Resolution 257-1997 RESOLUTION 257-1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY AND ADOPTING THE FUNDING PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR VERY-LOW AND LOW INCOME HOMEOWNERS REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 03-1997 WHEREAS, Monroe County has previously executed a governmental interlocal agreement by Resolution 162-1993 with the Monroe County Housing Authority to provide professional planning, management, administrative services for and with the County in providing fair, affordable, decent safe and sanitary housing; and WHEREAS, the Housing Authority is the County's program administrator for the State's SHIP, HOME, Elderly Homeowner Rehabilitation Programs including the state's previous Housing-CDBG Program with the County; and WHEREAS, the Housing Authority per the County's Plan 2000 prepared and submitted a current state Housing CDBG application that is in the fimdable range, with a priority for approved septic installations for very -low and low income io~owMrs. ~ z ~ ..-:1 ::c z ,." ~~z 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County~Irtmislme~of . " r 0 Monroe County, Flonda, that the County hereby: ~'?~. ...!. :;0 z:-c A: ~ r- l""T"t 1. Approves (Attachment "A") Memorandum of Understanding ;ri1t~.au~~ze~its execution by the Mayor/Chairman. J:a. - 2. Adopts and approves (Attachment "B") Plan Administrator's Budget. Authorizes administrative fimds from County Fund 100 to support the Plan Administrator's Budget in the amount of $10,000.00 from Account 500000-554340, Administration, and $25,000.00 from Account 800500-554340, Affordable Housing, for the execution of the County's Implementation and Funding Plans by the Plan Administrator. 3. Adopts and approves (Attachment "c" Monroe County Implementation Plan for Very-Low and Low Income Homeowners reference County Ordinance 03-1997. 4. Adopts and approves (Attachment "D") Monroe County Funding Plan for Very- Low and Low Income Homeowners reference County Ordinance 03-1997. Page 1 of2 ,. 5. . Authorizes the temporary use/expenditure of an additional $23,000 from FWld 100, AccoWlt 800500-55430, and the COWlty'S $100,000 FWld Plan revenues for the purpose of "intermediate revolving payment funds" for authorized committed CDBG and SIDP funds prior to receipt of the CDBG and SIDP funds from DCA and FHF A. Immediately upon receipt of the CDBG and SIDP funds the appropriate "intermediate revolving payment funds" shall be directly reimbursed by the County Finance Department. 6. Authorizes the Monroe COWlty Housing Authority to be the COWlty'S administrator of the projected Housing Grant Wlder State's CDBG Program and to immediately initiate required documentation for contract execution and the required environmental process under 24 C.F.R. Part 58. for release offunds. 7. Requests the Housing Authority in cooperation with COWlty and state staff to continue to seek additional sources of funding in support of the COWlty'S FWlding Plan for very-low and low income homeowners that are subject to Ordinance 03- 1997. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of COWlty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board on the 16th day of July , A.D., 1997. ~ yes By: Keitli (SEAQ ATTES"r. DANNYL lCDUWIIaR Approved as to form and legal sUffiCienfi~~ Dat~"ZC 71- spo/mou _ reso Page 2 of2 "ATTACHMENT A" MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND FUNDING OF THE VERY-LOW AND LOW INCOME HOMEOWNERS REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 03-1997' This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into by the:~oard 9trlCouQly Commissioners of Monroe County ("MC"), the Monroe County ~u~g. ~tho~ ("MCHA") and the Monroe County Health Department ("MCHD"). ?;:::~ ~ -n '^ B'I 0 DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS.=~ ,'0 .!. ~ ~. ~.~' ;::~: -0 ~ = Department of Community Affairs, State of Florida ...., 0 = Florida Housing Finance Agency ~ ;g = U.S. Dept. of Housing & Development, Housing Quality Standards = U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development = Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County = Monroe County Funding Plan, for Very-Low and Low Income Homeowners, Monroe County Ordinance No. 03-1997 = Monroe County Housing Authority = Monroe County Health Department = Monroe County Implementation Plan, for Very-Low and Low Income Homeowners, Monroe County Ordinance No. 03-1997 = Memorandum of Understanding = Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority DCA FHFA HQS HUD MC MCFP MCHA MCHD MCIP MOU SPO PURPOSE. The purpose of this MOU is