Resolution 353-2022 OMB Schedule to Number 67 Resolution No 2022 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICH'ATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,to increase items to account for unanticipated funds in the Monroe C ounty Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023,now therel'bre, BE IT RESOLVED BV THE BOARD OF COIJNTV COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,that the folliowing accounts of the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023,be and the same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set lbr& Fund: #125-Governmental Fund Type Grants Contract Period: 10/01/22-09/30/23 Cost Center: #6156122-Older Americans Act-IIICI Contract: RP 2129.2 Function: 5600 Function Name: Human Services CFDA: 93.045 Activity: 5640 Activity Name: Public Assistance Offcl/Division. 1016 Offcl/Division Name: Community Services Grant Manager. Kim Wilkes Department: Social Services Revenue: 125 - 6156122 - 331600 - RC00044 Federal Grants-Other Human Svcs $38,665.93 125 - 6156122 - 381000 - RT00001 Transfer in frn General Fund 001 $4,296.22 Total Revenue: $42,962.15 Appropriations: 125 - 6156122 510000 SC00016 Salaries&Wages $10,000.00 125 - 6156122 510210 SC00019 FICA $6,500.00 125 6156122 510220 SC00023 Retirement $3,500.00 125 6156122 530490 SC00070 Food&Dietary $21,462.15 125 6156122 530510 SC00078 Office Supplies $1,000.00 125 6156122 530520 SC00083 Operating Supplies $500.00 1 Total Appropriations: $42,962.15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BV SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items,as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Corninissioners of'Monroe County, Florida, pt a regul""" meeting of said Board held on the 191 day of October,AD 2022. Mayor David Rice Yes Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates Yes a Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes, C '7 Commissioner James Scholl Yes Commissioner Holly Raschein Yes, '0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ups OF MONROE COUN 'Y,FLORIDA C Art st: KEVIN M.ADOK,Clerk. By: Mayorf rman As Deputy Clerk MONR(X-cfly A11ORNPI, d& PMJ(An V4A�110 M11""dwAz' CHRMNE,LAMEMBARPOWS Item 67 Unant Fund 125 6156122 Older Americans Act—111CI dmiismm cuumiry AMRNEV DAM 1012&,22