 t1ou-COnsuirlable Imume VOW an acquisition cost oF 5 1,0010,010 or more per Unit, and expcQtQd
usefu I life of at Ilea st one year; arxi bardback bound books M Sco.dated to sWdents (w the general puW iq %vhh as
v a I ue(w cos I of$2 5 0 00 or niore [for state ru rid s J.
35, The PUR, 1000 Forni is hereby incc�,irporated by relllQrenice and r���uilaul'nle oat:
In the event t),fany conflict between We PUR 1000 Fonn and any term or conditions orm commm agmernien.4
terms or conditions the commut :shawl[ to proi�ederoce over The PUR 1000 Onn. Howenq if the cwhi1ioNg terms or
cc,.inditions, in the PUR 1000 Forin are requked by any section of Me FiRwida ;ubites, the tierrris or conditions
cornainecl in the 111 JR 1 1000 1"orrin shall take proicluderilec.
X use or State Funds to Purchase (or I i-nprove Real 11r(operty
No funds under, this contract swill be im"i by the Flovkler U) purchase or inipnawe Real PnIsmy,
Any state: fion ds pri:�)vkk,,,d for the purchase of or jinprovernents to, rQ4A prd�),perty are corifingent upoti, the Provider or
1'i,oli6cal subdivision granting to the mom any saudu huiewst in the proputy at least to, tbQ arnount of state Funds
provkkil flor at least 5 years hvni Me date of pmrhase or the compIletimi, oftlli,e iniproveruents or as firrtl,wr required
by law"
37. Dispute lResolutiori
Any d6pme emwerning perforniance of thic, con (njo shall be deckled by tl!i.e Contract Maiiager, who slliafl, reduclo thle
&Qjsjon l�o wrifing,and serve a copy on the Provider-
38. Flu articial Consequences of Non-P'erforntanee
38,1 If the Provider fails,t�o, meel, the mininvarn level of service cm, perkwrinwwc itinuitied in this apTeenion" or that
is for the htdiustry, Men to Ad Hance nmy apWy finawhil cameywnces cannammumte with lie
deficiency as ret4Qnoetl in ATTACHMENT 1, See. 152, Fhmncial conscqucoices tri;,iy als,o include contract
suspension, reftising payrnenl; virithholding payinenis =114 deficiency is cured, ten(lering,only parria]
payinenlq of contract anti reactitibring services fioni ext alurnate source.
3&2 '11be Provider swill rom be chargad with tinancilal consequences, when a thiture to perforni arises otit ofcaisses,
that were the res pon s i 1)i I ity d�„r,f I he A 111 i a nee
,39. I o Waiver of Sovereign firnuitinity
Nothing contained in this agmetnent is intended U) serve as a waker of soveovign irimmmiy by anyientity to which
sover6ign, itinnunity rnay foe applicable,
41 Venue
If an), dispute vaiises out of dis contract, the venue of such legal recoutse will be Miarni-Dade ('county,, Florida.
41. Entire (ontract
This contract containi.,i all the terriivi and condhhns agreed upon by the parlies. No oral agreenients or
rep piresieri tat ions shall be valkl or binding ulpon the AMAnce or the Provider unless expressly corildned herein or by a
,writtero amenidment to this contract signed by both. Parties,
Page 12 of 69
KCN 91-A,
42. Forou AlWeure
Ile Partiesisill not be I We Or any delays or fbilues in peribnnancQ due to circurnstances beyond flieircontrol,
provided the party eNperiendng the We nafeure condition provides inuried[ate written ntPtilication to the wher
fiart �rid takes all nmmmablle efforts to cme Me coWhIon,
43. Severability (Itust
"I'lie Parties agree that if a court of deems any terrn or condOwn herein vok! or unenforceable,
The othier provisions are severable to that void provision and shall rernal hi Rdl Amee and effect,
44. Condition P'irecedent to Conl�ract: Appropriations
The Padies agree that Me Alliance's performance and obHgadon Do pay xnWer this contract is contingent upon an
annud! appuphthn by Te UWMalure,
45. Add iflon/1)e[efli on,
I'he Parties agree that, nahvkhmanding Uw tarns of Me procuranent dncwments and actions leoding to, (h is contract,
the Alliance rescry -s Me rjh"o add or to delete any cWthe services reqpjred under, Otis conhad when demned to be
in thie best interest of Me eWr popiflation targeted by the Area Plan and rechwed to as wdUai amendment signad by
both Parties, Thc, PwKs shall negotiate compens�,ftion doer any addition.al s(-xvices'-, adklie&
46. Walver
Ile delay or hHuxe by die Alliance to exorcise or enforce any of"its rights under this comract shall mm constitute cw
be deernied,as waiver of the Wance's right theneaherlo enforce those HgW,nor shall any single or piartial exereise
of any such dght 1�),reclude any other or Wor exericke thereof or the exercise of any oflier right.
47, Compliance
'I'lic Provider shall abide by all aj)j)fic�,tb4e current 1"cdoml suahnes, laws, rules and regulations as well as applicable
currvifl: State statutes, laws, rules and reguladow Ile Panics agree dmt Milure t�.)f the Provider tx) abk,'te by U'Rese
laus shall be deemed an evoo of Wuh (Alhe ProWd eq and Qfect Me contract to hinnediate, unilkderal
cancellation, of'Ke contrad al We discrMion orthe Alliance.
48. Final Invoice
'I'lle Provider shall submit the final Woice Rw paymem to We Adliance as specitIld in section 3A,7 (date Q Arad
request for Isayment) ofXIJACHMENT L N'the Provider Nib to submit Anal reqtwst liar paynient by the dead.fine,
dwn aH rig nos tolmyrneW nmy be Orfeiled and the AHiance may not lumior an), requests submitted after the
atbraNd time period. Any payment due under the Wnns ofdris comrao nmy be withheld until all rQports due W1,111
the Provider and necessary afusunents thereto have been approved by lk Afliant"e,
49. Renegotiadons or NC atfifications
Modifitcations of Me pnwkkms of this coruract shWA be vand only vAen ley have been teduceld to writing and duty
signed by Wh partWs.
50. Suspension of Work
The A HWnce ntnin W We discretion wasp nd any cw aH adiVides tinder this;Coritt-act and any Contract or
agmunmi Rmlimsting in this ConhAnt, at any thn, when in the best interests of Me SMW to do mi I be A 110ce
shall provide the Provider ivrhten iintle oudbiing Me panicWrs (If SLISPCITsion. [Examples of the reason 17(it,
suspciision inalude, but are not firnited 11o, budgetary constraints, deckaralion ofeEnergencyr, or other such
circurnslances, After receiviRg a suponsion novice, the Provkhr shall conply with the ROfice: 'and shall not accept
any Purchase orders. Within ninety days, or any, longer puW4 agtvv"o by die, Provider, flic Alliance shall eithQr (1)
issue as notice authorizing resumiption of work, at which time adiVity WmV rown, or P)termikime be Chnunt or
pureNre order. Suspeatsion of ww* shall nol endde the Provider to any addithnal ewnpenstion,
Page 13 of 69
�51. Termination
51,1 coirtrtict tuay be terniitiated by either party without callse topon n(II) toss 1hati, fitlirty(30)calendar days'
notice ill writillp, to 11he c5tllter piarty unless it soonel' firtle is 1111.1tt-tatly agreed upoill in wrRIng, Said jr,ofice shall
Ile dolkercidley U Postal Service orajiy expedited (IeliverY service duit provides verificatiorl of delivery, or
b y hand delivery to 11be Cowtacl MalLagell-or the representative of the Provider,responsibk For adminiscratioll
of tile Contract.
51,2 In the event I"luids fi,)r payrotem, purstlaill Io thiaw contract become unavailable, the Alliance may lerp'ninale this
upoll 110 less ducul,twenly-four(24)hours' notice in writing,to the Provider. Said notice shall be
defivered by U.S- Jlo,stal Service or arty exp,cidited defixuy service that provides verification oficleliver), uor by
hand defivery to the Culitract Mariager or tbe. representative of the Prouty ides responsible for administration of
tile contract, TI-w AIRr:Itice wail he Ihe final authut-ity as to the availabilit�y and adequacy t�)f Nods, Ill the event
ofternaination of this contract, the Provider will be cornpens,,iited for- -ally work safisfactc)riify completed prior
to the date oftenriination.
5 t,3 Terni im.,,ttion for C Iffilse
'I'llis contract Ina'), k;+e ilen'n krated pier`cause by the A Hiatice up,011 llo toss than twenly-four (24) hours" notice in
Nvi-iting to the Provider. Waivu of'breacb fany provisions ofthis contract shall not be,deemed to be as
waiver nf any o)[hicr breach and shall not be constnted to Nye a modificatioll oll"Iflie terms aRrid conditions of this
contract. I I lie prov i sions herein do not unlit the A I I�iai we's or the Provider's rights to,remed i es at JaAV Orr i,ill
51,4 N.,iflure lo have perfoinned allyr ColltraQIll,11 (Ibligalliorns with Ifle AIN,.,tncie ill it Ill aIEIIIIC IT sat i st"actory to tile
Alliance Av ill be as sofficient ultase 161.tcu;-Elrination. To, be tiert-nitiated as,a ooll(ralactr under this provision, t1le
Provider must have (1) previously ftlifled (o sati.sFaclorily perforin ill a contract with tire Alliance, been nofifled
by 114c Alliance ofthe ullsatisfactory perfortuatice and failed to co,rirl�m t be unsmisfi.ictory periortilarlee to tile,
satisfactilm ofthe Alliarwi; or (2) had a conlracl tennillated by the Alkance for cause.
51 I.S. Waiver of breach ofaily provisions of"thiis contract shall rlot be deenied to be a waiver ofany officr breach arld
shall not be COnShIled (g), be as luodjfiIofltk)n, of the tor-Ens and conditions,ofthis contract. Tbe Irrovjsions hureiti,
do not limit The Alliance's right to remedies,at law or to daltiages of"a legal or equitable nature.
5 1,,6. 1.tpon terminatiorl ofthis,cojitract, the Provider, its subcontrawwrs arld/or its vendor's shal 1, at no,cost to tile
A]I iajiQ,4.,, Trarisf`6,al,11 I�itiibhc rccords, in drefi-procession to the Alliance and desttl(lyl ally duplicate records that
are exervipt, or confidential and Qxealpt, fr(nlit pulflic relcords,diSCIC)SUre requiremenb,;- All records st(:)rcd
eleclr(mlcal[y s1uifl] lac provided to the Affiance in as Ibrinat that( is cornpatilAe Nvilh time: itifornuatiora technology
systems of the A I I iance,
�52. Electronic Records asid Signature
'11le Allianicz authorizes, but does troll require, the Provider to create and retaili electronic recorw:ls and to use
elear(.)tIiC signatur-es to corrALICt transactions tiecessary, (c)carry oill: the terrias trffltis Coinract,, A contractor that
creates and retains, electronic records and uses electronic signatures tau cortcluct transacitknis shall cornply wvilrhl tile
req,ol h-ell lie 1114S Cont'ained ill dIC L,inil'OrIT) Ellearonic Transaction Act, s. 668-50, Fla. tat. A],I electronic reiords nlust
be My auditable; are subject to Florida's I'lublic;Records Law, ch. 119, Fla, Stat,; must comply with. section 28,
Data Integrity and Safeguarding I r1fN-il'i ad oil, niust maintain a]I confidential it.y,as applicalfle', and inust be retained
and nraintained 'by the Provider to [lie same extent,as records are rctaiirled and lna6%,kjned as required
by this Contract.
52,1. TheAlliance's authorization pursualit to this Section does not authorize eleellrollic transactions betiveen the
Provider and the A lHance,, 'ITIC PrOVider iS-MlJh1()fizcd tio conduct electronic transad ions with the Alliance only
uj:ron furthel-writteti consent by the All iance,
Page 14 of 69
511 Upon request by die Al Hance, the Provider shall provide the Alliance or IMEA with iu�)Fr-electroiric (paper)
copies ofrecords, Non-clectronio (papa)CONCS provided 10 the AHInce of any doommenrWal was orighwily
in elecirtmiie fbnn Wth an electronic siglialure must indicate the person and tile person's capacity who,
olleelroilicalty signed,the documW on any non-olooronic copy offlie document.
53. Spvicial (I1rov is ions�,
The thoWer agrees U) he RdhwMg provisions:
511 InvesigmOn orC6rn&aI .WHeWWor;s-
Myr report that KqAies criminal Werrt on dw pan of he ProvNer or any subwonhamrs arulAr vendon and,
was reflerred to as Wntmrnewl or investigalory agenq; must be sers w be Alliance- 11"the Provkler has reason
to bQI ieve Chant the allegRons will be reCerred to the State Attorney, as law, enfil,rcernent agericy, tile 1.41 ited
States Attomcjs off1% of other governmentil agency, the,Provider shall rlotify the Alliance imirtediately. A
copy of aH d,ocunients, reports, notes or other written wwtedal colselving the inves,figaflarl. Whether ill the
possession of ilre ProOder, its subcontractors, or vendors, must be sent to the Alliance's contra ct manager
with a stunmary ofthe investigation and
512 VoWnWers:
Ile ProvkInAhall onsmv the LMC of hmhwd volunleels in providing direct:servicies delivered to older
individuals,and indivkhlalk with dhabihties imeding such services, If plossible,the Provider shall wt,:)rk in
coordination with organizations that have experience in providing training, place:nient,and stipends tear-
volunteers (ir participants (such ats organizations, CarrylifIg Out Weral service prograrns administere,(.1 by lite
Corporathn Ra National and (7ornmunity-Aervice), in
54. EnIbiventent:
01 In accordance w0h Seotion 430,04, IAS., the A Iliance ulay, wiMout talihig my intermtdiate ineasures
available to it against this Contract ascind Shis Contract if the Allialme Ends fh&
5,42 An intentiona.] or negl[goilt act orke Provider has niatierially affected the health, welPire,, (�ir safety oTchollits
s served ji irr-suant tun ary cmMed or agreenro, or mdbstandaHy and negatively Meted The opermHon of service.,."
covered under any c(�)rox,aeror agreement;
SU "M Provider lacks financhl whilitysul:111cient tt:) rnect colitractual obkg,ak)rts or,that contractual ftinids have
been unisappropriated,
54-4, 'F`bQ Provider has corl'ilirlitled prilultill[e or repeated violadwm of legal and rcgulau)q;stmidatds, regardless of'
iNihether such laws,or regulations auto~ enfbruedby 1he Alliance, or,the Provider has committed or repeated
violaflonli OfAlflance stanidardx,
54,5 Ile Provider As Rdkd U3 condnue the pravision or expanMon ofservkes afierflIC 'CleClaration ofa Mate of
emergency; atidAir
54.6 ne Provider [tas failed to adhere to the ternis of an), cotoract or agivernent in corpOrdizing in this Contract.
517 In The ahernadve, be Alliance may, at its si4e discre6or; in ancacdaxice with secthn 430.04,ES., take
irnmedime meas,ures agairrm: the PmvWeq hlcluding: corrective action, special nionitoring,
temporary assunil'ition oTthe operation of one or num-e cloritractu"d services, Placement of the Provider on
probal ionary swWq imposing a inormadmni on ProAder acfion, imposing finianicial penalfies for
noraperf,brinance,or other adinh istrative action pursuant to Chaptcr 12n FS,
Page 15 of 69
1 -2029-A
,54.8 1 n makingany determinatiot.l. to nderflfls proviski,t) thoe A Ili aFICC: May YCJY Ll,p(.:)Il the findings art.anolher state (::or
rQdera I :rp,,QnCY, or other regulatory body. Any clainis lbr,damages for br(aidi of any cc)totract (.),r agreeorteril are
exenipt ftoni adminislrativQ proe4 edings and shall be brought beffire the appropriate cnfity in the vi'nuo t:�uf
miarli,i-lkide County.
5,5 '171-airling
Tlu Provider will allend all tn.,tinings and ineetings, schedule by the Alliane,
56. (.)fficLd Payteand Representatives (Naille, Atith-ess, and Telephone Numbers)
The naine, address, and. telephorw mirni[nr of' represenialive Im the ArIli'MICe f6i, tills contract is
Max B, Rothonan, JD, U.M. President and CEO
760 N W 10 7 th ,?eve, Ssuite 214
M i am i, 1,1 rich. 33172
(305) 670-650111, Ext, 224
The narne, addre.,,is, and telephone ruiniber oftl'IC: 1"(1po'CSOttative of the Contractor responsibie ffir ofthe
prograni under Clam conlract is-,,
M ................................o'nroe County B<vard o f'Co unt y Conli inss'lo nets„
The Contractor tumie, as ;,bow n on page I of Social Services/In-1,11cmue Servt( s
A, thois contract, a.ind niailing address of th,c official p 1010 Sinionton SIreet, 2"" Floor
pa.vee,to whoin the paymient shall [Iie rnade Key West:, 171- 3,3040,
Sheryl Graham
The noamic ofthc contact pers(mi of the Mon'ro,o Counly Board 4.,)4'(.,7ounty Coralotnissioriers,
13 Contractor and streQt address wh,(sre financial ,Services/hOkmie Servicos
and aidministralive records are maintairled i,,s:: 1, 100 Silnuntoil� street, 2...�' Floor
Key West, Fl, 33040
3,05-219,2-4 510
SbQryl Graharn
The naollie, address, and telephone noillNt of. Monroe C"ouji,ty Board of County Conlinissioners,'
C the of the Provider responsible So(J'al Services
f6r administration �,)fthe prograrri under this I 100 Simonton Street, 2:"a I'loor
contract is,,, Key, West, FL 33,040,
305-292-45 10
............... ........................................................ ....................................
A.11k,trice for Agirig, hic,
The section and location witbin lbe AAA where Fiscal
tf Request's fol. I'layinew and Receipt anc[ 760 N W 11 07th Avcolue, Suite 214
1 Jda 3 3,172-31,55
1H ,,o IxilenditUre 1101111s Ue tO Iv, maikil is,� Miami, Fic
................................................................. ........... ...................... .............................
C"Owract monitot
The nalne, address, and telophonle narnber f Allianicc for Aging, hic,
the (.'ontract Manager four this AAA ft-w(bis 760 NW 1017tIrl Avenue, Suite 2114
conlract js� Miami, 1"forlda 331,72-3155
J 305-670-65010
Lipon, change of representatives (rwirne,,, addresses, lelephone nurlibers) by either party, notice shall be provide(I Ira
wrifing to the other party anct the notification attaciied to OiQ originals of this contract,
Page 1,6,of 69
KCA-20 xis A'
7®All Tcir6s and'Con4jillois Includitil
This ivo tra a Vlhpt� c'urnew wllh any dos
in Colo.orated�y fercrtrict. •
.t6fitaln till the jorms 44d coidil6cs igiew ii*6y&hft"kc i�hctc art noprovisl Ong,
terns,condilWa figa sr or obti6as other Than diose c9tani ivdlicivin,alka 11his cow riect shall•upersede all .0mvidus
commurilcations,.repruend all ons or agreements,efilicr wditen or vertal betweem the Nrilot.
Oy sigaing this contract.ilve Parks alcqc thAt, a Icavt rcad and ree to Iliccmire• nlract.
IN WI 1Z,it Nnlc' hem6tive c-aased this'confrics.,id Oe cxcL-ulcd by ilick tyre#ied oMclals
'qduly authbrized.
DATL us zpi?— DATE: Jun 28, 2022
s Deput lark
ell of 69
k 61�,�A,�ua7r�� 1ose lid°i,Witt)any dgdulfnem
re c9 opoits 1' p r set , "u � � • ' i ; �
mnins.coiWittons air lip6 r oi 'cr itao oi,.ow cuitliaalM '4�'ts coniram sW 11,supund4 al I Ody ea ,
t+ 10101 1) UY. '" LPidO'y{ w0.m n KQr ur a lPir
'MANS r�,1.L 01
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) , 5 M OAAR
As TAt � p
Jar a ' I Pbl�i 4p d poill"xir�Eurybwwr��mq m
Page,.17 f 69
I N'D tx ro co Yr jUCT ATTACI I M E NT'S
.............- ....................-,
.........................................................................................................................ATFA CUM EN"I' l S,'fA."I'l.,M�EN']'()�F' WOIZK
All"A 'III EN"I'II I"INA—NO AIs ............ M().................................P I............1"A",
....................................................................................... ........
. ........................
I EX11
I............M.............F...........N"i---X-7 RI�-"C'l:ll"I'ANI) IJNI'I'C:OS',
EM-nBur i (CA313)
i,11,11,111 i — 1--l-11-' , .1.1-11,111,111,..............
�lr Nl') (NNi'l"(�'()S'I' RI,-
AT 'P(,)�R'I' FOR ('ARE(ilVERSt)['I"()R'I'
E,XIfll3J7F3 S F"R V I C,F'IS (CA 113 E)
P,aige 1S of 69
IA Alliance for Aging, Inc. Mission Stalement
The iU lInce rnission is prorii,ctte attd atfvocaue 1'(�)r the optinmi quality of lif for older adults and their fhin ilies,.
1.2 11rograrn.Specific Terins
Area Elan: A pl,an developed by the area.agermy on aghg oMhnhg as couiprehensive and coorcfinaleds,ervii�e
delivery sysm in its plaMing and savice area h acoonlance witlIt the Section 306 (42 US.C. 3026) of Me
CARES Am and DOEA instructions,
Area Pinn Ujidate: A revision to he area plan whmvin he Allianot, enters (7ARES Act specific daui hi the
001 InIrmadon and %Nnalkn1facking Systctv (eCIRTS). An update rn4y, also include other revisims u)
the area plan as, instructed by the DOF,,A-
CIA& An &Wduall who is not nxwe thmi 18 yesus of age of an indivilal i= d6abUity.
