2nd Change Order 10/05/2022 BOARD OF COUNTY t,CDIV MISSIO+dERS Comnty Floridaf III . //y" ii 'y Mayor David Rice,District t 4 The Keys r F�JI� � �a � i��ti Mayor I'ro 1 czn Craigr�C ates,District l Michelle C'oldiron,Dltitrict 2. James K. Scholl,District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 10/04/2022 TO: BOCC Kevin G.Wilson, P.E. FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. ' -�'y �.- �� - = ' .�..., 2022.10.04 15:40:19 -04'00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Order##2 for the Rowell's Waterfront Park Phase I project, This change order increases the final contract surm by $29,872.12. The substantial completion date is increased 45 days. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review therm and pose any questions or objections that they may have. You might note that the projected substantial completion date is passed. There is a partner change order being negotiated that will extend that date past 1 SEP 2022. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. MONROE COUNIYANGINEERING/ PROJECTMANAC"xEMENT Com�rRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: CHANGE ORDER NO: #002 Rowell's Waterfront Park Phase I INITIATION DATE: 911912022 CONTRACT DATE: 07/2112021 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino,& Sons, InG. 129 Toppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Cqntraqt_gjga1) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) ....... $ 1,445,000.00 Net change by,previously authorized Change Orders......... ....... $ 31,287.33 The (Qqr1tLiqqt. q!21) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was ... $ 11,476,287,33 The (Qqr1jWt_ pm) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order $ 29,872,12 The new(go Litrac, rn -n(Guaranteed Maxiinur Price) including this Change Order is $ 1,506,159A5 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by... 45 Days The date of Substantial Cor�P7e—fion as of the date of this Change Order is, 9/01/2022 Detailed description of change order and justification: ( na eMg!j) F�rl��arL(t., ff . A between P)x gm tt)e arc t)itectt'estilteditiseveralowtier-r,eg sae stedctiat e to accornniodate a future LLIfjLajy.t Ira to be i2LLcL,rLwit rhl") the La,�irk.1�' pgnc les inclucle: No ,, ,Wl,q'x.gk',_.E.�t(2,('p,.IOOOPSICot7ct(,.,toSi,,.ibtoaccorllrrlodata,,I dry kioskeclyiyaq�lt Q�y I iicte ,i.on both sides gLL).a kinglot acq.�ss k) ov�t )gL A ag es,j- _Eqtk t( A-Qq� tTL 12LtLQ�L atel 1350 LF of conduit to run ele,,ctric,and(hata ittL)urgtL L,qLki�CirLLq_Lto kiosk slab for Additionalcontractfirne was a.a(y/redtosecure Lggqarrc ao�rrrit tcaL)erfcsrrr theaddedscoL o w fork )0. An additional 45 days is required, extending the substanthal coinpletion date froin 711812022 to 910112022. Q —--RLi-QGL _prdew is Z 0 7%, o it i21 Contract- Not valid and Contractor Nicde[ebron 2022.09.22 ARCHITECT, 09:36:09-04'00' S&ME, 1, C. Date CONTRACTOR: Charley Lppino Sons, Inc. D4 Ca Digitally signed by Cqry Knightly night ry Kinight Date:2022.09.22 12:41:37-04'00' RO DIRECTOR PJEC"I" MANAGEMENT: -7- - &ai--Yknight, Director Date Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. 