to reference and document the specific responsibilities of the above parties as described in the Monroe County Implementation Plan ("MCIP") and the Monroe County Funding Plan ("MCFP"). MCHA shall have the authority and responsibility to enact both the MCIP and MCFP on behalf of MC. MCHA is not responsible or liable for the requirements or enforcement of County Ordinance 03-1997. FUNDING PLAN PROGRAMS. Funding Programs for the purpose of inspection/installation of Onsite sewage disposal system and the correction of U.S. HUD Housing Quality Standards deficiencies prior to any amendments to the MCIP and MCFP shall consists of: 1. $637,500 Small Cities, Housing Category, Community Development Block Grant, Department of Community Affairs. 2. $307,500 Monroe County's Local Assistance Trust Fund (SHIP Program) 3. $100,000 Monroe County's dedicated General Revenues. 4. $100,000 State of Florida dedicated General Revenues. 5. $ 25,000 Monroe County's Elderly Homeowner Rehabilitation Program Page 1 of4 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ADMINISTRATION Very-low and low income household participation in the MCIP is voluntary. The Plan Administrator shall be responsible for the implementation of the MCIP with assistance: 1. from MC through the Growth Management Division which shall provide assistance in expediting building permit applications in the implementation of HaS deficiencies; seek additional funding sources; and maintain in coordination with the MCPD a priority waiting list of eligible very-low and low income households to receive next available funding opportunity. 2. from MCHD which shall provide notification of County Ordinance 03-1997 compliance requirements; provide MCFP availability notification; and maintain in coordination with the Growth Management Division a priority waiting list of eligible very- low and low income households to receive next available funding opportunity. Such households shall not be processed further under Ordinance 03-1997 under such funding is obtained or MOU amended. FUNDING PLAN ADMINISTRATION. MCHA through its Special Programs Office (SPO) or any other MCHA duly assigned designee shall be the Plan Administrator and shall have the authority and responsibility for the administrative implementation of the MCIP and MCFP in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. MC shall designate to SPO, MCHA the following administrative funding for MCIP and MCFP compliance: $10,000 $25,000 Fund 100, Acct. 500000-554340, Administration Fund 100, Acct. 800500-554340, Affordable Housing All other administrative funds in support of the Plan Administrator's budget shall be provided by state funding sources (DCA, CDSG Program Administration $112,500 and the Florida Housing Finance Agency's SHIP Program Administration $30,750). 1. MC shall authorize the temporary use/expenditure of an additional $23,000, from Fund 100, Acct. 800500-554340, Affordable Housing as "intermediate revolving payment funds" in order to process authorized CDSG and SHIP fund payments prior to their receipt from DCA and FHFA. 2. MC authorizes the temporary use/expenditure as required by the Plan Administrator of the County's $100,000 Plan funds as "intermediate revolving payment funds' in order to process authorized CDSG and SHIP fund payments prior to the receipt by the County of CDSG funds from DCA and SHIP funds from FHFA. Immediately upon receipt of the committed CDSG and SHIP funds the appropriate "intermediate revolving payment funds" source shall be directly reimbursed by the County Finance Department. 3. MCHA shall submit every two weeks to the County's Finance Department, an estimate of administrative costs, including but not limited to, salaries and related fringe benefits;, rent, utilities and clerical supplies, necessary to be paid during the following two weeks. The submitted documentation shall include an accounting for the money Page 2 of 4 advanced previously for the administrative costs. Any money previously advanced and not expended at the time of submission of this documentation shall be deducted from the total estimate of the costs for the following two weeks in determining the amount to be advanced, Payment for the following two weeks administrative costs will be remitted to MCHA in advance of the actual expenditures provided the request for advance with necessary documentation has been submitted to County's Finance Department in a timely manner prior to the advance payment date. REPORTING. (1) SPO shall provide a monthly written status report to the County Commission through the County Administrator. Said report