Resolution 464-2002 Commissioner George Neugent RESOLUTION NO. 464 - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT A HIGH PRIORITY TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE "3 LANES" OF US HIGHWAY 1 THROUGH BIG PINE KEY. FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Habitat Conservation Plan is nearing completion; and WHEREAS, this Plan supports three lanes of roads through Big Pine Key; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Hereby requests the FDOT to commence, as soon as possible, the three-Ianing of US Highway 1 through the community of Big Pine Key, Florida. Section 2. Hereby requests the Clerk to send a certified copy of the Resolution to the FDOT. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Spehar Commissioner Nelson Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Jimenez yes yes yes yes yes 3; "" <:::::> .." 0 {::::> Z '-'-> r- ;;Qc:; <-- fT1 C'r c:: 0 fT1 ;;$: ....". '""- C-)- -_.. .." '.::lC:-:, 0 a c:: -- ~~. ::0 z?U~~ -4 c.. :Do :::ry .-< (J C. ::r Pl . -4-- ..., - >- c:o C) r- C.c ;::::> >- r- c.n ::0 c.: CJ at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of October, 2002. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, ORIDA By~aLlf d1;I~ Deputy Clerk JresBPK3 By