IMmster ROWf Services: ACT consideN disaster relief serviDes It- older, individuals to be any allowable
OA.A services durhg the period covered by I'lodda's WD that are provided to eligible older individuals or
thmily caregivers as definod under fire OAX
Family Careover An aduh Wit rnoubeq or another individual, w0to is an inInnal provider of in-home and
conununity care to an okler indiv%all,
Frail: When at) older individual is unabW loperforin tit least two activities ofdaily living (Albs) withoin
substantial lunnan assislance, hwWdkg vaba0wmJndQ phyMcul cucing cc supervision.; or due to cogi-ditive or
other inental inipainneriL raluires substantial supoNision because dii; individual bebaveus irt a litanner fluat Poscs,
as Serious health czar war oy hazard to the individual or to another individual,
adoption and who lives with (TiQcbild; is the primary careoverafte child became the hiAngical or adoptive
parents axe unable or unwilling to save as the, priniary canegiver ofthc ich ild, and has a legal reki,tionship 1c) the
ch lid,such as legal cumody or gumliand it; im is raising the chHd Wrivally.
Alqjor Disaster Declaration (NIDD): States inay req uest and receive an M Dl) by, the Presidmt uinder the
Stafford Act, Fla cida's reqtwst has been approved, which pen'llits,glue Department and Clontmew to use any
portion of Me hmds We available under secdwo ol'(7ARES Act disaster relief for ruder individuals. These
HeAbd ides are onY allowed durhg the period of to N4 DD, The CwHractor wi it be notified via Not�ice t,,)f
Instruction once the PNIDD period teams awled, at utich Htne these flex ibi liden wd I be waived and the Contractor
MUM pmvWe services in cornpliance with CAKIES Ad,
Page 19 of 69
1.3 Geneiral 1),esci-iPtion
Ll I Wwral SmWment
Ile pdMaxy puMose of We CARES Awl Pm grmm k to preve:W, prepare liq and to coronavirus; hic luding
VT po a N 0 Sery ic es, n u uri I kni sexy ices, and s u pport se ry i c e s lbr hum 1 b, caregi v e rs.
13.2 Authority
AH appUcaWv 10deral laws, regulations. ask on Iransinklak prograrn instructions, review gnides awd
si;rniWrdoouunQnWkm rcWwd U) Te R)lk)whg:
a. Cawhg cW%deml Domesti Assistance W 93TdT 931% 93MA 93AST and 91A51,
bn Older Aincriams Act 0 1961 as amwx[ed 2UN),
c, CARES Act and Unkal Stmes Code 247d.
d. 42 1 I&C, §303. 42 UAK §604,
e, Rule 58A4. FQTKa AdnilstrMN Wde (FAC)-.
F Secdon 43 0 J 0 1. F kN!da SURuWs (F.S j and
1)0,EA P'rc�g ra fj i i s a n,d Sc ry i c Q,,,. flanncllwaaraly.
s"" "u"
1 .3.3 S,c(.,)pc of Service
The Novider 6 responsibW&Y the programmmi, fheal, and operational inartagement of the CARES ut
1'rogram %vidin its,designale] PSA, T[ie prograrri services shall be proWded in a nammter oons,61ent vidi Me
Conta='s current Area Plan, as updated and hereby inwi-porated by mlbre race„and the current D(.'),EA
llrogranv,aml SQrvices I findbook.
1.3.4 Niqlm- Program Goals
'171ne mikic),r goak of the CARIFS Act Program are to prevent, prepare f6r, and respond to ccpronaviras; fiw]uding
supportive services, nutritioti, scrvices, and Support Sel'Viccs for family caregivers.
1 3-5 L(�adershij) and Advocacy
As a dwignatled Focal Point, as provider ise:ncoura,ged to provide cowdination o fs ry ices for older
individuals, 'I'lie Provinfer mum also provWe corninunity leadersh4i on aging issues,andscrve as the a ,Jvocate
axW fbeal point fbr be ddedy wWAn Me communRy in coopuntho with al orgaraizat has and
individuals 1�iartjcjpahng in WOW Ruxild by dw Alhatice.. Advocacy sKouldincWde Wiating positive
changes in public or, private policies and alliMdes towards older pemuns, la king aiction to improve, rnodify,or
elimhaw Mtakvs Wrich adversely impact on lives of older persm", or expvssing support for older persons
and 111efi, interests. Advocanyac&W may b(.,,: broadly supportive of he gommi interests of older` lvrs,ons aar
tnay inivolve s,jilecilk ackhks on bAaV of WTvidubs,
1.4 Clients to Be Sej-vedl
LA,l General 1)cscription,
Ite CARES Act Rroprani gives preference to older individuals %vith greatest ocionc)�aiiic need and older
ind NWuab w51N greatest socW need jhli pat-ticalar attention to low-inco= older in,dividuals, inclulng low-
income minority older indi'vidtial.,,s, (AdQr individwk ,,vith Ihnited English proficiency, and older individuals
Wbng h"uml areasl and diew "to am practicing social distancing dw to the COVID-1 9 public ernergency.
page 20 of 69,
lAAA CARES A0, Gene Taal Uent INgibibUy
CARES Act Prograin
(i"onsurners shall not be dually enrolled in die CARES Art Program and a Me dicaid capilatod L,ortg-
Tenn Chie Program, except consumers in need of CARES ,Arl Legall Assism'incescry ices,
b. CARI�.,,S Act for Skopj,'x)rti%Pr Servicestinder Uitle 111-13 ofthe Older Americans Act
i° Individuals must be age sixt.y (60) or older, and
ii. I&R/A.ssistanoe servius am pmv Wed to individii'als regardless of age.
a CARE Awt Wr Nuwhion Servkes under htle I I KC of he Uhr Amerimns Act
General flictors 1%shall Inc consWavd 4 emalWisbing pdwhy Ra this receipt ofnutrilkm services
incloo do tl"iose i�flder persom.'i who:
i, Cannot ,,,iff'ord to eat adequately;
i L I-ack Te skills or knowledge to seleel: and jircp�,.tre nouriddrig and x"Akbaliinged meals;
i I Havc Hifiked mobility which niay impair their Qapaeity to shop and cook for t1lemselves;
iv. I lave at disabling il 11ness or physNall c(andition requiring nutritional support.;
v, Have been sovened of as high nuviti,mul risk; or
K Is umbk to obetain nutrition because the individual is praQOcing social distartchig, due to the
eniengency (orfly during the: period ofte COVID-1 9 Iniblic heattli CRIlrergency declared undQr
secdon 319 of the Public Health Service Act j(42AASO 247d)],
v d. Inn ad d h A n to, nvocti ng the ie go n era I F i u trit i o n services e I igibi I ity req it,i,reni e tits I i0i;d i to edit
LC-2.c.. above, individuals Qible tnn receive nualicni services include Me fbilowing:.
(1,) Individuals as sixty (60) or older;
(2) Any spousm (repwdlas of age) whnivsWes at Kim with or auntcls he diming center %Oft
his/lier eligible spouse;
Pasms with a dis,,ibil,ity, rcgmAllemnlage; m4to reside in an housing flarility occupied
p5marily by older kidiv kWaN when; congregate imariHon services are provided or home
delivemd meMs am ddNered;
(4) Disab[Qd persotis who reside at home %Kth or accompany an eligNe person to the d king
(5) Volunwerq regardless ofagq who reside at homewlth or provide esserolial services (nn as
regular basis during, rnnrafl houm;
(6) Persons, at nutritiona,J risk who have physical, cnx)fional, (!ii- behavioral condhNs which
woWd pavent thern Rom otnaVing nutrition; and
(7) Persons, at nutritional risk who mv sox Wily or otherwise isolmed and unabW to obtiin
UCARES Apt Nr Family Caregiver Suppm Program under'll'itIQ ITI-E of the()Mer Arneriums Act
i. Eligible individuals iactude�
(I ) FArnHy came Wvmi of individuals age sixty (00) (�or oldej and,
(2) (J'randparents [ago filbNfive(55) ern olded or olcler hdivWuak [age 1Gu144ve (55) or okllef]
who are relativQ caregivers,
H. For respite and supplemental services, an Ifni 11y caregiver must he padding cmv Rir an oWar
individual who ni"Is lite definition of the tenin "flrail" as defined above.
i0i, Pdoid,vdH be given U) family caregWas urho provide care for individuals,With Alzileimer's
disease rux1rdawd disordlets whh neurolo&M and orWude brAn dyshinction, and lo�) grandparenits or
older individuals who art ivla% convoyas %Ito provide care Or children widi severe d6abil Ries,
iv, For I loine, Del Nemd Walt Rw 11 IF and IIII'X3, can givvrs awJ hKiclulk who reside hi to hmne
and our dependent on the care give r fc)r care,
Page 21 of 69
2.1 Servioe'Tasks
In oiflcoo achWe die goals of be CARES Att paglAnt, to Provider shall ensure be Collowing lasks:
(Aient EligibUity Wernvinatiatr Ile Provider shall ensure (4at appficaji,t data is evaluated annually to
deWrninec,ligibili(ypi,i,oi-i:oi-(ii(leo-bgsovkn. EHgtiHy tar bmomeacUmthbawd warn medhgdie
requirernents described in this CcaitrawC
(2) 'I'argOing and Screening ol'Servicc 1)elivery fin New Clients: The Provider shall develop and implernent
policies and procedures smsismw with CARES Aw targedng and,screenhig cniumia,
(3) I`R%rani, Services: The Provider shall ensure the provision of a cwirinumi ofservices that triects the divQrsi,
needs of elk:14r' and their oarcgivers, ne Provider shall ensure the perfiorrnance -,in d ovpoirt j'x-'irft)rn1an,ce of
the RAlowing services are W accordance with be ourrent DOEA Progt-anas and Services Handbook-
(4), Prograrri Eligibility it cqujt�,,,,rrwtits
F'railiQs 11,111SI 11occl dic fohlowing criteriz to be eligible for t,�wograiri parti(JI)n.ttiorr
K An agency 1hal has rcceivcd n graw mWer CARES Act and
ij, A nutrition service pnivider t1wil sews ninds and iS 11ndUT We jurImliction, cmwol,
mmmgemeM and nudh SuGuAy of the Arc�.i Argency oxi Aging and the MoWa
D cp a r d nI e ri t 0 1,1"',1(1 e r A 11"'I i I'S
b Provider's NWRition Seivice (Veradoris
['he Qnsure (be nutrition service operalbris of the prov,itlQr, nwet b�
of Ilais COMM as wvcH as any other appHeable regulakNo and 1�,iolicjcs I)rc-scribed Iby the current
1)04"'A Programs aad UrviRts HandWok We Depanineril oVilealth and !Iornan Scrvices,
USDA� D011 and local heallh depannients. D;l P'R. or any whcr ,�agency' designated to inspc.o
meal qualiq Air the Stale, Ile Untmewr mum agree 'to notify like Alkance orany sanHadon
inspections, especiaHy those that hodude high pdoHy VoLadwis and lmvvkk a copy (Athc wport
to bc,- Alliance )1t it n 24 homm. Closm,cs mum be ropomed imincdAldy, AH subconsacted tod
service vendors inuso pn)vi(.k',, ,,a vo'ktcri corrective ackon [Man to the lquinhK ProvWcr 1br any,
hWh priorio w wignMewit f7inddWs on swWon inspcclkns. 'I'lic corrcc6ve action; plan,, niust lac;
approvcd by Me Provider"s 141) and subnhucd to the A.11brice in) ensun that doRcierick; arc
c. Prowled Wdlhnal Requhrements
The Contraolor shall ensure Mat each nacal provided under this conowt rneets the fc4lbwing
L Complies Wi the curt-eand E)iewxy Guidetines for I�nibkshed by the Secreades of""
the DepartniQnImf Ifealdi and Ifunnan Services and the I)epartment o,rAgricufturu-'
W Provides as minimum of 33 In peremH of the dietaq relbrence intlikes/adequate intakes fior an
age 70-6 feniale as establkhed by die Food anA Nuhihon Bond of Me hhadmial Acaderuy of
Sciences; and
iii, Is served frorrt and approved Al]iance n'lenu.
(5) Ndonharing the pmfbrmwicc ,i)fits an(Vor velidol's
(6)Coniply %idi the Alliance's Nutrition policin and pinoccOws
U We a f S u bc wH nwhnw an d10 r Ve nd ot-'s,
if dds conumet invokes the use of a wheammoor andh)r Y"don Hwn the Pruv Wer shn.11 not delay line
Irma Won o r its agreerncrit Nv ith th c gubconlracror or vendor I r a ny- el rc ujn stance occurs dud ni ay result
1 n a d A ay ku as pcokod o F A x 1 (6 0) d a y s or num-e ti i[e i in i,I i at i c)ri of t h e s u bco ri,tr,,ic(Ive i�i d(')r i�,r t h e pe r 1'o rin al I c e
F 1.h c s u bco n1rac to r/v c i i L�l ci,r, d N e 11 rov W e r shall n o t i(y I It c A 1,1 ia ii t cc Co i i I rac I M�a i i age r in w 6 On g of s u c h d e My
Page 22 of 69,
K -2029-A
f he Prov Wer AM I not penn it a subconVactiadvendor h) perf'orm services related to, t h i a cant t-,wl wil]ic)ut
Ina ng a b0ding subcontractorh(endirw agreernm cixw"kaed° flt(° "Allialicc, vi rtot Inc rcisponsible Oil- harble fOr
any obligations ar clairms resulting from such action.
2.1,I COPiCsi Of
The 1'rovkler shall sabonit a copy of A subcontracu and/or voidDrs to the AAHance CAmtract Manager
Nvithin thirty (30) days of executivi of each subootariet agreen'rent, '17hroughout the contract period,
the FlovkWr 5hall irnmediately subnOt and changes to subcontractors to Me Adhance Conom
121 kWn itur-ing the PeArniance of S ubcantrac to i's and/or Vendors
The Prcwi,der sbaH rnoidtoq at least once per yearn„ eadi of A subcontractors, sulsixicipients,
vendors,, and/or consultanN pAd Win flu nds pmiiidded under US cori
a, Su boeicWiews - The Puwkler diall! pedbrrn fiscal, administrative and, prograrninatic monitoring
t�o ensure contracmal Compliance, fiscal accoutimbility, 1),rogran,iniatic perfornia.rice and
Wrupfi,aFICC with appillkabIle mate and federal laws and regubtions. The Provider shall raorritor to
emsure hat time schedults are rn eq the budget and scope of work aye awonnpHshed witin the
specified time periodq and otlifter perArmance goWs Matto d 5 Mis cwHiverare achieved,
b. Vendors, The 11'rovidC17S[Yall perform atinainistrative and Fucigrannnatic inonRodng to enswre
contrutual QotrNpliance, piogrisunniatic peArtnance and corriplhowe mAh apoicable maw and
fbdend laws and regulations. The Provider shall monkor U) ensure Ma,it thnie, schiedules are ineit, at-idl
the scope of mKwk is ancompikhed within Me qmWed Hme peAWls, and other perforrnance goalss
stated in this contract are achieved. The Provider stiall petforiti a rriodified fiscal monitoring to
inekide bflfing/i,rr,voicing procediwes and reconciliation to ensure fiscal acco,untabRy and
2,23 The Provider shall ensue that A required client dMa for services provided by subicontractoys andiAm,
vendors are enilercall in the eCIRTS dambme per he CkpartmW's eCIR]"S Policy (hiidefines. 'The data
inum he emenind hHo Me eCIRTS database before the ht Requ,vst for Payiinient and
Expiend1hure Apart to theAlfianze. The Provider shall establish firrie frarnerS With its
and vmWors to ensure cornpliatne with due dales fi)r the Requests Cot Payment and Expenditure
Reports tic) the A,II ia n ce,
2AStatling Requirements
—3.1 Staffing Levels
I'[w providci- Shan 1BAgn his own alnWhAUve and suppoyt staCfas needed to pertorni; d)e tasks,
respansildlides and duties tinder thig corrunct and ensure Ova subcoulmooN and/or mundims dwHisalc
',idc(lui,uiw sw[Tauccordirkgly.
112 Prol'essional Qualifications
tvkhin rhk
conumet have the qualiAcalions asspeciRed in the IX)EA [`Irk�i'graiujs and ScrVices I laildbook-
223 SerAce Smaes
"I lie Provider shall enswv the provisk)n of services liar in chi connect during nonrial bushess
hows unless of tares am inn x nppmpdaw the meet the, pei-Arntance requkernents of Ohs conumct,
and it shall monitor A subcontractors and/or viandors tocnsiurc they mv mrMlabb to pmvWc ;six ices
&uhg hours rnpoy;Mve to c I Nnt needs a nd d0ring Mos d nws "h Wh but nwer W Q ned is of TQ
IVIVimn SOWN cmnnwnky:
23A Use of Volimaciers to Elpand Me ProviSion of WNW SemWes
Vie Provider gal E! niake we of trahwd volturiticers in providing dhiect services dielivered to,olldu individuals
arid individwals vvikh %Mghlks nu: dirig stich siervkv. If possibleihe Provider shall work in coordination
Page 23 of 69
with org;inizations Owl have experience in providing trainijig, placeniertt, and slipends fi.-)r volunteers or
participants (such as mgmidadons canying oul Fedirial servWe propirris admbilterul by the Corpom9on
tbr National anti Wimunhy Service), in ec�)jiiniiini�y !sei-vicesettiti,gs,
2A DeUverables
I he Moming secdon prclvicles We spsiVic quartMable unho (Wdehvcrabl:1esarid source
required to evidence the complMon of the msks s"cified in 00s conwaut- I he PmMer muo suNnU all
Fle(JI-rhVil ill the link: orid Inanner sixecified fin. the infinhallurn pelforrrialwe levtds to be 11:1,C1,
L"ach delivenable must be accepted in "Thing by Hie AM= Contract Nianager basett oil the
for caQh dMeMe b0mv A Mwider suNnits an: invoice requesfing jia1)111Q I'll-
Fhe Flovider shall enmire trine provishn ora contirunurn of serv0s Mart nicats tine diverse needs of eldoi and
dicir wregivers. Tie Provider shah Qw�ui,Q the perArmunce and repumog orlhe Mouing senkes in
accodamee ivAh the cunvnt DOEA MWorms and SorvRes Handbook aarad this corih-,,,rct. I)octinierlitation of
service delivuy imal MCA anviporl condsting or the Wo"Ing: numher oTclierris soNaL number oT suNice
netts pnoicled by—sery ice, and rate per service un A w6h Me w lal knis that Al LMJ 16C 10MI hWO A SIMOMIT,
Tbe Provider shaH pmv We Hw suviices descrKed in the connael in acumdance widi 61C CLUTent D013A PmWom am]
Services I landboolL Units of servke 101 he p�,dd pursuant to the rMts emablislied in A`11'M.,A VVI EN,F V I I
rot! scrvioes include lhe fbMing cmegorks�
2.4.1 Supporlive Services (111B Prol,grajn)
Suppm A services KcWde a varioy of commun fty-Wed aad home-delivered sorvices that support the
aura lkyof lit &older individuals by hdong them reinahi independent arad pto,(Juc(Jvc. Services
include the lbitowing:
0) Cowndly(GavM05ghal)
141. Nub-itio,ji Seliwices (111C Program)
Nuiritirla seivices my dazigned to rcdtice hunger and hod lirimmarity and to promole the
health, and well-behig of olkla MYNA through access to ruarition and other crisease prQvenlion ,ind
heallthwomokyn services'. Services include, the folfo%vilig:
(l ) Congregate meals;
(2) Congregate meals, screening;
(3) Nutridon educadon and nutrition oounselhg;
(Y Hbrne MAW meals;
(5) Screen irtg/Assessntent;
14A, CaregWer Support Services (111E 1"rograim)
he f6flow i4ig set-vius my iMaKWd to pnyOde divot hell) to caregivers, assist in, the are,t,,, of'health,
nutrhimi and Hnanci.al literaq and as carisgMs in ntaMng decisions, and prt�)blem solving r0aled to
thAt caregiBig roles and responsibiblilen
AM Day Care;
(3), Respile Services;
(4) Se reen in g/A ds�,Qs s mc nit
141. Cmmgker Suppoo Supplemental Services (RI ES llnigrnma)
Ile kdhwhg services are provided to comflemmi Hie cal-e pmv idle d by caregivers�
(11�) Chore Servioes,
1(2) HOUSing IMI)TOV011011;
(3) l'w ate.rial .Aiid; and,
Page 24 of 69
(4) Specialized Medical Equipnlent, Services and Supplies,.
1*6u Caregiver Suppurt Grandpai-ent Seiwices (IIIEG Progratss),.
Service�, fin grartdpa!Irelflls,or Older individuals who are relative to ll,e[p tnect their
caregiving obligations include the following:
(1) U gaf Ass,istail"
2.5 Reports
TbQ, Provider is, resports,ible fbr respon,ding ina timely fashion to a(ldition,al roulitle and/or s'poeiifl requests for
41ffirniation and reports requircd by t[i,e A111ance, The 1"Irtwider must establi,sh dlue dates fbrany subcontractol-S
atid,/or vendors that penri,it the Provider to,meet dif, Alfianei's reportilig requirements,
15.1 Llnit Cost Methodotogy(Retrospective),
"I'lic Provider shal I subunit Retrospective Unit Cost Methodo,lo" Ra;ports (UC'M)I'o the A I li-ance
annuafl..V, no, later than 90 day�after Ibe pixivider Fiscal year end- The UCM Reports shall reflect
act 10.1,1, Cost 0 f prov id in g each service: f6i,the e pre c-ding Provider fisc,,al year. If the Provider desires, to
renegotiate its rates, the Provider hall make a request in writing to,Itie Alliance in
accordance with the Alliance's approved Reirlibursentent R tte Reviov 1"'lolicy, which is incorporated
I')y I-Qfbrel'w'e
15 2 Si,iriil,iisli)el'ilcit 'Rcl)oi-t
The Provider%vill respond lo, ihe consolidated Surplus/Def"icit report in a forniat provide,d by Ole
All ianiu tio the Alliance's contract nianager, Surplu's/Dericil repOTIS RIUSt be SUbmitted with the
rnowlily reqwsll for poyrtkent. 'I'lik, repo,rt is for all services provided in this agreelnent, ill corporal:i pig
in this, Contract between the Provi.d.Qr and the Alhu,oe I he roport mill inctudic the fbflowinga
(1) A list of all Sei-Oces and their currenit suitus regarding surplus cir deficit, �,Ind why they dill7cr from
its original budget pro-jections.