shall be due on the monthly Commission Agenda submittal date. Within five working days notification, the County Administrator may request attendance of a MCHA representative at any regular County Commission meeting when applicable to this MOU. SPO shall provide the same report to MCHA for inclusion in their monthly meeting agenda packet and attend such meetings as requested. (2) MCHA shall be responsible for the timely submittal of required reports on behalf of MC to the DCA and the FHFA reference their specific funding programs. SUB-AGREEMENTS. MCHA shall have the authority to enter into contractual agreements for necessary services through employee/intergovernmental agreements or in accordance with MCHA's Procurement Policy. ACCESS TO AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. MC, DCA, FHFA, HUD, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized representatives,. shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of MCHA which are directly pertinent to this MOU for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. MCHA shall retain all records relating to this MOU for three (3) years after MC makes final payment and all other pending matters are administratively closed. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION. Effective date of this MOU shall be July 17, 1997 and shall remain in effect until all designated Funding Plan revenues have been expended in accordance with the MICP and MCFP or until July 16,1999 whichever shall be earlier. If additional operational and administrative funds are subsequently added by amendment to the MCFP then the length of the MOU may be extended by written agreement by all parties. TERMINATION. This MOU may be terminated in whole or part by any of the signed parties for convenience without cause, provided that no termination may be effected unless the Page 3 at 4 other party is given (1) not less than sixty (60) calendar days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of the intent to terminate and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. If termination for convenience is effected by MC, an equitable adjustment of costs shall be paid to MCHA for work performed and settlement costs reasonably incurred by MCHA relating to commitments (e.g., suppliers, subcontractors) which had become firm prior to receipt of the notice of intent to terminate. REMEDIES. Unless otherwise provided, all claims, counter-claims, disputes and other matters In question between MC and MCHA, arising out of or relating to this MOU, or breach of it, will be decided if the parties mutually agree or in a Florida court of competent jurisdiction SIGNATURES: Date:~ Kei Douglass, M or/Chm. Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida spo/mou/mcse Bonnie Young, hairpe on Board of Commissioners Monroe County Housing Authority Monroe County, Florida ~ hI~~ Date: S ephanie Walters, Administrator "C;OtiN_ Monroe County Health Department ~(") / ,;.".f onroe County, FlOrida "~"') J;:':,.\ ~ ," Y". ~ ,'~~.'>I;, Page4of4 ~ ~~~> ''!'''1Jl''. j .~~.w. '-';;oI""~ Z #~~'.r.:.:,:~~.., _ ' (SEAL) AlTEST: DANNY l. KOlHAGE. ClERK 8Y~~ Date: 7- .,;J-3- cr7 -, b.<x /:; I / I "ATTACHMENT B" ESTIMATED FUNDING PLAN ADMINISTRATION BUDGET*** (Up to a maximum of 24 month implementation responsibility) PROJECTED PLAN ADMINISTRATOR REQUIREMENTS (Plan Participation based from Stock Island to Key Largo, Florida in unincorporated Monroe County) INCOME VERIFICATION PROCESS 450 Application mail-outs. 200 Anticipated application submittals. 100 Follow-up additional application documentation requests. 300 Anticipated adult income verifications to establish household income. (Employer verification, Social Security verification, 96 Tax returns) 75 One-on-one interviews for final verification assistance. 200 Certified-mail income verification status letters. PROPERTY ELIGIBILITY PROCESS 150 Research inquiries Property Card (RE Number) owner & assessed value verifications. 150 Coordination calls (day/evening) for HQS inspections. 150 On-site physical inspections for HQS deficiencies. 150 Completed HQS inspection reports. 125 Scope of Work write-ups. 125 Cost estimates. 150 Property Eligibility status letters. CONTRACT AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS 120 Contract Agreements for Operating Permit Inspections between licensed contractors and eligible homeowners. 120 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by Permit Inspection contractors. 120 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by eligible homeowners. 120 Executed Request for Payment Forms. 120 Executed Contractor's Lien Waivers. 