3rd Change Order 10/12/2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MonroeCounty of Mayor David Rice,District 4 ' The Florida Keys Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates,District 1 , Michelle Coldiron,District 2 James K.Scholl,District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 10/10/2022 TO: BOCC FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change Order #3 for the Rowell's Waterfront Park Phase 1 project. This change order increases the final contract sum by $27,797.36. The substantial completion date is increased 45 days. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. MONROEPROJECT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: CHANGE ORDER NO: #003 Rowellrs Waterfront Park Phase I INITIATION DATE: 9130120�22 CONTRACT DATE: 0712 /2021 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino & Cons, lnc. 129 7oppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Gum) (Guaranteed MaxiMum Price) ............ ................... ..... 1,445,000,00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders..._ .................................... 61,159,45 The(Contract Turn) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was 1,506,159,45 The(Contract Eur:n) (Guaranteed Maximurn Price)will be (increas d,) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order ................. 27,797.36 The new (Contract Gum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is 1,533,956.61 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by............... ....... 45 Days The state of Substantial Completion as of the date of this.Change Order is......... 10/16/2022 Detailed description of change order and justification: Durinq construction the Florida Ke s Aqueduct AuthoritZ informed the County that the cunently desi necl water tag-in location would be rra erfficierrt to scr ort Haase dl of tare ro ect. Td accommodate the water use re aired in future phases, the water fine to -in location was relocated from the southeast corner of the aroa art at US-1 to the northeast corner at Cl 1. Coordination with FKAA as well as the additional trenching of 600 a.F requires a 4.5-dayr time extension. The substaotial completion state has therefore moved from 910112022 to 1 011 612 02 2. Change order is If 92% of oric irral contract r"rce. Not valid until signed Owner Architect if applicable), and Contractor Nicole l_ebren 1015/2022 2022.10.55 ARCHITECT-. GthII,E "ll Elate F, o . W CONTRACTO 2 Charley Toppino` ons, Inc. Elate Jordan Salin er PMP Digitally signed by Jordan Salinger,PMP DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT; J � Date:2022.10.07 16:21:44-04'00' For Cary Knight, Director Elate Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. COUNTYIASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR, 2022.10.12 09:55:45-04'00' Roman Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes® No❑ If Yes, explanation: The owner requested changes were made during construction and after the contract was executed to accommodate future phases of construction. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes❑ No If Yes,explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5%of contract price(whichever is greater). Yes❑ No If Yes,explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order. Yes® No❑ If no,explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes❑No Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes❑ No Explain: N/A Ongoaa»aquaiaaa P<r��s r7fnan Mom me Caawanky ParrcPaKNown Daparniml ran a 1100$ilr anfon 9y Keys rr3"oM FL 3304G7.... LaswCaax Rumor^aaa 3xS r na.:"7..no ry9.__....... . co pw aa�e raaa w s�a �eraniq, aan� y,.�a way _ ,..._., m,...�.. ....,..... . . _. a� as �ma raa aJxq'rvwrcl xmr�nngr .-,• d".��A� m8a �. aT Da wYiW 'r' F art+~q�mnt ............. .. _ naa µ d7i ya I��kIa�C'aid PM^a`BI'NEai64ro&rt �031 w... 1fie $.� Tsar C7a $ 5 L;q�k�iqi e. w wdwg„'aw ,°" _....._._..............n,.........,........_.......... .._.,__......,.. ,__a_y°_.___"��Pn ;d:a r r n ..�.,..... a rVg� mmaro;a .I pnkaua Joy is 9tuYSXw IXmO... M• ��� a �Hd,,iiNp kP� ............."�3..20......._....._... r. z VA ... zcyyvroSusnu w kl,a .PPwkmtg'@l.4♦��Mwwvm a s73 wnwawq .�n. am rrn m7aae 2 N.00'�`",S:.cwm tm asctr„,n a uy n✓eq: p� .. ...,._....._._... ...,. �...�..,.. _�.�._.�_W........w...�,.,. ., ...