(2) A delailed p[an (in� how the sairptus or deficit spending exceeding„the I'Mo monthly thresh,old will
be resolvecl. Th(,, plan nlust itichide specifilic buidgel numbers to, reflect tioxv the Providcr jflan:;U),
a,ddrcss, Ole variance.
�3) Nufliber of QHQW;,currently on the wa,iffist (AP(.I.,)I
(4) Nuinber of Undl.lplicated Client served,
2,53, eCIRTS
Clicni hilormalion and Registration Tracking Sys tenl (eClIt']"S) Reports:�
"I"he Provider shall ilIPLIt('-I
AlZl-S Aot-spc�,Qifltc daw intro eCIRIS to CIISure eCIR"'FS data accul-acy, The
Provider shall us' eCIRTS-generatied reports which, include the 1411o"Jilg:
(1) Client Rt,ports-,
(2) Moti,itoritig Reports,
(3), ServicQs, Rcports, and
(4), (')utconie Measures Reports,
(5), Fiscal!, Rrejioris
15A Prqgram, Highlights
Tb,Q Provkkrsball subnlit Program I lighlights reilerenchIgspecific evicnts thAit oQcurred unticr this
contract. 'I'lle, Provider sball provkk as new suoi�,ess story, quote, testinioriial, or human-interest
vignote, The:highlights shall he written fbr a general audimce, with no acronyins or tcchiricarl ternts
For all agencies or thiat are rdWenced, in the highlight, the llrovidcr sholl prtvvitk a brief"
descriptiull ol'their nussion or role- '11w aetive teru�,e shall N cotts'istently used ill the highlight
Page 25 of 69
narrative, in order to identi 1' the specific individual or erility that p,4 rftirtned be wNty dnerilmd in
the hip h I ight, Thc� Provider sh a I I review, a nd edit Prograni I I(gh lights, for,clarity, r°ead a bi I ity,
relevance, spech"icity, huntan interest, and graniatar, prior 14',) s,ubiti,ittirig there to the Afljance.
2.6 Records and Documentation
lie Provider agmes to make Available to Alliaiwc mWAr the Depwanient stal'J'andlor any pan,"designated by ffie
AM=and/W Deparinimit all cmitrad related words and dacumentathm. Vie Pro Wer dmH enun"he
collection and mahtenrowe cap all jnvgrwn rdated Mwmwlion and docummoation m any such gystem
deli gnaled.My die AdHance anAhir the Department. Maintenance indudes valid exports and backups of all!
dwa and qwins acconling lo Mpruintent swndards, Data Eirmst be usah4c and in a readable Onnal by We
Allianct and/or,the Department.
16.L e(IRTS Data Maintenance
The Provider wiH ensure the accurate MOM and mahtomnoc of Writ and service infor-ir-tatiori on
a moriMly NO hem the eCIR'rs or any smeh syment designated by the Alliance. MaintenaneQ,
includes valid eAports and backyn of aU dua and SyMems accordiqg U) A Himme,and DOEA
swndards The Provider must adheiv to the AI iance eCERIS Data Integrity Policies, &
hicoMoraird. by relWence, irt order lo,ensure da,w, accuracy.
2.6.2 11,ita Integri, =1 Back-up Procedurw�
The ProvWcr dial] maintain wrMen pAkics and proccdws Ra compmer qMcrnQxtckq3 arid
wove, msd el"WI We the same requiremem alp its smap"conlr,,jctors andylor
policies and procedures shtdl be nwde avAMW to the Mance upon request,
2.7 11tirforuttitnee Specificatilons
221 (Incomes and (Yu puts (Perl"i,)rtuartce Wasures)— Al a rnirkilll LIM, the Provider must:
(�1) [,,`xistirc flw provision oft o savices described in this coirtract are in acownlarim with the current
DO E A Pro grarn s anal Services I I a nd book an d in 4 e Nh mwr(W S ev he MY W ari described i n,
this comract,
(2) 11mehe and accurat0y, subirnit to lVie Alliance all irtfim,mation described in this Contract.
(3) Develop, document, and follow strategies in the Service Provider Appicadon (SPA) to support
the Mparbrient"spta rliiraaaaattca outeoine nteasures hi be Mowhg criteria:
a) (516% of newservice recipients wUh h4kikk nutrifion scores will improve titeir
n1ioritional suitus.
c) 65% ofnQw service wecipients, W11 twinlain or irnprove NO ADVs assessment score,.
d) 62.39/6 ofnew service recipients vvHl insintain or impt,(.we Ifle[ir[AI)L's assessrnent score.
c) 8915 of fainib; and COWY-msisted caregivers, Nvilt self-repart Mey an very My to provide cam,
2,7-2 Monitoring and Evaluation Ndediodology
The Alliance will review and evaluate the perf6rniancQ of thi, Provicler ander tlio terms of this
contract" Mon itc ring Owl he conducted dirough direct contact %N,jth the Provider brc�)rjgh te leplwnc, in,
writing, and/or an ori-site visit., The Alliance's determination of',aceeptable performance shall be
eww[usivs T'he NvvWer agrees to cooperate%th the Alliance in monhoring ll'w progresds of
cornplartion ,of the service Tasks arild deliverables, 11-te AH iance rnqy use, hunt is mat limited to, one or
riorc of the follow hig niethods fior trionitorifig:
I Desk reviews and analytical revjews;
Page 26 of 69,
(2) Sclaeduled, unscl'wdufed,anid follow-up on-site visits;
(3) Cheni visits,;
(4) Review of iridependrnt auditor's reports;
(5) Review of third-party doQurnervts and/or ewillluafion;
(6), Review of'progross reports;
(7) Review of cuastoummer safisfadion survcys,
(8) A,give d-uli,o a procedures review by an exterml auditox or consultant,
(9) [Amited-scope revilms; atid
(10) Oflieu im-ocedlures as decined necessary,
2-73 Services
The Provider shall crasurc that all participants served undQr (b is agreerlaen( are elligiblie for the
progrank, and that all monthly and/or qwirlerly p m erforallice rep(m,ts and financial re,cords are
mainlained fim, each, reporting period and submitiqA as stij)ulxted in 2A,2.5,2.61, and 2-7,
Any noncionfiorniing prograni services, performance repcIrts,or finivriciall records not meeting the
requirements of this,C(�)n,ltaelshalll i'lot be efigible ft),r reimbursernent mider- this program. The costs
assiociawd with hiring, training, repc)rfing and/ot trianaging d4e pro grain shall N borne scj,lely by the
Pr(,,vvkIer, The Alliance,requires inun.ediate notice o,fany signilficaim andlor systarric infractions that
C0111prolnise the J. roviders ability to providic participant services, to,achieve programmatic
perfbinnancv or to provide sound, financial manapniQnt of thie program.
2.8 Providei-'s Financial Obliptious
18,1 Consumer Con,tributions
Consumer contributions acre lo be used under the,following wrm.s:
"I"I'le Provider assures collipl ian,ce with Section 3,15 of the OAA as ainQnded in 20,016, in regard to,
cotisoo'ner contributions„
2) Voluntary ex)ntribuflons,are not to be used fior cost sharing or nor,lchinp,,
3) Accuniubated voluntar,3,, contriNtions, are to he usod prior tt requesting penal rcimilbursenaent; and
4) Voluntary ec)ntributions,are to be used only to Qxpart(I sery ie(ls.
r.,,2-83 tj .�t)('S C J.V jee [)a)I I."I rs
,I I he Provi(IQr is Qxpcved to, spenid all, lfedleral, state and other flunds provided by the Allhance fiu the purpose
specified in the c(.mitract. The Provi(kr miust tvatiage thin service dollars, in such a nianner soi as,to avoid
having, wait list, as deficit, or a surphis of funds at the ejid of the contract perioct, for,each progran') managed
by, the Provider.. Program sur[,)h,ises unust be reported to the Alliance-
2.8A Surphis Recapture
Irt actorda,rice with its,surplUsActici( amnagerrient policies, in order to maximize availlable funding aural
ntiniai,ize the linie that ji,otenfial clients,triust xvait RH- scry kes, the AI iarnee in its sole discretion can redu"
finding awarick if the Provider is nol spending according to, monthly plans and is pr(�Jecwd to, incur a surplus
at the end of the ycar.
I The Provider agrees, to use funds,as (tctaikd in the FIL,tdgel: Summary, ATTACI INI ENT VII. An,Y changesi in
the attiounts of federal funds, idlientified on ffie Budp � n 1
,el Sunvti,ary flor services within each title, S ppc1i,-
Services, Nutritio,ri Services Caregiver Support Services)are allowed witboot contract amiendment., Providers
must adhere to Alliance's Modified. Spending Policy, alkiwed under th4s contract, incorpormed by reficivroce.
„flab2 CARES Act Funds,J,bc Provider as"sures Compliance with Sectkm 306 of flu., (Aider Americans Act, as amended in 20,06, that,
funds received under CAFIAS Act will not be used to, pay any parlof a cost (hwhrding an administrative co,st)
Page 27 of 69
in cul-red by the [hovider to inaintak a conUschud or conunelOW relalms1hp dtal is not carried oW to
implement CARES Act services,,
211 Wgism GuWance and 71chnical Asshtance
Ile tUliance vdil providc to die, Provider gukbnce and technical assistance as needed U) ensure the successful
Wilmou of Me coldrau by die PmWer. IU Provikkrs triust auend aH required training sesdon and
mertigg, The support, or lack Wercof,zhall not redieve file Provider from fall pi�rforjnanco of contract
3A C'eneral Statement of Method of Payment
Ile Idethod of Payment Ir Us convau is a coiinbinmion of Uxed0d'unit rate, cost r6mbursement, and advanced,
paymenh, suEject to dw avadabi!Ry of W, The Provider hall ensure iriclude only those coms t1i t tutu, it,
accordance widi aH applicable stme and fide al sbtWes and regulations and are baseil on audited historical coMs ill
instances where aura in delie nde ra aud it is reqp i red, Tle Uiance will pay the Provider upon, satisfi'actory cornoohn
ofTasklDeUverables as specified in Section H, 21, 2, and 20, and in acaidance with other terms and condhions
3.2 Unit of Service
Pr(wider jil'ust n'lect [he tninkniarn level of,perfiwinance sual in die connect u) rece'ive payrilerlL
Paymems Rw lixed We/Unit Rales shall not exceed aniounns emablllded in Anael[nnew 01.
322 Cosl RohnbUl-SCHICIA
Payment nmy perthe
AVIL edl Cost Reimbursement 11eqjwms Rm Papnent must include ke actual Expendhi-ire Reports
~vid) ll'ic fird inonfli (if Me cmimcL Ifle PixwWr must nwvt We mKhmuni level of
ptrAnnance stated in Me commmo rucNe pymiclo,
Ile Provider agrees W, disnQue finds as dcu%d in he lulu INt Suinma, AT 1ACH Nd ENT NIL W
dais conhm& Any changes in the lowl amounts of% Rinds identiRed (mi the Budgel Sumniaq Orm
requjn an (,,,owract
3.3 Invoice Subntil0l and Requests for I"ayment
Pwyment shall be made upon the Providers presentaHon of an inwAce, fotto,wing accQptance and apj�i,roval pry the
alllime of delivarabtes shown on Me hivoioe, The Provider shaH MAWn dociumentadon to support payinum
rcqw�,,;(s that shall be avaRatle to the Alliance or md4nized individuals,, suctl as 1he 1)eparunent (41"inaliciall
ServiCeS, UpOrt rC(lj[lQSt- SUI)p,ortin).g docwnenmhon of services provided must be aidequate to pernflt fi,,,eal and
prograrrilriatic evaluation and ensure internal management.
The fiat u and substance of each invoike suhnined by the ProvWer shall be as Hullo wP°s:
13A All requesN fbr payawnt and expenDure rep arts W,SUPP011 request-s, f6r,payrnerlt sh,all be on
fi')ri�ns 106(A"'I"I"ACHMEITIAXI 105 (ATTACITMENTX-EXI 11B]"T 1, 2, and, 3),
(1) Florm 106
(2) 1'orm 105 is Rw a CARES Acl ]"Rtes— Use one forin perThle
Page 28 of 69
3.3-2 The Provider shall submit all payment requests based on,the submission of the Provider"s actual monthly
expend4ture reports begilaling with the first n-londt of be cmMuct as pQr AT"TACI IMEN 1' Vill to, this
3 3 nAny paymerlt due by the, Alliance L.rnder (be tenr s of Ods contruct may be "Ahkid Mndkg the reccifn mW
appmal of all Mumcial and Programmatic mpods due Wri (be Provider and any. i(Ajustnients thereto,
33,41 The Al[Larice Nvilf authorize lonyment only fbr allowable expeliAhures, whdh am hi acco,rdmize w4h Me
I i in i Is s[)cc i f ied in AT'I'AC I I M ENT V I I
33J MoMhy rrcOew of the Rlectlpt auxi Expen,dihire Report anti the Reqpest for Payment Form by die Alliance
will Smis on.,
(1) We itern emparison of year-to-date exPenditures, witli the 1rudgel t(..) monitor rate ofexpenditures;
(2) Allowable total (�)Pr a savWe by service level, does not execcd
a lrum nt(No u i i i I a I c ra I niod i tied s pend,i j i g au thor ity,),:,
(3) Validafion ofservice emits reported agairist eCIRIS.
3-3,6 In order to properly nr,anage die pwogram budge, the Provider must submil invoices A payment no later
Van the 6" day fffillowing the nionrl in which the expense was Wrrej not in exceed daree(3) ntoriths, arfier
the end Ortfle r1ronth in wvhich the expense was incurred, exccj;4 (Na irtwiclos cannot be submitted anlier
Close Out Report date. Invoices submitted late will require the approval of theAlliance's conixact manager.
Law invoices, will snot be Paid uniessJusti fication is subndued and appnwed in writing by the conOW
.3-7 Dale fcw Final Request Or Payment
Ile Provikier shall sWmWt We final request for payment to the A Itiance t)y the date indicated on Attkile hril ell t
VIH of this contract.
331 NyMOMS Wrill be rnack to the Pnwkkr based on as cottildete anti correct invoice, invoices that acre
incomplete oi widi incorrect total Nvill not be Processed and will be returned to the Provider At C(MON,
Fiscal staff will not be able to coat! or make changes to thee invoices. ROurning jnw)4ces for correctiotas,
r1l4jryr(,Su'jj in, fi,,iiture to rective pqynient for that month, Invoices shall be submitted filliely as fler
ATTACI NEW viH in older to avoidany payrnent delays.
33.9 Die Pswider must enter all required data following DOEA's eCIRT'S Policy (irridefines fin,efictits and
serykes in the KIRTS dalaNnc,, Nita, rnust be entered into en Furs, Wbre the Providers stlinnit dicir
rn qaesl for payniern and, expenditure reports-
WE 10 The Provider shall run nw-pnthly WIRIS reports ,,,ind, verify Chat client and service dala in, Q(ARTS is
accurate. 'rhis report must be submitted W Me Alliatice with lh,e rriorithly request for,payment and
expenditure report and stitist be reviewed by the Alliance before the Provider's request can be approved, by
die Alliance.
1311 For Providers receiving funding for Wledal Aid services, Material Aid must be provided t�)Ffly wheli there,
1 no availble altunative,e,g. another program funding source or con-nnunity resource, that(nauui acQon:rplish
we Servile or supply the good, Prior written Ipproval shall be Obtaine(i in writing, ftonl the A lliance's
corilra,,tet inaiaager f1w purchases of$501100 or witwe. Wrillen approval must be submItted with, trine requost
1br payatent,
15A Rentedies IN Noricarittloi-ming Seri-vices,
Page 29 of 59
The Provider shall ensure thAt all goods,aiui/ar serykes,provWed under this contract a.,re delivered tuiliely,
completely and anninensurate with required standards of quality, Such goods andfor services vviJI oldy be delivered
to eligible pro rain p;articipants.
If Q Provider f" ils to innel ihe pres,cribed qjuality standards for sery ices, s uc h services %vill not be reinilbuirsed under
this contlent In additi,on,any noaconEwming gmWs (OWNg home delivered anal)wdlor sinviles not mewhg
samh swndaWs will nol be rehibursed under this cantract. 'ne NoOder's signature on the request for payment form,
Qertflles ritiaintenance t4'supporfing doctunenWon and ackmawledgment that the Provider shall solely bear the
costs amoclated with preparing or per viding nonconArning goods an(Ver .wrvices'. Payinents juay, be withheld
apldAir required to be rehubmsed if standards art not upheld and/(.)r if docurnetitation does notsupport invoices
behig processed or already paid- The Alliance requires immed1te nMke of ail, significant and/or systernic
infractions that coinpnmrl W the quality, securhy or cotifinu ity of services to, clients.
3.4.1. Correctivie Action Phin
I. Witractor WE! enstane 100% of Me delNetables US% in ATTACI[MENT 1, Section It (Manner of
Service Pmvision) of this convac, am performed pursuant to contract N'ClUirenients.
2. if at alyr thme the Contractor is nodRed by the AN= dwt it has flited WoommlY complewl, or
I, See,. 11, the, Contractor will have
adequately jiarforrn contract deliverables identified in A'I'TACH MF,WE
10 business (lays,to submit as Corrective Action Plata("'CAP'") to the Alliance Conlrae:t Manager that
addresses the deficiencies and states how the deficiencies will be rerimclied Whin as We period appawed
by the Wanues Corturact Marutger, The .A Rianco shal[ assess a, Firianciall Consequence lbr Noll-
Complimme on the ConlracWr as referenced in xr,rACI IMEN"I' l, vac a 3A.2, of this contract for each
clefilciency identified in the CAP which is not correded PUrSUlarnt to the CAP Ile Alliance shal I also
,assess as 1"'inarici"d Cotiseqijerwe for Nilum to Urnely subrnit a CAP,
I If me Coll trac tot faills to convet an Won= defidency uklin Me approved tinle perio'd S11'ecified in Me
CAP, the, A I Hiance shall declud the percentage esMbhskd in AITACI IM E�,Nl' 1, Sec, 3,42, of this
con trac 1, firwil the pay men I for the invoke 0 f be RM ow ing rnon th"
4, 1 Me Con trac to r, fia i Is to timely s ubrn i t a C A 11, the A I I ian cc s ha II d ed uc t tl i e po rcei i ta gle estab I is hed. in
ATTACIINIENIT 1, Section 1,42, orms connact Rn vuh day dw CAP is overtlue, 'Me cileductima will be
made thorn the payment Q Me Wole of Me following month-
3-A.2. Financial Consequences of' Iran-Performance
The Afliancc Nvill %vitlihoM or reduce payment if the (7ontractor fails to pedbnm the deliverables to the
sat isfi"letion of the Contract a,,iccording 1(.i the requ irortients referenced in Arun EVIENT 1, Secdon I m(I
Section 11 of this contma Ile following financial conseWicnces will be iniposed if the do
not meet in pan or in wbole the perfornianice criteria as, out1hied in AITAGI[MAEN'T 1, Section I and Skedon 11
of this connect,
I. Delivery of sexvkes to QR& clienis, as, referenced in ATTA(u I IMENT' 1, Section 1 A and. Section �.1 of
this cvnhvd —Failure to comply vith established assessiment an(] prioritization criteria as evidenced in
eCIRTSAmports will result in a 211 reduction of payment per business day. 'I'lici°edL[Ctlonol'!'I)ayiiietit
Mill beWn on the first husiness day following the AlHance's notification to the Provider that We Weth Mid
deficicnicy was not cured oc satisMetorily addnased in accordanoq� wit[i the Alliance approved CAP,
refierenced in ATf`A,CJ IMENT 1, Sec, 3.4.1.
2. Services,irrid units of sen(les as ref0enced in ATTACHMENT 1, Section 11 ofthis contract—Falture to
provWe say kes in aecor dance ATfA(71 IMENTI, hkohn 2A, We current D(,.)E,A Progranis and hArKes
11andbook the survites listed on ATTACHMENTS V11 anal K,, and subinaission ofrequired doQunaentation
will resuh in as 251 reduahn of payment per buskess day. 11m, reduction of payment will begin Me first
Page 30 of 69
business day .t"ollowing theAlliance's notifileation to,t,he 11rovider that the identified deficietwy wa,; not
cared or satisi'aclorily addressed in accordance with thQ Alliance approved CAV, rellerenced in
A-FTACHME-WH, Sec, 14.I-
3, Administrative dutiesas refercrwed fil ATI'ACHMI'NTI, Section If of this contrad— Failure lo perkirni
diie performance speciflications and ovQrsigbt will rosLdit iti( a 2% relcluction ofpaynient 1111cr
business daY. The reduction of payment will begin.the first business day f'ollowing 11he Alliance's
lloti fication to the Prov Wr Ovat Ow idenli 1:11od defic iency was not cLlred or satisfactorily ad(lressM in
atcaet chance with fliv A I liance approved CA 11, ref rc vQed in AI"FACI I M ENT I, See. 3A.1.
4. 'Hmely stEbmission of CAP— Faiftffe tO tin lCly srnlararit an (,SAP,�Nlil:hin tO btis,iness, days after notification,
of the by t[w A114mce contract:i�U,anager will remilt in as 21�1r) reductioti, of'payttient per bmilless,
day the CAP is n,(),t received, 'Ilic rQduotion of Ira rrwrol will begin fire first btisiness day, k)[lowingt1w
Alliance's notification tan the contractor that the identified kfwicjicy not ci,ireid or mifisfactorily
addressed in acc,ordan,cc"ill) the All Lanceapp,rtwed rcfere�nced in Al"FACHMENT 1, Sec,,
5. FxQeplioms be gnaveld in writing, by, the Alfiance.
Page 31 of 69
Ile adnOnWation ofmiources awarcled by the Alliance to the provWu rnay be stalect to Wits andlAor nionitorhig Q die
as clescribed in this section-
In addition torevicv6is ofauditscoriduoted inaccordaneewith 2 C F R Pa" 200 (foronerl,y (YMB CJt'CLAIarA.-B3 as
revise(f), imid Section 215.91 KS, (see QUIATS"' belcm), ninnihwiq procedures may incim[e, but avant I)e fir1lited tO, on-situ
visits by the Allhance andkm- Me stafil" Jimited scope aLld[tS as defined by GMB Circular A-133, ii� revised, and/or
other, j!,)roeedLa'es,- 13), entering hoo this the("onn-actor agrees W, coni,ply and cloopeirate With arty Ntionitoring
deerned approp6aw by the Alliance, In the evoit the Alliance and/or the DeparMim detennities dut as
lintited scol')e audit of Ow CaMmU is appvpdato. die Wnhawkw agrees to complymith, any"ddhional, histructions pnwided by
die A I H a n cc a nd/o r t h c DQpartincil to the Conhadw regarxiNg such, audh, "Tht Contractor further agrees to, Couriply
and empame with ant, Qvdions, reviews. investigations w audio.deemeal immmary by Te A U i ume an&or be
nis part is iWO We Wle provider is a State Or local g
"overiurioit or a non-pn3fit organ i zationias defirned in()IVIB Circukw A-
13 3, as revised.