70 Contract Agreements for installation of permitted sewage disposal system. 70 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by installation contractors. 70 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by eligible homeowners. 140 Executed Request for Payment Forms [intermediate (70) & final (70)]. 140 Executed Contractor's Lien Waivers. 100 Contract Agreements for HQS deficiency contracts (roofers, plumbers, gc's) 100 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by HQS contractors. 100 Non-collusive Affidavits executed by eligible homeowners. 200 Executed Request for Payment Forms [intermediate (100) & final (100)]. 200 Executed Contractor's Lien Waivers. Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC ADVERTISEMENTS. 1. News Releases and Advertisements. Eligibility Requirements. 2. Request for Proposals. HQS Inspectors/General Contractors. 3. Eligible Homeowner SeminarslWorkshops. (upper, middle, lower keys) 4. CDBG required Environmental Clearance per 24 CFR Part 58, Section 43. PLAN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS fCDBG AND SHIP). 1. CDBG Implementation Workshop, Tallahassee. 2. CDBG Request for Funds and Contractor(s) listings (minimum 12 requests). 3. CDBG Contract Amendment and Administrative Close-out Documents. 4. SHIP Annual ClienUFunding Report Requirements. 5. SHIP Three-Year Plan Proposal for state approval effective May 1998 PROJECTED EXPENSES- ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET (not pro-rata monthly) (Based on tasks completion maximum of 24 months)*** 1. Salaries/Professional Services $73,400 2. Employee Benefits (27.68%) $20,300 3. Staff Travel Allocation $ 9,000 4. Phones/Fax(office phone/cellular) $ 4,800 5. Copying/Printing $ 6,000 6. Informational/educational seminars/workshops $ 2,900 7. Advertisements $ 4,800 8. Legal (Document Review) $ 3,000 9. Office Supplies $ 4,800 10. MCHA Overhead (rent, utilities, insurance, $12,000 computer systems, fax machine, accounting) 11. Field Equipment Purchase/lease, (Camera, Pocket field recorder, $ 6,000 Laptop Computer/printer-field work) 12. Initial Housing Quality Standards Inspections (minimum estimate 125 units@.$250ea. Deficiencies. Scope of Work. Cost Estimate) $31.150 ***Total: $178,250 PROJECTED REVENUES-ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET 1. 2. 3. DCA, Housing, CDBG Grant, Administration Line Item FHFA, Monroe County SHIP Budget, Administration Line Item Monroe Countv. Fund 100. Administrative/Aff. Housina Line Items Total: $112,500 $ 30,750 $ 35.000 $ 178,250 ***MCHA reserves the right to change the individual amounts of any and all line items or add a budget line item to accommodate the actual implementation of the County's Plan per the Memorandum of Understanding without additional BOCC approval, as long as the total designated expenses and revenues are not exceeded. sework#s Page 2 of 2 "ATTACHMENT C" MONROE COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Very-Low and Low Income Homeowners Monroe County Ordinance No. 03-1997 (Cesspool Elimination and Sewage System Replacement or Repair) Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator shall be the Monroe County Housing Authority in accordance with with the County's interlocal government agreement with the Housing Authority. The Plan Administrator shall be responsible for: 1. Determination of an applicant's income eligibility per the criteria of the Funding Plan. 2. Physical inspection of the property (house/trailer) to determine the status of U.S. HUD's Housing Quality Standard deficiencies and eligibility criteria determination for Funding Plan participation. 3. Coordination between the eligible homeowner and a licensed inspector for the inspection of the existing sewage system. 4. When an eligible applicant's (house/trailer) has been qualified to participate in the Funding Plan and the sewer system inspection results require an installation/repair of a permitted onsite sewage disposal system in compliance with Ordinance 03-1997, the Plan Administrator shall coordinate the installation/repair between the homeowner and a licensed contractor per the terms of County's Implementation and Funding Plans. 5. Meeting the administrative regulations and requirements under Florida Statute and State Administrative Rule of the County's Community Development Block Grant Program through the Department of Community Affairs and the County's SHIP Program through the Florida Housing Finance Agency. 