2022.10.05 16:03:52-04'00' COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: Roman Gastest Date Kevin Wilson Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not inclUded in the original contract specifications. Yes E No ❑ If Yes, explanation: The owner requested changes were made during construction and after the contract was executed, • Change Order was inclUded in the original specifications. Yes El No E If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds $50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes El No E If Yes, explanation as to why it is not SUbject for a calling for bids: • �Project architect approves the change order. Yes E No ❑ If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design dOCLJment. Yes ❑No E ShOLJld a claim Linder the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes El No Z Explain: NIA as � a 0 0W 00 „+ ° 0 0 m b 4 v q p t t t H^ u q U O O OWU E 0. O � w w V+ _ b ') aCayY]'' aCayY]'' aCayY]'' sCsyy1 IA�.I Vi r1 y C C C W W W ll r. 'n `✓ `✓ `✓Q Q Q C� b O 0 Z n a Z �ITT CY OA � . O d GY V +V+ V+ V+ +V+ V+V+ + V+V+ O LU CL m m m O W O u u u u 0 a. ,+ LU � � v n � < + u �o 0 o 6 'x "4 o o c r o o o a ra s yE E Q r4 c O a, S b: N M 4 9 b _ Y p, tl � ll b ru71 `m I.47 w rli m' fj o z lo O 1 O O 5 CJ O u `q U _ c r yy q O Uf Uf Uf GL UY ow 4 E w C] .11 m ou bll u d F- O H^ O r1 N nY V' u 6Y p p Y O O O O ol 4 0 u z rte u ce sr: O O O o O q m E u au o p w z o u ii [i v, w O z O i N �u tJ fAwl RIP Prire Quotation Attention: Monroe County Purchasing Department DATE 1100 Simonton St Key West,I'L 33040 ITEMIZED QUANTITIES Location: Rowells Park,104550 Overseas Hwy,Key Largo,FL 33037 Scope: Install I"Cond" te. Q—npfl— 0—tin Unit, C.,t arUnitt Line Item Cost Notes I Labor Su erintendenY -T-9 6 o o 1728.00s L i8o H rir -I n mirkup) Foreman 480 H r $�74 00 $ 3,552 00 Sk,fledL.bcrer 480 H r $ 42.00 016 00 .— SkilledL.bcrer 480 H r T 42.00 $ 101600 SkilledL.bcrer 480 H r $ 42.00 $ 2,01600 —$ 11322800 �6O 0 0 VOS 10%MiVIII11)) E.—,,atcr 27.0 H r --�l 20�OO 32440.00 _$ 3 240 A0 3 Material Read Miz Concrete 254 96 D,,"&7,2 Gol,, I �x a LI 0 Yards HdHdOd III MiUkI-117 Install 270 LF underground elect-1 pipe(Pedro Falcon) 1.0 LS .$ 9,875 00 _L2,875 00_L)I ^I s 5% 17i91'qlp r,,j'sIII)s) 1267958 Subtotal $ •1211194me S2 051 lk S 1( LO L5 $ 49375 $ 493.75 1,56446 "6=11' 51..544.M -L— 586.00 -L— 58600 Mobili-fl.r/Dem.bili-tim, Gene.1 Conditions Total: '8 "rrl li o 12 ----------------- .d.son, .contaminated sails removal.soddin Prepared by: Estimator Chart Sheet= Date: 9/19/22 Signature: Date: IIIIIII IIIIIII �GUI��'i N I" iI 31130 a"N v mue C,M3P P"e Key,FL 33043495'16 (305�872220D Fax TXfl M-2219 II C 1300341 G.G IC'11°o07617 ��.............. omwe.lp d if a1con cuaurru 05/04/2022 Change Order Re uest 003 Provide Underground raceways fog-power and DATABor Conk Kiosk. Attention: Jacki Hart Charley Toppirno&Sons Inc 129 Toppino Industrial Dr. Key West,FL 33040 Project: Rowell`s Waterfront Park Phase Ta Key Largo,Florida. sJacki, We are pleased to submit our electrical proposal for your consideration to furnish and install the electrical requirements for the above referenced project. Our price is based on and in accordance with the electrical drawings and specifications as listed below. Specification: Not Used. Drawings: None In addition to, and in clarification of the above,the following is made a part of our quotation: • Provide rock wheel trencher, material, and labor to trench and install 2 ea. - 1" PVC; underground raceways for bower and DATA connection for Book Kiosk. Note: crl)I)r^ox nmilcly loccitio r()f Me Lihr^crry Kiosk is-.,350'ftono blc�g, • Furnish and pill new 41 O THHN wires from Electrical room to the kook kiosk. • Furnish and pill new C AT"6 outdoor rated wire from DATA Rack to the hook kiosk. • Furnish and install 2 ea.QUAZITE Underground pill boxes, 15,000 lb., 8-1/2"L • Furnish and install 20A 1PH Circuit breaker inside Electrical panel. • Electrical wiring methods and material in conformance with the NEC; and local code requirements. • Provide truck and tools. • Sales and use taxes. 