In, the event that the ProOder expends $750,000-00 r:Dr nNorQ in lWeral awvWs dwitig its fiscall year, the Y'rovider nium have
singIe or t'.irograiri-sec ific aLldit condiucted in with the provisions of 2 C F R Par 1 2 0 0. EXHIBIT 2 a) this
agred'r,jent indicates federal resources awar(led 1hrougli the Alliance by this agreevneint I n deterin i,ni ng t he f6deral ailvard's
expaWed in its fiscal yeaq the P r o v i d e r s1Wl emmkIer jKAgWjgj,nf Fedwzl awads, 1cluddig Ideml remumes rneked
frarn the A I I i a n c e, The doernihimion of arnaums of Federal awards exponAed MwWd be it amordlatme with die
guWdims estalaliaahed by 2 C F R P as r 1 2 0 D. An amik of the Pr a 0 d er conducted by the Auditor (jeneral in accord�,'Nnce
with dw provishns of 2 C P R. P a" 2 0 0, wid Yncel the requQuenm of Mis put,
In conneeflo'n with the audit requirwrimas addressed hAtut h pai-agnWh L the 1'rovider shaall ful,111 I the reqUirenwrits relative t
e qo o
aUdiie re � nsilii I ifies p s as in 2 C 11 R P a r t 2 0 0.5 0 8 ,
If the f1rovikler expends less Chart $750,000.00 in r,,d,,,,,j av'ir(hs hi its fiscal year, an au ldit conducted in accordance Nvith the
proWslons oT2 C F R Par t 2 00, is not ri;.eltdrc& In Teevent 1[iat the Pmvider expendis Iss than F7501e0001H) in Wderal
awarth in its BW year mW clean toe We an audVt con duo i iri amoitlame with Ac pn)jskns oF2 C F'R P a r t 2 0 0, the
cost cif the audit rriust be paid fhmn non4dmal I*SOLWCCS (W, the cod cW such audit must be paid,firm rri lh,�Mdevresuiurces
obtained fft.i,tn oath er thark fiederal enfitieq.)
An aWdit conducted W aceordwe with this pwl MmIll cover the entire organkahan Q the o Mani mdoN fiscal yeair.
(.c),nipliance firidings rchitod v,)agrcc:1i11Qnt-s* xvith Ow A111hice shW I No based on the agrecinient's F-eClUirenlents, including any
rulles, or statutcs reR:rQ,,ncQd in the agivememt. The fiin,aancial statenients skall idisclose whether or n(.)t the
atatch,ing reqdrernam %was inet IS each apakable agreement 101 quiestioned costs and liabilities cilue to the Alliance ancl/6r
the is epannient shall be RMy dkelved in the audIt rcport ;WT PdOvmve to the eM Hance agreement kvolme& If not
(!atherwisc diqelosod as,requircif by 2, ( F R P at r t 2 a o.5 1 , the schedule of expendiMs of fieclera.l awards sh,idl identify
expet'iditures by agrecrmmt riumber for each agrcenicnt with die Alliance in cff�ct during the audit periold, Financial
reporting,Packages rvqkjirvd under thk pan rnwt be subnAtted Win the gQkLof 30 days after receipt of the audit rqxart or
9 month s after the end of"the l)-ovi'der's f"iscal Year elxt
Page 32 of 69
P A RT 11: S11'ATT F U N D Ei 1)
This,part is applicable ifthe I)xivikL-,r is a nett,-state entity dare defirted by Section 2 15-97(2), FS,
In the evenit that the Provider expends a total, arnount of states financial assislanee equal to i,)r iii cNeciss orS'750,0010,00 in any
fiscal year of such Prov i deir (Rir fiscal years encliq Seplen,rher 3,0,,, 20,04 or thereafter), the Prc)vider Inust Irave a SUltu sing1v or
projed-six,cific zwdit for suc[i fiscal yeari in acuffdarrce with Secrioti 215.97, F-S.; applicable rules of Olic Deparfliniclu of 1-1nancial
Scrvkes,-, arild Chapters 10,55101 (Iocal governmental entides) ix, 146,50, (iumpirofil aknd RulQs ofthe Auditor
Cilenicrat la, Ill BIT2 W this agreement jrKlicales male firrancial assistance awarded through. tire A I I i an Qu by
dicter-minirrig the Slate financial ass i stai nice expended in its fliscal year, die Provider shAl cortsider all[isc)UMC: Nate flilamial
assi ..........
staince, including Mi.ifei financial assistance received from A ifiance,other state agencies, and calmer enfitic�, State
finam'Jal assist-ance does not iirwllude FcAeral direct or pass-through mi and reqmircies recicivul by a non-stak, virrily for 1'ede.ra1
PrOgIRM111 Inlitichilig requirenients
I ii con nicclion w i d l the audit requiremen h, Ad ressed jn part 11,paragraph 1,th e Pro v kI er shall ensure, dtw thie audit cornp I ie a vivi t IN flic
rquirmients of Scictim 215 197(8), FiS. This includes submission oT a financial rejxwfimg package as defined by Section 2)15,97(2),
ES., arld Chapter 10,550(local gavernmejuall ellififiles) car 10,650(nonpiro,flt and fori-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditur Oicueral,
If the Amikarexpends lvss rlwm(S7510,fl4Xr,00 inslate firianci al assistance,in its fisudl year(for Iiiscal yeals ending September 10 2004
oil-thereafliur), an,audit conducted in�Accor-&-jncvi with the pirciviisionis of SeclJonN 5.97, RS,is not rectuired. In[I'le event ffral tire
Provrder expolds less th"an $750,000,00 in state finaniciaI assislanu in its fiscal year and, elects to have all audit conducted ill
aocordanii v,,Wl thic provisions of,' Section 215,197, I'S, ffie costs o r the Midlit nvust [Je paid 11rom the nori-state CrihWiS r0sii
(i.e.,[Ile o'kilchan audit must be paid fraim the Prov idea, resources obtained ffijin other than State entitles)-
Ali amfit conducied in acclordarace with 1111is part shall cover the entire origarrization for tine orgariization's fi«,oal year.
Ctirripliarwe findings,rVI'lled to agi-miflic'nts,With the AlAimice shall be based on the agreement's mquireirrients, including any
aj.,)jAi,cab[e rulQi, im, Statutes, The hinauja[stalenients shall disclose wheilter or riot tire matching requireritlent Wa.",
Inet foroach applicaNQ llgrc)ement. i quesdorred costs,and liabifities duelli Akmicesha]l be fufly clisellosed in the audit report
with reCurcuQ,to the Alliancu agrement involved. If not offierwise diisclosed as required by Rule 6,91-5.001,Fla..Adntio. Code,,the
s0cidulc of QNporditures of state finarticial assislallice shall. identiif�expenc[itures by agivernient numirber for each agreernent wilh
tine Alliance in elf et during the audit period, I."iniancial repnaurtiinnglnrackaages required unde r th is part must besubmittedwithin
45 days after deliver-Y of thce am(fit reporl,but-no later than, 12 nionths after, the Priov id e r"s, filsea[ year end for [medal
goveriuniernmeal ollitivs, Ncni,pim(it or for-prol"it organiza,flons are required to be submitted within -f4f.5 days after delivery ofthe
audit n port, but no, Iwo,thall 9 111011,01s afier the Provider's fisud yiea,r end. Nomiliffig tire appficabil ity of1his 1,)ortion,tiic
AlIinmv raarjj],.S'all right and obligation to monitior anid oversee the perflormance of this agreement as,oudined throughour tfuia
do'crunclit, arlApur-quaNrl: to km
("opics of 1-cpart ir lg paickagics Jbr auld i4s cond I'm edi i 11 "1 Ccord'ance ",ith 2 C I` Ik P a r t 2 00, and rC(l U i red by 11 AR'T I o C fl i is
agricicinoit shall be slitim ilted,when required by 2 F R, P a r,t 2 0 Cr. 5 12 ,by or orlbeiiialf of the fWlivider direg to,each offlic
k ff
[kfl Io w ing::
The Alliamix,at each oftim fbIlowilig addresses-,
Allhaitice for Aging,Irnic.
Attic. Fiscall Departntent
760 NW 107"' Avenue
Suite 2114
Miami, Ft.. 33172
year 21()1,71 wIflld ealxliier ro Illie ALOdit 4`ICii`.1rJrRgh,,1ptjSe CleSigirrkite(I jnlj Cfjt ).-3161 or Ilic 11 dkmi i ii, addr oss
Page 33 of 69
Vcdci-al Audit (.7letiringlumse
Burean of the Ccvsus 1201
East IW" ShvvA
Jeff o,s,onvillv, IN 47132
For Ibud yaw 2014 W lam a% piwmwn to 2 CTIT §20(15 11 We repcirthig "Ind flic (kita CiAlection form rntist, Ibe
M11311141'CLI IN 1`cderaV Audit Clew.irir-kghotise.
Mirmittv to 2 (:FR QMJ 11 A o0cr Weval apowiny pm.Awigh enlides Lind others interested in a reporting pack.ag
md data ad 1cohn Rmn mum aWn It by amesirig flic Federal—Audit C.°Ie:aarinrd house.
Ile 11rovider shall NAmit a copy ot',any nuitiagentent Wei; ksued by the audhav h) taw FhOda Dcpqnwm of Elda
a!'' Ct1i i rs,al. t Iie 66 1 lkn%i i ig acid n,,,,..s i
AUWne Ir AgW& W.
AM Fiscal Department
7611) NW 107"' ANenue
Suke 214
V ianii, FL 331,72
Additionally, copies offinanvial roponing packages recpAred by ON ccriumn's Fin mwil ComiAWnm Wh AHachmem,
f"a'R 11 sfu'flll he SIA'ntilticd hy (w on bd=(Wdw havider QgQoo enh of Me RdWving":
"I'lle, ["lotichl De[x,"jonient o1'111cr tN 1611(nVing",a'kddrcss:
Allian[ce for Aging, Ine.
Atfit: Fiscal Department
760 NW1017" Aveinte
Swite 214
Miiairrii, J;"L 33172
The Atidhor Gencrol's 1hQ RiHovvin,,,;addresm
State of Fltprida Auditor (;Cneral
Clauldc 1'el")per Building, I'Zoolial
574 111 West Madisoit Street
Taffiihass,ec, Florida 32399-1450
AAy reNcy nimmgmncM la cayk cw othcr jji(`or'n),afion requAd to be submWed taa 1110 Dql�"'trkrnont pursil�ant r('�) this ck'altract
W I be subm Nind dmcO in acsyAmwe wAh 2 CFR Pan 21tX FKrida Sutta% W C1 mptci-s t 0,551�), g,(,jvammo1kfl
eria6w)or 1 M650 Wipix& and RmIxiAl organUmBuy Rides ol'ffic Au(Mor Cicncr�i 1, as ;,jppj ica,fl5jc�
Pravides, "hon suhmNing hnaackal jxackag,v-s to flae Depaarrient for audits done in avox-dajiw,�vittt 2 CT'R Parl
200 oi-ChqwN 10.550(local g(n,ermnaiml evAhies)or 10,650 jjmINWit mid 1by-prvAt orgunizid ions,Rides ofthe AudNor
Unwan shmdd A idkwc Ow daw But dw mpmOng package was delbaed 0 We Provider in ing
We repoN kig package,
I he Provider shm'afl rd ihi Sid"I'V6,011 mcords dellINIS1,111fing its ammomwe Whl"I the leruls('14,01is c�')nlrac R)r as period of six
(6) yems Amn the dMe the Wit report is issued. and shW1 allow the Doixam-Unent or ds (�k,,sigiuoc, flic Q°1�47 a.)r Auclitoir
(10110MI aCCCIS to yKJ1 records ujx-m request, The Provider simll engure that audit ivorking papein ant nmJe avWde to
the Alhancc andky- Uw EXIminnimit or W desInce, CFCX or WhOr (We& upon mquesil fk)r a j3CriC1C1 Of SiN (6) Y,eajrs
Wn dic doe Ow awit rxTmi A Sued, urdess exto Wed in %Adng 1yy the Department,
Page 34 of 69
KCA-20 ^A
Provi.ders wvho receive state or fedv--al resources rnay or may not Nye skil�i-ject to the mulit requirenients oft C-F'R Part §200,500,
amillor Section 21,5.97, 11111a. Stat, P ro v il d er s %vho,are deterinitied to bv rL,cipieiltsor subreci,pients of fechnd awards and/or state
fir iacial 'ass-istance May, be slubJect:to the aucht i HIC audit Ifires,h(Ad mquirements set fimilh in Varl I and/or Part If
of Exhibit I is iniet. Pr o v i,d e r s who have Ivert detenniried to Inc vcrlid(�ir-s arc not sub.ject to tlic and, it requirements of 2 CF'R
Pad, §2001 38,anck.)r Section 21597, Fla., Stat, kegardl,eqs of whethor the mj(Jit rquimmerils aminel, Mcyvickis who,flave been
(Iderali ned to be reci pi e nts or sttbreci 1)i ents,of FeLle ra I a%vards a nd/or tate fi i i m ic ia I as s i,sim mice i,i s t oxmpl Y,%v i th appll icall le
and fis'u'd C(limpliance requ,I.rements.
Ira accorda ni ce w i th 2 CFR. 11,a rt §200 ai i cllk.)r R u le 69 1-5,0 06, F'AC, C(,)i i I r a c to t has bec 11 det e rin i ried to be
Vendor not m,ibiec((o 2(.1 FR Part§200,3 8 and/or Section 215.917,1--'.i:
suNecl to 2 CFR Part t §201(.),86 and §200.93 anti/or Smion 215,97, 1."'
Fxempt organization, not subject l�o 2 Cll]t 11arl §20,0 and/or Suction 2 I 5-97, F-1.'s. F'o,r Fc(Imil awards, lbr-proM
(irganinfions aire exempt, fbi, stme financial assistance Int)j ects, public universitivs, co,iMm unity colleges, districtsc hool
branches,of state (Florida) goverrinient, and ch,kirter schools, are exempt. F'Nonsp( organizations niiis't comply,
with all comph,canu requirements, set foill,'i %viiiiiii the coraract or akvard docunwul'
NOTI ; H'a Provider is detemi ined to be, as of f' derld and or state financial assistapicv and has been
aPproved by the A I I imice m subcontract, thCY I'Mist couiply with Section 215.97(7), F,S,, mid Rulc. 691-,5006, FAC [state,
11nancial "Ussistancel and 2 C I 11R, Nan §200,,330 jfiMmM mvarcisj.
FEDE.RAL AWARDS 014, STATE MATCA-HNC.' FUNDS ON FEDLRAL AWARDS. 1"i-ovidei-s who receive Federal
k aivards,, state nuintenanceof, ejl'�'.Pn 1: inds, or state uiatdiing funds ori 11"eden.'d awards and who are deterniined to be a
Slibre6pient IlluM comply Willi the fiollowing fimal laws, mules, and regulations,
2 (1-'R, Part §200.416- Cost Princilfles"
2 (71"R. Part 2(101201- Adrninistrative Requivernents"
2 411"R Part§200,500- Audit Requireinents,
lit krence GuRfe!fbr Static Expenditures
Other fiscal requiriernei its set fiorth in program laws, rruleq and rcgulafion
2 CF R Part§200,41010-.4 11-Cost Prine ipl,"*
2 CF R, Pa rt 200.l 00,-Ad ill i ni stntfi ve Req Ld t'efl W 11t.s
2 CFR, PaiJ §2010.500-Audit Requirenient,,s Reference Guicle 9'or Statv F'Xpunditures
Other fiscall reqtAireniel'itsset fim1h iti progran't lam, rules, and regidations"
2C.17R. Pain 2,001,4 11 8- Cos I Pfi ric
2 CFR Part §2104..),100-Adrninistradve RCqUirervidits
2 CF'R, Pkirt §2001500,-Audit Requirenieraq,Referelice(Juide R,)j-S(;:ite
Other fiscal reqUireinents sti fc)rth inprograin laws, mlk�sand regu I ati oils
Pagle 35 of 69
4..some FCdclral grog anus Nnay be exempted ftmi conilp'liamice Nvith the Cost Principles Orvufiar� as, noled inthe 21C I F'R llarl�
**`(�)r ftuiding passed througlt US. Ilealth zind Flunuan Servi,ces, 45 CFR 92, ftm- 1"urdingpwi-sed Ifirougli U,S, Departinem
34 Cl-'R, 80,
STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Providers, wvho relceive state finaricial assislance -and w4o aredclermined to be as
recipienUsub,rixipient must Qamply with the Folhmin,g fiscal, knwsjules,and rr guklfions!
Scotion 21,5,97, I'la, Stat,
Chapter 691-5, Fl-a- Admim Colde
State J:lF(,)jQc("s Orlaphlance Suppleinerlit Reference Guide
Rv State 11"xpenl(fitul-c's,
(Mer fi rul requiremmils wt forill in pro�g,Yani laws, rulles arld regulation.s.
The Remainder of Thiiis Page Left Intentionally Blank
Plage 316 of 69
AT1'AC1°1M1r,N"' 11
hLALL.Title 2 Cl,R §20,03 31,as',revised, aird Sleclion 215.97,F.S.,irequire that imf�,unaiion aix-jul Federal hugrains and State Pip eas
i,nckided if, A"FrACHMENT 11, Exhibit I be pruvidvd to the reci pi C111", fir 16miar,ilon Confai ned is pred iction(.,j f ffindi rig,sources,ktad
rely led arn(AAMS IMSM on the ccimract btrdgd,
)III-01MVints Au Rvfiel and Fconomk; U,S, I leakhand I hinum Services 9,3354
$a foty(CA R I�S) ACT'—S uppo if Scryi cQs
O.wonavil-Us Ald, Refief, and Econt'HI'ViC
Sairety,(CARE'S) ACT—Nutr[itiorr U.S. I lea I h a j id I I Lu mm i Sery icL,s 93-354
oronav i rus A,idl,Rel ie f.and Econom ic
Sallmy (CARES)ACT,-Cmegiver I LS. l"Icalth and Hunran Services 91.354 $i 8,375-25
SMIL)p,ort Services
TOT4L .FEDEJZ4L A JV4 RD S 18,375.25
Tl I I S C ONT IZA(71' A R 11 A S F"(),L LO W S:
2,CFR Part 200-Uniftm-tri Adminish-afive Clost 1,6JIciples, wild Audit R,equk'ements f6r l"edenal ,-Nwards, ON1113
Circular A-[33 - Audits ol'Slates,Local Governments, and Nomi.,M-(Alt OR-ganizafl(�Trils
11 R 06 RAM '1111,L', 11"-UNDING SO (AWl", CIP"DA AMOUNT
S ..I'-'I'NANCIAI, .ASSI'f'ANCE SUBJEC"I"TO 2115.97, F.I.,),.
Section 215,9T F&, Chaptei, 69l-5., FL Admin Code,, Refierence Giui.de for State Expendktkre', Other Ewa] reqairenwntsseq forth irt
pmgnam laws,.nfles and regulafions,
Page 37 f 69
D(,)F,A %vill 1pnryl awanlWhis Conwad unhss die Provider mripletes thc,Q (I", (I I FICATIONS AN 1)
ASSUMNIXES in pulkwmAnce orthis c(muna. The Provider 13mvides the Alkwhag cedficmicms and
A. Debarment and Syspengiqti 29 (TR I'art 95 and 45 ('FR. Pail T��)
B. CerliMendan Rgglyding Lubbl its g (29 42FEL PAx
Nwtdi,4Erftpink)(jqq & EMMQ OUpgIbItwIlInIll A&- Annsurynnce-L29-CIFIZ PaELIM piny ill 4§ JXR Part 81
DI CertHicalloy Reg;ardjgg_L`ybJk, liin titv H.unes, section 287.133, F.S.