6. Providing required documentation for payment submittals to the County Finance Department reference County allocated funding sources per the Funding Plan. Fundina Plan Accounts. The Monroe County Finance Department shall be the depository of all County approved funding sources allocated under the Monroe County Funding Plan for Very-Low and Low- Income Homeowners, Cesspool Elimination and Septic System Replacement. Said funds shall be released to the designated recipients upon documented requests from the Plan Administrator. The funding from the County ($100,000) and the State ($100,000) shall be immediately transferred to the County's Finance Department's designated account by the appropriate County staff. All allocated funding sources shall be subject to the County's annual audit. Page 1 of 4 Participant Applications. The Plan Administrator shall provide to the Monroe County Health Department application packets (for eligibility criteria and requirements for very-low and low income primary residence homeowners.). The Monroe County Health Department shall distribute the application packets with the issuance of Compliance Letters under County Ordinance 03- 1997. Application Processina Procedure. 1. Upon receipt of a submitted application, the Plan Administrator shall determine if sufficient required documentation has been provided. (If not, request same from applicant.) 2. Participant's household income verification eligibility shall be determined. 3. Upon income eligibility verification, the Plan Administrator shall schedule a physical inspection of the unit (house/trailer) by an experienced home inspector (with a minimum of a general contractor's license) to determine the proposed Scope of Work and initial cost estimate to meet U.S. HUD Housing Quality Standards (HQS). 4. Upon receipt of the HQS inspection the Plan Administrator will determine if the applicant and property meet the Plan's priorities for funding participation and will notify the applicant: a) They are a qualified participant to receive funding from the Plan and provide them an implementation form to follow to have their existing sewer system inspected by a County Health Department's pre-qualified inspector to complete an Operating Permit Inspection Report. Where the Report indicates the need for a new permitted installation or repair of the existing, the Plan Administrator shall provide the applicant a list of the Health Department's pre-qualified installers/systems to select from. To have the HUD HQS scope of work on their unit (house/trailer) completed, the Plan Administrator shall coordinate with the qualified participant to enter into a construction contract agreement with a licensed contractor. b) They are not a qualified participant at this time to receive funding based on the Funding Plan's Eligibility Criteria. (Le. the extensive repairs and costs required to bring the unit (house/trailer) into compliance with HQS requirements). Based on the availability of sewer system inspection funds they will be provided an implementation form to follow to have their existing sewer system inspected by a County Health Department's pre-qualified inspector to complete an Operating Permit Inspection Report. Where the Report indicates the need for a new permitted installation or repair of the existing, the participant shall be officially notified that they are being placed on a priority waiting list with the County Health Department and Growth Management Division for future funding eligibility consideration to have the new installation/ repair completed. Page 2 of 4 Procurement. 1. The Health Department shall provide an updated list of qualified Onsite Sewage Disposal System inspectors for availability to program participants. The Health Department shall establish a payment standard for the specific required inspection services prior to the initiation of this Plan and/or approve each inspection proposal prior to execution by Plan participant. All inspection agreements shall be between the homeowner and the inspectors. 2. The Health Department shall provide a list of approved manufacturer's onsite sewer disposal systems and list of licensed and/or approved installation contractors for availability to program participants. The Health Department shall establish a Scope of Work for specific installation requirements prior to the implementation of this Plan. 3. The Plan Administrator will periodically list specific eligible properties and provide the list to all qualified manufacturer's installers with individual property operating permit inspection reports, Health Department's Scope of Work, and associated bid proposal documents. Interested installers shall have a specific time/date and place to provide sealed cost proposals/executed bid documents. All contracts shall be between the homeowner and installer. 