31160 Ave. U::,, wi %l ;f °II II O U.,,, I°U.,,,/ 33043 r1� IIIIIII IIIIIII �GUI��'i N I" iI 31130 a"N v mue C,M3P P"e Key,FL 33043495'16 C305�872220D Fax TXfl M-2219 II C 1300341 G.G IC'11°o07617 ��.............. omww.lp d if a1con cuaurru e have excluded the following: • Design fees. • Davis Bacon gages. • GPR scanning. • Any DATA connection. • Permit cost and nos ectio fees« • Band (Can he provided at one time cost at 1.5%) • Any concrete and asphalt cutting and patching. • Any landscaping restoration. • 'Temporary toilers and or facility and services. • Utility company charges and or any impact fees. • Painting of exposed electrical work. • Surveying if required for electrical work. • Work outside ofnormal working hours (0700 -- 1700) Price for work described onside Base Bid is: $9, 75.00(Norge Thousand Fight Hundred Seventy Fifty Dollars and Zero Cents). Payment: NET3O T"his �r® ®sad �s k�ased®i�the lrr�ces ®1 k��z��d�m .r®d��cis (such as conduit,fittings,wire, etc. both metal and plastic) quoted to us as of the date of this proposal. Due to fluctuating metal and plastic prices, this proposal is subject to increase if any building materials increase prior to the execution of a written agreement,by the amount of increase quoted by our intended suppliers and/or subcontractors. (We will provide you proof of increases.) This proposal is subJect to change after thirty(30)days. f ( (O 0 / /'U U::,, wi %Il ;f "II II O U,,,, °'U,,,,/ 33043 r1� IIIIIII IIIIIII �GUI��'i N I" iI 31130 a"N v mue C,0 P"e Key,FL 33043495'16 C305�872220U Fax TXfl M-2219 II C 1300341 G.G IC'11°o07617 ��.............. on w®.1p d if a1con auaurru Owner AELqptance Print Name Owners Name Signature.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date This proposal includes general liability and workman compensation. Thanks Sincerely, Pedro Falcon Contractors, Inc. Roman Sviridenko Project Manager zed and or dislr^ibuled rwzlhoul Pedro T'alcon C onlr yclor s, [tic wr ille r authorization. End ®£Proposal f ( (O o0 Ave. U::,, wi ,i ;f "II II O U,,,, °'U,,,,/ 33043 r1� Mt ommo,,Uroe i.........CONCRETE 'I )�flo� bfl�urie ",2( 7z '770AV.)22 L)(pinflimi )�flo 6() [)ays, /tar^rf / Vonruo Concrolo Procki(As Vonruo Concrolo 125 1 uppino I nd(is[rOl I)rivo ProdmIs Kay Was[, F1 330/M 1500 107fl-i Gulf 305 296 9934 Mal'all"101", G='I 33050 FDOI flkin[No 90 429 305 473-5800 FDOI flkin[Nw90 512 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SALIESPERSON JOB PAYMEN liTERMS DUE DATE ............................ .............. J.Papper Rowells Waterfront Park Net 30 QTY DESCRIPTION UNITPRICE LANETOTAL I I Yards 4000 psi Concrete $234.44 cy $2,578.84 2 Fruicks *Fuel and Environmental Fee $15.00 each $30.00 *There will be a 4CY minimum for all FDOT ready mix concrete orders. Prices good for 60 days *$15.00 Fuel&Environmental Surcharge Per Load .......... SUBTOTAL $260884 SAILIES TAX $19565 $2804 49 ...................................... Quoi:ai:ion joi eloai ed loy iason lielpIpeii I Ms is a quoi:ai:ion on Hhe goods narned, sulo*i: :o Hhe cond�i:ons noi:ed loelow kesci Hoe any condMons joei:ain ing :o Hhese joi ices and any addMona I Lei rns of Hhe agi eerneni: You may wani: :o include coni:ingencies dhai: will affeci: Hhe quoi:ai:ion I o acceloi: UMs quoi:ai:ion, sign hei e and i ei:ui m� F1 iiail iik yourfortfis Ir3va,tEtilness!