U- Ass,twiq'Ij!L)LI of(-'qMII(jg R efi.)r ni N()w, (A C 0 1!N) F p n(I i n g QuAlWa i A,
_jjjIv (Ji a nizaj ions.f0i
Assu i-a n ep (11y1j,L, I I 1-1117)
7,135, If V
F. Cellification Wganjin a Scrullut ed C7oin Panies Lists, sectiop 2NTj3!, j
C. jtp lute mil Con[pliance fol- cojltravls�, AgreellieFw-4, Gt:L%.g S"
Loalls-and C'OQp*!I-,fljVO Agreements
11. Verification of Swat, Qt^nji171a<aaliltnn
I. Record's ans, I I)()4,Ij III V.L,lanlima
J, Ceirilli"Ition Ree:11,11-dingjOH arced any of PubRe Reco"Is
'rhe underigrwd 1'rovider. ccaikg Io the best of hs knowNdy and belief-, d4w 4 and its principak
1. Arc not pircNeully del'izirred. susperide(1, prxImed Or deharnient, deelal Qd irm'lligil Ic. orvi'pluiflarfly
exclutted fi,onl cover(�d by as F"Odell-al dell'zirtnient cir a,gency
2. Ilave not MOM an third"( -yar purk)d preceding this Contract. been convVed or had a 60 judgment
rendered against thern :11w cmmm i4sion of haud (w a Winsloffel,tsc in Connectio'n with obtaining,
auvolpting lo obufln"or lwrrorniing an public (Federal, State or loc,M) nroamion or contract undera
public Irmactky Madon of Fedowl or ShHe alllifi-LISI St"ItUte'S (w commission oronwamem, men,
forgery, bribery. UsificaMmi cm, deMnwHon nfrecod% inakNg hilse suI'lentents" or receiving sk)Ven
3. Ar�d! rnPt prescotly indioed ort)IhmWe crindhalb; or cfvH!y charged by a go"munwo My (11daml.
SMO cu kwal) widi mirmisshm of aiw onhe oHhnws enwnermted in paragraph A.2. of this
4. [lave M willi,in as threQ-y4 ar p,etiod preceding IlAs aMAKIM/proposal had one or nnore public
MOCIMS (Federal. State. o,r local) terni in:ifted for caw of defiauh,
Page 38 of 69,
Ilie tunderrigned hall rquire that istogme ortids cedification be incliukd in the docurrietws; fior,all
sl,d),�osllract,, at all den (including subcontracts, vQndors, sob ,t.,!,ranvs aritl conlrads under grants, lo,titns tirtd
cooperative agreenients) and dial all sub, recip1rim and contractors shall procidc thk ccrtificaliotr
a C C0 rd i I 19 W,
I'lle undo'sigsicd Provk[!Cr cerflifles, to IN best of is knomdodgc and WeC Mac-
NO Federal appnQMed linds, have been maid or YOU be paW, by or on behalf of be underQnK w any,
peBon Rw Whencing or rulenying lo innuence an Weer or eniploy, orAngl es. or an enqaloyce of as
MimboAW(Mrigress 4 connecOon with We awat-dirig ofany lideml connaa . th( imiking ofany f-ecteral
gmn Te nmkhg ofaily, Federal loan, the entering Wo of mW cooWrmije mgmement . and the extension,
conlinuation, renew aL arriendinew or nioOffiG,!ation ofany Federal cmUma, grant kmn or caVm6ye
HAny Ruids other thart Federal ammvpriawd Wk have been paki or will be paid in any person rar,
in J1 uencing Tarr ation pHng to it Uence an cufficer Or eniNoyce ofliny ag(,nc.y. ;-a Mcsnber of'Ccnigress, G11)
officer or criipkl )yee or crnMoyce ora Meniber of(Imigress in conneclit,'in avifli a F'c(�tcnu]
contract, grant, loan, or wxTeratNe aWvorion, We undo-sig,j)("d sh"aH also ccNniplete ancl sublilil standat'd
Font - I IT, "Disaloswe Fona; Uo Rypol I Kbying," in accorclance with its inmedons ,
'Fhe u nders[gned Ad I rcqu Pre I hm language of th k cut Nan On he Jnchi([(�d j n the docunien ts Rn a]1:
su bcoW rads s I aril dem(he Wd Mg sudwowc M, subgran B and 4.CA1tr1':[C tS untler gra nts, joa 11 S atld (,'t')opCra tive
agreotents) arii]: that all sub- recifents anal, unumcums show1l ccolly and disdow"candRig".
This ewificalk)n is as inalc6al representaGn or No twon which iviliance was placed Wn this Comm was
nwde or ememd im Subtaksion of this certification is a prereclukk Mr nwkhg or mauhg inm US
Coritra.d finposed by 31 11ST, 1352.Any pummi who fails to fHe the ivqudvd cenificaHm shaN he
Subject b) at ciAl pcnahy of not less thail $l 0,000 and not rnoov th""In $ 1 04),,M)6 fc:)r each Such f-ailurQ,
clk AS9URANCT, (29 CTR 1"Awr 37 ANU) Q
CFR IYA 1117 SOY -As a cond Mon o r, WUnwL PinnAller anu res diat A mill com ply ru Illy w Ah die
nondkerinihamicni and equal opporlunUy fneviNons of the following lama',
1 , Secdon 188 of We WorkArce Invesinient Ad of l998, (WA), (Pub, L. 105-120) , which prohlibit's
diserhirrinalK against all indivicluals an the L-Ircited States on die basis of racouW rellfion , sex national
cwi,ghi, age. disabillity, poldRal aff=m or beReC and agshist beneficiaries (,.oi the 114"Isis of c"idier
citizenship/stalus as a la"Ally adni-itted imniigrant audmized to N=k, ill flIC UilitCd States or particilmikill
In any WIA 'Fille I-finanQially assisted pixignirtt or activity.
2Zl`We v i or we (AH Rights ;Net or 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352, as anicir(kx], alit(J all re(pin-vinents inipose(,l 1-1),
or pursamnt to We Regmlatkorr anal"Ilse Depar(Anent of I lealai ant! I lurnan mices (15 VIT Part 80). to die
end thm. W acumAance NQh line V1 of that Ul arld tl'it, no mon hi Me thiAcd Smus shall,
on the ground of race. c0or, cu liar mal orWin . he excliuded fforri particip,mion in. be denied flie heriefits
of'. or be othierwise sul#mWA to disedminatilm under any prognini or activity fcn- wvbiclij thc A,j)jAicaini
receives Federal finzincial assistance I-roin flre [),eliartinera,
Page 39 of 69
3, Sed ion 504 of die Rehab H hat ion Act of 1973 (Pub, L 93-1 12) as zurtended. mid all mquirenicins imposed
by or- put-suk'1111 b�) the RegulalK of the %ammon of 10% and Mumon %v0s (45 MIR Bri 84Y to
the end that, in occordance Y;hh Scobn 504 of that Act, and the RCgUlation. !no otherwise qwalifiod
handicapped individual hi the Unded Stores sWIL My by rcmon of his handizap, he excluded Boni
partiQnHorr in, be denkd Ow [wriefits Of or be sub�jcctcid to discHuninMion unAer any program or anikhry
l'or Nvhicllt the Aprilicant mccives Federal financial assimice Rom tlw Depurimmit.
C Ile Age DkOrnhaahon Act of 1975 (Pub. L. %,1351 as arnoidel amd all raph-emenis impowd by or
[,)L11'S4JZ1uA to thC R.CgUlatiun ofthe Mpmons-r! of I Malth and Human Services (45 CFR Pan 9 1 L k) be end
Mat. In accordance "it the As mW the RegWathm, no person hi ilia; Wiled States shall, on die bads of
ago be dcnkd the bancifs oll be excludul hour pankipti[on K or be sultecied U) discritninalMn under
any lwogrant or acdvhy for mlich the Applicmirt receives Fedeml Manchl asimaw I)= 1he
5, Title I X of the Edu"tihrr Knendmcnis of 1972 (Pub, 1. 92 A 181 as arnmided, imd all r"uhuments
Wnpnod by or pursunni to Me Regulatbri of the Department ofilealil'i and lb"Part UK, (45 CFR Nut
861 to the end that. in ouncordanec w1h 110c IX and the ReguNdon, no pemw in he Qhyd Sms shall,
Ou We Msis of sex. he exchided from pariMpadmi A be dobed We MeMs OR (u be wthenvise sui0ected:
to disadmMmimi under any eduMon program or activity Cor which: the Ap,lihQaw, Fcdenal
financial assistance from [Ile
6.The Arne6can vvUh Disabditics Acl of 1990 (Pub, L, 10 433b). which prohibits discNindralbon At all
employrnero practioes. including job app[icahm proomMs, hirit1g, fling, w1vamcement. compensation,
uvin Q.and ot her term s. co,tid itions, nw! priv 1 leges Orem phym ow.
tenure. layofl! leave, frilnge beneCks, amd all other activiiies
Pvovkkrs aim) assons Chat ii nvM comply with 29 CFR Pon 37 and Al, odwr reguhilksns implonenting the
In wsl 61ed abov c. Ehis assurance appides to Providees opermion or tire IV I A Thle I - 11 nancial 0/ assbwd
progya ni or wo i Y hy. and I o ad contracts. Provider inakes lo cany w the AM I A Fh 10 6 financial tAiwjwd
progra m or act 1 v ity, Provider underswids that Df)FA arid the I hifted S w ws have the right to seek judic 411
cukutemeni of the asmn-mrce,
'Hie undersigned sha H requ We I% Wnguage of dds asarnance he i mAudcd in the documents Air a I I
srawomracts at all lVers (including subcoiMacts, vendors, sub,mras and corilracts unndcr gramrs, loans and,
cooposHve agreentents) and Hui all nut) recipients and conowcuss shall provWc M amumlice
1). CER1171 11('A'1110N It EGARDING 141 BUC ENITYY (2111 M ES,SUNION 281133, IF&
Provider hereby cerdiles that neither it, no,riarty 1:,�crwoa or allAiMe oFhYwkk:G has, been convicted ofa Public
Urnhy (lime as delOwd in see Hon 31s7,133, F.S., nor p laced oia the con�ic led vendor I ist-
Provider undersuarids and agrees Chat it is required 'to infk)nn [X)EA imiried[Mely, upon any charq'g.e ol"
MunnsImmcs regudirig this swwo,
AS a COMM of Me Conum Pwvkkr amures, tat it M comply I'Lilly %vith the I'ederal
resultions pci,taiiiingto AC'()RN and iNsWridMes per Me Qnsolidmed iWpnQwkms =20M
Divisiort 511 (Pub, L. 11 1-117), The (AnUnwing Appn)plaiJons Act 201 L Scokms 101 and 103
(Pub. L, I I 1-2,1 2), pro ov ide.,� Jrlrajj n'wde Mer PC, 1- 11 1- I 17 are ava dab le undet` the
conditions i)rovided by Pub, L- 111-1 17.
Page 40 of 69
1h he R I ndersigned it a I I reqL Are = on graige or this ossuiram cc be inckidect in t[te doctiii,oen I,s 111�ur a I I
subotmitracts at roll ders (Aduding mibcoiaracts, vendors, and colth"acts uncter grants. loanu arld
cooperative a.greemcnN) and that ,all sub recipienis apad cd:)ntiracuws Will pravide 00 assumnce accoMing",
If this Conlract is in vie amount or s i mum or mom. in accoi danQv tkith Che ofSectiolt
28T 135. PC Provider hervYi ceNfiks that A is nor panicipadrig in as ho',ycott oC Israel. is not listed oil
chfiver the Scruthideed Chatipanks wkh Acti"dis in Sudan Lim cw d0u; Scnoh6md UnManies w4h AcdvWw,
hi We Imn Porolkwit Werly Sector LK and Out H does not have bushness opemili(rus in Cuba or Syrk
Both has an cre4itcd pursuzitattc) Sccficni 2151,,173, VS.
Mvider undorsiands Wat pursuant to Sechmi 287135. Vs. the suNniss, ora thise cerricicawon nw),
subject Provider,t(:,,i 60) lfflorncy's fees, and/or cc)sts.
If Provklcr is uri;ablc, ix-,) (,,(nrAfy tmy orwe statemerim & wis coirrwmw PmvWkr AmH attar h alt
explanation to IhN Contract-
1, The Providxr and uny saubconumcums, or services tinder This coidrael 14avc hinaticial!
systents capiNe orproywhig cerms A 176ninadon. including: (1 ) accurate. Curruni amd complete
dischswe of to Firiancial results ofeach girmin-fundled prclect or PT0gUH11 in accodance with the
pinegefibed repombg r"Wimumits: (2) the source ancl alitilicatit,-ni, OF Rmds RW all contnwt nup"WK]
aIictivkics�; and (3) Te comparkon ofoulktys vvhh budgeted mnouriwli each a"ard. Ile inolli1hy to
pawns hdonnation in accorthince wifli these mtioJi'vnionts couldl rCSL[h hl A I-LAU1111 O1'g1%An1 frLMIS that
have not been accomited Q propally,
2. hdanagemwM Inkriva1kni SysWins used by The Providlet% subcontracUss. vvulux or any maside enthy
on %Vkh the Provider is Jt)r al tau Umt kto be reported. transinhimi or calculand. have been
assessed and veo ned to be cqmbk of pmcessOg dma accwawo, hicluding year-date ctepcndem; dala,
For those systmns Qmikd lo be irron-amnphant, Provider "dil take ininieckaw, ae'tiolt, W assure data
3. If Ibis cmitract inclUdIS Ile proviOn of KA"are. soffivarc, firinware, naicrocade c:,ii- irtrbeddo.l chip
lQcIlnok'gy', the undersigned mN'arranls thw fltcs,e prodi"Icirs are cailtble (A'proicessing year-daw
depentleni dnt.a ac=yy. AM versions or these pmducrs otl2rcd by flic (represented by the
twidersignQ and pumhmed by the swe % be veriAed Q accump anti integrity; of dma prior 1c)
C I n die evem of any docrtasc in fu nct ionah ty relakd u) timc and dMe related andes a ml inurna 1,
sidiroutines that hnpede the Iwrdwarc or sofiwvare poWnams hmm opermting properly, the PrOvUler
hnincidiately, make required correclioAs. to resmic haidmare and soRmsm twgrmns to the
same level OF 1'rincrKnalky as nirranwd hem&, art Irma chaile u) % sm stad withmit iMerrquhn to
the ongoirag business of the male, Ame )Hero g orme essoice,
5. The l7mNiflir and any subconvacloN andbr YoWors ofservices uncler thiss.Contract warrant
lxHlicks and pwcedures inc[inde a disaster plan to 1,)ixiv We R, service dcfiver�,),, to continuc ini of
an emnlency hicludOg emoTencies adang Urn dam inKpfty comokmee houn.
Page 41 of 69
IL VEWFICA17111N 011; E`JJ`LOA`N,i ST VrljS (jU'j'ff'j(.',AT'j0N
As a cWhion orcontrac6ug Nvhh the Florida Mparimeni of JIM- Affihrs, provider ccrtilk.,s thc use or
time U.S. Department of I Weland. SecuSyN F-wer0j"yStieni to vedfy On: employrnent ehgib[lity of all
new emphy"s himd by die Provider during the contract Mmi to perkurn QwW10yment duks purmuna to
Ohs conlram and that any subiwinioracts include in express t-equirvrmwo dmt st0comdactors, anWor ventvs
1wr(F'orming work or proWng services purnuant to ths (Wima utilize the E-verify System to verify die
unploymem edgibility ofiall rjew cinpkiyees hired by flic subckiritractor andlor vendor during (be cioGro
The Provider shall requhie that 1he kniguage of US cofficaMn be included in, all sub-agreements, sub-
gmntv and obts agreernem0contracts and Kai aN subiconhinewis andMr vendors shall cerdfy coinpliance
Ibis corlifickon is it maUrial reprosentalion or Cacl upon Milch i-chancei wiis pli1CC(J When 01k OMISOCJJOAI
iiiiii,'as imade i entered Wrty SubmNsion or ows cinninwon is to prerequisite Or making or enwing ink) this
wisaiedon imposed by (.;hvuWrs Ad 02 and 2 CFR Pan 20, and 2115 (Winly OMB Modar An I 10).
Fhc ProviJer agrees to make invaillahke cc) Mponmieni stair andWr any li,arty designated by Hie Depoalment
on), and oil controo relmed nowils anid documentation. Ile Novider AM enswe the coHnaini and
mAnWmice of all prograni r0ated irtf'(�'Irmatiotl and (�locurncjitfltion on ally Such Systern (lies-ignated by tl'lq°
Dcpiir1.nicnL Nilahilenance includes vaHcl exports and bachWo oraH do"a mul ystem; vicawdhg Ul
DepartmeM standards.
.J. (717,114"I'l FICA171054 RECOMIM W; I NSPRCTI()N OF N 1 JU JC RUX.1-0RDS
1. I n addhion to the require aw mmts o fsect[oil,s, I().1,, 1,0-2 of We Standard Con triaaa t, aiitd 1 19 10 70 1() and (4
RS, and on), M her apphiwa b1c W. In c Ji I acthm is connnenced as emuNn p lated by Seo On 119 M70 4 4).,
F.S, and the! 1.),epailnient is nanied in the civil actioni, priIvider a'glvi�'s to, ijlidlcanw4y iind hold harnfless the
Depaormsm For any, cosis incurred by the DeparimenL and an), alianwyl Res assessed or amm,rded agwirrst
the Department from as floblic 1-4ci)rds Rquest malilie ptarsualit io (Ampticir I lil), F.S., concerning this
covirad w services, pert winied thiercuncter.
a, SinoWn 1 19470 1— F.S. or matt er Flohida W;q Ods see6on is not applicable to
contracts, executed ho"Teri the Depwiment and SUM ageridcs or subdWiNns deAned in
S"lion 76&28Q, ES.
2. Section I 110 1(3). InS, StaWS if PUM hLndA are expended ta,y an a,g,(,'ncY in payn'lent ol,dues" (111,
membofikp corwWoMns Rn any pummi, corpawriifion, Foundation, trust; association, ptro,tip' or 0111iNer
organization, all the finan,cial, business, and memlicrShip no,ords of sudi an erRhy wvhWh pentain to the
I)ubUc agency (Fk)Hdo Deparlinent of Elder- Afrair's) are public recoMs. Seakm 119.07. F.S, states that
evay person wSo W custody of such as Public record had pennh the rewird to bc inspected and copied by
aity perscm desfi-Mg to do sw unider reasonalfle
Page 42 of 69
AMOmMy I ccllrfy flu,'m urgiinizalhi dws nag 41 PwvWc Rw WMMI mmdwmhjs
Prmd&rl signarure liclow �mcsts that records rwaaking to We du" at "mutheaMp amAmWo by t1w
AdWee and the DqmMnwU me avaflabk fin filspufiori �Nsst,atcd akovc,
13Y ofjlfii,i conlract, Vvm jalu inusl includc McgroMM in all relawd subcknmu
a�t rc n t c r'r 1 0 fap 1)1 i m:a b I c).
By muil An Whis coamt, lhvv ider mus, b1c We toe pmv Wr (A a i n AI wkwd subicoroyact
By Mgnhg khm UK% cv=cs lhc rqnwomahons wolked in Pa"s it WOUPOI J abovq arc true awd
oc "*x,
Signature and IIOC'Of MAIIAINArlmed Represenlative Slined Addreu
Monme CAuMy Heard olf Counly
5"ill I--se 117.3—lic—C,L�111 AIRIM-1
Provider Name 'a C C14"y"State,Zip Code
Page 43 of 69
Pau tic roporting bUrden for dik co]Won of inibrmaWn is estimmed to average 45 MillUtCS ECT-reSpOnSC, ind Uding
fillic 11'rr reviewing eximbg dma smrm% gathwing and WnWining the data weded and
completing and mviewing the collectim ofniforrnation, Send emmons regarding the buMen esHmate or a, other
aWeO Of 16 C(flleCti011 Of infOrMaNal iricludirig KlggCStions, for reducing this burden, to f1ho ()ffice Of Managenient
and Budget- Paperkwwk Redudion Pr(ject (0348-0043), )Nashinigton, DC20503.
Note: Certain of dwse asmwances, imay-mot be applii ablle to your project Or prograin. If YOU have questions, please
wwact the aiwardiqr agency. 1,urtlter,certain Federal awarding agencies niay require applicams to ceniff w
additiomal assurances. It'such is die case, yvu wV1 be nwified.
L I Ws Te legal authority to appt for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and lkmncUd capaWfity
(Mcluding humls milIficient to pay the non-I'ectcrai si,mre aproect coso i(i ensLrre proper planning, managefflen[,
and coniplefion of the fa-(.aJect described intlais application.
1 Will give the aivarding agency, We Compm4ler General of the United States, and if appropriale, the State,
Hough any Worized representative, access to and the right to, oxamine a]I records,, books, papers, 01'
docmumills related ui, the award; mutual %YHI establih a peeper-acC,01.1111ing System in accordance with geiver-a[ly
acccpted accounting standards car agglicy d irectives,,
3- Will aestablush safegands, to pro it mriployees from uMng their positions for as purp(')se that constitules, Or
preseriN the appearance of'personal or conflict of haterest, or plersonal gain,
4, "Will Oil% and complete the vnmk vOlMn the applkaWe dwic frarne afteir receipt of approval of the awarding
5, WHI compky with he huergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970(42 USX. 47284763) rdating to pvc,scribed
swndads, Or nwrh syslems for prograltis funded tuader one of Me 19 staNks,or mgWmkms sload Red ill
Appendix A ol"OPM's Swridards Rw as Wit Symon of Personnel Adminhhation (5 CIFIC 900, Subpart F),
6� WHI, cornply Nvifliall 1aedmwl statuWs ikabkig to nondisedmirtationn 'rhme but arc !n(A limited to: (a) Title
V! of Me Civil Rights Acl cof 19164 (P.I_ 88-352) w1iich prohibits dilaimiriation on Me bask of nice, color or
national origin; (b)Title IX of Me Eduation Ameadmems of 1972, as arnelxfed (2() U.S.C, 1 681-1683, and
1685-11686), whk:,h Vr(.)hHA1s chscriminalki on the bats of sey (c) Whion 504 of the RehaHhakmi Act of
1973, as atuended (29, USX, 794), which, prohibits, discrituKaHon on the haMs of hand icapq (d) Ow Ag
DiScrimhafion Act of 1,975, asamended (12 LI.S-C- 6101-6107b Well rwohibb discrWi[nation on the bash of
age; (e) die Dmg Abuse Office and 'I"reatment Act Of 1972 (111- 92-255),as arna7,ayraula al, relatirig to
F11011discrimination on the basis of`dmg ablise-, (f) the Conaprehensive Alcohol Abuse mid Alcoholism Prevention,
Twatmew and 11(habilitation Act of 1970(Ri. 91-616b as anwnded, relaCing to nondkoKhmHon an the basis
of aloM4 abuse or alcoholism; (g) 523 and 527 of be PubHc Ileahh Suvice Ad of 119,12 (42 U &C 290 dd-3
and 290 ee 3h as antended, retaGg to confid y o el-Hialitf alcohol and dru g abuse patient reco rds; §) 'r v ioe iH of
the Ch=WgMs An of 1968 (42 U.S,C 3601 el seqj amp arnmWed, rdaW%to nwdivKhation in the sale,
rental or financhg of housing; (0 any other nond6etiminalion provisions in the rpm cilic stahft(sr) 1ArKJcT'whjQI1
ap,I)Iicadoni for Fedenx[ assistancle is being made; and (j),the requircryients of any odwr nondiserindnathin
=W(s) whWh may al),ply, 1(�i the application.