4. The Plan Administrator shall assist eligible Plan participants in obtaining licensed contractors to complete applicable Housing Quality Standards deficiencies to their (house/trailer). Where contractors are not available in a timely manner and/or cost proposals exceed the Plan Administrator's cost estimate by more than twenty percent (20%), then the Plan participant shall have the option to have the work completed through the Plan Administrator's licensed inspector(s)/contractor(s). Participant Fund Payments. 1. Payment to the pre-approved inspector shall be processed by the Plan Administrator upon written certification by the Health Department that they are in receipt of a satisfactorily completed Operating Permit Inspection Report, receipt of owner's executed request for payment, and inspector's lien waiver. 2. Payment to the pre-approved installer/contractor shall be processed by the Plan Administrator upon written certification by the Health Department that the installation is satisfactorily completed, receipt of owner's request for payment and installer/contractor's line waiver. 3. Plan Administrator shall review the participant's proposal(s) to complete the necessary HQS deficiencies reference the (house/trailer); review and approved contractor's proposal with property owner prior to execution of a contract(s) by the property owner and county licensed contractor(s) to complete the required HQS deficiencies. The Plan Administrator shall be responsible for intermediate and final physical inspections of the HQS deficiency completed work on the (house/trailer) to determine program compliance prior to requesting contractor's intermediate/final payment with appropriate contractor's lien waiver. Page 3 of 4 . Growth Manaaement Division. Building permit applications for the rehabilitation work required to correct existing Housing Quality Standards (HQS) deficiencies shall receive priority processing by the Growth Management Division and building permit fees shall be waived in accordance with County Resolution 094-1994. Public Proaram Information. As requested, the Plan Administrator shall take part in any scheduled public outreach programs sponsored by the Health Department and/or Monroe County. The Plan Administrator shall independently conduct Informational SeminarslWorkshops as applicable on behalf of the very-low and low-income homeowners upon the initiation of the Plan. Seminarslworkshops and individual conferences will be conducted in the lower, middle and upper keys. News releases reference Plan participation by the very-low and low income residents will be formulated. Television informational program(s) will be conducted. Disputes. Any misunderstandings, differences and/or disputes arising from any request for payment from the Funding Plan based on contractual agreements between the participants and eligible contractors that cannot be resolved by the Plan Administrator shall be forwarded to the Office of the County Attorney for review and determination of action. Page 4 of 4 spo/implplan "ATTACHMENT D" MONROE COUNTY FUNDING PLAN for Very-low and Low Income Homeowners Monroe County Ordinance No. 03-1997 (Cesspool Elimination and Sewage System Replacement or Repair) Eliaibilitv Criteria. 1. Must have received official certified notification from the Monroe County Health Department reference Cesspool Identification Elimination Project per compliance with The Monroe County Onsite Sewage Disposal System Operation Permit Program. 2. Meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development income criteria by household as a qualified very-low or low income household in Monroe County. 3. The property must be your primary residence (homestead exemption as applicable). Property cannot exceed $140,600 in assessed value (State's HOME Program participation limit based on U.S. Treasury Dept., Safe Harbor, Bond limitations). Fund Administrator may allow a 10% exception based on documented elderly/handicap disability status. 4. Participant's property shall only be in an unincorporated area of Monroe County and located in an area not being reviewed for or designated for a planned package treatment plant by the Health Department or Growth Management Division of Monroe County. 