�,.,,».. �....,......._ .,,...,�.»t..,�.. ..._ ..... ._... .�. Pgrgp���maca Dy .wrwp+.n X� �..� i ...,.....,.�....... ..... ...,..._,..._. ..,..._.. .... .. ____� . �1amr�m�T4.p.E°rm�v,.Ai Y�anwy uc+�c..._._..�,...,,..,..,_...._..,..,..., �._....,,,_.,,........._..,. __.......,�.._._._._._.........................._...,,,,,...,_ ...._,.....,,.�_._..., 'R�ugm..a�tiurre: 4 mic EEL-MIAMI WATERWORKS#1216 6701iv—er fo-..--. %$ FERGUSON' 10810 S.W.184,TH ST. From. Antonio Garcia WATERWORKS MIAMI,FL 33157-6737 Comments: Phone.786-573-7140 I`=305-969-0361 14.10:28 MAY 06 2022 Page I of 1 FEL-POMPANO BEACH, FL WW#125 Order Confirmation Phone:786-573-7140 Fax: 305-969-0361 Order No:: '1143655 Reg Date: 05/10/22 Ship Via. OUR TRUCK Order Date: 05,105/22 Terms: NET 10TH PROX Writer: AG Sold'To: CHARLEY TOPPING&SONS INC Ship To: CHARLEY TOPPiNO&SONS INC PO BOX 787 104550 OVERSEAS HWY 2116 ROWELL'S WATERFRONT 2116 ROWELL'S WATERFRONT KEY WEST, FL 33041 KEY LARGO, FL 33037 Cult Pot: Jot) Name: 2116 ROWELL'S WATERFRONT .. ........ ............ .. Item Description QuantIty Not Price UM Total PT-WS418G I"RP Z AS,SY AS PER WS4 18 WASA I EA WLF009M2QTG LF 1 BRZ IPS RPM BFP W1 BV 1 30,0.090 EA 300.09 GBRNG36 LF IX36 BRS NIP GBL, 2 11 O.680 EA 221.36 BRLF9G LF 1 BRS 90 ELL 4 30.180 EA 12072 GBRNGU LF 1X6 BRS NIP GEL 2 17.860 EA 3532 PT-WS4.18G 67T89 FC8444NL LF 1 MIP X I CTS PJ COUP 3 31470 EA 94A1 FINSERT52 1 CTS PET/HDPE DR9 INS STFNR 3 2040 EA 6.12 GBRNK24 LF 2X24 BRS NIP GBL 2 167,140 EA 334 28 BRLFBKG LF 2X1 BRS BUSH 1 50,830 EA 5083 FC14771NI- LF 2 FIP X CTS COMP COUP 1 131.300, EA '131,30 FC8477NL LF 2 MIP X CTS PJ COUP 3 125,610 EA 370-83 FINSERT55 2 CTS PET INS STFNR 19 2.800 EA 53.20 FC4477NL LF 2 CTS X CTS COMP COUP 6 167,230 EA 1003.38 FT444777NL LF 2 CTS PJ SERV TEE 1 456.050 EA 456.05 AX42250100 2XI00 CTS 250 PSI NSF BLUE 700 3.280 FT 2296.00 GBRNGU LF 1X6 BRS NIP GBL 1 1T860 EA 17,86 ............. ....... ----------- Net Total: $5498-15 Tax: $404A8 Freight: $0.00 Total: $590103 WAR FfAND P _L JR-Qy�[QN� S The purchaser's sole and exclusive warranty is that provided by the manufacturer,if any. Seller jjrrakes no express or implied warranties. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN NO EVENT WILL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,PUNITIVE,SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THE OPERATION OR USE OF THE PRODUCT, SELLER'S LIABILITY, IF ANY,SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE NET SALES PRICE RECEIVED BY SELLER, Complete Terms and Conditions are available upon request or can be viewed on the web at https:/Iwww,terguason.com/contenUwrebsile-Irr fo/terrtis-of-salie LEAD LAW WARNING: It is Hlegal to instait products that are not"lead free"in accordance with US Federal or other applicable law in potable water systems anticipated for human consumption.Products with*NP in the description are NOT lead free and can only be installed 41 non- potable applications.Buyer is solely responsible for product selection. COVIDI ORDER:ANY REFERENCE TO OR INCORPORATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 14042 AND/OR THE EO-IMPLEMENTING FEDERAL CLAUSES FAR 52.223-99 ANDIOR DEARS 252,223-7999YS EXPRESSLY REJECTED BY SELLER AND SHALL NOT APPLY AS SELLER IS A MAARIALS SUPPLIER AND THEREi UNDER THE EXECU7VE ORDER, 0%, HOW ARE WE DOING:? WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Scan the CIR code or use the Iink below to complete a survey abOW your orders: -rl/?bidsor'de y&fc=1216&on=�69966 l�'ttps,�isiui"vLay.r�ied,al�ia.icor 1141911 ! Ce �W NOME !-)z0e, r',,Ipifl 24th �,Je,)TA R-)IN �tp�laliol ),tto, Key R2,mf Wamot Wif 12b, K,oy i 1 3:�0140 3MAMIM �"o FDOI PAY%11429 SMEVERSON JOB mmorrr MRMS DUE DM E J.Pepper Rowelis WaterfTo ut Park Net 30 QTY E)ESCR[PT1,')N UNRPRCE L ME TO AL 2ynh 3MO psi Concrete $Kl6Wp $51314 *Fuel and Environmental Fee $260each V510 7here will be a 4CY minkovi fear all FDOT ready mix concrete ordem. Pdces,good for 60 days *$15.00 Fuel&Environmental Surcharge Per Load SU0703AL SIM,54 SMSSW '011 AL QuotatJnn prep ased by: Jast�wi Peppe'r Thm m as WmtaMn w, Me W"N nmmj mibtmf to the (w=wnh imled heWw: (Or orn& any condrInans perW;mnq to these pncev and any addamnal te"ns o! the agrnunwk. You may want R,a inq.'Tude cantingencies that vvHl )Reo: the rptoMOon A"ccem To q=awm so"Mo no tow Na. 1-hank youfor the IIfr11shies!gi