7. Will, comply,or has ahmady compliel with Me mqukements oFTHIs H and Ill of the uniNurn Relocation
Assislance and Real Proplerly .Acquisition policies Act of 1970 (P.L, 91-6416), which provide ror fair and,
eqAtahk trealmms of perms d6pheed or whme propaty is acquired, as as mult of Federwil or Oubrally assited
programs. 11tese requircnw nts apply to all unit rests in real property aQ,quired kir project purposes regardless Of
Fektal participatio,ri, in pirrchasies.
Page 44 of 69,
8, M4 0 compQ4 as applWa h W4 w h h the;fit DAM MU of M e Hatch A(,,1 (5 U&C 01 4 508 and 7 3 2 113 2 8 L NOW h
Ihnit the 1KAWal activities of employees %whose In-Wipal enMloyment avWks am RoWahn whoe ot- in pmT
%Yhh Pederal hinds.
9 %VM comoyas,app I ic.,ab]o, widi the provisiun,,; of1he 13avis,-Bacon Act(40 U&C. 236a to 276a-71, the
Cop0a,nd Act(40, U.S V 2 7 6c and 18 US A! 874)and We mtract Wk flout's and S;il'l%�,iy StaIndards Acl
(40 U S& 327-33,3), regardtragtaboz-sumbMs Ir kdoraNy asaimed conarection sub a0vements.
10, Wall conlip I Y, i f ajsjfl i cab I e, wi Or flood ij jmrra tace pu rdia s(, mqW re rnen rs o f S ection, 102(a)U The F I ood W sastic tr
Pnmec6an Act of 1973 (P L. 93-234) whkii requixes mcipients in as special flood la"azard area to 1!josticipale in Ole
jmvgnwn and to porduse Hood inskwancc if the total cast of insurabW cransul�.Wiion ond is S10,000.100
01 I=4.1
11. M411 comply with cnv4onm,cnWl smndads which may be ptvsctAvd pumant to the Wowing: (a)insHunion,of
Puin,vironnilental quality control memums mWer W, National Environmental Policy Awl of 1969 (RI. 9 1-NO) anti
Excmnive Urder(V()) 11514;, (b), nottficatk:1,ri of"Violathig facilkies pupsuant to 110 11738; (c)pmecdoh of
Wands Fmasuant io 1110 11990; (d) evaluaHon of Hued WmAs in floodplairis, in accoidance with E0 11 98M,
azuonge of project cotultemy with dw arqxmed State manageruent pro grant developed undcr the Coasial
Zone h4myerneul Awl of 1972 (16 USX,'- 1451 et seqjq (f)canNnyflty V0 SUItic ((Avar Air)
kqpleatentation Masts under dion 176(c) of the (WrAh Aa of 015 5, as, anaeruJed(42 U,S,(7. 7144)1 ci sq,
(�g), 01f undergrourul �iwuas of drAkW9 walut unK Me Saf Drinking, Watet, Ac,^l (,A 197'4, as
aroettded, (11,1, 93-523), and (h)ptoir�xdon of endangerod species UTW(° Ole Spe,cies Acr of 1 973
as,atru,,:ttded, (PA- 93-205).
17 Wi'll, Ow Wdd and Scenic weis oka or 1968 (16 U S, (,'. 177] et seti.) rvlatv�d to pr(:*ccting
conVonents or putenkp components of tag nmknal wdd and sook Wi system,
13, Will assist the awanfing opucy in anuing compha,nca.s %Oth Set,l ion 106 ofdte Apant in-rral Iii-stosic Presetvatioo;
Act oaf' 1 966,arvro amen&A(16 US C. 4 70L E0l 11593 (WeMiGutiaa and protrohn of Mstmk paVeituy and
dw AnbuWgRal and H isto6c Piresefvmion ,At t (if 19'14-(]6 469a,-I o seq).
14, Will ccpinply wilh 111" 93-348 regardit!ig the protection of human suWeas inv4,,,-4vcd fit ivscarch, (kvdopmvru,,
and rdawd act%klts mifilPowted by this awai'd ofassistarwo,
[5, Will cornply%,Yhh We Wratory Aninul WeRce Act of 1966(RI. 99-SK as OnWI&C7 US C. 2131 ct gaq)
pertaining to trte cate, handling, and; ofwann Wowkd athnmls It lad foi, tt�scarcli, teactong, (jr(mher
acklies suppcwtod by IN award of uskmwc,
16, Will Comply with the 11'aint Pois,oniirig Prevenfioo Act (42 U,S ('. 1118(fl, as seq,), whichiproldbits the
we of lemb hawd pidni in cotvs,trucfio,,,)ri or rehabilkation ofresidcncc structusa;,s
17. WHI cmwe to be pedbavmi M4 mqukrd fiaanch[ and contlfljatx4�! audits hi accordancc with Me SAWC WWI.
Antend;nnens of 1996 and OMR QruWr or &133, Audits of Wes, Local GovernmenUs, and Non,F1'rofil.
I R, Will o:onlply %wvi th aill w(junments or all oilter Fodual W, exuutWe Was mgWalkns and pokics,
S WiNA1 U RIt",()V A U 1� I OR I Z F,1) r YA NG O F F"I(I Al,
............... ........ ........................................
ARLWAN I ORGANMA UA to suarani P t)
KC,4 2 02.91-A
Service Maximum Maximuni.
Services -to be P'rovided Unit Rate Unit's of Dollan
S'c rV ice
I�SUA� - In Horne CAM�' S 24,22 165, S 4,00().O�
Ricyake - Facili�y CAW S 10.96 365 .4,000,,010
Caregiver Training Ind CAM S 75.00 1.20 $ 9,000M
M.edicalEquip CAMS Cost Reimb $ 1,375.25
[TOTAL is 18,375.2_q�
Page 46 of 69
KCN 0,29-A
Report Number Based On Submit.to Allbuice
On This Date
I April Ndvivnicc* Aj,)rH 6
2 May Advance* A pri 1, 6
3 April 1"Experiditure RQport May 6
4 May Expenditure Reporf. Jun aC
5 June Report July 16
6 July Expenditure Report August 6
7 August Exj)entfilury Rep oij September 6
8 Septenaber Expenditure Report Oclobet`6
9 Oclobcr Exponditure R.cporf November 6
10 November Explerid4ure Rqorl Deceniber 6
11 [December Expenditure Riepvt January 6
i 2 January F,'xpendiwre Reporl FebruarY 6
13 Februa.ry [,Npetiditurc Report March 6
14, Mal,,ch F`mpcnditure Report April 6
5 April ExpenditUre Rqxirt Mtiy, 6
6 May Expenditure Report J ii tic 6
17 WnQ 1"Apend R urc Repoi-ll July 6
18 July Exjae�nditurc Report Mgusl 6
19, August Expenditure Report September 6
20, September Expendftun� Report octolnr 6,
21 Final Expernfit'ta,c and Close (Xit Riepo,rt October 31
Legend: Advance based on prciject d caAi neeld.
N o�l�e 11 1 u eport N 11 for Advance Hasis Agreements cannot be submilted to the Diel),a rtim e tit of
Financial Services (DFS), prior l�o April 11 or umll the agrecatew Nvitli the Alliance has been
executed atid a copy scrit to, DFS. Aletualsubrnissioll Of the VOLICIWIS to DFS
on the nouracy of the expendilUre reporL
Now # 2:: R,r°port iu,inibers 5 through p 4 slam H reflect tiara adjustalent of alve-writh of the tolal ady'ance
11171ount, oil each of,the n pc)rls, repay ing adv�,,tnces, issued die first fw) months of the
agreemew. The ad1justilaent sliall be recorded in Part B, 2 of"tl i Q report(A]"FAC'I IM ENT
Note #3: Subiniss,ion of expendivurcreports may or may not gr�enerate as payment request, If final
eXpCildiftire rport refleds Imids due Ntck ui the Allianec payinent is, to, accompany the
Page 47 of 69
K — 029—
Advance �. r7ir��t,PI
%� i � %
/"mrmmr-rr(lr �rrrrcr� �r
Pces�»milrrr�m�rfs�s�. v/�,,�(��a li / i /i �✓i��F ✓�I/ ii„�,
IN Vffl
ReAr'Y1ub"t1VP'�yermY'IefIt.�w.-k"'-�—_ .,xrW�'w(.�tl�G!�'P�u`;�Ct' i /i//i%,i' �r
P !/ i /� i i
f mredar'I" Prons: .__ /1 '/
,"TnN r erlrfy to Ow ILm sl irl r'n y knaM,wNc ikhW Ows raq,u sl conl orrarms awrilh Ina toms and Mile purposes set forth in the aL �*aw1facl
Prepared BE : 0 _.�. rs•ENlrc r�f3 mhos:
g VlAqwey BB 111c IHE
L Appraved
C rmdf rrf.mwtttw':ranl 0.00 0109 �@f]�P; a.�
........ ........ ----- ..... ............ ..- w„
3.Pradmiaus Funds.
,dY�fC�a+��rlWd `'i ';,v„ „��,; ,s.�„',� ��„y i ,{„�/ i,�,� /,/.�G .r ww� �fs✓s�w�a � '.
.�� ..w.,. ., ......... .......
o _.
�}�Yd f� fl .r 0
...... _____________ -----
PART 8::
I.Nek Expendiluraa
2 f as,s ;W vance Payback
ArNM9kAdw�a91 IN/�,f //. o, �M ;///; ,a!!,/;/�,it f,�L {,i/iel,� �,uTc'u^�� /i!!i/�G/�.. ,"',,i /,�///i�/ it
—-_m...... ..........W— ....................................... ,....
I.Comran Funds
li�mar�ial�s� f Pw'�aUfm fg.op G.f'NiD
IF SA NI I CARE.S 106 Feal m,IRegt,+d Wry 2I020
Page 48 of ' '
K A-029-
E ''H I 1'.T I
FM Ejplrs&UWT sirRW:IPI fil
�.._._.._ ._ .....__.._ . _.._
[OA-RE,$IM-8- a , I o
0 G�,I�I�W� Ilui, onh � a7
. t4 lu
liT i
T+ ,AI1.„
lrrp _ .,,,. .... ........
to el l ad IrF kfowindite atol Moll HaII rI 6 raolpkAhandtZ CCLUdRdtallo11a Mure 0Wqj solVithin
lrovMact Fvg#hpr,I cenNt thls Martino mix"amVID Wow cdalr ,rqM IscDn@M
...._.._..._��__.._ �.. ______._.�... ......... ......
Itd ECPIIPTS d, Approved Budget C TOW Sairl
Tcr Hnu rm� Yew to t3e� Nudge � Prior W I ek'pYts YTID�
m„m /
1.'Fed�celllFunds IYQ!i
2.: le-FUME
I Royal Irtit:r�r�. r 1�i r/rr %/r r% � r9�/r1 ii
4LoWMa 0118,Cl�CP,NI '� _, jrr l/i .
Loom IrrKlon+J Mao Ab 7 r�r/ r ffi w a IR r
_. „a,
BMW Un C Ropoft. Undu,Pllc tadCII Seried
6A) A Cad I:E) (F) C A (01,
Savicas " Contrad Bague I Rate Amount Eamed Y-T-CT Y-TI D IG ursrer'ut Nlat "P.I 0
I, ---
te Taup1 s' w PrY r^9PIIiMpwulyd,r M:rIm Mrtf'Air$
r/ r
r//r/ /rflrr G ✓rr/r ,,,'" //r✓/nli /// / r
r/ r i /i✓f/i /%/i i/s/f /r/ /ir/r/ fl/r/
r�rii/i %i/%r/ // Ar//%i/riy/ $ r r//
ili cif/ r/ /f l/�/f p✓iri/////I �� - - � �//i%iri�ji r��r��Y r//� �j�` �j/r pj /r r r /
, .... .._ .. ............
1-: ....... ..C....�➢.. ......... _._ _ ------ -_.._.............................................................-.
Page 49 of 69
KC4,2029 A
.............. ..............................................................................
0 CT4 S 01I E Report PwiQd� .................................................................................
III-c x ..........................
GA0i N
.......................................................I----------------- ......
Contract P 10
.. ..................
IP5A#'I s
.................................................................. ......................................................................
troffy V1 1hr,bul awl try knuwliadueuM i 1W Ihs mprmt i�mrVele and currecl and sill ou%tl p tarem,are tort purpnes&0 1 in
Appl .............jApti
............................................................. ................................. .......................................-------------
-is -
IWOMPECE'll A Al BLdget B Ac[M Tim 811 C Twil i Appi
Pilot Mo,Recitil YTO,
I Fl i _.......... Date #DIl
2.State i
................... .................................
I Loczsl Match i C 1,,02,IH IQ Aw..............M";66"
5 SURTl (n.hRA4repj,%
6 l In-Kind rnald $i $0 M
7,T()TAL,i IE I IF"Pq $ F
.............................. ......................................
aill abl�e UM Coo 440l Unduplical Clients tSl
lAj RI IC) E) (F) 4.C.t (A) P
SeNces col i Unit FWP, Armilyl i Y.1'_I) Y4-0 Gurrefq I Y-T-D
Aramil units Ths,i Bfltail Oe i I.Indupi (kidi
,"777 - Urids Cost SEl SeTed Primr YTD qn1% P'i
""'o, /7W 177�10 m
11 gp"g mg"m
/1 w
a "M
, , " ''I �11
ANS"MR-110,...... . ..........
I Fffi
.................... .......................................................................
PSA O'H<UW..S 11nXFRwpn,(i fkap,9M
Paigi of 69
KCA-2029 A
rARES$ubTIUW 1111E
................................................... ......... ..............
CIV'iEs 1111 B !N� ........................
............. —---------
AR X xf a'em .......
9 C ES HI-F ...
-------------------.............. ............................................... . ........................................
Appraued by: ____lAppfumJ by Dom:
A Bming Apprumd Budd et ,lu;V. atm al Biling l c bu D,u rYIAWm4d
I hisir.e..p...o...l.t...................................I ... Yew......*...... p -- Hudl Prier MaAe I
Federal Funds -------
2.Slate FuivJs
3 pugar�lr"Ilw' M7777� 7"
......................... ..............
4 Lm'f MAPI'l 11113,Cl C2,11 IIE)
5 SAWMAL. cash AwelpLs
6 LmU InAic,0 m&h
..... .............................................
lsimaWe U110 Cost Repo" Undlimplic;med Ckmts Served
(A) (B) (11) P) (E) (F) (G) (A) M)
I'sPmce-s Comrl tmmlo IUheil lbb� Arrocuril Earned Y-T-D Y-T-F) Gurrert wilb Y44)
Arrou n[ k"Irils P060d Bilklue BilllabL, Undup Cbmils Undup Cbrks ...................................................k.Ws cosi f selvw sdrvw Pfldw Y-FD S
777=77 ----------- -77
. .........
................. ...............................
.......................................................... ........
t I..... . /4 44 m
"IMP71,515M k
I................................... ........ ......................................... ....................................
Page,51 of 69
`(.: 02 - ,
H ' ,IJIS°'I'°
N' nr�rNr, d ¢°�ttr�r r� t r�4u��iN Boa rrl a w �i Ir�N t
ktrt as U0
«, n"grpkit d Ili' KN t. W i t k
I N r'k,�ff describe the �������grap�,�c area rvo by II���� I����r�r id r°���� � ����� ra�r�rl t.t� N�+g�,��W� ��f service Nwrl voim�e��a��:
.... m�� � ......
L-,�o �gi�x l��,
imabNee u�&r &�
t 15 an ,,sur nce of r��'�pkance a'n Me ^it f;N�" EA? If: ';~ r N O.„ p4ain YES NO
7, Cornpare,the sN'.aItmr' I:)osifion to the popula ion. Is staff representahve of tl,wt populWli n,
It NA ar NO,, 8xplahi,
.....° ...........----------- ...,.,.,_ w,,... 14 )IFS WD
rNIBIrIwN r �"rrr0f� � � �'�I Pwr, +�d ��wm �II� rl N � �,Iir�7l rt IN ��k mt 't r'r� r� t�ma�r ;,
rr lof' national Origin, SEl,X11 a�je, religion or M oabiloi y"? If Wor NO, xplam. �� ��.��� E
Page 52 of 69,
it Are aU berrelits, swvWes and facilifies available W applicanis and parbcrpants in wi equab effm%ve mannef
regardless of race, sepec4or age, rtafional origin, refigiori�or dhahli,7 NA,,,,_YE O,__., If NA or NO, explain
.............. ............. ............................_-—-------
.. ........................... ..........
................ ......... ......... ......... ___�....................... -
10 F of vc 4ent se ropvs, acre r'o<,'xrn asson m eats rruade witih otil rega and to race, colcor, mafional origiin ow, ci�saUfi ty?
�N, YiES,,,,,_ NO,__ If NA c)r NO, explain,
c "C" ...........
11 Is the progranWacihty acces,,flhk� to, nmvErqhsh speaking clienis'? If NA or NO, explaW
..............__'. ...................................................1, - - -1 1
........... ........... ......... ..........
12 Are emf�)Ioy(alesA I Wrawls arxi patlicpaigs himmed pMMek pwMecM agaOst Isadmination")
If yes, how? Veirl,')4� I N,Millan W PaMer its AA or NO, expi�ain. e�s
13, Give tl ie nuftec and current stalus of asy discOMMOn compWAs regamlhig seNkes or
empoyrnml Ad agWnM the f'.'prograr'wVftjclIdy
14, Is lh,e proqra�%IaOlHy physicaRy atces= to nubilip, heahng, and syMAmpked VWNWuWs?'
NAYElS,k/&0,,,_, KNAor NO, explaini,
.................................................. . .....
.................. .........
............................. .............................
1,51, Has a self-eValUahan been condudecl to identify arty bar6ers to serving disabled indivMi,Aa s, wand to
make any rarer y modifications? If NO, explam
.......... ........
.......... ............... .............................
................ ......................................
16 It flier e and estabhsb f grirevzjnct'a� proclodur(a fliat i0corporatles (lue proce88 in the resolutlicxI
of rorriplaints'? Yl 37KIZNO,�,� If NO, explain,
................................... ..................................
............. ........................... .................................
Page 53 of 69
KCA 2'029 A
17'. 1 las, a per sr, n beeri desigriatedto coorchriate Section 5(,)4 cornpliar�,ce activiti ? Yjll,"',�f./O-1111 If Nl(.), explain
18 Do recruitrren,t arm nofifjcatio,rW rna ter iak r rtrrAarrr applicau71s1l ernployees aned patficipdan,ts, of
nondiscrifflinalior) o,ni the bas� of(huibifity? If NO,, explain
............... ............
.................................. .......
(9. Are auxih,avy eniids aviadable tc) zm,,ilure access0)day (4 services k'ii he, hng and Sr g ht irrij.',41,ed
I vvchvildluals'? YESpe/NQ, If NO, explai1,i,
... ..........................
TSAR r iv
$50,000, OR MORIL
20 t")0 yok"I I'lavea wrRlorw affirinative scum ptan? y 1:11-11 Nth If NO, explain
.................................... ...........
..................... .........
Page 54 of 69
Alliance USE ONLY
Reviewed By In Compliance: YES El �N 0' E,
�Program, Office *Notim of Corredive Action Senit —i-1—
Date 1"e4ephone, Response Duce —/—/—
On-sRe im Desk Review 0 J Response Received —/—I
I . Describe the geographieservice area such as an district, Qwulty, City or other locality, If the
prograin/1'a6lity wrves a specific larget such as adolescents, diescribe the target
populatioti- Also, define the type of service provided.
2- 1"Inter time percent of the popolalion served by race and sex, 'I'lae popukition served ilICILKICS permuis,
in the igeographical area for which services are provided such as a city, cminty or other regional
mea. Flotitilation statisties can bce obtairicid frotti local chambers ofumumerce, I ibraries, o 1,
publication fi-Om the 19,80 Census co,nuaining Florida.population statistics. lncludce (be source of
your population statistics, ("° ther" ra":s include Asian/Racific Islanders and American
fiadian/Ataskan Nat:ives)
3. Enter the, Mal mjr)*4.r of full-tinie sta&f and their pereent by race, sex mul disability. Include the
effective date of your SUMmary.
4. F`nter tlae total nuinber of clients who are enrol]Qd, regjs1QrQ,d or currt�nflly served by the prograni or
f�icility, ,.in,d 14st their pereepit by race, area and disability. Include the date that enrollment was
5, tinter the toial rounber ofadvistri"y board rnembers and their percent by race,sex,and disabifity- If
there is no advisory or goviern Ing boarld, leave this, section blank.
6., Each recipient of federal finaneial qas%jstanQe niust have (�.)n 111o: an tissurarice that flac program will be
conducled in complian,ce with all nondiscriminatory provisions as required in 45 CIT W 'Fh,is is
tisually a standarcl pant ()f 111C COIIV�10 14111gUdge fora, DC)EA rec ipi,ents and thC'i]' !SUb-grante,es, 45 C FR
7, Is the race, sex, and national orig,!in Of flie staff reflective of thle general popu k",ition'? For ex"Imple, if
W% ofthe population is flispanic, is, there, an comparabte percentage off,hispanic Oalf?
K Where there is a signific int vririation between the race,sex or eflanilc composition of the chents and their
availabihty irt thrum populatioill, thc pRigraim/fficifily has tine respon,,-Jbility to defennine tyre reasons for
ow o y disciini.ination. Sonicsuch variation and tiik rmay � y
[egitirnato disp�adfles rnay exist when prOgn',ims are sarlictioned to,serve target populations Rich as
elderly ordisabled pomons, 45 CTR,
80.3 (b) (6),
Page 55 of 619
9 Do eligibility lowdrements Urflawndly excW,de persons in protected groups firom the provision of:"
services Aar employment? EvWwwe of such nmy be indicated in staffandl chent representation
(Questions 3 and 4)and also, through onaile recal mmlysis ofpersons w1w applied but %verc denied
s ery iees or ern p loy nven,t, 4 5 C 1"R RO 3 (a) and MI5 C FR 8 M I (b) (Q,
101- Participants or clients rnust be provided services nwh as nredicall, nurshig and dental care, labo,rator�y
services, physical, and recreational therapies, cownd ing and sodal services, Without regard to, race,
sex, color, natVal (might religicul, age or dhabUity. Courtesy hiles, appointinent scheduling and
accuracy ofreund kmphg numt be applied uniMnmy and without regard to nwe, ,sex, color, nationat
odgh, religion age or disability. Enuran,ces, waiting roorns, reception areas, rt�,stroctms aiW other,
NOW aw allo be elmlly available to all cherits,45 C1`R
SR3 (1)).
