Resolution 029-1999 Resolution No. 029 1999 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ENDORSING THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF THE FIRST PHASE OF THE FLORIDA KEYS OVERSEAS HIGHWAY BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAIL. Whereas, by Resolution No. 543-1996, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners recognized local efforts to pursue a Florida Scenic Highways designation for the Florida Keys Overseas Highway as part of the State's program to recognized highways that provide a window into Florida's heritage and beauty; and \ \ Whereas, since 1993, Monroe County has participated in the Department of Transportation's Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Program which has provided the.opportunity and funding to install bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways adjacent to the US1 corridor; and Whereas, in 1997, the Department of Environmental Protection provided funding to the Clean Florida Keys Inc., Scenic Highway Project to design a conceptual plan of the first phase of a bicycle/pedestrian trail from Key West to Sugarloaf, MM 0-20; and Whereas, the Governor's Office recognized the Florida Keys Overseas Highway by proclamation as an official Florida greenway and appointed a Task Force to address the use of the Old Keys Bridges; and Whereas, in 1998, the State Legislature appropriated funding to the County through the Department of Environmental Protection for litter maintenance of the fishing bridges and for the completion of a comprehensive countywide trail master plan that would create a continuous network of user friendly facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians; and Whereas, local island residents throughout Monroe County will benefit economically, environmentally, and aesthetically in the creation of a world-class trail from Key West to Key Largo, safely connecting their communities to major activity centers, schools, and recreation areas; .'113. 'AHm03 30HNOH 13 "H13 .}f13 3DVH10>1 "1' :'!~I'rlI!1 "c,ill"i - l...i 9 ~:6 WV it I A VW 66 O~O~3(l ~O.:J 0311.:1 Now therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that 1. The Board endorses the continue efforts of Clean Florida Inc., Scenic Highway Project and adopts the "Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Conceptual Plan, MM 0-20", 2. The Board recognizes the accomplishments of the Clean Florida Keys, Inc. Scenic Highway Project in establishing partnerships and appreciates the cooperative efforts evidenced by the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Governor's Office, and the local communities to create a world-class trail of local, state, regional, national, and international significance. 3. The Board understands that consideration for the maintenance of such a project is a concern and recommends that discussions ensue to address those concerns with all interested parties. 4. The Board requests the Department of Environmental Protection designate the Overseas Highway Heritage Trail as a "Statewide Trail", an integral part of the "Statewide Trail System". 5. The Board acknowledges the volunteer efforts of all those involved that are interested in improving the quality of life in the Florida Keys. Passed and Adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th of day of January, 1999. yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BY:~~~ ' . .. ~- ~ . t\ ~. . Q ^ ... -_-, . - -'-",- By: Mayor/Chairman B ROBERT N OAT~S-II~