5. Applicable funding program regulations require the unit (house/trailer) to meet minimum U.S. HUD Housing Quality Standards as well as have a permitted onsite sewage disposal system. Applicants with the lowest total cost required for unit rehabilitation will be given priority. Maximum total funding for unit rehabilitation and sewage system replacement or repair is $22,000. ComDliance. Very-low and low income primary residence property owners providing documented proof of the above eligibility criteria shall not be found in non-compliance with Ordinance No. 03-1997 until such funds are made available through the County's very-low and low income Fund Plan to (1) complete the required physical inspection and (2) complete the required installation/repair of an approved onsite sewage disposal system. Eliaible Costs. 1. Operating Permit Inspection Fee 2. Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Operating Inspection Costs 3. Approved Installation of a Permitted Onsite Sewage Disposal System 4. Construction completion of U.S. HUD Housing Quality Standard Deficiencies Page 1 of 3 Method of Fundina. Monroe County has determined the following methods of funding to be implemented by the Plan Administrator: 1. Funding to the eligible participant for the inspection, installation and/or repair of a permitted onsite sewage disposal system shall be in the form of a deferred mortgage and note (principal amount only-no interest) that shall be due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property. 2. Where funding is only for the onsite sewage disposal system disposal inspection costs, such approved costs shall be in the form of a grant to the eligible participant. 3. Funding to the eligible participant for required rehabilitation of U.S. Housing Quality Standard deficiencies shall be in the form a deferred mortgage and note (principal amount only-no interest) that shall be due and payable upon sale or transfer of the property unless where the total amount of expended funds for required HQS rehabilitation funds do not exceed $5,000, then such funds shall be in the form of a grant. Initial Fundina Commitment to meet Proaram Reauirements. Said funds are allocated for the eligible very-low and low income homeowners to correct unsanitary and unsafe existing conditions. Funding Onsite Sewage Disposal Housing Quality Source System InsD./reDlacement Standards rea'ts. Total State $100,000 $ -0- $100,000 County $100,000 $ -0- $100,000 MC Elderly Rehab $ -0- $ 25,000 $ 25,000 SHIP (trailers ineligible) $150,000 $157,500 $307,500 CDBG $400,000 $237.500 $637.500 $750,000 $420,000 $1,170,000 (Additional funds may be added to the Fund Plan by authority of the BaCC based on availability from designated funding sources) Initial Priority bv Fundina Source Reauirements: All funding allocations are subject to specific program requirements and subject to unknown property conditions prior to physical inspections. The following numbers of initial units to be addressed are estimated on an average cost of $10,000 for a permitted onsite sewer disposal system. Any increase or decrease to this average shall increase or decrease the initial number of funded eligible households.) Households needing only tank and/or drain field replacement will also vary the average. Page 2 of 3 1. (45) Standard Homes (non-mobile homes) installed systems $450,000 Funding Sources: $ 150,000 SHIP Funds (mortgage) $ 75,000 State Funds (mortgage) $ 225,000 COBG Funds (grant or mortgage) 2. (25) Mobile Homes installed systems $250,000 Funding Sources: $ 25,000 State Funds (mortgage) $ 50,000 County Funds (mortgage) $ 175,000 COBG Funds (grant or mortgage) 3. (50) Additional standard/mobile homes physically inspected/permitted $50,000 (Awaiting additional system installation funding) (Average estimated costs for inspection/permit fee $1,000) Funding Sources: $ 50,000 County Funds (grant) 4 (70) Funding for eligible properties to meet U.S. HUO Housing Quality Standards (HQS) in order to qualify for COBG grant funds for onsite sewage system installations. Estimated average of rehabilitation work $6,000.00 per eligible household unit. a) 45 Estimated Standard Homes (non-mobile homes) $270,000 Meet requirements for Housing Quality Standards(HQS) Funding Sources: $ 87,500 COBG Funds (grant) $157,500 SHIP Funds (mortgage) $ 25,000 MC Elderly Rehab (mortgage) b) 25 Estimated 25 Mobile Homes $150,000 Meet requirements for Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Funding Sources: $150,000 COBG Funds (grant) Fundina Plan Modification. Administrative/numerical modifications may be made by the Fund Administrator to meet funding source(s) program compliance requirements. The Board of County Commissioners may make policy modifications to the Funding Plan upon consideration of recommendations from the County Administrator and staff. Page 3 of 3 spo/septicpl