11, For in-padeis services, residents must b,Q, assip'ned. to ro,4�lnlls, wvarck, ete,,,. without regard to race.,
color, natiorml orWn or disabihty. Also, residents, must noll be askied wheUr they art williRg to,
share accommodatUs wAh pcNons of a dKOW race, colo, nadmal arigirl or dimhi%,45 (IF R
SM3 (Y
12, I"he progralulfaCiNy and aH services mud be amessibde to parthipants and apiflicants, incluldhag
those persi�lrls who ruay not Spuk ENglish, In geographic areas where a signii iQant 1�),opulatjon of
non-English speaking people live, program accessibi lity, ti'my inic lude the eniplopli,ent of bi fingual
staff I n other areas, it is, sal ffieient to have a policy or plan for sery ice,, Su)Qb as EL current list of narnes
and felephorle,niunbers of bilingual indivkJuals wh,(�) wi[[ assist in the provision of sery ices, 45 CFR
8013 OY
13. NuWmmONcHhjes tnust make inArmatimi regarding Un I'llot'lid iser i ali ruato ry provision of"Fifle V1
avAabk U) heir participants, benefidaries or any other intereste,r] pa dies; This should hiclude
OWMation o,n their right to Me a complAint of d6crindnatial Nvith either the Florida 13cpartment of
Elder Afiaa,hw oi the US, Departnwnt of EMS. Ile Wrmathn rnay be supplicd verbally or in
writing to every jadividual, or rnay be suppHed 0-imugb the two of an equal oppoxtundy pokey poster
dkphWed in a public area of[lie filcifity, .15 CFR 80-6 (d),
14, Report nunliber of d isQrimination cornjAaittts filed apdmt he prognuri/facility. I rid icate the bast, v,
race, color, creed,sex, age, national Wgi,ti, disability, retaliation; Ote issues iny(flvc1d, ("'g., Services Or
employinclit, placeirlent, lernt hial ion, c1c. Wdlate dw Will rights law or policy alleged to have been
Klated along with the nailleand addrms of be local, stale or fiederal agency Nvith whotir tile
camplWnt hs been Iled, fildicate the current status, e.g, Settled, no reasonab[o Q,,juse found, fililur-e
to conciliate, failure to,cooperate, under rovie%,V,etc,
15. The progrWIMM, mtBI be physically accessible to disabled in dividuak Physical accessibility
ineWdes dOgnated pmthg areas,cwt cum or level approaches, ramps and adeqwte MCI% to
wnranm& 'Me Why,public telephone, restroom facilities, wala lbunmins, Wnrlation and
admNsIons offices should be Door widths and trafflic ktreas,o f adialillistrative offices,,
caficterias, restro(uns, recreation areas, counters and serving lines should be observed fbr
ac,cessibillity. Elevators should be observed Air door Ywidth, and Braille or rawed mimbers,
Switches anid corill-olls IS UgN, leant, ventilation, fire alarnis,and o1ber essentials stioti ld be
installed at an, appropriate height lb,r mobility impaired individuals,
16, Section 504 of Me RdmbHhaHon Awl of 1973 requires,that an recipient of fQdQra.1 financial assistance
candta a KNOW= to, kknfify any accessibility baukrs. Self-evaluatioll is a four step
Page S6 of 69
C-) Mth The assiswnce of as MAW evaluate em'rent practic,us and 1)(flicies
which do not cornoy nth Sedion 531
11 DOW$ pohcies acki practices dmt do M nwet Section 504 requirernetits,
0 like rernedial sys to chninMe any diserjartinatk5n that: hay been identified.
El Maintain seTevaluatkni on Din (This,checklist inRy be ased to s,aljsf this; requircroerm: ifthlese
Mur steps have been RAWWL 45 CFR 84A
17, Wgrams or Wi1ities At employ 15 or mom pommis inust adop(t grievance procedwes that
i"COIT'01-ate appropriate duic 1.1'rocess wtandards and proW for the pronipt and equitable resolution of
ownphims alleging any Mat prWdWwd by Sedion 50145 CFR 817
18, 11rcit""t
"anis or facHhks HAI emphy 15 or rnme persons must designate at [east ont person to
coordinate eff'orts, M comMy wRh Seahn 50145 CFR 817 (0,,
19. Conthwhyg steps,must be taken to noWy employees and the pubfic of the pt-ograni/fia.eflity's, pohl�y
of nondWridnadon on the bask of disaWlhy This includes recruitEnent material., notice,", for
lwadqg% newspaper acts, and olhor�iqiprojm-iatc ivritten conimunication, 4 5 (71'R 818 N)
20, ProgirarnsffiicHhies that employ 15 or more persons must I)ro%pk,](,aj°)propriate auxiliary aids to
pumms M impaired sensory, manual cm, speaking skilis where nQcQswy, Auxiliary aids may
inQludc, but are no4 thnited lo, interpreters Or heatiring impaired individuals, taped or Briiitle
inaledals, or any aRemadve resources tlu.fl can, be used to provide eCILIAII)f (45
2 L Prograti�ts/facihlies Mth 50 or more ernployce-s and $50,000 in fWen"il contradS 1111,Usil clew ic1op,
implement and trmirltain as written affirmative actilon,cornpilianee prograrvr in acc(�)rdartcc widl
1',xiccutive Order 11246, 41 (TR 60 and ThW 11 of We C101 RWMs Ad of 19M4 asamende&
Page 5 7 of 69
00 MIA,
'"',A J R,S
Attestation Conrip anc - Employer
f,Nf ff h 111 w This forin is HY,O'd Aidf awIplov rs d for"Pby vvJth "If,<
INSWOO radrglaa-hwrammru rvdS 00 fra ka hi ScHaaan 435,OIJ3) f"Ilori faa Oututofs.
the Rana! el')INA ,Yer amme aq teem' an or mummy mmYf d by MW fra camaf frapQ raaM(,1
scfeervmqs, ianchI bul a'i,col!Wvi,)Oed lea Avea Aqiviciei on df�ng,'AUqq,) min ��aaaHVLxiful��r ��aar��a�
d',e,ftaa, f a8d Ap nvfeys. and Somme PWAdwr M Rdl,raf ewliIack afmr ,ua+dfy or 04*60 w 0h vie"
ff paartni,rant 0 Blot lot AffaOs (DOEA�A and gun"y aMm pwu n w *N wppandr hka emfa yms oar
has voo Unrci rs In O"ara,ce wbo, rraxl k lfaaa rdeflnIN,,mn 06 as rdmdno smoa d;aaoaal r Sao p 4,3504
410 0402 na f!"'rfa1.
P A ad aa1cj sf.iI paravcd r as, a dnrr6nr 1 M yaaam uaf age 0 MW too dawnwq W a ax,rqmm to
priovide Services W 1114 e0 aly. has 4dbfeclF fanr iflwfaar r,OIN40 Mh u a,Woraa'af whk prII
runs W be WNW MW fuu awns dmr Me cldac ld"s lavdrrd) Or an. fiends, p ri,cfl nl proparby,, a;oa
persioli'm kfelp lkarlwnl uaafoiraaaairrara o's rI Iir+M s 8,17 568 the to mn Im1iu:.IW doe ra OSraaerfrlir�S,
aaa as !fd r'rs andl s,upaaryls rs A r°al dmwl bcor g nrarf vrofeunM�oko,% CM)0402�1(')(b) Fla.93
As 010 41aafy a1�fhraul z of
fraraal.raaf rag ,fCO
o heire y a ffarrn uInIIr f aafdy of
pa qurp ffardf lfm aabovo n arum a;l crrr,pMyer Is ri aalrrr P4,0 c)D tp the provrsrrar°a raf Cfu.opfrlt
35 and ow ton 430.04M, f"larwoeud a SWhAes,, regar&nq fuel 2 backgfra¢aandi scceonk q,
SN Nre of Repi m S rrfMine
OdaR, '
IF S Amen Nvadarac" SV.duV�,�4.r 1 d,QO,", jP�w.�!dr��ik�U��G'��;�9�,�"^4��rv�,��aN�!'�"!��Gk,'��`1r��a"$„dirb".�,d'n°; �'P >f Mq�g^ S M7xf,fir t
'at rw�w ,�. .) Pu�aa�aaaaafllla� a�uvu�,4�u,a:,
Paged 58 of 69
Iwo CA-20129-A
Alliance for Aging, 1INC.
Business Associate Agreeinvilt
Thils Busirtess Associate Agrvvm1ien1 is,daled by the Alliaucv for grin , Inc. ("Covered Entity")
and Monroe County Board oaf('u,CNIqy Coin nOssioners,Aje ia I Services/INNA40jxie Svirvives,("Bushiess Asso'ciate'"),11 not-
ficv-profit Florida corporation,
1.01 Ba,ekgrtnind
1,1, Covered Entity has oritered,into]one or niory contracts or zigreernents with Bt"in,Css,Associate that involves the use of
Protected I leakh Inforniaticin (Pill),
L2 Covered, Entity recogoizes, the of the I lealth Insurarwe Portal)ility and AQcq)nrit,,flbi1jty Act of 19,96,
(HIPAA)and has indicated its ink-W to"miply in the County"s Policies arid Procedures,
13 111PA.A regulations esl,"ibfi,4t spmirw conditions on when and how covered entities may shave inibritiation witli
Proviciers,who lierform funetions fiv the Covered,E"Intity.
1A HIPAA requires the Covered 1`1,'uitity ajid the Business, Associate,, if), enter into as etaitract or agrevnent containing
specific requirenients to protect the oanflidentiality and security of patients' 11111,as set fitWth in,but not,firnited to,the
(.;ode,of Federai kegLdafi0n: (C R RI), speci fically 45 C.F.R.. §§ 164,502(c), 164.504,(c), 164308(b)�, arid 1,643 14�1,1-
b)(20 10)(as nuriy ij:)piy),and containcd in this agreenilent,
E5 Th,e Health InfiAlIlation Techmik%y On, Ecollonlic and Clinical Health Act (2001)), the Anierican Recovery and,
R,einvemni,ent Act(20,091)and Part I —impnivcd Privacy J?rovisions zind Security jvovisiom IoQatod aal 42 United SWes
Gode (U,S,C,) §§ 1793 1 and F7 14 (20 10)i-qLfire btisiness associates of covered oroities to Qoviiply with the I 11VAA
Security Rrole,as set florlh in,laut not Jiniited to 4,51(7,1-'�R 164,308, 1643[0, l6z'1-31 2,,and 1643 16(210.109)arid such
Sle'CliMIS, shall k1j)rfly to a bUdnv.ss aass(w kaic of'a covered entity [n the sante nianner that stidi sections apply to thie,
Covered entitY.
'I lie ponies therefore agree as follcl,%vs.
10 Definiftions. For j%rj,)osCs Ofthis ogiverneM, the fbllowing definitions apply:
2.11 Access. The ability (v thy:invans necessaiy to rvad,write,mocIffy,or coinn'turucato 01,othenvise,Ilse
"any systeni re'SOUMC.
12 Adnifnistrative SaICguai-th. '11w advii ill j SIrl'-."Ifive adjcpns, arO policies and pi-oced'urcs, to nionagethe Selection,
deve[opment, hilplentenlation, and mainic-riance of securily rneasures to Pn ftc[ QjQCjF()jjijC Protected 1-lealth
Information (0111),and to manage the Conduct of the covered entity's worki"t'n-ce in relation to the protection of thal
23 AID A. The Anierican Rmr)very and Reinvestment Act(20,09)
2.4 Artithenticalion. he Qorroboratibn that to person is the came cla[nied.
2.5 Availabifily'.. The pru,pLrty that duta or in1brniation is accessible arid useable upon deiriand by an,authorized pierso,n,
2,6 Breach. I'he unauthorized acquisition, access, use, or diSGIDSL]rre of 11111 which txiinproniiises, the securky or privacy
of such infortnafio,ji,
2.7 Coinpromkv,throe Security, Posing a sigovificant risk of financial, or other hann to, indiVidWils.
Page 59 of 69,
2,8 Confidentiality. The 1,.property that data or infimmation is not inade available or disclosed ID 111141111h.orized persons,Or
2,9 Electronic Protected Health Inforluation (WHI). I lealth iIl1'c,,)rmmJKm as specified in 45 CFR, §160,103(i)(i) or
l)(j i),, hiin itecl to the informatklii created or received by ffindneqs Associate firujilor on hellidf of Covered Entity.
2,,10 HITECH. Thie I lealth Infoinlation Tech,no,logy for L,conomie and finicall Health Act(20091)
2.1 [ Information System, An interconneleted set of infinniation mn5uurQc-!; under the sunie direct i'Management control
thm sliares cummon fitnuk),nidity, A system,nornuffly includes hardviare,,sollware, inkirmation, diiva,app[icafiorls,
and people.
2,l2 Integrity, The propertY 111,at data or fidlonnati(m lulve mim been Ateredor de,,itroyod in an unauffi,orized mannu.
113, Malicious sofivare. Software, filr exan'l,ple, a virus,designed ul�damagv or disrupts a isyslem,
2,1A Flayt 1, p mt 1 - 11,11p,oved Privacy Provisions artcl SCCUrity, provisions lo,cated at 42 (Jnitcal (7,oicle §§
1793 1 and 1,7934(201 1,01)
2,15, Password, Confidenti4fll aulhenification. htforniati(lil coirqWsed of an mring 4.4characters,
2-16 Physical Safeguards, T'he physical rneMlffes, policies, and procedures to protect a covcT(d entity's decironk,
infonuation systenis and refialed buildings and equiprient, fronl natural and environmentul huAllrds,. zind
unaudl(wized intimsium
2,17 Privacy lulu '"Be Standards for Privacy oflIndividitudly Idetaifiable I lealth N.J."ormation, at:�45 CFR Nall 1 60 and
Parl 164, subparts A,a rld E,
2.18 111-fliteicted 11valtit Information (Pill). Health infortnation, as deflned in 45 CFR §1160.103, limited W the
in fin-1111 at i o'll Created o I,received lby Business Associate fronTjoi-ocil�)ciLali'of'Coveredi�'Ditity.
2,19 l4quired By Law. Has the same meaning as the term "requiTed by law"in 45 Cl",R § 164,103,
2.20 Secretary, The S",retziry ofthe Depailment ol"Health and Human Services or his(m-her dosigpieQ,
2,21 Selcm-fty hwidenC The attempted or successfull unauthorized, acceq, use, diqclosuro, 01,desl I'll Ctioll
ol"infiormatilon or interference Nvith system olilerations in an inkirrriation systorn-
2.22 Security or Security measures All of the adn'tinistrative, physizal, and technital sareguards in an infili-maticm
2,23 Security Ride.The Security Stainclards tbr the protectionof L-Jectronic llrole vod I Wal,01 Infonuatilon at 45 CFR.part
164, sub part C',., a n d,am mi dim ents Iftereto.
2,24 Technical Safeguards, 1 1 he technology afflcl the policy and procedures f(w its u.q(, drat pj,(;)W: Qt Q11col-ortic protected
health infionilwation and control access to il,
125 Unsecurvi PER Protected, health k1lim-matkm that !is ruir,secured through the me or mediodology
specified by, the Secretary in guidance iSSLICd usider 42 u-si-C. sookmi 1,7932(h)(2),
126 All other terms used, but not otherwilse deflned, in this Agrotment shall have the surme rm Qamng as those terms in
the Privacy Ruk
3.0. Obliggfio,nis and Activities of Business Assoviate.
Page ISO of 69,
11 BLASiness, Aswciate agrees to not use or diselww 1"1111 other Otan as rw-rinifted or required by this agrecolent 11'r any
Required by Law.
3,2: Business Associzae ag gees too
(a), hup[enient poficies and procedures, to I'Weveril, derw, ocmaain mul c(wr"t Security VjOhItiOrIS iffil accordarwe
with 45 Cl1k § 164.30,6;
(b) Prevent use or disclosure of the P1.1 I other than as providod R)v by this Agreement or uas required by law,,
(c:) ReasonaMy and appropriately protect flte con ride nt ini ity, integrity, 'and availability of,' the 01111 that the
Business Associate cireates,receives, ai,aintailis,cir transmits u,n behal('offlie Covered Entity', and
d) Coniply with the Security Rule requiretnerits iricluding, the Administradve Saf�,guards, Physical Safeguards,
Technical &i.1fiagu'ards, andl policies anct procedures and docuniontmioll 1TqW1R111191)t-; .sot forth In 45 CFR
[64308, 164310, [64,312, and 1643 16,
3.31 Businoss Assooiate agrees to ufltigale, to thie, eXtetlrt practicall[e, any harm fijl d*Qt that is known to Busillelss
A."ocijato of a use or disclosure of Pill by Business Associate in violation c,)fflio Agreement.
3A Bwsin(ess Associate agmts to proniptly repion w Covered 1'raity arty use ar disclosure c,)f 11te 1111 not provided fi)r
by tHsAgreenlient:ol"whi,ch it.bleclomes aware, Tbis,itichkies any roquiests fair inspection,(x)pying or amendment of
'sudl infivnin'tion and inClUdillig a.11Y SCCUrity incident invc&ing 1:1111.
3.5 Bwsincss Associate agrees, to nofify Covered Entity vviffiout unreasonahle delay of any wciirib, breach perudifing
(a), Identification of ariy individual whiose unsecured 11111 has been, or k rctisonably Iheliieved by the Business
Asmwiate lo 1wave been„ euxessed, acquiretL,or disclowid during such smurky brmb',and
(b) All infOrmallion required lbr the lve-Wce do the &Cretur);, of HUS q.1,Breach (.?/"Urosccjwx,�o Pfvecled Width
3,6 1"lushiess Associate agrces to ensure that anY agent, on;cluding �a subeontra lCtQF, to whom it provides 111111 received
from„or created or received by Business Associate on lvhalfol'Covered F, t4) the &ajue restrictions a,lid
covidition's that apply thi-ough this Agreemierat to 131154WSS Associate with respect to such inkvmafion,
3.7 1 filusiness Assmizitc has PHI in as Designated, Record Set!
(a) Business Associate agrees to provide access, at the requem of Covered F-IMily during reguliir business hour%,to
PT I[ in as Designated Record Set, lo ("(wered Entity or, as directed by Covei-ed Entity,to an individual in order
to inoet the requirerments trader 45 C1`R §164,524; kind
(la) f3w,,iness Associate agmes to make �,Nny ani,endirient(s) to Pill in a Divsignated Record Set that the COvered
jitily directs or agrees to pupursuant tar 45 CFR § 16,4.526 at the rQqui vet of Covered Entity cir ,an I ndividual
within 10 btisiness,days of receiving the request..
3�8 Business Asmxiare ztg7ees to, make internal praelitts, hooks, Mid records, incduding policies and procedures and
PI 11,rdating to the use and disclosure of PI-11 received froin,or created or received by Business Associate on behalf
of Covered, Entity, avaflaWe to the Covered Entity or to the Secretary upon request 4.)feilher party kir purilloses of
detemi4ning Covered Entity's cornpharace with the Privacy Rule.,
19 Business Associate agrees w document such clkclosures of 11111 and inibluvation,rehited to such disclos,ures as would
ble requiml for Covered Entity to resj)orid to a r"uest by an in4viduall liver an accounting of di&closurm rut"'111 It in
ia wc orzince ith,45Cl'R 164,528,
3,10 Btmiiwss Associate agrees to provide to 1C.I"overed E'rility c,)r an individual, upon request, information, collected to.
perivnit Covered Entity to respond up a re tiest by an Individmd for an accotm t ii jig of 4:1isclosures of If in accordarice
with 45 CFR 164.528 and ARRA § 134,04.
Page 61 of 69
3.11 Rusinc°.s Associ-aw spcoillwa[[y agrves to Riso wQurity ivicTistires Owd re'asonably all(] appropriately pri)tect the
corifidentiahty, integrity,,and avilifilbility of I'M ill,0octronic or any Other fivill,that it cre ates, receives,maintains,
or trans',rnits on hehalftifthc Comvd I'Aaiiy%
112 Business Associate agrees to irri plen,emit securay riwasures to scQui-Q liasswords owd to access el'1111 that it accesses,
maintains, or transtnits as part of this Agreement fironi niuliciow, software and other nuan-nmde and rialkwal,
VUlural.dlifies to EISSUre the availability, irttegrity,and confidQnTiaky of such in formatiom
3.1;� 1.3u,sim1iess Assockite agree's to,ilriplettlerit qeCuntY ineftsures to ycaNgwird thilt itacCCS,SCS,,1112intitins,or transmits
as part of this agreeritent frorn malicious so,ftkvarc arld other ntan-inude and naftwal vulnerabilifies to assure the
avaihabi[ky, integrily,and confidentiality of such,
114 Business Associate agrees to comply wi.th!
(a) AR.R.A. § 13404 (Aj,.mlflication of Knowledge I,',]ern ents As.ocia[,Qd.wilh Ctmlltr,,4cts)-
(b) ARRA 13405 (Restrielions on C erlaht Disclosures and Sales oi'llealth and
(c) AR . 13,1016,(Conditions on Certain Contacts as Pirt off leakh(-7inv Opei-Mion.,i),
4,0 Permitted Uses and Disclosures by Business Associate. Excel')t as oflwrwkw'� liniited in thi,s,Agrecritent or any rekaled
agreernent, Business Associate may use or disclose 1,11 It to porforrit fulletkvi", activifiQs' or services lbr, ow. oll beh"Ofof'
Covered Entity as spevified iln any ancl all contracts,with Covered 1'rility provi&d t1lat s"Qh use Would not
violilte the Privacy Rule if done by C.'overed Entity or the nii,nilliurn necessarvy Volicies amid pruemlwiv of"the Covered
5,0 Specific Use and Disclosure Provisions.
5.1 Except as othiej-%vise, fintitecl in, this,agreulment or any related agreenloat„ llminc,ss, Associatc niay, use PHI for Ille
proper nuffilgentent and acim-ninistralion, offl'te Busirtess Associate or to carry out the lQpil i-Qspowsibifities (),fflle
Business Associate.
5 2 Except as ixherm°isz firnited in Hails 11.&)reTr.11Cnt Or any rely led agreenient, Business Associate ntay disclose 11111 for
the proper ntanagerment and adaiinistration of 11w Buqirwss, Asisooi.alo, providcll Illal disco k)sures are Required By
Law,or Business, Associate obtairis rvas,orlable assurancies frorn, tile j')cl'qo'j1 14") whoni the irilbrulation is dis,clowd
that it will remain coo tfidenBaal airld used cor 1"Orther d1jsck)sed1 only as Required.By Law or kv the Purpose for whic1l
it was discloseld to the person, and,titer person notifies die Business Assticifire of any instunces ofW11kh it is aware
in which the corifidenfiahly of the infbirn'tation haws Iv en breached.
53 Business Asmwiwe mnay use 1111 to 1m.,ovide data aggrega tion scrvievs to Covered Entity as Permitted lby, 45 C1`R
§I 64,5104(e)(2)(i)(13),only when sIveifireally aLlIhOtized try Covered Entity.
5.4 Business Associate ntay use PI'll to repcirt it) appropria1v Feduml and Slide alulhorifies, corlsiMent
wiflt,15 CFR.§164.502(j)(t).
6.0 bliga t ions o f Covered E nti ty.
6.1 Coveired, Entity s1tall ttolify Business Associate of any I irnit-afilln(') in its ilolicv cod priwicy practices of Coveired
Entity in accordance with 45 CI FIR 164.5 0,to the extent thilt such Jimitation rilay a(fed Business A,ssocia,te's use
or disclostire of 1111, by Im'oviding a copy. 4,Atho nu),it Qw,ri'Qnt NofiQe of Idwacy, 11ravicies (NIT), to Business
Asmwiate, Future Nutices and/or rnodifications, to the NPP shall: be posted, on Covered Enfi*v's websile at
6.2 Covered Entity shall niotify Busitieq,.'i Assaf lciati;oTany rt.qricfion to the case or disclosure of 1,'[11 that Covered Enmity"
hias agm- to, iii accordance with 45 CFR 1(n4.522, to the extCllt th-Ot Rich restriction may affect Businiess.
Associate's use or disclosure of 131 fl.
Page 62 of 69,
TO Perniksibk, Requests by Covered Entity. Except for data �,hggregafion or 111AINIL'Yeliak"kit and adnflnistrative activities of
Bushess Assoc%,(7overed Entity AmIl noinquesi Bushmss Amahmeto use or didwe PW in mV nwwwr Mal wadd
not be perin hAhkowiJer Me PO vacy RWe W dam by Cowired EMUy.
8-0 Eftetitive, Date and"Verminatiom
8.1 The Parties fivreby agree Chat his agreerricnt ammWs,rntaites and replaces any other Business Asso6ateAgreetneril
ourrci-aly irl ofl cf between (7overed Enfity z,-ind Business Associate and, ffiat the provisions ofthis agreement sha]l
Bra;.of fiective as f6flows-,
faa fine BwAss Associate Agrecinent provisions v6h the excepti(m of th,e clectrtjrne security and
he provisions niandated by ,ARRA, I 11TEM I wid Phn I shall be,effective upon the later ol'April 14, 2003, or
the eR'&[iw date (4 die eadest! contract emered So benween Bushwss Assockle mul Covemd FAQ that
involvc the LN'Se of PH 1;
"Me elearovie mudy; provisions hereaf shal I be! effictive the later of'Apiril 21,,20,03 or the effective daw or
Q cwhml cmdw mitered inro Wven Businm Associate and Covered Why Wat hwo6es A use of P1 H
(C) PrOWS1011S by A RRA, HITECI I ant/bt'F'art I shall be effective the taw or February 17,20 10
or the efteQdw date of be earhesi corftact entered into, between covered entity and busiriess asssioci,aw I'llat
involves the tme of A 11 or 0111,
82 TminAmlion Rw Chwe, Upon Covued Entity's knowledge of a maildat bwaA by flusiness Assadaw,Covtered
Endy WH eiVer:
(a), Provide an opportunhy for Bushnss ANDCAN W cure Me bwach or end be vKWion and terminMe Ns
agl'=11011t if ALISirICS, POSOCiate dares ruit cme time: brewh or end dre violation within the thiie spe6fled by
Covmed Entity;
(b) brimeddicy; terinhoc 01s agirew= if Bushess Associale, has breached a rriaterial terni afthk- AgrCenwnt
wd eme is nw pwsiWe; air
(j) If nehlwr terrihimGm nw cure is 1'�asible,Covere(] Entity shall repoil the vit)[atiork to the Secretary,
83 Effkt ol-11'erinination. Except m,pr�widod in subparagraph(b),of this,section, Lip,011 tel-ITIjulLiliOtl OfilhiS 91gl'0011crit,
for any ivasaii,Buginess AssocWto AM return,all PHI and ePIll received front CVvcred.Eninty or treated(,)E-iweivud
1.!)y flusiness kqqocialeun hOwd f of Coven-ed Entity,
(a) Tons pravid 0,11 ,,1 ka 1)1 i1pp ly to P I f I and (,!P'l I I that is in the possession t�)f subcon uraciroin or agents o f Mrs Wess
Assodate. SuAnews AssodMv AwH Main no cupks of Me PFU and ePHI.
(b) In To event that Biwiness Associn or Coveivd Entity deilennidics that wunufng the PHI or eM I 11 inihadblc,
notillication of'tlw QoudWons that make return of 11111 or eP'l 11 inficasible Qikd I be Provided to Ilia other parky,
Bushess PounWe shYl extmd the protections of US Agreenwra to saah Wirked PHI and oPHT and Unit
furlher uws and disdusures of such retained PIH and ePHI, Ar a iWhhnwn of six years and so kmg as Bushiess
Ass taut' ave mAnWro such PHQnd d"I 11, but no less than,six (6)years after the termination,of this agii-ceiinent,
9A Ida guhilaiij Wreams, A rdbivne hi this agremw to a sechm hi the h1vacy Ruk or Smwjy Rut mewin the
secdan then in e0ha or as may be aniendmi W the Am,
10A Arnendrincinit. Ile Partiles agree to hike swh adian as K neces'Muy to aaineraal dais agramnent, Own thric N) Urne as is
rwwssary Air Covered End(y to corn,ply with, the requVemems of We NNaq—%&, Use Smudy Bute and Me Health
Insurance Portability and of 19196, Pub, L. No. 104-19 1,
1.0 S u rviv;!1. A ny tenii,cond it i on, covenant or obi Wat Wn wN A mqd res per harim mice lny e i ther party hervlo ski bseq uen to
time lerrnhia6on WE agreernew steal tininain enhirceablS aping mwh Fmirty subsequmit to such renu iriadon,
Page 63 of 69
R11tv�Ind socuAly Rudc 041 be rouglecd m p"ma cr,)vcjra4j 1,4olly w,comply Mflt flic Povacy
IJA luc0ifPsmikin by telframe. Any hume riew requirviniiji(s),cb,11411ges or 44mcled Iiii 62drial l namW01tch nonate
1`0W Of 414fr°mlt 04111galia'ai Wi0l, Tql,11100 to I 11PAA privam y anNor secoriq, iWA be manuwAy imMmced by
17CROnct 10 Ikk HUMUcls,Amocfiiitt,,Agjwn�jv-nj on aline ricsp,coove erfeviiivc kjmig,'f
14 0 Noflvci All miikm ,,%' 41141 C'UmmmAmm" %Wmf mix"my or &Mwd to bv- gpvcpt pulvivant 10 thi's !810icnqvfvr,
W&WIg a ewnge of Quva lbr Plupans or SM11 or0nni, An'd Owl he in wroRg lod &POM11
["wrofmlly to 011., o0kcvtmil"Y 0TWIR by cWmm 2?Wmr Wammed coukr or ddivery ivvice,am by ccrriRed iliatj rpt
Me (honj mvpws PC=sevvw& PUSNge prtp4d 410111 roam to'copi requesigid, a4vjfra1;svd, to 1,ho othor pan y wi Nlkov-,
on M swh am* P&C as any Paay MAY by nuke bo At COMM 1pmij,
ro(A-vivic,re a E i,mi i,m y,� Allhanec f6R Aga% Inc
twombn hux, Roduum
760 Pj%1 101 Mcauc
NUM& jun& 311721
To UmMus Amw%! hkmiva Colki'lity Rom]of Coijilly(7(pianuimiuncn,
Sm!A Son NO 1UP H ame Sgqv(4.v,.,
1:1001 sm�ljw'uo Sveei,Nut Floor
Kvy%Vcst, Fl,. !40 40
Any umh naki:AuH be dmnmd dUmcmil upon acjwd 1compt, If any I am Ice c an.1 r,ii P1 I)e del vc ord of I'm vv�ry reo,f g
4101,vo,ry veill IV deivo,V,4 W I=cccuneJ ou floi:dalc ixrcl,r(144very kVJPN mr.1upted.
15D TimmIMM9 I mw Um Nws 0 Me Sum uF lUddj widw jivy elkic; ic piriluspl,of cuolum of law% Ww,11 all
rnvl�nq ml,sinv,I'llmder this agreorwol
SeverahMN), 1[ noy 1mvvidan Aw jtm s "wccimm 0 uw01Nz1k to my imut dic—rcliv-4441&vot Alis or
aPPUCON'"ul Mm PMVWcn W aq Paums w cAwriMnus Wher No lhosc A�i1i%V-11id'i it is 11,61 ullrr,1161cea'1140, mill
nal be aRved by Ind V011,be n1forccil)k lip 1110., 6111cil C'm"All 11'eralitlod,4ylakv,
SuccesTars Any owcem-n 140 Husinc-1,Ns ek5sloviaw(%vhcjhq,l,my sjjrvl,�j (4,1 inplievo ar 11 PMA"" nwqm
m-hawkil h mq Wmd W womw Rm Was A mmAw I oWNaouos ulder Mjs agrnlu au and agn 10 ilw,M,, p,hs
d 00 W romma M0 W dw x1ow�,r xteril chm CkmWms Aswel I c %van h m vc no no,w rod i a ,r ont SAW, had nui
Idacc. 11115, cismMUPIN by the luccmmw or Thc fiusjn r;s X%q,,pchr.c% cpblig46,:n[r w shall 1°,c by wiUen aprecillell'i
Uh5fafronr W,Cover-rd rnt"[1)
mom lilt,jji�jccj,
agmemcm oind MqIMSPIUS Al 06a Mal or "Thing apvmnaml or Pokin 16=1 thwan.cuep IN 1105 agwe"riz
does nal Writ Me ofilhils:q'isvelmirot mill accomAmcp mroh scahl 10 0 of OAS lquvenwril-
00VQqt4 fir,nlliy, Alfiajmc�r6r Agilng,tnv,
dizz,z ftllm-- J1.11ii 28, 2,022
A P PR0,11f 1)AS r1) F C)R'&j
Businos Asuivioun! Monrat Cava( Cocoodsl i JAMS M-16
y 04ta r(l oml`C foncr r NAAA
amen 11)1�
p1ge 64 of 69
Allianee for Aging, Ine.
Aging and IAsability Resource Center/Elder 114.1pline
I f a pplica ble,tine provider ag recs to the fo Ilow ing:
A., Pertbrrn ADRC oulsourced ftinctions fil accordance with the Alliance's policies and procedures.
j Policies and Procedures for OutsourcQcl
ii ll'olicics and ProcMures rot Owwkr1rced Function-l"riage
i 4. Policies and, Procedures li,)r Aoivalion f4im Waiflim- Client Sarvices,
iv. Pokcies and Procedures for Term![ivalon ftom Waitfiqt- Client Setvices
B. Maintain wait Mists in eCIRTS fii accordance with DOEA reqiiirernenls,
C. Adl)ere to li,6oritization and targeting polic,,y as, s,01 fbab in ttw DOEA Programs and Serviccs
Handbook, as applicablQ,
fl.nsun.ne lbe Provider's Disaster flan reflects AIMIC OutsourcM I)uwfions, anrumIlly or as needed
to, incorlm)rate ADRU outsourQed furmk),Im
E. Erisure against conlUas �amd inappropriate self-refcrrals by ref rring in need
of options COLIllseling or tong-Wrin care services, beyond the provider's scope of services to lk
Aging and Disabilky Resource Center.
F. Ensure that services provided am in the clients' hest interest, are (be niost cost elfective, of [I igh
quality, and are respoosive indappropriale to tl4eassessecLineeds.
The Assessed Priority Cosmin-ker List (APCL) is maintained wkenservices fiiin,ded by the departmeivi are irlot
available. (.7ontracted, Providers of regio redsi tvicQs ftr, Local Services P�rogram (IS11) and Older Amellcamils
Act (OAA) ind CARES Act must maintain waiting lists in the KIRTS, clatabase flor registered services whQn
fim(fing, is, not available.
Page 65 of 69
Alliance fin-Aging, Inc.
Aging and Disability Resource Conler/Mer Uelpfine,
Miry a ntl Pj-(.)c ed tj re for.0 u Is o u i-ced fu riction—Screen ing
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date, Octobe r 2,01 1 9
Review Date: October 20,19
Objective: 1,C) ensure thata comprehensive fist of'Oknts iti nc,Qd of services is, mriinuflned ill eCIR"I'S by
appropri,ate fiinding wtorce �,ui,d 1hat the ADRC k, thereby able to effbetively gauge:flw level of elder
Service raced i[I M ian I i-Dade a nd Moil roe o u n t iei,
Pollk!y. TO 0 Ina i rt nee ess a ry h I R'l rN I i�I io 11 frol 11 C I i e I it S i 1[1, 0 r(le r to assist i it de te r i'll i n i i i g I e ve I o f nee�! a i N d
eligibility for registaered services funded through OAA and USP and CARES
Pi-oced tire
I frovidm row ill coflect inn forniation fro!m callers and conduct a 701S aswssritem, Ah ernatively, if' a
701 A(B)assessnient alread.si,exisis,or is provided fi-ont anothier 111rovider the infbirnalion from tine 70111
U111 be tifilized.
2, The Provider will detennilnQ Ow services riceickd and the appropfia,te funding source(s) that provides
d1te needcd services.
If th[e caller is in need ofaservice(s) thrNt is not provided by the Pro,vider, the Provider will ref`ricaller
tt,,r line ,DR C Elder I lelpline, a,; Nvell as, to other c(niitracted Providers and community oq is
d. The caller will, be provided with gulzral information regardijig,the DIZ ' a,,, well as the ADRC Elder
I 101,ill ine conlu,[ number,
gj- "late cruller vvill, be inl"Ortri,ed offlic sorvicos and f1,1111(filIg SOLITUS that they are being placed on tine wvait
pint for i n eC I WIN,
5, For nion-case an prograptis,, the Provider will create as cfiei.it record urn eCIRTS (if th(:Iv, is ivo
existing record) arid enter the services neeftd for the oaller by Funding sotlrce and Service. [Iffliere ire
an eximing record urn cOR"I'S, flic appropr ate fields row ill be updated].
6 If lh,o Provildcr cletenuines that thie caller may qualify fbi,more th'all One prograrn Rn wbich flic Provider
is fonded, the Provider. js enc(,)uraged to rtcr tine appropriate inibrination urider multiple fitildiag
s,ourcies, [if there is aji existing client rQcord in eCIRTS, the cheat recc)rid irt eCIRTS Nvitl ble updated
vvith appropriatie ii�ifi)rmationl-
7. be Provider Nvill infbrm caller that they will receive an wilmal based on DOE A Mak
Ust Reasse:sment Smnd�,.'trds and uicourage caller to comact flat ADRC Elder 1-10pline wittj any
Page 66 of 69
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Aging and Diisability Resourre Center/Elder Helpliant
Policy and Proredure, for
(),utsourced ffinction _ r rriage
(7reation Date: March 5, 2008
'Revision Date: (..),c to her 2 0 19
Revitqv Date- Octc�),ber 2019
Objecfive To enswe Ow cl%m in wed of E)t')EAL Rmded services receive services ha sed on Me highest level ol'
need., first,as funding becomes availlab[e,
policy: To assist c WAs in obtaining DOEA funded ser"ces, as funding becomes availaW, based on level of
imed as detennin,ed by as eCIRTS priorily score.
I , Ile Provider will smAlml annual reassessments, based on 1)(AHA Wait List Reassessment fStnanndaardf,,
�2. If there is no currmtt 70 LA or B in CC!RTS, the Provider %vM conduct the annual reassossmeni (70 Is) as
appmPAS Based Oil the information provided lhie 0,IS/A(B) assessinenit, the Provider will update
the client infortriation in KIRTS specifically as if l')errain's 10 level ofrice,d for s,crvices by fundinig source
3. 'Me Provider%vHI enswre Mar Ilve e("ARTS priwitizatku store is accurainly mabdained,according to DCH'A
Standards, If a, significni cWmge has, occurred p6or to the annual iv-scrannQ the Provider must re-
screen. DefiAtkonsand examples ofsYnifinma change axe doewrienwd in the [X)EA Pmgrarns St Services
klanual Chapter 2.
4�- If"the Caller is in need of a semice(s) that is not prm,kied by Me Provideq the PwAder mAH relhr caller w
t1he ADRC 1"Ader fielpline, as m5l as, to Wer cmAracted PwvWers and Community organizations,, Ile
Cal IQr will be informed of Ille Services anxi 17611dirig scnirces that the wait III Or and/or have been removed
Crorn the,wait list f6r,
5. Ile Provider %YHI remind them of Me ADIRC Elder Help Lhie cowo number and to contact Me A13RC
EWer HOp We with, any, qUeSti(HIS 0rCOnCCrnS,,
6, As Funding becornes avdWble, We Pmvider %will run eCIRTS Priorhization, Rcpo,ri and activate ctients,
accoWhigio,1,),(.),EA Su.,unh.,irds, (refer to ADRC Chent Acdvabon Policies and Proceduresy The Winacteil
Provider will apply fargeting crileda, as appropriate, to prioritiztd Clients to ensure activations file'et
progrmni-nadc requirernens
Psge 67 of 69,
AlUance fi)r ,A.gi,ng, Inc.
Aging and Disability Resource Cen(WElder 11VII)IJine
Policy and Procedum for
Aclivation from Wait List—ChentedServices
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: October 210,19
Review Date. October 20,119
04tjecfive: To ensure that elders in ji,Qed (�),f DO EA hinded services in Miami-Dade and Pvlonrc�)c, Coun,fics and on
the e(ARTS wait l4st begin to receive s,Qrviiv:es as, f5unding becomes available.
Nklicy. ADRC Nvifl, m,ork %vith Providers to ellsure 1111'al, O"ienu wkmiling for D017A funcled services begin to
receivi� thos,Q, scrvices, as funding belcoinies avaitable,
I- The PrcMdei- will activatie clients on eCIRTS vvait list based DOE prioritization polices, and funding
2, The Providu will update, K"IRTS status bY ffinding sourcq~ and service 1567 any s,ery I i I ces being aetivmQ(l
fbr the client using appropriate eCJR'TS codes,
3. Chent, may be left on wait list t4 as cliffin,ew futiditig siourcle than the one beitig a,wfiviited iftlle Provider
dete,nnines tlhiar.t it is appropriate-
4, Client may as Isar be left on %vait list in (CJRTS if being activated by the 1:1rovider u,srjdcir as lem1pon,'iry
non-DOEA funding sou,rce and the Provider daermines. 11hal 1he chent's, need will persist aftQr i1fte
temp,orary funding source is e0austed.
5. The Provider will infcj,rin the client of an,Y services/finiding sonree that they are being activated f6t,as well
as those services and funding sotirces, that (hey will continue to be wait listed f4r,
6. The Provider will inl7orm,clienT to cotrum the ADR(.I E'Ider Helpfin6f thiey haveatty questions or concerns
regarding the st-atus of any (,,&t1wirservices.
Page'68 of 69
Alliance for Aging, Inns.
Aging and Disability ftesource Centex/ElItIzir .11elpflne
Policy and Procedure for
I"ermination from Wail List —Clients/Services
Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: October 2019
Ike I. virw Date: October 2019
Objective. To onsure tha"It the comprehensive list ofelients in need of services, in KIRTS, is approji,rialdy
tuaintained by fujiding source and that the ADR(1.1 I is thereby able to effediVe[3,' gaL],gC the current tevel
ofelder service need in Miami-Dade and Monroe oorifies,
N.4ity: ADRC Nvill niaintain an accurate and current listoll'djQms in neod of eklersurvicesin Mirimi-Dad.e
and Monroe Counties with die assistance e:)f the ADRC Contracted llrovkkrs,
Pro cedure-
1, The Providcr%vil[ re-screen clients which the Provider inhialIlly placed on the eCIRTS wait list turn services
hased on 1)(A'A. Reassessment Standards.
2. The re-screen Ing may be in the form of phone s,QrcePflngt,)r a home visit depending on the client's matus
(i,e, aefive/pending),
.1. The Provider will delerni ine if the el ient iq no longer in rum cd (ordigible) ft�)t any of services they Nvere
wait-listed for,
4 The Provider will termin"Ite thie Client fron.1 the Wait list (entirely or by specific serviec), using the,
approfm-WQ QCI RTS lerm inallion code fior arty servicios or funding source f6r which the client is de%-,rrnia�d
10 110 Munn ger be eligible for or no long cr in need of-
5,, The Provider will inform the client of any services/fortiding wmvc Ilial they are behig removed from the
wail: list for.
6. The Pto,%Pider will inform chQin L,-4"tWir �,,ibilily to be re-addeld to the Nvait list if fficir level ofneed should
7. I'lic Provider will hiffirm client to contact t4Q A DR(" F"Ider I lelifl ine ifthey
rQgarding their ww+,nit hm
K Reference DOE"A Programs and Services I'llandbook as
Page 69,of 69